WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, TUESDAY,. MAT IS. 1302. VeflaveJojrr.IcnSilver to carry over the Bummer season, no we making an extra low prlce;oir4ueni. 1 . We are selling i'w WaIUf" knives ami fork at $3.85 per dozen. This Is au oprtonlty you will lo last this month, next month it will he 4.50 again, s . . ' ' -- Ban's Jewelry Store j Ccraer State asd liberty Streets:, i r leaders fa low fricei THE MARKETS. : ' 1 , " '" 1 STEINER'B MARKET, t Chicken-10 cents per pound. Spring chickens 12',, to 15c; Kgg 13c cash, j U . ' i ; THE MARKETS. Portland. Or., Mty 12. Wheat, Wajla Wall j, c; i'lueniem. 7e. - I Tacorna, Vasli,. May 12. Wheat, Bluest em, C6c; Club. .5Vif, Ran Francisco, rash. $1.1 2 4. M.iy 12, Wheat, Chicago,. May 12. 'Wheat, opening, 7iU"!c: closing. 754rjf,iv liar- ley, 472e. Flax, $1.4; Northwest' ern, -$1.78. "' J Liverpool, May 12.- WheatJuly. s. THE MARKETS. The local market quotations yester day were as follows: Wbwit 55 cents, i Oat- Nominal at $1 .03 per cental, Hay Cheat, $; xlavsr, $5f7; tfm pthy. 9fJ$10 wheat, $. ' Klour 75 to 85c ; per sack; 12:60 ' to tl U'r barrel. j . Mill Fei-d-Hran, $18.!; short. 220.50; ."Butter Wjtic 1 per lb (buying); cr-oery. j . .. i-.i Kkxs 13c cah. .' . Chickens 0 .cents pr pound, f Spring chickens Vi. to 15e. Pork -Gross:, tliSMci dressed, Q t cents. ' , Beef Steer::. 21('ie; cows, 3V6c; good heifers, 4". i Mutton Sheep, MtVfC, on foot. - "Veal JtfC4e, dressed. Potatoes- per bushel. Wool- 12H3e. i " ! I ' ' - Mohair TiV-i cent. & CO. Buyers and Shippers Of , GRAIN realers in , Hop Growers' Supplies Warehouses at 'TURNER;. PHATt.TM. Hit AW. MACLKAY.. BROOKS. J 8ALIJM. SWITZERLAND HAIjMEV. slFGR'l OP "UOTA'I." FIMTR. Ac graham,' Manager 207 C-ojttHj,Ecil ft.,, Salem." insurance: HOME - i MAOOEBURQ ' ' .... r HARTFORD COMMERCIAL UNION LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 8prin0field fix of tub leading, fire insurance: companies. ' mSXRT n. TITTRTJir.H . SUCCESSOR TO ' C. D. GAURIELSON " ill COMMERCIAL STREETS. : SALEM. OREGON. Theri la a vrry Rood ike on a local nw)ip'iir that Is t Kupporttng Cham MMn In his ambition to be Governor of Oregon. The pair aforesaid prints a rolumn article from "Nicholas . E. Kegg.'Vof McMinnville. undor i "three time" heading, fh article purporting to rnm from a. 'Yamhill county voter. It Ariinitpire ttrit th Yamhill county votr is an Inmate of the Asylum for the Insane, whether occupying .the violent ar.l or some- other deponent "ay.Vh n.t. It Is ,te!leved there has been no general caavasa of the wards out there lo. nsrerlaln the prefereacm of the other paticrtLs.ln matrra iolil- cal. Once upon a time this me Kegg ' Jurrtpexl out "f a feiitnl stnry winikiir of the-.: Willamette Ifotel - mnA 'fell through the glast.roof of the. conserva tory. ; - FRUIT PROSPECTS. Thy are Kood, .excepting possibly In case of ItaHin prunes; but you can f visit OR. JORDAN'S ahcatt UUSEUU OMllflTOUH f rn iosiiiuRsi.,iiimicuci,ciLf W - World. W or Miy nMiKNif rTTV kM y.-ly iril hf-tlw lil A 3 i I VI M. JORDAa-OIStWES OF Kt J If Vrsat SmiwIt rMUiti i W IV lBMwH1lltlSlHM, T 7li -n R -' mhi w ri II v fidioi m- rw tm. riM.. 0 1 II rtoMta, k, ur. Jimm'i ( f A CHraHkllMi rrM m4 ttrfrffr mtwu. TwUM M- A " mt kr A T mmm M mtonikM. VnH M INt. rSIMMraf at) V atamtcn, iiaiuu rt.M MiwUa m I !' .- ' 0 on. jowpsw aco. i oi Jg r- :get canned fruits and canned things of :every description at the popular : gro cerj" store of Rrsneon A Ragan. Plated Knives end forbs have eoneluded to reduce the utoek by ' and MS 17 Roger Bro. triple plated - - t, '-' well to look Into, this price will only J MEETING OF WOMAN'S CLUB Interesting Session and the .1. r i i I- ElCCUUU ui. ur ficers A -NTMDER OF NEW MEMBERS ELECTED. "AND ADMITTED A . PRETTY WEDDING ; ATj SILVER TON DURING THE PA$T WEBli AT THE McCORKLE HOME. The falem Woman's Club held a very Interesting meeting in the J reception room: of the Willamette Hotel yester day afternoon at which almost the en tire membership was In attendance. Several new merrtbers were initiated Into the lub which raises the member ship to over seventy and thejClub is in a very Troperous condition. boaatuaHy and otherwise. I " ; Am It was a business meetjnjr the af ternoon was devoted entirely to the transaction of buslnes-. and several amendment to the constitution were adopted, and new officers were t-howen to wervi durina the ensuing; year, as 'follows: .v r , r v President Mrs. Jgabelle T.I Geer. Vice-President Mrs. Ina C. Hean. Secretary Miss Carrie Ogle. C Treasurer Miss Jennette Meredfth. llrectors Mrs. Clarence" H. Hamilton, Mrs. Alice 11. Dodd. and Mrs. Ituaeli i'atlln. ' - i : ' Calendar Committee. Literature 'Mrs. Dr. C. L. Rristol ICelliher. Science Mrs. Wm. llrown. Art JUr. Myra A. Wiggins. Kdiifvition ami Lhj nty t i c Science Mrs. Florence Irwin. ? Current Events Mrs.' Geo. W. Jones. - Wedding at Srlvsrtrt. .Quite a refty i homo wedding was -l-lrated In Hilverton last Wednesday evening, when Mls Temperance E. McfTorkte.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. X. II. McCorkt becam3 the wife of Mr. ieorge H. Iti hej, of that city. The ceremony was performe .by Justice of the 1'eace It. '. Rnmsby at the home of the bride's paren't Jn the presence of only the Immediate ie!.i lives and a few Intimate ' friends of the popular young couple.- ' The Mcl'orkle home had been l?au tlfully decorntej In Ivy, Oregon graoe. smllaxt anrl w hite lilacs In: honor of the hapi'V r (H-casltm. Mls Stella Welch played tho wedding march promatly u.t X o'clock, and the young couple en- tered the paii'lor where Judae R. O. Uainxby rronounced the Impressive ceremony. Congratulations were oi- fered and the party irtook of an ele gant wedding irertast. The bride wore a cotuirM of rich gray silk trimmed In, applique and carried white carna tion.' Iteing naturally an attractive youuiC woman nhe appeared doubly Nweet and charming on this occasnlon. The gnom Ij the oldest son of Mr., and M-k, T. W. Ith'hes. postmaster of that city where' he' is well and popularly knovrtt. Mr. rul Mrs. lllhcs will 1 at hmie -after May 211 on Went Main ifiireet.-Wlverton, vhere thFy have le- guii housekeeping In a cozy little cot tage. FUO M A FO 1 1 E IG N V I E VV. ' According to Austrit-Hungarian ofll al Vi-ta,' grea t progress wa's made In th puclfWfittlon of the Phllljvt)lnes dur ing the year 1SH1. Civil administration ha .for months been Introducedi, -in thirty to forty irovlnpes, while thoie parts the country where the revolu tionary movement hasxu yet lieen completely nuprensed are ' left under military government. The latter com prise the lagoon regions, Hatangas In Luzon, and the inland! of famar anl Mindoro, to which the military operas tions, of late, ben almost exclusively conflCnedJ The nature of the country In the south. ;of Luzon may enable the Insurgent l force their way into tne neighboring irovlnce. but even that would not Involve a revival of the rev olutionary- splrlt.The natives are gradually aumlng a less dubious at titude a the hopelenes of further renlstence ' Is becoming mor clear. There Is consequently no reason to fear u recrudes-ence of the revolution on a scale calculated o Interfere with trade and commerce. The pronpectors who have heen exploring thJ country tn alt directions are Agreed a to the existence o metals and minerals. The question Is whether it will pay to work them; and that can only be ascer. tained -by practical experiment. There la a superfluity of valuable timber of various kinds, ihe demandfor which increased - last year In consequence of grater activity in the building trade, particularly in Manila. London Timer. SOLDIERS INJURED. WA LLA WA LLA, May 1 2. Mike McClellan. a member of the Tenth Bat tery of Fort Walla Wallad led from In juries yesterday In a rnost distressing manner. While hitching hi hUrse t a gun Hatunlay morning In thejrgu!r drill the horse reared and fell Uon McClellan. enfshing him Jerrtbjy. breaking an uvrm, a leg anl ja rilv crdshing hlsskull and brulsllng 'his body. In an unonsclou conlit(on Mc. ClelUn was removetl to the ijonpiUt, arid although he lived nearly j twnty never regained conselousness. : The maximum temperature for the 21 hoars previous to 3 o'clock; p. m. yesterday was U degrees Fahiienhelt. and the minimum 50 decrees. 1 OL01 slssrltls . '- THE WORLD OF POLITICS The Big Furnish- Rally In This City Next Friday Night GOVERNOR T. T. GEER WILL PRE SIDE AT THE REQUEST OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE i THE YOUNG MEN'S CLUB AT ITS MEETING LAST NIGJIT. -i Preparations for the reception of Hon. W. J. Furnish, Hon. C. W. Ful ton and the party of candidate expect ed here on, next Friday evening; are under way. and the occasion promises to be the biggest outitouring; of enthu siasm yet heard In Sal em. The recep tion committee of the two local clubs have appointed a member each to act with a representative of the Republl can County Central Committee in-, re reiving the visitors and escort them to the hoteL - C. A. Murphy has been appointed to act as chief marshal of the parade and procession during the evening, prl or to the meeting, and he-has power to appoint his aids. . The nifeing will probably be held In the armory hall, and' Governor T, T. Geer has been Invited by the chair man, W. J. Culver of the -eounty central committee, to preside, and ho has ac cepted. He will call the meeting to order, and introduce the speakers A the evening; . i . . -. The rally promise- to be a big one and will be a notable event in Repub lican circles in Marlon county. Young Men s Club. At the regular meeting of the Young Men's Republican club last evening, in the politc-e court room of the city hall, there was a large attendance and a considerable amount of business of im portance was transacted.. It waa re ported that a If of thei standing com mittees were putting forth their beat efforts and realizing good results; and that while nothing definite had been reported, everything Is progressing sat isfactorily, tho Club's membership is steadily increasing and .all plans for the Club to participate actively In the campaign, are being formulated. C. M. Inman, chairman of the pro gramme committee, to co-operate with the Salem Republican Club in arrang ing for a suitable programme for the reception and entertainment of Hon. W. J. Furnish wnd other upon' the oc casioaof their visit to this cityjpn Friday of thij-week. reported every- thing satlsfactoryand well under way, bands would be engaged to tak part In the parade, and furnish the music, the- Hilverton. Jefferson, Reform School and Salem hands; a grand parade is In procewt of organization composed of flnmnenux ' and. rymbti! brigades, sup plemented by h he torchlight procession, lire-works, calcium lights, etc., and nn elaborate programme of vocal anil In struinejntat nMisic, Including the popu lar Stalwart quartette, has been ar ranged for, to fill up the Intermissions between speakers, and the whole affair promises to" be one of- the most elabo rate, find enthusiastic of anything of its klndi ever attempted. Hon. E. T. Judd of AumsvJJle. Re publican candidate forReprentatlve, was prescnt, and in response to an In vitation addressed the Club with a few .remarks of c-noaura axemen t and Hssured the meeting that the never was a better prospect rejiorts to the contra ry notwthstandlng. and which nre greatly exaggerated for electing the Republican ticket in Its entirety at this election than at the pres,nt. and the prospect wan growing brighter every day. He was accorded flattering ap plause In conclusion. Hon. maud Gatch and Dr. J. N, Smith were present and added much encour age invent to the young men in-offering some valuable suggestions' and assist ing materially "In the carrying out, of the numerous details .with which their' long political experience had familiar ezed them, and, regarding which the younger generation were practically at sea. The programme committee was vest ed , with full power to make all ar rangements for the demonstrations for Friday evenings entertainment, di rected to spare no expense and to pres ent ail bills to the Club, and In order to have everything, In harmony; the sub committees, such as the flambeaux and cymbal committees. Were instruct ed to make their repot-to Uhe pro gramme committee. ' 1 .' i .' Upon motion the chair was authoriz ed to appoint a committee of three, each member of which was to receive om pen sat Ion for his ,-rvlcesto can vass the city and -surrounding precincts for members. . .v -."Upon invitation and suggestion ef some members of the Salem Republi can Club, who were present. It was moved and carried that when the Club adjourned it wquld b to meet in Joint session with the Salem CluWon Thurs day evening in th police court mom. for the purpose of working in con junction In perfecting allarrangements. Lpon motion the Club changed its regular meetings to Tuesday evenings instead of Monday evenings as hereto fore arranged. The State Commute-, has announced' the following addresses to be deliv ered in the several cities-named, as in- dlcated. i Corvallis. May 13th, 2:30 p. m. McMlnnvlUe, May nth. 7:M p, mi. Forest flrove. May ISth. 7:30 p. m'.. Astoria. May 17th. p. m. y Salerno May lth. 8 p. m. I Oregon city,, May 17th. 7:30 p. m. Westfall, May l&th. 7:20 p. ra., : Vale. May ICth. 7:30 o. m. OnUrlo, May 17th. 7:30 p. rn. Huntington. May 19th. 7:21 p. m. Pendleton. May 20th. 7:pd p. m. . -Antelope. May 21st. 7:20 p. m. - Hood River, May 23d. 7:30 p. m. JUinier, May 23. 7:30 p. m. Astoria. May 24th. t p. m. v Drain. May 15th. 7:30 p. m. 1 Klkton, May Htli. 10 a. m. . Scottsburg. Mav 14th. 7:30 p. m. tirxllner; May 15h. 7:30 p. m. MarshfleU. May lih. 7:30 p. m. Myrtle Point. May I7th. 7:3 p Ration. May lth. 7:30j. m. CuUle, May 20th. 7:30 p. m." Lexington. May 13th, 7:20 p. m. lone. May ltb, S p. m. lUrdnun, May 15th, 7;30 p. ni. . 'Eight Mile. May 16th. 2 p. m. . HAWAIIAN" POLITICS j NEW YORK. May I. Governor Dole, of 4 he Hawaiian Island- who is In this city en route to Washington,! aaick In discussing the. recent political agitation In Hawaii: "Constant petlUona and letter have been sent o Was4Unaton by the opposition, but I ' don't think they j have affected the President -eri-oasly, for be has not at any time sent me official notices bearing on the agi tation; they kdmply made hi n desirous to know ti)m better, perhap, and- to lay plans." . ; ':: - J -. THE SUPREME COURT HOME The Pendleton Term Closed Alter One Week's Sitting The . Justices of the aupreme rourt returned Trom Pendleton yesterday, where they held the May term w ty court for Eastern Oregon, during last week.' There were thirty-four cases-on the docket, but only sixteen of7 them were heard, and"three, dismissed, the remainder being; transferred to Salem for hearing. This was done on stipU lation for the reason that the attorneys In the several cases were all engaged in the campaign, and wished to get away from court, and it was decided, to hearf the rases so transferred in this city on ori atout July 1st, after the campaign Is done. The Justices report having enjoyed the trin to Eastern Onrnn verir mTich as the weather was pleasant and th brtgut sunshine was an agreeable cort? dltlon after the rain of the past winter here.'.; ., j -. : Tne cases htard by the court at Pendleton are as follows,: ; Fred Nodlne, respondent, vs. the rirai auonai isanK, appellant; ap peal, from Union county. " J. E. Reynold, appellant; vs. J. W Scrrber. et " al. respondent; appea from Union county. I W. T. Carroll, respondent.; vs. Eliza Nodlne, appellantj appeal from Union county. - . : --I-"- , ,W. A'Codghanour, appellant, vs James ; Hutchinson, et al., rspondents, and Jamt and Sarah Welch, j appel lants; appeal fronts Union county. .jovaie or Oregon, respondent, vs. Manny?; Howard, appellant; appeal irom liaaer county. ' ' IKIIIh Jk .Marlln, et al.respondentS; vs. Kale Creek Development. Com pany, et al.. appcjlants;'- appeal frorij Union county. ' ' .Turner Oliver, respondent, "vs. Janies II. Hutchinson, et al:,, appellants; ap lal from Union couptv. - " r.v M. Pay ton, et al., aprellants. vs. C. R. Iiuina, respondent; appeal from liaker county. John .'McCourt, - respondent.-. - vs. John I-V Ream, appellant; appeal from Ha ke coaaly. .. ' y - , Wan. H. Hale, et al., appellants, vs. George Setiout. et: al., respondent; ap peal from Union county."" p M. S. Crossan, respondent, vs7K. V. Oliver". apjellant; apieal from Union county. x George II. 'Williams, appellant, vs. W. II. 'Wlbsjn. et ,al.. resHndents; ap peal from Wasco county Oregon Iiand & Construction Com pany, respondent, vs. The Allen litch Company, appellant; aiipeal from Uni- atilla unt v-. The. Advance Thresher Company, 'ap pellant, vs. Add-ie C. Estelmand L. A. Efltelr, respondents; aplK-ai from Union county. - Kdmond D. LeClare, respondent, vk. N.' H. Thibault, et al.. apiellant; ap- IM-rat from Ha ker bounty. ' G. D. Sm,mons, respondent, vs. The O. It. & N. t.o., appellants; appeal from Union county. N The . follow ing cases were on stlpuls- tloh. transferred to Salem to be heard here probably aibout July'lst. ; H uU HotchklSK. ap!elln, vs. G. W. Yoting, respondent; apieal from Har ney -ounty. . ' First National Rank, of. Walla Walla, appellant, vs. D. Mctonald, respond-. entl appeal, from Umatilla county. State of Oregon, respondent, vs. Al exander fMeldrum,; Jointll' informe.1 against with Manrty Howard, apiel- lant; aipeal from liaker county. , State pf Oregon.; -respondent, v. Wm. Sally. Jr.. appellant; appeal from Itakcr county. , Isaac II. Adams-, appellant, vs. J. M. Cftorch. administrator, et al.. respond ents; a ppeat from Mallveur county. M. A. Iawery. respondent, vs. Hen ry Sterling, -et ai., appeiianisi appe from Union county. Wi H. lOoltra. administrator, appel lant vs. ' Jane Penland. executrix, re spondent; appeal frofn Morrow county. mate of Oregon, ex reL, A. w. Tur ner, repondent. vs-. G. J. Gray, appel lantappeal fi'om Malheur coynty. , Kewton Jlaover, appellant, vs. Alice L. Itartlett. et aK. respondents; ap peal from Harney county.. -- State of Oregon respondent, vs. is. W. Deal, appellants;, apical frorn in, Ion county; two cases. -, Lina H. eUurgls, appellant, vs. W . Baker, respondent; appeal! from Uma- tllla county. . -'.?,-.-' .. v - E. W. OUverarpellant. vs. Ortcon Sugar Company, respondent; appeal from Union county, r M. P. Crossan. resporklent. vs. W. D. Oramly, appellant; appeal from Union county.- i. ' . : . r, . i - ' R. D. Ruckman, respondent, vs. mbler Lumber' Company.' airpeuant; appeal from Union county. R.D. Ruck man. responaenu rs. v m. Ormcnd. appellant; appeal from Union county.' . ' ' '-. '' ' " ". Three appeal cases - were- on i De lation, dismissed ty the courC They are: ' ; .- ' - - : ,' Davis Wilcox, appellant, vs. C. A. J.hn, adnvinlstrator, respondent; ap peal from Baker county. Henry H. Albert. -apiIIant. vs. Thomas GrUdale. reiriiondent app'' from lUker county. ' . W. j C Hindman. responlent. vs. Phi la It. Clark. Hpellant; appeal from Hakerrr'ounty, - ( t The following minor, orders were made) by the court yesterday: i In the matter of the estate of John W. Holman, Roy C. Holman. et. aL respondents, vs. Charles Holman, et 'appellants; ordered on stioulation that 1 evidence' may be retained by TO 't If yon are going fcomc year, rememDer uiar, ine AUiuuuiK 1'AUiMtj leadL JLo ev erybody'a home. - " - ; j . ) ' s - You can go by way of St. Paul to Chicago, or St. Loia, and thence reach the entire East and South. Or, you can go io Duluth, and from thenS use either the rail lines, or one of the superb LaVe Steame,rs doVn the lakes to Detroit, Cleveland, Erie, and Buffalothe ran-American City. Start right and y6u will probably arrive at your destina tion all right, and, to start right; use the Northern Pacific, and preferably the "JfOKTII COAST LI MITED V train, in service after MAY 5th . Any local agent wil A. D. CHARLTON r11" t"! (2) Mormon SWiepi Silts ml Mlf ttiimm, imiiium. immt w lllty, HcacKUnntn rumtutm. the Lfui a4 FOR SALE BY Z J. RjiGGS. You are IP NOT, DO YOU WANT TO BE? IN EITHER. CASE 11.00 per year. If you bave not tUe and mall It today: To HOMESTED CO.,1 Salem. Oregon. Please sf-nd the Pacific Homestead to months, for which I agree topny XI. b a tv p. d.. ....... If not paid within six months. jm )t:c Homestead and Statesman," $1.75 per -' HERE WHAT SOMK Editor Homestead Enclosed finil-order for $1.25 for one year s subscription to the Homestead and the Oregon loutry Journal. When vour a cent called In June I ilkl not reel like taking your pap'Vr but he wished me to try it for three months, and said if 1 did not like it at the end of that time It would not 'cost me anything But we like your paper very much ami aetid order for ope year's subscription from last June. Wishing success, . - J. If. RE LYRA. Snohomish,' Wash, Sept. 2f , -1S0I. (Homestead and poultiy J'uin.il Is now $1.40.) Editor Homestead: Please find ensclosed $1 for my Sub- scrlption to the Homestead. I am N very much pleased with your pa per. There Is sd much valuable Information cmtalned in 1L . J J. A. IlfMlKRS. Freewater, Or., Sept. 30, lisjl. Editor Homestead;! r 1 like the Homestead very muth-rr couldn't very well do without it. Tbe articles written and reports from different sections or parts of the (coun try, published every week, are knowl edge f which i is to be gotten froirt no other source, if intelligently applied. ; -:' m"- .-V. . ALLEN. -Rldgefleld, Wash.. Aug. 19. ml. Alitor Homestead: ' Enclosed find iostofnre order fo.- one dollar for one year's subscription to your valuable paper, j I would be lost without 1L - Yours truly. 1 '- - , mm -e-w ' - - . xnatcner, tr. tsov. n. Editor Homestead: I am much pleased with the Home stead and Statesman; believe them equal, to any papers on this coast, not .better.:'-..-. 1 remain, yours respeci- fullr. L. CltAVK. Gales ville, Or NoY. 12, iwi- Edltor Homestead: - .'if Please find enclosed $1.7 for : my uKarHrttlnn to tM Homestead and Statesman. I am much plea sea wun the Homestead. There Is much valu able Information contained In It, Wftsh Inc you success. Mils. c. m. uixny. Blakely, Or, Nov. , 10L. I - A -. '". .'" i iFrank Strong, of Myrtle Point. county. Oregon; sends two newsub soriptions to the Homestead ana stays: I like the Homestead very much: could not get along" withoutit-' A " renewal from VL; C. ax k son. of Shedd. Oregon, baa the following: en- coo r a trine words added thereto: I "I counsel until briefs a re prepared and when sent vp tobe considered 4 If filed with the transcript. ' i ' State of Oregon, respondent.4 vs. James Alkln' appellant: ordered on stlpulatMn that appellant have until 30" days from May th to serve and file his brie Leander Lewis. -reonlent. vs. JK Rlackfetrrn. appellant; ordered rt mo tUni lhftt rewnondent'a time to werve and fila his brief be. extended 30 days. Wm- Dempf. administrator. aiiel- lant. vs. Edward Helms, administrator, respondent: orderedl on stipulation that the pending motion to dismiss the atrreal be heard 'with the argument on the merits.' nd that respondent have until AugtPTt 1st, to. serve and filei his j brief. , I Salem Light tc Traction Company, THE ".'t. ; : -" t your tTiildhood's home this name rates. rOHTCAMD, OXXOUN, S WMftt CMM im .44 md yBitf nts trmm rM. w fmumm Sunt t-AAC tliAhoAd. IM tig. to Mafrrl i-yc o tTFl' Virlcocoit, ctM a M u,l. In! UMftlli MlntMH A mmmrm9ma. V, k . DRUGOIST. SALEM. OREGON, YOU SHOULD TAKE IHE dollar, cut. out and sign this coum. t Date..... my address, as given below, for twelve OOwlthln six months from this date, - Up-to Date? ....... .... .r..;, ..;..(.. t 1 1 mm M , Wlll -Mff v year cash, or If paid wMhln six months Olj OUR BUHSCRIRKIW SAY like iheJiomestcad as well as cvej r and would Kot ln; ymi sii like to be-without PL'. WlKll- "U you sueeess. J. l.' Marl In, f Vancouver, V Ington. says he 1lkes Ihe llohir 'ash- iteud Fplendid Wm,- IV Stewart of ShohorVilsh. Washington, Wishes the j great success.' onieslteal V.-E... Williams, of. Outlook. ;. Wash- Ington, thinks "the lli.ineslead Is , k.M "I like the I'aciflc. Homestead fine and think It. IS the Jm-sI farm paper I have taken," says tl. AOoerlg,- of WfMxll.'ind, Or. i - J. W. Keller, of Waterloo, Oregon. says: rind em-ioneii i tor in years subscription to the Homestead. Hav ing recently tome here from Hauford. California, have failed to get several copies of your. excellent . pn per. arid ave missed them very much. I am well plea set with the paT'er." writes it.. Kariey. or sionroe.- iri grnditt tl. C. Berger, of Avon, Wash - IngtorV ;- ' ' .; :'.' ' ' k - Frankv Collins, ofXAuburn, Washing ton, sayst We llkeNyour farm paper very inucnV better thnn any farm pa per we ha vexever taken." n1 t G. W. , Tertipleton, of Marysvllle, Washington, thinks ''the Pacific Home stead is o. k." ':' . . Y'.V . , -'..;''. James fjauder. o I TacomaX Wash ington, expresses himself In this way: "Would not be, without your papeX for ten times Its price." . F. F. Inhale, of ftegher. ' Oregon says: "W ouit not w without your pr any longer, never missed, anything so ;u h." - ' y J. M. Fisher, of Welserl Idaho. In re newing his subttcrlptlon to the Home steadsays he "is well leased with the paper.".-- - '. i W. D. Patch,, of Welseri Idaho, takes v several farm papers, "but likes the Homestead best of all.." - :, . 1 Dr. A. Sklpton. of Payette, . Idaho . likes the Homestead very7 much and thinks "any one Interested in farming should take It." - y ' . -.; - Charles Coyle, owning a big wheat snd stock ranch twd. mile west of Walla Walla, says -the Pacific Home stead Isthe best paper on farming l everread. '--. - ':'-'''.- '. 1 R-B. McNeaI.r having a beautiful farm aeven miles wrest of Walla Walla. on7 Walla Walla1 river, is.-golng Info dairying and' diversified farming. 11 praises the Homestead by saying "Juxt what I need. ) : The paper of all paper to- send to your Eastern friends., for It gives a more, thorough Insight than any other; publication Into the farming and I- dustrisl conditions of th Nortnwesu Legal Blank at Statesman Job OfT.u respondent, vs. R." An on, alpel lant: .ordered on stipulation that res pondent' time to serve and flleyU : brief be-extended' 30 days. ; tf. S. Mortgage Company resprin ent. Vs. P. L.7 Willis, appellant:: or Jered on stipulation that this cause le determine tn' the bf lets without oral r argument. . , '.- - i ' .' " ' 1 '; ;.'. ; "BASEBALL GAMES. f St. Iiouls. Mo., May 12. St4 Iul 2; jNew York, 1; " . Chicago, May 12-Chlcago; Rrook lyn .-.' - .;. ; Clnrmnrttl. O., May 12-C3nclnnatl, 5: Philadelphia, Plllsburg, Pa, May 12PltUburr. Boston, 2. ; Cleve1inl. O., Mayj 12. Oerelandfl ll BL Loui( 7. ..isiisUsI " ' '