Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 06, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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w i Uiii :
ViU Meet in the Tabernacle
During: This,; ;
.-" ' "7'Icnth 'i '
The ''Oregon Christian .Missionary
Convention will meet fn Turner on FrL
day, June 20tht and .remain in session
until 'Monday mornings June 50th. . The
meetings of this organization, popular
ly called theTuW-ckmpmeeUig,ire
held in the Turner Memorial. Taberna
cle, 'and usually attract considerable
i Interest. The . meetings are really the
. annuaf convention of the Christian
church of Oregon,, and some of tbejnost
; Interesting jand . able . sermons of the
.' year are deli vered from " the platform
of the Tabernacle, which was con
structed for the use of this organiza
tion, and together, with a ' . beautiful
grove, 15 acres In extent, presented to
.! the Christian qhurch, by the late Geo.
i s 'SI. Turner, an4 his brother and sister,
as a memorial to his parents who, In
life,held their 5hurch membership with
' that denomination; . I
During the past the meetings have
had altered Interest Injected Into them
by - the appearance, for the principal
discourses, of able ministers from out-'
side, the state, and for" this year the
chief speaker will be' Rev.. Charles R.
, Scoviiie, A. M. LI. D., pastor of the
Metropolitan church of Ichrlst; of Chi
cago. He Is one of the ablest speakers
In the denomiation. and much good Is
. expected to. result ; from.--ills) coming
Prof. George A. ,Wirtz will conduct
-the music. In the sessions of thq conven
tion, and this feature,. It la hoped, will
as', usual; vl3 greatly to the, pleas are. of
the visitors, '
"The convention officers' are:J Presi
dent, Martin Rose,' of Tacomar vice
president, C.; E. - Bayard, The Dalles;
recording , secretary, J. .',' A; Bushnell,
Junction City; treasurer yv. A. ;Yard,
Roseburg; corresponding secretary, J.
B. Lister, Eugene. i. i r-
' The program for the ten -1 days' (ses
sion is as follows: i
t ' .1 .
9:30 Song and. Praise; (Leader of
Song for Convention). ' : . i' '
s.4& Appointments pro tern, j . ,
10:0OrAddress,"HQW I Prepare My
Sermons," Albyn Esson, Portland,
(Rodney ve.)l- discussion led 1 by Geo.
U. Rltchey; ' Salem. : f: 1 :
11 :00 Address, "Hebrew? !Poetry,'f
Chas. Reign Sfcoyllle. r?T.T. V-i V'-r - ,:
.;.' Afternoon. :-: ' .r
2:30 Devotional,; J.j If Hunter, Ash
land. . -- : .-: " 1 ,: '::.v
'3:00-i-Address, "Finance and the QfB
rial Board," L. F Stephens, Pleasant
RIdgey Idaho," discussion led by J. B.
Holmes, Albany. ''--. t
. 7?- - 'i rn " ! i?inlnf -r fV' y'
. . 7:30 Service- of Songf" .'--;
8-500 Sermon. rMraculoos Creation,'
Chas. TL Scoviiie, Evsngellit.: ;
'' Saturday; June 21st, s.-nu v
J:30--Stng and ITralse, R. A; Copple.
I'endleton."- -r-f.."T -" 1 i-' . ' f j ' i v, . i i
10-.00 Address, "Our Attitude, Toward
Our Religious NetghbOrs;-. u tr, jiei-
lums; Eugene.- r Discussion led ; by A.
L. Piatt, McMlnnvllle. M
11:00 Sermon. "Higher Criticism and
Its Fruits,M C. R. Scoviiie. j
' :. .: '. Afternoon. ; ,
2 f30 Devotional, - E. M. Patterson,
Eugene.. . - ., - ' f .
. Z-Mt Address, "Thn Preacher In His
ftudy.". JJ. B. Burton, Evangelist In
Oregon. -"T-
3:30Questlon'yBox, J. S. McCallum,
Eugene.- - ' .-? .
4;00 iruslness, reports of Committees.
. . ' : Evening. :, -1 ; m
7:30 Servloe of Song. 1 '
8:00 Sermon, "Miraculous Redemp
tion." C. IX. Scoviiie. ' i
. " Sundajr. June 22d, a: m.
10:00 Sunday, School, E. Mj Patter-'
sotii Suerlntendent. ' - v.
11:00 Sermon, , C. R. Scoviiie; Chica
go.' '
- - . A-ftcrnoon. j
2: 4j Service of Song. ' " ;
3:00 Sermon. "ThoSDlvlnity of
Christ." - B. Ji, Burton. . j
4:10 Communion. :
Evening. ! i -
1:30 Song Service. :: . .: i:
8:00 Sermon, C. R.v Scovle. .
f' : .' Monday, June 23, a. n -,
:00 AC the hour of 9:00 to 10:00 each
morning from this day of the Conven
tion, Dean E. C. Sanderson, D, D., will
conduct, a Bible Institute. There .will
be special addresses given each morn
ing as follow:--, peaa E.' C. Sanderson
will address the class two mornings on
"Our Sixty-six Sacred' Books; How
They Came to Us and What They Are."
"Wednesday morning Albyn Esson wlll
-; ' for Infanta arid Children. - ' -
C3&nt3k o ' harralcsi imbstitnto " f"VB Castor OH, Par
froric. Drops and SootThtMj Syrup. : It la Plci-sant. It
contjiins neither Opiun, jHojrpluno- nor-otker Narcotic
Kr.bstancc. it leftroT Worms aud aUays Fercrl!hnc,
It enrrs IiarrlMP ninl Wlnxl Colic. ., It reUcYCS Teeth-
In ir Trouble? And irest Const! patioru : It resrulatcs tha
Stomach mt llowel. trfTinar ljealthy and natural Bleep, .
Tho Children l'attacca Tho Jilollier'a ITrlcnd. .
The Kind4 You Have Always Bonght
iscars tlie Signatnxe ol
t In Uco For Over 30 Yearc.
reiew-PrtHiJcnt J. V'. McGarvey's re
cent work-on "The Date and Author
ship of Deuttronomy. C. R. Scoviiie,
on ThuraJay and Friday morninss.
will jepealc fcn "New Testament Evan
..-' Monday, June 23d.' a. . m.
:) Bible v Institute. Dean E. C
Sanderson. , - . .
t 10:00 Convention called to otder.
President Morton L. Rose. ' '": '
. 10:10 Appointment of committees.
10:20 Report of corresponding secre
tary, J. B. ,Li.ter. - -
10 : S Report of . treasurer, , ' Vt. A
Wood. . - 5 -
11:00 Sermon "Organised Evangel
ism," C. R. Scorville. ' ;
1 1:30 DevotionaX.
;1;45 Report of Evan gel 1st, J, B. US-
2:00 Reports of committees. "
3:00 Parliament;- Oregon fields, led
by J. M. Alexander.The Dalles.
,3,-30 Development ' of Mission Points
to a condition of Self Support, Wm. F,
Cowden, T&coma.' :: 7 . ' ' ;
X 4:15 The Bible . and Missions. ' jfs.
McCallum, Eugene. $ , n - , ; j - v
J'''- r-'-'' - Evening. ; v
7: 30 Service of Sone. '4 r-u
' 8:00 Sermon. rTne First and TwentI-1
eth Century Church," C. R. Scoviiie.
Tuesday, June 24th; a. ni. ;
S.-OO Bible Institute, E. C. Sander
son. v-.-tr-? - . ' fv i- : : - --v
10.00 Unfinished business. - r N
10:30 Portland as a Mission Field. J
F. OBormley,- Portland. "
f 110 Sermon, - 'The Weak Made
Strong,"; C. R.- Scoviiie. . .
' LfAfteraoon.
1:30 Report jof Historical Committee.
1:45 'Responsibility of the Individual
as to State Missions, George C. Rltchey,
Sarem". -
2:10 Responsibility of the Pastor as
to Oregon Day, A. L. Piatt, McMlnn
vllle. 1 2:30 Solo. . V ,
?T:40 The Master Standing Over
Against the Treasury. E. C.- Wlgmore.
Monmouth.. . , -.
' 3:00 The Moving Power, O. H. King.
La .Grande.
i 3:30 1 Prayer and Missions. R. L.
Johnson, Grants Pass. ..-
f i 4:00 Our Oregon Missionaries. :
-4:10 Oregon's Relation to Home- Mis
sions, W. c Cowden,, Tacjuna. :
i I i ' - - 'Ui ' -( : . - Evening., j ; 1. .
7:30 Song. '. . -1.-:;; :
8:00 Sermon, Christian tfnion and
a Ripe World," C. R. Scoviiie. ' ' .
. Vednesday; June 25th, a. m.
9:00 Bible Institute; Dean E. C San
derson. -
1000-Devotional, Mrs. J. B. Holmes,
Albany.. i -i j
10:00 Greetings.
10 30 Appointment "of committees. .
10:45 District reports.
11:00 Reports from Treasurer, sec re
tary and organizer. . . t
' 11:20 President's address, Mrs. L. A.
BrtBtow.-, . ' ,, -..' ;
11,30 Address, "Reflex Influence - of
MissioQS," C. R. Scovllle. ' ,i . ; -
, 11:43 Address. Mrs. Helen E. Moses.
Indianapolis, lad. ; . 4 i ,
'-'Vr:-ii Afternoon..? ;
1:30 Devotional, Mrs. .J. T. Ghorm
ley, Portland. ' " '- 7- r '"""
1:4 Address, Louie Hugh, Portland
2:0 Paper, "As - Christian Women,
What Do We Owe to- the C. W. B. M.r
Mrs. George Rltchey; Salem.
2:20 Man Talk." Mn. Alrrvn
p'ortland. v:, :'' : r-''"'O ,;' .'
L2:C0 Address, .Mrs. Clara,. G, Esson,
Bugenev" ' --v
3;10 Paper, "Some Things For Our
Encouragement,; Mn. X. "'v. Berry,
Portland. .. r -
3:25- Reports of committees " )
;f ; y ' ' ' '."'Evening. .' . . .
, 7:00 Devotional. Mrs. E. C. Wlgmore,
7:30 Address. Mrs. "Helen E. Moses.
Address. "The Work of Rellg
C. R. Scoviiie.- r , 1
: Thursday, June 26th, a.' m.
9:00-Bible Institute.
10:00 Prayer and Praise. .
10:16 Appointment of Committees '-10;20-r-Report
of district superinten
dents. .
10:45 Report of corresponding secre
tary. Mrs. f.- E. Billington.
10:50-r.Report of treasurer, Ashley M.
Dickenson..' - r .
ll:00-Sermon. "Jesus and the Chil
dren," C. R. Scoviiie. -
l:30-Devotlonal. "J , ."
1.45Oien4?arIlament. conducted by
Mrs. Clara G. Esson, of-Eugene.- Sub
ject, ','Adults In the S. S. A Means of
Growth to Both."
2:30 Address. " - '
3:10Reports of .committees. "
3:30 Miscellaneous business. '
," ' y -Evening. ' .
7:30-Song service. -. .: ; - :'
8.00 Sermon, "Mothers and the Chil
dren, " C. R. Scoviiie.
i nuaf , June iiin, a. m. : -,;
6:30 'Thirty Minutes With David."
Mildred Linnvlfle. .r '
:00 Bible Institute. f
10:00 Devotional Service; O. L. Lob-
dell, i: V '.'-:?.- t-.-. -f ,; :T... .
10:10 President's annual . address.
Ora E. Read. ;"' :
10:23 Secretary-treasurer's annual re
STOii Acii BrrrERs
Is a specific remedy for all-.
; ments of the stomach, liver and .
bowels and Is - backed by hun
dreds of voluntary testimonials.
We-would therefore jurge every
sufferer from Indigestion, Dys-
pepsia, Flatulency, Constipation, v
Headache or Liver and Kidney
trouble- to try It. H will ' cure '
you: ' For sale by druagists.wfth
our Privl : tamp over the neck
of the bottli Avoid substitutes. .-
port, O. B. TouL 1
, 10:30 Junior superintendent's
port, Loretta Stuart. - '
10:40 Business session. ' ! i
10:50 District superintendent's re-
povts. i 'L- -'."''Tt'". '.-'--',
ll:00-tSermofi, "Christian Endeavor's
Roots and Fruits," CVR. Scpville.
; . . Afternoon." ; ,
1:00 Junior . Houn Loretta Stuart.
superintendent. 4
' 2:00 Song and. devotional service.
Ruby Hendricks., f I
2:3tf-Three Ten-Minute Papers: (fc
Our Aim." H. C, Bushnell; (2) "Per
sonal Help In. Personal 'Work." Bessie I
Rose (3) "History of the Oregon C.
E." E. M: Patterson. -
XOf) Social recess.
3: 10--Special number. f
3:1; -Symposium on Practical C. E.'
Work: -(1 "The Ideal State Organiza
tion Alice CTirlstian. (2) "Model Man
agement," Delhi Osburn. H3 "Model C.
E. Offlcers," J. MV Huntsr. (4) "Model
Committee WorkSFannie McCallum.
7:30 Devotional. Roil call of , socie
ties,. Bessie Ghormley . -
8 :00-A warding C. , E. banners and
election of, officers. N,
8:15 Recitation,- Constance Hand-
saker. , . '.
:30 Sermon, "The Divine NameVi
C. It. Scoviue. j
9:30 C. El Camp Fire, t Attend!
Ofncers Ora 1 E. Read, president.
Pleasant H1U: Loretta J. Stuart, junior I
superintendent,1-Albany; Otis B. Tout, 1
secretary treasurer, Eugene. "
Saturday;'. June 28th. 'a.' m.
1 - .
10:00-DeVotlonal, led by Mrs. Ella 1
Humbert." -.-!- ir
10:15 Parliament. Eugenfr Divinity
School, Jed by J. A. Bushnell.
11:00 - Addtess. "Purpose , of fhe
Ages," C. R. Scoviiie.
Afternoon. ,
2:00 Address "The Field.' Its Needs
and Resources," J. B. Lister.
2:40 Special'. Song. ,
2:45 Short addresses and business of
the Christian Educational Union
. Evening. ' .
7:30 Service of song and devotional.
: 8:00 Address, "Purpose of the Ages."
C. R. Scoviiie. : ; , . .
I ; 1 Sunday, June 29th, a. m. '
10:00 Sunday School, state euperfc
tendent E. M. Patterson, ' '
11:00 Sermon.' 'tTempted In All
Points Like As We Are," C. R. Scoviiie.
I " '., -' . 'Afternoon.
i 2:45 Service of song, s '
f 3:00 Sermon, A. L. Piatt, McMlnn
: 4.10 Communion, W. F. Cowden and
A. LPlatt. '"' ' " r
I, --:-'."-:". -Evening.' ' 4 V" . '.v
1 7:30Seryfce of, song. t
i 8:00 Sermon, ."Neglected Part Of the
Great Commission, C Rj Scoviiie.
'" One small bottle of Hall's Great Dis
covery cures all kidney, and bladder
troubles, removes gravel, cures dia
betes, seminal emissions. .. weak and
lame backs, rheumatism and all Ir
regularities of the kidneys and bladder
In both men and, women, , regulates
bladder troubles In child! en. If not
old by your druggist, will be sent by
mail -on receipt of II. f One email bot
tle is two month's treatment and Avill
cure ' any case; a-bbve mentioned. 'Dr.
xu. w. iiatl, sole manufacturer, p. o 1
Box. 629, St Louis. Mo. Send foriestl-
mgmui. Duia ujr ii aruggisis, aqu ai
DR. S.,. C STONE'S drug, stores, Sa
lem, Orego. ;;'.... . j, .
f . Bandon, Ore.-Dec 8, 1901.
! Dr. E, W. Hall, SiJ Louis, Mo. Deai
Sir; I have used your Texas Wondet
for kidney and rheumatic trouble
Its effects are wooderfuL'' It has nv
equal, and L can cheerfully recom
mend it. '"'ura. truly.
The State Board of Pharmacy was In
session in Portland, this week., com-
r1t I t tr 1Yi0t irrirlr : rtf a Amine. im .ti 1
cants for permit to pracUca as pharma-
cists, yesterday, s Th Rwninv ti 1
mm uni rvf th I'unl'nm k k
Board: -x -. -
ThOr,Mn stat. Ti,.
comDleted tt uw. tri K
passing: uoon the nabers of th t7 t...
dents who took the examinations yes-
terday. and by the elecUon of olOcers
for the ensulns; term. v ..... 11:
Those who passed the examination .
satisfactorily are; ' j .. ;
seniors r, g. xnman, Portland; C.
Osserwartdf.7 Portland; O. S.' Levy.
Union; C C. Comfort, T Salem f Clyde
Henry, .The. Dalles: E. E.. McMahlU,
Salem; J. Q. Jarls, Mayvllle; Dr. C
H. Brewer, -Stay ton. '
Juniors A... Gelsler, R. Bereevin. C.
D. Ray. and E. E. McDanlelof Port
land; C P. Brig-g-s. pervais; F. P.
Leekley, Portland; J. U? Brewer, S Uy
ton. . . . .
The election of officers by the state I
board resulted as follows: 1
.iTesiaent, i. w Moody. Portland. moved, in addition to this the manu
Secretary, John M. Al Laue, Portland, tacturers Is assured Of the sale - of &
Treasurer. A. Terlngton, ,Eujren. ,. very large number of the boxes i and
The next meeting of the State Board can Afford to sell them, at the low
or marmacy will be held , in Portland,
September sth.-
Ariirri fn th r I
Department, the manufacturers of let-
ter. boxes for Rural Free Delivery ser-'
vice have ottered to manufacture for
the Government at a cost of SO c stats
each, boxes that areidentlcal with those !
for which the patrons are now paying practically the entire population of the
from J. to $2.W each, says the Wash- town. The loss Is estimated at $30,
ington correspondent of the St. Louis QQQ. . - . t : . . ."-''
BT KOBEfiT,M'GREGOR. M7Eireo( the World's Champion Crenreut iCr2'
, Dn br HAPPY liKuIUM tre o( the World f ChTuv.oD, Nancr Unks 2in. ;-'
- Ifiit; uraf &4mof T : In the lUWlncludin Grtiu lldy 2,BUrd a tr9. KUor vWk iior 2.0V'w Zj,,..- vh,w111""
ytdm MAOGI UtpiVH... by JiAf FT MEDH M Jo0.i .... . J... l.'Z.. ..: . S
iMra( Irm2:l4. Lsdy Aejon SSI1, . 4 v; ; wre of toe world's champion. Kncy Hanks snd -
jtmndam o( Katie A. S..'', Teknar ,m 01 hen airs oi 66 tire of St la the aid M oams
22,HiKbUndBaroB 20.
Second dam MAGGIE KEEXE.'.
- dam of IJappy Panel 2 26'ti, Spanish
. Maiden 29-'i: graadan of Myanza
i.Vt. Mars-rare 2;lii Irma i:!V;
Lezl Mar t&i. Lady Aegon
Cuban 22$H, Id K. JJJS'i . h -
, Third dam Laura Fair. ............. 1.. by" Rattler 501...... j "
Dam ( Keene Jim 2:194. gran dam of Happy Dahv- Sire Sophia Temble 2:27. Gen. PIcton 2:30 a grand-"
' sel 2:264. Spanish Maiden 2:20. s - f 1 1 son of Black Hakk 5. a Morgan horse. '
Fourth dam by President, grandson by Sir Archy; fifth dam by Old Copperbottom.
L A M B E RtT B O X REG. 4192 MORGAN R EG. RECORD 2:34 . .
. aPP brown, 15.3; weight 1200 pounds: a perfect type of the Morgan tiorse and carries more Morean blood
In his veins than any stallion living. Sired by Lambert Chief 3432, son of Daniel Lambert 102
' first dam Nartcy Hals 2d.4... ...... ..by Lapham by Hill s Black Mwk 5.. ...v.......:,. - .
Second dam, Nancy Hal ,1st.. v.. .i.iby.Psrey Carter Horse, by Tom llowa rd son of Hill's Black Hawk 6
, Third damClemena mare.. .......... V.jy Black Hawk 5...iv. ........
Lambert Chief 3432 Is the sire of Mabel If 2:224.JIInne Moulton 2:274. Fannie 2:2: Pet Lambert dam of '
-Dexter K 2:154: MInneola, dam of Ray be 11. 2:l4'p.): Saddle D. dam of Leonora. CJ24U. , ' ' f
1 M irapIV0,1.,S f tn.t dam of Hmbert Boyj 2:34. la the sire of Doilie. dam of Mable H z:24 Hanna
dam of I-annie B 2:29M Tou will notice that the slre of the dam of both of these Is the same as that of Lan U
I bert Boy). The Lapham Horse Is also the lre of Jhe dam of Frank II 2: 22' 4; Daniel Lambert 102. sire of 38 In
2:30 or better; sire of 35 sires of 151; sire of 4 8dams of 95. ' . , r
B The eiBteredialUa MALCOLM and LAMBERT BOY will.be In stud until August 1, 1902. at Holmes' Can.
Sunday and Monday; Dallas Tuesday; Independence. Wednesday and Thursday; Salem. Frldiy and liUurdar
Terms Lambert BoySeason. 315; Insurance 325. Malcolm Season 32; Insurance 30. (Payable 35 In ad
vance for season service, balance at end of season). ' . . - u
vy o Os xic a u viyN 9 yre kft
NO. 29631.
,' Will stand for Mares the coming sea
son at- Corner of Ferry and Liberty
streets. For Pedigree and particulars,
call on : ''' ' ;
f . . .' - . . - ..' V ' . ' r
Dr. VU. ' Long ,
v eiennary surgeon. . . v.
Phone 2$6L . Salem. Oregon.
. Shoulders, per lb, 9c
Smoked Herring ' per box 25c..
Deviled Ham (small per can,5c.
Deviled Ham (small) Oceans, 25c
- . -. . - .
Deviled Ham (large) per ea
Deviled Ham (large) 3 cans,
.Sardines, per box, 5c
Sardines, 6 boxes, 25c
. - Salmon, 3 cans, 25c -Catsup,
per pt. bottle, 15e
' Catsup, 2 bottles, 25e.
Coeoaunt (bulk) per lb., 15c '
Good . Soda (16-or. pkgs) 5c
Good Soda (16-oz pkgs.), 6 pkgs 25c
Corn Starch, per pkg 5c.
J,!VVbind :Fowder,' per ipkg, 5c.
; Bring ua your butter. and eggs. We
pay highest market price, cash or mer
chandise. V, "
32 8tans ' Street.
Teleehene 131.
?Tl ' Ybtt Could Look
rlU t
once i
into the future and see the condition'
to which voor nmarta. if fwrl,rl
will bring rem, you would arek relief at
ad that naturally would be tbroaeli
Guaranteed to cure Con
sutnption. Bronchitis,
Afll hnil iattd all T finer
& cenU. Write to S. C Wells & Co..
KsiTi Clover Rest Tea pariflcs taa Blood
--r w ui vitLti
Can Be Cared, Read This:
.'. " : . J Amity, Of.. May 20, 10OJU
i ror law w.ni rn nrons afllitAil oiik . i
rnptura or hernia I wtll State that t have bpeti I
eared of one-br is "Hnmut jimn
! tome and fitted by lr. Stone, galea, Or. '
. . -. . . Vi m. Goffrier "'
Call, and Investigate these ti-usees. No.
mo mm isfi "commercial bu
' "
Globe Democrat under
date ' of May
; Wheii the amendment .offered by
senator Tillman was made to the. Post-
c9 PP-oPrftibn NU providing for
Ve purcnase oy. tne government for
DeUvvr of boxes at 'm. cost nofealceed-
"C ; cents , eaclu it was renerally
mougnt mat .manufacturert would re
fu8e to bId- 11 waa believed that
air ,arf fiahufacturlnjc concern
ou1d undrtkf 10 the kind of
-"'(cu m mo price named.
. ""'"K oi oias py tne xepartment
iwaay - snowea tnat several manufac-
lurers wers reaay ; to undertake,, the
work. -,
tUanufacturers eptaln the rearkaxble
reduction in the price of their wares In
very plausible manner. They state
that under the present system they are
compelled to employ traveling- sales
men, pay commlsalopa and incur heavy
expeness without belnjr assurcdof any
considerable demand for their product.
With the Government as the purchaser.
H of the expense of soliciUnsr trade!
and the marketing of the boxes is re-
price of 60 cents each.
mntn.r, i'r7 Z
-"" ' uiiuuis var
"lm" Company plant at Hege-
bx"h. a sou them suburb of Chicago,
burned tonight. The company Is en-
rKl0c :
Combines the blood of two World's Ghatnpions.
of 84 performers. I
ibrMAXBuiKo hatcher......... .;:...T..:..;...i:;. .
' Mambriao fatcbert 6M,lro of l' standard troitera ln' Vh
! - ISju. Hn na baire aired tady of the Manor fixHM. lieir-at-Lair
Ixrdlerbt26H. Mock loe Bird U irhtintale Jw
; -.. Imtv ixvll 2.09.1 MonntB -fa. Thetr dauchtra l,.v. ...
SOV. Jup2:
SIRED BT McCl.ANAHAN 2343 t. on of Ro Wilkes 2:06
Firs': dam. MIRA GOLDDUSTj by Pedro 3304 2:25. son of Idol 41 sire
FIdol 2;04H. etc, Second dam FAJjlNT GOLD DUST, by Guide 1197. sire of
15 dams of Xte ihe Ust Third dm KIT. by Golddust 150, sire of Ludlie
, GoMduJt 2:16i4v Fleety Oolddustl 2:20. etc ' f
BROADHEART Isne of the finest staIUons tlnr the state, and with but
little handling! show himself to b a very promising trotter. He wlU be
allowed to rve a few mares it -i . T , -i.
v I: invite breeders to come and see this horse before breeding their
rmares elsewhere. : X' W. O. TRINE.' FAIR GROUNDS. OR.
Sire Lady Jan As
Wre Ol 4 rathe 2:10 Ust. 49 in th2-1i lial
hr.n..if),..n. VJ
J'11 dm MlbiMY BEIXE, by Gcasiper.b:!
. Hetnl dam BRlAKEf.LE((lam of McBrit'r
. , uu.i vi. in iij nuiuuiuw rurvui-n, us, iufs Brpwi; orooo-mars tire.
Fourth dam hT Aimont S founder of ibe Alaionl famllr. i "'
' A 1.T A IV tf - L.I . ...HI . i . It
C. . w"n ano pnmiei lowt
Ol 1902 fnllow. :
Terms, $as.oo Season. ftOpajablept
' - , - - - I
: tic&l Brown Stallion ; star,
very few white hairs on right front foot : U 3-4 hanlshlgh.
' Jtred by C. 1. EmeryFore t City Block Farm, Cleveland,
Ohio. Foaled June 1,188-5 "Will make it he season, -1H02, :
at thfr Jlel Front Barn, orner Trad 'and Commercial
Streets, rialeln, Oregon. ' t
. Ilia colts may be seen at the State Fair Grounds.
Claggett &
jlUR goods will
V, Our prices .will suit your, pock
etbook. Dry 'ioc3 at the vcryjow
est jriccs. f5hoes, tliat combine per
fection of fit aod finish with reason
ableness of price,
riving daily in
Tryus aud
that , you get
ey's worth at
Greenbaum's bry Goods Store
Next Door td the Postofflce ' i
with us, and excclnlor is excekiok Jute a Jute, eolU'-n in eoltoii and
wool is wool Kvery thing we sell Is true to name aud description. We
liave our pillows labeled at tha factory showing Just what tjhey are
made of. In TacVwe .Uor :'n6.- flc lUloua- o miaioidiu'y statements in
any part of our buJness. We iielieve the provisions of the Ture Vd""
la-8 should be as tflecti-e concerning what we wear as wliat we eaU
If you get itof ua la la as presented. ' ' i V
f -1 vi-j--
S0S Commercial street.
Stores at Salem
1 -
be Monk2Sl, Ed Ktoa 2:0s. JeratrfMac Al"
9it. H ik own riant htera have rrodnred KajnK hU
; ' Jup2J.'t. Crawford a.-O?, BrinhtHirJt twi,, Bouncer
l. Itoarboo PstcbeaS.-OSk. Rubber tt:lo. and 141 oihra
Reg. Xo. SVWS,
hi.A K srAi.i ios
h.i tUiKi Uish. :
WeUht U5 t-oundt.
Six Team ul. ' .
2:46 (in the mud.)
in th lr.k . M
r jv-.
I of aje. Unequalled
tJi. aire of Gazelle 3:11 V, MUwJeiwte :12, and .
2:14) iy Don Wllkn 1vUr ton of Al
- . . . . . . -
great aire mt ntfrn china hnraet. 11 Is M Klunev'
MU 4(1. 1.1 1.
ime ol senrlcc, balance at e ad ol srsson.
Grounds, Salem, Or.
v..:-'lA - - -; -. . , . TV J
near hind fot while, and
- - ' ' - - m
Hatch, Props
paiim s
suit your taste.
j Ne w goods ar-
bur Millinery De-
be convinced
;your . mon
:l : : : :
!ext door to Postofflce.
and Albany.