Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 28, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    SAIXiI.Or.EabK, Fill DAT. MAHCII' ZS, 15:2.
Ackcfc:a United ; ' :
Covert, ct al, " respondentia ordered
that appellant have until April 2Uh to
serve and file hie brief. -
i If. B. Meacham wa UcenKd to piae
tlce as an attorney in the court of
Oregon for sine months, on probation,
Mr, Roy Burton 'and ; Mis - Carrie
Ackermaa .were married - yesterday, at
the residence of the bride parents on
Cottage street, in this city.; . - ,
The wedding wa one of the prettiest
that has takfcn places i fn the Capital
City for sorne" tlme. The f AckenAan
home vm beautifully decorated for the
occasion, in a mariner that showed
splendid taste: and excellent Judgment
in the arrangement of pleasing com-
bl nations of colors and designs The
-hall, was wreathedTln Oregon grape and!
beside large paima.'peixh .bkwsomsi
sdded to the beauty of the roomi The
arlors were, decorated in white' and!
. green. Ivy, Jasmine and fernsf with
white daffodils " and 1 primroses, gave
the rooms, a- very pleasing effect.
The dining rooms were decorated In
, a profusion of yellow diflodlla, the
color idea- being carried, Into yellow
candiea, cake, iffc xream. etc. ;
The ceremony took place at o'clock
in (he presence of a large number, of
friends of the,, contracting .parties.
Mrs. Wmifl; Eliot isang , "Thou Art
Like j a Fl4wer, byf Rubinstein,; after
p whitIthe veiling march was played
by Delbert Burton..!. !Th bride. entered
leaning upon the arm if her father,
preceded by her rlngbenrer, Silas Bella
"Ackerman, and the bride's maid. Miss
Edith Wright, of Portland. The groom
vs attended by Mr. f Theater Purvine as
bent man. The bride was dressed in
' whlte: crepe and curried in hex hiand
la rge"Vuauet of lilies of the Valley.
- After the ceremony, whicfiTwd per
forated by Rev. Wm. G. Eliot . of the
Unity church, rt numiituoun dinner was
served In which nil jnirticipated. ' , (
Mm. Burton, Is.tha daughter of Hort,
and Mrs. J. II. A-taermn.- She is u
young lady of high attainments and
loved and respected by her friends and
acquaintances. .Mr. cBurton is a yeung
business man of Rale-m, where he has
many friends. He holds a responsible
: position with the banking firm of Ladd
. AT Bush of this city.
The happy rcoupl left by the 4:34
p. m. train for Portland, whence they
go to Seaside for a. couple of Greeks'
honeymoon, when ther win rJturn to
Salem and make thlsthVfr home.
i : r, . : NOTICE. :
Sheep shearers are liable for dam
age done by their careless use of
clothing and implements that they have
usd In shearing diseased sheep, espe
cially those affected with scab.-; .
Flock owners may under, the laws
recover from such shearer.twice their
estimated damage. . :f
Shearer coming from other; coun
ties where, sheep are known to be In
fected with scab should b; particularly
If shearers find they are shearing
diseased sheep, when they have finished
such bands or flocks, should burn their
clothes; used in such shearing, and put!
their shears In " boiling water, letting i
them boil for fifteen minutes to one
half hour. ; . . "
Stock Inspector for Marlon Co., Ore.
and thoroughly , conversant with the
business of electric plants, and he will
take personal charge of the business of
the company here. He la accompanied
by Mr. If. CFlannagin, also an elec
trician of note, and the two gentlemen
spent yesterday looking over the plant.
' i .
The Portland "Evening Telegram' ie-
ports seventeen r c,aaes of smallpox in
the pest house there. There are no
new.caeea reported In or around Salem:
But the advice to vaccinate U still
good advice. Not a single case ha
occurred where the patient has been
vaccinated. This ought to (be enough
to" convince any one that it la a good
tbinr to be vaccinated. If all vn vac
cinated f persons would submit to , the
treatment, this would end all danger
of the prevalence of the scourge in the
immediate future.
The State Board of Education yester
day granted a life diploma to Miss
Lljnna C. Read, of Athena, Oregon. j
Jackson county yesterday paid the
balance of Its state tax to the Treasury
Department at the Capitol, the pay
ment aggregating $8433.50.,
Savs an Independence dtepatch to
the Portland Telegram: John Dickla
son, & comparatively new,, and. very
wealthy arrival ; from the East,:', who
has purchased a number vf the finest
farms hereabouts, Intends to make his
place one of the model ranches on the
catU . He celebrated his 64th birthday
anniversary, and the occasion was one
of .considerable pleasure. Mr. Dickln
son is highly Impressed with this coun
ty, and Is going into farming and stock
raislhg. on a greater scale than any
other resident of the county
The maximum temperature, for the
24 hours previous to o'clock p. m.
yesterday was 57 degrees Fahrenheit,
anthe minimum 88 degrees.
W..M. Evans, a native of Wales, and1
a resident of Hubbard, yesterday malej
wrmai aecjaration , berore fth? county
clerk cf his intention to become a cit
izen of the United States of America.
The concert announced for this eve- I
nlng in the Methodist church h;as been
postponed two weeks. - It Is expected
thai Misa Mary t'ase will si rjg there
early In April, assisted by local talent.
J. H. Settlemler, of Woodburn, would
make a roost excellent Representative
of Marion, county- in the Legislature.
Mr. Settlemler has done a great deal
fof the State Fair, and consequently
for Salem and Marion county indirect
ly, while he has been a; member of the
State Fair Board., He is aJ good busi
ness man and an excellent jcitiren, tn
terp rising and at the satne time. con
servative and safe, r Sucn'. men are
needed in the halls of the cjregon Leg
islature,' The convention will make no
mfhtako in putting Mr. Settlemler on
the ticket. i
W. A, Moore. If. Bj. Thlelsen and
W. M. jCiUser yesterday filed their in
ventory "wrd apntalsement
on the eT
'The session
an church will
of the First PreSbyteri-
meet ' In" tto Primnrv
iia.s i ixm Tomgnt at t:3 for the par-
pose or receiving any who may: desire
tounlte with, the church. Public re
cyptlort of members on next Sabbath
at 10:30 a. m. .. '
rates of, Thotnas E. Combest, et ak.
minors, showing the total 'value- of
funds going into the hands of the sua r
dian, Louisa Ellen Combest, to. be
$87.18 and upon the petition, of the
guardian, the Marlon county probate
uourt ordered that March 3L 1902, at lo
V'cJotk a. m be mH for hearing of th-
mil account of wild guardian and K.
. Fleming was appointed guardian a l
litem to appear at the he-aring. f
Commsncsmsnt Exsnciies to B Held
en Mndyvnlnd, Mareh-SUt.
The thirty-fifth annual commence'
ment exercises of the Medical Depart
ment of Willamette University will be
" held at the First M.iE. church- in this
city on Monday evening March -31st,
Mat l p. -m. The medical class consists
i. of Frank E.' Beaucbamp, Walter W.
yBruce. Osland W. Hekn. James W.
inumiw, arwi AUftuJius. k Tamiesie.
The nurse class has two members
Miss JUda" 1 Thompson and MrsrM.
M.. Patton. . j-
The program-for the event Is as fol-
lows: ' ,.; " .. - i , ;.
- :. : Part I. .; ;'-.' "
Introductory Remarks .' J
h Dr. W. If. Ilyrd, Dean of Faculty. "
' Prayer .V.;......(.....Itev. John Arson's
Quartet In Major,, ... ; ........ Ilaydn
(Andante, adagio, cantabile, rondo.
fcllegro. 'ongjirese).
LeRoy L. Oesner, vfeolln: Frank
f P Hiarnack, vo; MJwi f Florence
r Bowden, .Velio: Mim Oerfcrude
' 'j Stahley. platno. ' . 'i .' ' . -Annual
Addresw.. He v. hv. f. Eliot Jt.
Soio "Bees use I I;oe : You lea r,"
. Mrs. Charles If. inng-s. Violin
-" pbllgato by Mr. Gesner. r
Conferrlng Degrees ..........
'K, .,..Pre. W. C. Hawley
-Parti I. .
Selection from "Faust" . .Gounod
S'nr -String" Quartet.
Charge to Class...... Dr; W. HSaylor
Male Quartet ...... ....... Selectc i
The Stalwart Quartet.
Valedictory....,.:.. J:;A. K. Tamiesie
SoIOr-"My Nightingale" ...... DeKoyen
Mrs,, Charles H. llinges.
Benediction. '
1 Miss Vera Davey, second, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey", is quite ill
at the family home, at' No. .138 Mill
street, suffering from a severe attack
of pleuro-pneumonla and her parents.
relatives and friends are very ; much
concerned about her.
John Willis BaeH of Boston, Inter-
naUonsI Secretary; of the Society of
Christian Endeavor, arrived on the
overland yesterday afternoon, and sad
dressed a large asserrfblage at
Presbyterian church in this city last
night, under the auspices of the Chris
tian Endeavor Society. .
, A class for deaf mutes la th? latest
i n novation at the Fl rst I , Methodist
eunuay ecnooi. , tsucn a cJ-a&s .was
formed, last Sunday, and without any
previous announcement having been
tirade, six were enrolled, with on; of
their number : as teacher, i This class
will be a great privilege to the scare
at more of unfortunates jin this city
who are deprived of the sense of hear
ing, and oil of them, are veiry c-crdially
jnvited, by the management kf the Sun.
aay school; to become members of 'the.
class; The class meets at the regular
bunaay school hour. 12 o'clock.
It Is pretty well understood that a
flow of oil has been struck on the
Whlteaker farmx near Monmouth, in
the well being bored for. Banker
Hlrschberg, of Indetendence. ? For
some reason the parties Interested
seem diffident about giving out a, con
firmation! of the repi t.
, On account of the Republican County
Cohvention Ix lng in session, and In
the absence of a quorum . the meeting
or the Greater Salem Commercial Club,
which was regularly scheduled J for , 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon, was' post
poned until the second Wednesday In
April tilth) at 4 o'clock p. m. h
a. i. iraig, general passenger agent i
of the Oregon RalUoad & Navigation j
Co., accompanied by R..B. MUler. gen
eral freight and passenger agent of ths
lines in Oregon at the Southern Paci
fic; were In Salem yesterday coming
up from Portland on the forenoon.
train, and going back in the afternoon.
These gentlemen came to look,over the
buslners of the two companies in' and
about the Capital City, arid : with e-,
peclal reference to pro.pectlve fruit
shipments. They are -both wide aWake ,
and enterrrising men, and anxious on
tne part of the Interests they represent!
to accommodate the business offered
and likely to be offered or developed
along their lines. .
Frd Palmer, who Tor six years past
has filled the posltkm of bookkeeper for
the O. R. A N. Co, in this city, has re
signed 'that position iind accepted one
as cashier at the Hrmthern Paclflc
rrelght depot, to take" effect on April
let. H. J. Thatcher, formerly employed
In the freight department of the South
ern Pacific Company, will relieve Fred
at the docks. ?
t Calendar for the Supreme Court
the next Two Weeks. :
Judge J. J. Murphy,;Vnrk of the Su
preme Court, yesterday set cases to?
hearing in the Supreme Court for the
two weeks: beginning next Monday, as
fmllows: ' h . -! . t :.. , ( !
. Monday, March Sjist Isam White,
appellant, ys Wm. M. Ladd. adminis
trator" of the estate of A. II. Johnson,
deceased. respondent, appeal -from
Multnomah county. 11 m. , . ,
Tuesday, prlt ;tst Curtis K. fEow
ers. arr infant, iy I C Bowers, his
- guardian, repon.Jcnu iv. Star Loggjng
A l,umhr Co., appellant; appeaUifrom
, Columbia count yi 12 m. -1
In the cae of KlUls J. Martin, et al.,
respondenls. vs. Eagle Creek. Develop
. ment Company, appellants, it val or
dvred on motion that appellants have
until April Cth to serve and tile their
brief. ; ,:! :;l.- ':
' Monday, i- April 7th Pacific States
'.Savings Loan & Building Company, re
spondent, vs. Augusta'M. Spurrier et
al.t appellants; appeal, from Multno
mah county.: 12. m. Ml ..".-!.
"Tuesday, April 8th J". JC. Ooodale.f fe
rpoDdent.'vs. A.:WheeIer, et appel
lants; appeal from La,r.e county, 12 m.
Wednesday, April Mth C. 8. Brown,
. et respndcnt. ys, Mary trase, an
pellanf; appeal from
12 m. . ' . .1
Thursday, April 10th H. O. Wright
respondent vs. Mary. A. Kamrt, cppel
lant; appeal from Multnonxh c4uoty,
12 m.- . i : ii -
Dr, F. E. Smith arrived from Lake-
view yesterday, He a sold out his
business there to his partner, Dr. Lee
Stelner. and he will locate for th prac
tice of medicine In Salem, Dr. Smith
Is well and favorably known here. He
leaver a large and lucrative practice in
the sage brueh country to come to the
; Willamette valley because he likes
, thW part of the state better as a place
to live ..-'-
The manngv-rs of the Woodburn In-
uinriiuciii. Jirasrs. AUterSOn A GUI, a
few days agjo finished the ptlnting and
subllshlng of a very creditable sou v
mir. It conUiins a great deal of val
uable Information ' mneernlr.s , Woul
urn and the surrounding country, the
Willamette .valley and the state of Ore
gon. U la handsomely Illustrated. con
taining, pictures of maet of: the prom
inent people and buildings in that part
or Marion county.- The workmanship
ox ine souvenir is excellent. It would
do credit to u cty much: larger than
woodtjurn. The publication ts for the
purre or attracting fa vorable not it 6
to that part of th country as a: place
or settlement,-and it is.tlmely, on nc
lount of the immigration now headed
this way. The publication gives evi.
dence of u. gresit deal of painstaking
vvorK. - . '
IWTX sTl . J L Cl N vl
m i j v ?
i mi aii at .-. m - v. sv "i
I il l. rifvvNY -sw
Old acre is not a question of veara ; but a Question of viialitv.
Thcre are young people of' seventy-five and old people" -of sixty.
The difference between these younc-old people and oldyoung peo
ple is a diflerenjde of vital force. W this vital force come
from ? How: is it produced ? "Ho w' may i t be preserved ?. c The
answer is that all physical vitality comes from food properly digested
and assimilated. Food fills butMoes" not fee d unless the processes
of digestion and assimilation are thoroughly performed. It is from
the nutrition extracted from food that physical vitality is produced.
It is uitet possible to eat heartily and yet lack vitality because the
nutrition in the food is not extracted. This happens when there is
disease of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition.
Then the food is imperfectly digested and the nutritive values are
largely lost. The consequence of this loss ofj nutrition in general is
physical weakness and in old age it is the forerunner of senile decay.
Strength 'then in youth' or bid age- is only a question ; of :suflicient
food which is properly digested and assimilate d. If vital strength is
produced from food under these conditions, it is evident that this
vital strength may be preserved while the stomach and its associated
organs are kept in a healthy condition.; Y i
It is imperfect digestion and loss of nutrition caused by disease of
the stomach : and the other .organs of digestion and nutrition, to
which in general loss of vitality may be attributed.
. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery' cures diseases of the
stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition in young or'
fold. It enables the perfect digestionand assimilation of food, from
which alone the body receives its strength and by 'which' it preserves
its vitality. . , . -I -
"When I wrote you for advice, I was feeling very miserabl; with not simply one ailment'
but a general debility;" writes Mrs. Martha lories, of Claretnont, Surry Co., VA, " I pur
chased a.bottle of. Favorite Prescription ' and alsoSone of Golden Medical Discovery ' and
a bottle of ' l'ellets. I soon beganto improve apxl coptinuet taking them until I was feel
ing so well I discontinued. That was last spring, andNI con inued feeling as well as could
be expected of an ota lady sevfntj-lhree ytvrs of age. I hav so much faith in your meili
cine ; I feel that the number, of my days has been prolonged by taking it. L I recommend
Dr. Tierce's medicines every chance I get. J think thereat no medicine equal to yoiu-s
for old people. It makes their declining days easy and cheerful. I would say to the aged
especially, take Dr Pierce's medicines, they will help and cure also."
"I was a suffereTfrom chronic diarrhea for five years," irrite Sirs. Mary M. Aaron, of
Holla, Phelps Co.,; Mo. "I tried different remedies which wpuld give me relief for" a short
time only. My trouble would return as bad as ever. I consulted you in July, tooo, and by.
' your advice commenced using Dr. Pierce's remedies. I to5k two bottles of the Golden
. Medical Discovery , three vials of the rellets, and some of the Extract of Smart-Weed
as you.advised- I have not had any return of my trouble since using your medicines.: -A'A
now srventy-one years old, and I never had anything to relieve me so quick. I think Dr.V
Pierce's medicines the greatest on earth. My thanks to you for your advice and thanks to ..
Almighty God for restoring tue to health through your hands " (, ,
One of , the consequences of partly digested food is the clofririncv
of the system and corruption of the blood by the accumulation of
wasjte material. In such a condition sohic out orcak of impure blood ;
is. quite liable to take place, and the lack cf , vital force resulting;
from loss of. nutrition makes disease a hard thing to fight under sucn
conditions. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery not only cures
diseases of the stomach, but it purifies and enriches the blood, climi
nating from 'it the poisons' vhich produce disease.' i
V Three years ago my husband was taken sick," writes "Mr.'C. S. Towle of San Ardo,
Monterey Co., Calilornia. "He had three carbuncles. Two on back of the neck and one was .
in region of kidneys. It was six inches in diameter and he had the let doctor we could
get. lie attended him two months and' then said he could do no more for him; that he had
so . little vitality there was nothing to build on; that a change might do him good. The
children insisted on his going away, but I said no, if he musi. die, he sliould die liere in our
own home, but if he could be raised from that bed of sickness I could do it-with Dr.
x Pierce's medicines. We bought one: IxHtle of Golden Medical Discovery snd a .vial of
Dr. Pierce's Pellets. My husband had not been able to sit u p, even to, have his ljed made
When he had taken one bottle of the medicine he could sit up ami go out of doors, and
when seven had been taken he was! in 1 tetter -health than for five years previously. ; Je is
mow seventy years old, andean do a good day's work. ,
As a tonic for old people there is no medicine superior to r Golden
Medical Discovery.". It strengthens the stonach, purifies the blood,
and so gives hew life and new strength. ' C-:..-:-"-:-S-.'X::-'
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The best laativc.for old people. ;
r BSpprtST. W m Poroo'm Common Sonmo MotUoai Advisor,' con
r sVttsWA s talnlng lOOO anoo pagom UtMf i moro than 700
, 1 1 Illustrations! im sent FTICE on rocolpt pi stamgnt to
nay oxponmo of malting ONLY, Sond 31 lono-oont stamp for
tho cloth -bound volume, or only 2t stamps for tho hook in
paper oovorsm
Address r . Dr. R V. PIZJtOE, Buffalo, Mm Y.
L. A. McNary, Who received the nom
ination of city attorney on the Inde
pendent Republican ticket- at Portland
yesterday. Is a farmer resident 6f Sa
lem, where he spent a portion of his
boyhod days, his horn then being at
the southeast corner of ! Capitol and
Marion streets. ? He. la a lawyer of con
sldersbie ability and wilt' do honor to
the.ofllee; to whloh he has ; been nom
inated and will' certainly be' elected.
Clatsop county,;
mow iuker col?4tt--
Albert Blltgen. aged 31 years, a na
tive of Iowa, was received at the fn
sane Asylum yesterday from Baker
countyi under the charge ojf Sheriff A.
II. Huntington and one guard. George
Thompson, aged zf years, . .wa! al.so
brought to the Asylum from ,J Linn
county yesterday by D. W. aad New
ton Thompson, t and . Mary a Lamar,
aged 63 yturs, was brought from Port
Und by Mrs. E. J. Dougherty and. one
guardJ ; .-.
Bra. formerly of Shaw, this
county, hut who now lives near IJe.-v
cnon. v astungton cunty, where he
recently purchased a farm, was in the
tty yesterday. He has been up in the
aIdo Hills for the purpose of buying
a team, lie purchased a suitable one
from John Craig. Mr. Shaw says the
horse market down hi way ts good.
it fis nam to find a. team at a reason
able price. II likes his new location
very welL Thv fact is, Washington
county is one of the most progressive
in the state, the farming part of It.
me. farmers of the other Willamette
valley counties, however, are coming
VP to. the Washington county standard
rapidly, by raising-more etok; milking
cows, growing more clover, and, gen
erelly, gwing into diversified agricul
ture.., .. ;' ,;- -v , i - ' ;
city are beginning to feel annamea or
thepoof condition of, her streets. Port
landlso purrosest engaging a lecturer
from, the Kaf to assist in the agitation
aad in the organization of clubs, to un-
derlake intprovemcnt worK.
The following . minor orders were
made by the court: ; f
v State ot Orpgih, reipondect, vs. B.
F. Dufphy.! appellant ordered that ap
pellants time toeerye hnd file his brief
be extrnded 30 days.
D II. Covert, appellant, vs. Alice It
C. H. Brown, of Derfler; ' foloradoj
arrived in Salem yesterday and will
take charge as nvinager of tha Salem
Light. Power A Traetlo,n f?o., to suc-
ceea . in. r?ie, -of PorfTand. t Mr.!
"Home and Flowei s, a m'mihly
Mi.ure u( CTpringneja. unio. - con
tains an art:c on Portland. Oregon,
under the heading of a Modei City of
the We'sU- The author Je JX. fl. Jones.
Columbia and Willamette river, jcmi
and a picture1 Of Belknap Springs and
Outlvlng Portland are given. The ma
gazine comments nn the article in the
following words; "In . view ' of y the
Lewis an Clark Exposition to be hHd
In PortUnd. Oregon, In 1905, there Is a
movement on foot to make that cl
UseJf a model of a: I that an up-to-ati
betutiful city hnild Ic rnhfr. the' falrj
open. mature his leen ' cool to
Ah Lee, a Chinaman 60 years of age.
was yesterday examined by Dr. W. II.
Byrd, pronounced ine,ne and commit
ted to the Insane Asylum by County
Judge John IL Scott. The complaint
was made by -City Marshal p. W. Oib-
cen who ulateJ at the1 examination that
several Chinamen had complained to
him of Ah Lee's insanity and that they
Were afraid of him. Upon! Investiga
ting and being conducted? to one of the
Chinese establishments on State street
Mr. Gibson said that he found Ah Lee
there and that he imagined there was
a long String of devils suspend! in mid
air ud he had ' a large butt her-knife
about one foot leng. with which he
was slashing the air viciously trying
to sever the cord and 'let th devils
drop. Thl Is An 1. s sccc.nu i-om-roitmeht,
he having . been discrtnrged
from the asylum about three years ago.
Ilrown la an expert electrical ccsincr,' PortlanL that the good people of that
Ielow .sera) during the past winter! there
and tbeit straw was -sidling as hsgh M
H Ir hiad, and that two loads of corn
fodder brought $18. At the tlnl
left feea ws getting very, n a rx
if the. cold' weather prevailed
longer there would be conslderal
in - 'stock, necenlly another crowd of
homeseekem came out from Smith I.k-
kot.o. It is a wife cutlnyite that
nail or souuifra iwr' vounty
have changed, hands In the last ;
e, ana
le loss
Kays, an; Independence correspondent ! cng?r ateamers
it. Portland paper: A small army of j ahoine" Ai'i")
i Make 'lnqulrlc regarding the I hest
route to take on that trip, you are
contemplating this summer. The Ca
nadian Pacific IUiltfay can offer great'
er Inaucemcnts .to. travelers than any
othef) route. It Is the oonular TviHr!t
routel The scenic beauties sire ansur-
pasM, the traveler l.aslng through
the hart of the Cascade and Itocky
Mountain Kan?t curing the clarf time
j two d)s and one night of. the grand
est, scenery In the wtieldal'nk 'the
f ammin ; 4 ettmirer resorts r and Hot
Springs at Field, Ligscan,
LJonakl, Olackr and Jtnff,
through the famous f rm;n- di
of AMtnaboln, Manitoba. Nort h
K'Ka tw jamnmu. Making
via this.- route? an.1 the bcaullfu
At hahau-ka.
rnopniETon of
th tour! -
arrois the
a vol
s he
rnnW arr arrivine- in this eotirt. sn)t 0rat -Lnk.
the number of property transfers Is f Jut and other objectlonablf fa
unprecedented.1 :- Seveml new arrivals
are note! this week from .Nebraska,
former Eastern friends of J. W. Brooks.
J. L.Caron arrived last week frrtn
Okfahofrtat and has located on the O.
Bagley ifarnt. southwest of here, a fine
tract of land C3 acres. Mr. Fred Jef
fries and family and John Stems snd
family arrived last week 'from Elhi,
Neb. They said It had been 21 degrees
tares of suromer travel. first
knd TourisL Slveping ars, !J lining cars
nl Observation cars on every it rain
For rates and otBer Information, fail
on or address F. K Johnson. F. c I
A Canadian Pacific ItaUaay, Nb, 142
Third Street. Portland, Orgon. tf.
Legsl Blanks Statesman" Job.
Legal Llanks Flateaman Job
The stores (two It nymber), ara lo
rated at No. S35 nd 297 Commercial
street, and are well stocked with a
compete line of drugs and medicines,
toilet articles,1 rfurrfry, brushes etc
:!v ly DH. STOiNB
Has had some 23 years experience jn
practice of medicine, and now
makes no charge for consultation, ex
amination or prescription. '
He d"e cash business. He neither
buys on lime nor sells on time. Iedg
ers iournaJs, dsy-bKks, bookkeeper?, t
bill collectors, and all the modern para- '
phernalia of credit drug stores, are un.
known '.in , his business, hence a' full
stork and correct c rices.
Never Address a Woman ss Dear Mii.
FhouM betel n it bwlhess letter ,to
an unrrtrrjleI jWoman -wilh'V "lM-nr
MIm" or Is I-ar Ma-Um correct f-r
either a married &r a sinffV-j woman T
"ixar tadm" Is c'rret -tj . wb-lbr
thw wornan'iaddrirjrsed le mrri'd r
single. "Dear Miss" Is riot in good
tete unless the name filli hs "Ittur
Miss Smith." L.ui;e Jlorne Journal.
The Man -"We need ro ring to plight
our troth." " .
The Maid "Oh, ye, we d! :' N0n
of i-our 'alright of hind tricks with
mice. me "