Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, May 09, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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I'nbltibed every Trier-day end Friday by the
. J.rHENIKl4 K. Manager.
fne year. In atvacee ,.!
mi suObilia, ill advance...,
'1 liFee niouikM. la aJlranc, ......,.,.,
on yrar, on time ........
it 00
The H'tKiotg h iu tabuaned tor nearly
h.ve received it nearly ux knr, sad many
no nave read it lor a generation, borne oi
t!,u ,ti-et in bavin ll.a mi r dia -ODLiuued
at tiute l expiration of irr uteriH)ons.
we hareuaeladed u airatiUoo. tub eripiiwoa
tmv tue beant ot ibe dollar rax, mim
a rear. Hereafter will Bend the Da rwr to'aU
way Dotaebd the money, ith the aDdenUnd -
t lug uiat luT are u p i-s a year, is caaaiacy
let lh cubwriptloa account ran oxer six
months. Id order that liter may tm wt taiaan
eenidiujf, we will teep tlns-nouce stacding
l.irini yimvm la l&e paper. ;
I . . 11 ... 11 . . .'. ' '1 .. !' , . . !
' - Governor. : . - -, '-.
W. J. FURNISH, of Umatilla. County
-., Supreme Judge.
R. 8.- I KAN,-of Lame County.
Secretary of State.
F. I. DUNBAR, of Clatsop County,
i : Stat Treasure
C..S. MOOKE, of Klamath County.'
Superintendent of Publio ' Instruction.
J. II, Ack'-rrnan, of MuTtnomah County.
f Attomsy General. ,'
A M, CRAAVFORD, of Dousjlaa County.
8tata Printer.
J. R. WIIITNKY. of Linn County.
uv; ii. -
S For' Congressman.
: For Joint Senator.
WM, II. HODSON. of Htuyton.
Stats Senator,
K. M. CROIKAI. of Salem.
HQ I) I It K FA It Ft AK, Of Balero.
FRANK DAVKY. of Sal"m.
. K T. JUDD. of Aumirvllle.
v - THUS. I. KAY. Of Salem.
A, M. IAFOLLKTT, Of lirooks.
. J. I. KIMMONH, of Monitor.
Shoriff. !
JOHN F. STKIWKlt. ef Jefferson.
JOHN W. JIO LAND, of Salem. ,
Recorder. ... v
JOHN C. SIKQMUND. of Oervals.
W. Y. RICHARDSON, of Stayton.
WM. MIL.EY, of Aurora.
LEMRCKH of Buttevllle.
IIERRICK JR., of Turner.
C LOUGH, of Salem.
A. M.
Justice of the Pesos.
(Salem District) s
II D. MORGAN, of sik-m No. J.
' Constable. .
GEORGE H. IRWIN, of Salem No
The afttl-imperlallut mpaljfn with
in the Democracy ham n difficult.
The party was not unitedNtn le. The
faction condemning it a foolish and as
the extremity of unrriiHontni; And mis
taken partisanship ha.- been txth
large and Influential. There was some
-thing particularly T?-jnils4ve. not to'say
humiltating. In adopt in th cries that
came from the, okl Mugwumpry that
Jfhe ITniUst State trooj obediently
engaged In suppressing disorder in the
. 1'hlHpplnes .and steadily ironioting a
civil government and a fiw of mkUI
rd-r that rfiljjid faifty l called nwr-
veMoua, were murd"rei and robbers,
and savageHj !
Suddenly there" -am f nn tv I'hll
fpplnes wcltlc reports rti rigor In the
sup'prewion of brigandage, and the, di
vided Ienwcra( thouglit that they
had got together. Party orabiry that
.lad been twdtlfl up wai W Uf with
wrwSojm of triumph. American sI11m-h
were reviled -with signs of redoubled
' indlgna-fiorr, and the whole t'hitituine
enterprise wan dvriounced a an in
famy, to be cut tdiort by instantaneous
withdrawal from the archipelago.
I'tKrer the heat of this fresh passion,
leading Democrats who aw the folly
of jvuvh a suifgfi4"n hen mal- rlie
Inatly, have' taken -iura to aiiprrve
- V
Well," euppose that the native, bar-l-afnitw
have, In some cases, moved our
soldiers to transgrt s the1 line of gen
tleness dsira We for ordinary warfare?
We are - conflldent ttunt, in view -of the
provocation receive! nnd the ieculiar
nature f th task to. be terforml, the
trans-gressl"n have l?et "extremely
slight. And at the orr, they hae
been few. Hut nothing of what has
been reported, admitting 1t all to be
true, has 'any prxtnica I bearing uoon
-th'quet1t!n f American suiremacy
In the -Phllipitlnes. its present and lt
future. We aje in fhe ; I"hllpflnes to
Mtay, at least untU the development
of some lnteF-NatKnal retuiton not
now .fonsen or con temia ted. j 1
The United State Army, moreover.
L In the hands that 4he country may
lK prv)Ud of and trust. Theodore Roose
velt "is President. EHhu Root b Sec
retary of War. And Adna. it. Chaffee
is the General commanding In a he Phil
ippines. What should e"dne to cor
rect abuses will be doivr' to a moral
certainty, and in regard to that "we
have no shadow of doubt that The Sun
'and the American people are In com
pVeavte agreement. . j j '
This second Iemocratic venture in
Bntl-lmterialUt rolltlos will end , like
New York
It ha already failed, utterly. It was
of very short duration, and the Demo
crats who took up! tw matter the mow
rapldly and- proceeded to push it with
the greatest Vigo are themot anx-
.ziilou to hum rover now. The effort to
V r
'-"belittle and scandalize the worn of uie
I American soldier i was
the mow un
calied for and most foolrsh yet taken
t. certain-of tha Democratic lead
I u, W Certain OI me Jrnr-i v
1 desperately hunting; foran Issue,
It waa deaervedtyf- doomed, to utter
I such activity deserve the contempt in
I to which they brought themselves by
j their own acts.
Discussion of the general staff bill
proponed by Secretary Root, ha been
heated, not to say. ugly In temper on
the part of partisans of General Miles,
says th New York Bun. Against the
very able, and hlgh-miniied civilian
who occupies the post . of Secretary of
War the Miles party hurls the memory
' of Ms proweaM In the field, and no little
sentiment against j reorganization . has
jarii In the army itself, partly from
sympathy for Miles and partly from
Instinctive opposition to change, j -
We can understand the existence of
such o feeing In the army; but a mea
sure so Important as the one In iu-
tioh.shouM be conidered without pas
sion. . h '
The leading military antagonist of
KecreturyRoot'a plan. General Miles.
opfMxtrs It largely because of Its eftVct j
ujHn him personally. The leading mil
itary advocate of, it, Oeneral Hchofleld.
must in -fairness, be assumed to speak
without prejudice. In Justice) to this
I side "of the depute. It should be remem-
bered I hat Grnt-rul St'hofll luis neyer
done anything to forfeit the r(ect
gained for his professional, opinion by
his long and dltlngulhed service. -
To the. arguments of those two ofTlc-
ers representing the, American army
we shall add simply a recent expres
sion of one ot the first of tranwttlan
lie. military critics. ' "The Germsuis'
stiys Sir Charles Dllke In an article
on the Armies of the rowers jin ; the
AprH number of Mansey's Magazine,
'are not a martial 'people. But their
jwrfect study and practice of things t
military make them-probably tht most
formidable fighting power in the
Th great Eurorfan g'.'neraMhat fcl-
lows Napoleon In history, Von Moltke,
was a chief of staff, upun a plan which
Se-retary Root has largely followed in
the bill that is now before the Senate.
We believe that Von Moltke and
Schoflekl make heavier weight of au
thority In favor oC the proposed sys
tem than Miles and h'B friends .make
against lt " .
The Secretary of State of . Oregon,
Hon. F. I. Dunbar, has proven hirnetlf
to be a.n ' exceptionally ' competent,
faithful and valuable officer. This Is
a common remark all throughout the
state, anf Is to u of more than ordin
ary import, because of our long ac
(juiittntanee with the; young man. He
ha reformed ami j resystemlzed the
method. tfC bHk: keeping In that office
and his last blervnial report the
most complete and instructive ever
Imkucii by any state secretary. Ie
ho been wartchful, vigilant and phe
nomlnally Arm and ctncientlow in
auUt1ng clalme against the eta te, al
lowing nothing to W 'paid out except
ch-arjy authorized -by law, In every
resiwH he. ha taerformed hl duties
wilu wrupuIoiK and rerTOirkable-ability,
xal and fllellty Mr. Dunbar has
certainly filled, the bill rrwre perfectly
TTtart it was e,yer tilled before,, :ajid well
deserves the compliment and dxjmmen
da t ion not only of thO renonvinatlon he
ha-s received, but of the re-elect Ion that
It i pretty certaljn he will receive.
June 2. l02.-hirrrran County Otrser
ver. ' '
The drift of sentiment In the Demo
cratic party seema to be In favor of
milking an issue with. the npubllcar.
on the question of the dlssltlon of
the Philippines..- In adopting a police
on that issue, however. .(Democrats
must be prepared to say 4hat ff the
power is entrust41 to them they . will
give up the lhillpplne,' because they
will be made to stand for the surrender
of the Island when they refuse to ac
cept the "civil government" policy out
lined by the Republicans. It will not
be sufTKIent for them to simply an
tagonize the Republican party. They
must h.ive a policy of their own and it
must be something " tangible. Mobile
The Democrats of Oregon have out
lined a policy that is plain and simple
scuttle, and while! the IWnocratlc can
didate for governor wont stand for It.
yet . It Is the deliberate expression of
th party after a day given to th per
plexing question. Scuttle won't, work
In Oregon, and the people will repudi
ate the. Idea' of such a thing by -an
enormous Vote ion June 2d. ' '
Something new in the way of cam
paign addresses was, the speech of
Prof. W. A. Wann; of Eugene, -the
candidate for Superintendent of Pub-1
Ire instruction. . professor Wann de-
A n a "t t.. - - - I
eh t eruieavor to inaugurate! many
T ,
nreJed reform. In the public avhool i
Uyetem of the .tale. Chlldreatte
public school are now expected to do
too much work, Jhe sad. 'They are re
quired to study a great many tJilnn
that are not .only unnecessary from
practical atafldpojnt. but are really In
jurious to the mlnda of the cWHrtn.
Teacher find this multiplicity of stud
lea in the course laid down by the state
and they are expected to tea eh-. It
against their own Judgment. The cry
ing evil of the present fcchool system 1
too much cramming. For years I have
earnestly protested against the cram
ming machine called the public schools
of Oregon. What -we should reason
ably demand of children of the age of
fifteen. Is that, they ahall be abie to
read intelligently, to epel , correctly,
to write a good hand, to use their own
minds themselves, to count accurately.
and to write a'good letter. More than
this is toften injurious ! "Baker City
Democrat. :
it other confirmatory evIOence were
not at hand, the Statesman would be
very much inclined to doubt.: whether
Prof. Winn made us? of the language
attributed to him at the beginning of
hi campaign. HU argument tm virtu
ally for a return to the 3 It's or to go
back fifty yeani In educational work.
H wauld discard , all the experience
and Investigation of the best educators
for the last half century. He propose-.
that the country school- shall teach
only Reading, Writing, Spelling and
Arithmetic. Since a large number of
the children of farmers do not tave
other adfvantages rhan the country
schools, it Is plain that them woufd be
the ones to fc-uffer by hi system and
thus high schools and orivat academ
ies would reap the advantage, as no
one could be satlfle,l with 4 he work
that Mr. Wann outlines for the eom
rtun wchli. Grammar, History, fV-
graphy. Civil Government arid FhyxloV
ogy are in the Kchxlj to stay, and all
efforts to throw thini)out will prove
futile, as such a. step would be reh-lrted
hy every patron and Usacher.
Mr,, Ackermart stands for advance
ment and progress. He i.f lMking
uhtfiid. Mr, Wann stands- facing the
rear. He proio to go backward.
The1 Issue b plain. The iile must
decide by .their ballots which .course
they prefer. Shall It be backward r
.While the common ieople await trjeir
chance to dval effectively with the iol
itlcal plague, they may find It" timely
at this first blast of immer to give
some attention tq a iest of minor -Importance.
We refer to. the mosquito,
and do ko not that thU- section has
much to complain of In respect of this
lnect, but lather because an interest
ing chapter on the subject 1 a iwpu
lar feature of the current number tOf
th Scientific American.
Every mosquito found ' is an indict
ment againKt the public spirit, the pro
gress! veness, the intelligence or the
persistence of the people of the dis
trict, is the statement ret down as the
prmlies from " which this essayUt
Every case of malaria, he continues,
not a relapse or an Importation . lnfo
a district. Is evidence of an avoidable
crime against humanity in ome or all
of its interests and against the air
fame of some of the most beautiful
sections of the land. In greater degree
than smallpox, he. proceeds, is malaria
a arlrme, for the tatter reaches more
persons and Its effects are more per
vasive; and 'weNare remlndeit that
some high uuthoriUes are . urging the
imprisonment of uniallpox, iutlent aa
criminals. '
MoAiultoes, he hoklK, are theinter-nitKllarlea-
In Ktreiud1ng ' malaria , be
tween malarial and healthy prson.'i
The most recent of the now numerous
confirmations of this thoroughly ei-
tablishcHl onnHtMion come ftom the
progressive Japanese. A battalion of
soldiers in Formosa, wa cirmidetely
proter-teil from mosqultocit for 161 days
during Ihe malarial season. It entire
iy escaped the dUvase. -An untrotect
ed battalion I the same place had 29
c.tes ofl nvakiria. The New York
Times, commenting on the rae, em
phasizeif the necessity of beginning en-
eryetlc campaign against mtsnuito'S
in every ptact" where riiatarla is pre
valent. Indeed, to do so is a dty
rather than a need. Malaria la n most
Insidious disease, even in itw miidr-r
forms, aihl the annual toll whUh It has
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Has won success far beyond the effect
ot adTertlsinr only, j
The secret v' Its wonderful popular
ity Is explained by its unapproachable
Jferif. .
Based upon a prescription which
cored peopls considered Incurable,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Unites the best-known vegetable reui
edies, by such a combination, propor
tion and, process s to hare en rati re
power pecaliar to Itself . -
Its cares of scrofula, eczema, psori
asis, and every kind of humor, as well
as catarrh and rheumatism prove
Hood's Sarsaparilla
the best blood purifier ever produced.
Its cures of dyspepsia, loss of appe
tite aud that tired feeling make it the
greatest stomach tonic and strength-
restorer uie world has ever known.
;! Hood's Sarsaparilla
w - a I . m 'I
T- iL..i-. J jf jt. - -..t-
" ? VriTSKK "A??
w f -
exacted from humanity has been enor
mous. To conquer It woufcl be to In
crease several fmes the inhabitable
portion of the earth's surface.
. :! If the people of Oregon , consult
thielr own Interests, on election day.
there will be tout ' few votes cast
axairvPL Thomas II. Tongue for Con
gress. - No orte has -charged, him with
the neglect of Oregon's interests at
WaiWcgrton. He has been Indefatiga
ble in his labors In Congress, and his
ability ami perserverenee has brought
to this state the recogxtrion that few
othes-men would have been able to
command. . He Is' now using all hi In
fluence to keep Congress' in ses-
eion until after- the passage of the
Nicaraigua Canal bill. Mr. Tonmie
says hie would prefer Consrres to re
main In session all summer If by so
doing Jt. would Insure the1 parage
the bliL He believes there ha ? al
ready been enough delay with the
canai proposition, and action should
be had at the present session. Ore-
gon will have ah able co-la borer, with
. ,
Mr. Tongue in the next i-eion if the
Second District votes to st-nd William-
sn toi Washington. : which ho doubt
it will do.
The water cure -Is not a punishment
of recent Invention. It has been In use
in th4 Philippines for 300 years, and it
Is not' known whether' It Is of Spanish
or native origin. It, however, has been
tlu accepted method by both, in extort
ing Information from unwilling captives
for many years, and seems to be iult
effectual. The cruelty of such pun lh
ment should forever banish it from civ
iliUion. The extent to which t has
been uh-i1 by Amerk-ans over there Is
severely, ovtfrdrawn and over-estimated
by the antls who greedily selsce u(on
every Ht tie breach of etiquette toward
me natives sis a national dlsKrace. No
doubt a few irri-spotisibbr f!dinrs I
haveln very few lnstctnces adminis
tered vie waitr cure, out this in no
way coitdeiniiH the whole army, nor
makes ItXresnonsibl. Hut -the '--iritis
w.ll worryand thy might as well
have an imaginery evil to distrust and
harrow their sinils as something real.
The first step Was taken the 'other
day by the riegrot-sof Alabantu ,t.iw
ard testing the new constitution of "tire
siote, when Nelson HIbb, an aged ne
gro, made 'affidavit before a notary
that he had been denied' the right to
register,..; 'although alleging that he
corr.:,ieu wun an or. ine .quaiiTt'aitons i or certajmy what tn tHMiwine mav
exacted by the constitution. t bbe. The. Itepubllcan. have gotien into
said that thin affidavit will
be used
by Wilford 11. Smith, a negro lawyer
In filing a bill In the United "States -
District Court declaring that the con
stitution of Alabama H contrary to
tlfe Federal . Constitution. If he Is
succeesful in the lower court the case
will; be appealed to th United States
Supreme Court. Alabama Is the ' lat
est state to adopt a constitution limit
ing the franchise of the negroes, and
the outcome will be watched wrh
niuch Interest! by other Southern Statejame. He ts a quiet, cool aentl
contemplating such a step.
Representative Tongue has secured
the passage in the House of the Mil
making Crater Lake and vicinity a na
tional jiark. He succeeded In securing
PreKlent Roosevelt'a interest In be
half of the measure, and it wla at
the katter's rquest that the Speaker.
allowed the' matter to eom( befor?
the House, The, bill Is expected to paa
the Senare without difflcuhy.' This Is
a matter In which Southern - Oregon
people have a keen Interest. , - Crater
Lake is one of the, scenic, wonders of.
the wonld: and as It belongs to South'
em Oregon, we are anxious to see K
rcfa-nlsed - and protected. Grants
I'assvCourler. It would be a long time
before J. K. Wealhcrford couW , i
cure the Interest of President Roose-
veit In any of his undertaking. Ya-
qulna, Bay New.
The antis are having a hard time
of It these days. After searching for
four years to find some way to defame
our soldiers in the Philippines, they
ft-tt they had at last succeeded. Major
Walter was accused of nefarious
crimes against the natives, and after
a free, open trial, tt court composed of
twfl've mn unanimously de-ared him
Inrnw-frrt. General Smith, who was also
charged with cruel treatment, war
tried the other-day at, Manila, and
":. it
Mhitn- the det-isipn of the court has, not
bt'eri hwhel, it is generally felt that
the General will be exonerated In ev
ery way: The antts will have to search
eliew here for something of a horrible
nature to charge upon the admlnlslra- I
lion. The antis are only happy when I
they are miserable through mourning I
for fancied evils practiced upon :thear(fa Vote.
James J. mil. the railway king, Is
a Washington trying to stir up oppo-I
sltion to President Roo?vU nomina
tion for thePrerfdVney In 1904. Hilt i
a Democrat wTten his business Inter
ests are not at atake. and why : be
shruid intereft himelf so much In tte
publican pontics has been wondered
at, and aroused' the uiptclon of the
eupporter of the administration. Hill
is Supposed to have t.he backing of J.
P. Morgan In the movement to '-
place Roosevelt. The activity of the-?
men against the President will have
the effect of bringing the people eh
rrfaswe to the support of the admlnistra-.
tion. A moverrvent from Wh a ource
wilt compel the party to place Roose-'
velt on. the ticket, everi If k change
were desired and another lea
ed for 1934.
ler want.
The antls are . up In arms against
McArthur because he assumts the re
sponsibility for the method employed
In the capture of AguCnaldo. They
criarg- htm with a breach of etiquette.)
They seem to have the Idea that a for
mal note should haVe teen sHnt to the
Filipino chief Informing him of the
date, ami arrangjnents maO for his
capture, that he might be reaily to re
(five the Americans. ' Where the an
tis can't find a pretext for cjompkiint
against the) soldiers of this .country one
Is trumped up. But they proclaim with
glee and loud exultations, of 1 Joy. the
treachery of the Filpinoa. .who, under
the-guise of friends; butcher tihem and
mutilate their bodies, as tho work of
of patriots
Chamberlain has come to the place
where he 4s almost compeliel to re
nounce his allegiance to the. Democracy
He seMs the handwritinar on the wall.
tT " v . ...
He sees that the people of Oregon will
not endorse the ollcy of scu
tie. and
he now virtually says that he
does not
j ior u
ppor$ as a DemK-ra
but as
a good fellow. " He does not
find any
faurt with the administration
of the
affairs of the State or give arjy satis
factory reason why he should W elect
Ked except that he wants the office,
This is his bid for Republican votes.
Give him enough of them to .ok'ereome
the Republican majority and
lose some Democratic v. es on
he w
of it.
R. R. Ryan, rindbtite for
j on ihe SH-ialrMt ticket. nay;
Tlu So
j clailists of Oregon are IiK-rral
j fast. We Will very likely carry
lamas. Coo, t'urry Douglas, iarluton
I Linn and Lincoln Vountles.
Mr. Ryan's hdin. seenA unre
ariil ) extremely so, yt hf
done and outchuxted beyoNihra
l out
I rm'jt
ure by the lemo4-rats in claim jse
up for tlM-ir ti-ket. ttran 'bjks
Iki.I .
little -modesty in his cMtlina
only pretends to ie atde to
rrrv i
part of the count lt-J, while ihe
crat claim everything In sight
w-ill no doubt com nearer
his claim than the Democrats.
The potitical fight iii Mult
: eoutirty is getting warrm Ini ty tlns
have been so badly bioken Intjo dowti
there for the iajt rlx yeaia that it Is
tmpotxslble to predict with any degree
I such a habit of scratching and
in Portland that what they will do on
J June 2d W a mystery. There I rJo ques
Vln. howeveir, a to what they should
do Their duty is plain ito sup;Krt the
ticket nomilnated by the couniv con
ventiion. If they don't do- it they( prove
then".eK'c to be as unwrupulilus and
unfair aXlhe bolters two yciari
John F. Stelwer won't talk
but he will get lota of voUs Jmhe
i sort ,of man, having .all the
tioni for an idejul sheriff. Hf,v
111 get
an enormous vote, which he verjy Just
ly dVscTvee. He Is honest, capable and
I reliable.. lie pooieMM's another ktualitl
cation for the idace tihat Is sornyii'm
sadly locking In an bfilciaT. lie
and courteous. Any one having bu.l
nicss wWh him will receive rood treat
ment at all tlmee ami may expejrt any
acc-om modal ion in hi iower to give.
He mill make a faithful and Iyii4 ser
vant of the ireople. 1
There never wa a Republican
nominated in Marlon county o gener
ally jtatiefactory as the one now be.
fore the people. Although ' moref than
a month has Taseed since the noininat
lions were made,- yet In no Instance
has .objections been heard against rny
of ahe men nominated. Their e
Is practically! 'assured', and
by th? Democrats' generally.
-Mr. Bryan declares he still believes
Iri the free coinage of silver at th ratio
of 16 to 1 and that free coinage will
be the porty Issue In IS04. He is In
th iosition of the man who caught the
lwaiNby'the tail; he can't let go
bile legist
Some one "Who has nothing -els. to
do ha been keeping track "
i keeping train
n tentrX.and Aui
revolutions I
uth .Arnrr-
Icit, and reMrt four ill progr'
preiMnt time, .to say -.-nothing o
it the
troutde in Hayll.
John W.. Roland, the Itepublicari cajrt-
didu.te for county clt-rk. will make art"
Hut-lent servant of the people.
le is
y ed-
p,iay fittd for the poltion I
ucatlon and experimee. He will
get a
The. Porto Rlcnn have given
towards the MsKlnley memorial
There were lout 4i.tfOJ -ontr1btitrs.
th limit
of 'any one gift ,teing ten
Would Smash the Club.
If the members tf the "Hay Fever
Association" would use Dr. King's
New Dist-overy for Consumption! the
ctub would go to plecta. far It always
cures this malady, and Asthma,
kind that baffles the doctors, it -hoi
ly drives from the system. Thou.tiuds
of once-horeless sufferers from
sumption. Pneumonia, Bronrhitis,
their lives and health to IL It conquers
Grip, saves little ones from croup
Whooping Cough : and is positively,
guaranteed for all Throat and Lung
troubles. SOc. 11.00. Trial bottles
ttt Dr. Stone's Drug -Stores.
Why You Should Insist on Moving1
Uneuuaied bvxaHV other.
f lenders Lard leather soft.
fZ specially bretiareAL t
Keeps out water.
A heavy bodied oiL
An excellent cresermtir.
It educes cost of your liarneas.
Ifever Durns the leather; i
CfSciency is increasevl. -Secures
best ser'ice.
Stitches Jcept from breaking,
Is sold in all
.ocalitiea " ".' ; '
i - siaaaara 0U ra
The. scientists think theyhave found
a new- use for elect rlcltv In the violet
ray, for the cure of consumption, cn,
cer and other Mil teases. It thouiiht
thli violet ray of light ' will kill ti
germ. , . ,
. . yo o o
There was no foundatltn ftr the , i -
satlonal rumor that Secretary of Sim
Dunbar w&a intereste in -so wrranjsiti -
he jwmw on the official .bal.'ot as l
favor somo of the candidates. Tl-i..
who t now Mr. Dunbar realize tl;it i.
never consults his own intereists l-i
such matters, or the inter .f b
friends. He n-relyfoltows the law at
h interprets It," or us It 1 inlerWrii I
by men who are.-charrel with th- diii
of Interpri-tlng it. Tliat ';) what w -iftme
in ihJa cas, and what has . i
drfe arxl will be done In t-At-ry ca- i.
Mr. Dunbar. t
o o o . "I ' '..
Thre U a -scns.ut.3n m HimiV. in .
Ii'd Kholto DoogiaM, tiMlin-r of, tly.
Marquis of Qurwtedmry,-has U-t ii V
ing u miIooii tticr. , He tfit-iid a n - i
tnltlarice f lltl.lnlH from home a i
ny ago. and, riot finding a poi'i h
for hln salr. and wUhlng f !eri).('
for J.unnuii. h tovild in all' hol.,,.1 .... .
uixi every bM.y rlw, on Kuit.l.iy uh.t. I
last, und pivc attjy all fli Imui-I .
friwiliriieiHs In hi place, uIIuik in II.
dipt-niHio4i tln-rt-of hirnHt lf, It "w. s
the grt-att-st drunk HWane -,r b.nl
ami dut is saying a goi
is a IwMUurul eiM-iacl- for ij;Hry,
o o o
Tli stret e-pr.lnkler and j Jiu
Puivlus liu't a little cnt-t for AU-
pl.t4e In Siilfirt fVstwda '? !.! Jl;.r
won. - .
0 0
A. Marivn county M.'Iimi. t.ii'licr w;
cmtAtvoring to lwt tome l.'.-'orr It.
tne ofluH mill. I ir a larj. . Iwy, a i
he -wairsAomvwhat."' netljd a't hi
ntXVfSf. "Why. tJi-oKge Wu4hmgl.
was curVt')-i' at rir cc.it
wl the MvhfMd teacher. "Ye: and ;i
xur agtf he Was Presideitt of the I n
ed Stat:" r-lrte.I tlu boy.
o o
The tlranl .Dukv of S.txi-W'cini..
Eienbach, who wlil iw-cjuine King.
Holland if Av youiik" Qq.'i n don ti. 1
iwovw frirni her-Illness, hs ten i'ht-l- -
tian nirjies and twelveXdb-tinct till
thoughhe Is only 'H vea old.
o o o
Culja. if to" have a minitV fiotn'.ll "
I'nittit .States 'at llJ.noo . p-r Veur. n
."V'large nun.ber of Consul at hla.h re t
arte. The oflloe et'kers, I he svecc-i
ful oneK. will agree tht.t it ald ttKlljfrl.
for Cuba's .freedom. ,
'. i o -o o- , -. '
While nearly every murilciitijlity
America owfvs its sew era gt k-yttt-!
only a little more man one-half. m-. i
their water supply,- onUy an eighth i
even partial electric lighting plant .
fw own ga works.- nly ine okkk
aj railway. Muntrlpal ' iw-rKb: j
of pUblleutL'ilte ' mukes stow . hea. -T
way in plte of Its exten-le diavu -
siorr. . i ' ' -
o o o ...-", -, , i .
, Breeze fJlbson is flopping Wgh h
days. He "feell- hli oats."- He h n
been pintfl .road eaiiiervtiKir1' if 11
district in Pilk '-county hills where 1.
farm is, about five rnllw west" of S
lem. and he roKn - to trnk. t
iilghbo"rs-wtrk th rood. Hree.. h:.
liv'd In that district for fifty ye;-".
lie neijwMi urun tne rxtd In il
pioneer kiy.x Thn he help gr'a.;
them down and fill up the hollows ai. !
(sirmrner Tallow tfw-m. Now i- Is w-
(fig to see that tfw-y r- graveled. Tin'
t trvo first time he has ever had
honor of beiair road snir Ltr, a rut-1. .
proixes to hnv Inrw to build root
roadi. ' Hree went lmn no Pri Ian i
yt-sterdiiy to take some notes n ho-:
they make their trit there. He ri i
tb-clde to hive he road ver In hi i i
tnct In old Polk paved.- He I iut,v
fully dec! .11 as to this, or the L -I
f material that he will usf If tie oo .
lubH to treat the highway thus.
The laM :lrne Itreete was In' Port bind.
t will tie remem1-red. he asked the
driver" of an automobile If he had
hid a runaway. P.ree", thought h had
surely had a runaway; 'bcnue he ha-l-
Pt hisi wagiMt" tojnifue, Thy will !
able to run autorrMlil- pvr tlo r-ol
In HrMrif' di'ettri twfore rd lrri
road suiKTVl-coe expires. i
0 o o ( . j ' '
IlKiop Birl Cranedon Is to .nr'sshlu
at the Me1hMli;t conference In. the.
Northwest. This b kmhL There wilt
te som-t god wtrrk .for Wl'.lanwite-
University. Illriiop Cranston prose
to help in the work tf maklna- this
great! Institution. Thls"me-rn a great
d'-al for Old Wflktfnvtte. arwl for Salto.
o o o- -. 1
Ifv"'J n"t reglsu-r you r-n?t vote.
witlfut a great deft! of trouble on e-.c.
trn dayK And yvMj have only rlx rrMre
dfiys in wfqch to register.
Suae of Ohio, City of Toledo, ,
Lucas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is the senior artner of the firm of F.J.
h-riey ec Co, doing busln s in the.
Ity of Toledo, County andvState afor
Kald, and that raid firm will pay the
urn of (INK HUNDHKD DOI,rAlt for
eatfi and every ease of f.'alarrh th-t
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and 'subscribed.
In my preset e, this rh day of Iecem
ler. A. D. 18.
(Seal.) A, W. GLFSON.
- Notary Iubllc.
H U s Catarrn Cure is taken internal-
ly and ac ts directly on the blood-and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, "free.
F. J. ClfENKY CO, Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists. 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the best.