VnZEKUT OREGON STATESMAN. FRIDAT, MAT 16. 1902. RELIEF FOR THE STRICKEN - - ;!:.' ''! ' 1 r" ' War and Navy Departments Divide the Work THE AMERICAN RED CROSS Appeals to the Public for Aid for the Suffer- another appropriation of Three;! hundred., thousand DOLLARS MADE Bt j FEDERAL CONGRESS AN IRISH NATION ' A LI ST TALKS OF AMERICANS. ' V WASHINGTON, May 13 The War and Navy Depaftmtnt have decided to divide he work of relief of the West In lta t wfrtie between them, bo aa "rftivetbe- naiy "full '.-barge of the gen-t"-;iJ .fluijrf'-t tf f?isB--'iX'i ia'-f'fUi atll en trykijo ihf' iDtriiriimni ith 'np. t urnu aUon of supplies, s i 'j Th NasSonat. A m-rican jred. Qr- r'i;r pit!'? c" the United Sui-tes itj seni Tfn'y an li su;i4i a ";n aid t thf smflter-lrf' Mariui jue and Mt.'. ' yifni-!iif, to ,6i.rrt-Uii-'ili;tJ:, New York-" OtlrrTC ifVMw-v'troiy rrr, t ci- r-fi ' to XT. J., Filjh tretfHrer. A.n ; " 'Nstiona.J Cn:v A S Uai;'7ri ta;lUc iBank, Warintr-ou. WASHINGTON, aray 13. Senator CuUom, from .'the Committee on; for eign Relations of the Senate, today: re lented a Joint resolution appropriating 1300,000, including the $200,000 already appropriated, to be expellea. under the - direction of the president for the relief of the stricken people of the French . West Indies and St, Vincent, The res oluUon "was adopted without comment A Relief Appropriation. Washington, May 13. Ah additional appropriation of $300,000 was made by the Senate today for the stricken peo ple of the French West Indies, iri ac cordance with the recommendation of the Prsldent, that $300,000 be apffSoprl- Big Purchases Made. Washington, May IX -The plans of the Commissary Department, made af- tt;r. a careful consideration of thf news dispatches from the Antilles, conjtem- . plates a . supply of $40,000 nations for ifourteen idaya. , . jTbe Quartermaster's Department is purchasing clothing and Kupiplies" ior 40.00 reopJ?. and , the Medical DepartmPTit In workFng in pro rortion in its iwn-hasies.. In the Navy Department carefully , ulannied( relief , measures! arts being' carried forward: ; The crvtlmf Buffa-to ; has been ordered . put fr rfadlness for lmmedfate : use as "a food aiid supply transport. There iff no lack of indications pf erontaneems offering from all parts of the country. Today . tlegnam wa. received from the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce, asking the Department if . prUnate contributions would be re cNved, and how they should be adf dreW!l. Himllar mt'Stags ca me from - other ioints. An original suggestion came from r NfWVYrk 'c6nitii4.feimt X in the . shipe of a letter profft-nng a million pounds' of rice at cost frie and dutv free to the. Government. r Ho rapUHy hart the Government aijfnts ' worked thas already the "War Department a! one had stent over $100, 0M) of the relief appropriation. Not Their Way London. May I3.r-The munificent ap- proprtatloilv-yeslefdai'. by the Untied states Cingre.s for the reli?flfMar tinlque sufferers. President Roosevelt's . mesai?e recommending $50,000 for that purpose, the action- of the, 'TJntPd "TTates Governmt nl in dispatching war Vessrls anid food ) supplies to Mir1n ique, etc were. drawn attention to In the Ilcuse ;6f" Commons today, by John Dillon- the fb? S'atmnallst, who asked the j .Government leader. A. J. IiJfour, whether Great Britain Intend ed Co adopt imilar relief "mr,aires'. Ialfour's reply wns not caleulatd to -aitiafy public opinion. He said th? jjirSWer' hd -been un'ler conjlder-tlop . by the, CaMnet but he had no ia?fc--mtnt to-make."; ! i- . ' :-' A MOB IN CONTROL AMERICAN MINISTER TO HAYTI REPORTS OStCHE REVOLU- . ; ! TION THERE. ... .4:C- ' r- . WASHINGTON. May 13 The Secre tary of Stat I2Ssj rereivvl a dlsoatch from the American Minister in Havti. as-fol!ows j - , - :''.:' "The Chambers "ha'vebeen rtii bv a mob. Much firimr ensued., and one Deputy wass Vnortally wounded. "The populaoa attiaerhe palace and, r senat Jist; night. I Several "were Ued and wounded. : -il - : 'Firmin; with Uw rmy t marehing on Port a; Prince, great excitement prevails t Port au Prirwe, and bul'l ness is pen.ded4 t'. i - i THE SHERIDAN HORROR MORE DEAD AND WOUNDED AND FURTHER EXPIX5IONS ARE PREDICTEl. rrTTSDUKG. Pa.. May IX A rare fil search? for the "dead and injured in the Sheridan horror of yeoterday re vsls tonight a Hat of twentr-three dead and 202 Injured. - The comolete lint of Injured thay never be known, aj" many wre able to get away without making khowwtheir identltv. : A eon scrvatlve estimate by thosa familiar with the ; eituatloit places, the number rnona or iets seriously hurt a t hot less than 3oa "! - ; " ( . Pmsburg. Pa May 11 The officials of the Pan-Handle Railroad fear woraw explosion than, the three which wrought sr 'much damage -yepferdaT. Ar"Miger line has beespmade 500 yards cn ail &ide of the burning wreckage aud the railroad police are keeping the curious crowd back. ; A few feet below the bartting' wreckage lies the big 55- inch mala oC the FhUadelpbJa. Oom-1 parry, which come from the gaa fields In the ! Southwestern portion of the state, and which supplies the McKee Rocks and Lower Allegheny, districts with natwral ffaa. It la feared lhat the concussion was ao great yesterday that some of the Joint or even the pipe Itself aright have been, damaged, and if such Is the case, the gas. whlch-ls un der greaJ pressure, will soon force its way -through, , and- another terrific, ex plosion will follow. About tvtnty car are plledt'up be3 tween the Sheridan Station, and Corks Ron In the Sheridan yardsr This la still ia roas of1 flamea. In this. there are all kinds of merchandise. Little headway is being made to extinguish the re. owing to tl fact "that the en tire wreckage is saturated with nDh tha nd kerosene,, awl every now and then a fresh volume of flame shoots out from tsbe smolderinr ruins. I j THE STRIKING COAL MINERS Total Suspension of the Work May Be Temporary : ONLY A BARE MAJORITY Will Be Had In the conven tion for Permanent StrikeV PRESIDENT JOHN MITCHELL AND .. HIS FELLOW -OFFICERS MAIN TAIN SILENCE. AND THE CON VENTIPN OF ! MINE-WORKERS ''Z "WlLlJ DECIDE MATTER TODAY, HAZ ELTON, Pa, May 13. The ait- uatlon regaa-ding the continuation of the present toUil suspension of the work in th athfaeite- C4al fields of Penn sylvania is a trifle clouddd tonight. , Ttfe apparent overwhelming , senti ment for a r strike, -which was In cvly dence yesterday, is'not quite bo promi nent now, and predictions are freeiy made tonight that whatever : the dele gates in -.conventlorij tomorrow ileter mine upon, the winning side 'Will have only as bare majority. Prflsldent Mit chell and his fellow officials still main tain silence, and every attempt . that has been ' made to gel thfr , opi nion of the situation has proved futile. The indications, fhoweverjare that the del egates' favoring the7 strlkei are In the majority and will win "in the :con vena tion. It is believed that the pro-strike delegate iq the middle and lower re gions are numerous enough ' to over come considerable t anti-strike senti ment in the upper region.:-, . il- ,:.r" CHAFFEE MAKES REPORT HE FEARS "NO FARTHER I TROU BLE AT THliiNHANDS ' OF j THE REBELLIOUS DATTOE. : WASHINGTON. Mtye13.--General Chaffee has" made the following cable report to the "War DepartmenTof the progress of ttbe negotiations wirh the Dattos f& Mtncnao; ! ! ''BrtgadierKJeneral George T. Dav thinks two, battalions shouM come if they can be supplied.' The Genassi trail is very difficult. I think the with drawal, from the laks would Seriously jeopardize our safety: the weaker dat- tos would have given, friendly assis tance, but I toelieve that If we -remain, ine more powerful Uaxtos will come In when it is apparent, ouK mission is friendly. From the present indications further hostilities will not be ; .nc- sary unless provoke! by the Moros. The battle " of Bayan caused much as tonishment; It was extremely neces sary, and awholesbme lesson which I do not think will have- to be reneated. "Some Datlos are very suspicious and offensive. The: lake counitry Is beautiful and .more suitable for the occupation of the Aurericans than any the archpeiago.! AlictorliyJJ. C.t May 15. A band of flf tyXutiws, , armed ; with rifles and i bolos, 1 attacked five rrtemibers 'of the Philippine: constabulary : (natives) between Bulusin anKl Barcelona in the Province of Sogwgon.. The, inhuman wretches,, reports the Manila. TimesL captured three - of the ' cpnstsularv. tied them hand and foot, gouged out their eyes with sharp wiood sticks, and then, piacingr them In the burning sand with the sun: beating into their ey el esa sockets! commericinK at their- feet, cut them into smal p1eees with -bolos. adding-1 every poselbie feature of barbaric torfure except burnfing. The other two members of the constabulary eocaDed to ;Sorsogoh. "-. ,; '!''.'.'.;-, ENDED IN MASSACRE BLOODY BATTLE FOUGHT BE ' TWEEN CHINESE TROOPS AND REBELS. ! PEKIN. May 13.-f-An encounter .be tween the rebels and the troops of Yang Kal SbU Governor of. Chi '."Li proVinee, practically breaks up all the armed j resistance to .th Owernmftit It is estimated that 2000 rebels were killed, 'i The end of the engagement sa vored f a massacre. AH the wound-Vl were kitted and no prisoners were tak en. CASTOR I A For IrJanU &n.d Guldren. Xti Ihi Yes Ha?a Alwajs B::gH Bears the 9caatfcf HARRlilAN IS COMING. SAN FRANCISCO. Kay 14. E. H. Harrlman. President of. the-i Southern Pacific Company, started on his return trip East this evening by way of Port land. Or. lie was accompahied by General Manager Julius limttachnltL X7 A COLUMN OF - BLACK SMOKE Drives an American Vessel ' Out of Her Course ; IN THE LESSER ANTILLES The Situation at St. Pierre Mnnot Be De scribed , - r -. H 1 FRENCH TROOPS ARE BURYING THE DEAD REMAINS ARE BE ING ROBBED BY GHOULS, A BOAT LOAD' OF; THEM, .BEING SEIZED BY THETUG POTOMAC. : .'" :' . '. ' ' ' -. ' 'i ' ' "- A FORT DE FRANCE, May 1Z. Th United States Government tug Poto mac cruised along the coast of this island yesterday. "She encountered an; Inky black column - of smoket which made It necessary for her to' go five miles cut of her course. Words fail to describe the present situation at St". Pierre. A small de- I tacbmtTit of Fsench troops is making an effort to Inter the dead, although the Government seems to be strikingly unconcerned as. to what Is done In this direction. The looting' of the ruins has' begun already. While coming to Fort de Franbe the Potorhac picked up a boat containing five' colored men and one white man whose pocket were filled with coin and jewelry.. The latter evidently strippejd. from the finger of the dead. Lieutenant McCormick, com mander of the Potomac, turned the men over to the .commander of the French cruiser Suchet for punishment. A -famine here is iminent. The btomac " will leave here today for thf Island of St. Vincent; where conditions are y reported to be worse. LaSouffriere, on St. Vincent. Was in full eruption May 10th. A stream of stones and mud half a milevwide, was then issuing from the volcano. Sven hundred dead were reported May 11th. It Is estimated that the total deaths in St. Vincent reach two-thousand. The northern section of the island Is depopulated. Prov leians are t needed immediately for 100,000 people. A ship, load of lime is also needed at" St. Pierre for sanitary purpoe The stench there from the. dead bodies Is overpowering. Mount' Pelee was : still erupting" smoke, and fire at a . late hour last nSght.o ; , It was reported! heroi yesterday, "from the Isdand of Dominica, that 300 sur vivors of the St. ( Pierre disaster had reached there In canoes, j Many strange and JncomprehenriWe Instancies are reoounted of St. "r Pierre. Thtr-chsTTCVl remains of a woman with a silk handkerchief, unburned and in perfect condiition. held to her lip, have been found. The crisped' bodies of young girls have been: found, but their shoes unhurt; -Tv --4-: - Every praise is given United States Consul Ayme.- He hA .worked lnJe ftlgably -co succor the survivors. , He has bound thif Hmbs rf wounded and has worked without siep and Without food, , lie Is. now thoroughly' exhaur-t ed - ' Iu addition o"h specie' alreadv ured. Jewels to the value of 1,000.000 f rapes were rescued from the Bank pf St. Pierre yesterday. Tire Italian con sul at Mtirbadioes ha tecovered th body of hhv daughter, who .was vlsi'tfng St. Pierre afcstbe ime of the disaster. No Ftftw of Lava. Fort de France. Xay.I3. As a result of the measures takttvby. the author! !tles,access to StPlerres now easier. The ruins of the! town' mre ceased smoking. Two thousand corpses have been found in a carbonized condition. It is learned that the rain of fire ceased at a distance of 200 yards from the v lage of Le Carbet. There was hot. has been said, any flow of lava. A REMARKABLE PROJECT POTTER PALMER PROVIDED IN lilS WILL FOR ON EMERGEN THAT." NEVER CAME. ; CHICAGO. May 14. With the filing of the w ill of thelate rotter Palmer is -made public an exceptionally interest ing codicil relating to a remarkable project by which Chicago-would have been, very much benefitted in certain contingencies. , "When the deceased and , his, family w re leaving for a trip abroad about four years ago. the t'Stator contem plated an emergency that they might all meet death together In some dis aster. In this event Mr. Potter pro vided that one-halt oljiis estate should go to. establish an immense-people's palace, where free opportunity should be given to the people of Chicago fr entertainment and. recreation and for physical, mental and nwral ,deveio ment hrough lectures nd classes, and instruction in me nature of our poliUcal Institutions and the duties M qniensnip, ai in the arts ahd scl-fl ences. The rest he bequeathed in icqual proportion to his collateral' heirs ajid Mrs.' Pal mer's collateral heirs. But there Is no suggestion In the wiQ that this scheme be now carried ouL CATTLE PRICES HIGHER. . CHICAGO, May 14. Cattle prices were higher art the Union Stock Yards in Chicago today than for almost 20 years. The top price for the day. $7.60, was 10 cents In advance of the high mark last week. Prices of hoars and sheep Also made record marks' for the' year. . - - . -i . f MADE A GHASTLY FIND TWO YOUNG MEN DUG' UP SKELETON IN EAST SALEM ON MONDAY. W. H. Clark and George Zwlcker. two young men employed by T. D. Joness, the East Salem nurseryman, made & ghastly find In the shane of a human skeleton, on Monday afternoon while employed in hauling dirt from the south end of Mr.' Jones' -place in East 'Salem, to the State street aide of the tract. The south ' end of ; the Jones property abuts1 on the Peniten-tLu-v witch, between 24 th and 25th streets, and the fence at this point has recently betnl moved In about ftet. The men were engaged In hauling dirt from a point near this fence, and while Mr, Clark was loading: hi wagon he dutf ' ud. to- his momentary horror, a grinning .kulL A further examina tion s-howetlthe remaining bone of, human "i,keJ4tonr the whole haying- been imbedded in t he ground only 18 inchet below the surface. On examination it was decided that the toody had ben burled for - many yetrs, possibly jJO px $5 yturs, arfd that It was probably that of ah Indian, as the find was made or. tfcelsite of . an oU Indian canining groui.,Mr. Jones hai owned the place for ITycuirs. end le isf safisfied It must have been buried before he nur- chased the property. The bones will be Te-Interred, today. WILL BUILD WARSHIPS Naval Apfopriatlon Bill Tak- en Up in the House RNiNG NOTE SOUNDED :'-Al--A -r-T i. ' - American Navy is Not Invinc v able, Says Mr. Foss THOUGH IT DEFEATED THE EF FETE AND DECAYING NATION OV SPAIN CONFERENCE RE PORT ON THE OMNIBUS BILL REJECTED BY LOWER HOUSE. : . ; .. - r . ;- ..'.- '('. l " WASHINGTON. May 13.-The nay al appropriation bill, which provides for two hew battleships, two armored cruisers and two gunboats, and carries a total . of $17,650,000, was ttaken up in the House today. Foss (UL) chair man of the Naval Corrjmittee, in opening- the' debate soundetd a note' of warning against the overconfident be UefJ; that our navy is4nvincible. He declared that our - victories at Manila and. Santiago werttdue to-the fact that the Jleets were contending with the ef fele and decaying nutfon, and that our strength far outmatched Spain in these -contests.'"' . s' - The Conference report on 'the Omni bus claims bill was rejected ; on the ground- that the claims not cortsldared iby either branch of Congress had been inserted in the measure by the con ferees and tfnT measure wa returned .Vf ivwiiivi tin r - - - CHANGING THEIR NAMES TWO YOUNUr MEN PETITION THE PROBATE COURT JO THIS EFFECT. . Upon the application of Fredricrb Ott and George -Ott. to the Marion county court to have their surnames chaiired to i?chindlcr. nl tlx? c"rt j-et Frldaiy. May 30. 1902. at 10 o'clock a. m. as the date and time for hearing the applcation hd ordered that notices be posted in- at least three nubile places ln1 Mariorr countv. Fredriech Ott, aged 23 years, hs lived with his' grandfather. Gottfried Schindlor, ever since he was 7 years of age, and Geosre Ott, ever sinct he was 3 weeks old and not havincr heard from tneir father. Fred OM, who lives In Germany, fopmore than 'flVe yea'rs and from the nrfother, who was last heard of at Ch-ao, for morff than three yearak it) their desire and also thatlof their grafcdfaAher that they assume the -tatter's surname and become, his heirs. ; ; COLLECTING THE FUNDS FOl THE FOTJRTII OF JULY CELK (ATI ON I N THE CA ll- TAL CITYf . 1 Tine flnaneev coimnlttit for the Fourth of Ju1yKetebraton crrtlnul its solicitation of .fWds yrterday and reported very encouraging rvsults. Abut one-half of the usiness houa"S have been canvasweef soar and the committee feels very hopefuKof secur ing all that it started outftv raissp, $2000. or even 'mJre, as in eveTK In stance th9, members have been vrv cordially received, liberal eontrib tlores haw ibeen made and kind wishes of succeit received, and up m' lrt ev ening over $1200 haI bee-n subcrfbd. The merclnts are taking ho vi of the mter. g-lve all the support potble a,rrl there Is no. rtoubi in anybody's mind now, juilginc by the enthusiasm generally manifested., that Slem will have the grandest celebration this year that has ever been wit nssed before in her history. This, was the smbrtance of the rcslution ;whlclu was offered-sod asfrrpted at the citixenfs mass meeting, and. the spirt t is- stUl living and being earried oat with a vim which1 refierts great credit upon ttse committee and the business ' men awV ritlsens, of Sa tem. No .more "one-horse" celebra tfons for Salem. -'. DAM CONTRACT AWARDED SALEM COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL HOLD; AN IMPORTANT MEET- ' ING TONIGHT. The Greater Salem Commercial Club bas ' awarded --e contract for repairing the dam in Mill cree-k, for furnishing; power to-the flax fibre plant, for $250 to G. G. Swart There were a number of bids filed, ranging from $25 to $400. '- . . dir. Swart proposew to abanlon the nM rfam entirelr and althouzh thi material that can be utUixed of the IdJthja orderT while dam In the construction of tha new one will be used, the new dam will be put in about 209 fet above the gate and as the club Is very desirous of having the work don6 at the earliest possible date. Mr. wart Is engaged In prepar ing his plans and specifications and jrfltaussllipIcS A Or Hoi TO JiK (UVliN AS A PREMIUM WITH ' Tvvice-a-Veek Stateoman this is oun offer MAN ON IT YEAR $3.25 ; IIEREij.AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET A VAIAT- MJLE BOOK 9 f phobia, sunstroke, fits, falls, sprains, bruises; -also for . sudden diseases, iJ"ke croup, cholera, etc. It (describe the cause, the symptoms!,- the natm" thK effect, the treatment and th J, remedy of every disease which affects humin-Ity.- Treaties on" the Passions ajid5 Emotions', such as Love, Hope, J.y, Af fection, Jealousy, Grief, Fear. Despair;" Avarice. Charity. Cheerfulness; hl...v ing the Innuence of the mind on the body: eminently calculated t urni.i ih people to the fact that h.alt dependa to a great degree upon the projnr tli rectlon and control .of the pa: islonsj and emotions. . 1 ' -( . Essays on Intemperance, Use of Tobacco, fchep Exercise, Cold, Baths, Etc. , SPECIAL LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN A Complete Materia Medlca, or nearly 3K) medical plants, hek-hs and ' . 1 ..'-.l a l.,n ! Ka fTA ti V Ofiwl ........ .T..-.l.T . :v Manual for Nursing' the Kick. iriene. Domestic anJ Kar.Hary Economy ventilation, .H'urr -ana. i.tni'ure. Air, Water. Purification of. Watort Drainage, Culture and Development, eti. Address ... - - - , - t . i r . . ! -OF THK ' Twice-a-WeeK Statesman WEEKLY OREGONIAN, psr year,.'..... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per yssr. ! OUrf pRlCE, BOTH PAPERS.... . PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, per yar...... .... TWICE-A-WEEK 8TATESMAN, per yssr. '.A. BOTH PAPERS....... CHICAGO INTER -OCEAN, pt year....... TWICE -A-WEEK STATESMAN, per yr. COTH PAPERS..... HOARDS DAIRYMAN, per yer.- TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAjN, ptr BOTH PAPERS. ..... OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL, per TWICE-A-WEEK. STATESMAN, par BOTH PAPERS..... f HRICE-A-VEEK NEW YORK WORLD, por yssr., TWICE-AiVEEK STATESM AiN, psr yssr. ......... BOTH PAPERS?..... M'CALL'S MAGAZINE (inelud ng ja f TWICE-AWEEW STATESM A,N, per BOTH PAPEr.3......J....... II U n w UW) t lT.hMii tMtnr la trmt tits. aa t tin. aa I- r will Ix-ain wXrk as wNn as -ractic- ' . '. l'iOf a l L U. able; ' A Hecretar-Judah is In rwi .cominiini-tion from Adj. (if Gautenfwln. f ih regtn tional fJnard', in iespne t'.i invii hold .the - annual enafnptient to i this city this year, in wblrh the Adjutan G-rvral states that ..t h id bfn decided b'ffre Mr. Judah's letttr, was rd, to hold the ehcainprnent at rsdy Allwny thin yer," arid - that the dt isikn was not th v result of .-any-'-' tssati sith Kalctn, " the encramprn ,faeti'n nt helil hre two years ago" was -minenily mnq? e-essful and the courtesy and reu'iros ity of she 8.-tlem were jsreatly sr. or ix rated, but nil other thtniPS facing etiual. it was e-onsid-.Vt-d tha.t the cUI- xens of Allwny er.lit'.ed encainpmeitt this' ye-ar. ; , to the . Secretary Judah also received m em f 1 the U. W.. niunicatoni from th s-Eretary Grand Ixlare of Orernn. A. O. to the effect that the-Kupreme Lodge oflnemr of the Issrty. f The" writ-jsy i'.-ursion through this -vaRey. would, in Accept ance of su .Invitation 4f thS. local lifige of the A. O. U. W and the G. IS- - ttop off in this Ity for lunch oh Mon'- day. June 16th. At the regular meeting of tjie cliib at the city hall, at S o qlock thl s even- PEnysician le Book of Health TIIIS ROOK WITH THE .TATtS. OR BOOK ALONE .4jico. AT SMALL COST. The only, complete household guide and . reliable, genuine med ical book ever tut :ihed. .' ' Every disc1 'to which.- the ' human vace is subject is ful ly treated' 'in thl ex hnustive , volume. New diseases.' Treat-' ment and Theories whichhav'e appeared within the lat frw years; and .Whioh are not even mentioned In. other' ' so-caMct! medical books. : re herein- discussed, and the treatment.Jm,l remedies set forth; such as Bacteriology. Appendicitis. Tulw culosla, liyphotUm. Venereal vaod . gkla Diseases, La, Grlne, Nervous V - Diseases. , .etc;,. " .. .v - y Treatment kind cur of every disease, of Men and Woneh and Children. Trle sim plest and best inn dies; minute dini--tlons in cases of w o u H d i, 1 1- a 1 ,1 burns; 'poison. hHo- list of the principal rcmedie; in. Hvlin , vegetable remedies: delwTttHn of can; IS r n.' k " f Itil 1 V A K 11 rl their preparation . . r ..; Treatises on Anatony. lh.vld.Ky and Hv- Difinfcctants, etc.. etc. Physical - Statesman Publishing Co., ! Salcut Orcuon ...i...'.ttl0. S .$1.00 .1.00 uoo, sn ysar..;.... .1.75 . 50 .11.00 ,i:40 If If flff ! year. yssr. 1.M !.X) , .... J .i., res pattern to asch subscribsr) ... .$1i0 ysar...... ......... lliWI ........ .110 it THC MESS COT THAT CUHCS AMD sftCVCMTS TNK EPIDEMIC how RAGING among wilt Core them ttHertm, Cough r,r tf)ittmr, ! Prussian Uc I'owdrn. thr i'n4u Hmr t-itm IM pmi right month.'"! rived 11 korwof h. 14 of rtt-o-mr "f rrnn rived 11 a- auMisa a.M.. C- St. Sum., mmm. I ing. among the Important inittera-1 come up, wIU ins aproKsltlon to w thorite the Hub in ssk the Mouheni.. Pacific Com any to er t a handsotn" IHtssengef ished-at Uie fajr grounds for ths ftccommmUtion and protect ion f IiSf.engFVS ' There numi 's . of other matters to come Ik-fore , . - ' . - ! . ft . SSH . , ..lii...aiii dlf reort tne ciuo. rn gwm i . . . ; . .a at I starting and everything ; wiki smoothly tnr-' ihm f Mi1-tn r-t - anxloUHNe have everyTIody turn ont to the meKtlnjf and. l-rvi their asslKt anc in thw tte tttive ptrt of the. worn. f , THE TREASURE ISLAND, v han rnAjrixr m? ii.-"Th. rrewsure UwV forwhii an il-"j. ditioh tartei "from tltlsN ee-mbcr on the . schooner Hm lh!j-. lias lx-en re-su-hed irr rarcy aording a letter rwHie-l in this city rm 'a that gold was found jh the imi on sU".hore. a n-1 T aljw, that 'iuartx d ls-o is eref on th island zujp'f! to ! gold -bearing. The location f b- N ahxl. however, is not t ited A tf-r was posted In "Ecuador tt is r- mired the rich Wandas off he toat of that coutrtry. '''' T'ty- t - V