ttpekxy Oregon: 'Statesman. Friday, may -iW.- THE TEACHERS' , g: , ... j k . - . ! r-' x - .,'.-. K i.yc .". . - . - , j MARION COUNTY COllSIW'CMtl OFFICIAL REPORT OF PROCEED INGS OF THE COUNTY COM 'MISSIONER3 FOR MARION COUNTY AT ITS MAY s , TERM, .1902, ASSOCIATION Program fcr the State Meet ing to Be Held at V ; Eugene INTERESTING AND PROFITABLE , SESSION WILL HE J I ELD AS THE NUMBERS QN TUB PROGRAM PROMISE DEPARTMENT -' OF superintendence: . (Prom Wedne&ay Statesman.) The Western Division of the State , freachers Association will hold its an nual meeting at Eugen, June 25th to 22th. At this time there will also be in session the-Department of Super in tendence, anT the Department of Sec ondary . and Higher Education, both closely related to the State Teachers Association, Prof. J. H, Ackermah, superintendent of - Public Instruction, Is the secretary of the Executive Com mittee, and he yesterday gave aut the following ? program . for the four days . session : PROGRAM "'""Wednesday, June 25th, 7:S0 p. m. -Addresses of WeIcome-r-a.X On be half or the city. Mayor C. R.t Chris man; (b.) On behalf of city schools, a. F. Bechdolt."- Response G. W. Denman, Cor vail Is. President's address P. L. Campbell, - Monmouth.. ; . 1 Recepuon at Fourth Regiment . Armory. , .X (.' j : Thursday, June 26th, Forenoon, . 9:00 Opening exercises. " 9:15"Co-ordlnatlon of Intellectual Ethical Training in the Public School Curriculum. J. R. Wilson, Portland; w. c itawieir, aiem..:. i . 10:00 "The. Mission of : the' Elemen tary Sehool.'t DXAXGrout, Portland; J. H. Orcutt. Drain. - . J 10:45 Recese.? J ' j" 11:00 "The Improvement, of , the Teaching j Profession," Hon. ' R.r A. Booth, Eugene. (, " . . i Thursday June 26th,, Afternoon. ' 1:30 Opening exercises. " -1:43 "Elements of Agriculture and Horticulture In ". the Elementary Schools;" ! A. B.' "' Cordley, Corvallis; J. M. Martlndale, Albany, g 2:10 ''Nature Study in Elementary Schools." 'A. R. Sweets'er, Eugene. ; 2:30 "DiscoveVy andJ History JI. B. Lyman, Astoria; D. W. Jarvls, Port land. ' X- , - . . ' -.- ' 3:15 Recess. .. 3:30 Address, v JlIlam I. .' Crane, Dayton, Ohio. . . -; TX X - i Eyening Session. 7:30 Lecturer - - -X . Friday, June, 27th, Forenoortv" 9:00 Opening exercises. , 8:15 "The Advislbility jot Adding - Orades-Abafe the Eighth," R. F- .Rob inson, Portland; A. L-.Brlggs; Cottage . urove. i X- - - . - 9:45 "The Functions of Symbols," Frank RlglerT PortIawd;..F. E. Ydung. Grants Pass. . 10:15 "Departmental Work- In Ele mentary Schools." M. ' P. Pratt, Port land. ?!'! " 10.45 Recess. - IV. 00 Address, William I. -X Crane, Dayton, Ohio. : Friday, June 27th, Afternoon. 1:30 Opening exercises, i : " ' ' t:45-"The Study of English from the Vocabulary Stand Pol nt,"XMrsi.i Mabel Douglas, Newberg; J, B. Horner, Cor ...vallls. . . : . - 2:30 "Manual Training In the Public Schools," R. C. French. Monmouth T; Save Yourllair with Shampoos of And llgbi dressings , of , CunctJRl. Ocmoorr, purest of emollient skin cores. ! This treatment at once stops falling balr, remove crust; ecales, and dandruff, soothes Irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy nd nouriahmentfUtd makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp, when all else falls. J Complete Treatment For Erery Hmnoarr, SI. eoaslHng of Cvr iccaa 8oar25cX to cleanae the itln of crusta aal calea, and bo f ten Uie thickened eyBcIe; CuTicuRAfiwTMEMT(5oc), to lantanUy iaT ltoblns. innammatioa and lrrttatioii, ana Booths and heal; and CtJTlCBRA Kejolvkst Fnxa (25c), to cool aad cleanae too blood. - Ccncrma . Rboltski Pixu Chooolate Coated) ar a new, taatelesa, dorlesa, eco Domical aabaUtota for-tba celebrated liquid Ctjtocuka KasotTKjrr, aa well aa for all other blood purifier aad humour eurea. In acraw cap Yiala, eontaiaiag CO doses, price 2jc Sold thrwnrhoDl m wor!d- Brits DVt Cs.rwhcuM t-t Loodrtn. inmett lpo i Hut d h tu, turn. iJVia Cas-Cvav.lcsa ' Is tfle PJost Economical-. Greater in leavening strength, a spoon. V r ful raises more dough, or goes furthers I Working uniformly and perfectly, it , makes the bread and cake always light and beautiful--and there is never a waste of good flour, sugar, butter and eggs; x -;' While it actually costs less to make a batch of -biscuit' with the Price Baking Powder than with thq so-called cheapi powders, there is the additional advan tage of better and more healthful food. J Pfticc Bakinq Powder Con Shicaoow J. Gary. Oregon City., . i ; 2:45 iRecea. " i 3:00 Addresa, William .1. Crane, Dayton, Ohio. " " . Evening Saaion. 7:30 Lecture. 1 j v j Saturday, June 28th, Forenoon. 8:45 Operlng exerciaee.i 9:00 Bualneaa meeting. - 9:30 "School Hygiene: What It Is and Why We- Need It.r E. J. Hadley. Portland; Mrs. Mary M.''Staples, Sa- lenii. - - A ' : " 'X ".' ''" 10:15 "Play as a Means of Idealiz ing and Extending the Child's Expert fsnce,? T.X Hay, Ashlandj J. S. Lan ders, The Dalles. - : ; 1Q:45 Recessf ' -r ; :, U. X X:-' H:(KM-Address, William I, Crane, Dayton, . Ohio. , . i , ) ' The program for the Department of Secondary--and Higher Education, which will be in session during 'the meeting of the State , Teachers' Asso ciation, ia as follows: - " ' ' Thursday, June'Z6th, Aftarnoot:,'- 1:30 President's address, . Frank Strong, Eugene. I . ,r 2:00 "Interscholastlc (a.J Literary W. II. Lee. Relations." Albany; b.) Athletic, A. P. Bechdolt, Eugene " 2;3 " Cause of the Absence of Boys In the High School." Herbert Lee. Portland. Discussion opened by S. W. Holmes'. Corvallis. ", j;- "; ':'X "-. 3:30 "Present Tendencies In Ameri can Education," John II. Coleman, Sa lem. 'f -.-i-- ; : : X X T: ; j- Friday June 27th, Afternoon. j i College, Saparata Sasaions. , 1 J30 "Faculty, Control or Direction pf Student Affairs, II L. Boardman, McMinnville. Discussion opened by T. H!Crawford. Coryallls.' I - : 8:15 "To What Extent Should EleC tlves be Offered' In Undergraduate College Courses?" James It. Itobertson, Forest drove. Discussion opened by C;.T. Whittlesey. DanaaC- .., . j 3:00 "Latin and Greek In "the Col lege Curriculum," ' K. Dominic, Mt. Angel. Discussion j ppened by , E. ii. McOrew, Newberg. ! f 3: 4i Joint session for 'election of officers and other business. Friday. June 27th, Aftartnioon. - Collage Schools, Separata Sesaione. kao The State "High School Course of Study and the New Text Books. A symposium, conducted by E. D. Itess ler. Eugehe. (a.) English, Mary F. Farnham, Forest Grove. - (b.)-HIstory, L. IX. A'Jerman' Mc" Minnrllle. ' (.) Mathematics, R. It- Steele, Portland ' ? ' -:. (d.) Science, Emma Wold, Eugene. Te.V-Foreign Languages, G. A. War fieU Astoria. - (f .) The : Commercial Branches. A. P.' Armstrong, Portland.; 3:45 Joint session for election of officers and other bualness. ,. The program for the Department of SupeiinendehO, is as follows: ' Thursday, June 26th, 2:00 p m, .Eighth Grade Examlnatlona "Man ner of Conducting." "Methd of Grad- lr." Ciompenaation," "Shall Deport ment be an' Element i In Granting Eighth Grade , pipIomaaT Wm. M. MUler, R. F. Roblnaon and W. I. Rey nolds. , s 1 i :!.. ,' "v: "Improvement of the Annual County Iastltute! C C Starr, P. L. Campbell and D. A. Grout. ' ("Penalties for non -Observance of the Slate Courae of Study. I. H.' Cope land, P. H. Dally, 'A. L. Brlgga and J. H. Martlndale. -. i, , . "Pressing Needs of Our Rural Schools O. W. Denman H. S. Lyman, John Blough and W. J Crawford. j X Friday, June 27th, 1:3a p. irv ' ; 'How May We Correlate School and Home? J. A.' Beattie. D. W.; Jarvls. A. F. Bechdolt and J. T. Gregg, t t" Shall We. as County Superintend ents, Grade Manuscripts for County Papers Written - In Counties -, Other Than Our Own If So, Under What Conditions?:' C- LJ Gilbert. J. Wj Ship ley, J. F. llowlin and H. A. BalL ' Acceptance of School Clerks Bojnds. Reports arid -Records; D By Board; (2) By Superintendent, D. W. Voder, L. R. Alderman, "Ward B. Swope and J. C. Zinser. - ' . , ;"; ' - . ' "How May We Encourage couniy . t he Library Tax?" F. Courts to X-ey ine.wwrarj Cream Note. Alam powders should -not be - used, no .matter how cheap they are. . k Tbev induce dyspepsia, liver complaint . and ludney trouble. B. Hamlin. J. Q. Willits', ; Ei. -E.Bragg and Geo. IJ. Lamb. "How to Secure Higher Ideals of the Superintendent's Office In the Minds of the j People,"; Uncoln Savage, George Bethers, W. L.Jacksoh, B. Li Mllligan and W7 H- Ragsdale. , X ": , X SALEM NURSERY PEOPLE INCORPORATE AND WILL . DO BySINESS INf tVip COAST; STATRS - ' ' -t i From Wednesday's Statesman.")' ; In the,. State Department; yesterday, articles of Incorporation have been filed, aa follows: a . j The Chicago Nursery! Company will- operate water, powers, canals. and irri gation works In Oregon, California and elsewhere; do a general development business on the. Pacific Coat. 4n;d plant orchards and deal In fruit trees of all kinds. Salem Is the headquart ers,"' while branch offiees and -nurser- les TilH be maintained at-Chteo,; MM fomla. The company has a capita, of $50,000. A. McDonald, 4 A. McGM' and Leon Qirod areithe incorporators.! The Cucky Boy Gold i; Mining Com pany will operate in mines and mining p0perty and do a general development worK, wun -neaaquarters m isumpier. The capital is Jl.OOO.OOO. Al P Jones, E. E. McCammon and Sam R. Stott .are the Inconwrators.' X ' The Oregon: Free Gold Mining Com pany will engage In fold, mining and irrigation, own townsltes and erect and operate 'electric plants, smelters and mills, with headquarters at Baker City. The capital tock Is . fixed - at $150,000. .W, Hughes. John Water man and H. I. Tnnia are-the incorpora. tors. i ; ' '. " ; -. "the BethJtny Free Methodist chuixU will mantain a church organistauon at Bethany. The property on hand ; is valued at $500.- Herman Schulze Sam uel Schulze and C, Brlsco are the in corporators and trustees,, .? J ' 1 . . 'L No Lm r,Tim. jf X have sold . Chamberlain's Cille, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, an would rather be but of of f ee and augat than it. -1 afal five fcot tlea of It yesterday to thresher that could go no farther, and they are. at work again "this morning. IL R Phelps. Plymouth, Oklahoma. As will be eeen- by the . above the, thre&aers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day's Ume. You should keep a bottle of this Remedy In your home. For sale, by Dr.- Stone's Drug Stores.' - ' ... ' , j FEDERAL LABOR UNION j ' - :. -v : ,XX ; t - HELD AN INTERESTING MEETING -LAST EVENING MANT NEW APPLICANTS. i 3 Salem Federal Labor Union at its regular meeting last night passedan enthusiastic resolution endorsing , the strike of Portland planing mill meit. for shorter hours and. promising them fin ancial, assistance If necessary i1 '-'.to . the extent of this union's ability. i i The meeting waa as usual, very; en thusiastic, and many new candidates for membership were favorably voted upon. . -; - X '.' ' jj; Delegates were elected to a central body soon to Jbe organised. Through this body all matters of Interest to the various labor organizations are brought from their original source to the notice of all unions for discussion and action. B."C. Miller, of Boston, for many years a union worker, and one of the first organizers ; of the A. F, of L. be ing In the city. was present and made a very encouraging talk. , I . A lively discussion took place on the ways and means, of inducing all busi ness men to secure- and handle "union made goods. X The plan deemed moat advisable was for each to see J to It that every article he purchased bear the Sinion label, wherever possible. ARTICLES FILED.- The Mlsslppt Avenue Hall Aaaocia tlon. of Portland, filed supplemental articles of Incorporation in i the d partrnewt of the Secretary of '; State yesterday, Jncreaaing the stock twra 120 shares, of the par value- fJJlJ.j to 420 shares of the par value of $10 each.- .' - .'' : ' .:--3-.': k Road Fund Account " N X W. F. Davidson. '....I., f 130 LO Pearl Engle t 00 Dan On born .. . . . . aw . S 00 17 25 3 W 10 M Fred Copeiand ........... W. G. - Walker. .... Geo- Woods W., P. Daviav . . . . .. Jos. Moulet .. ... .. Ben Shepard Jos. Nlbler ..,.,... liernia Odekirk ... L. W. Jones ....... C. J. Bartrlff J. Jafferaon - . . , . . '.W 17 30 3 00 " 1 50 4 p0 4 10 rm 5 00 7 GO 3 73 a a A. Freldrich . F. A. Stroud J. II. Simpson I. E. Putman John Munaon W. U GilbAt H. Fletcher . 3 00 3 00 6 00 25 CO . 6 00 6 00 ' 5 25 aeae Frank Aymes4. ....... Peter Gelser .......... G.' W. Vinton si,. Ellis Stevens 9 00 18 00 19 SO 6 00 4 50 i 5 00 19 50 9 50 U. Simmons,.. ....... ....... Frank Ca wood . T-.......... James Bateson i ........ ,. ;". Nets' Jundl ..... ;. ..... ., J. A. Morgan wi. ........... I. Stp ens '. . . . .......... D. W. "McKay. .tV . 9 00 F. " M. Howe .. . . ... ..... Martin Olsen .:. . . . Oliver Wright J. ... 21 00 26 2S 6 00 3 00 CO 3 75 W. . Starr Ivi ' Herren S. .Jones ....... Horace - Herren Chaa. Miller,,.. . 3 00 4 50 66 00 In', the " matter of - the application of S." Ballet, for county aid. Allowed $3-per month. ' ' t In the matter of the petition of A. Jette Jr.' for license to sell spiritu ous. .malt and vinous, liquors in less quantities than one gallon In Cham toeg precinct for a period of six months. Granted. " . In ' the matter of the petition of Anton Ettlln et al. for tne location-oi a county road. Continued. In the matter of the. ' vacancies of the several boards of judges and clerks of election In Marlon county; on this day it Is ordered that G. A. Spencer be. appointed clerk of Elkhorn pre- cfnct'C C. Worrick, clerk of Engle wood Precinct; R. O. Pierce, clerk of Horeb.' Precinct; R; H. Rutherford, Judge of Marion Precinct in place ? of T. W.x Rutherford, andjBennolt Pear son clerk of said Marion Precinct ln place - of S. H. ; Russell; ; t. .. Harding, cltrk of Prospect Precinct 4n place of Roy j Burton; H. II. Vandevert, as Judge of Second Set in place oT' clerk of First Set as heretofore appointed by'mlstake Geo. tace' Clerk of East Kalem ' Preclnctr A.''-' Daue clerk i of South Salem Precinct; C. W. Youn- gre,4'clrk ' of Norths Sil verton Pre clnct; John Gooding as judge In St. Pan! Precinct in place of W.- F. Da vidson; AJ. Richardson, as judge in Stayten Precinct In place of W. , Y.' Richardson; John. W."D5tter, as clerk In, SObllmltr Precinct in place of W. H. Downing; and that tWH. Scott be appointed : judge In Sidney Precinct In prace pf T. C. Jory, and the clerk of this .court is hereby directed to notify said Judges and clerks of their several appointments as by law provided. Road Vnd Highway Account J. E.Murphyr.;... ............ 3 20 XXntar A 7nrn . . . 2" 0 Hofer &. Zorn .... J. W. Ebner ...... Pohle & Bishop .. II. Flcklln ...... .. T, E. Miles 14 10 22 90 60 5 00 ' : 75 28 oa 00 1 00 100 00 31 10 3 50 2 10 75 2 50 .88 33 75 13 10 6 50 4 73 9 50 Con. 27 77 2 75 96 3 00 1 00 1 50 5 50 3 40 50 4 00 00 4 00 20 00 20 CO 2 70 2 30 2 00 2 00 . 2 00 17 30 7 20 ,.t. R. M. Wade A Co ... J. L. Freeland - F. A. Wiggins; John Schwad Jacob E. Afther H. F. Schoenf eld .".;....,. .., E. T. 'Melvin . .j ...A. J. E. Murphy -....j. Capital Lumber Co I. d Needham ..... ............ W. J. Culver ........ J. E. Murphy. ....... N. Pf Williamson ... J. E. Murphy . W. J. Culvfrr .. M. H. Smith ;'.. J. W.fLaFollett ..... ... ...... .... ...... ..... S. II. Kauffmon Gray Bros. ....... Capital Lumber Co... B. S. Radabaugn R. E. Moores .7.. John Lamb ...... . II. Kraus .... . . , . . ... .. ... . A. H. Kraus John Scholl .......i... Q. A. Cone-....".. ....X.. J. P. Feller ....... X.. .,... A. E. Feller - B. B. Herrick jr.... B B. Herrick Jr... L. Maulding C. A. Dinagan Louis Tlell J. Bartnlk .' A."Ettlin ..'.X... Wm. Miley T Ti Wordra ............ A. L. Beckner ................... rn the. -matter of the petition f tt v. ifrers. et al for the location of a county road in Sidney precinct In said Martoa eountyw. M. isusney, Ern est Cochran : ana Henry rainier v pointed viewers and B. J3. Herrick Jr. surveyor. V,'-'. ;'-.- X X X X.:, ' X .' In the- matter of the petition of Theod Boutin et al for the location i a county road In Fairfield precinct in aald county. W. ' MX Bushey. Robert Whitney apd Jas. E. Eldridge ap pointed viewers and B. B. Herrick Jr. surveyor.;. '- ' X j-' X -. . X-X--. In the matter of the petition of Theo, Ruben et al for. the iocauon 01 a county, road in Fairfield precinct In said 'county. W. , Jiusney. -x. Jones and j:. C ' McFarlen appotntea viewer and' B. B. Herrtcic jr. sur veyor. y': .-X-V ; In the inatter of the county bridge at Mlnto. Supervisor . directed to act wita -'XJna county, , in cutting said bridge. .down, v;"l"v X:- Ia-'--the' matter of the petition of G- A. Cone et al for the re-location of a county road. Continued."' . ; In the matter -of the application of the Gervals Good Roads Association fnr Infnntn j . a? aj a at aaai 2astorL ts a harmless fmbstitnt Cor Otor On, Iar eoric. Drops aud Soothlns" SyroptvJt U lUea.ant. It contains neither Opium. Morphino nor other Jtfnrcolia ;rhtflnM. It a(lrtvs Worms anti aJlaTS l'earerishncs. It enrs Iiarrhcra and Wind Colic. It relieves Teetu Inrr Troubles and enre Conrtipat lonu It rejrnlates the Istoninen ana lioweis, srmn .The Chudrcu's) lnucea The Kind Tou Bears- tho In Use For for aid on tho county road of 7. Allowed $259. I district fin the matter of -the report of , W. W. Hall, clerk, of warrant dia.Bii ufl.ln- sane account. Approved. - In- the matter of the report of V. W. Hall, clerk, of warrants (drawn on scalp bounty fund In April, 102. Approved. In the matter of the report of W. W. Hall, clerk, of warrants) drawn of sal ary account for April, 1JK)2. Approved In the matter of .the petition of Anton Ettlln et al for (the Iocs lUon of a county road. Established. In the matter of tjie . petition Of S. I L Brown et al for the vacation of a road in. Gervaia. Vacated. , In the matter of the npiolntment of ninghan, as deputy County '(clerk. Appro-ed. ' . In the matter of the appointment of deputy assessors for 1902. Apr roved. Poor Account M. M. High..... M. M. Hlgh.....L......J; M.;M,lHgh..,.lU,.... ( Oregon Shoe Co.L...... N.jJ. Judah ..X.....;. Mbshberger & Son .... Roth & Graber ........ Roth & Graber .... 1. . . Roth & Graber ....... B. Schindler ......... E. Schinoler F. G. Haas ............ F. G. Ha as .X. ; Emma WestacOtt .. .v. Gilbert & Baiter D. F; Lane.,-... A. M. Cloughx ......... Du. B. . Steeyens. ....... J. B. Underwood ....X A. H. Damon Steusloff Bros, A. H. LaCrolx ....X A. II. La Croix ... Stelner " Drug Co.. John Hughes ...... John Hughes John Hughes Harritt & Lawrence.. A. S. Eppley ...... ..X In . tha ; matter . of M. O., McCorkle et al county road In district 175. . r: - v . In. the matter of he petition of T. B. Jones et al for kid for Mr. and Mrs. Weldman Allowed 14 per month In the mater of the change of elec- tlon cferk in Monitor precinct ; E. Ha- zen appointed clerk in place of C. -T. Bonney. ; : ! . In the mattter-of - the polling "placea of the several precincts "ofj Marlon county for.the election to be held June 2. 1$02. Aumaville, W. P. Cllberfs of If. Hall: building; v A urora, . KJ Brela-htenbuah, Lahbr Exchange; Cham noes:. Buttevtlle. Grange Hall Jette's Hall: Elkhorn Schoo House; Englewood, Wade's ftore; jFalrfield, School House; Oervalsl City Hall;' Ho reb. Gates City -Hall;' Ilowellj Central Howell Prairie Hall; Hubbafd. Arm ory; Jefferson. City fJIall; jMacleay; Macleay Illtr: Mohltorf, Monitor Trad ing Company's Hall; MarloiS-Frank oerber'a building: Mfhama. Mehama Hall; Mt. Angel. CltjH Hall; Proapect. The Power House; Salem NbJ 1, Marl on Square; Salem No. t, Simpson's barn; Salem 'o.. 3, Freeland's btore; Salem No 4, No. 90 Commercial street; Ivaat SalemvRlckey I Schoo House. North Salem. Blacksmith Shop on. ud rty street. South Salera. Jorys Dryer; Sllverton, Council rooijn; North Silver ton. LlberarXTnlveraHy, South Silver- ton, School Houae District No. 10; St. Paul. AXO- V. W. HAU; Scott's Mills. Woodman Hall; SUvfr Falls, School House. District o. lflt; Stay ton. Opera House; Sublimity, School House Dis trict No. 7; Sidney. SAlney Mills; Tur ner, 1. CO. F. Itall; Wood biirn. Over tones Offlce; Tew Park. ShipJ s Shop.- Current Expense Account-f $ 2 82 19 80 it- -ti. aioorea R. E. Moores ..t. B. B. Herrick Jr... too J. If. Scott 1 60 C. M. Lockwood .... 13 00 4 50 3 10 J. 'Hr-Roland ....... Geo. F. Rodger ..... A. L. Downing ...... ...... . J. L. Freeland , . 75 . IS 65 . 2 30 .- Con. , 90 00 Pat ton Bros, ........ Stayton Mall ........ Eugene Dletzgen Co, Glaaa aV-Prudhomme w. w. iiaii ..... ...... .......... ... i - 8 00 15 00 4 82 5 00 23 40 12 60 Con, F. W. Durbln ...... Chas. Lembcke .... E. T. Mooree ....... Wood burn Independent Salem Sentinel W. II. Burghardt it Co... coun jtiouse tatpenae auuu'" C. M. Lockwood ...... .....I 92 50 J. W. Watt.. 21 00 90 24 IS tt. jh. wao vo..i... .......... John Hughes... ................. Salem Light. Power John Maurer ........ Traction ,..-.X..m 40 00 4 80 Leopold Ravoux 20 75 2 60 15 S5 14 00 , 1 50 , 3 20 J. G. Moore .........u............ Salem Water Salem Water Co. Capital. Imp. Co. ...,. Savage tt Reld ........ In the matter of the petition of i D. C. Thorns, et aLlfor ald from the county In digging a ditch on county road near the Sidney Mill. Allowed 350. - X - -f X ' X - . c lo the :f matter of tie ' petition of citizens of road district No. 24. for aid from county in cutting down a hill near Union school house. Allowed $60. Election account Salem Sentinel - 26 fc Si ....... 3 25 , x io oo ...... ... 1 65 1160 ....... 23 60 .......... 3 00 ...... .. 40 L... 4 00 . ...Dlsal. : 1-55 .......... 6 00 .X.... .. 5 00 ,..Xi. " t 85 ....X...... f Coo. ; Con, X.' Con. ....X... X ,4'00 ......... XXCon. the. petition of for aid on the . . No. $.X-Allowed roo i m f - nnH Children. ' - uetuinj iiaiunw ucrp. Tha JJHothers Jtricou. Have Always Bought Siffnaturo of Over 30 Years. hW. M. Buahey 50 0. ' Assesaraent 6. Taxation Account It. 13. Moores ........I.....'-. 8 5') W. W. llallX..., . 1 10 Circuit Court Account R. vZcarey .. 2 L. M. Herren. X 3 20 Jail Account X F. W. Durbln $ 70 0 Tax Rebate Account BXPX Taylor................ $ 1 Ou A. B. Strang 1 CO Recorder's Account J. II. Roland ............. -......$ 60 0J SherlflTa. Account X It. I. Bon ham and J. R. Linn.... -Con. I " Coroner'a Account " " C. S. White ...... ...X....1...... I 10 00 Juatiee, Court Account -t X -- State of Oregon va. Frank Farrlug ton. - - J. O'Donald .............. .XX.-I 6 70 1.' II. Lewis X. ....'.,.. ......... 2 4 Plate of Oregon vs. John Miaterlck. J.,"o'DonalI 2 9.'. J. H. Lea la ........X.. ...... 7u State of Oregon vs. Chas. llughv J. .) uonaia , J. H. Lewis ....... State of Oregon 1 U) vs. Chaa 1'ugh.' J. O'Donald ... Fred Hammock J. C. McFarlane W. D. Claggett Warren Da.vis j. H. Lewis .... 8. Hammock .. , M. E. Goodell ., II. XT.. Bruce .t, $ 10 20 3 10 , t 2 M) 1 70 2 9i 13 20 2 M , 1 70 I 70 State of Oregon vs. Miller at Steele. J. O- Donald- . t X I 93 J. IK Lewis ....................... 4 10 State of Oregon vs. George Baker. J. O'Denald ...i...... 3 93 .3 30 J. H. Lewta State of Oregon ysr"Andrew Horner. W. II. Queener ....:...,.......... 6 63 Anna Cox XU;t. ................. 1 1 9" Fred Davlets .-. 1 70 Margaret Horner 1 9(i 4 Brhma Murphy "X.".V.',...,....'X ' . 3 On S.T.'Greer ......... 12 6') Joseph Schlndler .....V.. ' 1 o S. P. Greer , ......... 1 70 In the matter of repairing the land ing at ColUen"B' Ferry. Allowed 333. In the matter of the Improvement of the Independent Sidney road. Allowed 350.00. Xi" '- ., . ' - In tha 'matter of , the petition of the resurvey of that portion of the Sa lem Buena Vista road from opposite Buena Vista to where the Jefferson road brancbea off said road. Referred to surveyor. - . In th.ematerXof the rebate of fees in divorce eases in the Circuit Court. ' . U II. McMahan..... 8 50 00 Carson & Adamirr.. ...... 60 0 Webster Holmes ' 0 00 Geo.. II. BiBffham... ,. J.i..... 10 0 ooioOMaaa onSoooocobooolS lq-a cjiOj V. A. Turner ...t. 10 O'i C. I MeVary .X,.'... ......... 2 0) Bonham oV Martin.. ............. 1C5 00 In the matter of the - .petition of N. Dick and others for aid In repairing the county road known as the "Gan- Mton and Silverton road" at a point on Drift Creek. Allowed 20 when work iac otn dieted. " CountyX Court and Commissioners Account X; : ' Statesman Pub; Co. 11 t5 T. C. Needham .....XX.......... z 31 4 J Clark tt Buchanan ........X..... 6i0 ul Hofer Bros. ..X.. ...... ......... 10 Wm. Miley ...,X..X........ 31 Road and Highway Account- John II. Scott ............ .4. ...:. 3' in The Austin 4t Wtern t?o. Ld..Ui j 8. B. Catarrh. Cure' Is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tli ? ayatem. It rermeaies every iffuid of the body, eradicatea thadlaeaae from th system, -leansea-and heal the alHict il tarta and restores them to a nUural. heJthful condition. For siJ by all druggists;. Book on Catarrlr free. Ad dress Smith Bros., Fresno, CaL - Italian Prunes. 8 II Pati'teEnmaaTe Iba- X25c Pink Baans, 10 lba, . 25o. - Small White Baans, 8 Ibt, , - - - 2Se. X: . X Good Flour, per sack, - - . 70c ' . - 8weat Orangaa, pee dozen. X. 15c - Large Fancy Lemon's, par dozen, , 20. ... .-' , -Black Fig a, per lb., " X' x 5c Good. Cooking Motatsat, par gallon, : , . . - .' - - 30c X . ' Fancy Table SyrupXpar gallon, X . X.X 50c. . '--XX Scotch Oats, par pkg , ' x, 10c Macaroni, No. 1, large aiza boxes, whit ) XX yM?tL-Pr box, 35c . - Jumbo Moah, 214 iba ! 5c . f Brinirn jronr batter anl ejrr. Wapfji)g!. est narkt prion, caah or marvliaadine. M. T. RHJEMAN 12 State 8tr eet.. Telephone 1C1 SUIT FOR DIVORCE. - Mrs. L. E. Cltne has begun .suit H the second department of the Eta: Circuit Court, praying for a Jecr-e ' I divorce against her husband - Wm. Cline whom she charges with d-' r (Inn. II. Overton is the attorney f the plalntlfT. . LEwmaaTo