v.-i:m;LY oregon stati:.:ma:;. tuidat. mat rs. loo:. t.vwvwNvwJwjww.ww Fub'.it'U'ed every Tuetday and Friday by the gTATESilAS PUEUSaiNQ COMPANY K. i. HEXPBI JC4, Manager, f , suBsjiirnox sates.' One year, in alvance..-. ........ ..L. SI oof Jrix month, in advance'.. j.i.,..L.;, ........ 1 hree month, ia advance .. 25 Oa year, on time.. -..;.'...,.... v7 1.25 V 1 l t ' -- The BiiUsMa hu bee eatabliabed fnr nearly filty-iwo fera, and it baa none aabscrfbers who nayto . "plunder, massacre, torture and have received it nearly taat long, and many -. -.. .. -. who ka re lead it lor a generation, tone of robbery of the people of the Phi lip - thefeet to having the paper dis-ontiaoed ifc ' - ...v. at the time of tj.yin.uZa of t bVir an ascription. PIna. AT the sole purpose. Of "the -T if nd. ,or oth'r I0" American policy 4n the archipelago.? we have concluded to dineominoe aub criptiona -only when n .luted to do ao. All persons paying This is tha kind of wholesale denuncia tion autMeribinf. or paying ia advance, will ,tM ,i,tv. MmliiM, ' have the benefit of the dollar rate. But U thev tIon- which men of iinntedrpoliticat ex- 1?" p,,LU !L ?k'! ,vJ' a er. liereafter we will send the paper to ie pontine persons who oiot HituxiRtt tbey may not aena tbe money, with tbe anaerstand- oogb tbey in that thT are to ba. fla a var. i ea ' iel t! mibacrlDtlon aceounl rna rzr .is .won. ha. Jo order hat there BtyWiio miw? otmuBaiay, we wiu seep iiu notice atacdingl at tbia place in the paper. - " i i CIRCULATION (SWORN) OVR 4000.) 1 "i' - STATE REPUBLICAN TICKET. Governor. ... . rr zr. 2 . . W. J. FUKN1SH, of Umatilla Cotinty. Supreme Judge. JV A.' BEAN, of Lane County. Secretary of Stat.' v F. L DUNBAR, of Clatsop County. 8tata Treasure. . , C. S. MOOR IS, of Klamath County. Supermtendent of Publie- Instruction, remark that chooJs are t being 'estab 3. H. Ackerman, of Multnomah County, llshed In the Philippines, that, taxes are Attorney GeneeaL kiTl$ oelng loweredt and that for the first A. M. CRAWFORD of Douglas County. ln the bt Ult ltjheMds oielr J. R. wiriTNETVflf linn !r!otintv ' U. S. Senator i 4 if T. T. OEER, of ' Marlon County FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT I WrXaai I . i :' i I THOMAS H. TONOUofiilIlsboro;l,'r10 ir..tbrtur or rob the i - I FlliDlos.They will refuse to admit thst I nlHW 5 SENATORIAL - DISTRICT 1 TICKET. t . ffM. IL liOBSON. of Stayton. MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN; ' v TICKET. S State Senator, v-. E. M. CROISAN, of Salenul 1 SQUIRE FARRAR, of Salem. ; Rspressntatlvsa. I 'M FRANK DA VET, of Salem. ' E. T. JUDD, of AumsvlU. , TIIOS. B. KAY, of Salem. A. M. XAFOL.LETT, Of Brooks, . J. D. SIMMONS, of Monitor. 8hrlff. ri- iV i-: JOHN F. STEIWER. Of Jefferson. Clsrk. - t JOHN W. ROLAND, of Salem. '.' .' Recorder.-; ; i '- JOHN C. SD2GMUND, of Gervais. Treasurer. ' ' ; . :t W. T RICHARDSON, of Stayton. " Cem miaaioner. r i i -: - "; : : Wit MILEY; ;of Aurora. - CHARLES LEMBCKE. of : Bnttevllle. - ' ' Surveyors ?.- Q,.j , -if BTRON B. IIERRICK JR, of Turner.1 . - . woroner. A. M. CLOUOH. of Salem. J Juatics of the Ptaesv j : - (Salem District) ; E. D. HORQAN.-of Salem No. L t i - - Constable. I , GEORGE H. IRWIN, of Satern No. i. THE 'PHILIPPINE DISCUSSION. ; The Republican rnetrtbers of Congrere were loath' to take up the discuaHon of the Philippine ques-tion and- wanted to up answ the oia fight over retention of the Wanda ' The Republicans ftnariy yleVled to the Insistence of the Demo crats and took up the question; to ""at lsfy their anxiety to debate It, ;and now It is not foundto be a very-bbuntiful source for. Democratic, campaign ma-teiUil.The-Itepublloans are giving them iuch a drubhin-g Irs debarte that the most of tham are wlihlhg they had left the subject alone, " Tillman la giving the Kepubifcan voters much good read ing in hia peeches In the Senate, which the Republicans are making use of to good advantage. The New York Pre. . dtscutfsing tfato feature Of the debate, says:: i : 4 .:f-.:.:X "Senator Tillman's' passionate argu ment for theretoratkn of aHtvery pro bably will not appear tn hie party's -Oongrs campaign text book, yet It la as oundly Democratic " aS anything that has been caid by the Southern ami. Imperialists. The defenee of. the sand cure for- negroes as on indictment of water-cure policy for Fttlipinoe to only a more blunt way of putting the Demo cratic argument which the party's shif ty oiJuTBcelore wa no approve, ;The primeval frankness of the champion of negro-burning makes r the leaue . too prominent, though it does ' preserve the'eonadsteney of demanding Vhe right to burn the black tnaa at the Hake in the "South, while dani ng the right to kUI the brown man In battle la ' the. East. But while the Democratic party may decline to teeue the -Tillman fren y In pamphlet form, the Republican m&tvigei e can taffcrd to stamp the speech officially an. eerat It broadcast as it own campaign documents No Other literature Is necessary. The He -pub?ica4i counsel tbjfn can let? thecase against the army go to the people with out any.deferw. ? y . , ; . ; ' . , "When ' analysed he Tillman tirade Is riurrd to be good Democratic got-pe!, which fa adopted xmfy because itjlg mrt the unwritten laws of conceal meut ard rcpreesion andnegltcts the firier shad-a of exptx trton. AC thp out at of the Cwppetfnetd- ampaign against the Army it wourd have cau-:ed dijgujst and hjrror, if it would not have inspired a denvtni for a commis sion. In lunacy for the. South Carolina Senator. Now, however, it falfe upon ears prttarrl nl tvnws duiied by pro. rreiMve sterns twward the shameful ex- In w hich j this queer creature J found indutgng'himvtitif. His colleague Rawlins, who rails a. gallant and hon oratI sol.Iicr like Chaffee a 'dastard villain,' on-1 hH coUe&frue Turner, who charged our anny conrmcuidera that bear thu brunt ef tbe 'white man's bur- crimes man mose wmcn rest lrrenace- aNy online names of Robespierre and Marat, had paved the way for Tinman. We are ready rtow for anything. THROUGH DISHONESTY OF AN- Senator ; Carmack, of , .,: Tennessee, "foams Eke a mountain ; cataract-. He I Perience and Utile abaity are lven to I Indulging In. It seems to them forcl- I We and effective. whereas? it to weak I t j.: . i. HwumusMevapusr, UKe indiscriminate prae, defeats 1U - . -iw 'iiwrricijiara. ! nom none are forthcomlBr the rtMii the fall flat. - Senator Carmack Is unable to frame a edflo lndtoltoient of the 'American poMcy fi the PMHppmea; and hence be aoerta Its sole object Is ptunder. irtassacre, t torture and 1 rob- I befy TbW Is not an Indictment of ls- ola ted acts of cruelty "or fcaitoarlsm whfcli have heen v committed In the Philippines. It la an indictment of the whole course of j t!he tverncnent io deailnsr "with the FHIpInosv ' No one would1 know from enartor ' Carmack's inhatftaa, being governed in ac cotvSance with the prlnciplee-ef justice and honeaty. The! policy which Is be ing curried 4ut' In the Philippines by the Administration, to the ht of U anUKv Am a rMf fWtr.n Let .r,rPAf A wvMit e.saw v4. r tsavu sg siyt vr cvi vi bythe Arlftertcahj pedide. Who have no e.- . tv v. reciay -tne purpoes or tnear poucy Chicago Tribune-1 THE NICARAGUA ROUTE. Senator Morgan has about convinced alt . the friends of : the Isthmian canal that the Nicaragua route la preferable to Panama. He has been untiring In his efforts and harf Khown conclusively the superjor advantages of the Nicar- guajway: in.-a speecn irr tne senate April l'tht he aM:f ; ;U---V, -;, "The propoartlbR to-, create a canal toy drawing. on the treasurys of the peo ple and, to Jocate It -where aaUtng. ships cinrvot use it, beoauae of the calm belt Into "which its Pacific terminus opetv thereby- depriving more tttan halt' the" tonnage1 of tlie Uoited Ktates of. all ad vantage from It, Is eimply monstrout, when, taken hy Itself v j ' Tt - Is grue'vousiy hri Just when it drives sailing ships "built , m errher coast from access o thef other, . j even arouna vape ti wn, in pronxoie , voy ages, ;.by giving to steamrhips the-4id- vantage of anore than 10,000 miles .in iltaim.t rr ;pae1ng to and from' the North Atlantfc and North, Pacific; and tby: Shutting them oft from eucb oppoT tumtty It Is unjust1 commercial men und ttr aJl producerr' and manu facturers' by deiftroying more thaft one hall1 the conntItlon between . water transportation and railroad transporta tion on corismodltiee 'that ftnd their in terchangeable markets on our rea coast, take Chores and gulf coast from Brtka around to Duhtth" ; GENERAL CHAFFEE EXPLAINS. 4. General Chaffee'wroto lnl letter of Instruction to one of his subordinates: I Mbtf 3JI the time thought that we do not mrelate the fact that we , are deaMng with-people wrhose character Is deceitful1, .who are absolutely hostile to the white race, and who' regard life as of little value, and, finally j who wilt not submit! to our control unitil ab eolutely defeated and whipped into such a condition. It Ss to our Interest to dis arm these people. -and to keep them dis armed., and e7n means to thai end is advlsabler"- -;.f, ' i The remarks olj General Chaffee testi fy to bis common sense. The Filipinos, being teas Intelligent than white people, continue their resistance after t has becoraa futile They; cease to r be . sol diers to beccme brigands. It Is neces sary, therefore, to glve te FlBpinosr a sharper tewsort than whHe men would need. They must be- 'wh!pped Into submiswion" even oa the Apaches were and a other Indlart tribes have been. General Chaffee has fought Indians. Hence It dd not tike him long to ap preciate the situation, in the Phillp ptnes, eepectaily In Samar. .-'. An antl-lmperiaiUt paper says of this instrucion that jt is aa order 'to ex ternykrUe" people because Uvey are deceittur-ha 4s, therwlll not dis close to invaders the places where th?y keep thefr rm.t rwl 4hat to th arm "Genera Chaffee says any means Is noniy admissible, but advisable. Of course, killing everything over ten Is one such means. General Chaffee, saya the paper, "may himself . be brought before a court-martial for giv ing such bloody Instructions. ; ' V i . IV must be Irritating Tor a,man who hae served ; his country weli during his whole life, and who s now patiently performing disagreeable duUes to the beet of his ability,, to fiud himself the Garget-f base innuendoes and unjunt aspereions and to rave, a construction given his plain words which they'do not bear. General Chaffee is helpless. He cannot reply to the fire in the rear of which he is the obJtct. perhaps he summons philoephy to bis aid and con solve hinrsvlf with tbe reflection that attacks do not count for much q king as -he has the approval of. his own corv ee i en ce a coniclenKe which is In quite as good working order as the ' tin sciences of his tra-facers. - , MR. FURNISH AT, HOME. An old soldier living in the Eastern part of Marion county heard the var ious Democratic slanders' about the general character f W. J. Furnish, Republican candkfaes for 'Governor,; so he'wTote to Hon. John S. Gurdane, of Umatilla, county, old "Honeat JohOi" about the iatter, and the; following anawer received by him til commended to tbe ; careful perusal of Statesman readers: I . ; ;. ; f :-i '. " f . ; f "Pendleton; Qre tMay eth. 1902, My Dear Old Friend: , I was. very much pleased this enomiag when I got your letter out Of . the postofflce- had thought some of writing to you upon 'the very oubject that you write about, that is, in regard to Mr. Furnish for Governor. - . ' , . rs i ; . "Now, George, I want to say tbat he is a very fine and worthy man and worthy of any min's support for Gov- . e ernor. x sir tms zrom personai ac quaintance with htn for several, yeara and having business with him. I know of several cases here . where he , has gone down Jn bis pocket and given men money to save their homes from being sold toy the sheriff, and In one case alone he gave John F. Hill, of Helix postofflce, in this county, $1500 to save bis borne and did not know , at that time that he would ever, get a cent back. Mr. Hill 1a a very strong Demo crat, but today he 1s riding the county working, for Mr. Furnish. . . j There la an ofd soWer here by the naime of Thomas E. James thafls send Ing out a story of something that Mr. Furnish said or that ; he clainrs that he said some years ago about the old soldiers. Now, 1 want to say to you that; I am a member of the Post, and as an old O. Ay. R. man I wM say that i oon - oeueve ne ever saia any sucn thing as; James has reported he said; cor Mr. furnish Is too much of a gen tleman to cnake remarks ; about bis worst enemyv ; - 4- ' - ": , i We expect to give, Mr. Furnish about 800 majority in this. county. The county is about 300 Republican; but we will get quite a Jot of Democrats for Mr- Furnish, and I ask you as a friend and an old comrade fo do' all you can In your power to elect Mr. Furnish, for I will give you my mord of honor you will never regret It, for I knowwhat I am taJklrrg about. It would be shame to elect a Democratic Governor of this state now and turn out all the Republicans from the offices In the state that the Governor has the ap pointing of, such as Superintendents of the. Penitentiary, .SoMiers- Home, and ' other positions . now held by the Republicans and have them re placed "by Democrats would make me sick at heart ' and also to have those Democrats working two i years from now against us to elect a Demo cratic President. 1 tell you, Mr. An dersonj I can ixrt crtand K; we nrust elect Mr. (Furnish. ' . - : ' feel Interested in this election, for you know that Oregon fires the first gun of all the Mates in elections, and if we can send .the gfad -tidings rolling back over the prairies' that Dregwi has again upheld, the Adinlnlstr, yon, and gone . Republican ft wIU 'be a saving grace to some jof the weak-kneed peo ple' in-the Eastern (states. :'v-'" ' ' ' Another' f rstance: of rMrAIu'-n'sh showing his blg-heartedness'was 'vwben Company D., Oregor Yoluteers." arrived In SantFYancisco frprrf the Philippines in 1900r i The weather Was very cold knd ) the- boys worei the Kthin ; ciotjhing that ; they had had; on ;in the Philip pines and-they had not beeh paid off so ould ; sot -get. any , warmer, clotbiqg: the, matter was reported tc-ft aC :Pen- dleton, ; as all our boys wefe Inrthat cornpany;as ; soon i as Mr, Furnlshr beard -of Jt - he went -to , the teiegrapn office end wtred for them to give the boys all the warm clothing they wished" and what they wanted to eat and send the bill to his bank. Now ueorRe. u you cannot vote for a man like that what do you want? : I "Your old Friend. ' y " ;jLJJOHN S. GURDANE.'! . ! "i - f MORE THAN. HALF LIE For a lie which is half the truth is- ever the greatest ofvliea t Since a lie which Is a a lie may b met aud fought outright. But a lie which is part a truth is a; k W. .A. Wann, candidate on the Dem ocratic ticket for Superintendent; of Public Instruction, has been making the statement in bis public speeches" that 140 books are needed in order to take a, child through the grammar gradas. n the public schools. He has been car rying about with him the list of books adopted by the School Commission, eg. gregatlng 140 different books, and hold ing up this long list and pointing toMt as the official evidence .to support his statement." - It Is true that "there are 140 books on the list. This 1s the truth that supports, the inference' which' he geeks to convey to the effect that a parent must-buy 140 , books In order to get one of his children through the gram? mar grades.,.'"-: -..." But witness the lie, which Is all a ne. -.V--' y. ; ONLY TWENTY OF THESE BOOKS ARE ACTUALLY USED IN THE GRAMMAR GRADES, or neces sary to be secured by the parent. The other .129 are for supplemental reading. Theyi raay be bought by - the district for the school library. They are never bought -by the parents. , - . ; Does Oregon want such a man for Superintendent of Public Instruct nT , Do, the voters. Republican r Dem- ocraticv intend to cast their ballots for a man who will use the truth that is more than half a lie, leaving the infer ence that if he were elected this whole thing, Wotild be corrected, and there would b fewer books tb buy? '. Wouldn't he be a fine man to elevate to that office? SEE HERE, MR CHAMBERLAIN! Mr. ChiUiiberiaJn makes some sort of a claim ' that the Oregon Constitution is being violated iq the paymnt of salary and f?es .to the State officers over and above the amounts specified in the Constitution. Nov,, a number of these acts were passed during th? administration of Governor Pennoyer, and abao w hile- Mr. Chamberlain; was Attorney General.'- Certainly the reg ular appropriation i bills ; carried ; tha items for all of them. ; There liave been 4 - it r. . .rtinMt ntWiori to sjdc Mr. Oh-mberlaln. if these laws areuncon- stitutlonal. why. as Attorney General, the legal advisor of the State pf Ore- gon, he did not take some steps to pre- ventfbis money from being drawn out of the Treasury In violation Constitution of the State ? , . ' of the There is a vast difference between Mr. Chamberialn, a public official, and Mr Chamberlain, .candidate for PUD lie office. It is as great an appeal as Ithe one from ,Phll1p drunk to Philln sober." ' - " The patrons .-of newspaper have', a right to the news as It Is, not as the trewHgatherers desire that It should be. It Is therefore a duty of newspapers to give the news without coloring put In . .nll'Oi. akIhIah, . nA Hiiro, nf thai puoucauon or us mnpr.. ui some of i v the newspapers , do- not do .' this In discussing the politi - nl AwWHtliinii nt h arlat. Pir.l.....!-. . 4hi. .t,jn nf Ik. (ialc't it.! riI . lUNu.y w. ..Mf- tne papers o ten tne iruwi, out yiruuiport the head of cneir ucttet joyany. upon the press the duty of making the chances of the party represented as rosy as it Is boeeiWe to paint them, ai - . . . tnougn tne rea situation oimnai aiw gtoomy rrom every pom or view x ne Democratic papers paint the mort rtvporlrur neww to their oartv of the ceriL-.-.- -k .ie k. ..m - t - --aa v a- - - tain success ot the candidate fof Gov- ernor. They tell how enthusiastically their man is received In every commun- ity, and In many Ineftances count the votes he maby the hundreds while ..1. f.M limn hi. rfval tf thl. r - " Democratic press could be relied upon there could remain no auettton or ! .ot.v. . . .... - , 11 . t n I r 1 1M . rnp .w. nor. From Murmoman. witn its Republican majority, to the emanest county in the state majorities are pre - dieted for their candidate with a cer- tainty caluated to cause absolute he - Hef. Republican papers are no better n their political news; they are almost unreliable as the Democratic papers. They make extravagant olalms for their candidates, which, u they, were reaiixeafc w-our3.eiecx tneir ticae ,-oy 25,0000 or 30,000 majority. The fact Is there I a normal Republican majority r in nnn in riintyAfi nnl nn1i tvaif iirn.I ' . . . - . .v,vv.. w,.-. - copdatlonsthat-Jvould be "the majority of the jcandidates on the state ticket and ft will be the maJortty of those candidates- upon whom there - is no flsht,'.- BtiVjiAerW 'f alonal fight ;on soroe part o ; tbe ticket. No one know to what extent this will be car- rled, ut reTiabie reports do not indl- cats ma w, u pwpime 101 ."l the ticket to je ereateo, aitpougn tne major ity of some-may be reduced sev- eral thousand, j There Is strong persiietent fight on Mr. Furnis Re- puiu bowuki - .nw , x, f their efforts to stOD es much of it as poesifcCe For to keep on contending that he la growing in strength and that his opponent Is losing ground is a posl tlve injury, to' him and unjust to. the public The chances are very much In u 'tr.,mihM fvrr K.ir (nP Tt.mih1. - w - - - .vr-w.. ana io ra ln TV ports that he. will easily w in out by J 15,000 1s doing him and his friends an I Injury which might Oe rounct out too I late. Republicans ehould rally to the j The evidence marsbaleft by Major Gar aupport of Mr. Furnish. He needs j jener seems to-Oamn the whole Army every effort that can be put forth In bis behatt. , , f . , - The following Is from, the Republican Trumpet, of ; Tracey, Minn, and is fair description of the Socialist, ,as I found in the Gopher state and else- where: , - I A reaV genuine full-fledged social-1 st IS a queer sort of a man. His gen- I OfraVeragen joying himself and feeling gatisfied . ". .. .. with conditions as they exist,; he is l constantly at war with himself and the I rest of mankind. No pleasure, no con- I. .trSfworram stantly worrying, lamenting and fault,- I flndlns. He ha no wunnv dava. no bright paths lined with flowers, and he never hears the sweet murmur of the brook, or lie soothing carol of the birds. Everything in nature is wrong. The very Government ' under whose protection he liyea moves and has hlsl,. '4 - , , . illlt' 8 king is rradlcalfy wrong, and be frets bout r poliUcal campaign,sn d pub- jThere and chafes under every law canculat- o meetlnge of all kinds, and will make I ed to make him happy and content- dd.; Is life worth living fur such dys-(will peptic, disgruntled, j woe-be gone cum- I berer of the earth? Look at him as he passes along, without a word or smile for those Ae meeta: A chronic kicker ever,, satlsfier never. , From all such deliver ua When an Eastern Oregon man was elected Governor, he came to Salem, invested a large amount of money, be- w - 1 suit, owns one 01 tne nnesx resiaences Lproperty. in our midst. When a Port land rrmn was elected -Governor and held the place for eight years, be tame to the State House for two days every week. lived on crackers' and cheese, j hardly ever saw the business part of I the city, and has not been In Salem- since he left the Governor" chair. The former ;wa a Republican, too, and the tatter was a Temocrat. Marlon county Republican voters can choose which of the twotbejr wish repeated now. Will tbey blindly duplicate the Pennoyer ex perience; or will they be guided by business common sense and Invite an other (Moody among us la the person of Mr. Furnish Tha registration of voters. in Marion county is more' thane W short of what it should be; Thl snortage, however. will not affect the relative stremrth of the. two oarttiea, a one will los? as many as the otHer. Republican should see that all who have registered shallr I come to the polls. Two year ago t I votewas short of the reglBtratton Jf I this ahtoukl occur again the voteyln the county www oe ra c vvm Sucl faJUn otC mlht Tnterl.lly lower some or tne majorruew. jitepuo ies, licans houM.for?: tbbrlrrg out their narty vote. This toin off year, when a lack Of lntei4sM tnaoifest all over the country Republicans anouia Keep the camrsvwarm from now on to Its I 30e: if they -do one of the moat de- j cfeive ylciories ever achieved here will I be theresutt. I George EL Chamberlain Ur a man of lplendd personal qualKles. Jie is a I pleasing speaker, a true- friend -and a j loyaj neighbor. But W pontics5 fan all I wrong, and however much a RepubW- j can may admire him personally be can- I not afford to vote an endorswnent to I the party he represents. The offiee he : . ii-i.- -. J kl. i eievatson to it woukj piace vregon is I the Democratic column, a distinction 1 the people of the fctat'e do not care to "T" 1 rr ' TewpiDH. . iiepuuBv. ..iwuw r I : z-y :, j i The Fuslonlsts down in Clackamas I have been charging that the county . . -rt. : i aeoi i two aunurcu ; iuuuiim i tars, - more or less, aji invrusuun I discloses the fact that the net indebt- a cumvds ,. sJ aiwtas assa-sa w lcxaat figures. $102,06 J.S4. And tbe in- vestlgation also discloses the fact that ltne sheriff has In his hands $27,826.20 and ht Treasurer, $25,S37,72 of funds apPucabte to te payment of outatand .: .' - ' ' .- r".- ling warrants, inere is no gooa reason w the-- funds should not be aDDlled. 1 JUre la a fajr BaiT,rje of reckless- . . . inesp or tne claims or men wne aspire to offlci M ,0,, candidates. j Marion county Republicans -have lnamed eight exceUent men for the Leg- 1 sUture A vote for them Is a vote for I a RepubMcan for U. &. Senator, one Jwbo believes In the policies of the par. ty ot expan8ion Mi protecUon. Not a rfnfJ,e objection could be offered to any one of these men. They are all right peraonajw But this is not the first qualification of a candidate for the Legislature, he must be rleht oolltl - - . I . .... . - I. icaiiy. The Republicans of the county j mt , irDDOrt of tne t., ..f,a o" t.i .i.L.ii.i-i 1. . j ,. The meelng Friday evening was; one jof the largest political gatherings' ever held in the history of BalenuT It shows conciuslveiy where the neonle of Ma- Irion county stand on the Issue before the people. They stand for theon tin- anc4f of the- Republicans in power in every Dranen of our sUte and National Government. They believe In the pol- , meg of tho , party and its leaders in ls.f ari muh m;-. IfYiday 'nfght showed that tbeyX will f ..n,,.. n' a iVi " I I Major Gardener's charge against American soldiers contain, rh hi.-feou w-.... . i' 1 ofr-viiivvi7ita a, ilea H. UVQ imJWKVT Jl m. II A" j I live in vanueiarta was forcibly taken for a smallpox hospital." and that, "s detachment of troon took avcar. rmm a peaceful citlsen of Dolores a pony.", of the Philllplnes. It is time now elth- er .to dead tustification or scuttle.-. New York Pre. The Democrats In? Congress' still re- fusle to fix the day for the close of the Philippine debate. They: refused again I yesterday tFriday). The .Nicaragua canal "bill is next on the calendar. Thev do not. wan to reach that. DOES HEPUBLICAN WANT TO VOTE TO HELP SUCH A POLICY? Vote iv n. ...k ......1.. . rssi.. viawu w "7 -. ' L The entire Republican ticket should Bd 11 WlU if .i.,., I aside for a few weeks and united act lion is taken In behalf of the Republic lean ticket- Frank Davey la a handy man to hare I - f . A JS . . . . . .a a ... aa, i la handy; man In the Legislature. He render this county and our state excellent service. j The regtetratkm is short. ; But thejartd the "baseball game between Fitver- vote wm not necessarily be ao. if Re-1 publicans will -work-from now on until I Ithe closing of the polls. Jane 24, for ; the largest majorities possible to give. Don't scuttle. ; Jtnd don't vote for sciKtle. Sband d straight and be I counted for loyalty to the flag. Not men, -but prmdples,. this year, gentle, men. - : ' s Isn't if about time for another propo- I Jit ton for motor line out of Salem?! One of these rtay one of thee .. wl:i Us auccesef uL Then there will be others. Irerident Roreveie j expects 'every Oregon Jlepifbiican.atD.do his duty th'.a year. PRINCJpeS. NOT MEN. THIS YEAR. GENTLKMEN , Fulton made a grat -ech at the Armory Friday evening He is a gwod J inaon Route runs Its own 'through orator awl discuses public questions Inldajthr train, with best acommditkri. an able and convincing manner. We muhi keep the campaign' warm from now on to election, day. Every Republican -should work for Che whole ticket, - , K i OP SIX WEEKS '' -f'j-. ; . ;r . ' - Beginning Monday. June 3 'win .h Sucted in one of the ronmi fif thr I'.iri land Dijsinrs CoHrse. rorner Park Jn,i jWashlRgton streets. If w::i be strut school of study, designed, to aid uar-ur to higher grades in the Augu rxar"ha Uon. . Further' particulars on arplicu ioa ; OPEN ALL THE YEAR The Portlarid Fastness CoHrse l orr-c i the year. Students may' enter at .m. time, for special branches, or a rrpif . course, and, receive, individual or c i. atrortlon, a preferred. Cali or fnd rn. I catalogue. Lea re what and bom we u-ch. A. P. Anailraag, LL. Prinrlpal. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. If not before that time it will cer- j lainly quit raining after the Fourth of I 4 Uiy. ; i Nebraska's volcano, near Tonca; Ti8 I been causing some alarm. Also , one J near LincoiBi j ;tA;. www - , Premium list for the State Fair i soon be ouL The State Prin ing ; i Office is waiting for "copy" for Hi m. I j o o I j If there is anyone who did not help 11" night, he will nave. a h.. e anernoon or evening. with the jpemocrats or prohls. . i 4 o e o I The fool killer is neglecting tit lu I V For Instance, there Is a .luiung mark in the person of a cartoonlat down the creek. - . . i fl- .,, O O : Tbey are still drilling for oil ever near Monmouth, out near Ashland. .in-J up in Malheur county, and perhaps at aiome other points. They will fin I it :l T.. - . . . some or mese. nne spring or sum ner I -' too, and then a bright, new J . wei I T m 09 a'x . vrcgon s ccuwn of The secretary has sent to the Bia- man a copy of the official cull for the I Mfth anual session of the nlternatlcal Mining Congresa cosnvenlng in the cjlty of Butte. Motana, September ' I at. J902, and continuing to and including lbs 6th. The secretary says. - I The citizens of Butte and. r.U'.tvof Montana are intensely IntereateJ in making this coming session of the f .n- gjress a great success, und believe ,that- the natural attractions with which they e-endowed, and the .magnificent op. rtunitles . they have of eatiffylut to an unlimited extent the dclre of V llllllw UIC11. lllf CD1UIB AS 11 ctrtlflc men. Investors and othcrr. lo I investigate foe themselves souve of ihe I greatest copper, gold and silver mines I if this country, and great mills an.P I stnelt.ers) :itt.aqtive operation, they are tt em ; in accomplishing this do.re., J There are of course, to l other at- I tjactionv such as excursions to tha I o 'ara anu a. trip fo Ana- ,rA 7?2?ZL1 ' "."I n me 5000 tons daily of cojijmt ore iak. ,' en from the Cutte mines. H.ui ac- raodations are everything thai -r.- can desire and there are enough f these, with -apartmnt houses, etc. to 1 commodate comfortably at-Wan 000 visitora" . r i . The Governor of states and ttni- tories are entitled to ha hie thirty i! I- tes to the Congrees. while mayors may name five, and one addition il Tr each "10,000 population or fru lion: 1 1 hereof ; and five may be n.imed by I efrn fining bureau, mining -xchai g. ramier- or ..commeroe, real .estate-ex I trkde and labor assembly or other com I merclal or business OrganiiS tipn- They' I WM' no. doubt have a great crowd und. a great time. THE FIREMAN'S PICNIC - - -, h.:.:- ' IMMENSE THRONG OF ViJJ PLE HERB ON SUNDAY. A GREAT SUCCESS. . bout 5000 people from all pail .f the state took advantage of the 'o rates on Sun-day to pay a visit' tor the Capital City and enjoy the fei!vIM uiion the occasion of the Rrotherh l oe 'Railroad Firemen at, the Fair Grounds. Four trains . of V naa.'r!Tr ches, one from each direction, v "re - lokded to theh- full canacitr. The Jtreets were literally thronge-l v ifh ople all day. who were viewing "ur autlful city from every roaosw'iie po Int. and standing room on "the r -"'.' csjrs was it premium, t. .. -..i ' There was a continual stream of rl- Hirs passing through the state Institu tion all day during visiting hours a; the buildings were thrown open for t hi: pcrasiortj and to say that the excur sonists? enioved thtnahfM would! be putting It mild. ' . J Snl . . were numerous attraction at Fairgrounds to entertain the visit or), such as foot races, bicycle race. motor-Cycle races. , baseball, etc. whl-h wre" ery much enjoyed, eapecially fhe root or -cycle race which was some what nf. n nnv.ltv .n,i tmt f-cHtlna-. ton and Eugene teams, which termin atf " row during the fourth Inning ! th( exrore at that stage of th game- btjlng 6 to t In' favor of HilVerton, "It bt to be expected that, among such a large throng of peo!e.' out for pi-- ue, there is a certain percentage 01 the nmrhrr element but. .be it said to tbe rrortrt of the eonle wh. vi."lled tbtia citr Suwlay. although sevral had Injixiiged too freely In the flawing bowl. 'Were was. only one arrest made for b-ilslerous conduct and everything pa.iied.ofr as smoothly as couH be ex- Peeled. , X. t3J r ZS. 7. -tr. . i l!a SA jn 3n Lnr; utt LOW RATES EAST. 1 1 1 1 be Burlirgton lloute Is 'making sj)eciauy low rate or tare 10 an lilirtarrl return. If you esp-l to taae a Itrlp write f(r trtk-ulars. Tne Bur- l miickest time ami ehofre of routes. I II. W. FOSTER. Tirket Agent, Corner Third and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon. Iegal Blanks; Statesman Job OfJJcr. Legal Blanks; Statesman woo wwvw Xgsafsr I sf . .