TTXnKLT " OREGON1 STATESMAN. FTirDAYj MAY IS; 1802. 1.-3 ti:z cz cc:i v.miY state.u!i Publ !bed every Tuesday an4 FrUl y by lh ; STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. P. & ni NOKICki, Manager. subscription" ATKRI " One year, in advance.! ...'..,.:..;...'.. ,11.00 Hi monUia, in ad-aoce.-. .. .Ml Three mouth, in idnnr..-.,. .25 on year, on Urne t.. ,. UtH The g'ilMmn hu bee tabliahe r nearly f lvro anl it kuMint nuif-nters who have received H nearly tnat Jon. and many who for a irrtieraf ou, Soweof ine otjet to 7ilnj lie p-r duronunoed at Ui time .of aspiration of I la I' ntcripttoma. fr th MmeAt oi tbe. an4 for tttr rraaona assall- it without-the f Mr cent provision. It awav from the "Issue" with which could not have built the battleship was congratulating itself It - had In that steamed round -Cape Horn i and sured success lnt the election next ment which they ; a rd fiercely ing. v;-,. v',- ; . . ... . . fM iVid .rt Va-M ,-. .1 AT tM.MA.fn,A declaration of the final policy of the reported Itaelf at Key Westirfil for j month, in Oregon, tnereroie. resent ha the twnritt of ti tutlar rae; But if tber do net piy I r N noB'tn, the rate will beiljtf a year. Hereafter e wiJJ M-n the per to all reopouaiM -rou no orJr li, though .ttu-y iay not ead ibe money, iti uuaeralaud. iag that tby are to pa, 91.24 a year, in -atbry iv m MjitM-npiion account run oxer ma ixi in in order f bat here saar tw so ruiKun oeraiaryftnir, we will keep tills notiee stacdmg v wn piace in me ppcr- :. t United States towards the Philippines, - duty-" But., this' Is only a partfof the 'ment and Indignation aroused, by the TWnocratsi are endeavoring , to . record of the Oregon.' . Another ' part calumny against our soldiers has re- ' will be found In Admiral Schley'av t-s-f acted With telling; effect. The Demo- - a L . timony about the earl v events of th f erfuie orator now seek; to cloud the memorable 3d of July. There were mo-J Philippine issue, and to make the peo ments on that day when the lsiua wa ! nleTursret their, vilification of the have a matter settled which, from Its very nature, f is Incapable of decision. A. Senator Foraker said In his soeech on JJhe pending; bill, I believe it would be most im poll tic tor Congress now to declare absolutely what the; Govern ment "will dka some in doubt.- In one of these dark mo ments. Admiral Schly saw the white future time." , row ot a battleship breaking; through we hr-a-iub-t u iimntliin t cribtiom r.L ' . . L. ...--we Woud of smoke' tn which the Mua only when a .tt.erf to do ao. All i.n. wiytna J 4 "is mins , ,- ...... 1.7 wueii attiMcniMitir or i-atioc iu mawmm-e. wui CIRCULATION (SWORN) OVER 4000. W THE PHILIPPINE DEgATE -A' The debase upon the. Philippine bill In the United States Senate has de veloped a degree of - partlcan acrimony such as that body ha a notj seen for many years.v - The fierce assaults of the, Democratic opposition can not be explained on tany other ground than a demaKOflc attempt o crate a political Issue for. party advantage, j . The pO" "sitlon of thej . Democratic, members is an absurdity In this that they ar op posing; a bill for the proper g;overn ment of 4hel Philippines,, and which will supersede the military govern'-. r t Distress After Eating N&usea'betWeen meals, belching, vom iting', flatulence, fill of nenroas head. ache, rpala in .the j stomach, are all tyraptoma of dyspepsia, and the longer it la neglected the harder it is to care it. Hood's Sarsaparillo and Pills : Radically and permanently cure it strengthen and tone the stomach and other digestive organs for the natural performance of their functions. . Accept no substitute -for IIood. I had dyspepsia twenty-fiTt years and Vt1r A I ff ffsm tnailltOiaa K-. a . w eerw mrw VV JW AJViJr until 1 began taking Hood's 8afiaparllla. 7 Ifave taken four bottles of this medicine and can now eat almost anything, sleep wetr,haye no cramps In my stomach, no - s burning, and no distress." . Mas, William O. Dabrktt, J4 OIney Stw Providence, B. r , Hood's Sarsaparilta promigeg to i euro and keeps the promise. 1 promises - baseU. on conjecture or the vlaJorts of enthusiasts), The attempt to commit the, government irrevokably works harm to ourselves and to the FHfpinoa. . It keeps the latter lo t stale of nnrcat. and in the post keft the Insurrection alive long after the time it should have terminated: It has ' retarded the establishment of an aronwas enveiooea. ills a oleic eye took In two things first, that the white prow was that of the Oregon, and, second,' that her speed was equal to that of the cruiser -uixrn which he was standing. , From that moment the issue was no longer in tdoubt. The Ore gon was more heavily jarmoredthari the Brooklyn, and Its speed was equal. The two steamed after the fly Ins- orderly govjlronent. and the glvmgto Spanl8h vessels with i a t speed and a the people such -a degree of polHIcal , precuion of flr that drove the enemy ' ma ire lllicu iu Trf- cine without detriment to the welfare of themsves and to the development of the resources of the Philippines.' : y Mr. James H. Eckels, who was comp troller of the " currency in Oeveland's ashore. Of the battleships, the Oregon was the only one that could, keep close to the Brooklyn. Four; per cent of f 3,000,000 Is $200,000. That Is what the ) ericahs a - rBii wi nc wrci iiiueui ill I of .what an average battleship would 4 have "cost. Two hundred ' ; tbous- Army by putting purely local Issues forward.' They now rest their hopes of success on ' the alleged t personal popu larity of a. srood-natured candidate for Governor, who bt reputed - to be so amiable that he can say "No to no body. But the Issue In Oregon, all the same. Is scuttle or stay as to the Phil- (ppinW. It Is so written In the Demo cratic and Republican platforms, and the voters will make their choice in the first week of June. If they do not re turn & : ringing verdict approving the Republk-ari forty's- . conduct of the PhllVppines, a verdict .vindicating the honor of the American soldier and ad rnlnlstering a crushing reproof to his traducers, Jthen they will be false to those traditions which snake the Am- realiy great people. New second term, is a Democrat, but he takes the proper view as to what the fend dollars! What American would attKudd of his party should, be iqn this I take one hundred times that win of matter. ; He says; IJ: . I 7 1 monev for the record of that dava "The Democrats should take the po sltJon that the Philippines have come Into the possession of the United states, whether permanently or- not we cannot say. Howeyen we do know that the Islands will be ours for a long t:me, so- we should enact . legislation that will result in the wise and just extrcise of gqvernmemtal authority in our new possessions." j His. position Is the Correct" one. Fu ture questions should be left to the fu ture. The Filipinos . should not be promised independence, of course, be cause they are not fitted for 1L They must be educated, civilized, and grow out of the tribal Idea into homogene ity as a people. The right and proper Course Is to givf th.em.a good govern ment, enforce peace and" order, ? and have; them understand that whatever of good the future- has i Ih store for them must be determined by thielr own! conduct as a law-abiding and indus-i trious people. Toledo Blade. THE FOUR-PER-CENT PROVISION The United States owes the Oregon to the 4 per cent provision in the naval appropriation bill of the year the con tract with the Union Iron Works was signed. The provision' was ; simply a recognition of the well-known fact that materials and labor are higher on the Pacific. Coast than in other cities In the United States.' jlf the, Union Iron WorksJompany had put in a bid low enough to . secure j 4he contruct work, a record that would have been incomplete had thej Oregon been just an average battleship! Still, the Nay- al Committee proposes to economize to strike out of thej appropriation bill the 4 per cent provision wTviph placed Pacific Coast shipyards on an equality, so far as the cost of construction goes, with Atlantic Coast i shipyards. San Francisco Bulletin. . ' ; York ; Press. , a AVOIDING THE ISSljE. Signs are not wanting .elsewhere than in the Senate Philippines! Com- i- . ." . - mlttee that J the assassination 1 of the Army's character as a Democratic pol icy la going out of favor- So long as is seemed possible to blacken the rep- .dtatlon of the boys in blue Who ajre shouldering" the burden of the white man- in the East the treach erous American amlgos took devilish pleasure in their occupation. When their miserable campaign summoned the whole country t the defense of the soldier who is fighting Its battles far away at the front they began a re treat. Allr along he line now they, are fleeing before the blazing fire of popu lar wrath which they, hate drawn upon themselves. Notably in: ther - Oregon campaign, where at the beginning of May the people were told that the-Army In .the Philippines was pursuing a policy of wholesale torture and mast-a cre,-the Democratic, party is running Breezy,' John'": Jeffries yn rertlng the people of he country that the flection of a Senator to succees Jos. SlmoVi is only a secondary matter. It Is never theless the paramount Issue- before the people In this campaign. It is as Important that Republicans be sent to the Legislature" as that - Republicans' be sent to ; Congress. : A Republican can no more justify a vote for. Jeffries than, he can; for'Weaitherford, for a4 vote for a Democrat for the Legisla ture is a vote' to place a Democrat In the United States . Senate. . Nothing would, be so detrimental .to Oregon as to send a Democrat to the Senate. lIt would be a disaster of the" worst . kind. ' H. Hobson is one of the best men ln thJs county He i han lived here V e Jtvem otntrime Aleut 0 tuari-Bpim When the Public has faith in a name it is a faith tha must be backed up , by, good works. "i Elgin Watches have the name and ' works ; and the faith . of nearly 10,000,000 users as the world's standard 'timekeeper. Sold by erery jeweler la the land. Guaranteed by the world's greatest watch works. - Illustrated booklet mailed free. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCIl COMPANY. VL THE "NORTH COAST LIMITED" Will resume service January 5, 1902. The train will be even better than it was in 1901. lit will be a com pl.t e home on wheels. Parlor, Dining Room, Sleeping Room,- Li brary, Smoking Room, and Bath Roomthey. will all be there, and all lighted by elec First and second class tickets both good on this train. Use this CRACK TRAIN o ' Yotr can go either by way of luth and the Great Lakes. Inquire of any NORTI further particulars, "or write : A. D.CnARLTON, Ass't Gen1 ricity and heated by steam. t the NQRTilWEST on ytuir way to the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, New York. St. Paul and Chkago, or pa- ERN PACIFIC Agent as to !l Passenger Agent, Portlard ,. ana OF SIX WECKS Beginning Monday. JuneS0. wi:t be con tacted In one-'of the rooms of the 1'nrt "and BuxIneiMt ;. ColU ge, , corner Park and" Vaablngton rtreets.' It wti: -br strictly a xchool of ' study, 4erlne to akl ifachera o higher gtades in th August tumina t'otii Furthtr particulars on appllcuuoo. 1 OPEN ALL THE YEAR The .Portia f.d Basincss College I open all ha year, - Students may enter at .any line, for special branches or a-.regutat rr'curse. and receive lmilvlduat or cm ln ;trvu.-tlon, oa prtferrcd-r Call, or send for rataloifue. Lftiirn what and how we teuclw A. P. ArMulrnnc. t.I D. Principal. ...i'-,. v. .... , a long time. He Is a heavy taxpayer and. has the interest of the people at heartl and the ability to ' accomplish something. Jeffries ability to gener ate hot air Is, bis only qualification that furnished a eason for placing him on the ticket Aside" from Rhis he has neither ability, nor energy, and he has accomplished almost nothing in his official career. Jeffries pretends to be a great friend of the soldiers and patriotic and j loyal to the flag.' Yet as sure as he Is elect ed to the Legislature he will vote to send a man to Washington to traduce our soldiers tn "the PhUIppines and fa vor pulling down the "banner af ; the j stars", v in dishonor and disgrace. When Jeffries promises to supt 7 t at m in for united Mates Senator w ho dees not stanifor the,; abuse of our - So dlers and thepulliug down of th flag then he may appt-al to pat lot ic people to send him to the Legi!l;itufe. famier. John Steiwer Is a plain, uhasumlnsr He does not wear' a diamond kid. gloves, but he is a gentl-.nan. arid a vote for him is a vot? for vmirt eous treatment for everyjone:anl t-fll- cl noy In the discharge of all duties In theBherifTs office. No man should fail to vete. If . he Jhas ;jnot reglsteredhf .should go "to the polls, early arid take the hrt-oHHary steps to enable him to cast his ballot. a " ; j' ' ' ! 5 ft, 0 ft. and 7 ft. sizes. An ImnrnvPtTiPnT j aiiiaji vr r a . " B ... Elevators. Has, - ? s y"7w-ai - Ever since twine binding harvesters have been irtuse, serious defects hive been apparent Id Jthe elevator, and. many efforts have lieen made to overcome these defects, some going so far as to omit the elevator altogether, and make what wan termed a "lew down" binder, hut until this Invention of the foree feed elevator of the Cham pion none of the efforts toward Improvement were successful. The Champion force' feed elevator Is-the only departure from the old style which has proven practical and valuable. On all binders except the Champion the old type of elevator. li stUluaed. ' The force feed elevator Is not an entirely new method of elevating grain, but an old method Improved. The Improvement Is In changing the direction of the stream of grain as -It leaves the elevator and continuing to force. It along gently without stopping until It reaches the packers. re rorce Feed eievtt or, which prevents choking and loss of grain. ; i Tke Eecent tie Wheel, which gives increased power for binding and relieves the machine and horses from strain during this operation. " , , ' , ,The Relief Reke, w bleb keeps the Inner end of the cutter bar clear of weeds and undergrowth in all con- ' dltiohs. ! ' '; ':' ; ;.' ' "7 ' "r. ; 'L: -"7; ' ... 7; ' 7- . ; ';. -: : ! Thesa Inventions are found only on the Champion binder. In all other features the Champion is at least as well adapted for all kinds of work a other bitiders. . In many other features tsldes those of supreme impor tance above mentioned It Is superior to all others 7 1 . ; - We lack the room In this ad to say all that we would like to for Champion binders.' There is so much that can be said in favor of each and every part that we would refer you for complete information to the factory catalogue, which can bo for the asking. We simply illustrate here soma of the principal features, trusting to the well known keen perceptives of the American farmer to see at a glance the advantages claimed. ' Champion Force Feed Ele vator The-bock is taken oft. to . ; ; show bow the elevator works The Force Feed Iterators do not threnh the grain against the binder cover, nor let it stop a the top of the binder deck, but . deliver it positively to the packer arms. There is no choking at .the lop of the clevaforsJ There is no grain lost between the elevators aud the binder deck. , , The Force feed Elevator on the Champion binJer Id warranted to waste lew grain than the elevator on any t other binder . - V - Champion Relief Rake - ... - ; i- - J The Relief Rake of the Champion will keep the idiner end of cutter bar "clear in all conditions. In clean standing-grain the relief rakelmay not be needed. but it 1 mt in the way and takes no power to run Jn weedy r granny grain, or in down and crinklt-d. grain It Is worth $2T in a single harvest. With the ChAmplon the driver never has to tn t down 'to pull grain from the? corner or une. a long ttck or whip for clearing it, or, ax i often done, with with other binders, he need never drive out' and not cut a full swath ItecauHc the inside guard Angers are clogged by an accumulation of weeds or grain. Are named for their principal v 4 ; feature v ....Drav Cut.... "Knife can be lined up with pitman when wear occurs. Wheels cannot lift; balanced adjustable finger-bar; flexible , swath board. 7Draw Cut sizes 4J ftud 5 ft. Big Draw Cut sizes 6 ft. and 7ft. Every Chatnpion mower has two knives. T EM -r ITDRHSuS TH e BAR- - w ii xJf syir -5?tff tws THE WHEELS1 WILL NOT LIFT FROM THE GROUND. Draws the Bar. Added Traction. -Tbo Champion is draw cut and has increased action andv power in hard cutting that is, the resistance of the grass in cutting draws the wheels tighter to the ground. It is ligjit'draft ami has no neck weight - The master wheels on the Champion Draw Cut mower aro warrastecL not to lift from the ground when the finger bar meets art obstruction. - - -.' t The finger bar in which the knife runs is draws from a point in front not plsiied from the main, frame of the machine. "All other movers pur-h the finger bar more or less, and that is what reduces the cutting power and makes them dangerous t ride on.- When the finger bar is pushed much or little- there must b a bar to push it, a push bar. AU front cut mowers have push bars except the Champion. The Chamj inn ha none. The Champion finger bar is drawn not pushed in the least.; If a-mower has a push bar it is dangerous to ride upon it, aud it loses cut ting power when in tough grass, because the tendency is to lift the1 wheels. On other mowers the finger bar is almost entirely pushed. Some mowerj have a small draw rod, but remem ber they, also have a big. push bar. ALL . SUCH MOWERS ARE PUSH CUT. When the finger bar of a push cut mower stiikes forcibly a fixed obstruction the inside wheel raises otT the grouted. Tough grass acts as an obstruction to the cutter Tar, and jwheri'the cutter bar of a pnsh cut liiQwer is obstructed, however little, the tendency of the wheels is to lift. It is onW when its obstruction takes the form of a fixed obstacle that the wheels will actually lift clear or the ground, but the tendency to lift is still there, and tlie tougher the grass the lighter the wheels press on the grounu ana uie less traction you have; just when you need it most. : V MITCHELL, : LEVIS ,6t STAYER. . . ' ; -7:V-; v .-. 7"7- 7 7-; r 7-""r