V AS:STAPLLrSIMI&!T... Our cut gla?s U a staple as sunlight. It is as genuine and trae of worth as the rays' of UlJ Sol himself, ami j rparkles scarcely less brillian'ly.t The assortment is most V largt,"the prices very lov and visitors al ways welcome. We havejust unpacked a new shipment of beautiful cut SALEM VILL ; GREET THEM r j I : CCUSRATC9 U rei .B art's Je welty Store Corner State and liberty Streets. Leaders la lew Prices THE -MARKETS. SmNEIt'S lfARKBT. -Cjjlekens 10 rent per pound, i Spring chickens 12,i to 15c, i Egg 13; canh. THE MARKETS. . . IOIi.TLAND, Ore.. May 15. Wheat Walla Waiia, 6Co; lltuHem. 6e. Tacoma, Warts., May 15. Wheat ' rsuu-w.m, CR'-j ciub. esj , s Liverpool, May IS. 'Wheats 1 3-d. WBALE BRINGS SUIT ASICS TOR AN ACCOUNTING -WITH ; RECEIVER IF THB -GILBERT BROS. BANK. rJuly.. . San Kranci-t.o, Cah, $1 12. May .15. AVheat- Chirago, May; "15. Wheat,--Jtiy, 0J-'-nlng. ",(t7lVHf; trAiK.1xjZr. Itar-(l.-y.-fiSTj:. ' Kllix, Northwetersi. THE: MARKETS. The IncaT. ma rhf-t- quotation!- yester- -.1 la v w re :as follows: Wh1-W rent. O.ns Nominil at $1.10 pr .. rnfa!.'. Ji:sy -Cheat, $8; clover, $( $7; tH-4-tfoney acoomjdjition; HKesiary to run $2.70 to 4.y, $!?$ 10; wb"?r.-$&; Flour 75 ti fef.rp- per facte; $3 w?r barrfl. ! , - - Feed Brah; $17.60; shorts, $19.04; Putter 12.tsc pes, lb (buying); tri-anvry. 17VsC-- - . Egg 1336c -adi.- ,' -ir J Jhlcfcen!!-l wnts per pound. . ' Spring chickens 1 214 to l&o. ... Pork---Gross, . ; Sf iJ'c ;f dressed, 6 CVi cnts. Reef-Steer. "314 C 414 c; tows, 3jc; good heifers, 4c; ' Mutton Sheep. 'i-3V4o, -on ' foot. a Veal CB'Oc drtssed. 11 j! I'oiato!- ic tr bushel. ' " . Wool 12ai3e. - Molralr 23 cfttvtsv ... , C. A. Whale. Jby his attorneys. IL G. Bigger and .Henry St. Raynr, yester day filed an action in the second de pulHnvnt of the State Circuit! Court against Claud Gateh, receiver of A. 1. GUUirt,et-at, for the -purpose oflaeeur? Ing An accounitlns with the. defendant; for Judgment for the uin , of $119.77; for an order and decree; cantoning plaint lft'n note, satisfyins the mortgage in security for aald note, and xorian or der relieving the plaintiff from further performing a contract entered Into with A. T. tJilbrt for selling rhusical IriMtruments. and to authorize him to VlHlv-r to the defendant all the piano and organs re maining m the plaintiff's lM4Ke!i.on. Ther pla-intiHLallege yhat he waj,engaKed-4n thlej aln of plaqos ami organ In the state of Oregon and Washington under a : parol iontract withiilbrt Bros., Under said: contract Gilbert liro.. it was alleged, were to allow, the plaintiff at all tirpt-a sufficient E 6 CO. Buyers and Shippers of GRAIN Dealer In Hop Growers' Supp res- - Warehoui"s at i - rn-rrNKrr. mact.kay. I'UATUM. ! . BIUfoKP. : I1AW. , SALKM. BWITZKRUND. ilALSKY, KUaSJlEVVROYAI..' FLO Oil. J. 0., GRAHAM, Manager S07 Commercial Kt:, Salem. O jCX. m CZ -tC A . . Bn ti t tiii v,a llaw Mwars Baa$f and -ofM-cate his busin-s, -and that in ciisld.r.-i,iHi theceut. the plaintiff was to sttl -A-l and every Instrument at hut own fintnse. cUher fort cash "or on time at hl option! yhen a iwle waif made the plaifttiu was to account for the . aume'-tu Gilbert Jlroa. awl to pay the latteronall pianos so sxnd, 30 ier cent and on- all organs 3G per cent In addition to: the first cost. That Gilbert Bros, were tp receive in lieu of cash fclrpmnjisaory notes taken by the plain tiff, on .sale of said Instruments, at thiirfacfi' and in case tlka amounts of thenot were In exefaa of said Burn due Gilbert BroH., under the contract. Lthjjt the plaintiff was to receive in "ash iin bucu evt: uHfU urn vrjj ui ine notes The nuttS, It was alleged, were to be taken on their fuee, payable to thefi-derbf the plaintiff, but 'the plain tiff was not to be"h?rd habit but that the Gilbert Bros. Bank wra ti look on the instruments sold on raid notes, as collateral.'. The plaintiff alleged that the court authorised the" plaintiff to ed'nttnue the sale of the instruments remaining Ion his hands numbering fourteen pianos and twenty -Are organs upon the Same Unns as -his contract with A. T. Gilbert. That the defendant cainninto iosession of a ct-Vtalit prom issiry nofe made by trie plaintiff for theaUm of $1500, bearing interest at 7 per cent, upon which the' sum of $1200 has bven paid, leaving a balance due upon said note of $45S.70; and there Is due the plaintiff the sum of $119.77, .under the. contract, and that the pliiiRfflff has offered to ixwike a set tressient with thedefndant, but that the latter has refused and I the action i brought to secure a' settlement. Th Vice of Nagging. Clotuls the happiness of a home, but a nagging woman often need help. She may be no nervous and run flna n in health that trifle annoy her. If she i melanchvTy, excitable, (troubled with I.oa of appetite, headache,, sleeplessness-! cnsrlpatlon or 'fainting and dizzy spells, she need Eleotrlc Bi'tters, the rri)st wonderful remery for ailing wo men. Thousands oCiaLutTerers from fr inale troubles,- nervouj troubles, back ache and weak kidneys have' used it and become healthy ami happy. Try It. Only DOc. Dr. i?toef Drug Stores giiarantte Fatlsfactlon, MILLS SIll'T DOWN. . SKATTl.K, Wrtu, May 15. Owins to the downward 'tinten'y of the. shingle market, the Washington ' CeIar Shingle Ma nuf Jturer.y AK.H4atioVi h nltr.T a ,hut-Kwn cf 300 fhingj? mills in thk- staiie. leginn;ng Saturday; afl.l U la--st two "weeks, i s The Big Rally bf the Repub lican Forces Tonight TO HONOR i MR- FURNISH K2? xV - K i "STOMACH a : And the Candidates Comins: With the Standard ' ALL. Bearer . ' -' "' -l.'-'----- ' . . i . . - - A ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETE ED FOR TUB MONSTER DEMON M ?TRATION TO' ' BE GIVEN. THIS EVENING THE PARADE T7ILL STAIiT PROtJTLY AT 7:45. AU arranememtsl havebeen complet for he receirtion of -the. 1 lepiibla n can-didate for tiovemor, and fheTally anddemonstration in honor of tha gen-tieman's , jVi-iitt jriromlse to 1Ue ilk here this even in? pt anH ni6M l il' i . liaht of any jkilatical mating: ever held in the Capita! City of Oregon, or f-r that matter jin any city-Tin the state Sak-m RepulI:canJ lare ready toT??elve their stani,lard bedrer and show him a 5?ample of their hospitality ami lualty, arvi ' unless thte :eather Interfr,ef! t fv-re wilt be -tn i an outpourln to- nlaht. that the -'..nos-t skeptical will have to ackwjwiltdge. in the Vord3' of the street. "SaJem's all right The lot al eomBTitb-eypn arrangements yesterday ascertaliied thai Hon. W J. Furnish and' j4f ty wwukl com? to Salt-m by the 6:19 traiin the Albany k- cal tonight and the iarty will be mt at "the station by Carriages in fharsc of a small reception coimrtittee. headed by County Ciairmajn W. J. Culver, and the vLsitors wilL be escorted to the ho tel, .there to revt until the time for' the meeting and the parade. ( ' At i6 o'clock the four toods Cherna- wa, ilietorm ScntJOiijsuveion unn lem will report flo Chief Marshal Cha.s. -Av Murphy at the city hall, and -they will be aitgnoVp:ionte on, diffrent street cornet', where they -Will diwiws popular aires' until j the tim-fixed for the parade 7.45: o'clock. ' Chief Marshal Murphy" will form tne parade at 7:45, at the Willamette Ho tel, and It will -move promptly. All or ganizations are ured to be ; in their positions, on time. has appointed the assist him In hamfTlng-the prrcefesion: Mounted aid; The chief marshal following aides to J A. Murphy (chief). Dr. E. A. Pierce, D. C. Minto. George H. Irwin, II. A. Thcma?, Dr. C. II. Robertson. ' ; L , On Foot Cha. Af Bort, R. W. H.ol- manFraiik A. Daker. F. D. Dayton. The procession w)U form inj the fol lowing order: I .. , Salem Mi! Mary BairKl. GovernorT . T. G.ier, chatrmajn of in:? evening; W : J. Culver, . chairman or the county d?ntral committee, and Col. M. Poorman.!-staje central crtmmit- mltteeman. i !... .'' Candidates- for state offief-. ' ' Candidates for colunty otltoeK. . . Flambeaux Cltib, Captain II. A. Kurz. commaniing. E. Lenon, cam- Cymbal Club. !. manding. Silverton Marine i Band. Roman" 'and1e Club, ; Clare. commanding. Reform School Cornet Band Republicans wittapvterthes. Re pu bl icair club. Cakium Light Club ton. command me. I Raker E. Coike Pat- Chemawla Indian Band. The line of march) will be as fbHovs: From the starting point aT the Wil- lamestte Hotel nortth on; Commercial street; countermarch, south on -Com mercial to State sti-eet: aH on State to High; north itn High to ihe city Jsafl. Here the oriKwIoA will reN"iew-d by the Governor aml the. v-isitors, when the hall will be entered and the even- ng'a program rend red,. The meeting will be cjalled to-order by the chairman, Gov, TV T. Geer. who will deliver a bclef addrea-S, foMoiwed by addresses I This nieOi- l C I1IV m t.-ii tne Xiioou.-t restore the a- j futile, inakej the liver acthe and positively I cure i natalrieyv eelchisa Utiteche U4igeiiio Dyspepsia and Constipation Try a bottle and be con inced. ' br 'Hon) XV. Fultonv ami i. Furnish. Hen-. : C. ' W. Hon A. . M. Crawford. During tbX evening. " the Stalwart Quartet wJlrender several selections, anil George Snyder is billed for a solo. The Clubs Moe. . The Salem. Republican Club and the Young Men'a j Republican Club heKl.a jxin meeting in the po'Mee, court room of the city hail last evening to perfect tion as it wilt be ecn tonight will bo such an one as had never, before been equalled during; this campaign or any previous one. . Al of the -rnarchinsr clubs hve been well organized nd Mr Murjfhy repcjrted that everyth!Tig, rvad been &o well arranged In all thu dt- talk that the! success of he parade u ot for . moment to be questioned. THE 4 "NORTH COAST LIMITED" AVill resume service January 5, 1902." The train will be even better t home on wheels. brary, Smoking lan it. was in 1901. It will be a complete Parlor.jDining Room, Sleeping Room, Li Room, and Bath Room they will all be. there, and all lighted by electricity and heatedby steam. ' First and second class .tickets both paod on this train. Use this CRACK TRAIN o the NORTHWEST on your way to the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, New7 York. You can go either by way of St. Paul andXhica go, or Da- luth and the Great Lakes. ; Inquire of 'any NORTHERN PACIFIC further particulars, or write to :. Agent as to a. d.chahlton Ass't Gen'l Passenger Ap;ent, Portland LIFE INSURANCE SUIT ENDED IN ADJUDGMENT A1AINST THE COMiiNY TRIED IN : IT. S. COURT. ST. LOUIS, Mo, May 15 In the United States District Court today. Judge Adams rendered a verdict in fa vorof Mrs. Margaret Roth, for a $10,000 11 f e I nsu ra nee olicy held : bjf her bus- band in the Mutual Rt-serve Life As SiX'lation of New York. A' short time prior to his death Roih refused to pay an assessment on the ioficy, and this atft, the - company claimed, made the policy Invalid. ' ' -, CR0KER COMES BACK HE WILL SELECT, A LEADER. FOR ' TAMMANY HALL, OR TAKE IT HIMSELF. NEW YORK. May 15. Tlie Evening Post-says: '' '' 'It was reorted at hTammany Hall this morning, that Richard Croker will be in New York within a mpnth and will either resume the leadership - of the organization which Lewis Nixon aitlown yesterday, or-select a suc cessor to Nixon. It waspredicted that a thorough politician, probably one of the district leaders- Will be chosen, a& the experiment of putting a business man at the head of Tammany Hall had turned out to' be a failure. WATER IS VERY SCARCE EASTERN MONTANA j STOCKMEN SAY THE RANGE' IS IN VERY BAD CONDITION. BILLINGS, Mont., May 15. Eastern Montana stockmen, particularly those of Yellowstone county aire, threatened with severe losses by rjpnjson of the drouth prevailing. The l-ange is dry-. ng up, and unless there is a heavy rain fall within the next ifew days will have to be abandoned. Stockmen say the range condition is the worst in wenty years. v NOTHING SUCCEEDS L LIKE SUCCESS." : The Oregon Fire Relief Associatloir has been a success ever ince It-began business in January 189, and, lf3, now growing faster than ever jbefore. ' Its . anitual report of December 31, 901, "shows a net gain in amount of In surance in force of $2,628,787, Which is 50 per cent' more than the net gain of any previous year. It paid 135 losses during the year amounting to $23,600. It is strictly a mutual institution which furnishes the best! of Fire Insurance at Cost.. For further particulars, address A. C handler, "secretary, McMinnyille, Or egon, or if you reside Irt Marlon county "call on or address II.-! A.' Johnson, ii.geni) Salenl, Oregon. Legal Blanks at Statesman Job Offlc ice A AU LOAD ... f oak lnnl rixmi leautitis, and co and ash suits. suits just unloaded. Thy, ati t uo liumi than coast fualt inapln Tin? drawer work is excellent; the ends, lottoni!s and backs. Wing , of yellow jKiplar. 3liirqrs all FreiJch plate. " -t THE HOuSE FURNISIIINfj CO. 30S Commercial street. Kx't door to Pi)stom e. - ---rr lStoi es at saJern an Albany. P. S. Get a footstool freV with your carpet. 1 Money to Loan On 1 Improved, farm and city property. t lowest Ta'es. j V f- THOMAS KL FORD, j' Over Ladd Jk Bush' Bank. Salem. Oregon. . j AT CURRENT RATE , INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BOZORTH BR08- 292 Commercial Street. Saem. Or. A TEXAS WONDER. HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERY. One small bottle of Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidney arid bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures JsXi betes, seminal emissions,- weak -and lame backs, rheumatism and all Ir regularities of the kidneys and bladder in oth men and women, I regulates bladder troubles fro childieri. ' If not old.by your druggist, will be tent by mail on receipt of $1. One bmall bot tie is' two month's treatment, and will cure, any case above mentioned- Dr. E. .TC. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box. 629, St. Louis. Mo. Send for testb monlals. Sold by all druggiits. and at DR. S. C. STONE'S drug itores, Sa lent, Orego. ; REAP THIS. Bandon. Ore.. Dec Dr. E. Wi Hall. St. Lpuis, Sir: I have used yourrTex uifc for kidney and rheuma Its effects are wonderful. equal, -and I can cheerfully mend It Yours truly, f . HARVEY Legal Blanks at Statesman S. C. STONE, M l) . , . ... -v . - PROPRIETOR OF STONE'S DRUG STORES ILEM, OREGON. - ' T'" storess (two In. numberyare lo- cated at . No. 235 and' 291 Commercial street, and n-e well stocked With a complete line of-drugs and medlcln-s, toilet articles, 5erfumerV brushes, etc Dill STONE ' . Has had some 25 years experlenc" the ' practit ofknedfcine, and .now makes nu charge for consultation ea amlnatlorf or prescription. ), lie does a cash business He neither buys on time nor sells on time. L'dg-. ers, journals, day-oouk-, bookkeeiwrs. ill collectors, and, all the modern para. phernalla of credir drug ores, are un. 1. I M 1.1. V.. f V.Mr. . f..)S uunu ti ill uuiiicqc, . uv-iiic mtt tock and orreot nrloee J: . 8, laoi. Mo. Dear s Wonder trouble. It has no recoin- HOWE. Joo Office If You Could Look into the futuresnJ i ia wtiii h vor coiieh. it nesllel. will brio yo, yJu would seek r-tir t once-rand that naturally .would be through ShhWs Consumption Guarantred to cure Coo nmptioa, Itronchlti. 'Asthma, aud alt Ltinu TroublefS Cwren CouKha aud CoMs in a driy,, 25 ctn's. Write to . C. Wri.Ls ti Co.. 1 Kr.y, ST. Y.. lor free triat bottle, ti:rm rii DmI t MrtflM h RUwui - fthecotiditiim Legal Blanks: Statesman Job Office -r JAT, K Of ALL TRADES GASOLINE EWGINES This is llierekbrtiited Fairbanks-Morse IX horse power en--gine tliat is proving so satisfactory in all sections of the coun try. - It will do the work of 15rmen 'at' a cost of fnSm I c to 2c an hour. When you're ready, it's ready. When you stop it the expense ceases. .The ideal power for cream teparators, light farm work of all sorts, wood sawing, job printing, on ice cream freezers, and any place when a convenient, qiick power ia nectled. The Jack of all Traded' is the heaviestengine of its class' made, and is fitiesl with phosphor bronze boxings in stead of the common babbitt as in others. Babbitt for a gas oline engine Is' not good. It also has platinum points on the siarkcr, instead of steel. The feed is by suction instead of gravity being tbus much mire positive. Its weight makes it the most satisfactory engine on the market; for it will stay down. If you want power ypu nee?lweight to balance it and keep your engine from trying to climb td; the pulley I shaft. Our price is' higher than many others because the engine costs more to build and lis worth more to tho user. Calland see it any lime. All sizes in gasoline engines up to one., hundred lrorse jKJwer. ys - I - : '' - ; ; ' '; ' r I S McCOR MOWERS MIGK... Tho trade) on these machiiifs has already begun and from present indications it will fo flwavilirad of last season! The McCprmick frlands the racket" is the w ay the I farmers put it and. they ought to know. j A perfect draw cut, With the doubletrees i S i kk tl 1 e tongue i nslead of ai;ove it, thus reliev ing the neck weight. Side draft eliminated by the width and wt ight of the main frame, and by the setting of the gears over to the xtreiuj left. You ean li itch your team to n McCor mick nioweriaHl dropping the tongue cut down a swath of hay -the tongue simply floating thusproving the above Claims. Aill sizes in both regular and vertical lift.' Full line of extra for McCormiclc mowers and binders. Also Woods aritr Osborn extras, and se ctions for any and all machines. ; .'!'--' . ' : I Mccormick rakes too ; , ; ) Self dump and hand dump, all sizes. The men who use thcfe . hajve no trouble with "lishedM wheels and broken teeth. Thetrakeis made right and made to last. It's easy( to make things to selI,(but Tl pays betterjlo make tiling? that stay sold, and help sell others. . 1 ' ! . GET IN WE WITH A : -STPEBAI ER BK. Ouf buggy trade is open jobs wo are doing styltsjaUDOptnar prices higl new, prices. uubner on short notice. . -, 1 away up tins Spring, m tops aim a fitne business. Some very -11100 new too for thosowho cannot afford to pa iires fitted to an v and alirig, old or TRIBUNE BICYCLES i - The easy 'Tunvlng fellows Who d have thougl t that 1002 would bring suclr an in creased demand for bicycles. Maybe it hasnX everywhere, but such is tho popularity of the ,Tribune that it is a: rare anges it for another,, anu we gaininew season. IJig as was last years busi- niw an actual 60 per cent ahead! of thing when a rider ch ones ny tne score every ness jonr wheel i?ale4ro last season at : this tiiiio, and still gaining. CJtrtainly this for the merit 6f our claims for our speaks in (LpositiVewaj wheels. - -. 7 WE SELL Studebaker .Vehicles,- McGormick IlarvcstingMachinery, llusseli Jvngiijes and llireshers,' Itujtsell -Windstackers; I'af son'slland Cutters and 8elf Feeders, Monitor Drills adSecd.T ers, Syracuse and M6I in p riows, Jlero Fanning Mills, itfenicia Rotary Disc flows, Htiffala l'itts Harrows, rortland Anchor Fenjce, Binder Twiiie, Harvesting Supplies, Tribune liicycle?, Standard and; Whit Sewing Machines, Gasoline Kngincs, UicTcle Sundries, Sewing Machine Supplies, and other things too numerous to menjiion. . Call and see us, always glad to see you., WIGGINS IMPLEMENT HOUSE 255-25 7 tJberiStre