ft :coDin:s:s--OF TE2; BALLOTS Will Be Commenced at The Court Hcusc This : " : ! " s , I.Icrhing .J -pgiacg; .... '..',... , , USV- jlOST OP THE ELECTION BOARD FAILED, TO OBSERVE THE LAW IS 6EXDINCK IX THE RETURNS, y AND f SERIOUSLY ; HAMPERED ' THE COUNTY BOARD, . . . : .' . ' r - - i " . :; (From Thursday's Statesman.) - 'AI1 of the ballot boxes containing, the ballots and the . tally -sheets. are now in the hand of th"fcounty: .clerk the last one, jthat of Elkhorn precinct, arr rising yesterday; afternoon."' County Clerk W4 W. Hall has chosen his assls. ; tants. Justice of the .' Peace Thomas E Jlerren. of Turner,' and Justice of the Peace H.s iA. Snyder,. iof 'Aurora, and the work of canvassing .the entire vote of the county will . fie begun this morn." ing. and, i is thought will be com: pleted today.; . v t;V ' ... " ' . a' law passed! at the last; session of fhe Legislature provides that' the; tally sheets shall be sent Jn a sealed envel ope to the; county clerk.' while ihe bal lots shall be placed in, a ballot box and sealed up, not to , be opened except - in the case of contest. The two sections applying to-this work, in the law air It stands on the statutes, are as follows: Sec. 25. Immediately after canvas sing the rotes in the manner aforesaid, the; judges and clerks to complete the count before they separate on, adjourn shall inclose the poll books , in Separate covers and securely "seal the same. They shall also inclose the tally sheets m separate envelopes and seal the same scureiy. They shall also envelope- all the ballots strung on strings,, as afore said, and seal the same securely; and . they shaltjj in writing, with pen and ink. specify the contents, and address' each - " of j said packages i upon i the . outside .thereof to the county clerk of the coun ty In which ; the election , precinct .is situated. 1 When two boards par t lei pate, in counting the - ballots, each . board, before taking a recess, shall knot" the ends or the string upon which the ballots which, it has counted- are strung, and seal the knotted ends under v the official seal of the board upon the back of the uppermost ballot. ; They shall then envelope the bunch of baU lots and securely seal the package un- j.- der . their - official seal, and leave the same with the ballots boxes until the ... ount is completed. The' sealed pack ages of counted bajlots shall be marked on the outside, showing what nurnbers . are contained therein, but. once sealed, they arenot to be opened by any one . until so ordred by the proper court. ' When the count is completed, the bal- lets, counted and sealed, and enveloped I and marked for Identification as afore Bald.; shall be packed to,, the two ballot boxes, and nothing elsfe shall be put to the boxes. : The .boxes shall then be locked. -and ;tbft ofllcial 4seat of c-the board, which finally ' completed"!, the count shail be pasted oyer the keyhole and over the rim of the 11I of the box; so that the box can not be opened with out breaking r the seal. Thereafter neither the coiinty- clerk nor the can Vassers making abstracts of the votes shall break the said seals upon the bal- . lot boxes, nor shall any one break the " seals on the boxesMST be bajlots. except upon the order of the proper court! In case of contest.-or- upon the . order o the county court when the. boxes are needed for the next election. ' !j "Sec. 28 One complete set of the tally sheets and the poll 'book which was kept by the second clerk, ballots and ' stubs, ballot boxes and remaining sup plies, shall be forthwith conveyed, by one of the Judges or clerks of the elec tlon, to be agreed upon for that purpose by the Judges, to the county clerk of the county. The remaining complete set of the tally sheets and poll books. Inclosed in an envelope and cover, and sealed securely as aforesaid addressed and indorsed on the out?de so that the same can. be identified, shall be forth with deposited with otie of the Judges, not of the same political party as the judge or clerk who conveys , the dupli ates to the , county clerk, to be kept by him safely, subject to. the control of the proper coutL When two boards have been engaged ln'countlng thebal lots, the .judges completing the count shall attach' two sets of tally .sheets to gether, and transmit and. deposit- the completed sets. The chairman of reach board shall keep the third tally sheet of -his own board, sealed and indorsed on the outside so that the same can .be identified,-in his possession; subject to tha control of the proper court.".. S The Judges in most of the voting pre cincts Marion county and in i fact everyjfer -Ignored these , provisions of the law. and locked up the ! tally sheets In ,the bailor boxes. "sealing the latter as provided . by law. County Clerk W. W. Hall, seeing the difficulty confronting him. consulted District At torney J. 1. Hart, as to what course to pursue, and. that gentleman, instructed htm to open the ballot boxes when the board meets, take therefrom the tally sheets, then retock and reseal -the boxes, as this would be the owly rouf3 possible in this emergency, - HOP CONTRACTS FOURiOROWERS IN THIS COUNTY sell' THErri ; crops To a j r - .I" . LOCAL. FIRM.- Ti j Four hop; contracts w re fUejl So' record with the count y recorde, ys-? terday representing la the aggrvgat 17.0d0 pounds of tbe1902-rop o Mar i ion county hops, ranging In jiiVe Iron H to 12 cents per j iourtd.' rid 20.0M pounds each of the l0$-4- t iops; ,tft consideration being 10 enta per poun in the latter Instances, The centra t. follow: u ' ...fi.l .'! .- j-jf'-.-s - i ';!'$ , John Johnston, Jr, and Joseph Johk on. of Aurora, to TL A. Uvly. .. to.000 pounds of the 1903T 19ft4 and ltf' t-rop of heps at lft cents M?r pouni.v' tents advance' ffrf iicking. purposes, j D.. Fditorir. or Mil ver Falls, to T. A. Llvesley Co.. of Salem, (000 pounds. 3902 crojA'at 12 cents; 5 cents advance , tor picking purposes. . ' ? Michael Fery, of flervals, to.T. A- tAvtmlry & Co- of Sulem, C000 pounds. 1902. crop;, at '.12' cents-; no advance for picking- purposes.- . . -- Joseph Klrtz and Joseph. Zimmer man, Jr.,:of SuTaMmity,' to T. A. Lives ley, tc CiX, of Salem, 5000 pounds 1902 crop, at 11 cents. 4& cents advance for picking purposes. - - PRETTYHOriE WEDDING MISS EMILXE A HENRY BECOMES THE BRIDE OF PROF. BER- . CHAil OF PALO ALTO. A very pretty and aulet weddlner took place at the home of Judge and Mrs. I JX Henry, in this city, at 4:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when their daughter. Miss EmUIo A. Henry, was married to Prpf . James Taylor . Ber chara. of .Palo AMo, California. The wedding ceremony, which was oer- formed by Rev. H. A. Ketch um. ' was attended by the relatives and only the most Intimate .friends of the contract ing parties. ,' ' '.''J, The decoration for the nrraxlnn although not elaborate, very .beautiful ana artistically arranged and after the ceremony, and congratulations, the party was .served with delightful re freshment..,.: . r-y.- ;-, ; v . .r -' v. The bride Is the danilittn of the above namod weil. known and highly respected , parents and is ah : accom plished young lady who is held In great esteem by a host of friends In this, city wner une nar spent me greater por tion of her- life . i . ... ; IThe groom Is a. hisrhlv educated young man. being &i professor-of one of the branches of studv in the Stan ford University of California, and the nppy young-coupie aepanea on the ovenana last night xor a brief tour of the southern nortiont of this state . pecting to, return .and -remain in this cny aunng we summer ana remove to Palo Alto this! fall where they will te- STILL ANOTHER MERGER RAILWAT STEEL ; SPRING COM- r PANT AND STEEL TIRE- ; WHEEL COMPANY. i NEW YORK. June 4. Stockholders of both : the : Railway Steel' Spring Company. and! the Btee! ..Tire .Wheel Company, at a Joint meeting, have rat ified the merger plan without opposi tion. , The action of the stockholders carried .with i t an increase in the cap ital of the Railway Steel, Spring Com pany from $20,000,000 $27,000,000, the additional capital-stock being dt-: vided into $5,000 shares of preferred stock and S5.000 shares of common stock. With this-additional capital all assets of the Steel. Tire Wheel Com pany will be taken over through the acquisition of its entire ' outstanding capital stock. :r '?.' ;" : James C. Beach was elected treas urer of the merged companies. It was decldedTTo make the board of directors IS' in number, instead of 11, and the following were elected directors.: Will lam H. Silverthorne, Jamejr C. ; Beach, J. W. Fuller, C. W. Barnum, Charles Miller, C. H. Halcomb retired as direc tor. " . . , THE BRITISH JUBILATE, i. New York,, June 3. There is no mis taking that -Colonial Secretary: Joseph Chamberlain is now .the 4omlnant per sonalty In the Unionist party, aays a London dispatch to the, World. , Arthur Balfour could scarcely corceal his cha grin at the signiflcant ovation given the former when the Commons listened to the announcement of the Boer surren der. Still, on calni reflection the Min isterial opinion as expressed in the lob by was that the Boers had got' virtual ly everything they demanded, and that the terms accorded, left' little ground for acclaiming a-British triumph. . The teason given for the Boers, sur render-of independence is that they are practically bankrupt," and if they could prolong the war for two or three years more they still would be unable to re constitute their states from the condi tion of ruin into which .the devastation policy has landed them, Great Britain now will provide the funds for this re contitution and the new 1 system must Inevitably lead to a federation union of the South Africa states in which 'the Dutch Influence must predominate. It is felt, too., that all the rebels .will be amnestied and that 'every franchise disqualification cannot be maintained for more than two years.- : ': Virulent. Cancer Cured. : . Startling proof mot a. wonderful ad vance in medicine is given by drug gist G. W. Roberts of Elizabeth, W, Va. An old man .there had long, suf fered with, what good doctors pro nounced 'incurable cancer. 1 1 They be lieved his case hopeless till hJ used Electric Bitters and applied -Bucklen's Arnica Salve, ' which. , treatment; com pletely V cured . nlm. - When'. Eleotrlc Bitters are used to expel bUlous, kid ney and ,mlcrobe poisons at the same time thl salve exerts; Its . matchless healing power, blood . diseases, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters BOe, Salve 2Sc at Dr. Stone's Drug Stores. 1 "; ' - CHANGED HANDS. j NEW YORK, June 4. Official an nouncement has Just been made that the St. Louis & San , Francisco Rail way Company has acquired control of the Birmingham Belt Railroad for erminal purposes in Birmingham. Ala The purchase was' completed In this city. V B. F. Yoakum, president of the Frisco, said it Is proposed to greauy rr prove the terminals in tnat-cuy ana rhut hirinr reached Birmingham. It ' almost certain his road will build to he Atlantic coast- The Birmingham "telt- Rail way operate ; a if relght t li ne hree miles in extent.ln ajnid about the city How to Avoid "Trouble, f 1 i l the time to urovide yourself , ...... - - Iain's Colic,,. Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem- ely. It is almost certain to oe neeaea efore the summer is over, ana u pro u ed now' may save,you a 'trip to town In the night or in your busies! season. U is everywhere, admitteu - to be tne mot successful meaicine in use ior bwH i-oinplalnts. both for children and llts. No mmiijr can anora to oe ithout it. For salo by Dr. Stone's Drug Stores. .v - ; , , con.ce?.t.:bt BRMLI'S' OCTET Giren 'at- the E. Church Last Night a Great -Success . - i : THE -I COMPOSER'S SONG -. CYCLE ; "NE SONGS OF LOVE" FRE- j SEW TED BEFORE A SALEM AUD- I IENCE THE . AUDIENCE WAS DELIGHTED.. . . ' s . ! . (From Thursday's Statesman.) ' . Johannes Brahms, the greatest com poser since Richard Wagner, provided the chief work in the concert' last evening at the First M. E. church.' IBs ong cycle "New Songs of Love" re ceived an artistic Interpretation by the .Brahms Octet, an organisation named In honor of tho composer. 1 The cycle consjsts of fifteen numbers, all j of which were sung with delicate, expresi 'sion, and a thorough understanding of the beautiful though Intricate har monies.. The ensemble was very ex- cellent and 4he harmony of voices-perfect. I? The accompaniments, arranged for. four hands, were sittilfully played by Miss Florence TUlson and Mr. Illft C. Garrison. .The piano part are In j fact p!ano duets, so difficult are they, j and i so unlike ordinary accompanl men ts. being essential parts of a great musical masterpiece. . The words are translated from the German, and are i of secondary Importance..- the , music being the predominating feature of the cycle. Of . the fifteen numbers, seven were sung by the eight voices;: and whUe. they all received the same earn- ot attention, the audience favored es- pecially numbers seven i and . -elghfe "From Ton Hills, the Torren Speeds," and ("Secret Nook in 'Shady. Spot." All the solos .are deserving of special men tion, for though they were, all short. giving little opportunity for display of climaxes and ' vocal agility. ' all were sung, with real .appreciation : of, the worth df melody and harmony... ., Ofcourse the music is alrictly das-- alcal, an, entirely different from any other com posl tion ; and for these rea sons many who heard, it for . th first time could not appreciate all the splendor of this magnificent worki however the audience deserves credit for their quiet attention and abundant evidence of , the Treasure they received at this first production of the Brahms Octet. This class of . music seems to grow better as wejhear more of it: and if people could: have weekly opportune I ties'-of listening to, the best music, they - would soon discard .. the eheap, trashy "coon songs" and rag-time ef fusions. ' I '--" '. r Last night's audience filled he church, and proved by., their . applause and by. Individual expressions of thanks that a majority of music-loving: peo ple! appreciate and enjoy classical mu sic I well produced. - These singers de serve, great, praise for , their . earnest study of this most difficult composition, bringing, from what seemed. at . first masses of discords, wvaderful, inspjr-t nt and harmonious "concords of sweet sounds." Introducting the song -cycle, three ' lovely , choruses by well, known composers delighted the audience and whetted their musical appetite- for the greater composition. v. " '.-. The members of the octet'Are as fol lowst . ' Sopranos,- Mrs. Jordan Purvinei Miss Leona Lewis; altos. Miss Leonora White, Miss Genevieve Hughes; ten ors. Mr. J. Frank Hughes, Mr. Frani oesco Seley ; basses. Mr. W. P. "Drew; Mr. W. F. Kctehum. The program is given in full: Daybreak.. , . TA. R. Gaul Hunting Song. . ... ,J. Benedict The Starain Heaven.. J. Rhelnberger ' Song Cycle. Ne Songs of Love. . . . . . ' . ; .Johannes Brahms, Op 65 Pianoforte Accompaniment for Four No. 1 There's noughts Oh heart , can save thee , z, No. 2 "Shadowy gloom of the night." No. 3 Sopranosolo, -"Ere while upon my fingers.". -i. . . '. . .. .... (f c-'-. -Mra Purvlne. , No; 4-r-For basses. "Ye eyes .of dark- ' ; nMS". '. -. .1 i. . . . . No. 5 Alto jSolo, "Guard thy son , . ... ,.f ' Miss Wtlte.; - ' No. I Soprano solo, "Roses red I ' wear". . . . . .. . . . . ;f. Miss Lewis.'' .";' ' .'. ., No. 7 "From, yon hills the torrent No. 8 "Secret nook In shady" spoL No. -Soprano solo. "Sharp, pbison ed arrow." . , . . .. .. .. .. .. .. f ' ' :.--' Mrs. Purvlne. .. No. 10-For tenors, "To many a maid : tl whisper soft".. . . .. .. .. . . No. 11 Soprano solo, "I will bear no more of love.". , ''., '.. "'' (' 'V ' Miss Lewis.' ' ' . ' , No. 12 "Darksome wood.". . . . . i' No. "1$ For sopranos and altosv TDo J not gaze on me". ... ........ . No 14 "Eye of lightning.?. , No; 15 Conclusion. ' ' . , ; ff For these who enjoy th lighter, class of music, such . a program has j been provided by the Ladles Chorus of . W. tl. for. their concert this evening at the Methodist tKurch. A list of charm ing ladles Choruses, cotlege' songs and (, lltdies quartets make up, a, .program that, will delight every , one who will spend f.en cents' for an evening's en tertainment. A nearly five hundred tickets "have already been sold for th!s concert, the ladles are assured of a large audience. - - . J THEIR LIVES SAVED. ; NEW YORK. June 4. Without n cent' In 'the worldt' Edouard Itelnald Saint Mlchle, formenjy, one of the most weal thy and influential men in St. Pierre, has arrived; in this city. ' He was hap 7 u"v,n , J uTZil soreriesa all o? whfcb are of com- I py despite his impoverished "?-moa occurrence, either in vigorous for hU wife and son were wUh him. i . ttkrnu atA,nt J Kvrv. ;::trrr; :r' S ciT-'gy mjj ic B4ivi cst w avviuc ! rauif v Saint-Michl-. who f a native; of Fwl de France, wasspending the day with her relatives at the time of the disas. J. v . 21 rrr V A7T Z Jo jt her an -hour before the blast of flankr destroyed the cityJ He trailed mb BMff v vi r uv; ar aitt.c- sviivs w he reached the i Martinique capital the destruction of his native city! was an nounced. ' - ' Legai Dlanks at Statesman Job.Oface. It all happened in a moment. Her hair caught in the belt and swiftly "wound about the shafting. Her cries were echoed br the screams of her frightened mill-mate. , Then 'the machinery was stopped and - the terrified and injured ..-woman was released. rtlt .was carelessness," said the foreman to reporter, ;' pure carclessnessiw But the doctor said it was not carelessness but nervousness. It was; a case of a woman working when she Was not fit to work, her nerves quivering to the shock and jar of the machinery, her brain dazedC by the struggle with suffering. . Men bo seldom suffer with nervousness that they .hard email sympathy for a nervous woman. They look upon. nervous r ttacks as just a woman's notion, and often as only an excuse for ill-humor. j . The "very fact that nervousness afflicts women, chiefly, points to its cause as being related to the female organism. 'And the facts prove that disease of the delicate womanly organism is the most fruitful cause of the j nervousness from which bo many women suffer. Uterine land ovarian diseases, unhealthy drains, inflammation,' ulceration and female weakness such womanly diseases in One form or another are in general responsible for the nervousness of ' women. . . The only way to, cure this nervousness is to cure the diseases that cause it. There are yowders and potions, , so-called "nervines," which are, offered a &f remedy for nervousness. They may relieve, but they Cannot cure. Even the relief they give is dangerous,' because it is pro-' duced by stimulants or ncrvc-numbing narcotics. Some men are said to "drown their troubles in liguor. . . The " liquor does not lighten their load of troubla by one iota. It simply stupefies them until tlic dull brain is rendered for a time insensible to cares and worries. Tho use of stimulants or narcotics by. nervous women has tho samo result as tho use of. alcohol by men. " It on y dulls and deadens the nerves for a time.' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures ncrvousnets by curing the womanly diseases which cause it. It is a truo tonic and nervine, becauso it nouVkhcs thef nenes and strengthens tho body. There is no clcohol in "Favorito i rescnpiion ana v. is eniirciy ireo lrom oiuum, cocaine and all other narcotics. "AVeak, nervous, overworked, rut:-4 down women will find new health and strength from tho use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. i It sCbrds me great pleasure to be able -to ssy a few words in reran to the merits of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcscriptio and . hb 'GoUca Medical Discovery," writes lira. Flora Am, of Dallas,' Jackson Co., Mo. "I was tempted to try these medicines rjtcr seeing the effect upon 1 my mother. At an. early age of married lile I wals greatly bothered with painful periods, also a troublesome drain" wblcn rendered ce very weak and unfit for work of any kind. I became so tula there was noth ing left of me but Skia and bone, lly husband became alarmed and bottle of Favorite Prescription. After he saw tho wonderful ef?W of he got me two more, and after ' to gala in flesh, very raidly. irigufc ant ua sway, dij xuoincr got oauiy nutx, ..' Lttcr oa Liood-poicon set in and the :- died. After her death was so nervous I sometimes thought Icouli not live from one Jay until the next , wuuiu g so laimi loougat a woma ill?. I naa awlul pains to ray bock and head; was dirr all the time; cpuld not sleep at night, and tho lealct noise would almost scare tne to deat!i. Our doctor tried to.curte me but failed. So one day I sat down and wrote to Dr. Tierce, stating my case, as clearly as X Could. I received a prompt reply from blm, and I bought three bottles of J'avorite. You may be sure after I took that I bejjan to feel lite a new person. I began to eat once more, and now, I cannot say positively but X believe, I wetgtf twice es much as I did then, and can do all of mj work. I think I owe all praise to Dr. Fierce and Li wonderful curative medicines." What Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription d 11 for 3Irs. Am, ot otner women. xrom weaic v,'omeU reduced in flcfch until thcy.wero only skm and bone," it has changed them to strong women, J whoso gain in hechby Hcth iiaksfor tho 'soundnessof their cure and their restoration tb rcrfect hcnlfli: Sometimes n rvtsk-hl ivr. son will tay a woman' the loss of flesh which so thero an ytbinr .imaginary about tho cures effected by "Favorite Prescription," cures that can be figured np in ounces and pounds. . , ; j - - In" the fall of .xSoj, X was troubled with crvouncs, headache, heirt trouble. and female weak ness," writes Miss Ulancfce M. Braccy, of Sala, Oswego Count v, N. Y." "Xast summer I wrote yon and you advised , me to try your "-Favorite Prescription ' and 'to!. n Medical Discoverjv' Idnlso, .and I. began to improve rapidly. Continued taking the mecicr.i. he f-anlo7.cn each of l'avoiite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery,'. for the space of four or five months, and in Vts than a year bad regained my former health. You have my heartfelt thanVs for what vour remedies Lave done for me. . I am in excellent health now, but am still using your ' ric&sant Peileu. " Dr. Pierco'B Favorite Prescript ion establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals . inflammation and nieeration. and rurnt fmsl irfftL-nr 4? 4 "M:f BY. I ' DEEDS RECORDED. Four real estate transfers were filed with the county recorder yesterday the afurreg-ate consideration of which was $3326; one chattel mortgage for and one- satisfaction of mortg-age fpr $400 were also filed for record. The deeds were:.-.".'-- '""-' F. V- Durbln. sheriff, to N. F. Cook. 364 4-5 acres in t4 s. r 3 i w, .a,' d. ..' ,'i:...$21X5 James VL. Woodruff and wife to 4jhaa, Pratt, lots and 7 and west ' half of lots 5 and , 12 acres in . Ilamjlen park," w d..i. 800 M. 'CU Fmith to Emma Edwards. , ntS;7.S and . blk 20, of Tew Park annex to Salem, w. d. ...... ....... 300 Susanna Fisher to Elisabeth B. i Stout. VJ acres in section 18, t : 1 s, f t e.'w.d..,.. I Total.. - -I332S f Is Golf Catching. Un to tiopular favT7 It seems j to be. A notkeubie increase in sales oc 1'ain killer cornea from golf districts.! The reason for this Is rloaraa Perry! Davis painkiller 4s the oldest and best rem edy extant for sprains, strains, bruises - ?r the standard limment and ban - UTAH REPUBLICANS. SALT LAKE CITT. Utah. June 5 call for a state convention to .. , , , a..-.. ,k ,"f th l 7 j THE IOWA DEMOCRATS. DE3 : MOINES. la.. June S. The Democratic "stale Convention he!4 here Beptember 3d. will be r : r i'fl- : til ' , ' - TL. ' u I I . B I I had used those up there was no more pain, and I began When X was out driving with my mother the horse took Derieci nenitli: ailments arc iust ini.ir:iniri-. There's often accompanies nervousness -and It makes wcakl women 6trong and sick Women Wfll. ' . "Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, frcL All correspondence is held ai . strictly private and sacredly confIlcntiaL Address Dr. Tl; V. Pierce, Buffalo, X. V. , THERE'S tl 6TH MO TO PAY ''.."- :'.'' . .-1 .-. -'"'-':r- v--'-i'- 5 ;,.''.', ;-... ;"-.'':' -V - Foe Dis, PIono0f3 Oosnmon Samo t.lodloal Atf vfsor .bsst tho oxjsotmo of malSngm . TMa coat mosltoat rork, contain ovot ono thousand iatfjo gsaoottp is mont FI2ZC on nooofjst of ntantss to tsay oxssonso of malUng OttLYm: Sontf 31 oeto-cont stamp foe tho oloth-botmtf volume 0 ot only 21 stamps - or tho boole in panot covers. ; '. '' Addfosns Dfm 12. V- PIERCE, Buffalo It Ym THE "NORTH COAST LIMITED" WiJl resume service January 5, 1902. The train will be even letter than it was in 1001. It wUl bc a corni)lcte home on wheels. Parlor, Dining Koom, Sleeping Uoom, JjU brary, Smoking Koom, ami Bath Room they will v all bo there, at d all lighted by electricity and heated by steam. - Fin t and second class tickets both good on this train. . Use this CRACK TRAIN of the. NORTHWEST on your way to the Pan-American Exposi'lioh, Buffalo, New York. You can go cither by way, ot St, Paul and Chicago, or Du iuth and the Great' Ijakes. - , ; Inq lire of any NOUT1IEUN PACIFIC Ag nt as to i XurlliKT particulars, or write to ' t . " : I"' ' ' i"' X'' ' ' : J-V'.' '.:?-r ' " ' ' ' A.: D.CHAIILTON, Ass't Oenl Passenger Agent, Portland V---:h ;-''; " GOOD NEWS TO I ! ul I HI M - i i I I J I I " f - - ' . m h" v; : I l ('liiil!l'-;( got me a m. it Las dono for thousands rtomrnmes n rvrtwnl rwr. nothincr imaeiuarv alxmt. womanly diseases. Nor is arjj " "!'' T ' '". v.-' .. " . HORSE OWNERS V i ur, i icrce i leaaani xiiers. a tUM Cues mom miavs Aho oiSTSMen. These cricbratcd powders are nasrfe from a'rrcipe of a notrd Prwwian Vc trrin a ry Harpron, asd hrc txrrt thoroughly tct'l for th pmMt 1 5 years in this eoaotrv. t'ojnf"1 of purevfs" etabl mnedir, r a safe and anre CURB for HEAVES n-1 hn menttfrofflwhKbhcATtiarucnth aCotsi,Coid.CliIE- ?. Frak Bye, Epiaootic, a4 Joaa of Aprtrtitc As a Mood T"'" hrr tJwry bare bo ral. For sale by VV holeale snd fcrtati Iror. f1t. Vrirr fin omt pr-r ptrVlc. IT maji. cent. I- ri?t. t&HZ'JJt BCK3Y USifAliT. SI. tAVULlUH. HiUai V 'jo.:, 1