m m mJ B Efarr's Jewelry Store Ccrncr Stale 2nd Liberty Streets, Salem. - the markets. : .- - ' -- .! STEINER'S MARKET. ! J:hIokens-8 to3c per iound. j Soring r-hlrkens 12',i to 15c.'. Eggs 13c cah. : - -- BALFOUBr GUTHRIEI& CO. Buyers and 'Shippers of Dealers la" j Hop Grafs' Supplies Warehouses at. TURNER. MACLEAY. . PRATUM. BROOKS. ' 8 HAW. SALGMi SWITZERLAND. HALSET. ', - - - MFGRS.'OF "ROYAL" FLOUR. i . J. 0. GRAHAM, Manager i 7 fi07 Commercial St., Salem. THE GRANGE ADJOURpD State Meeting Closed After Three Days of Hard Work . PI ECU. - I. BURKE. At the Oregon Hospital for the Inanv-ThUTSdajr,' May 29,-1902, Ut 12 o'clock noon; Patrick Burke. '- age not known. ; ! ; - . . i. The 'remains wiHte prepared ? for burial today and shipped to 8aideta relative where thy will be interred.' SaanUlS ilhi li&A Yea Haw Always BcogM A RESOLUTION FAVORING, !THE E3TABLISI1INO OF A GRANGE STORES AND AGENCY IN PORT LAND WAS DEFEATED - THE CLOSING SESSION. - I Comrrtte on dormant Granges also - i w " presented a report and game, was Th i3 b1 23 uti nrnw luunchedat your brain; we want 5 1 phe reportrof committee on appeals to lodge there and-hoM for all time in your meniorv thisjshowed no appeals pending, simple businc-s mtssjge: That Parrs is astore of choice The rommftue on co-operation' re tliine. hoNo-tlv nr.cwl. "!Frae jewelry; cut glass and wlver. JffT VL'- lTZ? - ' i, 1 . , ; J - i . . i t i ' Uon ta establishment of store , or ware canma be bought for a sonjr. Butthey can be soldagtriCy at peruana, and also presented more cheap I V. tl.Utl Rome do Stll thtni, and this IS bolh our Ita renral port- Report adopted. . opiortutiity Mild VOUrS also. ' I Reports ..of- Fire Relief Association i presented and ordered "printed In the ', proceedings, i " ;i .. - ":? ' "; K ? Leaders ifl. tCW Prices'the order reported favorably upon a resolution v appropriating; for ex tension of the order bitrt presented an amendment respec ting- the . frequency of visita'by ; the organlrinsr deputies, and that where a. Grangre la rgunized with . less than Twenty-five members the extra premium be not paljl Uie deputy. That part respecting; the fre quency of visits! by jj deputies waa stricken out and the ianwunt appro prited intreaist'd to S"5A and. the report adopted.. ' y-.C' ! k ' The unwritten work was exemplified (by Past Master W. M. Hilleary that. rbinK the special j order for- II a. rru, land the Grangre then .adjourned to X Afternoon Session. The afternoon session convened at 2:15 and further consideration of the report of committee of Rood of the or der was taken up. The debate was upon motion, umuea o iwo minmei and. each membe alloweVl to " speak but once on each I subject. ' The same committee reported i recommending agents of thX3range Fire and Life In surance Associations- be urged to make efforts to advance jthe iwterests of these associations. Adopted. ' It also rec ommen lcvl the appropriation of $50, for the-purpQ.se of maintaining headquar. feers at the Oregon State Fair. Adopt ed.. The committee reported favorably on. recommendations of the Master and Lecturer as contained In their annual addresses.. Adopted; -I : This rport carried with it the rec ommendation for inspection of Grange and theadoptlon f . the. State Grange Bulletin aa the official organ. . The committee on transportation re sorted i various f nacommendations. among thetn being one; urging the local Granges , to - discuss, transportaition questions. Rfport adopted. .; The report, of tlie committee on edu cation recognised the j Importance of the pubHc press as a means' of ; dis' nominating general Information and giving (wider knowledge of the pincl plea and purposes of the . Patrons of Husbandry, commended the agricul tural pressr and the -State Bulletin. QalleSi attention jto the work of the State Agricultural College s prepar ing nature study leaflets and predicted, that the movement would do much to stimulate love) for country life - and a broader and deeper knowledge of the txLUties j of nature. It recommended that the! subordinate-'Grange co-operate heartily In making this work suc cessful in the district schopls; com mended the consideration of ithe libra ry law for -district schools; also com mended the5 Hesperian , movement '.of co-opera tlbn between the local Grange and public schools; and In conclusion urged upon the Grange the Importance of the country schools as one of the adversely -on lecturers of subordinate The State Grange convened at 8:45 yesterday morning for the third day's stfeskm, Master B.' G. Leedy presiding. The roll was called and a ; quorum found present , The5: journal of the second day's proceedings was read and approved. e? ' v F. D Cornettr chairman of the com-' mlttee Ion by-laws, reporUd adversely oft the resolution to allow the deputies for counties the same' privileges as the state deputies. The report was adopt ed. - The same committee reported resolution ; requiring Grangea to report quarterly to lecfurera of Po' mona ' Granges The report - of tha committee failed "of adoption and the resolution failed of adoption by . not receiving the ' necessary two-third majority. The same committee re ported adversely upon a resolution de fining jurisdiction, of subordinate Granges. Report adopted, The same committee reported favorably upon a resoluUon to rfQiyst . the National Grange to grant more powers to State Grange respecting" Pomona 'i Grange. Upon motion the resolution and report were laid' upon the. table. The same committee reported favorably upon a resolution to change date of meeting of State Grange t December. . Re port of committee tf ailed of adoption. The same committee reported unfavor ably upon resolution to change rep resentative from one delegate to four Granges to one to three Granges. Re? port adopted. j V : The .! committee on woman's JkovY. iiove at couniry i,ie, ana ci sivsns i" jail th best opportunities for individual progress and development.. "-. .The commitWe on pure foptl reported tnat. under the prprtnt law, process butter and oleomargarine, la about shut out tit the markets of the state; that the State Pure' Food and Dairy Com mlssioner 4a xoaloos in enforcing the few aglnt adulterated foods, and suggested .that it would be well for every friend of homes products, when purchasing, to1 advise the Pure- Food Commissioner of any articles;, that are adulterated and purchased as - i pure. Report adopted. V - The committee; on nesolutlcns, con sisting f M. ,V. Ijeeper, chairman; P. L. Campbell, G R. Miller. Mrs. E. S. Sehoonqver,. Mrs. Annie Spence,. pre sented Its reportiasi follows, ; and the same wa adopted; ' . . "Resolved that the . thanks of , the Oregon State Grange are "hereby ex tended to Hon. T. T, Geer, Gover nor, of Oregon, for his cordial wet- come on behalf of the state, and for the Interesting and Impresstve address delivered by . him before the Grange. To. Mayor C. P. Bishop, as represented by City Recorder Judah. and. to the citizens of Salem for the ; freedom of the city so hospitably extended, and for the many courtesies shown during the session of the Grange. , 4 ' "To. Hon. F. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State, for the use of the Senate Cham bers in which the meetings have been held. To the press of the city of Sa- Jem for publishing the proceedings of the . Grange and for their hearty co operation in making known to the gen eral .public the principles, plans and purposes of this Order.- Tqijthe Salem Band 'for the enlivening music furn ished at the evening sessions, and to all others who have assisted in, mak ing the general programs interesting and profitable. "Resolved.' that our pecia1 thanks are7 due' to the Salem Grange and to the 'Marion, county Pomona Orange for their r hospitable , entertainment and their efficient management of the local preparation for this season of the State Grange. j .,'V .i,-." - ,; .';.." ''" . 'Resolved that our appreciation of the courtesy shown by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company In making reduced rates to the delegates attend ing the: State Granger L ; j The? report of the corn rait tee on mile age and per diem was presented ' and adopted. ; - , .- . , ' The committee on agriculture "report; ed that agriculture is in a transitory state from extensive wheat raising to scientific rotation : of crops, and op posed summer fallow. i ; .The committee on good roads report ed recommending that the godft roads i question be discussed in every order, and good road leagues be encouraged In every school district; recommended the investigation of the use of oil for permanent- and economical Improvement-of roads, and the utility of using convict labor on roads. ; Adopted. , Resolutions of condolence were pre sented an,d adopted by a rising ' vote, j The financial committee reported' the j accounts of the secretary and treasur er as correct. . . I The committee on sashes reported an expenditure of $3, which was allowed. The good ' roads committee was - In creased to five members ad made a standing committee., s ; , v ins for use of committee on .Lusinej. arrangements was adopted. ..Resolu tion authorizing the printing "of copies of the proceedings was adopted. A resolution allowing the lecturer JSO for services during the past year was adopted. A resolution to Increase sal ary of the secretary to J150 per, year waa presented and failed to pass. I . Mrs. E. A. NibUn was invited to In stall the officers. : . j A. T. Buxton presented the fouowirig resolution and it waa unanimously adopted: . .. ': -,. . . - -- "Whereas, the Oregon delegation jn Congress In the face of opposition of la desperate and unscrupulous nature. have In response to the requests of their constituents, stood loyally by t$is dairy Interests of the country In their support of the Grout antl-Oieomarga ine bill - and. . "Whereas, this bt5 has finally le- come m. law,, largely, as we belive, jas tne result or tne errorts or the uregon .Delegation, therefore be It. --"Resolved, by the Oregon ' State Grange, that the hearty thanks of this body be extended to our Representa tlves in Congress" - and our United States Senators, collectively and Indi vidually.. , "Resolved, that a copy :Of this -ohir approval -- and appreciation of their course In the matter be forwarded 1y the Secretary of the State Grange, jto each of the members of the Oregon Delegation." ; ."' It was ordered that the papers whiph were to be presented at the Lecturer's program, and which could hot be prjei tented on account of accumulation jof business, be published in the Bulletin and the proceedings of the State Grange. , ! Fifty dollars was appropriated fpr Use in sending the Lecturer to addrcjss such public meetings as may be for the best interests of the Order. A vote of thanks was tendered- the Executive Committee for successtful work. ; Mrs". Georgie A. Toby, of SkoW hegan, Maine, was present, and was Irevited to address; the Grange. She outlined the' work done In' her state and the methods-of keeping up the ln- - ' la tu fci4 this -State t..rar.. .;-:. Mrs. S, 11. Carter, of Peninsular. Or who - was the first lady to. be electeii master of the Grange in the" United States, was present as delegate. - - Evening Session. ' -x The evening session was devoted to degree work, installation of offlrers and a banquet. The- 6th or Pomona degree was conferred upon. a class of Tl, and the Flora or tth degree upon a class of 4. The degree work "is most impressive!. After conferring the de grees snd discussing a banquet, Mrs, E. A. Niblen Installed the officers elec t ed at Wednesday's session for the en-' suing two years. , 5 Shortlyi after midnight the 29th sR. nual session , of the . Oregon State Grange adjourned sine die. THE MARKETS. Th local market quotations jester, day were is follows: . t . Wheat 51 cents. Oats Nominal at fl.l. per cenfaV Hay Cheat. 8; clover, Qt7; Um othy, 9?tl0; wheat. 8? ; v -Flour 75 to 5o per sack; 12.70 to U per barrel. : ria Feed IVan, J17.00;. shorts, V M- Butter II'jSUmj per lb, (buying) creamery. TVAc t ; -jEggs I3c, cash.' ; - T - ''y' Chickeiis 3 to 9c per pound. , Spring chickens 124 to ISc. Pork Gross. 65c; dressed, Cfl VA cents - ' Ueef Steers. 3C4!ic; cow, SV; good heifers, 4e. " , Muttons-Sheep, StSc, on fbot. - Veal 6ViC. dressed. '- potatoes ISc per bdshek . - Wool 12lJc ; , Mobalrf-23 tents. : On iaccount of the absence of a nuor-, um the meeting of the Geatef SaN-mJ. Commercial Club last night' was xt- poned until the next regular, meeting. Bean tu is w pawnmrsE Sigutors f ' HAIR is HAIR With us,r and excelsior is execlfetor, jute 's jutef cotton is. cotton, and woolla wool .Everything we sell is true to name and descri)tioti. We have our pillows labeled at the, factory, showing just -what they are made of. In fact, we allow,. no fictitious or jnisleading statements in any part of rwir business Ve lwlieve the provision of the "Pure Fooil' laws should be as c fleet l"e concerning what W wear aa what we eat. If you gel it of us is is oh repl-csenlcd. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. 303 Commercial street. ' Stores at Salem and Albany, r Next door to Postofflce. WIGGINS n ! A (I This gives you an idea of the "Jack of all trad?s" gasoline engine that we are selling. It's a product of Fair banks, Morse & Co one of the largest manufacturers Of. gasoline engines in 'the world, and is time tried and relia ble.. . They cnf be had with the pumpv Ing. attachment as shown , here. or. without it at ten dollars less. These 'engines ae In use all over the valley and are unquestionably the most eco nomical power that one can 'use for any work within their limit. . This is a Hi horse power, and weighs, ' as shown, 580 pounds.- This questton of weight Is highly important for -i you . can't get satisfaction ' out of a light engine that is trying to develop power. This has phosphor bronze boxings In- . stead of Rabbet t metal, which latter everyone knows Is not as good for gas oline engine's." It has platinum points on the sparker, much more durable . than the steel points found on others. . It Is the suction fe?d Instead of the gravity feed, $hus giving the engine lhe best of gasoline Iqstead of only the Jowr heavier portion 'We will be -pleased to send circulars and prices to all Inquirers. Call and see It In use . at the store. m, 5 ' " " " - "' ' " BUGGIES Stadebaker Bujrtrif In -every-style at the lowest prices commensurate with good good.' : We, have some choice tilings in new natty open bug gies for the rpriug and summer, trade. 1 like wagon too, the best grades on , the market ; Call and look over the line. . Heavier goods on lower floor, light rigs on second floor. No trouble to show goods. 'LJ . t . ' al HOUSE We Sell MtCormick HarvostiDg . Machinery, Russell Engines and Threshers., Studebaker Wagons and Buggies, -Monitor Drills and Seeder.-v Syracuse and Moline Flowp, Benicia Rotary Disc Plows, Hero Fanning Mills, Ohio Ensilage Cutters and Blowers, Buffalo Pitts Harrows, Tribune Bicycles, Standard and White Sewing Machines, Binder Twine, Harvesting Extras and Supplies, Hay; Tools of all sort, Portland Anchor Fence, Gasoline Engines, . and everything that spropcrly belongs in a first-class implement house. , i. TheTOhio Ensils&e Cutter and x Blower Russell Engines Thresh ing Machinery 1 1 Get in your orders for 3-our needs in this line. -If. you havq an old cn-. p-ine that you want to trade, send us word. you. Extras for Russell goods of all classes. The traveler will . call and1 see The new model blower will -differ t slightly from tHis and will bo even better than the one we sold last season. All cutters will have the 10-inch blower, and the discharge pipe will rise at a hicher point on the fan case. This machine has the largest capacity of any machine on the market, and is. guaranteed absolutely. Write for priees. CsssssTfln'iiar- Cultivators I 1 ib-SI m - r ST k CT We sell cultivators of all sorts tither in tongue or tongueless and can two shovel in any style. v give you choice of several of the best lines in the field. Also five shovel and Portland Anchor Fence , but once up is there 1 to - stay. 1 ' ,WV Tfc ivisfa o frifiA ninrfl flinn. rifTior Irinrla Built of No. 9 wire and will stand the hardest usage. We sell the clamps, stays, ratchets and wire, you do the building! Call and see us or write ior McCormlck Movers, McCor mlch Rakes, McCormlck Binders A floor full of the old reliable cutting mjachinery that for 70 years has stood the test of the hardest usage man can jgive it Our mower and tfakc trade is already under way and promises to much more tlian distance last season's record. , . . THE ONLY PERFECT DRAW CTJT on the market is found on the McCormick Mower. J; Call and see these points for yourself. Heaviest frame, widest frainet iheaviest cutter bar,, longest pit man, and many other points of superiority. Always glad to show you. Ex tras, for jMcCprmicks, all ages in stock. Also furnish extras for Osborne and Woods, machinery. - U.y -. -.-; . '.;. -:;" .K - -:'.'.: - : . 1 Is