6AJLEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 8. MURDERED BY "A-YOUNG BOY ! An Old M3n's Throat Cut and Ills lfE SLAYER; HAS CONffSSED IIR CLAIMS HIS VICTIM PAID FOR THE fWMK A8 IB WAS AN XIOUS TO DIE. The Police Are Investigating the 0 and IMieve jthat All of the Strjry Ha Not BBToiJ Othr Roys Are Relieved to-Be Implicate! In'the Peed Degfm:racy Unparalleled. ; SALT LAKE CJTT, Utah, April .4, Clyde Felt,' hr barely 15 years old, fl;iy einfetedLfo the. poflce that it was, he Who tut; the throui-of .tkimitel Collins, the aged watchman of the Wa &atka Mlnrai Springs,; 'whos-- body found lust Kundnjr la a c-ave Jn thu . I . .. " ' . 1 f , . . M . i.iJjKj'Hf awvr warm niinnxa, in Vlwil was ljn. the txiV cUdnwi nnlv i. t-r repeated urgltg ,y the old manr. -fwbo told the toy thathe Jntep,dd to kill himself, unway, as be ivaa U red of R say. h?wf.lled up the. entrance- u' tri- cave. Collins, he wild'," hud given lim oioriey for killing hlm.t Tho iioUco - believe that the boy ha rot told all of the- story, land are wojk Ink on h theory that others were Ijn plicated, liehlmd ihe. crime ,.is a story f mors! degeneracy that has1 few par' i.llH. Collins fucordlng to the police, wd a number of boy in the neighbor- In! ompl jtely i under his J Influence, i fid they express the : belief that his a i h was the culmination of a lot on the . irt nf-the l,oys to kir the old : run a arid thus i-iil themselves of Ms ma- I I IVf lllfll ft.'! 44 "v ' , Hssvy Fines. "f- I .;i M.inijj, April 4. Sertor'Valde-j, edl tor of the Spanish -weekly jHijr here, . .i,vi' ted .tf Jllng the Uvo .Flliplna ifi-rnitrH of the nilllpplne CTominl K,!ri, lit-nito Itgarda nd fir.'. I'ardo de T:iv'i:S, h;ifc bevst fined 400 ta. Justice Vas Swift. fhinulHohlu.' Pa,. April 4.--rWlUlani If. lim, who muriler'wl J-Ulen J, Jor lift-tind 'her dsrUKhtem, ;Medfllne nd i;i(si-, wns .'onylftl of 'murder in thi 1'irni ljfrte tul af teinn, afttr a triul I; OriK 1" thajj m and a half hours i-jii'! pleaded KUiHy. JudKe Hid If li :-i'it.'!inicl the .murderer to -juVath.' Sentence Commuted. 1).-iivt, 'lo., Aptil 4. Thi; Iloard of r.iritoiiM tonight immutel th- HerjlHin-e of UiwrfBiif V.fx. who wits to hve 1..H hiiKc, to Imprisonment, for life, ll.-x wain (oiivieuvl of kill.nr, atj Pueb U; f Mm. AI!i and Win. Whlteas the imuJt of jfainny. All were colored. CATTLEMEN WILL FIGHT. u The PuiMge of the Oleomargarine Bill U to Be Prevented.: i !K.Nf:iU CUf,. April 7.Pivldnt Jim V inlnfer, of (h i National l.iv.-Mi.- k AHiMN'ltieiofi,. with reference to Ihf xl;jk.:- of lh olciiiiiarraHn f-ii! in in,- Hfimt, H.ild: "'1 l i- li yMf k lrif.-r.-xiK of tht Ifnltd MaiciMiw nt (ii. uuiMM d at the ainnll by Mhiu h thy weif Ixoitfn In th Sn.it' on Iht. olom;jrKatln bill. We x t Jodffa4 It. before we ur lone t i If. It iii a iriOKt vW'Ioum mafur In ? Iff i 111 i ltf -Vlr t.'t.t A.. t . MMMAM- ..II ('orurrMNM, -sind w, hall context- thf (imii..r tu Hi.- llou.H, and t-ipe the i i iift-rii, ni. irrwn-M to do : no, tlu iMitfii th . Hiiprr nie Court of I the I'nii. d Hi.bt.-w." Kiit4t3l 0 IM Kind Xofl Haw Ahwn BoniM THE. MILITIA CAM! NATIONAL, fJUArtI TO 1IOLD AN . 'i:.Nt'AJIl'MIOT TI11H YKA'R WK1 ATTKNIANCK. TJu- Hiato Afitltary, Hoard ' In -l'Jti t tli Capital Htrt1ay, attd der i't'-d to rwrnmiii to tJovernor T. T. 5er thf boldinr t brlgnde camp f innlructlon. forlhe Oreifon Ntlonal tluard this summer, the enieampment i" le held at aiu'h t!m and tlar as miitht be dee4detl upon b ythe Irlad immandr and the Adjutant Oeneral The Adjutant Oeneral made a re port of the attendance of the various Mjtanlsatitms eompoinic the Oregon Nalinnai Cluurd. honln marked 'dm pri-fTnnt In at(mdance In all the r Kanlzatlons, except, two, since the flrt or tne year. . i 7, A Oil- SAN rRANCIPCO. April ri.y. California, :spcUl to the Bulletin say the remains of f, man and a wo man H ere discovered in the . railroad depot yesterday wbla a box, which Had lain in the depot for ten years.: " U.MS at m.r 4h a o a am a rv b (plr a tv hU'h the remains can be Identified. The iox was left with the station agent by a rancher named Jamie-ton. whi diMppearet shortly afterward, and ttotnuijr has been beard of him ince ' -; - A Pettafttcm nebbed. J Spokane. Wash..' April 7. A Paloue special to the f pokes man-ltrlew says, the safe la th4 postofflca was "blown pen with dynamite at an early hour this morning, an J about I GOO in cash stolen. The officers" are scouring the country for two suspicious men. who had been hanging around tow a for a week... j,,', ..' ... ' How o Get Rid ef a Cold. i -Shall I ever Ue rid of this coldr This Is the dal- ouewtlcvn of a man rucked by a cough that seem to tear hla lungs. JX turn cheer up and take Allen's L.uug Itilsnm. ; This' remedy not merely overcomes ordinary, coughs. , BODY fVND BRAINS - - WhetHcrUhe brains of men are being developed at the ex pense of the bodies is not a question that we can settle Ibut there is no question that there are many individual cases whe re f h e body ' is weake r t han it ought to be. V ')'. "To. produce big T healthy brains and big healthy . bodies take Scott s Emulsion. Child hood is the time to commence. The effort of Scott's Emul sion is to make nature, do her best with the materials on hand It checks all those little weak nesses and faults of nourish ment which result in imperfec develop mejritr Nothing more strengthening for weak-children. ,' , .. ;.(..".' .. i,.. .. , for Irt Simple. ; f- :'. ., SCtJTT It BOW M P., iU, , IW St K. V HOME: FOR -THE' ODDFELLOWS Will Be Dedicated id Portland Thi. .Month-: IMPOSINO Pwtland O Dr. W. T. the bo:n''r.'t lows' itome CKHKMONIEW ON Till I OCCASION i)V jTIIB - ANNIVKit- HARY- rtP ; THE OKPEUrTHB llIOMOt NOW' OCCUPIEDHY PIVK MKSIUKRa OFTrrfT FRATERNITY, At a meeihtg-of the committee of the Id Feifow' IJdgf j with WIIMamson, chairman of trustees i.f ihe tdd fel held Saturday x evening Kcneral arranx rn nl were definitely outlined for khe dedication Of the Odd Fellows' Hoftie, located near Cenil worth, to tajke place Saturday, Aori 26th, the Hiil arinivetsary of the Odd 'Fellows'- Order, nay the ' Oregotilan There will be a jjint affair the dedl- of the a nnive rsaryjof the order. Ro bert Andrews and most of th mem bers of the local committee were pres ent. ' M ' . " ;l . ' It J was decided that the dedicatory services of the Home shall be held on the ground, iand condufed by the offi cers Of the grand lodge of the state in Ibe forenoon At the conclusion of the dedicatory ceremonies all Odd Fellows dedicatory ceremonies all Odd Fel lows will be entertained at dinner In Ahe Armory. Either In , the. Af ternoon at 4 -o" clock or In the evening at T:30 the; anniversary program win he rendered.. The committee Is unde cllel ubut 'the time. That will de pend upon the desire of the members throughout the state. If-the majority desire to leave for their homes that evenlntr. the texerclse will be held In the afternoon, w they can do eo. The Kcrneral program has been adop ted. At the Home only the : regular dedicatory services of the order will be held. These will be short. For the-anniversary exercises Judge hi. C tleorge will be the orator of the occasion. Other short addresses Will be delivered by W. E. Vawter, past grand master, .of Medford; Mrs. Flor erne- At wool, watden. of the Hebekah Assembly, of P.aker Cttty; J. E. Hwl ton. of Portland Dr. George C. Chance, jvast grand representative and repre rentlng the original promoters of the insMtution. A committee of three will be appointed to make out the nro- rnm. One will nt: a memwr n m bonrd of trustees Wid two wilt be from Portland lodges. T.bl committee will be named this week. The gnral over, right Of the entire exercises' will he: re tained by the board of trustees. A large attendance -of Odd Fellows Is expected from Eastern ana poutn ern t)regon. Special cars w)H be run frorrt1 Huntington In Eastern Oreroo and AhUnd , ln southern Oregon Grand Secretary E. E. Sharon has sent aaklng for information as tq the proh- abFe number of Odd Fellow who wt,il Ukely attend, so that arrangements fr their entertainment, while they are in thecity. can be made.r The Fellows' Temple wllj be headquarters and all visiting Odd Fellows will be trolded: with suitable badges. At the Home the exercises win take place on the, ground. If the weather la favorable there may.be several thou sand present. ,The Home now icontslns five people, and It is tne opinion among Odd Fellows that It will have to be en larged st once.- The Horn Is for tne aged or Indigent, whether they be men women or children, 'coming within the rules and regulations prescribed oy the board of trusteea. Sick Odd Fel lows cannot be taken into the; institu tion, as It Is "not Intended for a hospi tal, nor to aid lodges fn avoiding pay ment of Kick benefit to sick members. Originally , the Institution was estab lished at Fslrvlew. where the order owns a large farm, tout it was 4eclded that -the place was not suitable for the purpose, and the Itlley property, cont aining a wosoey dwemiMr-sna sev en acre' of ground, was bought The house has since been raised up and improved and handsomely furnished throughout. 1 An attempt was made ' to sell ' tne firm at Falrvfow. but 1t did not suc ceed, and many of the members think is a rood thlmr o 4.The trent more than pays expense snd supplies sn income. it may wppi-mrni , wn Home in Portland after a time. FAIRBANKS IS - GIVING BATTLE tbe GUcese Xxtteilzi CIII is Sea - ate 23rJ Ussse MANY SPEECHES BEING RUDE IN TUB INTEREST OF THE TEO PL.E OF THE PACIFIC COAST AND AO A INST COOLIES. The Right of Congress to Enact Ex i elusion, ; Leghfhaition Is Shown The Minority Metssun Will Re With drawn and the Majority Bill Amend ed to Satisfy Its Supporters; WA3I IINOJTON,' April C -After pass Ingr the In-Jlan appropriation Mil to day the en-at cont-ldfrfAl the Chinese exclusion measure. The principal speech wn made by Fairbanks in sup port of the bill. He analyzed its. pro vision to demonstrate they were not in contravention of the treaty wltn China ami discussed st length the right of Congress to enact exclusion legislation lie maintained that Vt was a cardinal principle of this Government to protect labor against such low priced labor a would come to 4he United States from China. An extemfc-'d debate upon some of the provisions of the bill followed Fairbanks' speech. In the House. Washington. April 5w Th Chinese exclusion bill was undT consideration in the House today, tj Jieral debate being cloned, without the exception that tho sieches wfr , favorable, to rigid exclusion, and exprewd a, feeling of repugnan to the Chinese. Kahn. (Cat.), author of the bill, was gratified during the day at reauhimg an under- etanUng by which most of the amemi iwmi protosexi py , me t-acinc coasx jople will be accepted by the commit tee. This prolntbly will lead to a with drawal of the minority bill, and & pusxuge of the majority measure. The only uinendmenit at Cohup is on tbe sail ors' luu-, and thiw i to t subrnltted tc a vote. Cuban eciprocity. Washington, April 5. Thme ep fi to. minority reports on the- Cuban Keciproclty bill were . ItKd today hy Represenibatlve Roberston, of 4uisi- ana; Newfcind, of Neviilti, and Cooper, ef Texas, all Dtanocrats. . Robertson ays; "The bill would af- fonl no relief to the Cuban treasury. The 20 pur cenft redutsUon would not go to the re4lef of the Cuban people, but would go to fill the aiwady overflow! nur ftiffilmtm f 1 Ka. tlTfih'il. fin...-. 7. f f Hu United -States." . " Newlamls madw an ' elabomte pre senta.Uon. reviewing ther political and commercial phrases. In -oncIut.lon he saj": Vh Anveriuan people are be- contlng tired of semtuttlonat legislation. We have spent $300,eo0,000 n. 4. war to free Cuba. we have sixent 500,00,OOQ In attempting to carry civltiaatlou tt th PhlKpplneff. tl Is 'now proposed by the sentimentalists that wk should in augurate legislation thHOKlng our fl- nam system, not for the lneftt of the Americuh consutnera, rior for the bene tl of oui agricultural clashes, but Our the purpose of-diverting to the Culwn planters. ln order to relieve their threatened economic distreeM. a very large amount of money." . ; CKper's rviiort Is brief, and express. es general tttosltion to tbe btll. i, ; , Irrtgstion. Washington, April 6.- The, House Committee on Irrigation today amend ed the Irrigation btll in accordance with thf underataroKvig between the President and ts advocates. The amendment prevent stieeulaUve en tries, wnd provide that nothing Khali affe-t the rights of the states to in terstate streum. '.-'-",. ' ThV- Philippine Bill. Washington, April 5 The Republi can membkt-a of tho House Insular Committee, practically completed the Philippine Civil Government bill, to day, and r-vled the measure. It will be submrted to the Democratic mem bers next week. As now changed the LIII reduces the number of ihe.PhlJip pine Commissioners to the United States from thre to ww. The VM Government plan and the gold stand ard coinage are preserved. A THEY TRESPASSED BRIEF CITY NEWS: SALEM REPUBLICAN CLUB ! . f A jjSreUng .Is called . for Saturday nigh. .April I2th. 1 o'clock, at the police court, city hall. Claud Hatch. rsldent. Geo. F. Rodgers, secretary. ! IN THE SPRING In! the sfring Ue young man's fancy lightly turn to thoughts. of love, but fce must have groceries, and his thoughts then turn to the popular gro cery atore of ltranson, tc Ragan. where everything In UOa line may be had. r THE TEMPERATURE The meanNnaxImum temperatar for the. 48 hours previous to 3 o'clock p.: in. yesterday was degrees Fahrenheit, end the mean minimum was 46 degrees. The total pr-Hptutlon for the - snme Ieriod was .98 of an Inch, APPOINTED GUARDIAN . Mamie M, Hayden, upon pe4lUon to the Marion cojiny probate court, vrns yertetday nno4ntci guirdT.un of the x rson and estate of Miller II. Hayden, her minor child, subject to her Ming her bond In the court In the turn of r.oo. " STATE TAKS PAID State Treasurer tl 8. Moors yester day received 182.80 from the .treasurer of Josephine county -In full 1 for that county's 1901 faxes. CHANGED ATTORNEYS In the suit' In equity to, dissolve a marriage contract, wherein Elizabeth McFartane is plaintiff and A. McFar lane is the defendant. Holmes Holmes yesterday filed their notice of withdrawal as attorneys of TJorvham A Alartin, who have bew substituted by tlw plaintiff as her attorney. Sire nf ladv Aatitt 2;4fi 'in the madJ WISSIR Ot TH TWO-VUK-OUf IkOlTIKU KTAgK AT 1IJE sraTE FA IK LAST YIAE, r Sire McKlnncy2:ll l'4 i . Hire of 4 in Uie 2:10 Ust, 19 in tho 2:11 li?t, ! In the 2U!0 lUt. at 11 jjtsrs of age. ! l'neiualleI by any sire of IU sj-e. Flrtaam MIDDAY IIeLlI, ly CioMU-TiiNl, nlw of (iazelie fjlll, 'Miss Jessie 2U2, and olhem. Second dam HULVU liy.LLV. (dm vt McIrier.2:U), by I)oii-WiIk i24, sou f Alcyone. ,- . ; Tliird dam by Mamhrino PaU hen , the jrreat Unsnl tuare sire, I Fourth daol b'v Alniouti .L founder of the Almuiit famiiv. - .1 , ... - - '. - I - - . ', CtrT-Al! J05lt3 Usbtsrli.talllnrtrofcleJ ts JW4.tUaJslS.IUs.1-, wrlrn ! pouct. I.M erect Irottlnj scUoa sad trvtui-r U ( srel aitewi hit b korrr. HtliMrKmu't'i btt brs.1 us sad a rvtMuuWii !! aaifurts ul cults Cat-tam Jubrt wUl aske tas Snttwa ot 15SJ2 lwllwt: :' i - I8VIVGI0 FARL POaittAD. IIB. I TO AfRIt I. f AIR GROtADS, $AUM. Arfilt 1 10 JllY I. . TertSf, $2.00 Seaisa, Wpsyst4ttiinf of service. Usisnee st end f scssoa. JOHN PENDf n, fair Grounds, Salem. Or. mi i Twice-a- Week Statesman WEEKLY ORECONIAN, per yr...... TWICE-A-WEEK 8TATE8MAN, psr ysar OUR PRICE. BOTH PAPERS... PACIFIC H0ME8TEAD, pee ysar.......... . TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year... BOTH PAPERS... BASED ALL, AT M T. ANG EL Yesterday afternoon the Ml. Angel College . boys and the Chemawa nnst team met at Mt. Angel for a. game nt baseball. It was a pitcher's , game from start to nnish. Regan, ihe Che tnawa pitcher, struck out --'nine men during the game, and McRurney, the Mt. Ang?I pitcher, struck out thirteen men. It fwas a hotly contested nme throughout, resulting in a.viotory. for ML Angel College by a score of S to 2 Kt.'HOOL, BOARD MEETS The school board for District No. 24 . . ...... . : - . . met jat nigm ana transacted von- i idei able buslnej.: A numln-r of bills were paid. Supt. I. W. Yoder report d that on Friday April 11. Arbor Day exercises w 111 be hel at the East building, "he clerk .was Inx true ted to call. SOOO' of- popular loan being notes Nos. 5, 6. 7. 8. The supply committee wah lnstructc-l to ascertain 1het amount cf wood reiulred for next year and ad ertie fr bids ' v ANOTHER PIANO COMPANY Gone to. pieces. Residents of Marlon and I 'oik counties i - will remember a moofh-ta Iking man operating a sreclal car with; pianos up and down the val ley, and was considered the greatest rustler In the piano field In the interior of, Oregon. The company recently or ganlzed by htm, under the name of the Pacific Northwest Piano Company, has gone to pieces ignomlnloiisly In Eastern Oregon, and the show people who were traveling with him, as an additional at traction, are-reported as trailing home ward, and the announced invasion '-of Faiem ry this troupe of piano sellers win, -tnereiore, not take piace. "ROBATB ORDERS MADE In the Marlon county probate court yesterday. J. P. Lovett. M. O'Neill and W. IL Burghrtrdt Jr. nlel their Invent cry and appraisement uiwn the estate of Robert tJ Allen. Insane, placing a valuation of 161 IS thereon and Ida M Allen the guardian iK-tition-d the eourt for an order authorizing the prt- a.' sale of the personal property of thes ostnie which petition was granted and an order made accordingly.!. . ,S. I. Frailer filed his sw-ml-nnnunl account upon the estate of Ane Fmzler dV- reased, 'of which .he is administrator, showing a, balance' of cash on hand to date of Ift.ft!. .. .Millie Martin, admin istratrix of the estate of G. W. Martin. deceased, filed her final account there on and the court ordered -that Satur day.: May 10th, at 10 .o'clock a. m.. be fixed as the date and time for the hear? ng of said final account. . DRIVERS STRIKE, TACOMA. WashJ April 1. The "truck an.1 cold. Uowtlver obstinate, biit It Is drivers are on a strike. They waatj recommended even In the first stag-esllCO per month, ten hours to constitute of consumption, ! ' f" . 1, . I a "day's work, anI employment or none . ..j'. .; -' " ;; - ' ' THREE MEN ARRESTED IN Sfl VERTON FOR SETTING POXES OX PRIVATE PnOPERTY. In Sllverton, yesterday.the new-f1c- trie power company, which Is building line from above that place through to Mt. AngeL Scotts Mills, and Wood- burn, for the purpose of transmitting power, became Involved In a difficulty. and three of Its men were arrested for trespaaslrfr upon private' jJroperty. n This company wanted to set the poles for their wires on the right-r.f way of the railroad com ran y, but the company refused to allow any poles to g upon tbe right-of-way. Instead of following the county road the corn- piny att emitted ! cut acrooss by par alleling the railroad and setting their ptfes on land belonging to Mrs. ' Nina Vr:ey. Mra. Morley asked 1 109 for tbe right of way, but finally reduced her demand to iiO. The company offered to pay her 1 3. and on her refusal to ac cept this sum proceeded - to dig post holes against her wishes. She had the holes refilled and warned th laborers J to keep off ner premises, out taut morn ing they went back and erected three poles and proceeded to Ig o(her holes. Mrs. Morley bad the poles cut down, and later had three of the men ar rested for trespass. L The men wrt tsken before Justice of the( Peieo Ramsby and thHr hearing was fixed for 1 p. nu today, and they were al lowed to go on their own recognizance. RATES AGAIN REDUCED From all points. Before you make d fi nite arrangements for! that trip East let ua quote you rates vigthe Illinois Cen tral Railroad. Our rates are the low est to be had. and It will pay you to write us. If you haven't time to com municate with us tell the agent from whom you purchase your ticket that you want to travel by way of the IIR- nois Central, and you will never regret the trip. If any of your relatives or friends in the East are comingXWeat while the low rites are in effect, write us about them, and we will see that they get the lowest rates with the best service-Through tourist cars, person alty conducted excursion cars, free re clining chair cars, in fact all the latest conveniences known to- modern railroading.- For .particulars regarding rates, time, t service, stop-overs, differ ent connections and routes, etc., etc., call on or address 8. II. Trumbull. Commercial Agent, ,142 Thud street, Portland. Or. - f. OREGON'S 1ST SUNDAY SCHOOL ' it is Interesting to Sunday School workers to note that tlw. first 8iidsv school west of the Rocky mountains was organisel sixty-seven years ago today. It began Its work with thir teen shiidren. three being Indians and eleven f mlxt-J blod.! New scholars were enrolled eh Sunday until a! the children In the neighborhood were members of the school, snd mothers came twp. or three ,'-, miles with their Infarct children. The school was organized In the mission house of the, Methodist 'church 'near this cltv. and Its lineal decendarrt Is the First Mrtbodist Sumlay school of today. Cyrus Shepard was the first superin tendenf of the school, an, old wrorker In this line' but at that time the teach er of a day school at the mission, ft was nearly twelve years after the or ganization of this school that James IL Wilbur pUnted the first Sunday school in California, But though of yes terday, in its beginning, the Pacine coast is now dotted , with Sunday schools, and Sundajt schoo work in Oregon is little behind that of ahr stat in the Union. In the- Methodist church this morning the address of the CHICAGO INTER-OCEANJ per year....... ..... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year...... BOTH PAPERS... HOARDS DAIRYMAN, per TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year........ BOTH PAPERS............ .,,, ....lixa ....L2S .....$1J30 ......... .$1X0 ...... 1J5 ......tiJM ... fij ........ I- i ........ ............ .. . .U5 year........... JD0 .$1X0 i.... J OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL par year... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, psr year...... , BOTH PAPERS.jJ. .. ......... ..V... fH RICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, per year TWICE - A - WEEK STATESMAN, psr year ...n ......... .9-50 .$1X0 $1.40 .,.....$1X3 ,....V....1X0 BOTH PAPERS... $t.5 M'CALL'S MAGAZINE (includina free pattern to aaoh subscriber).... $1X0 TWICE-A-WEEW 8TATESMAN. per year...... ............ ......... .$1X0 BOTH PAPERS ESMAN, per ytsr...... ............ $1X0 TNC RCsltDV THT CURtt AMD PwCVCMTS tf TNg EPIDEMIC now RAGING amonn U ADCPC snd will Curt them nffram. Congh or PVnwl.Wj via temper is Prusalaa ilcs i'owilcr. 'I ' CUKCO 4 NORSES. I hmtm mrin thr I'mmaa H l'ul.'r. ut put atrbt wnnilM aM In th.l tlnm La. cwrrd II Uontmvt fcinw-. f itl-t.-,ui-r sjmI t r lirmtr - jkKKUT bKHM (I, ,.wk, K, V. I MflMftft ,m mr Pawaat.M Co.. Sr. P.ut, Mm. ARE Y I ill .m DEAF? DEAFNESS ARE ? 0 'a ANY HEAD NOISES? HEARING ALL,. CASES OF OR HARD now by our new invention. Only loose born tfesi. sre incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. P. A. WERMAH, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY8I I . - BALTIMomc M.l .'Marrh n, tosi desraeaa, IJii d st your dtarrrtiofl. st e the mo-t eminent ear Mialt of Ihia ctlr. who tHd me l hat Crntlrmrm .--Seine entlretv cured of deaf aeaa. ttissks to nwlfntnwit.1 will Sua titrTot s lull niMory or ray csae, to be 0 About sve years ago my l my titans in tliin ear rntlrrhi p years at o my right esr. be can to slog, snd thi. sept on getting worse, until I tout i fliia ear cntlretr. . ... K I aix!errent a treatment (or catarrh, for three month, without any aurra, mn.ll-l a nina. her of hri.trin. among othera. only an ofK-ration coiild brtp nw4 m-rt 3m IH--C the iieannc in tne I then saeyoir aitVertitemm -iruly an I ttej l reuiaia Our treatment doe n YOUCft? . T? -in!n-.tk , siri-j f and ercn that only trmtwrarily. that the head smm- wotild atlrtet ear wmiia I lt furrrvr. eyoir aitveniiemrnl art-lr-nlaliv ut a fw ork tfet. s-M ordered vvmr lr-al. m-rt. Aft-rlhad n-'-d H onlralew tsm xwtinS t- tr ditnUfXin. te iiife-airl. bn4 odir, allf f live wrrl... tiiv bcaririr in th iliM-a-ed car h4t--e rntirrly rrtuted. lthatkut Krv Itutv vaMira. ' A. r.iiiAN, -xlo nroauway. Baltimore, Mil. of interfere trlth your n-tual nerniMttion, CURE YOURSELF AT HOME " ZZ!". I iTOrUTIOKAt AUHU CLWlfl IX SAllf AVt,eHiC4C0, ILL Rec Ko. ZT4CS. bLAt IC SrAI.LION Hand- lilrh. -Wsigbt IIMI IHIUIIlJ. fit jears old. SIRKD BY McCLANA First dam, MI RA (MiLDDL'ST. by Pedro 3W)4 2:25, son of Idol 44, sire dam FANNY GOLDDUSTJ by Guide 119T, sire of Third da m KIT, -by Gold-lust 150. sire of fan We GotildtlSt t 10 etc. ' "'.:.' : f the nn't stall Ion in the state, aril mft tut III b- Fidol 2:044. etc. Second .15 llama of 1" in the list Oolld ust1 2 ; 1 Vt . Fleet y BROADHEART M one f little handling sh'ws himself to lw a very promising jtrotter4 He allowed t serve a few $20 BY THE SEAPONJ I Invite breeders to mares ebewhre. marts at WITH I'HUAL RETURN PRIVILd-lGE. ffome. snd see this hfrse before. 4feedln, j . pastor i;i be on "The House qn the -Willamette," and this interesting event will be mentioned, i S POSTMASTER The, following Itetn, taken from Jlhe Noble corresfiooiejce In thf ilveiton AppeaLwould Indicat that a former SalemtteV Is now one of th Govern ment's. Nasbys in Marlon coiinty: The NoMe pastofBc was moved Mence of Dr. Rowlar.d -ihis Week, Mrs. Rowland having be-n appointed iot- mist IAN 23Ti.on of Roy Wilkes 2:06'ii, their W. O. TRINE. FAIR GROUNOP. fill .w sO-T!! i j -i "- .y-rJJasaTss -SJidS- ScMikM ftampei CC C Never kM la buX 8warc of tft oeakr who tries la Kll e!Uua u4 as ieoi." RENOMINATt: "Jimmy Ross ha been renominated for th office of sheriff tif tJnvlo county by the Republicans over there, He formerly reidI 4n Salem.. Of him the Leader, of TolenJi,. the ciuniy siN.t, says: "J. IL Ross, our present sheriff, and candidate for re-4ectlfHi, needs no introducelon, Ills official reWl s the best arrrume-nt In Lis favor that can be produced, and with thatft he voters of Sarah C. Neal was yesterday brough , vii; (fiey iuiii "Wiins a I'M) Is a resident of Etelka, wiged 4t years, and has sulcklal tendemrlesi She was lirought to the asylum , by Deputy Sheriff Geo. Martin and one guard. f?o iih western II uf series WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' Large stock of fruit treea and shrub beryy, Alt stock free from pests and diseases.- All 'trees delivered free In Salem. Write for catalogue. February and March are good months 4o plant trees.: , .- , ;.'-.!, 'V- fD. JONES, P ALEM, OREGON. ' JOHN STOUT Manufacturer tnl i Fine mantles and crates, trltl work, show cases and office fixtures gpai cialty. Woven slat fruit travsl Um-rdn county apfear to t rfeefiy Southwest comer Church' and ITLJ satrstie-L" l - streets, galem. Or. Tslepboaa 17L