II RALElf, OREGO:?. FRIDAY, MARCHUV J- Tho Way a fling fils IN MEMORY OF M'KINLEY fLAX INDUSTRY ha a great deal tp do with the tray the -I ' lady value It.- Now, it's not much of a lover who does not know the ilxe of hc-r finger, but uch rase do occur, and ll you owe jlio StatfiKinan fjflico, and iulehtl to pay in w(Kxl,.Icasc haul llio CxkI now. We ncctl it iow. We inay not ncctl it later. we are willing to exchange the ring If Secretary of iht National f.Itco rial Assccldtlsa Threshing of the Sicck Oought by ttl2223er Cosse. it doesn't fit. As good valuta here in Engagement and Weddings Rings as you will find in the city. , ASKS THAT FENDS. COLLECTED 1 OR THE SAME, RE FORWARDED TO THE TREASURER OREGON'S I'ORTIONVTHUS FAR RECEIVED. IS SOMEAVIIAT SMALL. IS NOW UNDER WAY AND WILL SOON RE COMPLETED AN ELKO--TRR MOTOR IS REINtl INSTAIJ--KJDTO FURNISH TOWEIt AT THE MILL. 4 jr Barr's Jewelry Store " Leader Jn Low Prire. j 120 State Street. m Salem, Or. f afremari Pub- Go. j MARKET QUOTATIONS. '"Daily Crein Letter . from a Chicago - v Firm of Broker. Logan & Rrya ' Chicago grain letter and latest, market quot.itt&n to Roltnn -! Ruyter, &. CO.. !of Portland; sent by telegraplirom' Chicago, at the close ot ; the iiiarki-t yesterday afternoon, iuy: ' Wh-atHAltfMl, . tj higher;.' Pari. l-4 ' higher; 'Antwerp FA higher. . "Re ceipt. .?30.oW. against? 74S.O". ' Shlp nntHi 104,'.o' ngaJnit 31p.itiO. Clear ance wheat and f.Ur, On the early tre.ngth. ' In ' torn, wh. at was rath r firm but selling soon in , wulch lurufd lh-i market w.ak. and carried! pilos'on'i -. ! The ; sellirlg ' wan general, both Ionic tn!'h6rttwlfv The continual fiiie weather anJ niore fa vorable tone to eiip report, together wlthV -pi: t-xfifn . demand, are ih rautcv. Price. Cuirnt,!iaya that wheat avciaK'' fairly gowJ.i promised d'vel 'opirte lit now equal; to lor exceeding eg-pete-allon. : While, j there ore fi!J cm p;altttrom the SouthweM, report !n itut whl 'seem lo lif rather mfr; fa v j. !);, Keeling m, the' whole i,Vx U rn!y havy. ' Eirnatfd ear 20. ; . "rtrhf.iv;rpooi,- higher. Receipts 34!.WO' against 317.K&0 last ywr. Hhlp m fits ' r:,W ajjnt 27C,(WW.f Clear ance Wr..: .1 iei' the market wa strong and advanced harply. but since tutrod weak in ympa!hy with ih prfHlof in v. h at. The lare oncfn- tial"(J lix jil ' buying f Ih't ia.'.i ff-w dayji .' h'stn hv,m Ibf matter of r-al llititrt-Ht anl I 'jiiM il xoirir ' civ.' riruf of ahoi t 4m riy. .' Thri i4 In.- ;hanK -Jn I h? fia a Jiitu.iti'jg: that owing to (in.all reclpiM iMkt -iir tint piirnaiy r -lpt ate f ulljP'euai!. . I'riceit at .in ter (or. po.rtt- i-if rtittl)'-ly' ttter .than -hehW'KtiJtr Klutirna .! linr &. .. ' . May..... ... , July .... fotu My.,... July .....j. IJtll- i "My.,.,. ... July I'ord-i May ......... July .... iftl M'ty .... .... Juiy.......w. Kl'- T iuiy.... STEIN ERS MARKET., I Chit-Ken to 10 eenta per tunJ. Ec U cena cah. i main featurelew. Seeding em to b prfixreisning -favorably. Estimate! car lia.i ' l . - i , JrovhiIon Market wij active. 5 to 34 higher. The extrema advamce wa Jn pork ana ?f-nv' t6 be laid to an oversold condition 'ot 'the market and the fain covering f.ehort. Thre wa fair profit tahlng noticeable- at the ad vanrej Receipt of hog M.im against .KK last year.. 7 ; ', i;' j ' . , . TIIE MARKETS. ; i IV)RTI.ANr. Or,., March 27-?Vhsat. Walla Walla, SCc; Valley, K-n. Taroma. Marc h 27. Wheat UlueU-m. ow;. flub, . : ; j , H;jrt I'rari'.i-i, March cX4b..il.lO. .. r . li " !7. Wheat, ojM-iiinif. 7j1 Jt.74. March 1 27. Whent,! May, Flax, $!.; Northwestern NEW TO-DAY WANTED. I want to rent a ranrh p-.tu " f fitrtt. IaW, ' Mm?. en i r M-i . Ki ' ' 19 7., H7 fir, 70 IB i 0J lift 9 72 9 Hi 2 ' fid .79 JUitJ.'t 9 2 'J JW ) , Oa.1 Market wa.i waK in sympathy with -weakftttXM in other .gr'aina. litn Rn. moVtiititnt fuiiT o(-ratlt.n In n !' ulatve way an- moderate and in the Flocked, for! t' or .1 year, aluto what you have. "II," tli.e. . ' reference. Statesman ' - f The Ktatiwman I'ub. Co. haa.on-ha'nd '-veral hundred c-nplea of the Oly'JtlON C0NMTITL'TKN; Th. price Is lflf centV each a long a they last. ' MONEY TO IAN on IMPROVE fiinn and city jnjperty ut per cent I-erunnurn: no eommiiiion. ; Pleae cull or addreHS Eugeiie Ilreymaa. Re itit ruber the place, 27U Commercial tttreet, one door norlb ot Htateman - offlce. : . ; dwtf BUFOUB. GUTHRIE & CO. Euyer and hlj'p' r of GRAIN . I alr In Hop Giowars' Supplies : ' Warchotise nt ' TEUNKIi." MACI.EAY, I'iutim.' r.i:ioK.-, Hit AW. I f .KAI.EM.4 " rtWITZKJtLAN'O. M M I'll 1 1J. ( F ! I U f A L" At If It. J. G. GRAHAM, Manager . 1 207 t ommerclal St., Salem. ' NOW J'a good time to bring In your machinery and htve your retir ing all done. .Casting, Irion and- h"OH. fuinlxhed on hort notice. One (boiler and i-hore engine complete for sale cheap.- K. M. KIOHTLINOER. Phone 2933.' . 208 Liberty St r t r- ABSTRACTORS OF TITLE. ESTAnLISilED "iNTkVlii'iio Ilete wt of abstract books In Marlon couitjy, Oregon. Concernlnjf lltie. coiiKttlt u. Stitlem Abstract ad ImiuI Cx., Saleiu, Oregon. I V . W. Waters, Secretary and Manager. . - ; . " LEGAL NOTICES. NMTICE OF INTENTION TO WlTII DIWW INStlltANCE DEPOSIT Hf TIIK . UNITED ' STATES .. -.FIRE" INSURANCE , CO. ; To Whom It Ma Concern; In acrcordance with the requirement of the laws f .the ; State of Orngon. r,' l',itive to inurance cmpaulcH, no 4'ice. I hereby given that the UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, of New York, New York, desiring : cease doing buslnes within; the State cif Oregoni intend to' withdraw it deiMtslj with the Treanurcr of jsaid Kucte ami tvlli. i no claim gilnHt iaid. Company thall be filed with the liwur anre Cntnmis's'loncr -within six .'months r. om th' , 2 J fs t day yf! February, R02. tl.- Hmt being - the date of the'jdrnl I itMal Ion of this notice, withdraw it depctsit froin the State; Treadier. , UNITED STATES FIRE 'N8UR A N K 'OH PA N V," ;. H W. W. UNDERIIILL. 1 ' : ,' president. 1 D.iteTat New York, thl 7th daj of February, 1U0J. : 2:21-6 mo. Oor. T. T.'Geer yesterday" received a letter from RyVrskm Ritchie Secretary of the McKInley National Memorial As sociation, nsklng that the payments on account of the memorial monument be forwarded. :. He says: y . 1 would BUgtrert that It b? an nounced through 4he lepers that all funds now In the hands of banks nnd Other people in Oregon contriljuted to. the McKlhley Memorial should be sentj to tb jNatlonal Treasurer, Myron T. Herrick from whoee office, as soon a the name eon be - rrnngecj and tnc ouveh!r proreiIjr fllier out, .will be erit the souvenir receipts. In air cases names of the contributors should b f 6t wu nlerj with the collect Sons. It: will. !e our pleasure to retorl to you from time t tim thr amourtOf the ub- acrlptions We have received, frotin the state of Oregon. So far the National resiKurer hi receive! directly from that Ktrite. fise.- NOTES FOM SHAW. FOREHAND SIADIJ haruess, tlw lKit oi t.lw Saleta market, go to F.'i K SIIAFER, Conimerclal street, aotrth of Ruwh's Rank. - Also a full line of sad dles, whips, irolx-s aud all ncljtistUK'tirs for the horse to selet't-' from. Otir pik-e and;our qtialfties are tin Rents th.it brlngHit our evcc-incrcitslng trade Wlwn In Salciu doti'l forget to tall a till see it. Movements of tha People. lr That Town Epworth Leagus Delegates. - SHAW. Or., March 27. R-V. W. S. Gordon, of Turner, was up last Thurs day and -Frldwy, making calls... . IiiKt Friday evening tii. Epworth fcfigii. hel l jits iusfiiifs ifie-tin and elctel ort'tcets. . '.'..-. -r - VV. H. H. IAtby, of Salem, went home riaturckty morning, ' after a few clays at his farm rv r here. Mrs. Aljion1 IJunu and buby frcm Plain view Thursday to spend a few -weeks with br iKiren-twi Mr. wnd Mrs. J. I.. Nojyes. Mrh. C. .Chaffee ac coiiipuiiled her. 1. S. Kpencer wa a Sab tn visitor last Wednesday; ulo O. V. Chiipln.and F. Amort. . . r . The ' E. L. delegates who are to go to the convention at" 'F6r'e;t Grcne. April 4th, 6th and ftth, ire: t'Hrroil Cijniming, Mrs. L. Townsend and Mrs. O. '. Le-wis. Mr. and Mrs. O. .K. Lewis were Sa lem viMituf Monday. Mrs. J. C Hurd and John Ulrleh at tended Miss Haheriy's funeral at the Reform School Sunday. Mrs, Peter Mciillray is very sick. Dr. J. W. Uinsom Is attending h?r. F. T I'ound, of Auinsville, was up on huslness Welnesday? Harry Ferris returned home Mon day from Portia nd where he has Imm-M taking medical treatment for the pat two weeks. ., i , The work in the new flax Industry Is progressing as rapidly as wuM bejj expecteil under the complication or. circumstances which confront Mr. Eugene Bosse who lis engineering the projn t In the Ineret of the company which he "represents. He purchased about flfty ton of flax from the Ore gon Woman'! Flax-Fiber AK:taiion ! which Is in a latg stack on the statej land,! about one-quaKer of a mile.eusjq or the. Penitentiary, a portion of which' has been , threhed.'sonW unthreshed and n jtortion iKirtially retedall In one stack, and Mr. lto with a small force- of help is at present .engaged- In sorting this flax, which isa, very tedi ous task, as It is all tied, In bundles of shout Coo to the ton, and it will require several weeks to acompltstt.v An eight horse power eietrlc rnotor ha been in- stalbTd In Uie ofel fiourlng. mill on North Front sr-et,iA hit h will furnish , Mr. fjosse withwhat 1 power he will rcfjulre unill thewater power can be supplied and which. he will utilize for threshing wfiiW flax hfe has on ha ltd, Tliere are two fid rt-t ting tanks, oJho purchased from j the VV Oman's Ashmc la.t!oitr. lo cat.d where the stuck." of, llax is and these will be repaired and usd i for what retting purposes Mr-. Ikse. will reciuJre until the new crop comes on. : Mr, EoHwe has I' used 2?0 Hcrcs of land In the ntsjr vicinity of Halein catefully- sehrctad by Mr. I -.:.-.., owing t 1i,h aduptability to flux culture and which 1 now being plowed uud put into proper tondition for, planting. Mr. Eoasa laS on hand over 300 bushels of sceI, the greater portion of which was i Atord News:!, ' Mr. S., 8, Jons. a native , Wehfoot, representing the wholesale manufacturers of confection cry In San Francisco, Adolph Hro-rniidf-r C'ompony, I In the c-tty. 1 He I a Marlon county boy. : Jfe aw some Imrnlgrfints in rorliand and aked them where theywere going. They said they would look around Portland a fev. days and then go over to Puget sound. Mr. Jones nays there Was no lltriture for - Forth) nd or "Orejcon qn the trains, white thy are flooded with pamphlets- bragging on Seattle and Puget sound. j- DEEDS JIECORxIeD. Four real estate transfers we-re filed with the county-recorder yesterday, the consideration of which aggregated $27'; two mortgages of real estate' for $700 and $L'r0. and ore chattel mortgage for $40 were also filed. The deeds fol low: t " . P. H. Johnson and wife to Frank i Stokes, Jots No. 25 and 26. in Woodhurn Fruit Farms, IS acre:, w. d... $100 ri. M. - .Partlah anI wife to P II. Johnon." lots -No. 25 andl'6. of , Woodhurn Fruit Farms18. acres w. d. ..... 1250 G. V. AWrnethy to Mettle K. Kid retire. acres -In t 3 and 4 s. t 2 wW w. .... : 1 James E. Eldrlclge and wife to O. V. Abernethy, 31S4 acres in t 3 and 4 , ? Z w , w. d..,". 1 '. j ImtiiftMl fnun T,.tioe rtriil (ha oatanc-e tie purcn-aseei rrom tne icio mill. Ife expect to be able to begin sowing the latter part of next week and finish by the ilrst of May; be is much pleased over the land he has procured and say that if he does not reallsw- a first class crop of flax this scason he will be very much disap polnted. Mr. Hoe said that ln Wisconsin, t pon one acre ef ground from which a crop of emt had been harvested, - he raised flax that yielded 920 pounds of fibre and the flux was not sown until April 20th. The conditions are equally If not more favorable here than there sn-l he; feel confident that asgood re sults will be realized here, as ih? til-; imate being niuch warmer ami s thf r.t umiii earner, ih neiuer :iwiHra lo nass culture than Wisconsin, and all of the ground which he has leased i either la clover or pasture nn has hal froni on? to threes year rest and is clean Snd in first ckiss condition and the prowpeet are very flattering. As was said before, a sample of the Oregon fibre sent to lielgium and parsed upon by experts was pr- roanw! equal Im quality ten that of liel gium, where th best fibre on earth M proeluc ed. Mr. Roxse Is Batintied that the 'pnoduiit of thf- Oregon sll a ncl cli mate will compete with any In the world and thinks that there is. a great future in store for Salem as regard? thi fiax induwtry. The nw and latest improved machinery which has teen ordere'd f remr Iteigiuro I n:w belnR manufactured and will arrive here l due time to be installed for' the hew crop, it h.ihg Mr. lSoe's intention to make th old machinery purcluised frctn the Whnns Aociatlon answer the ituriKse In threshing and scutch ing the llax now on hanL , , r f 'r,- rv;:"- r-'-:r'c DOWN THE GREAT LAKES In the. old days tbie trip op and dovn the great Lake wa the favorite Hip of travelkra there Were no tourists then. iThe boats then used dkl not compare with those on the lakes.: and the trip re uiaini the finest one In the world of Its sort. The Northern Pacific, via Dulutle. ejonnect. with the Lake? SU-auiers. snu a trip oft the -NORTH COAKT LIMITED In Serv- Ice itf-ahi May rdb-and these steamers, to the ln-American Kipol- tlon at Uuffalo, will be something to recount to your children's t-hll : - .. . . . . dren; 8. Send six cents for FEE, SL Paul. MI nil Any local agent will qaote ra ... . ..mi. rWooderland 11)01," ready- Maj 1st. to CUAS. U L fit tv:-wf. t.v nii THK flCMCOr THAT CURES SSS MCVtHTS. tNI EPIDEMIC now RAGING among Jrtjrc, Cough c,r " wa 4Jfieaif.tr. 1 rrMMna Ucii 1'oveUe.r. I. - : -.. cuaco 3 Hoascs. -,v In tint tin Im ref4 U Siinwei eC bear-, 14 .f ,ll.eniia,r muit rf i hnink ". . liHT HHIki kl, ,tt,,. v. . hnu oxer Nwiut Mae Oe., t. Seen. Mm. THE .:. .'.- " r ' .' The III Wind ihat blows nolody gesxi is bent on er rand of mijw-hlef In tU fall anwln ter. It rcluce that most dangerui of common ccunplaints a bad cold. Y4r cold will not become bronchitis nor conKtimptlon If you make timely ue of Allen' I.u.'iK Itttltam. Take It fre eiuently until the cUfrh ami the, siom v. "NORTH COAST LIMITED ft v iii n'sumtKscrvice danuary ;y,, iw. i ne irnin win Is? even ts'ttT tliahk it wris in 19)1. Jt.will ls a (wmipletc heiiae on wlie-ls. Panwr, Dining Jtistin, Sle'iiing, Kchhii, Li-' trar'r Smoking bloom, anil Haiti lis)m thoy wil alt Iw tJifrT and nil iJitctl by t-Wtricily ami IwAlvd hy sttarn. . First and sepmd class nVkelg Imlh pHsl n this train. IV lliis CIJACK TKALV of e -XOUTI t,VKST on your Vmerican I'3xMsHif)tit JJufTalo, NVw York. r ly vay of St. I'linI ant Chicaifo, or j)u- -- - . . : . . , way to 1h Ian- You can jjo t'itlu I nth and the On-tit Lakes. Incjuire of iny XOUTIIKUM rAcHl'IC A-itl m lo further prtrticularg. or write to A. D. CHARLTON i ------ - - i d Ik! Ion Total, .$2752 HORSE TRAINER S DEATH. DENVER, Colo., Mar. 27. Johnnie Rlue, the wll-kmwn.- died this afternon of He teuves a siMer, Mr. Ada Hearst, of Idaho Fails, Idaho. FAME'S PATHWAY. David It. Hill ha a the ohfy a lorn merit on the wall of his. law office iat Albany pictures of tleorg? Washington an. 1 Abraham Lincoln. Mil. Laurb Rienso, ' the Rrnxlllan helre, hi crested a finatlon; in I'a-ris by -driving a pair of bullock. tandrm fashion, through then streets. Mr. Moo ly, the nw Secretary nt the navy, 1 a-eonnoisweur of r.pw books, h is ' -ol lec t Ion s of work s on on of the best In the country ciuC "11 jAr? ! Hi uun ne iooX wtorcs hi nt often picks overlooktd ped -up feeling in, the chest are on4,hchVnave Wn . 'l- . c .. .t .t " ... Ml . .t.i,..lu ..- A v omaiii.t uuum aiei urn inn umiui u i po,l Ite'er. -i Count n Talleyrand-Perigord, head at -the German branch of thkt family. Is president of the motor' boh t exhUil- tion projocted for June in Ite horse tralner,the patronage of Emperor William. He heart faliur". i -nllng' lnvitatlon "to all the prih- clpat launch buHders, nmklriir them to prtlcipate la the txhlbitlon. Agg't Gen'l Paaienef Ar nt, J ciUanti bw. being He fre- .ond-haml up prize by other Hin under JLoaris., At CURRENT RATE. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE - ' . B020RTH DRO : J92-Commerclnl Street K.ilem. i"ri Money to Loan 1 On Improved farm and city property, at lowet rates. ' '.J'-; ' THOMAS JC. FORD. Over Ladd Sl Ruah's Rank. Salem. Oregon.. ,- "; !-: ' : DICfTItt T'VE RLAZE. ' ' ::,::. -SC ANTON, Pa, Mar. 27 -Mre In Pwkvlllet!, mil from iieiV, eb stroye l f 1 1 -j hiVildfug. ' Th ! i $180,000. '. ".', Legs! .Illanks Stalesmsn JolV.-Oftl' j-': . ' -fi- - " ' -, !", . , Ytu rrc them every wlitrc, The critical rider, - tins customer who -has kept ;hi4 evt s and care : open fr a fcir years, who ha noticed the fact ttiat l'rihtine bicycles aro a larcty about the rt rpair FHops, thco rtners buy Tribunes and stay fwith thrtti !',:.-i- . -T ;- :. TIJIBUNK IlEAIUXCJS ilcvcr wear out. The inot perfect'shapo of bcariui; in the wotld ! TtttBUNK CRANKS have n world-wiMe refutation. Vro hnven't bad a broken crank on a later rnodcl tliati tho f0. Thafs a gcod-record. - TRIiHiNE r OilK BROWNS. , There's never Ix-eh a biokcn Win the , history of the factory. They are solid dropW- rged tteel, and will carry anv weight. : ?. " .' :. , . ', '". ". ; ' '. r - -! . ''.'' . - " Mi,. .J,Ji.J u ,, in .r . ,,. i .in .. . . i ni.tffT,.i, j... ii t mm urn iml sm.i-t lBY: JFl TJ N ':- trr.'.r-.m,.! . tj , i.u -4 ...j ! .njMjgi.i.ijii.jj., i, ij i. jj in.. ..p. '!'! J- Jim m m , m . .i i in ... , m4 .n, ii.in ,. ! ' ' ' . , ''". . ' ' : ' '..,'- '-.' - ' . ' : - t. : v 't J. . .. J' ; ' : -y- ) ;, ; " ;J, ,. J,- , , - l.V .... ; , Pji... ... ,ii ,im.:s i...i..i.iti.i.t ....Muj. . ... ...I.:.. 9 ''-':' -...-'. ''; '.i ' '-' :"" TRIBUTE C YOLO 1 1) A 1 S I'ROC K 17TS are tho ntily perfect tvpe of ihain drivinc mechanim.' Cut with a curve in the face of tho tonlh which .fit.4-tho thin b?ock, preventing that annoying snapping and grinding com inoii on lyMjf ly Airtncd f.procket. 1 . - '...- i . ' - -. ': Tribune Model CO, 1001 - 35.00 Ladies' and Gent's r Tribune 3Iodel 5G. qhainless - 50.00 Latest1 11102, Chain - i 4Q,00 Cushion Frames - 40 and 50.00 Coaster ibmkei', all modeis, $5 extra OTHER WHEELS $2) Ul. Tribune wheels are favoriUs will lady riders on account of their rasy runiiing ijualiliis,, Nothing wears it woman out more than to ride a heavy running wneei. t ' - l OurLVDIES' SNELL WHEEL ht $25 U the haiidomel wheel ever put out, having the graceful looji flame similar to our Tribune. SUNDRIES OE ALL SOTS. Tires from $. a pair up. Single tube thorn tires at $3 and $10 a pair. Bells, putnpa, lamps, cemciits, etc., etc. I IMPLEMENT HOUSE, ' Farm Machinery. Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc. 255257 Liberty Street', Salem. ' 3C 3C