Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, May 20, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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A Ringing Address by One cf
Oregon's ha vonte
V V. i V-,?-, V fyr) vV '? '
- : V ' V-'-V
. i kV v 4 ' -.
- At the rally, in theVArmory, . Irrt
night, Hon. C, WV Fulton; dell verefl the
principal addrts on the Issues of ,:h
fir. Fulton s Address.
Mr. Fulton ' n" bpnfn; ' hi address,
" railed attention to .the importance of
the 4ectJoiK Involving, a It did, Na
tlonal isue,i ar two Member of Con
, grrwi have to be clecrtcrtl. and the. Legis
Isture to be chokers most name a Unit
ed States Senator. II then- took - up
th matter of thv former political alli
ance of Mr.' I Famh. a red t explained
why that gentlenTanTiad wm a Re
publican:. ComUnuing. lie a3 tn part:
' - "I well remember whew It -wait suffi
cient to say of one that he fought un
Vr the shadow ' of the, tar and
Stripes ntae battle field, of AotU-tam;
of another that h was one of that
grand dHislon of heroes -who- stood- at
the Woody angle1 In defensre' of the life
f this Nation. In that wful battle of
Get pyriburg where patriotism and death
' walked fiant ire.hand.-- We d-5d hot a -k
of such a oW how Ion he had been "a
. republican, of we- believed then, a we
v ' betteVenow, thaf th odge ofpatriot-i
lam admit alA unqueettonedt Into -the
TanM f-ihe Rerubllni ' ;And were
one to eomei today of wrWrf ' It, could
' ' be tiruih fully said thai ' he ' war one of
. that, teinorta. .band whov carried 1 the
Strip Up th ' er 'and
i rorky artde of San Jua if' hill ; till f he sum
- m was seated1 and the victory won. 1
. think: we woul(J iot aak him how lonf
he had been a Republican.;!'- )f M
" ; "Hiit.' my friends,- there were patri-
' ota ajrJ heroer in 1898, aa ;well as In
vlgSO; In 1898 a wcftl a in 1900.' When'
rthe tide of Populism awd false theorleH
were mounting; higher atrwS ever htgrher,
threatening 4o engulf in ruin our txvlus-t
trSsa and our bus4nes&, the aavincs; of
the poor and the accumulations of the
frugal the honor and srootf ui me of A
Nation, there were 'men who had the
courage am manlttjod and -patrtotlimi
to rise above party linen and go to ih-e
Tescue of their courotry, tuld."ftot the
r last of thej Inr Oregon was 'Wlillam J.
Furnish. ! .,.,.
'1 eanr.ot think that any honor too
gras for these rien. On the contrary
J I believe" that the ftepu&Hcan Tarty haJ
honored itself, In naming1 one of them
for the harhet ftatie office. In. the gift
: of our, peopW.and that our atata will do
credSt to the wisdom AJtd Justice of ouf
pear'- by electing Jvlm. , , Ye,- we are
'- ;got?vr to 4ect him by an-j over whelming
' majority, and his election, will be a,Jut
and fitting tntfmte o-the herolamTand
- patrtotlim of that splendid body of men
, ,thelr country
We ara rroud of oaf
- A ' rajft'ciate
urbudrof hU jrolendld. stot-
character avI recognlxed - ability.
;Xposltlon he baa secured far himself
lrcJ U-slnes and political life' U
tbi moat rled- tribute Hour IntW
. tutloru ansl form of Government. Jt. I
a varnabVe lesson' and: an incentive to
lnyouth..oC ouktaad'vv-, a." 5
, Ha toolc up th TbuLlUfbM thi-history,
of tthe two big poOltloal. partlei, and
hfni-etf ha,t Repybllcan control -had
r always 'beerti followed by great prbi
pertty, ffhbwlng JctaII the great
change for the better since the election
of Win, MoKlnler. to the Presidency
in l!m, and continued:
"Sueh lauhe record of thfe Republican
party; two words Will describe it pros
perity. progress.4- To have ried H foe
a ttii rl of a century, and during alt
that time It gave -you prosperity and
progress, 'with wkdemng developnT?n
of our re.iourcee, with.- Increasing val
u? to our producM and -with increasing
wage for the employed. You have alJd
trtetf the IwnocCtic party- .You have
plactvl It in control of Congress and
gave it the i Presidency. They wove
thi-tr 5K'ti5nis Into ieglslatlon. Im
.mNHatiy every toduatry wa paraiis-4
ed, while' ever? branch of .trade and
romerce berame siagnant and still.
Thea the Uepuiblican, party again cam
into, power, i a nd; -wit b it came, hope
and iconfldtnee and new life an4.pro
p"ritiy. Do you want to abandon thea-af
If o vote the Democratic ticket."
Ppeaktng of the Democratlo party be
dtucuVatiHi the continuous, failures and,
said) :.. ': r--. :
' But what Is now offered. , by th
.Democratic party that It baa .not offer
' ed before? j Wa8 new excuses- haa thla
Party of bunco- and bankruptcy, to offer
in order to tempt . you. once again to
trust It with the destinies of your Stats
ani,Natlon? ' Does ifr-profcaa and new
light? None at alK -positively nothing.
It iithe am oid party, Unwafched and
unrepentant . '-It do not come, as it
should, f 'y ; - -'?', ' " - . ;'
.Owning its weakness, its evil bebavtor.
And leaving ,w1tb tneekncaa it sin to
-' - its savior,"' . - ' :
"Bui U 0ornc in 1 old wfeked gar
iments. comes v trippingly,' ' tninclngty.
waitxlng aki)g as if it had .always had
the confidence cf decent, anU revpect
ftble society; jas If It t:vtr In all ltf
history ruined pTospcrtty, drtroed an
industry or, betrayed a confldiug pub"!tsi
'Does ft say t bad It hAS aibanard
Ik. , . n(
evil associates or renounced any 01 1
- I
itts former dortrines, bich r.sut n
mich suffering to our people? Not on
wt a sineie one. kt It ttlll stand
free silver and freeU ale..True. It does
H In this state put this, forward as
cardinal doctrine, but fct inalt'es no pre
tense of ha1n dtscai ded either."'
He then took up the ate. njaancwi. I
ssf dSscussed by Mr.: V amberialn :t n
, the-irtutrtp, showing tbaunf lirnes of
the srtatemenu made and ahowed the ;
mrfiW Ui rKamUriii.i Attorrwv
General and Dtetrtct Attorney, and the
alary drawn by bim."T He thtn took nji
tne Question of the truUts, anl ..u -n
part: -' . )
. 'Mr.. Chamberlain chaiges in hL .
speech that rta Republican party has'
foBtfred the trusts." He doesi not po.nl
out a single instance where he Re
publican party has favored trusts ex
cepting that in a general way be charge
es that the Republican protective tariff
buiMs no nO footers trusts. He cmys
that the. Hepabilioaa party has adopted1
no h'giKlative masHiref to do away
with trusts. Now, let ma ee Iow cor
rect btf"la in thia snatement. f ,
; "In. t-b fiTKfc t:sace, It nt tree.' in
my judgment, that the protective" tariff
baa corur-buted) one particle to build
insr up of trusts One of the gwwU-.it'
trust that we have Is the Standard Oil
trut an-1 you alt know that there la no
tariff ion petroleum. I am opposed to
the trusts.. I believe they should, be
prohibited. The Republican party hsas
declared against them, and It may be
that a reduction of tariff should be
madie on vme artlclea thajt ? ar . In
trusts, but I- do xx?l brieve for a single
moment Iha-V the removal of duty on
any article controlled by; the irusts win
aeatroy the trust. It, will take more
than tariff legislation to aceompttsii tnat
AjtkJ thl tHng us to the proportion
of Mr ,(rham2eTJainr that the liepubli
cajijarty hait done nmMng to legit
tote agalnt tru:a. I L-t u.s nee. -A
eariy-as 1890 the Republican party en
actod wbaf is known as th Bhermart
ami-trujt taw. The Pemocratar were In,
power thereafter, haying both Con
greas and the PreaMency and made no
attempt whatever? to add to or In any
way change that law: but no cooner
had tha Republican party come nto
power fgalp than the Democratic party
discovered thai ome additional legisw
latlon was heaesnrary In order to control
the trust.. Ifc aW dlscovered that the
trudts were founded upon state corpor
ation lawn, and that under the present
federal Constitution Congress ha no
power to pTohJblti or dllve these
trusts onranlied " urttta Mate laws.
Therefore the Keputdicanr party In Con
gress offered a solution proposing to
ameml the Federal Constitution so as
to give congres power to. reguftate, con
trol, prohibit and diseoive trusts ' and
monopolies of every character,'-whether
existing Irs the form of a corporation
under the state Jaws- or otherwise
; ,'VNow, you woulVd naturally suppose
that every, peraon, 1 whoi W really. . and
earnestly opposed to trusta wouhX favor
such a proposition would you not? And
yet it Is true that' every Democrat in
Congress voted against the proposition,
voted Agafansti 'amending : the Constitu
tion so as to give Congress that power;
And yet they;ajr - that ?the Republican
party stand a representative et trutt
ana rfusat o. legislate aaalnst thrusts
when? It. is enacted by 'the Legislature
that 'Censrrees! ' Itisr power fi to ; enact
against -trusts. And today several of
the greatest trust are-'being proeecuted
by direction t the Republican Presl
dent under lawsenacUd by the Iiepub-
lican. Congref s." ) :" i
- In ringing worvM Mr. Fulton appeakd
t6 the Republicans tp stand by tho cd-
mlnisiration In its Philippine 'policy.
stnd he sharply called the Democrats." to
account for their policy of scuttle unJ
the! coaarxxly assaults made' on the Am
erican Army, which, under difficulties,
was supporting the Aag in the far-off
Oriental poasessionn of the country.
The county commslsioners court re-
convened In adjourned "session yesterJ
day, to dlsposeTori-several mattersr of
minor Importance and mdre" especially
to renalr in a body to v the roclc' pit
south of this city to observe and Inspect'
the operaitlons of the new rock crush
ing machine which is stationed at that
place, but on account ' of - the. failure
of a representative of the Portland firm
of "Whom Itrwas -purchased, to appear
(and put It iijf operation, inr accordance
With- the terms of the contract, the mat
ter was postpoded .Indeflnitely.. .v,
, The court ordered, on petition, that a
re-survey be made of the west por
tion of . the Sidney-Buena, rVista road
.An appropriation of 120 Was made to
ward the improvement of tne-SUverton
road, near the Frank Blackerby place,
providing. howeTer, the people benefit
ted thereby ; will contribute enough
money and labor to complete the work.
The court adjourned until Monday
morning at 10 o'clock.
The' Dickson Placer Mining Compan
filed articles of incorporation with the
Secretary of State yesterday, Ihe ob-
jectsof which are to engage In the
mining 'and milling of placer gold ores.
The principal office and place of busi
ness Isj In Baker City. The capital
stock is fixed at $1,000,000. and the In
corporators are . James W. Bonta, J.
Dantel Eby and Chas. O. Mayliew. (
The. jOregon Electrical : A'o'at'on
also filed its articles proposing to en
gage ; Jin the 4 manufacture, im
portation, and sale of U electrical
supplies . and :. id do a , general
contracting business pertaining to elec-
The headquarters are at Port-
land and the capita! stock of $1090 IS
divided Into shares of $100 each. Ed.
Cannon. R. W. 1 Wilbur and H. W.
Hogue inre the Incorporators:
One gmall bottle of Hall's Great Dls
cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, removes srravel. ' cures cia
betes, seminal emissions, weak and
lame backs, rheumatism and ail ir
regularities of the kidneys ar d bladder
In both men and women, regulate
bladder trouble in children. If not
old by your druggltt. will be sent by
r - .Malt tVA.
mlu on receipt 01 -
,. . , . -., . a iti
." Tas abov. meUone- Pr
T.,etM T rTr. oi
Box- 29. St, Louis. Mo. Send for testi
moniala, Sold ty all druggUUand at
OH. 8.-C STONE'S drug stores, Sa
lem, Orego. :
Bandon, Ore., Dec t, 190L :
Dr. E. W; HalL St. Louis, Mo. Dear
Sir: I have used your Texas .Wonder
tnr ktnev and Theumatlo trouoie.
tt effects are 'wonderful. 1 'It tra no
equal and I an " cheerfully reeom-
mend It. Tours truiy.
,irju:i:3 i;n
: Hon. John M. Watson, of Turner, was
a.i1mti kutdness visitor yesterday, re-
turning home on the li a. jn. , train.
Splendid' Success Attained by
the Great Produc-
. tion
The May Festival, given at Corvallls,
Tuesday, Wednesday and. Thursday
evenings of last '.week, was the fourth
anniversary of the organization of the
Willamette Valley ChoraIvUnlon.' The
first festival, at Eugene was a, suoceas
and each succeeding year haa shown
an increased interesa and success. The
first program was given by the Port
land Symphony Orcbertra,, with, solo
numbers by Mrs: Rose Bkx-h-Hauer o
prano, and Mr. Arthur Fraxer, pianist.
The principal orchestra nurrtber was
great symphonyt by Beethoven. y- : i
The second night was devoted " to
MemffeJssohn's "Ilytnn of Praise", and
Stabat Mater." The chorus numbered
ISO. ; of whom 120 were Corvallls sing
era The orchestra confuted of thirty
six numbers, of the Portland Symphony
Orchestra, two from tho Spokane Sym
phony Orchestra, andi two from Salem
Mi&s LeJo NlckUa and Mr. Le Roy
Gesner. .Each; of the a-orks presented
corrtaini ten numbers, and noi number
waK omitted. The "Hymn of! Praise"
was composed in IMOj for the fourth
centennial Celebration of ; the dfacovery
of the art of printing . Five numbers
are Written for the chorus ilonc, two
for tenor, one f oh, soprano and tenor,
one for soprano 7ahd -chorus, and one
for, t,wo sopranott and chorus. Mrsv
RdsevBttochi-Bauer, Mra Walter Reed
and M. W. H. Boyer suataJned the soo
parts not)! y, while -the ttvtlre aggrega
tion1 of soloists, chorus and7rcheetra
wis. held together well by the bStbhf
Mr. W.f Gilford NasJt The'Stabai
Mater" contains but four chorus.. In
eluding the celebrated "Inflammatus,"
for soprano, and chorus- ; The tenor.
alto aind (bass are each given a solo.
the remaining three nunvberi a duet for
the lady sololstis, and two quartets.
The mus'lc is brilliantalmost operatic.
and eases chorus and! orchestra, to the
utmost. Ire this Work. Mr. I. Glen
was addedr to the llstof soloists, and
hia tinging, was " refitrcd and , artistic;
t?omo of the choruses were really thrill.
Irrsr and the audience showed great Inj
ti reiH and appreciation. , : '
Th-J Messiah, oh Thursday, night.' pro
vicitxl a great: amount tof singing, for
all the soloists, and the chorus as well
Of . the , twenty rt wo. choruses In ,tb
wofk hfteen were sung-.' The Messiah
is so1 long- that it is never- given entire1,
the usual number of choruses given be
ing lests than at this Feeilval. , Trva pr-
fornrance ol eyery, trumber waa wortliy
or eepeaai . mention, anxx tne genera
verdict was a noble "work nobly donelf
Mrs. Walter Reed was obliged to res
pond to. ant encore' after singing ?He
Was Despised." - The audience nun
bered 1200, land everyone of. them must
have felt that "it was good to be there.?
A plan Is Under tnRferation," which
will next year give tmt-crtiee an even
ing of oratioiM with ie Portland Sym
phony Orchestra.; 'The-May Festival
will be held In Eugene tn 1903. Mr. I. M.
Glen was elected president; Miss Yoran
secretary, I (both of Eugene), and vice-
president wae elected for Salem.' Al
bany andtCorvaUi The Salem vfeef
president Is Mr. Scott' Bosorth; and he
securing si grand production tit Ora
torio with this superb orchestra next
A Surprise Priyt ,,, ,
On last Thursday evening the pleas
ant home of Mr. and Mrs. E.fC.
Churchill rwas Invaded by a Jolly party
of boys and girht.'They were friends of
the young daugbter.'lllss Matbel, who,
though taken completely by surprise,
acted the part of hostess in a credita
ble .maimer. -'.' ')' : (
The evening ' was spent Jn music,
games and - story tktlllng.? About 1 $
o'clock all marched to the dining- room
where a table had been tastily arranged
by Mrs. Churchta and well filled with
tempting wiande. And the rapkllty with
which the burdened taible was relieved,
was convincing proof-of tfrtr excellent
quality of the food and the JieaWhy ap
petites of the children. , Soon after this
part of the program was completed all
retired tot their several homes to enjoy
peaceful sleep or perhaps., to dream
of wagon Joadjs of sandwiches, cake
oranges, well mixed with icsnonade.
Tbeova present! were tlvs Misses Mary 4
Plgier. Minnie and Frances Wllllamsi.
Mary and-Lldla Fischer, Anna Qraber,
Malhel Churchill and Masters Carl
Veatchv Clyde Btege, Walter and Ekton
Churchill. .
( An. Annivsrsaryi
Silver Bell Circle. 'Women of Wood
craft, celebrated the fifth anniversary
of its organisation on Friday night,
with a splendid program. .- An address
by Prof. I W. C. Ilawley, and a ftumber
of ifterary srrd mwical selections were
mttch enjoyed, and the program was
followed ! by serving delicious refresh
ments. The celebration occurred In the
Woodman halls In the Holman' bund
ing, and jthe two rarge halts were beau
tifully and tastefully decorated for the
occasion, with Ivy, evergreens, flower.
and ribbons In the coiorv of the ordy.
It was an'evetit long to be remembered
by afil lit attendance. ..v'-'-i
thuse; cases . heard before
In the Supreme Court yesterday three
cases were heard on motion and tak
e n under advisement and minor crdt-rs
a-ere made in the other caseaVai fol
lows: .'tX v V: ;: : -V;- '..
New Zealand Insurance Cowltespond-
rnt, vs.,. E. C. Smith, et aL. appellants,
argued and slbmltted , on motion . to
dismiss; on .: motion o complete the
transcript; motion for leave to supply
an Indea to the abstract and for thirty
$15,000.00 worth of shoes to bo soltj regardless of cost 'lis
the biggest event, next io giving away this vast stock of shoes.
Genuine Bargains in Low
Shoes. !
75 pairs Laxlles' Juliets, slippers and Oxford, Iff f
S2.50 A t3 values, lonor as thev last- dumnnrioe li v
' ; ; w "
204 pairs ladles' assorted styles, flue Vic! Kid
12 to $3.50 values, dump, price , .........
153 pairs ladles Vict Kid Oxfords,' better as
sortment f2 and $3.60 values, dump price
185 pairs ladies' Vici Kid Oxford, betterslzos
$2.50 to $4.00 values, dump price
Everybody Astonished
... ....... ........ : , t ( ... .
2G9 pairs ladies' Vici Kid shoes, odds and ends and
broken .sizes, . f2.50 to 4.00 values dump fr
319 pairs ladles Vici Kid, cloth and kid top.turnORp
and welt soles. 12.50 and S4 values. orice oJv
. , y .----Tf7- -
,210 pairs ladies' shoes, kid and cloth, turn and
welt soles, $2,501 to 5 values, dump
412 pairs ladies kid shoes, better
and kid top, $3,00 to 5:00 Values,
303 pairs; ladies ld' shoes, better sizes rand Cf.QO
widths, $3 to 5.00 values, dump price 5
211 pairs ladies' vici kid shoes, good-sizes, kid
cloth 'top, turn and welt soles,
valuew, dump price
. 197 pairs ladies' vici kid lace and button' shoes, kid
, and cloth top, turn and welt soles, 1 to 6.00 f 50
Values, dump price..
I t is a waste of ink to tell you any more of our marvelous bar
gains, come and seQ them. "; v vv; '.:
All goods fitted at the store if desirpd. No exchange or money
refunded, owing to great values given and broken sizes.
!. j .ik A ' 1 - .
days time to file an additional abstract
and brief in behalf of respondent.
X' II. G. Wright, "respondent," vsLlfary
A. Ramp, a ppellaht, argued and Mbmlt
ted on: motion for restitution of money
collected before reversal" and legal In
terest thereon from January. C.F,
Mai lin.'attprhey for the respondent.
C.; H. Abernathy, 'et aL, respondents)
vs. Trt Orton. appellants; argued arid
submitted on motion to dismiss and on
appellants' motion for rule on Clerk ta
send up testimony 'and exhibits
' .id A. Launey, respondent, va Henry,
V. Sterling, appellant, ordered that thef
respondents timeto serve and file bis
brief herein be extended fifteen days.
State of Oregon, respondent, vaBrad
Iey Durphy, appellant, ordered on mo
tion that appellant have fifteen days
to serve and file Iris brief. ,
B. B. Simon, respondent, vs. W. B.
Clarke, et id., appellant; ordered that
Clarke, appellant, ordered on' stlpula
tion that O. P. Coshow tiave leave to
withdraw the record Including the evi
dence In this cause for use In the re
trial thereof. . ,1
II. Wallenburg, administrator, res
pondent, vs. J. F. Rose, appellant, or
dered on stipulation that : appellants
have until June 12, 1902. jo file a p-ti- ;
tlon for rehearing. - t;
R. S. Buckman respondent, vs. Wm, j
Ormond, appellant; oraerea tnat ne
have until Jane 10, 1902, to complete
the transcript by adding thereto the
bill of exceptions. . .? .
R. S. Ruckman. respondent, vs. Im?
bier Lumber C, appellants, ordered
on motion of appellant that he have
until June 10. 102, to complete the
transcript by adding thereto the blU of
exceptions. . .
fTcn deeds were" filed for rtcord In the
Marion county recorder's office yester
day aggregating a total consideration
of $?6S3W as follows:
J. J. Cosart and wife to Hettle A.
: Reynold. , tract of land In Sunny-
side Fruit Farm, No. 6, w d,. $200(1
Hat tie A. Reynolds and husband '
. to Herman ; Kopaske and wife, f .
tract of. land In Sucnyslde Fruit
Farm, Nd.TS, w A......
W T. Gray et ux, to Jennie G.
Kyle. BOxtS feet In block NO. tt,
of Slem. q c 4
W. J.-IIttchman and wife to Mrs.
A. E. Smith, 29.41 acres Intli,
r 1 Ii w, w d. ..................
E. O. Canfield. et aL. to IL G. Rob-
bins snd wife. 3.tl acres In t S,
. s. r, 1 w. w d.. ...... ..........
R. Koehfer, trustee, and wife to J.
W. Ransom, lots- 1, 2, t and' 4,
. block 9; of Turner, w d........
! Angle Hay to R. T. Ray, 80 acres
in tf s, s, r z w, w a
P. M. Gray to Jennie G. Kyle, SOx
-100 feet In block 2L.of Salem.
' Jennie O. Kyle to W. T- Gray, at
al. 25x50 feet In block 21. of Sa
lem, q c d......
ii ii
, rm
y and kid top,
dutnp price
lr5 pair baby
dunip prk
.sizes, clot 1 1
- 3" to 8 "5c and
ifiT ifairs cinireii
t'l ll,
wiidth, $1.-5
$3 to 6.00
2000, pairs men's
fUR goods'
1 -
H . -
" . pur prices will suit your ock
etboolc.- rry Goods at the very low
est pj-ices fcjhoes that combine per,
foction of fit and finish with rcasor
nblclicss of ' price. : New gttotls ar
r.ving otiily in our -Millinery ..De
turttnent. i
us and
.that 3011 r(t
ey,f worth
Greenbapm 's
- Next Door
All our carpets are
U '
' 1' ' ;: . . , : -
a3 Iiave stood the test 'of time. I
y :;.V !:;i.;:v:S';J: :
See the New Patterns Just Received.
ilot Stuff in Men's Shoes
108 iair men's French calf and CordovauweU Rflr
soles, small stzes narrow widths, dump pricewl U 1
321 pairs men's 8tacy Adams lace and rrnirrcM cor
dovan and French calf, $4 to 6.00 7rt r f A C
values, dump price Jw v
401 pairs men's mixed lot, black aud tan, alns cloth
fl to 6.00 values, en Cl.50 t
'sssa. . - II
217 jwiirs men's heavy work Ins slues, buckle 1,35
and lace, 2 to 2.50 values, dump prlce......
609 pairs men's calf lace shoes, all styles and -VI 5Qf
sizes, $2 to 3.00 values, dump price !
Ve Never Forget the Little
! Ones'
lints, lncc arid button. 7"k valu nA P
........ "Jw
palrx -ltiIlren'n kid hIiocm, biiu-k nudtaii, i7.cs!
1JJ0 vnlus, dump prlce...;
vjcl kid sl. lace nnd button.
K'hwI si.rf, K , and Kri
vf Sc
value, dump prli-e....
I c . .... . J
97 pnirs m!sss' idjoH, odd and -ndi cloth CSsThfc
kid top, f 2 and jt&0 values, duiup prlcw vs
ioi tirs boys' tan and black lace shoes, J2 to CI.QO
2.50 values, dump prlce.
nice fine shoes, dump
'.t.' .'.I: - V
303 Ccnnierclal
Street -0pp.
pcstolfice :
will salt your taste.
be convinced
your nion-
at : : : : : :
Dry Goods Store
to tht Pv&totf Ice
Are responsible for the Hnd of
carptt they sell. We feel that we
must fortify ourstlves in order to
bear thb responsibility, by only
dealing in reliable fabnes.
standard makes, suclr
ft ' : ' '