Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, May 23, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Charged With a CriminarAs-
sault cn a Jefferson ;
"v ' Girl !. r- '
COURT. :-'.
"Emery Sharp, a blacksmith j of 8cio,
war brought - to this city yesterday
from-' Jefferson, by - Constable W. L.
Jones, and-connned In the' county Jail,
having: been- bound over to the circuit
court in, the sum of $2S to answer to
the charge of rape. : alleged to have
been committed upon Miss Birdie Ful
ler, of Jefferson, aged 1 years, e
According to the information obtain
ed upon the matter from an authori
tative source. Sharp and Miss Fuller
,-have been on very Intimate terms for
about six month and were engaged to
be married, but the girl's parents, es
pecially the father, did not approve of
the match and; were Instrumental In
i having the engagement broken and the
: young people bad been, at outs for some
time. : -i-- - i '- -
On Monday evening. May 12th. Bharp
drove Up to the home of. the family in
Jefferson, where Miss Fuller was tm-;
ployed, and.calllng Miss; Fuller out,
told her that her brother had besn ta
Jured In the woodsj and wanted: her
to come to him. Miss Fuller got into
the buggy with, him and. they drove
. away.; - . v; ev.-v : " ;
According to. some of the-evidence
N produced by the prosecution at the pre-
llmlnary examination, which, was held
In Justice of the Peace S. T. Johnson's
court of Jefferson, on. Monday ,iipd
'Tutwday of this week. Sharp drove out
to hat I known as the "green bridge"
about three miles from JefTron. where
Tie threatened the young lady with vio
lence and succeeded through, force In
outraging . herj . Sharp , testified, how-
i ever, that when they had ! driven a
iT short distance, he and Miss Fuller had
patched up their differences and were
i once more upon good terms and that he
I told - her tha t he. had deeel ved her as
regarding the Injury to her brother,
,snd When she anktnl him why he : had
done so-he told her that h-was con-,
-templatjng going, away onj the fbllow
ing.day. und resorted b that ruse
In order to get her out so that he could
explain matters and bid her- good-bye.
' He. claimed . that she .beggei him not
to go away and he consented to stay.
Bharp claims that they j became af
fectionate but. although she objected io
his intlmatef advances, the, only threat
that he made was toJthreaten to com
; pel her to walk back to town ifuhe did
" not submit Ira, his desires, which threat,
he said, was not J In earneist. Sharp
stoutly declared his innocence of hav-
ing committed any crime, such as that
with which he- Is charged.-
This all-happened on Monday nlrht
of last week and no action was taken
In the matter .until on last Saturday
when a warrant was sworn out '-by 'the
girl's' father and Sharp -placed under
arrest.. 1
' i - '
. , - " . .... .(
The fallowing Utter baa been sent to
Mr. Wann, candidate far Superintend
ent of Putllo Instruction, on the Dem
ocdLtte Ucxst. The fcaswer la fcnxfous.
lylookaltor: . . .
Jia. Or, ICay It. 1101
Mr. W. A. Wann. Eugene, Oregon
Dear Sir: In your, address . at Salem
last Saturday you made the statement
that a child was, required by the state
course of study for the Oregon schools
to study nine booke during the first
year of the primary grades. By refer
rlng to the course, and also the report
of the Text-Book ; Commission I find
that only two are required, vls; Wheel
er's Graded Primer and Cyr'a First
Reader, aside from a drawing, and a
writing book. Will you kindly Inform
me and the rest of the voters of Ore
gon, through the columns, of the Ore
gonlan, whal the other seven books
are to Which you referred? j -
You say that the pupil la required to
study 140 books In the eight grades.
Is tt not a fact that this statement Is
misleading and that only twenty books,
even of which are readers, are requir
ed during the eight .years? Is it not
also a ' fact that the. remaining - 120
books were not ADOPTED - by the
Text-Book Commission, but were mere
ly suggested by It as suitable supple
mentary reading and without the least
intention that pupils should purchase
any one of them, but if the district
board 'desired to purchase a library
i with school funds. It might have a suit
able list from which to select? .
Further, can you cl te a single school
In the state where pupils have been
require! to purchase these books - for
use as text-books? You also say there
are too many subjects taught. Will
you kindly Inform us Which you would
mltfrom the course? ! : i
Believing that you wish to make your
position clear on these Important ques
tions, I take the privilege .of thus ad
dressing' you openly. An answer will
enable the people of Oregon to vote
intelligently on th- questions at hiiue.
Yours truly, -. .- -: , ' .
; . ' E. T.: MOORES.
: " Supt. Marion .County Schools.
rzrzz? a ig- i?
Editor Statesman:
Will you -please publish the follow
ing communication which appeared in
the Oregonian on Sunday last.
Salem, Or," May 21. 1902. . v
Salem, Or.. May IS. (To the Editor)
I read your very able editorial In The
Oregonian of the' Stlvinst., urging con
stitutional objectlonsUo the flat salary
proposition for aR, s&ate officials, and
also showing that the system which
has grown up In thlsr state-of allowing
fees and perquisites to the state offi
cials Is in direct violation f our state
for -'It"""". I hTV V ' -n liv
ing into the matter somewhat and it
settns to, me that your argument
against the fees and perquisites is un
answerable. . : ,; ' , 3
This "perquisite' system originated
In 1864, when the Legislature passed
an act allowing the Governor an annual
salary of J200 for inspecting the Pen
itentiary at least four times a year.
This was clearly a ."perquisite" and
In direct violation of the constitution,
but it seems it was such a small sum
that the people did not notice it.
This seems to be the only, "perquis
ite" allowed to Governors, from that
time until Governor Moody's term of
offlce.-beginning i In .1181, since which
time the "perquisites" of the several
state ofaclals have been multiplied at
each succeeding Legislature -until It
now requires much time to look them
up through the various session laws.
The; Governor's "perquisites" ..have
gone nip from $200 until they are now
2750sa year,1 In addition to his consti
tutional salary; the (Secretary of
State's 'perquisites" have gone up un
til they are now somewhere between
$10,000 and 112.000 a year above his
constitutional salary, and . the State
Treasurer's "perquisites' have bne up
until they are now about 44500a year
above his constitutional salary-.
-. All the state officials, whether. Dem
ocrats or - Republicans, . have accepted
the -perquisites" doled out to them at
the various sessions of the Legislature
except GovtTnor W. W. iThayer.' He
aervel from 1878 to 1882, and he de
clined to receive $200 a year as prison
Inspector, which was , then the ' only
"perquisite" allowed to i a r Governor,
and "I; am. informed that Governor
Thayer refused the "perquisite" , on
the ground that it , was unconstltu-
tionaL : - " L". ; " ; ' - '
This erqulslte" statute was amend
tJ in 1901.. raising the amount to be
annually paid the Governor from $200
to $500.as prison inspector. This same
Legistature made saldl amendment re
troactive and gave' the 1 Governor a
"back perquisite" of $100 for the years
1IJ and 100. I j i
An examination ef the records will
show that the "perquisites" .of the
several state officers, have Increased
three-fold since .1883, and in the) case
of the Governor more-than twelve-fold.
with this In; view, is it any wonder
that the taxpayers are asking that our
state officials be" placed upon reason
able flat salarke?' However, you argue
In your able editorial that this would
also be unconstitutional, ; but you ad
mit that If applied to all the officials
of the state it would prove a more
economical way than the present "per
quisite" system. ; ' .... j , ) ;:. '
When the Constitutional convention
was in session which fixed the salaries
of; the tate officials,"; an ' amendment
was offered to add the words "and no
ijnore" after each official's, stated sal
ary, and the amendment was debated
and voted down.'...." ",,!,.;'.. . . :
-j Now, It Is apparent that the; tax
payers of the state of Oregon are sick
alnd tired of our "fees and perquisites"
system; and the people o"f. all ; the par
ties through their several ... state
conventions,: demand;, that . our j state
officials be placed upon reasonable flat
Salaries by our next Legislature." Here
tofore no such general demand has ever
come up from the people of the state
of Oregon-
When the people unanimously de
mand that their state officials be plac
ed 'upon flat salaries, does not that
amount to -a decision by Jhe people
themselves Interpreting ;the : amount
flxexl in the :on'titutlon as the mini
mum to be allowed as salaries to the
state officials and that the same may
be raised whenever found! to be inade
quate for the services of any state offi
cial? .V':Vi" jt;-b. ' '
It seems to me -that the unanimous
voice of the people enlightened by ob
ject lessons operating against their In
terest should be as the voice, of Clod
unto their public servants! T
-i- . soon curio 11 ; ;;:?
Durtet1 k tut twx or thrsv years
very seat Improvement : has . been
tnadb in the treatment of diseases of
the heart. Cases formerly-1 considered
IncuraJble now reafirj yleldJ to new
remedlea The well know specialist In
treating heart diseases. Franklin Mills.
M- IX LL. B.. 'of Chicago, will send
$2.50 worth of his new special Treat
ment free to any of our afflicted readi
er. - - ; V " '" : ' ! i. ', : y '
' This liberal offer is .TOr the purpose
of demonstrating the unusual curative
powers of his new Treatments for heart
troubles, such a short breath, pain in
the slde.oppresslon in the chest, irregu
lar pulse, palpi tatKn.smothering spells,
puftlrrg of the ankles or dropsy.
They are the result i of I twenty-five
years of careful study, extensive re
search, and remarkable experience In
treaUng1 d'seases of the heart, stomach
and -nerves-which often complicate
each case. ': -.j l J ..... v
i The Treatments, are prepared ex
pressly for each patient; as the result
lk very much more certain and satis
factory, v ", j i' x
Few physicians have such confidence
in their remedies. And there 3s no rea
son why all (afflicted persons should not
avail themselves of this liberal offer.
No death comes more suddenly than
that from' heart (disease, i . Thousands
die unnecessarily each year because
most physicians. do not : understand
4hese cases. -'"-".", ' ; - ' ;;':.
Mrs. Frank Smith, of Chicago, was
cured of heart dropsy, after five lead
ing physicians bsvd given her up. Mr.
Keister,- f Chicago, was cuced after
failure of ten. able physicians, i , !
A thousand references to, and testi
monials fronv 1 BtslDjs, Clergymen,
Bankers, Farmers, and their wives will
be sent free on -request. These lnclud
many who have been cured after from
five to twenty or mor phyfclciana and
professors badf, pronounced- them "In
curable." Among them are H. A.
Groce. 504 Mountain St.. Elgin, III ; Mrs
Sophie Snowberg; No.' 281 21st ave., S.
Minneapolis. "Mini.; Mrs.' A. ' F. Col
burn. Blessing, IS: Mrs. .M. B. More
Ian. Rogers, O., the presidents of two
l nred-icat colleges, eta : - I
Send at once to Franklin Mues, M.
D.i T.ll B, 203 State 6t-, Chicago, 111,
for tree treatment before W is to late,
and please mention this paper.
NEW YORK, May 22. Dr. Alvln C.
Kraenzlein, the well known athlete bf
the University of Pennsylvania, now a
practicing physician in Milwaukee, has
Just been married at Belmar, to. Mlfs
daudine Oilman, daughter of 15. T Gil.
man, of Belmar. Dr. Kraenxleln met
Mlas Gllman for the first time the day
he broke the intercollegiate record In
Philadelphia, thred years ago.
Noted Campaigner cf Iowa
Will Speak in Salem
Monday .
V, BJolIIver; the noted Republican
campalgnspeak4r, of Fort Dodge, la.,
who its In; wegon to mike the " cam
paign for theparty in this state, be
gan his work inSouthern Oregon yes
terday and is working this" way. He
will be In this city on; Monday evening
next, and will speak athe New Grand
Opera House at 8 p. mXlIr. DolliVer
Is a farmer in Iowa, and ws at Vork
In his field when the requestSanefto
him to come to Oregon and hWU the
campaign here. ) He Is one of the lead
ing Republican stump" speakers .f
Iowa, a brother of United States Sena
tor Dolilver, and stands high in the
councils Of his party. I ' - (
This meeting, has been widely adver
tised throughout Marion county, and
it, is expected that a large crowd will
be in attendance to hear Mr. Dolilver
speak. His discussion of National is-,
sues) has marked' h-lm as one - of the
leading- political orators of the day, and
he is certain! t eayf many. things of in
terest to the - Republicans and Demo
crats of .Marion county, and all should
turn out to hear him.' I ,; , , 1
On Sunday evening Mr. Dolliver wijl
deliver the address on the occasion qf
tHe ! Memorial Sunday services - at
Woodbum," and on Monday .afternoon
he may deliver a campaign speech at
Silverton, If i: can be; arranged. p
On Saturday evening (tomorrow )
Hon. Tilmon Ford and John H. Mc
Nary will go to Gervals. where a mass
meeting, has -bein arranged, and the
two will speak on the political isue.
especially, on ': Oregon state politics.
A large attendance is assured these
two speakers, hs politics are warm In
that neck of . the woods. " - A j
The Marion county, candidates spent
yesterday at Gates and Mt-hama, and
they addressed good-sized aOdiencea at j
section were enthusiaEtlc. and the can
didates cf that party enjoyed a fecepr
tlpn seldom received., on. the campaign
The Republicans are getting1 decidedly
the best of the canvasJ. and aremak
InK votes at -every stage lof thelnsht.
while in like ratio the Democratic can
didates are gradually losing ground,
according: to reports received from the
?at of war. As one the gentlemen
on the canvass expressed! himself yes
terday, "All the ticket is safe in Marian
county." " i ' S.:';1;.- ' - : .;!'
Following is the Itinerary for the
balance of. the eight days' .can vas:.
Friday, May 23d Macleay, 1 p. m.!;
Silverton, 8 p. m. ; : ; ill
Saturday. .May 24tb-Scotts Mills, -i
a. m.; Mt. Angrel. 2 p. in. 1
Monday. May 26th Oervals, 10 a. m.i
Monitor, 2 p. m. ; Woodburn, 8 p. m. ,
Tuesday, May 27th ButtevlUe, 10 a;
m.: Hubbard, 2 p. m.: Aurora, 8 p. mt
Wednesday,"May 28th Champoeg. li
a. m. ; St. PauX 2 p. m. f
Thursday May 29th Brooks, 10 a
m-5 Howsilj-2 p. m. , ;
Saturday, Miay mu-Salem. 8 p. m.
I- VwUlds a Sharp Ax. .
Miflkms marvel at . the multitude of
maladlls cut 08 by Dr. Klifm New Life
Pitts th most dlatresstn- bo. Stom
ach. Liver and Bowel troubles Dys
pepsia. Loss of Appetite, jaundice. Bil
iousness,. Fever, Malaria,' all fall before
these wonder workers. 25c at Dr.
Stone's Drug Stores. ,
, ; . x :---yx.
Sheriff F. Vf, Durbin and County
cierk W. W. Hall, yesterday drew th?
general ventre of Jurymen from which
the juries will be drawn to serve dur
Ing the June term of the State Circuit
Court which Will convene on Monday,
June 0th. There are thirty-three names
In the venire twenty-two ot whom are
farmers. ' The list follows: ;
O. 8. Pomeroy. Woodburn, farmer,
A., F. Janz.' South Silverton. farmer.!
Wirt. Pate, -Jefferson, farmer.. '
Jay A. Bishop, Prospect, Wacksmlth.
9. X, MFadLlen, Salem No. 2, mo
cha n-fc. . i " ., s . I
Moses McKay, St. Paul, farmer. .
W. H. Pettlt, Prospect, mechanic.
John Butch. ML Angel, farmer.
" Wesley Desart. Howell, farmer.
, T. Y. McClellan. South Silverton.
farmer. "-
Jos. Baumgartner, jr.. Salem. No. 2.
clerk. .. r . "' J ', .
W. F.- Buckner;" Sidney, farmer.
W. B. Brown, OervaJa, farmer.
Jos. H. Albert. Salem No. 4, clerk.
- W. T. Oolemtan, Champoeg. farmer.
, OD. D. CorsUne, Brooks, farm en
J. A. W. HetdTcke, Breltenbush.
farmer. ': -
David Craig, M-acleay, farmer. ' ,
O. J. Atwood. Salem No. 4, clerk.
A. B. Oeorge. Marlon, farmer;
F. Pi Whltlock. Scotts Mills, farmcn
.John Whitney, Woodburn.) farmer. .
W. E. Thomas, Stayton, undertaker.
C. S." Hamilton, Salem No. 2, rar
cbant. . ' " . ;' ":;
O. W. Vedder, Monitor, farmer.
Geo. Morley, North Silverton, farmer.
A. W. VeatchV Eng-lewood. laborer.
' N. Lambert, Sublimity, farmer.
O. Sommers, South Tiverton; farmer.
James Smith, Silverton, jeweler.
Jesse Macy, South Salem, teamsten.
Whooping Cough.
A woman who has bad experience
with this disease, -tells how to prevent
any dangerous consequences ; from It.
She says: Our three children took the
whooping cough last summer, our baby
boy being only three months old. and
owing to our giving them Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of
their plumpness and came out In much
better health than other children whose
parents did not use this remedy. Our
IIonsewoTk is hard work under thef most favorable comli
t!on& It demands hoars of sweeping and dusting1, of stoop-
and lisinrr, of lifting
mcrred. about. Yet housework is healthy work so long as it
brings only the natural tiredness ' duo to active exercise.
Many ) woman can Jook back to the days whn she bnstled
energetically about her household duties happy in the home
work. V Then there came ' a -time when she worked more
slowly! and when f her task 'was done sank down utterly
exhausted. . Later there came a time when' slight effort
caused excessive- fatigue.6 - She had to work slowly and ( rest
often, and. to the weariness she felt was added pain. When
she stooped it felt as if her back would break. Her head
throbbed violently. : She' suffered from bearing-down jfains
Then came a time when to do the housework was impossible,
and she must, go to bed, or just manage to keep up enough
to overlook the work of others. That is a common expe
rience among women: t It is told over and over in the letters
which, grateful women write after being restored
to health by the. use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pro-"
. .. S . . ..".:"
scription. 1 . . 5 -; , :. - .
' ."With pleasure I write to-day in praise of Dr. Tierce and "
his ! medicines," says Mrs. Mary Couway, of Appleton,
Lawrence Co., TennJ '"Was troubled with female fisease:
the back of my head hurt me so-1 could not lie in bed, and
I would have to sit tip anil then I would have such pains
from my waist down I could scarcely rise up. My feet :
ana nanas wouia ieei almost liter ice. . Since-taking Dr.
, Pierce's Favorite Prescription I cau sleep well all night.
Could nardly drag around before 1 took your medicine,
and now tan do my housework and help my husband in tha
KJield. v Had throat trouble
. ij - - . .1.
cpuiu "uvi saj mvuia
medtcme tne trouDie nas
express the thanks that I
Pierce's Favorite
and sickwomen to sound health, by curing the local
womanly fliseases which are generally responsible
for the failure of . the general health. A woman's
entire being is. centered in her womanly nature.
"When the delicate "womanly organism is attacked
by disease ; - when there is irregularity or a disagree
able drain j when, inflammation burns and ulcers
gnaw, the general healthxwill reflect the progress of
disease, in. increasing weakness, nervousness, back
ache, headache, loss of appetite and sleeplessness, j 'v
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescripdon cures all these
ailments, and cures them perfectlyand permanently.
It wipes lout the record of Buffering as a child' wipes
a sum from a slate. . It
like one, because it- rounds out the formand restores the healthy color to
the face
With a heart full of gratitude to you for sending
t Jit I ' :
mcaicine vscnu mcsc lew
1 . nate s uicuiuao, witi.es aus. vura v.oot, oi oreenspnng Jt-urnace, Washing
ton Co.. Maryland. "I had suffered severely from femaleweaktimM and Kari tit Ki in
bed a great deal of the time. Had headache, backache, ami pain Ii left side, when "'
lying down. ; I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and had trot Men two b Wet
when I was able td be around again and do my work. Can noV eat anything and it never hurts
me any morei Have taken seven bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and one of his
Compound Extract of , Smart-Weed ' and several vials of Pleasant P -llets Peeling better every
day. I thank -ou for; your kindly advice. My husband is pleased ktli the effect of your medi
cine, and says I look better every day.' . 1 X 1
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strcngjvnd sick women well.'"
It changes irregularity to regularity. It dries the drains which ro kd weakening to"
women. It heals the inflamed and ulcerated organs, and cure;i femaleNw-eaknesR. -
Dr. Pierce invites sick ami ailing women, especially those ruffcrinoKom diseases 'of
long standing, to consult, him, bytter, fret. All letters are primptK- read and
answered m the strictest confidence, his offer et free consultation by letter places at
the disposal of suffering women the advice of Dr. Pierce, a Specialist 1 in the treatment
and cure of womanly diseases, who; assisted by his medical staff of nearly aore of
physicians, iias,.in a uuie more than thirty years, treated
thousands ot weak ana
; ! Petite Prunes, 8 lbs, . s,
J:; 25c ' .
Pink Beans, 10 lb a,
- 25s
.. (Small Whits Beans, 8 lbs,
. ' V ' 25c . '
V Good Flour, per sack,
- 70c.
. Sweet Oranges, per dozen.
V.. 15c .;:,.:; ;:..
. Large Fancy" Lemons, per dozen,
' : ' - 20c " ; -..
Black Figs, per
'5c. ,
Good Cooking Molasses, per gallon,
: 30c ... ; ,: . -.-.
. Fancy Table Syrup, per gallon,
Scotch Oats, per pkg,
-; - 10c . ' .
Macaroni,. No. 1, large size boxes, white
or yellow, pee box. 35c ,
'. Jumbo Mush, 2-jb,
7 -
Briar as vnar butter sod ttn. Ws m hih.
est market price, cah or merctiandiae.
132 State Street Telephone 131
syrup between whoops. Jessie PInkey
Hall, Sprlngville. Ala. This remedy Is
for sale by Dr. Stone's Drug Stores.
' Sheriff W. W. Withers, of , Eugene,
passed through Salem' yesterday, on Ws
wayto Portland where h ifoes on ofn
clal basrfneas. He reports that the clews
to he iderrtity of the murderer of Ben
Tracy, of Junction City, are very
meagre.' and there ia little hope of
catching the vile criminal.
and pushing as the furniture is
and my throat would swell so I
& i . . .
vpen u cau oiuce MKiag your
not returned. Words cannot
owe to DrJ Pierce.''
Prescription restores weak
mates the woman feci like a new woman, and look
it over the land
. f . " . T
lines, noping tnac some othetvpoor suffering
sick women. Write freely and fearlessly to Dr R. V Piel
' Buffalo, N. y. ; .-.f.:'.-- . ;-.:..
Sometimes a dealer, tempted by the little more profit
paid on thf sale of less meritorious preparations, will
oaer a substitute for Favorite Prescription as just
as good." J udged by its record of cures of womanly
ills, there jU no other mediclna just as good as Favor-
iw i rcsmpiion.
this do oic is rrnEEr Q" '''
. .. I - "of.mtamp to
pay oxgtonmo of maUn? OffLY, a copy of Or
Pioroo'n gromt motiloat ror4c vrfll bo mont
FUZE. Dfm Porco'm Common Sonso Modloat
Advisor contains mono than a thousand largo
oaoos and ovor 700 Illustration. Sond 31
ono-oont stamps for tho olbth-bound vol
ume, or only 21 stamps
' Addross 1
Dr. fL VPiEncE,
In the old days' the trip np
favorite trip of travelers there
then used did not compare with
mains the finest one In the world
V: The Northern Pacific, via Dnloth. connects wlttt the Lake
Steamers, and a trip on the OnTII COAST LIMITED" In serv
ice again May 5th and these steamers, to! the Pan-American Exposi
tion at Buffalo, will be something to recount to your children's chil
Send six cents for Wonderland
FEE, St TanL MtaB '
Any local agent will quote rates.
SAX FItANCISCO. May 21. Jam"s
J. Jeffrie and Robert FItzslmmons to
day agreed to figrht in the SanFraiiclSf:
Club of this city. The date has r.ot
been set, but It will probably oe July
4th, .
V. T. Gray. f Portland, was a busl-i
wk 1 "
: I-,.-.;. . : ' : 'I
your wonderful
V ,
women will try
and cured hundreds of
tor tho book In paper
Buffalo ffm Ym
and down
thegreat Lakes was the '
were no
toorlsts then. The boats
. - - . -.
he lakes, and the trip re-
those on
of Its sort.
ready May 1st, to CHAS.
" ATLANTA, Ga May 21. A, special
from St. Augustine, Fla-. says: Alwost,
Continuous shocks. praumbly earcb
quoke. were heard here troia 0 o'cloctc.
until midnight last night.
R. Ii. Antrim went to
terdiy afternwon for a
Portland ys-brk-f
visit to