WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. FRIO AT. MAT IS. 102. IIIE 02EG0N WUKVl STAtES'UN f oWUbl every Tuesday and Friday by th KTATfcAX JtBLt-SHIXQ COMPANY K- J. HEXPKI..KS. Manager. J ' ' i 8EB3CEIITION" RATES. On year, to alvascs. Mx mouth, in advance. Ibree month, ia advance. .ntm yeart on U Die J,. ., $1 Ob .25 The B atennan baa beea etabUafaed tar near? " fifiy-two yean, and it baa none aubacrlbera who ' who bare lead It- for a generation. Sotae o : ttteae object to having the paper dtaxmUnoed - ai lite time of expiraUoo of itx-ir oabacripttons. . rrsr the benefit oi there, and lor other reaaona ! we Lav epneluded to aittcominae sob cripUona .or.ly when a -ttptl to do to. all peraous paying 3klin auhMcrtoiDK. or paying ia advance, win tare the benefit of the doiiar rate. Bat it they - dv Bt jmt f rilt roontha, the rate will be a year, uerealter we aena the paper toaj feapooaible perona who order It, thouajh they mar not aeod the nonet, with the vnderatand- iag that they ar to pa, S1.2S a year. In cat they let the nubor-ripilon account run oxer six mon.ha. Ia order iltat there xaar be no miauo demanding, we will keep Uiia notice atacding . at una place la the paper. ' - CIRCULATION (SWORN) OVER 4000. STATE REPUBLICAN TICKET. . Governor. ..- , ... W. J. FURNISH, of Umatilla County. i Supreme Judge. n. S. BEAN, of Lane County. Secretary of Stat.: . F. I. DUNBAR, of Clatsop County. - State Treasure'-. C. 8. MOORE, of Klarimth County. Superintendent ef t Public Instruction. J. II. Ackerman, of Multnomah County. N Attorney General. A M, CRAWFORD, of Douglas County. I State Printer, v X. R. WIIITNET, of Unn County. - FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT p . TICKET. For Congressman. THOMAS If. TONGUE.- of HlUsboro. THIftD SENATORIAL DISTRICT V TiCKETr i 'v.f- y . ' . rsx- jFor Joint Senator. -WM. H. nOBSON. of Stayton. . MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Senator. : E. M. CROISAN. of SaTem.. SQUIRE FARUAK, of Salem. sy- ' Repreaentatlves. - 1 : , i ; FRANK DAVEY; of Salem.. K. T. JfJDD. of Aumsviile. TIIOS. B. KAY. of SttlVm. ' A. M. L AFO L LETT, of Brooks. J. D. SIMMU'S, of Monitor. f Sheriff. I JOHN F. STEIWER- of Jefferson. Clerk. JOHN W. ROLAND, of Salem. Recorder. JOHN C. SIEOMXJND, of Gervalav ' Treasurer. ' W. Y RICHARDSON, Of Stayton. - - Commraaioner. " WM, MI LEY, of Aurora. 1 :r'- Aaseasor. CHARLES LEMBCKE, of Buttevllle. Surveyor. ' , , BYRON B. ilERRICK JR., of Turner. ! '- ' Coroner. A. M. CLOUGH, of Salem. . 2 Justice of, the Peace. ' ' w v (Salem District) : E. D. H ORG AN. of Salem; No. 1. ... ' ' Constable. 1 .' GEORGE H.' IRWIN, of Salem No. 2. THE PANAMA ROUTE. Senator Morgan., who bast given' more Study to; the iropoed Isthmian Canal than any Other marr, and 'is In fact the 'father of the enterprise, has pf?erel mot .convincing arguments in the Henato in fivor of the Nicaragua, route Ha ha hown thiij.-. trw cKt of con-, struct Ion will be about 4he .wrna."t,fer either route, but that its ttftsea'wet the .Nlcaragua rotile Is asKureil , whll grave quen'ions would arise if the Ikan n)a. route ie s?left-l. 11 makes'an other point that l. worth- cpn.l -tloru Panama .is a. fvrtonynf TTor lck r.ess and Msease -Intf tt is Mhl that It cost a life: for every tie laid .In. the con . structtonHof the irallroad accross the iMhsnu. a distance of fortv-eight nrikrt. If .sanitary rwasfuresr could not Improve the heaJtafulneflsf of. ttte re gion the lives that ?wuTd' have to be aaerrncexi in DuttLiinK tne ranai woum b enormous. Senator Morgan -In dicuMng the truest loo, recently In the "Senate- safdr- if every otherMdratiort!of ad- "van fags was In favor of th Pan-am rtntte the: salubrity of climate and the natural condition that assure the health of Nicaragua would , dXermin the cho4oe In faior'oir the .route. The contrast between, ibese- localities as jfMves ot ahode givesjgreai wnxpi tu ikA .piriinwnt in ta vor of Nlcarairua. f "All maritime civilized nations will use an (Kthtntan canal not aon'e for shins of war2 a-nd - commerce but for immigration anxl travel around the world to and from; every .eoast- and seaport of e'ery' country, all of Which will be brought by It into drrect and unobstructed yotnrounicatlorr ly , the canal. The myriad of people tm ln eneratlonir that will pass through a canal cut through -the American IiKmus Will have the right to i re proach thh Congress, and will ' not fait' to i do so. if we select for them a route ontwhich.' pestilence lurk by the wayside. Instead of & route that nature has metde freefr6m such da n- srers. . ' - I " The savlnsr of 3, 630.704 wjjl; arwar to them ias a paltry consideration for the choice of a feTer-breedin ground . -when a yteaHhv and attractlTeusront' for a canal is offered." s r ; BRET HARTE. , . X?ret Harte. : who died recently at London, . was bornTiTAlbany, NY. on August 2S.-1S39. . He lost his father whojwas a Gretk i tutor. wnn-be was . a small boy. and In IS 33 was taken by his mother to California. The gold i fever then was still raging. r ' For a while young Hart took to th Murder ' and j robberies were of fre quent occurrence, and lie grained a dec-p Insight Into V human nature. After aome months as messenger he taught school, and then, after learning to set type, he. bame an editor. ' ' i JThe ' Overland Monthly waa started Irf IS 70, with Bret Harte in tne eairor- tal chair. It was for this, publication that he wrote ?The Luck of Roaring Camp." ; One I of the strangest inci dents of his career was that. the Over la nd Monthly's proof - reader reported to the proprietor that this story was immoral. The; proprietor had doubts about publishing It,- but decided to do so when Harte threatened to reeign. The story gained immediate popularity and made its author's fortune. During the rest of hisvstay In Call fomla Harte wrote many stories, two of the more famous being "The Out casts of Pokef Flat and;Tennessee's PardnerV -. Y -y .. I,' y-. In 1871 Harte Came to New York to live, remaining until 1878, when he was appointed consul at Crefeld, Ger many, by President Hayes. In 1880 he was transferred, to Glasgow, and held that po.t until 1883. After that he liv ed for the most part in London. .'-' IMMIGRANTS AND TOURISTS. The American Ranker estimates the amount of riS6neV the 388,931 persons Who arlved In this country irr the fiscal year ending j lart June brought with t hem at 3.90,f)OO.' - Many of the Immi grants are di&ntined to make a show, ing of their weakh and m consequence the estimate Is more likely to be be low the af tukl amourvt. Some of them refuse to have1 their money exchanged for the. coin ; of their new country, hav ing hearJ probaWy1 that there H an element in the fiopulation of New York U'himi it ia not safo in triif Vhil I thehei i mini gram a- do not consider themseHed rich they realize the. value of eyen: a , few dollars In . a strange country. The average pum they pos sess per caprta Ira i $14. This, however. Is what they admit the porsest,-Kn. of. The official ha ve reason to believe that many of them mceatj ' larger amounts than they show. The Freneh tmmlgrairtji inake the highest "average per capita, wfthj a visible more if $39.37 Th (TJermans are a good! second with $34.14. .The remaining cla.svs how as follows: Italians northern), $23X2: Bohemian and Moravian, $22.78; Stan dinavian, $18.16; Irish, $1T.I0; Armenran $15.75; Croatian and Dalmatian,- $1.54; Greek. $15.10; Slovak. 12.31;" " Magyar, '$10.96; ItaUan . (south). $8.67. . The Northern Italian is either more thrifty than' the Southern I or more trusting, probably th ' former. Worsting American tourists is the principal oc curiation of the native of Mediterran eanj cWies, but. there are aifgood n any of them to divide, the spoils among The Ba n ker says t ru I y tha t X he ! money j which these people , bring, ifh them ' Is nothing compared with the bone! and slnewwhich comes with them. But the.tipre has about arrived, when bringing Tone and sinew o the United States Is much like-carrying coals to Newcastle, There is already a pretty godd supply of bone arrd sinew in this Country. Probably about 100,000 Ameri can tourists' and returning rmmigrants visit Europe each year, ami It is asi- mated that they take out of the coun try not far from $100,000,000- Store than three times as many immigrants come to this country and they bring with them, all the way from $5,000,000 to $.r.COO,O00. The balance of Ire in evi.Iently! against us. but we must bear in mind the! fact that our rich people fO'ti Kunie, wnite wun nere ami here, an exception, only, poor Europ eans come to the United States. ; y nun mwntw mnntg mwns. i ( . .a&ipw aafe unuev ' I . : : The plan iof operations of" the Ship ping Trust Syndicate -reveals jfinahclal possibilities) that exceed the j wildest dream of romance. It appears from a glimpse of these opcTatlons afforded by 1 New York- papers, that the shipping trust syndicate received $25,000,000 ln the common stock of the trust and $2, 500,000 of preferred stock for! services tn guaranteeing the sale of $50.000.00 bonds. This announcement, wien male In smi-offk4al shape in London, wis received with surprise and! f doub' London financiers regarded thjf sum al lotted to the guaranteeing syndicate as Iricfedible. Commenting upuni the Loa the New " ; ; don view of thejransaetlon York Kveniiig Post suys: . "Local Interests ptlnted obt today, that the syndicate remuneration is not out of proportion to the Unttied States Steel j Syhdlcaf opefatiens, ln Ayhlch 649.987 shares of new prefeiredL and the sarhe amotknt. In new common (market value, about ($84,500,000) were given to the underwriters for a $,23, 000,000 "cash distribution, which was expected to be returned, and a general guarantee of 'the flotation plan as a whole." u .--y - ;-( jy-., ; x For a cash contribuutlon that was to be returned in the event of the success of the scheme and a general guarantee against failure the United Steel Cor poration' Syndicate Is given stock. 1 he market value of which was at the time $84.500.000. 1 No wonder London finan ciers were surprised and doubtful when intelligence of this enormous bonus for the use of money and credit reached thenu . The Post says also thai the syndicate undertaking the new $50. 000,000 bond issue of the steel corpora tion gets tl0.000.000 cash for its services which include the possibility of being called upon to subscribe for: bonds to brace up a failing market. In thw two Instances the syndicate bonus vas shipping trust syndicate. In the case of the' shipping trust ainot Impossible rtonrocLa tion of the market value of -rm - , sharfB might reduce the profits of the syndicate from about 6 per cent of the liability assumed to about 3 per cnt. The profit of i the deal dipen.ls largely upon the ability of the holder to mar ket their stock at a good pyice. r:, ;TheIr statements are not calculated to fire the public heart with a dt-sife to buy the stocks thus thrown on- the market. Industries exp-sJ to comre tltion cannot standunder such : arti ficial" burdens- Earning divMjTKSs on twice the ,capit J.1 invested is improba ble. When the steel corporation con verted; a part of its preferrea stock into bonds, there was much speculation as to the wisdom of the policy. The announcement that th corporation paid $10,000,000 cash to a syndicate to guarantee the sale: of Its bonds sug gests. another cause titan policy for the change. , The corporation nuy - have been in need of rea ly money. While there is an enormous, amount or prop erty being carried on a comparatively small cash capital, the t redit Is so sol id that there i settle danger oftrouble while the present condition of prosper ity continues. 1 DEMOCRACY AGAINST CANAL. The DmoeratIe party is arrayed against the'Nicaraguan canalor .the membeTii of that party in Congress are arrayed against ft. Its not an open opposition. But if is effective in the, delay and defeat of the measure at this session a an open oppositions IT IS LESS MANLY AND LESS WORTHY OF RESPECT THAN OPEN OPPOSITION. , Does any Republican voter in Oregon intend to cast hisvote for a Democrat ic candidate for Congress on June 2d, to Join with other Democrats in Con gress in furthering such methods? Or for a candidate for the Legislature on the Democratic ticket, who may help to send a United States Senator to Washington s to give aTd and comfort j to the rrten reiinsibu? therefor? Or for the Democratic candidate for Gov ernor, who may appoint such a man' for United States Senator from Ore gon?v V ; - ( ' i .. The Philippine' bill; was placed on the Senate Calendar as unfinished busJnssi on the 10th of April. The next bil to be taken up as unfinished business will be the Nicaraguan bill. It will, become the unfinished business of the; Senate as soon as the Philippinebill is dis- posed of. From the 16thf day of April until now the Republicans have con stantly been ready 'to: vote upon tne Phlllpplneni. The Democrats, on the contrary, have as constantly refused to consent to a time for voting. They have filled 159 columns of the Congressional rppfiM with diHctiRsiona unoirthl hill They met upon consultation on May 6th and decided to continue the discus sion. In other words, apparently the Nicaraguan canal bill will. be crowded out of consideration until the adjourn ment of Congress by the discussion up on the Philippine bill. It is quite ap parent that the Democrats do not in tend to permit the Nicaragua"1" canal bill to come to a vote this session if: possible. ! LIQUOR DEALERS IN POLITICS. The political organization which is now being formed throughout the United States by the allied branches nf the liquor Industry will be launched formally-at a meeting which will be held In PHtsburg on June 6th.. I,t is expected that this meeting will be the. largest gathering of representatives of the liquor , interests ever held in the United! States. Angero Meyers, of Philadelphia, gen eral manager of . the Distilling Com pany, of America, says: ' ' "At the' Pittsburgh meeting the N tional Wholesale Liquor Dealers' Asso ciation, the National Distiller)' Asso ciation, the Retailers Association, the National Association . of Brewers and any number of kindred organizations will be united under a common! head. Officers wilt be eleicted and an organiz ation will be ept intact, a f:r the methods of the big political , parties." -This movement Indicates that 'the liquor men of this country want tf get into politics. They no doubt feel that they have some strength ari believe that they can. improve lir conditions by suehH lolitk-al organization. It Is hardy however, to see .what isaties these dealers could, bring Jo the front that would ' ctmrmeml themKlves to public favor, j They .may be organis ing for the purpone of throwing tbeijr strength to this party or that party from which they' can getN thi) best terms in The -w-ay of - faTOrsTbj(sJrind of politics would be at onc denounced and condemned by the great mass of the people, and measures more vlaror ous and drastic than rtnything yet brought to bear againtvt the liquor bus iness would be adopted. I .. The liquor dealers would better star out of politics. J or hev inay ' get more of It than they bargain f?r. The liquor question does not figure much in poli tics now, but It. might be forced to the front by arbitrary acta of Ox dealers. : Senator McCoroas, in reply to an at tack of Tiftnan' and Money in Misais IppI upon the Philippine policy of the administration, said: "We behok Sen ators from the two states where. here is less popuiar liberty than In, tbe others shouting loudest for constitu tional .liberty on the other' ride of the glotje." The rtatemetit was a of course Ju:ify ppines, but t des furnish good reason why those who profit? by the wrong should "not imder- take to-pose efore the American peo ple as the special champions of Justice and make preterm e of teing the defen ders of liberty. against the asiauUs of better men than themselvesA y , Governor Geer. has worked his way up from the plow to the chief officer ofjthe state.- His advancement has beien made by his own worth and abil ities, not by wire-pulling and politi cal manipulations, qualities the Gov ernor" never possessed."- "He Is entitled to the 'etidorsement of the people of Oregon for Senator and will undoubted ly be giveh a large . ixrte at the perils. A. voter for Geer is a vote for honesty and fair dealing: In politics, and the en dorsememt of a man who would rendT Oregon good service if- elected to the Senate, v He. is. the only candidate for the people's nominatiMir or' that office, and should havethe united support of ins pany. - . .a . -- :. - , . 'The saving of $5,630,704 wilt appear every section of the county indicate jthat the Republican county ticket is gaining strength with the votersind its election from top to bottom is Hit seriously doubtej by even the Dfmo era tic candidates themselves. The whole ticket will be elected with ma jcrVties ranging from 800 to 1000 votes. There never, was a time in the history of the county- when the Republicans had so little opposition as U being pujt up this year. The Democrats, are ex pecting to concentrate their efforts on Becqring a large vote for Chamberlain, on the state ticket but it is not believed that he can come any ways hear earry ing the county. ' ! ilr.v Wann, the Democratic nominee for Superintendent of public Instruc- tion, wants to tear up the whole-school system and make it 6ver in accordance With his own Jdeas. He wants7 to make the work light for the children in 4he scljiools, having; forgotten the maxim: "There is no excellence "with out great labor. Mr. Wann i a grad uate of the Monmouth Normal School, and his experience as a teacher has been confined o that Institution. If . he would teach a while In Hhe cbu.ntry schools "he would " probably see how badly off he-is on the. contention he is tryingr to make over our school sys tem. ' ' ! The Republicans of the Illinois State Convention the other day, turned down Senator Billy Mason and nominated Congressman Hopkins for his seat.'fThe, Legislature, if Republican,, will elect Hopkins at its next meeting without question, as ha is the; party nominee. Illinois has 'always followed this 'plan 61 electing -Senators and no demand comes from the state for the election of the Senator by the people. The people, practically nominate and .elect their Senator. The Mays-taw is de signed to bring about such a condition of affairs in Oregon, and If it is lived up to we shall ; have no more trouble about electing a Senator In this state. Congressman Tongue don't setm to have much opposition in the First dis trict. His election seems. to be con ceded even by" his Democratic oppon ent, for no effort so far has been made to bring Votes to the Democratic nom inee. Mr. Weatherford Is a good man, but, the contest s to be waged on pol itical issues, and Mr. Tongue t-ouW hot he. defeatfcwl by any effort thaTcbuld be put forth.. Mr. Tongue is in Congress to stay fori some time. ' .'r -: Foreign immigration for 0?e fif si four months of 1902 footed up 78,604, the largest-number Ipver rcordttd for a cof respohllng period. The number ar riving last week was 25.120, jwhich has never . been , equaled in ' sieyen daya April added to our rlopulajtion 73J67 persons of foreign birth. These figures are a striking-proof of the rapid growth of the country. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. ' 1 . The Republican Clubs' meet Thurs day evening in the police court room Carolina does not ' wrong in the.Phili to complete arrangements for theiiryfvlsITIN! MINISTER. Friday evening.) All member of the Cltfbs houiJ be present and: lereli their assistance toward making; ,a good showing at the: rally, whJch 'witr-mrtrk the opening of the campaign irt Mar ion county. I Republican success s assured beyond all question in this county.. This con dition was brought about by the county Republican "convention, which named the best men In the county for candi dates. It did not make a mistake in any Instance; and the Iernocratic tick et, is In the field simply to keep up the party organization. ; ( "If you have mtjgtstered you. must do so today before five ociock. Other wise yoa cannot-jrote without much trouble. . .... . -. Would Smwsh the Culb i If nwrobers of. the "Hay Fever As sociation' "would use Dr. ; ings ; New soctationT vouid use Dr. King's New wouldgo to pieces, for it always cvres this malady, and asthma, the "kind that baries the doctors it wholly drives froth the system. Thousands of once hopeleMi sufferers - from Consumption. Pneumonia, BronohitLe owe their, lives nd health to it.. It conquers Grip; savesv Tittle ones from Croup and Whooping Cough and Is positively All the world's a sageXElgin Watches arethe prompters. I " " are the world's standard for pocket" time-V pieces. Sold oy every jeweler in the land J ,' guaranteed b)f the world's greatest watch works.v Booklet free, a ; y ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO.! ' ...i '' Emim, Ilusou. A-fcAyfcJr i -N i ava:N fcfyUUjaaarrHwyv V i NEW CURE FOR THEIR DISEASES AND INFIRMITIES. . Scientific Investigation, supplement ed by experience, has shown, that ur inary diseases- are- more prevalent and destructive to life, health and happi ness than any othe cla known to the mMlical fraternity. J They ere nLt con- fin -d to the low ul diegradejl ikortrons off humanity, as many suppose, but. are to be found among the pure otj heart the innocent, the truly pious and the wealthy. ' ' ' - Many of them are transmittal from parents b children., from gvttemtion to generation. 2 Tlioiisands of! poile suffer untold agony, from their .rav aging effects, ard nv-et an early tnd untiftt-My deathJ often Ignorant of ' the causes. Though 'tTsmsmltted innlx'ently the effects of the dlsiiasesi lire.'iiot the. less terrible. It K sad trujh Ibat the. innocent are often greater siiffe.rrs than the guilty. - : y Of all tlw .organs of the" boly f.'y atv uxrw imfiorlant thuu those -ng:igijd in the urinary functiontf. ,In erfct he&Hh that ' great bfcssdng wHIch s few enjoy One will scaarcety reet a moment's thought sto these lmiiortant organs, aiwl at - the- -first unile4f-.int symptom gootl advice, xtich as tttay be ea.sily obtained, should be ImmejJiately solicited.- - . . .' '' . ;'. Among the chief and most, wlffnion diseases are emlnal waknesi ' and nervous dt-bilify or lofw of nerve Jioer. Thousands of young and middle aged men suffer with nervous 'dleases for .rears and may be ignorantofthe . ca,use when a little timely advice would make life's pathway full of cheer and happi ness. When the first symptoms of sem inal 1 weakness manifest thenselves the sufferer is noticed to' beoorrie d nil i CITY MEWS IN BRIEF. LET EVERYBODY HEAR . Evansrelist- Worrel tonight- at the Baptist church at 8 o'clock on Theos ophy. Spiritualism and Christian j Sol ence A TEACHER RlIGN Mrs. Carrie I!!andv for a .numlU-r of years one of iSalem' most succ teachers. yesterday ; fifed her tion withithe board otjltec take effetit onJune 13th. 4ilE KLING ER BUILDING. The contract for the excavatlagj work and the erection of the new two-story brick building for Maurice .Klingfr, on State street, has been awaruen been to Welch & Maurer of this city, and work will begin, on the same a l the earliest BIRD STUDY CLUB The Salemt Bird StUslV Club Will hn;-e a regular meeting in the parlors pjtW Unity church th2- (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. The SubJt for nr-U-iion for this TOjfe?tdng is "Warblera The members a nH all Interested In the study of birds are urgently Invited to attend the meeting and.take part in its . work. A NEW CORPORATION. The Alsora and Gold Itrlck M ining. filed Mining and Smelting Company articles of-incorporation in the Dfiart ment "of -State yesterday. "The com ranv will own an.I-sSorjera;te -mining propertiea and smelters with headquar ters In Mjhtle Creek. Douglas count v. The capital is $100,000. -. II. 'M. ! Arnl tage. O. W. Crows and M.. A. Sly, of Myrtle Creeks are the lncorr.oraf.or. Rev. ' t'onklin. of Findiay, Ohio, a prominent merriber of the tm4o 'nfer nce. Evangelical fhurvh, has -ome to the Coast. to tate work in theOiregon ;-onfennce. He Is visiting and prieach !ng In Portland and vicinity. He, w1U be the ; guest of Rev, and MrSsV N. Shupp Saturday and Sunday, old! time friends! and I i-o-workent. lie wijl Oc cupy the pulpit morning and evjening at th'. Evengelical chUrch, SeventN,nth and Chemeketa stremsl:,';: -:c':;' ;. YOUNG WOMEN'S CONFERENCE. i'The Pacific Coast annual confenence of the Y. W,:C. A. coni'ehes In JCapl- OP SIX .WEEKS, Beginning Mdrt&iy'June 30. wEi hi con 3 acted in one of the rooms of the Port land Busineaa College, corner Park aod Washington streets. Jt wilt be atrlctly a school of study, designed to aid teachers to higher grades In the August examina tion. . Farther particulars on application. OPEN ALL THE YEAR Tbe Portland Business College Is open all tbe year. Students may enter at any time, for special branches or a regular course, and receive Individual Or class in struction, a a preferred. Cal! or send for tit 'g- - - . - i MEN NLY v -. -- Vi V ami ls troublett with indigi-rtlon. . though the appetite may, remain good.--Hut the strength vanihts atwl 'the; par v tient grows tliin. JIrbeome indo lent and d"biUtatfd..rihvrios' ofu-nij-., ory and all vigor of the sexual his" : may follow. In time h ncAy fait int- a 'complete inate' of tmitencv-. loss of textual jww. Among. ItsR ter.'-i ; rlbte effects may be. ixn ntitM"I Jl of meniiirv. confusion of: 1 v . vou deI,ondency nl g n-ral weakn. It ' Pr'lj no mirror, u reiiwis jik.'m., i n pale fa-e. th suik-ti cyi jlu- .1 n caot coirntenancj t he ,' tooiin'i.: :',! -form aH serve to an-riuce t ! - ' tiiu'rubles. jht WU (I !' Ily but itens the gaU.-lo other di' )--. of ttte eart. Tl unfortunate .Ti.-.i er c-etlttot sleep. Itt ''that . nl rn..'-" Kjt State between life and de:rth, iU'- tM for tlw r'fijeratWn f the nin I .ul lody. he ait krnw h f V (insun are .kirk athl foretHxIinr." i'i.l the con.Kt.irrt dr.-riti tuwitt hU - r -whi :jt - x lobs it of '.tt,- Vifal (luid. , I; This affliction -tay le the icmH mI " of matureycat". As '"n .hi- i ' hue H. bundle of ha11ktH." iov es. ntialj , ho KlMtukt start rightX lt life, tir- hi mind . shoit ll m full of ni'''fin thotiKhts fuihl iti.ri' cru.'ithni!; H. of you who suffer froinVthls d'-aj' should loc m: tlntt- in1 'ctnsul.'(i:i?: I1' Darriiv for the time nav Jwme jvl'et ' you will be Wj-ond the aid f all t :e,li-l cal skill. :'J-:.''- 'ti . No matter what 'you h-ve tk n or who has faiUnl to cure yu. -it' itn l see the doctor, a he vin iertnnni iy. wafely and privatelly cure yu in -J , half the; time and-at one-half thi- 4W-. .ensie- required by others. Co.us1 1 1 T- ' Darrln at-the-Willamette Hotel. :'.Paleiir until 1 July' 6th. Examination free. tola, California, on Friday. May lth. and continues unrrtTuewlay.' May STjth. ,-. and several dHegation from: the col leges in hivI uroutxl this ciiy dej. irte.l last night t attend, us follows: Mies .iVInnifred lUgdon. Lila..Kwano:nl. Min nie CbrnclluH. Ve-va -Gardner, and loii ise Van Wagner, of ViUameite I'ti;- T verwitv: Missts Ida Ytnler and GeTTi u.le Vernon-.'. of Moninotrth -Normal Schml; , . Misses Hart and Lydia Campb il. ,rf Dallas College, and Miss McOloud iih 1 MisS' Charlfs,, of the Salern In ilan . Training School.' The whole not th went dHegation wait chapt-roneil by Mrt. Frank Harrolan, of PortUmL TWO HEARTY OLD MEN- Wm. Downing of Lacinb, Linn oun-j-tyi Is in the city, a guost at the h nne of his brother, Hon. -Geo. , K. uis nitig. . The visitor is In -his 82d year.. He Is sound' in he;alth" und able'. to-' do it uokI day's work with most young , m i'. J. tt Capllnger, who" lives four an t a I half miles east of Salem, is 7 j .'.rs old. .Iurlng the past winter h cut fifty cords of wood, besides doll. j a gotKl ditol of grubbing! He Is as s ttirnl as a pine knot and very j.rou. ij." his strength and endurance, lie cai! his friends of sixty and, seventy y ar. "boys." .-; ..yy-y y ; SPANISH WAR VETERANS- y ! Hal Hlbhmrd. Camp No, '..'21 2. if an-"'. I8h-Amriiin : War Vet-rans, h I I s mH-tlrHf In Ihe tollce court rotmTT the city hall last night. A number of i,. "ot hers werei -fn-esent awl an -later'!,'tingy ing meeting a-as the result. . The i-ifir cipal object: for which the roeetlm; ''' -CaileI wai j to . connidef7Tn4n vit:,t Ion l-from SeIgWIk I'ost. No.ClO, i. A. It-. to particiiMitje In the mem4riaIexerHjes . to be her in observance if Dciralon Day in this city and It was defiled, by unanimous vote of the' camp-to a-- -L cept the Invitation and I he" AdjutAtrrr" was I nst rueted to not i f y. t he officers "f Sedgwick Post, f S. A. IC. of the a . tance and to : assure ii hern ' that the.. Camp would part ilate with jlean.iire in the parade. jnd other xerciw-s.' Tli-.-aJutaht was atrinHtrucfd to" notify; all members not preesnt of the action of the, Camp and toVurge their a't enh ance. " .'-.-.'''.,.'. -, !.' .,'- FOR THE NAVY.- :' :;-:;:;:": ."; F. Joejhsrn,, ,he master at arms tf. S. Navy, 'was In the city yesterday In-ttd van iLLleuten.int, J. V. Morton, U. S. Navy.j who will penlup a recruit ing office for the Navy at Eugene, on Sunday, May lfh! and remain' until Friday. Way 23d. lie tail that ten new rne-n of war were nUn to be put fnto commission and a yet no men to man them. Recruits t re to' be enlltd for the position of msichinisi's. firemen, coal. pMSser.electriclans, shipwrights, carpenters, seamen, ordinary sunen. landsmen. for training, apprentices and mess attendants with salaries ranging from $to $16 per month. Airx--tion-commlssioned Officers of the at toy r marine ?orpre' eligible" to- enJitet as master-at-arms (third das) wlthj salary from $30 to $65, and yocnvn and clerks may aniist with salary from $30 to- $50. Boys enlisting fer apprentice ship must have the consent of their parents or guardians. ... PHILADELPHIA BARBER SHOPS . An ordinance to regulate anl Im prove the eosvatton of birbr shops of Philadelphia will -be , Intrjoduc J !nf council. It wf:i provide for the n- -1 IS ... w.V .. . . v .