Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, May 16, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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es short roads.
rr a;
Tf. Ti-3
nd light loads. ,
'odd ibr everything
t .
- that runs on wheels.
; : !-; : .hl'1 7:-;
Sold Everywhera.
2d by HTASDARD Oil. CO.
State Reform School ? Board
Has Brought More i .
: i Suitsj fir-N
K t .. Willis
I ro'tJsr.a, Ore.
Taxece on 3d Street!
to Cppoc Albiha.
f 3653 tire J
School Boys
. and Girls .
- Ml-IU.iU'.l
Do you want to -earn some money,
and somt'tliing &n real nice? :
The Pacific Homestead want moR
subscribers and you boys and girls caj
help gtthem. . " " i ,
You know' of om of your neighbor
who do not take the Homestead. Ask
jthem to subscribe. It la the beat farm
paper published on the Pacific coast
Comes every weekv and contains 2(
pngea. la Illustrated.- ' . .-"
Th$ boy or girl -sending the largest
.number of new .annual subscription
before October 1 1M?.. will have firs'
choice of premiums.- the second large?
nurfTber second-choice -and so on.
rf months subscription or p
Four 3 months, subscriptions counts
f ' : i - . -
. I r? e-verjfe dollar- 'olSected you ,kej
- -"-riv jir.d snc jjs 7T cents-will
. --' a r - IIi(:l-'S of your sub'
j (' SUf '.iRj glVr IU! -iw
a 'inl . .diii'u "n't -ray 'PlM.
t 1 .- r .
..-trrv-'trwb " )iif t'.r-o i . J.
I- i .i ; .(--ii ir j: ..u - but . n '. ' h
j, 'jl. - livN N VI I-! ,' "i
. i-. ..,.t tt ..ot. nku ;r.t
im'I:ii.m;s i..VLV
if y.u uanf.a fiw .ann-iv . cv;iei .
assist you. ask lf'fht in. -i
C0TU 1 UUM.S. ill f. !, 190.
1302 Tribune bicycle. th
fine -Stock, of F. (A. f Wis
Obrty. ; street, Salen
No. 1. A
pitk. of the
--gins, 23.Vi57'
Owgonl . ;"
.r No. 2. Ayinchester ReiieatSngShot
gun. Tak down. Mo4el lf7.
No. 5. Korona Camera ; 4x& with ii
rsntanoou& symm-tr1iTl lense. ,
' No. 4. Werner1 Library of fam-ou.
books coirvprislrf 3Qtoiumes.
NS. 6. Jacobus f talner Violin, i
Mandolin. Miff-
No. Angelid- Majjnel.'o
No. 7. Stm aa No. S. "
No. 8. (5erruin-yAccrdctn
Niv 9.Illack' lUauty by Anna Si'
well. ; . - ,
No. 10.-rlady of the Lake, by Scott
Next ten iris- Useful Books. "Ad-
drets. v -,
Pacific Homestead
In th first department of the State
Circuit Court yesterday the State of
Oregon by the Board of Trustees for
the-State Reform "School began suit
against the Aetna Insurance Company,
Sufi Insurance Office ati4 Jthe Llyerpoo
pany, demanding Judgment against
each of these com pa"nies for the fum of
11964 and tlie costs- and .disbursements
of the action.
The plaintiff alleges that insurance, to
the amount of J2000, was carried In
eachof the defendant companies up
on the State' Reform School and Its
the morninsr of December 18. 194)1. thtfl
industrial department of that - Institu
tion waa damaged? by fire to "the
amount of 113,392 and upon the same
occasion: the main building: was dam
HgfS to tj&4 extent op $400; the elec
trie fixtures Sand lighting system, $S73
the laundry machinery, etc., $1S0, and
the steam, and water pi pes and steam
heatfnir at,oaratu; to the extent of
J40OJ -Plaintiff further alleges that
staUnntof the damages was submit
ted Iff these defendant companies, who
aceeptelT the statement but each would
only allow Ks individual share' of the
ckn.current diimages to the main build
ing, or S3S each, and the State seeks
to nxover the balance, j of
the amount of the policies. Attor
ney XJeneral D. R. N. Blackburn, Dis
trict' Attorney N. Hart and George
tl. Bingham are the State's attorneys
and WTM. Kaiser and V. T. Slater are
the attorneys . for thi defendants,
Stipulations were a4ao filed, in these
cases wherein the attorneys have
agreed that the' defendant's time for'
answering be extended to sixteen days
from date of filing.
Ft A.' Turner has .begun suit Inde
partment No. 1 : of the State Cfreuit
Court, against Mary A. Sweet demand
ing( judgment for the i sum of $569.65
and his costs and disbursements in the
action. .Plaintiff alleges that the sum
of $300 is due him a fees for pros
eating the defendant's interests as an
eiress-at-law of her father, IL'O,
)st rhaudt, deceased, and in prosecut
ng two suits for partition, and auiet
njg of title, in the gond depivrtment
t the State Circuit Court, and that
n prosecuting said suits-the plaintiff
xpended the, sum' of $43.75 for dls-i
-ursemencs and in addition thereto has
incurred UabUity'-m the sura of $26.20.
'jalntiff. allege that he submitted
tatement Of his charges for services,
I .-tt : ".to theldefendant, and, although the
lefendant'l -received such stktem?nt
nd has not disputed it. has failed
-o i.y any part of the amount.
sr k mrnan ana jarson &z Adams are
the plaintiffs attorneys,
' !
In Supreme Court.
Inihe Supreme Court yesterday two
minor .orders -were made, as follows:
M. A. Lawrey. resionderrt. vs. Henry
V Sterling, et al, lappcil'ants, ordered
Jhat respondent's time to Serve and file
his brief bi extended flfteen-dayat'-
Mate of Oregon, respondent, vs;
uraaiey, appellant; oraeTed on
motion thai appellant havd fifteen days
from this date to serve and file his
to the Masonic library, em
Hops Hops Hops
If you' tre interested In hop newt
anJ price', Jt irlU pay yoa to get the
reports of the ' i
n, y. nor EEronTTxa co.,
- . 7 SS Whitehall St.
--v-'' ,. i ' New-TorkiXJltjh
emmet wells, oen. Manager. 83
: - I have opcntHl a store at .128 Com-1 '
tncrrial hL, lies t door Korth of 8av
- nine and Hekl's, where I will b glad
to h? all my oll and new frietnUand
cuj-tomern. 1 buy B'Cord-land -good!
and pay highest cash prices.
S Coprad DUImann
f Burr's German' Salve -
Heals quickly all cuts; or fcruises,
. draws soreness out of Jame beck, and
'' draws slivers eoitf flesh' which: often
break off too short to pull. Sticks like
ticking plaster. Try it and you will
, never be wrtheut. j By mail 25 cents.
So. 120 State St.. Salem, Or.
A large numiber of new lxKks have
been recently iadded to the Masonic
library In this city, and the new add!
tJons will be thoroughly appreciated by
the. patrons of that institulon. Among
the new volumes plaocxl on the Shelves
are the following: . J rr ;
"Sky Pilot." by Ralph Connor. :
"Ttie Man from Glengary," by Ralph
Connor. ; ' ' '. '
"The Capt. Gray Horse Troop;' by H.
Garland. .
"MethoIs of Iady Walderhurst," by
Mrs. Burnett. . ).
"Mary Waters!, by Shackleton.
JjiWhyjVejfnojVV)y Charles Maj
ors, .--.ii -:' - . t '":
Mississippi Bubble." by K-Hougti"
, -Crimson Wing," by 11. C. Taylor.
"Leopard -Spots," by Thomw Dixon.
"CotMM-r,- by Gertrude Atherton.
'Hound of Buskerlille," by Cohan
Iie. f ... - P.; .,' i
Stephen Holton by Charles Pld
gun. ',,,-.-.;-'
"Ixne March," by S. R. Crockett.
' "Curious Career." by McO wraith. ; '
- i
Drug Store
', I carry all kin Is;f Chinese drugs and Tammany's day w as formerly a. "nota
niediclneat. Ro.tsi and herbs wature'b e.and a formMable rival of July
medicine. Gootl fU.att nda f sicki l4? Jii holiday. Taomany was
MAy 11th is the th Sunday After
na.ner. It Is also the anniversary: of
the birth In 1776. of "Jane Porter, Eng
lish novelist. ; j - -nr i
May 12th ia the anniversary of - the
W;b In 1709 of Cnasles LJiuaaeus, the
n7iel3 Swedish., botanist, and ' practical
f;jtmder of th? Science .of A botany: i of
ju-tu ron L!etig, irt l $03. the great
German-chemist and founder of the
scUnc of onranh; chemistry; of Jiob-
rt C. Wlhthrop, in -1SC9,- American
(Statesiran,: orator an d author.
May 12th i the anniversary of the
orjjnnlzaUort of Tammany Hall, in 17S0.
twelve days after the first Inaugura
fm -of President Washington. St
.."",";. 7: ; rT prnany iegerKhs:TexiU Cooper's "Last
ine euoa ojta K:ar.vy.
DR. KVS) llOlf MO,
t of
I in aionnoans," chapters 28 and 29K ron
tains i Onejdescriptlon of him. f The
j reamatrn oon after became. 4 '-'
U. T1, . J ' o , Kt pottlca club andt has f erhaps ex-
P Liberty bt reef, Saicm, Orcsoa; erted teore influence in New York and
. ... 1 L-j evenr satioraU affairs than any other
. ever - known. - ; . -r-' s - t:
.Mrs. J. Muckle departed for her r . - . . - . . , 1
. v . . . , - May 5ih is the day dedicated Ja the
home in Kaimer jwterday afternoon. Catholio calendar to St Isidore, r the
frv- a vi.rt o ths home of Judse f. plowroatn. the patron of farraeTs and
A. Moons ?Hj city. 1 of Madrid. The '.day is a notable one
in the Spanish capital, whCn the' whole
city puta n Its gayest "rray. Sw Isi
dore was a native of that city, the son
of a. laborer, who by his good works
became notable and a miracle worker.
He was buried in 117 in. St. Andrew's
church yard in MadxtX As the oatron
of farmers his aid Is invoked in terl
oda of crolonged d ought. .
May lth In the Catholic calendar is
dedicated, to St." nenoratus, patron, of.
bakers. He was a blrap of Amltn
Fnctathe seventh oenturv. Ilk
figure; wth the cfoxler inone had
and three loaves of bread n the other!
appears on the "banners ofK French
bakers guilds. St Brendan the elder
is also, honored, on this day, He was
of Irish bit th, ajvd abbot of Clonfeld in
the fifth century, A legend concerning
his voyage to discover he island
which contained the garden of Eden is
said to have had much influence on
geographical science, and formed one
of the several collateral causes which
led to the- discoveries,! of Columbus.
Also the anniversary of the birth in
101 of William Henry eward, AmeH
can statesman; of Levi Parson Morton
in 1824, American banker and states
man. May 13th is the anniversary of the
birth- of John Sullivan Dwighi, famous
American musical compojsarand critic;
of Arthur Seymour ' Suiiivan, in 182,
English musician and . composer v of j
comic operas, i ; H " - -.
Alay 14th Is the annivesary of ne
birth In 1265, of liaiite, the most ilius
trious of Italian poets; of Gabriel Dan
iel Fahrenheit inU168Q, the eminent
German natural philosopher and .in
ventor of . the thermometer' bearing: bJii
name, the first to use mewury for that
niiKe and fix the zero- point; of
TimojtTiy 'Dtrtsht'Tft 1752, tmerican di
vine and scnoiar. , Aisp yie anniversa
ry of the organization, in 1783, of the
Society of Cincinnati, hyr officers of the
Bevolutionary army. - - - .
May 17th is the arinitersarv of ihe
birth, in 1749. of D. Edward Jenner,
celebrated , for introducing the, pracr
tice ofi vaccination." lie experimented
for twenty year under great difllcul
ties.; The English parliament rewarded
him by a rrant of $190,000 in lands and
money; of Joseph Locker In 1836, ,Eng
lislh astronomer. -
To piry distress is butiiuman; to re
lieve f !i Godllke.-r-Horace Mann. ,
Great 'success can never come to him
whois disturbed .at the Buccess of oth-ersv-Frank
Harrison. f-r -
The best thing to give- your enemy
is forgiveness; .to an opponent tolera
'ance; to yourself respect; and to all
men, charity. Mrs Balfour,
; Men are looking for the idea, Car
lyle said f "The1 idea is it4h:sejf.Work
out thy condition and working, believe,
live and be free." ! '
" The helpless man lici on the Jericho
road. Who Is going to help him. Plenty
of .priests and Invites pass him. by. Is
thereany good Samaritdn who will stop
and hiJp him? i-Henry Ward Beechet.
"If I can ever get the time," Is an ejev
pression heard so often. Many ofus
are too busy to be friendly, hospitable,
to vlsit.the sfck or sympathizewith
the unfortunate.' In the hurry and rush
of living w e are losing many of the
finer raits that should fined expression
among us. .
Let nothing pass, for every hand
Must find someworklto do
Lose not a chance to waken love-'
Be firm, and just, andtrue; i
So shall a light that cannot fade j '
Beam on thee from bh high,
And mangel voices say to thee--
These thlnhgs can never die.
arles Dickens.
r . ...
' I ' ' '- 11 ' - ' '-; '
1 U' .
jVhatcTcr toschea
th roriing man's
health toacbes his
eamingv. To him in
tbe most literal
It was aaUI of a Salem man whe
made a .run to the depot, and almost
missed histrain, that his breath came
In knickerbockers homt rants.
O O O - '
The . candidacy of Mr. Furnish is
gaining in favor in Multnomah county.
This s admitted there; on. all iides. It
is probably dioingr the ; same all ; over
the state.- With thetbisr Itenuhlican
ajorlty in, this state.- and with the
f rowing sentiment in? favor , keen
ng Oregon in the Bcpublican column.
it Is a pnelty pafe guess (or bot). that
Mr. t urmsh will be the next Governor.
Mr. Chamberlain ia having fair sized
crowd ,at his meeting.- some new-spa
rer reporta to -the contrary --not vrtt h
standing. But crowds at DoliticsB
meetings do itot make votes. -
O O Ot -: " ''
If . you have not registered. uy it to-
oay -mis is tne last day. if you fail
to rcgiter, you can xte in June onli'
after going to a koo.i deal of rauhi:
" - ' :, Ct O of ' ''- "v , -
nearj rrom, the mris ration of voters
will. not look as email as it appeared
a few days ago.
Lockjaw from j: Cobwebs.
v olmittj put off a eut lately trave a
wwrtan loikjaw. Mf)ions know that
tne let thing to put on a, cut is Buck.
iert'smica- alve. the infallible healer
of Wounds, Ulcers, Siorcs, Skin Emo
tions, Burns, Scalds and It cures
or no pay. oniy 25c afc Dr. Stone's
Drug Stores. - - ' V. ' -'-
Prince and Princess Abort of Bel-
glum have been, enjosing a quiet vli:
at-Torquay. England, where , nothing
was known or their visit until a.fter
thir derarture. 1 - '
Comparative charts of the navies of
the powers, drawn by, the kaiser him
self, have ben presented to the emper
or .of Austria bv thei German mtifary
attache at Vienna, i.
English Jtoman Catholics are raisins?
fund. for. the purchase of a, arold tiara
to be presented to -the pope at his Oli
ver Jubilee. The Duke of Norfolk is
amon? the latest sobtribTs.r ,
Colonel W. F. Switzlet of CoJumbia
Is called the greatest scratbook man
tra MfnsourL During ieach presidential
campaign .from 144 to 1900 be made an
exhaustive poatical scrapbook and in
dexed It The books embrace the plat
forms and entrant 'fiterature of 15' na
tional ea.rrrriahgns, covering a periot of
6v years. '- -. V - . --'-. . ;
The personat household of Kinx Ed
ward consists of 12 persons, whereas
Queen Jstorta had j20L The 12 are Sir
TnsUrPrtAirn, 5ir rands Knotty?,
Captain Fon?nby; the commissioner
at Balmoral, land stewards at Windsor
and ; Osborne, . the erretaryv ossistaat
secretary, and three clerks-. th privy
purse. And the head keeper at Windsor
- Smith's DandmfT Pomade. '
stops itching scalp upon application
three to six removes) all dandruff and
wiU stop falling halrl Price SOc, at all
druggists. '"-'.'.-
mm- C:
,: ..f.!-. s, -
senfte, time is money .w
Every hour of time !he loses! fijnires
" in dollars and cents ja the . font fort
of his heme and in the well-being, of his family.
Those .figure on the par-envelope that, represent a " Jar-off n
enforced "hy sickness have their own story of ufferiiig and
strule.1 Many, times when the' man does work, he w orks in
suffering,; for he cannot face an altogether empty;pay-nvelope,
because that would mean an empty larder and I hungry little"
cnes-at Home. ; V erjr often the .figures that represent the loss -of
time do not represent the total loss of monery .which has Uen
spent ontmedicines that Hid hot cure, or been pid to jdoctors'who
did not seem to understand the case. LTere is a working man's story
as he tells it himself, which will appeal to everyother I worker who
knows what Tt is -to " lay off quite often two antd three days in a
Weekw on account of sickness. c ' ; - -) : - -: ,.
"About ten years ago I bejpn to'liave trouble with my stomach,? writes.
Mr. Wm. Connollyj of 535 Walnut St, Lorain, Ohio; "it got so bad that I
had to lay off "quite often two and three days in a week;; my stomach: 'would
bloat and I would belch up gas, and was in awful distress a such times. 2
have employed' and been treated by the best doctors in.' this cijty, but got no.
help whatever. Some said I had cancer a the 6tomach, others catarrh, others
dyspepsia. I have bought and trjed everything I saw advertised for dyspepsia 1
and stomach trouble, but; continued to get worse all the1 time. (About twelve' 1
months agb I was in such a conditionttmy mends bad some fear about my
recovering. I called a doctor and he found mein very bad shape. Hands
and limbs were cold and dripping with a cold sweat ILs lold me that I bad a
very bad case of chronic indigestion, and ordered an injoction,of hot soap suds
every two hours. I followed his directions and it seemed to relieve trie. -1
was under his treatment until this spring, but did not improve ajny. ,By some r
way or otber-I happened to get hold of a vial of your Pellets land I thonht 1
they helped me. It was then-1 wrote to you fr advice., Youj told me that
by my symptoms you thought I had liver complaint, and adriied- the ruse of -your
1 Golden ' Medical ' piscovery and 'Pleasant' Pellets in connection.
Thetse medicines I have taken as directed, and am, very happy to state that
I commenced to get better from the start, and have not lost a daV this suratrJe' 1
oi account of ,mV stomach. , I feel tip-top, and better-tbaii I have for ten :
years." r- ' " " ."' . . . '
- There are two or three statements in Mr. Connolly's letter which t -are
almost identical with statements made hy thousands of others ;
who have been cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden iMcdlcal Dia-- -cotery.
This shows', that his experience is a common Tone among
workmsr xneiiZ and his care and the means by Which it was accom-r
A ' . . . ' . . f " a ' g ,1 :
imhod are. t nerei.or- mailers oi lnieresx to everv tenownrorKer.
"I hare. employed and been treated by the best doctors in-thi?.
citr. hut cot no help whatever." 7 . :
I have bought and t"ea ererytoing: i saw advertise dtorxlyfpepsia and stomach:
trqnblei but continued to get worse "all the. time.' ! ; : - .Vj :)
j "These medicines ('Golden 3Iedicariscovery ' and :I'leasaVt Pellets) I hpivo taken
a.i directed, and am very happy to gtatethat I commenced to pet better, frorrrrthc etart,
-and have-not losta day this summer on account-of my stamacli." -j : .
These three facts in Mr. Connolly' experiencoxare borne out by the experience, of
thousands of others. Doctors employed without bencfir.Manjr medioinr-sfiael and
the condition growing worse instead of better. Finally the trial of Dr. Pierce's
Golden 3Iedical Discovery, with improvement frorrt-th's start and ina fhort time a
perfect and a permanent curie. You have a working ni in' word for these 'facts, and
the word of thousands of fellowiworkers to back him up,
1IIave purchased some of you valuable medicines . of Li B. Spencer, of Blackstone, a., and
they helped my wife and myself so much that we do not know liow to jfu'tse them enouph," writes
Mr, Victor L, Hayden, of Blackstone, Nottoway Co., Va. "I cknnot express rhy gratification in
rrords. I had been suffering from indigwtion so badly that 1 ould not work -half the time, but
ow can work every day and,, eat anything I want. Why?1 tiecatwo I took Dr. K. V. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It.has put hew life and energy In ine, restored my heclthx and, made
a man of me once more. I used to weigh 170, but diad gotten down to 144, iiov I am back to
160 and will soon be back to my old weight Your medicine ha done it all. I Cannot thank yon
enough for your advice, and think if it had not been for 'your medicine neither oiywife nor-niyst-lf
would have been1 here many years. . .... i
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures .diseases of tlie stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. f. It cures liver V complaint," heart " tronble," kidney
"troubTe." and trealt ' lungs, -because ;t.he. 'difieased condition of these ofgana i fie-;
qucntly only a consequence of disease of the stomach' and its allied organs of diges
tion and nutrition. - " ' 1 1 r 'i..
Those who suffer from chronic diseases are mnted to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter.
fret. All correspondence strictly private. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Don't be fooled into trading a "substance for a
shadow. Any substitute offered as " iustas trooxl
-I . V-'i'
1 X
irf lit
mr- ' a a
:; EST :T
as "Golden' Medical Discovery "'is a shadow of that
medicine. Tliere- are enjses behind every claim made
for the " Uiscovery, which po "just-as-good medicine.
can show.
YOU GM3"Y irM Y -fr
Commoit Ssn9 Madloal Advisor, Cscoauso
it ia given away jrurtfj novon Bold Thfa Beat
rnmdioal vrOfU, containing oven IOOO larg&
giag&a and more than 7QO lamination, la
Bent FREE on rooclat of atamna to ity ox
gtanao of. mailing ONLY j Sand 31onoocnt
atamna for tttm cloth-bound Volume, on oity
21 stamp tor thm hook In napon covers. '
Addreaas Br It,
'm PIOWJrJ Buffalo, Hm Y.
LAST NIGHT. 1 ." '
HOT. Claud Gatch addrrtssed the
pie of Sflverton last night, on the polit-,
leal Iswues of the diy. on an Invitation"!
of the Sllvertop Bepublicaiir Club, and j
the raHy bad In; that town' was- a com- I
Ilete ueeeA Mr. Gatch grove to Sil-
verton last evening ajocomraoled by.lt. !
A. Crojman, J. W. Itoland, anl George
P. Huehes. and .011 arrival there the '
party wa met by brass band, ami a,
-commute of the leading citizens of the ;
cHy. The party was escorted to the
rwalli wriicn van niwa 10 tpe aow dj
the. eitlzenji of that place. - . V
Mr. Catch delivered the addre oflthej
evening, am he was naer.ea o --wun j
rapt attention from the beginning to;
the end- Ife dtocujwed Ihe laivw of the !
tday and tSTprlncIpIes of the Itepubl-
can party from an tinpenwnai siana-
pcArit and he avoided personalities. Kej
anrued for Republlcara control of the j
rtale and the Nation and showed that
the partv9 administration bad always
been followrd by pro:-!P?Tity. r -
The speaker was given flaering jrer-
ogrutiora by his audience, and ' at the
close to the address It becsinjeevident
that the 4eeltrnr amonsr the Silvertori
rtepuhiicans was tinanimousiy for the
support of the ticket from top to bot
tom, thas there are no Imvurgents
among tbe Republicans in that; x-lty.
but thax a.a will be loyal to the ticket
and work for its success.
Sears tie
f 1 '
. 7 : ' . J '. . ." '
In the oid days the trip op and down the . .irreat Lakes was' the
favorite trip of travelers t
then used did not compare With t
here were no tourists then. ..' The ..boars'
mains the finest one in the world of Its sort
The Northern Pacific. 1
Steamers, and a trip on the
bose on the lakes, and the trip
ia Dclutb, connects with tho ' Lake.
ice again May Ctb and these steamers, to the Pan-American Exposl-
- 1 -
Hon at Buffalo, will be somctblDg toi recount -to your children's chil
Kend six cents for "Wonderland lOOir ready Mar 1st to CIIAS.
I . FEE, St Tanl. Minn
Any. local agent will onote rates.
AUSTIN. -7T-ex May IS- In tht .oil
fields bear here yesterday the drill in
a well at a depth of 143 feet, drbpped
into a lake of liquid asphalt whijrh Is
so thick Aftd heavy -that furthered rill
Ingr Is almost Impossible. The hpavyi
black stuff oozed up into the wTl for
quite a distance. It, ia said that Ii'iuM
asphalt has been.'fotrcd heretofore only)
In' Trinidad.- v. J '""r .
Tw Dcgryta from the Thskeee In
stUet who .were engaged In 13W by
the ?erman government to tach--the
natlvOi of Togoland-Germaa We?t Afri
ca, box f grow rotfon have, ucrcedi'-d
In producing cot ton, which
above American mid King.