Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, May 23, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Following la a copy of a. circular e
Ing sent out by the Oregon League
furthering: the cause the proposed
Constitutional amendment: - '
To insure the adoption of the initi
ative and referendum amendment to
the Constitution It must have more
than forty-five thousand votes even If
not one?vote la cast against it. Do not
forget $o mark your ballot on this
question. .- ;
Let every man wbo-'favora more di
rect legislation in Oregon be sure to
vote for the) initiative! and referendum
amendent and remind his neighbors to
mark "their I ballots. , .A .blank ballot
may. bt counted against if the same as
though 'it was marked now '
The rule Is almost universal . that
when: a measure la submitted to the
people it must have: only a majority
of those who vote on the question. But
the Constitution of Oregon Is peculiar
and it Is quite possible that- before any
amendment can be adopted a majority
of all the voters must vote yes even; if
not one votes no. Therefore it is Im
portant that every friend of the Initi
ative and referendum amendment shall
vote. " ; ' - : ' . "
. I '
If the proposed initiative and refer
endum amendment to the Constitution
shall be defeated by, stay-at-homes and
careless voters neglecting to mark
their ballot, 4 while a, very large major
ity of those who do vote on the ques
tion vote In Its favor,' It will greatly
Intensify the demand ' for a Constitu
tional convention. , - V
. A Constitutional convention and a
new Constitution is one of, the most
costly events in the life t of a state.
This is not only because of the agita
tion and dlsturbtince of business, but
also because , of the complete, changes
commonly made In the organic law,
and the destruction of a large part of
the state laws settled by the courts. If
the people understand -that In practice
it is not possible to amend the Consti
tution of Oregon It will-be impossible
to long escape a Constitutional con
vention. Therefore it ls very Import
ant that every man who does not want
'the dangers and agitation of such a
convention should not only iVote but
initiative and referendum amendment.
The proposed Initiative and refer
endum amendment to the Constitution
must probably have from forty-five to
fifty thousand votes In Its favor, even
though there . is not one . vote cast
against ft. The man who favors It and
does not votp for ; it Is likely to be
counted against it Just as though he
voted no. . , ' w . ' '
. The proposed Initiative and referen
dum amendment to the Constitution Is
very simple. It does not abolish the
Ifi!ature'but it does make the whole
body of Votersr af supreme legislative
. body. It gives About five thousand
roters power to refer to the people a
. WU passed -by the legislature, and It
fives the same power to the legisla
ture, it gives about eight thousand
voters: the ' same power to- Introduce
a measure before the people for their
vote that one Senator or one Repre-
On sterday afternoon Judge R. P.
Boise, in department 'No. Z of Xhe Cir
cuit Court, ordered! a, decree entered ii
the case of Carey PL Marrm vs.t Adda
D. Martin, forever dissolving the bonds
of matrimony heretofore, existing' be
tween plaintiff and defendant on the
rrounds of. desertion'. The parties are
well known in Salem where it : was
generally known that .they ; had not
lived together during, the past . four
rears and jit was supposed by many
that the legal separation 'had already
been granted but the record does L not
show that any papers were filed until
the 8th of the present month, and the
final decree granted . on. "yesterday.
Judge B. F. Bonhanl appeared for
plaintiff and the defendant made, no
.appearance .
One new case was flledf n department
No. I of the State Circuit Court for
i Marion muihit mtanlir In which
:"m J. Greenbalgb fs the plaintlnTand
John Greenbalgb et al.. are defendants.
-mortgage given by George' Greenhalgh.
now deceased, to plaintiff on the 2Sth
. day of November. 1888. and covers
property lh section 20. 8, h 2- w.
Hewitt Jgc Sox, of Albany, re the, at
torneys for the pfaiintlff. ' '
The Willamette Valley Prune -Asso
ciation was challenged, last week.
-through the columns of the Oregon tan
o show and legitimate sales of prunes
during the past season at 2 2-4 cents
oag basis endl the directors of the As
sociation. In a. letter in the Orego
nlan answered the challenge as fol
lows: ' ; , . . - ' . .
SALEM, Or May IT. To the Edl-J
' jo xn urcfonian oi uann
there appeared a, communication from
I. Lang, in which he challenged .the
Willamette Valley prune Association,
through it "mtinager; ' to show "any
legitimate rales of prunes made during
the sea sot at 2 3-4 "bag baslst In the
first place, we shall tay that we had no
4f ir for newspaper accounts of ur
ales, and items which have appeared
from trme to time have been given out
t the . solicitation of your, Sa'm cor
raspondent. , Ais this challenge . aifectf
a buainesM matter which we supposed
was of, Interest largely to ourselves
we refrained from taking any notice
of it. but at the solicitation' of rntny
fruitgrowers from various parts of the
state the directors of this corporation
i - : '
sentative has to Introduce a bill in the
legislature. Any, proposed law sub
mitted to the people by the legislature
or by petition must have a majority
vote of the people before-Itla adopted.
There are no special elections on laws
unless ordered by the , ; legislature.
There Is no expense to the taxpayers,
because the petitioners must pay all
the expenses of their ' petition. The
amendment gives a majority of the
people power to make any law inde
pendent of the legislature, and to -veto
or repeal anjract of. the legislature.
All friends of the Initiative iand ref
erendum should lose no time from now
on until the polls close on the evening
of June 2, in setting forth the advant
ages this, law will gie the people. . It
transfers the power! from' the politi
cians to the .people. OBserver, La
Grande.. . . V ; ,
Unanimous Swiss Opinion.
Prof. Frank Parsons an eminent au.
uiuruy n me reierenaum, nas re- i
turned from an extensive trip to Eu
rope, and says; J
"In Switzerland, where the referen
dum and Initiative s have been so
many years In use, the people are now
substantially a unit 4 their favor.
They have proved so useful in check
ing corruption ; and , controlling mon
opoly, ao wisely conservative and In
telllgentiy progressive, that even those
who strongly opposed the referendum
before its adoption are now convinced
of Its value. . .
' "I was recently in Switzerland for
several weeks visiting nearly "all the
most Important cities and talking with
men of every class heads of govern
ment departments, presidents of cities,
college professors, hotel j proprietors,
secretaries of chambers of commerce,
lawyers, doctors. business; ' men and
working-men of every description and
I did not find one man who wishes to
go back'to the old plan.of final legis
lation by elected : delegates without
chance ; of appeal to the people. , I
talked with men whose pet Ideas had
been turned down by the referendum,
and with men who were .strongly op
posed to important measures adopted
by the people, the nationalization of
the railways, for example. but they
were "all convinced that on the whole
the referendum was a good thing the'
people- made j some mistakes, ' they
thought, but they did far; better than
a legislature acting free of the' popu
lar veto. - There are no lobbies, no Jobsv
no machine-legislation; everything is
fair and honest, and even the legisla
tors like it,, because It gives them a
life tenure practically; (since the peo
ple frequently re-elect the legislators
at .the same time that they veto some
of their acts) and, more important still
It lifts the representatives ino a purer
atmosphere, 'add.f to their dignity, in
creases the - popular appreciation of
their services. and frees them from the
suspicions that attach to them under
the lobby-ridden systeih of unguarded
representation or government, by an
elective aristocracy having power by
first vote to make laws the people do
not want. Nothing could be clearer
or more vigorous, than the testimony
of the Swiss people In favor of the ref
erendum." 1
fruit; pooled with the Association and
sold during the past season w as fol
lows: ' . ' '-..
French prunes, uniform price of
basl. 'except tor .extremely small sizes,
which were sold at a higher price ;
Italian prunes, season's , average 30-
40s 5.3935. net 4.6545. I i ; V '
Italian prunes, season's, average 40-
50s 4.6347. net 4 0312. ' " : . v
Italian prunes, season's average 50-
60s 4.2942. net 3.7023. . , i, I-
Italian prunes, season's average, 60-
70s 3 9985, net 3.3602. f ; r u
We give the exact figures upon which
settlements have been, made with the
members, all of whom, it Is needless to
.say, are well satisfied wtth the result of
the year's business. The opening sales
of the association werejnude ata 3-cerr
basis, and) we beUve all the prunes in
the Northwest could i have; as , easily
gone Into consumption this season at
that wice as at the wretchedly low
figures which prevailed; ; : i
t The wnnimer has generally paid as
much for the Oregon prunes this year
as he ever did. We are assured by the
best handlers of our. brand,! of prunes
tht they have been uniformly aaUs
fled with our pick this year, and that
they expect to handle from 50 to 100
per cent more next . year. This, ; of
course, will depend to some extent oi
whether we wlB "be able to. compete
with the ruinously low prices of Mr.
Lang and others, assuming that they
will follow the same competitive policy
as that of las year. ;We admit having
lest many orders during the past sea
son because of our unwillingness to sell
as low as some others. If this business
is to be perpetuated throughout the
Northwest, there is need of ratHcai
changes along the line of marketing
and distribution. - -
It is unfortunately true that almost
every.: prunegrower is compelled to re
alize upon his product as soon as It la
cured, and this Is the weak point In the
business. -W growers compete wtut
each other In ur engagements to dis-
pcee of our product, and w believe
that the only salvation for this import
ant industry ts for each district to
form a local- organization ( and equip
themselves for, the proper handling
a rul oacking of the fruit on lines simi
)ar to this association.; Then let us 'aH
unite into, one' single selling agency
through which; M fruit shall be mark-
tel." - ' ..' .
fSlaTiedl Jowph Smith, president;
L. Mt Gilbert, vice-president: D. M.
nmm. E.T. Smth. H.S. Oile sec-
" retary and manager), directors.
i 1
Smith's . Dandruff Pomade v
Cures dandruff, eczema. Itching scalp.
and stoDs falling of the hair, one ap
plication stops ifchlng scalp, three to
rix amplications removes au uauuiun
Doctors and druggists regard It as the
only standard remedy for dandruff and
The Freedom of the Island
- Was Celebrated Lastv ,
I. Night , ;
The Chemawa ' Indian Training
School, bear this city,' has, always ta
ken a deep Interest in the fortunes of
Cuba.- When Captain Mahoney. of the
Cuban army, visited in Salem' he spent,
several day at the school and lectured
there, and hbj visit resulted in in
creased interest In the welfare of the
then unhappy telarjd. ICow, that Cuba
is at least free, a sovereign nation
among fhe -people of the earth, the
friends f the ; Island . people every
where rejoice, and the pupils at Chem
awa are 'among those so rejoicing, and
last night they; celebrated! the happy
laborat entertainmeait In honor of
thev Cuban Republia
I inVoTnoUcnt . Tn-liSInl nA literary
prograroj was . rendered, the Chemawa
Band playing for the first time, the
"Cuban independence March," the .mu
sic for which they received on. last
night's tjraln. ad which the member
of the band hadnnever seen before. The
grand mrch wasperformedr by from
600 io 600 people teachers and pupils
and a snort, time speox in us-uciub-During
tjhe' evening anNexcellent ad
dress ont'Cuba LSbre was delivered.
to the great delight of the pupils.
In the Supreme Court yesterday only
two minor orders,wtre made upon mo
tion In cases pending as follows; j
New ton-i Hoover, appellant, vs. Alice
L. Bartlett, et al.. . respondents, order
ed on motion of appellant that his time
to serve and file his brief be extended
to June 30. 1902.
State ext rel. Turner, respondent, vs.
G. J. Grayf, appellant; ordered on mo
tion that appellant have until June 30,
1902, to -complete the transcript-herein
by fihnig a copy of the bill of ex
ceptions therein. ; v
The clos
ng exercises of the Oregon
Institute for the Blind will be held at
the school chapel - tomorrow (Friday)
afternoon, beginning at "2 o'clock. The
public rld ordially Invited to attend.
The following programme has ;. been
pre pare a ior ine occasion.
Chorus r'Wake, Wake, Wake."
Essay"History of Music,". Ida Col
by. ;'.. v.. I -A.",' :- ':'; --.X:. ;
Violin . Ro(lo--Willie Bailer.
Recitation Edward Mackln.
Vocal Dttett Frank "Sandes and
Margueri ter Flower.
Paoer 4
of " Evangeline,"
Maude L. Bew. . '
Piano Solo Lee Peri n. . V:'
Recitation Eras tus Savage. ?p
Dumb BeU Drill Five girls, r
The Faithful Dog" A story, Frank
Sanders. - ' , '
Piano Dulett Lee Perin jmd Myrtle
Buzan. ! ' ..-... .,..;:.;-.. . ..
Recltatior Mabel Templeton. s"
Piano Solo John Foley.- ;
i Paper -"History of the School,- Ora
Johnson. I ,
Chorus "Praise ,"Ye the Father." ,
V . -- ;; ' j ' - . i - r t ;
The United States Civil Service Com
mission J announces that In vlew of an
insufficient number of eligibles result
ing from the examination neld on April
22d for the position of Assistant Exam
iner in thej patent, onlce to meet the
needs of the jservicey another examina
tion for this position will; be held at
thj places' mentioned in ' the accom-
Danylnar list! on June lith and 18th.
Attention Is ! Invited to. the fact that
this examination offers an ; opportu
nity for appointment to one of the very
best parts of the Government service,
and tha Commission hopes that all per
sons who are qualified will apply for
this examination. - s ; ' s
Information relative to the subjects
and scope of this examination may . be
found In section 41 "of , the Manual , of
Examinations,' revised to January .1,
1902. Age limit, 20 years or ovr..
From the eligibles resulting from this"
examination it is expected that a num
ber of appointments wltt be made to
the position ' of assistant examiner in
the Patent Office, at a-salary of l200
per annum, and to other similar vacan
cles as they imay occur. , '
This examination Is open to ail cit
izens of the United States who comply
with the requirements. - Competlt ors
will be rated .'without regard to any
consideration ' other than the qualifies
tlons shown In their papers, and H
gibles 'will be certified strictly In ac
cordance with, the civil service law and
rules. j - j i . i
Persons who desire to compete should
at .once apply either U the - United
States Civil i Service Commission,
Washington, IX C or to Miss Zalde
PaJmer, the secretary of tha vlocal
board of examiners at the places men
tioned In the accompanying list for &
copy of the Manual of Examinations
and application Forms 204 and 375. The
application should be properly executed
and ' filed with the , Commission at
Washington. " Persons who are unable
to file their applications, but-whose re
quests are" received at the Commission
in sufficient time to ship examination
papers, will be examined. ' ;'- ;;.
- - O aXts"2?c;2rz.5:i-. ; "
: t-- V.ra :.vrs l?f.
Grind Lodge in Session at
.- That Famous. Summer
This Is , Grand Lodge week
for .the Odd Fellows of Oregon, the
Grand Lodge, the Grand Encampment
and Grand Assembly being in their
annual conventions, and these all meet
In Newport-by-the-Sea. i Oregon's fa
mous and most ' comfortable . summer
resort. : On Monday the Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs began to gather at New
port and 'on Tuesday the work of the
week, began."- .; ;.;; . ;; . . ;
The" Grand Encampment of Oregon
met at 1ft a. m. Tuesday at the opera
house in ; Newport, presided over by
Grand Patriarch T, F. Ryan of Ore
gon CItyJ and completed Its work' dur
ing the day adjourning for the year at
5 p. m.. after transacting a. considerable
amount of businoss, and electing Its
officers. At the same hour on Tuesday
the Grand Assembly of Rebekahs met
at the' Odd Fellows hall In Newport,
and began Its three days' stepssion; and
yesterday morning the Grand Lodge,
L Ol 0 F. met In the opera house for
a two days session. ' 3 V
The Grand Encampment " meeting
was made a most memorable one. to
all present when the committee - on
resolutions filed its report. Thfe com
mittee consisted of Past Grand Repre
sentatives W. ,T. ' Williamson and R.
Scott, and Grand Representative AiW.
wersox, and the resolutions; present-
ere commemorative of the late
T, Orln Barker, who djed in this city
last Jue. The leading of the resolutions
was followed by one of the most aiTct-
ing scenesxever seen in, the Grand En
campment of Odd Fellows, when the
leading men of the order In the state
paid brief tributes to the memory of
the departed. . Ther x resolutions were.
adopted by a rising vote, and were or
dered printed on a memorial page -in
the annual, record, togethco with a
brief sketch of the life of deceased. The
resolutions, as passed are as follows:
'The Grand Encampment of Oregon.
"Your committee appointed to frame
suitable resolution commemorative of
our deceased brother, T Orin Baiker,
Past Grand -Representative and Past
Grand Patriarch, approach the duty In
the ehadowttof a genuine sorrow'. His
life could riot have been adorned by
the additionof any of tha graces or
embellishments: of social growth; the
regret of his loss cannot find expression
in the ordinary 'terms of sorrow. His
life was the breath of sincerity and
honesty; the clearness of good purpose;
the motion of noble devotion to duty.
His being was thrilled with the. uncon
scious odor of a soul that . scorned to
do a wrong. While his heart throbbed
in warm and kindly sympathy with
distress, or in joy at the gain or pleas
ure of a brother,! t spurned - the cow
ard spirit that cavilled with "truth or
justice, kind bis tongue hesitated not In
the outspoken force of -condemnation.
No temporizing with tha wrong; no
terms with the merest taint of dishon
or; no parleying with the proffered
offices of intrigue or deceit.. Yet be
neath the rugged surface of inflexible
and .austere integrity a kind and gen
ial spirit of strongest-friendships found
lodgment, and rose to greet a brother
with the simple purity of Incense from
the holy altar.
Friendship, Love and Truth were
engraved In letters of light upon his
heart; Faith, Hope and Charity con
genially nestled : in the purity of his
soul. ;. "... - . '. ;
'Farewell, plain' and unassuming
Barker! The: Patriarchs loved you.
Passed to greater love and joy. In the
light and presenoe of the Grand Patri
arch of the Universe. May the God of
Love receive you Into the Holy of H6-
11 ea. '!.'-.' ' :
"Fraternally submitted,
-R. SCOTT." k ..
: "Committee."
Ora Damon, wife of A. H. Damon,
was arrested, yesterday upon a war
rant issued out of Justice of the Peace
J. .O'Donald's court, and sworn to by
her Aiusband. who accuses her of hav
ing threatened to kill him.
Mrs.;Damon will have a hearing be
fore Judge O'DonaM at 10 o'clock this
morning, and in the meantime she was
allowed to. go on her own . recognis
ance. ' v i : -
State of Ohio. City of Toledo,
; . Lucas County. '
. Frank J. Cheney makes oath .that he
is the senior partner of the firm of FJ
Cheney St Co doing business in the
City of Toledo. County and State afore
saldJ and that said -firm will pay the
each and every case" of Catarrh tnat
cannot be cdred by the use. of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. ; ,
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this Cth day of Decem
ber. A. D. 188. - .
Notary Public.
HaU's CaUrrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, free-
F. T. CHENEY & CO, Toledo. O.
Sold by druggists. 75c
. Hail's Family Pills are the best. -
, ; The Duke of Devonshire hols the re
in the middle of one . of his own
speeches ' and explained . af ter Ward,
ouite unaffectedly that he "couldn't
helo iC it was so frightfully dull," and
completed It when he was to introluce
a bill in the House of Lords providing
for the establishment of a new unlver-
in preparing appetizing ' and
wholesome food is lightened by
this - fcimous baking powder
healthful qualities to the food.
V; ;
The 'Royal Baker and Pastry
Cook" -r-most practical ana
valuable of cook books -free
to every patron. Send
full address by postal card.
Women meet
Interesting Session! Held at
T IFirst M. E.
- Church
The Women's , Home Miisslonary "So
ciety of- the Salem district met In an
nual session at th I-irst &L E. church
in this city yesterday morning, at 10
o'clock. - i, .-.:
The meeting was gracefully presid
ed over by Mrs. Caroline K. Sweetser,
of Eugene, as presidefAt, assisted .by
Mrs. Mabel Setlkmier.f set retary. After
devotional exercises, coil ducted by Mrs.
Blackweil of Salem, the usual routine
of business was entered upon. :
Interesting reports f the different
officer were given, among: them that of
the secretary of suppllesj, Mrs. J. D.
Lee. of Salem." This report give a great
Insight into thd magnitude of the work
accomplished by this society.
Mrs. w. cj. iiawiey very amy nan-
died the subject of "Our New Posses
sions. She read many Ihteresting.ar
ticif s and Interspersed thm with .orig
inal remarks upon our work in Manila,
Honolulu and Porto Rico.
A letter of greeting and an interest
ing paper was read from Ml s Minnie
Frickey, who Is( at present traveling
and working In the Interests of thev
Home work In Eastern Oj-egon. A ris
ing vote of thanks was given to Miss
Frickey for her faithful devotion to
the work, and many were the expres
sions of regret heard because ol hr
absence from the convention.
Miss Elliott of the Beck Family, a
graduate of the Rush school for col
ored people, in Mississippi, was-present
and' was kind enough to answer all
questions put to her by th ladles pres
ent, concerning thls-schobl. Th Rush
school is under the management of the
W. IL M. S. of the Methodist Episco
pal church; and Miss Ettlott, coming
from the school almost direct to this
city, was enabled to giv' many points
of Interest to the ladies interested.
Mrs. Long of Salem read an Interest
ing paper on Deaconess wOrk. John
Parsons. D. D gave a' short talk along
the same line of work gleaned from
his observation white' in London., The
subject : was further touched Upon by
Mrs. Underbill of Salem. - "Vs.
The literary productions and discus
sions throughout the day were. Inter
spersed by special music Mr. and Mrs.
Beck delighted tbe audience with a du
et. Luncheon was served during the
noon hour by the Saleml ladles in the
parlors of the church.
; The convention was ai decided suc
cess, owing almost wholly to Mrs. W.
P. Drew, Mn. D. A. Waters and "Mrs.
W. R. Wlnans of Salem, jand lrs. Car
oline Sweetser of Eugene, who as pres
ident of the Salem district, until her
removal from the district took her Jnto
pastures new. rendered Imuch "valuable
assistance In the work. The convention
finished the work of the day with
sociable reunion; fn which plans for
future work were discussed and ex
changed. -. , j.
Seiatie Rheumatism Cured After Four-
,-. , teen Ysars of Siff 'ring. ;
1 have been afflicted with : sciatic
rheumatism for fourteen years." :ays
Josh Edgar, of Germantown. CaL "I
was able to be around.! but constantly
suffered. - I tried everything I could
bear of and at last was tcld to try
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I. JH
and was Immediately relieved and in a
enort time cured, and I am happy to
say It has not since returned." Whv
not use this liniment and get well?-"It
ia for sale by Dr. Stone's Drug Store
SIS; in o
V-v the way, Fa'.em is yet without a
Light Biscvii
pure It add!
There are cheap baking1 powders,
made from alum, but they are ex
ceedingly harmfuj to health. Their
astringent ami cauterizing qualities
add a dangerous element to food, 1
Jt is too bad that the weather clerk
forgot this Is the month of May on ac
count of the excursionists who came to
Salem Sunday,
o o o '"..
New York is quaking for fiar that.
the. earthquake will come from the less
er Antilfes to that city. Scientists say
it fs due. If It comes at all. In thirty
days. ..'.'..'-
o o o '-
Irof. P. L Campbell will make a
very good and competent prenident cf
th.-. State Unlvcristy. He Is every Inch
a. gentleman and scholar.
o o o
Mr. Chamberlain Is a pl-asani ren-
tleman but this Is a Repubi.cjn yeur.
The Republican party -of the Nation
xpec-ts the members of the party In
Oregon to do their duty. ,
.- v . o o
A Salt Lake newspaper ai. ocait-4 i;...
lection of a woman for . Unite 1 ki'.mej
S-- nator from Utah, to succtei Ril!ni.
That would be a departure ihU- miU
add spite to thf world of poiHj.-.
e.. o .
The' Statesman is promised a vn.wu
from Some local minist r eyuy un dy
morning.' Not that the good a
of this paper need it; but it w.ll enter
tain them' and do good. And if any
cannot go to church on Sunday, they
can haye their sermon anyway. ;
- . - O O I -
The circulation of the Homestead,
the big farm paper that goes out of the
Staesman building each week, has now
reached 8800, It will be 10.000 very
soon -probably more than twice as
large as the farm paper on this coast
In San Francisco having the
next largest circulation. The Home
stead ls destined to be a great prop
erty and of great benefit to the farm
ing Interests of the Northwest, and in
cidentally to the city where It Is pub
lished. -. . .
V o o e ;
Some ot the good Salem housewives
are complaining over the fact that
there are flower thieves abroad in the
city. In one case the thief g.oes out
at night and digs up rose bushes. The
foot prints left In the yard Indicate that
the thief Is not -a child, but a woman.
This thing has been "going on for sev
eral years, and some of the good I. idles
aould like to have it stopped. If this
is not done, measures wilt be resorted
to tha.t may make tbe theif or thieves
mighty sorry.
a o o ' .
Mrs. Eva Emery Dye has gone to the
Eaat to seek for material for her fotth-
expedtitlon. She Is the author of
"McLoughlln and Old Oregon," the
most popular book yet written on the
early history of, this state. ,Mrs. Dye's
Qrst stop will be In Topekav Kansas,
and from there she will go to St. Louis,
then to Madison ;Wla where valuable
documents relatlifg to Lewis and Clark
are to be found. Mrs. . Dye will be
absent from home about two months.
0 e 0
Portland's -people wouldn't feel at
home these days without a strike or s
prospective walk-out on their hand. .
' ' e e e ' '
The city, recorder of Albany fined a
saloon keeptr of that city $50 on Tues
day for keeping his place pin ow Sun
day. Albany will never get any of the
excursion business.
0 0 0
By the readjustment of salaries of
rlerkra In Presid ntlal postofflcesi In
Oregon, In the Salem office one clerk
gets a ralie tromiZ0Q 4o 6'j0, and, two
from, $700 to. $SO0. The raise will take
effect JuljT 1st.
o O 0
,W. D. Wheeler, of Macleay precinct,
has rr-slded In three states, and yet he
has never lived outside of Marlon coun
ty. This seems like a story of a rid
dle.. He has reMied in Marion county.
Indiana; Marlon- county, Iowa, an I
Marion county, Oregon.
o o o
Th- b'-f "rusl .U setslrg if in
c-k th'-ev' iy.i. ICa'fi M.nr., . tt
-pedeXtrian iere from Berlin t p!---ler?,
125 miles, In 27 hour,;, 13 mi nut
and 14 seconds, lie was 45 mfnut
ahead of "the f next man. a meat-eater.