Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 28, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Expressions i from the
Made; Durlno tte
Their Desires.
Papers la T iat Srcttoo Are Alsicst Icailaoas la Sopportlrg
Oorercsr'T.T. Getrfcr Re-trtctloo, Wdlle furnish flcls
Utile Soppart That Port!oaif the State Is Well Satls
p. fled With the Splendid Record of the Present Administration.
To show how Eastern Oregon stands
Lon the Gubernatorial situation, the
Statesman has. during the p&it few
weeks, gathered a few excerptfroin
the papers of that section' of the state,,
ihowjng the feeling there. In regard
to the Governorship:
Admits Furnith'f Unpopularity. '
Kta tesman : The Democratic East
Oregonlan. which launched the boom
for- an Eastern Oregon man for Gover
nor, is almost desperate because the
Republican papers of that section re
fuse to champion the cause of the can
didate aprlng to the nomination to
the Governorship end under fhejjead
line of "Show Your Colors," It fays:
"The Salem Statesman assert that no
Kastern Oregon Republican Journal Is
supporting a- candidate from this part
of the state for the office of Governor.
The Statesman rha' overlooked many
expressions that hare "come to the at
tention of the exchange reader of the
ICast Oregonlan, yet ltis true that the
Kastern Oregon Republican papers are
slow" to take advantage of the situation
to come out openly for . their ' men.
Show your colors Is a good motto, to
offer these Journals Just now. Can
didates will have little debt of grat
itude towards tries silent papers- In
the event- th-y receive recognition In
the Republican Convention." - The
Statesman has exercised great care in
itsJsearch for an expression from any
Republknn paper east of the Cascades
favorable to the candidates mentioned
from that purt of the stats. , However,
some may have escaped notice, and If
the Kant; Oregonlan will furnish a sin
gle favorable'comment from h Republt
'an ftsKiwr, to1 suine will he reproduced
in th -Statesman in capitals, with
- liijt-j- u round It. '
A Mare's Nest. .
Harney County News:. Governor
(Jeer has born with patience all thai
tlm . Iiei'Crstlc Kaet Oregonian -. has
hail to f iy of his ': administration.'. .'lie
has a No listened placidly lo the noise
f Kdltor lli'mrlay.--while- the latter has
- Irt shipwrecking his sWul on the pol-
HUH ro.-ks that abound in the than
,. noj wherr Thf Uall'-s Chronicle sails
miner i no pcnnwni-oi an ami-inn ana
;iiifi-i-h.u: Rpuhllr-an newspaper. These
io ptiper: hav in" the pat snarled at
'a h other from opposite- ends of al-j
;iist every Nine of politics that has
f.Ilfyi ben ween their respective camp's.
T.ut they have tied themselves together
'' with a lovers', knot and kneel at the
filar of ,ititl-(M--i Urn Ih an attitude
that in simply charmlog'Jn Its Rimplfc
it t -. Roth -iiie reaching for the same
.iiioon, and both will Jab th:Ir Angers
ihriugh-the tinfoil on the same cheese
Ihnharger long ;lef ore they get what
tl.f-y.are reaching for. As long as they
v. f-r!- content wim ..reprinting, swrw
typod chapters frvm the politician's
.-it reconvention apocalypse the tall
m.ui at Salem wiwme head Is "longer"
than his body', looked ' after the public
woodpile and nllowed them to feast
their ears on the sounds of-their "own
l ishlngs." ' Rut when .'they 'proclaimed
recently that a mare's nest had been
found .in the public landjree, the Jov-
ernor at once, in the most public man
. . . -. i .
ncr postUDie, ravoreu -mem wim nun
s-iateme-jht of the workings of the State
rind Roard. the laws and limitations
by which it Is governed and reminded
the e.ilt.ns of their duty to the state
which they should perform by proving
any case of wrong-doing of which they
may have knowledge. Perhaps there
will ere long be something sensational
In the 'dispatches from Salem. Prob
ably two forninst-the-Governor editors
w ill be lamenting the broken eggs- in
the mare's nest. ; . ; f
Not Interested in Governorship.
Arlington Record; Much,' Is! being
said. tn various newfapers throughout
the state as to the probable': outcome
ot the contest for the nomination fpr
t;overnor by the Republican State. Con
yenti&n"' Some paper pre-ltct that
whoever controls the county 5 conven
tion in Umatilla- county, will have the
united support of iiastern O.regon for
.Governor. We think;this Is Mr fetched.
T he iKktronage ot the hands of ; the
I Governor Is small, he has but slight
i means of benefitlhg any portion ot the
i state save snd except In a generVway.
Eastern Oregon is vitally concerned fn
the opening of ;itheColUinbia river and
oisr Important matters that will na
turally effect the pplt of this portion
"or. the stnte, and h right men in the
House and ' 8-nate of the United
States can. do us far more good than
lean the ?overnor of. the state who has
no yo4ce in legislation. t Is, we think;
-ry iikcly the ieopie will be more cjn
r vneil as to the candidate foil Con
ftich, and nominees for the Legislature
iwho will elect a United States Senator
than over -the nomination of a Gover
i nor. ' The people will -demand a -man
: for Congres who hai ability to accom
plish something, and will also demand
candidates for the Legislature who will
i vote for some .abie.f upright and , pro-'
gressive nian , for Ignited States Sen
ator, .t ' i .. 1 v-;:
An Orsgen Man Wanted.-'
i Duf or Dispatch : ,There seems to b
a disposition on the part of some of our
contemporaries, in Ewstern Oregon, to
give to the office of. Governor a sec
tional cast, by suggesting that this or,
Press of That Section,
Past few Weeks, Showing
that man would be deshfible candi
date because he is an' Eastern Oregon
man. To this proposition" we are unable
toiaceede. The Governor of Oregon
should be an Oregon man, sufficiently
broad minded to be Governor of the
whole state, without regard to section.
The two principal Qualifications for
Oregon's. Executive should be strict in
tegrity land the ability to properly dis
charge the duties of the office. There
are, of course, other considerations, but,
without these two, no man should; be
thought of for the office. The Lewis
and Clark Exposition, in 1905,; Will oc
cur during the term of office of the next
incumbent. This fair will attract to
Oregon the attention of the entire civ
ilized world, and naturally . Oregon's
Governor will be a noticeable figure.
He should, besides , the qualifications
mentioned, be a genial, courteous man
of good address, and capable of doing
and saying the right thing at the right
time. These are, to ouismlnd, the con
siderations that should govern in the
selection of our Governor at this par
ticular time qf all others, and the fact
that a man is a resident of Wasco,
Umatilla, Multnomah or Jackson .coun
ty, or of Eastern or Western Oregon,
should cut no figure In the selection, i
Geer Will Bs Rsneminatsdw'
Malheur Gazette: From present In
ications Eastern Oregon will again
have to be content without a prominent
candidate on the next Republican state
ticket. The only gentleman from this
part of the state who lave announced
their Intention to be candidates before
the next State Convention are Judge
Lowell and W. J. Ftirnislj, both of pen
dleton, who have both announced tbelr
candidacy for Governor. It is unfortu
nate for Eastern Oregon that these
gentlemen, both ' from the same town.
should announce themselves hoth- for
the Same office, as about the only pur
pose the candidacy of each will serve
will be to kill off the 6th?r. And. un
less the unforeseen happens,. Governor
Geer will be renominated without- any
very serious opposition. Eastern Ore
gon is certainly entitled to some recog
nition, and if the "cow counties' could
unite on Williamson of Frlneville for
Secretary of State, or Young of Baker
county for State Printer,! or Miller of
Ontario for Attorney General, we would
be ulKiost sure of success. And there
Is no gool reason why Eastern Oregon
should not ask for and recrlve all of
these places on the ticket, as we have
about two-thirds the-area and- one-
third the population of the entire state,
L . . Grsecs's Fidelity. !,.::
Baker City Republican: If there Is
an example of fidelity to. Eastern Ore
gon interests by those high to author
ity It Is found In the work of the pres
ent Governor. He Is, as a matter of
(acU more exclusively a citizen from
this part of the state than' from any
other, notwithstanding prolonged ab
sence from Union county, but the Gov
ernor's' early experience endeared this
part .of the state to him and when he
left strong ties of friendship were not
severed.. He manifests his attachment
for the people of this region whenever
possible. In his ofBclal acts Eastern
Oregon has not been forgotten. The
chief executive of the state urged
proper division of certain patronage, in
the selection of appointive officers, this
region has been well -remembered by
Governor Geer and grows in his-.atten-
uoji. j ion. s. a. jenni 01 uan'r vnjf
vim a member of the Tpxt-Book Com
mission, a very important body. In
other selections a non-partisan spirit
has '' been manifest, which, perhaps,
leaned toward Eastern Oregon. '
A Model Administration.
Malheur Gazette: The present state
administration has been a model one
in the management of state affairs, and
the economical administration ot the
different state institutions, and can go
before the peopb' without any charge
of mismanagemert or extravagance.
This excel'lnt record will aid not only
In the election . of ; Republicans to the
state offices to be filled this year, but
win aid materially in the county, elec-
tlons alt over ths stte. A fe" months
ago, men rambltiotis for political hon
ors, were very Industrious to have their
names mentioned In connection with
tbej Republican 'nomination for Gover
nor but now, after having felt thepub
llc juls, they are announcing that the
ntenUoning of their r.ames was unau
thorised, and that they never had any
intention of iisking for the nomination.
The5 people -of the. state are well pleas
ed with'Oovernor Geer's administration
and will employ the "farmer Governor'
for another four year. i.
He lis Their Frisnd.
Wheeler County News: Governor
Geer used to liv? In Eastern Oregon,
and he has traveled over nearly every l
portion of Eastern Oregon, and, is ' as
familiar with Its needs a any man
could be who lives in Eastern Oregon.
In his -last biennial messasre to the
legislature we r-;mmber that he was
partial to Eastern Oregon Interests,
especially the scalp botinty law and
other measures whic h he reH-ommend-
ed. -Indeed no itiatt could do more for
Eastern Oregon than has r Governor
Geer. He Is a, good enougn Eastern
Oregon man for Wheeler, county,, and
his party In this county will take no
stock in the attempt to work up sec-
tlonal prejudice to foist
some other
man onto the ticket because be Uvea
fa Eastern Oregon. '-'
r Thty Art Not Sheep.
Union Republican: The Pendleton
Tribune boastingly asserts that W. J.
Furnish1 will deal the Eastern Oregon
delegation to Portland, The Tribuns
must think the people of this great
section are a lot pf sheep. The Repub
lican ' asserts that the delegation from
Eastern Oregon wilt not fall over each
other to do the bidding f Mr. Furnish
or that of any other self -constituted
candidate for office, and they should
not. Delegates are elected to go to the
convention to work for the best Inter
ests of their party and of the state, and
not to further the ambitions of any one
man. Officers are chosen to Serve the
people, and any intimation that the
people are becoming slaves to the dic
tates of an individual is distasteful to
the true American and ought to be to
every true" Republican.
Did Net Down Him.
Union Republican: Over In Marion
county a few aspirants for office, and
ether disgruntled ' Republicans,! have
been making considerable noise telling
through the press bow they were down
ing Governor Geer in his own county.
A few weeks ago, when we were in
Salem, we asked one of the Governor's
friends what so much noise meant. His
reply was : "Oh. it's Just like a pig
under a gate, lots of noise, but it does
n't hurt anybody.? The reWfc of the
primaries last week; proves that the
"pig under the gate" was not counted
at the primaries at all. The Gover
nor's friends carried every one of the
thirty-nine precincts 'with big major
ities. r
A Dsep Laid Schema.
Sumpter Reporter: Hon. W. J. Fur-
nlsh, recently the Democrtic. sheriff of
Umatilla county, was in town yester-j
day, twit gave the Reporter office ' a
wide berth. This did not prevent the
editor from "getting onto" a. deep laid
plan of the Democrats, to obtain con
trol of the executive department of the
state. It Is short and to the point.
Furnish is to secure the 'nomination lor
Gbvernbr. 'Chamberlain will be the
Democratic nominee, and after the
nominations are made the rest is, easy.
No matter which one is elected, the
Democrats will have the Governor.
Such nefarious schemes when once ex
posed are easily defeated, hence this
The Democratic 8trswMsr.
Union Republican: The more some
of the little Democratic papers have to
say about their "straw maa" lletKland
swindles the more It becomes evident
that they do not know what they are
talking about. -The whole work of these
partisan sheets in this connection is
rlmplyan effort to liscredlt Governor
Geer and other Republican officials. If
any citizen nas violated the law, why
do not some of these' ''patriotic Demo
cratic editors Institute leagl prosecu
tlons? This would settle the matter.
But they are too cowardly for that. It
looks as if they had no Issue and were
trying to make one- for the coming
campaign. j
i . A Pertinent Question. f,
Union Republican: Some of the Ben
ocratlo papers are saying Eastern Ore
gon demands the Governorship and are
urging the Republicans to nominate .an
Eastern Oregon -man and turn down
Governor Geer. While it is true this
part of Che state has not received Just
recognition in the past, yet why are
the Democrats insisting that e Re
publicans go after the Governorship,
end that alone? Is. there some other
reason? Isn't it possible that in such
an act of the Republicans they see
their only show of ejecting a Demo
crat from Western Oregon Governor?
The Bt Man.
.Sumpter Morning Reporter
the Republican State Convention meets
we believe Governor Geer wili be" re
nominated. The party could npt make
a better choice. Geer is morse or an
Eastern Oregon man than any who
have yet j been named to succeel him.
His personal acquaintance in Eastern
Oregon is far more extensive. lie has
lived in Eastern Oregon more years and
does and will do more for this part of
the state than any other so-called East
ern Oregon men who are pushing them-
selves for his place.
-Efforts at Sectionalism;
Arlington Record: The question of
who will be the next Goverpor is exc it-.
ing a great deal of comment In the
press of the state in both panties.
There seems to be a strong effort to
array. Eastern and Western Oregon
against each other over this office.
We are unable to see whfere; either sec
tion is to get any advantage by having
the offices of c Governor, beyond what
crumbs might fall here or there.
i On th Fs nes.-
Elgin Recorder: I The Portland Ore-
gonlan, which is iso suddenly raving
'against the Simon; machine, xem to
be Hn the fence on the gubernatorial
candidates. It should bear In mind
that .if a DoIrtJcian such as Furnish Is
tyht the head of state politics that a
machine I would be in operation, with
Salem as headquarters, which would
lay the Simon machine lh the shade. !
'. " Is Very Popular,
Union Republican : Oovemot- Geer
mill not share the fate of Senator
Simon and Congressman j Moody. 'as he
is very popular l.n every I part of - the
state, and mill have enough d.legates
In the State Convention to renominate
him without any assistance, or even
with the opposition of the Multnomah
delegation. i
., Too Expsnslvt.
Dufur Dispatch: Town ToHcs sterns
tn think that the Republican party is
paying too much for the;fl"p f W. J.
Furnish from Democracy If they have
to give him the nomination fo Cover-
- nor.
lie should go- way hack and islt
down" until his new clothes fit him
better, i ' , '
Is Called Giant.
Arlington Record: The Ia Grande
Chronicle says the contest for Sovern
or between Mr. Furnish and Mr. Ix well
will be a battle of giants. If the
Chnmlcle calls these men giants, what
will -it call our present Governor when
It comes to put eyes on him ?
H era's to Geer.
Raker City Republican:
Here's to
Governor Geer and his exceHeni admin-
1st ration. Eastern Oregon is not only
with .the administration but Is Intense
ly patriotic! ; - . . '
. . . ' '
, Useless Palaver.
Baker City Democrat: To a casual
observer; to a man up a tree; to one
who is willing to furnish an the rope
necessary for them to hang themselves
with, it does seem that a great deal of
useless palaver Is being Iniulged in by
the Republican press of the state con
cerning the nomination of Banker Fur
nish, of Pendleton, or some other East
ern Oregon man to be Republican can
didate for Governor. It Is true, that
from a: purely Republican, partisan
standpoint Banker Furnish would make
an idea candidate. He passes the . two
necessary Republican . qualification's;
he has & long roll andhe Is willing to
be separated front it. Aside from this
be has no more claims on the guberna
torial claim, than have fifteen or twen
ty thousand other good and useful citi
sens of the commonwealth, except that
he possesses the virtue of having been
a. Democrat up to a few months ago.
But I the long green" owned by Mr.
Furnish has unduly excited the Repub
lican editors and the campaign is now
on. Herein lies the fallacy of it all. Mr.
Furnish might as well keep his hard
earned simoleous; the Republican edi
tors might as well keep their shirts on.
and the entire Republican party of the
state might as well keep cool, because
there is no known quantity In Oregon
politics that can defeat Tat Timothy
Geer in the race for the Republican
nomination. . The "Sage of the Waldo
Hills" can give Mr. Furnish. Mr. Nov
ell or Mr. Fulton, either of themisepar
ately, or all of them combined, cards,
spades and big casino, and then easily
win out. It is Geer8 nomination.
Gubernatoral Timber.
The Dalles Mountaineer: It is sev
era! months yet until the State Conven-
tlons will be held to nominate various
state officers, yet there is a' bevy of
live prominent Republicans who are
already willing to be aerified on the
altar of the. party in the capacity of
nominee for Governor, First, of course,
Is Governor T T. Geer, '. the Marion
county farmer, who desires to succeed
himself. Then comes W. J. Furnish,
the renegade Democrat and Pendleton
banker, who owes everything he ever
attained in politics to the Democratic
party, but Jumped out of that party
Ano the Republican ranks In 1896, and
In 1900 was a Presidential Elector for
McKinley. ' Then comes Jonas VI.
Church, the Union county banker and
president of the Oregon League of Re
publican Clubs. :Henry E. Ankeny, the
Southern Oregon mining man. and bro
ther of Levi, the Walla Walla banker
who wants to be United States Senator
froth Washington, Is also In the race.
and is ready to open his "barrel, pro
vided things come his way. Last but
not least by any means Is Judge Ste
phen A. Loveil, of Pendleton, a bright
lawyer; who has either been after office
or has held official positions at the
hands of the Republican party ever
since he has been lu the state. This
quintet of statesmen does not probably
contain the names of all the gentlemen
who have their own consent to accept
the nomination for .Governor on the
Republican ticket, but it Is a lair start
er to say the least, when It is taken into
consideration that the nominating' con
vention is three months off. ,
Not a Question of Locality
The Dalles Mountaineer: Several of
dur contemporaries, are contending for
a Governor from Eastern jOregon. Their
contention is In a manner commenda
ble, but we fail to see why a Governor
from this section is an absolute neces
sity, or why he would be able or wlH
ling to do more for the Inland Empire:,
than one frotii any other part- of tht
state. The besjt legislation ever enacted
for Eastern Oregon the bill authoriz
ing the construction ot the portage road
at Cascade Locks was enacted while a
Portland man was Governor. It mat
ters little from what section the Gover
nor comes so that he ia-an honest, pa-triotic,TpublIc-sp4rited
American Magnate Pays a Painter
110,000 Above HisPrkx. I
CharUa T. Yerkes, who . is promot
ing rapid transit in! London, recently
sent to Benjamin Constant, the arUft,
a check for 30,000 probably the high
est price ever paid by anybody for bis
own portrait, says a Paris cablegram
in the Chicago Chropicle,
An original feature of this payment
i that the price demanded and agreed ,
to was $20.000.' but Mirs. Yerkes was sol
pleased with her husband's likeness
that! the railway magnate added, $10,-
Km. accompanying the check With a
note! saying:
"Which additional
sum I pray-you
to accept as a token of bur high' ad
miration of your genius and gratitude
for your having consented to bother
with such an uninspiring model."
M. i Constant proudly - answered:
While appreciating your amiable In
tentions I must decline the voluntary
ncrtase. i My price oinnot vary one
way or the other accoraing o me ae
gree of satisfaction felt by my sisters.
Therefore on receipt of your permis
sion I will return the $10,000 into ft
fund of public charities.
Among Constant's other recent por
trait of "promlntht Americans are
those of J. Pierpmt Morgan, which he
shipped to-New York a few weeks ago;
Mrs; Psrrott. Baroness de Scllieres and
Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt. Jr. The st is
not yet finished. . -
It f better to take rrle in your de
scendants than in your ancestors.
Ths dandruff. In sim p-pls's hair
seems to worn througn into thr
brwins. i v '. ; i t
The respect whicfi a jgl many men.
have lor themselves Is in the inverse
ratio ito the respt which others have
for; them.' . ,
Women never learn U3HktH Ion from
experience; no matter show often they
wa'lc into a prediameint they will iv
it again Just to see tf the same thing
will happen. ... .
of New York City has alwsys made It ;
an oblcct clve. to the music lovers
of that srreat r lace the best music thai !
rould be secured and now it will give! WCALL'S MAGAZINE (Including a free pattern to each subscriber).. .$1.C!)
concerts' in halls at regular lntrvaisTVICE-A-WEEW STATESMAN, per ysar. A . . . .r
the poorer section of the city with I -
an admission of
for Infants
Castoria Is a harmless gnbstitut for .Cator OO,
ric "Drops au4 Soothing 8yrap. It leafin- "
contains neither' Opium. Slorphine nor other NarcoUe
ecbstance. It destroys Worms and aUari Fercrlhne,
It cures "Oiarrhcca find Wind CoUc. Irelieves Teeth
Ins Troubles and cures Constipation. Jt rejrulates tho
8tomaeh and Bowejs, piTintr heaUhy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Inacea---The Mother's JFrlcnd. i
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Bears the
In Use For
charged. For "years this has been the
dream of the Society but only lately
have the members been able to make
definite .plana. --Ladies" Horn i Journal.
; Seven hundred dollars was pa'ld for
a tiny piece of paper recently; The
transaction took place In Lpplncott's
auction rooms, at 14 South ' Seventh
street. The little slip r4s rather
crudely engraved. Two1, words, "Ha
waiian, Postage." were prjfntNl at the
bottom. Aound aiarge ook: figure 5.
which is stamped in the center of the
paper, there is a rough scroll design. ,
- For this and nothing more except
ing the fact that" the little! niece of
parchment ts" sole survivor or the first
Hawaiian postal issue an - unknown
man was willing to pay 700 good Am
erican dollars. 1
. For another and still smaller bit of
paper; one without' any scroll at that.
some one" was ready to pay ,.$131. It
is stamp which has survived" a great
many years. and belonged to ihe srtes
or eariy fniiaaeipnia carrier, iaraos.
issued In 184S and 18i0. The letters U.
8. P. O. are printed at the top of the
document. Then comes the ! single
word "Paidv"x and under this the de
nomination "1 cent."
. When It came to buying a I real pret
rty stamp, one with- the picture' of
bird the American eagle niceiy en
graved on it, the nuroerou bidders
who had gathered In the auction room
held their hands on their pocketbooks
and refused to separate themselves''
from more than $100. This was a stamp
issued years ago by Fraxer & Co.. It'
was good for two cents when turned
into the city dispatch post.
'.Scores of other stamps, represent
ing issues which are not o rare n the
above, were sold for pirl-''i ranging
from $10 to $100. Ihlladelphla Ancri
Ef dls worl Is de howllri wilder-
nej me folks say ft s, a deef 'man
must be a happy e a crow .h a co"n-
fiel'. '
You don't hatter go fur In dis worl'
ter be happy. All yer grt to do is terj
sot still and think eir de yuthtr felkw. I
God made de country en man made
de town, en de fut thing riian ne
wuster 'lcct hlsse'f lxs er de a hole i
business. . '
We ain't satisfy wid.de a-orl' we In,
en ef ever we gits tor heaven some er
us'lt say dat de streets Is 6nly gold
plated, de hopey Is all comb.
an dey's
de milk!
twjmepin mighty lak water in
Atlanta Constitution
"Do you love me?"N
"I do."
"Would you die for me?"
"No! Mine 1 an undying lovel'
Boston has now a clrculatln-ff library
for the bHn'd of 12.S21 volumes
In raised
etters. ! About 5f0 Ixmlu are
aken out
annually by the blind 6nj Jaiyachu
setts. The state makes an! alpnroprla
tlon (for- instruction for the blind, but.
owing to the cost- of sending the bulky
books through the maita.lt Is
to ask the Government to carry them
free. These books, with thlr raided
letters, are vt ry Urge. .The UJible is
the most read book among th blind.
Tne nan oi r.ninu nm
Its regular dividend ofiS per cnt. This
is as large a proat as couit ie expect
ed from a concern so conservative that
it won't put,
telephone in Its bui!d
First Have honest goods.
Tell the pubite about theht in
etralghtforward. thoughtful manner.
Advertise them where the most ana
bft oeoijte will read about them in
the test nsa ?paf)r, r
TiWce-a- Week
WEEKLY ORECONIAN, per year........ . . . .... .... . . . .
PACIFIC MOMEiTEArJ, pee yWsr. ......
9 0 sl
rH R ICE-Ar WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, par ytar...
TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, par ysar...... .....
and Chlldrena
Signature of
Over 3 O Years.
IFranU DimicEi
Carriage Painting
'- OverfPohle Bishop's shop, corner
of Liberty and Ferry streets. - , '
favorite Stables
The leading livery, feed and aaleus
stables "of the city, Havs added
lailies' waiting and toilet room.
Horthvestern Nurseries
-'V". , . , '.' " '.-
. Iirge stock of fruit trees and shrub
bery. Alt stock free from pests and .
diseases. All trees .delivered free in
Salem., Write for catalogue February -and
March are good months to plant
trees. " .-' ;' (;. ,".;";V' - ' -,-t
7 D. JONES, Prop.
-J TV - -i- .
-j- " , --
Woven Wire fencino
- Just arrived, two carloads of Rrli and
lawn fencing. Poultry fencing a ( spe-.
cialty. Send for catalogue and prices.
: : , 19 State Btreet. Salem.v
n Every Print
Shop There Is
The Devil
to Pay i
ait'l liesltles him, we have' to pay
a forc of over 40 men, who are
employed In the several derpart-
nciils of our establishment Id
rintlnjj of various kinds. Every
thing prlntctl here, from & call
In? card to a newspaper. W1IJ
yon 'teComo one of our patrons
and help to promote home manu
facturing? STATESMAN
JOB 'Phone
OFFJCE Main 2041
Manufacturer of
Umber, Sasb, Doors, Clln-Js,
' Mcaldlnos. Itc -
Fine mantles and grates, grill work,
show cases and ofTlce fixtures, a sps
cialty. Woven slat fruit tray
Southwest corner Church And MIX!
streets. Salem. JOr.. Tslephons It U.
Cloth trespass, notices at tfie States
man ortiw 1 '- ,"-:-
1 1. SO
ysar...... ....
......... 11
r a
ywC.l i......
1 1
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