Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 28, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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i . . i.
Marion County Republican Convention Names
, foil Legislative and County Ticket at Yes
terday's Session. : ' '
Tbe pekgatloa to the State Convention Instructed to t'te All Konor-
5. Recorder. - ' ' i'
- . Treasurer. .
7. Assessor. . r - ,
m. . Suveyor. ' '.. ' .-
.. . Coroner.-: '-.-
10. County Commissioner.
11. Election of one State and one
District delegate at large.
12-- State and District delegates.
12. Justices of the Peace.
14. Constables.
15. Announcement of precinet com
. mitteemen. . ' - :
The chair at this point appointed
seven tellers to receive and count the
ballots, as follows: rj. G. Brown. W;
IX Shaw. C. Q. Bingham. J. H. RoUnd,
I C. Hockett, J. K. Hughes. A. L.
Blacker by.; . ; 1 , ' -. .-;
A motion, by'A, Gesner, to the effect
that All resolutions be referred to the
committee on resolutions, and that the
committee to report later, was agreed
The chair then announced that under
the ' order of busl ness, the nomj nation
for candidates for the State Senate be
able Means , to Secure tbe Renomlnatioa of. Oregon's fanner taken uD and the following nomination
uovernor-r- m. troisan ana squire rarrar Ncmicattd for the
State Senate Jobn H. Stein er If the Candidate for. Sheriff,
and John W. Rofand for Coenty Clerk. . 4 r '
. SEN'ATORS-E. M. Croiswvn, Of Salem; Saul re Far rar. of Salem.
IlKPRESENTATlVE-Thos. B. Kfiy. of Salem: IVank Davey. f Salem;
A. i. Lair otieti, oi wrooKa;-j. k. Simmons, of Monitor; E. T. Judd, of A urns
viii-. .... .' . j . ... ...... . , ; ; ... -.;
SHERIFF John F. Stelwers of Jefferson.; J
CLERK John W. Boland, of Salem. I .'-' . . " , -
RECORDER J. C. Riegrmund. of Oervala ':.''' ' . . ' :
1 TREASURER -W,, Y. Richardson, of, Stay ton. '''."b s ..."
" L M M ISSIQJ Ef? -Win. Mey,H of Aurora (renominated).: . ;
AKSHSSJR-iCha r!e Lemlk ke, of Butteville (renominated). i! , f
SURVEYOR 15 B. ,IIfrrtek;Jr, of Turner (renominated , for the sixth
rOflON'EU A. M. ClouKh. of SaU-m. ';-V' I i . IV.' i'
nif MaHoh. county Republican ticket, to be voted for next June., Is here
with presK-ita to tne raaers or the Stsiterman. With th prediction that It
.wiH be eleetad frctrMop to bottom. The ticket" is the result pf the labors of
thv county convention held in aJem yesterday. The ticket Is a grood one.
the Ik st ever put up In. Marlon county, and deserves th votes of jail, rood
t itiz ns, irrespective of party, affiliations. . j
" Tli': ronvvntion. conp6wl , of repre
'sAlutive. .Republicans, was. the inost
iutellitf' Mt appf-Arinx body of rnfn ver
KrUh r 'l In a iHHltic.il inet-tiny In
Marin county, and th'eVeu!t of th'lr
'labors WoVk credit to thenu They came
. f roi n U . i rt y - v. i n ; prtt.-l wet s ,of Marion
unty, and they tame, pleJKl to give
t hel r n a 1 1 1 ue n t s. thtn-honor uxke"l Tr
it soli. I d.-iec:ttion for Gov.. ,T, T. Ueer
a th dilate 'Convention. The names
tf the State and ConirreaaloTMjL! District
' l-'teicartl.ri, to attf-iid the conventions
;u I'ortla'iul and Roaebumr, res'pectlvely,
are Kjven in the- routine rejfiSft of this
.ajif-r. .Those attendirvg' the State Con
v:ntiiri are ImtfruiHel to use all hon
... j
. "... j.- t- " ,. ':
' ' ''.
Chirman of Yesterday's County Con-
ventian, and Deleg'ste-at-Large to
the State Convention.
urable means to secure the re-nomlna-(
ion of Governor T- T. Gear, and the
CongrreSsKnal delegrafe; to secure the
lemHTvlnation of Hon. Thos. II; Tongue.
The convention conpleted its work at
11:40 last night, and adjourned, ater
a nwst "harmonious session. That fac
tionalism was there, .was apparent at
the start, but so well "was the business
handled by the chairman. Huh. It L.
lVarce, of Salem - No. 1, .that i' perfect
harmony soon settled down over the
convention, and alj was.fiereni
Th Marion county Repubflcan coh-vt-fltlon
met In the city hall armory i
10:20 . m. yesterday'and from the
first motnent therer appeared a contest.
Chairman F. T. AVrightman, of the
.central committee culled the conven
tion to ord;r and briefly stated the ob
' Ject of tfTeconventiori. He then called
for nominations for ; tempo rary "chai r-
man. ; r
E. M . C rol sa n" hciml na t ed
I'earr-e. of Salem No.' 1. -
-. Iht Hicks, of Woodburn, nominated
II. A. Snyder, of Aurora.
Walter Tooxe. In a f pread-eaRle
sptcli, seconded thd nomination of Mr;
. Snyder, -while J.I O. Wright and O. F.
. "Itodgers spoke for-the election of Mr.
Tearce. A -otelwaa taken by pre?
incts, reskltins (n the election of Mr.
lVaree. by a. vote of 144 to 99. Upon
the announcement t the vote being
made, Mr. Snyder movftl to make the
ejection unanimous. J '
"Mr." Pearce advanced to the stage.
nd was Introduced u chairman., He
briefly .thanked the convention JCor the:
honor bestowed, and asked for the elec
tion of a. temporary saefrtary. Oforsre
C, Brown nominated i F,. A Turner, of
- Salem ?Co. 2. nd this was seconded,
and, no opposition jippearlng- Mr.. Tur
ner was unanimously elected, and H,
A. Snyder and W. A.J Mobres were ?
Iected Wssistantis. to the secretary.
George F. Rodgers moved for a com
mittee of three on creJeatlals. Cajried.
A. Gesner moved for a committee of
five on order of business. Carried.
T. J. Cronise moved for a committee
of three n permanent organisation.
Carried. : . '' '
John G. Wright moved for a commit
tee of three on resolutions. ; Carried,
v : At this point a sharp contest was be
gun, -vhen George GJ Blnarham moved
for d committee of five to ?lec ahd
refAmmend twenty-two delegates la the
State Convention, and twenty-two del
egates -to the Congressional District
Convention. Mr, 1 Bingham explained
that' It was due OosvT. T. Geer. that
the delegation from i this county b
solidly for him. and for this reason; It
- - '
should le gc4ecl?d so-that it would be
absolutely safe dnA solid for the Go vj
ernor. This precipiitated a warm dis
cussion, and 'a vote was finally taken
by precincts, the secretary culiine the
roll, and the' chairman of. the delega
tions announcing their choice, for or
itgainst the resolution, resulting In
vote of 112 for and 130 agiinHt, and the
motion was lost. When the Salem No.
8 delegation wus called, M. I t'h.un
t-erlin cast ten votes for the resolution.
To this Tilmon Ford, who hold a pmxy.
objected, and the vcte was divided-
nine for and; one against the resolution.
When the Woodburn vote was tUIed,
th chairman f ' the,; delegation k'ust
twelve votes for the resolution, .but
Walter L. Tooze, holding a proxy, at
once protested," insisting that he voted
against the resolution. The chairman
of the delegation claimed he held all
the proxies for absent members, but
Tooze protested, asserting that he held
one legal proxy. Chairman Fearce fiX-
i- Crolsan, .of Salem, nominated
by m. Brown. , ; , ?
1 T). H. Looney, bf Jefferson, by B. F.
Squire Farrar, of Salem, by E. C.
Cross. - " ; -
W..H. Hobson, of Sllverton, by G. q.
Bingham. ; ;y. . ' -: ..'
A number of seconding speeches were
madev' -. ' . . ' :', . ; j
The result of the ballot was: '
Croisan, 136: Farrar, 138: Looney,
117 ? Hobson. 87; blank. ' 2; D. H,
Looney, 1 ; E. Hof er. 1. . Necessary to
a choice, 123. 1 .
When the vote was announced, both
the successful candidates were called
for, and' 'they, tn L,brief addresses.
pledged themselves ta attempt to bring
harmony Into the party, and, on sen
atorial ballot, both pledged themselves
to go into caucus, and support the cau
cus nomi.nee. They were cheered to' the
echo ' . -
The nominations fbr Representatives
were called for, and Gf G. Bingham
nominated ex-County Judge W. C.
Hubbard; I. D. Prunty named Frank
Davey, of Salem; Phil Hicks presented ,
the name of. Alex, Thompson, of Vin
lard. Other noriiiwtions weref, J.'Sl.
Poorman, of Woodburn : A. M. Lu Fol
lett. of Brooks; A. N. Mores, of Sti
Km: -'pi. M. Hiileary, of Turner: K.
T. Judd, of Aunisvaie; J. IJ. Simmons
of . Monitor; Thos. It. Kay, of Saieni.
J S. RHchie, of Scotts Mills: Charlef
Sappltgfield. of Maileay; P. N. Latli.-
rtp, of lew Park
The vote resulted in the election of
four, the vote standing as follows
W, C. Hubbard, le.r; Alex Thompson
8; Alex LaFollett, 147; W: M. Hilleary.
it; J. D. Hlinmoii,: 113; J. S. Ritchie
&i : k'. N. LathFou, ; 00; Frank Dawy.
1S7; J. M. Poorman.; 102: A. N. Moores
2; E. T. Judd, 12C; T: B. Kay. 1D3
Charles Sapplngfi-ld, 22: scattering.
13; necessary to a choice, 122. i
When the result hud been announced
by the chair, M essrs. J. Vooruifin
J. S. Ritchie, A. N. Moores, Charje.
Sappingfleld and W., C. Hubbard wljh-
tlreW their, i names. At this point a
delegate aroe and nominated Mr.
ally-.settled the matter by recording J Kit1lMm. k,,. lU. , "
, 1. , (.. 1 r iwJ I vv.....-., e..v.t..,.ra
lot was1 taken on the remaining can-
tion, and holding up the one in dispute,
which' appeared agreeable to all' con
cerned. , i J
H. 'G. Meyer moved that a . Commit
tee of flVe on apportionment' of State
and Congressional delegates be ap
pointed. Carried; t : 1
At this point M. L. Chamberlin Intro
duced the. following, resolution, which
was. read and adopted:
"Resolved, that no proxy be received
In this convention except it be, held by
a resident of the precinct, represented.
provided, that, if any precinct; be un
represented by any regularly elected
delegates, and no resident of said pre
cinct be present, the chairman of the
convention may fill such .vacancy by
appointment." i
Chairman Pearce made his appoint
merits of the several committees as fol
lows: !."'-
Credentials Ceorgc F. -Rodgers, Da
vid Ci'alg, L. Hobon. i
Order of business A. Gesner, J. W,
Youriar. IL C. Epley. Fred Drager, J L.
Cook. ;-- ' '-'":'
Permanent organization T. J. Cron
ise, E. T. Judd, Ross E. Moores. .
Resolutions J. G. Wright. F. B
Sackett, WVF. Boothby.
Apiortlonment State and Congres
sional delegates: H. George Meyer, .
G. Bingham. J. L. Calvert. Dr. M. E
DeGuire, Walter Lyon. V '" ' ""I
W. H., Drake moved "for a committee
of three to drape . the stage with the
National colors, and to place In the
center a picture of Gov. T. T- Geer.
Carried with a shout. The committee
aonolnted for this work .was W. IL
Drake. J. J. Murphy and John Witzet
P. D. Prunty moved for a committee
of three to provide tables and other ac
rnmmodatlons for the secretaries and
R. A. Croiisan, of Salent; J. W. Irvine,
of llebama; J. Henry Haas, of Salem,
and C. W. Taylor of East Salem, were
'nominated. The ballot resulted in' no
eheteef the candidates receiving the
following: vote: . Richardson. S7; Haas.
"9: Irvine. 40; Taylor, 19. and Cross n.
17. ..The names' of Crossan aTwl Irvine
were' withdrawn and a second ballot
was taken resulting in-the election of
W. T. Richardson of Stayton,l by a
vote of 154 ..votes; J. Henry Haas re
ceived 84, and C. W. Taylor 4. The
nomination was made' unanimous. .
For assessar. Mr Charles Lembcke,
of Butteville, was nominated, and the
nomination was made, unanimous, amid
the cheers or the convention. ;
B.B. Herrick Jrwas nominated for
county aurvey or, and the nomination
was made unanimous.
Nominations for coroner were called,
and J. G. Wrgbt nominated ,A. , M.
Clough,-whlle J- Ml Poorman presented
the name "-of Eugene Moshberger. of
Woodburn. . The ballot was taken up.
and the vote resulted , In the selection
of A. M. , Clough by a vote of 164 votes.
tP "0 for. Moshberger.
CapL Wm. Mile-, of Aurora, was
placed In nomination for" county com
missioner, and his name was received
with cheers. W. II. Smith of Sublimity
named for this place, nts was S. T.
Hoburt, of North Sllverton. Several
seconding speeches were made, and on
a ballot - being taken. Captain -Miiey
received 147 votes; Smith, 22, and Ho
bart, 69, and Captain Mlley was de
clared the choice1 of the convention:
Upon motion the nomination was made
Delegates Electsd.
Hon. Tilmon Ford, in a complimen
tary . speech, nominated Hon. Lot L.
Pearce as delegate-at-large to the
State Convention, and he was made the
unanimous choice of the convention.
Hon; John G. Wright placed in nom
ination E. P. McCornack, as delegate-
at-large to the Congressional District
Ccnvention, and he v;ui thosen by ac
clamation. V
The committee on apportionment
then made Its reiort on state and con-
reHSional. delegates, apportloniiig.theni
as follows:
Alacletiy, Prospect and East Salem....!
Voodburnand Elkhorn:.,. ....U..,I
Aumsville anI Butteville.. .. . .. ....1
Salem No. 2, Marlon ard SubHmlty.S
Sllverton and Silver Fail.... .....1
nrooks. Salem No. 3 and Stay ton. . ...2
Champoeg, Fairfletd and Hubbard. . '. .2
Jefferson, Sidney '..'. I
.3alni No. 1 and Gervala. . . . ........ 1
.'iot-ll. North Salem am South Sll
verton. ... ....'....'v..; ..
VlehaiiM, liorcb and Jlrt4t-nbush". . . . .1
Turner, Monitor, Aunra,'Mt. Angel.
r-nirle'OiJ- K-olt IiIIm
X. Silverton, S. StUom. St. Paul.......!
The delegate- Xwere choen bv the
.ret-inot delegations as follo.wn:
State Convention.
Lot L. Peim-e, delejraW-at -large.
J. M. Poorman. L. C. RuskHI, J. F.
Jtode. I. L. Dunagan, It. li. Moores,
f. L. Calvert, E. M. LuFOre, T J. Cro
ilse, D. W. Smith, Jennings Smith, 11.
J.-' Meyer. J. II, Roland. E. M. Crolsan.
W. H. -Hobson, G. GL Bingham, George
P. Hughes, 11. C. iPorter, B. E. Robert
son, J. T. Rosn, L. C. Brotherton, Frank
Suilth. ; ' -.-''
....... ..v ..'j ' . . . . ' -
-' - . i
' . : " - - ' t. . '" -' . ;; ''i Z . ' . f -
, ' ' v 4 2 . ' .
Each time the United States Government
has officially tej ted the baking powders
the report has ; j howriy.'Dn.'Pricie's;; CrealTl,."
Baking Powder to be of, superlative
leavening strength, free fromjalum, abso
lutely pure and wholesome. 1
This is gratifying, for Dr. Price's Cream
Balcing Powder is depended upon by mil
lions of people to raise their daily bread.
Pricc Baking Powocr Cow
Note. These Gm'crnment inquir!?s a!
developed the fact' that there are many
mixtures upon the mafket made In imi
tation of baking powder, but containing
alum or other caustic add, u ho3C use iu
food is dangerous. .
It was
filed a
kte ad-
any vacancies. Fpon motion
left to the county central comn
The com pni it ee on resol u t ions
reinirt endorsing the . present et
ministration. and that of Marioik coun
ty; for their eflic-Ient. honrabie, - and
economical .work: pledging thH party
to e-onouiy, and favoring 4h svlection
C D. Gabflelson is: at home fr
brief visit. ' " ' '. ."' ''
. L. It. Geer . t a businens visitor to
OreRon CUy yesterday. . ; ' )
W, j. CJ,rke ' relumed ; to GerVain
yesterdar afternoon. . . fj : .',',' .' ;.t '. . 'J
. K. P. McCornack camet up from Port
land laat nt:flH. . "'X-
Otto. -Hansen' was a Porlaiid btine3
visitor ytfterday. . '
Miss Rosa Wil.OM, r.f BrKks, viiitej
of capable and hni nwn ta nil the
Ioiiion to be lllled;" and favor fixed
salaries for all state and count i- otTlc
ials, wherever practicable. A Iiesolu-
tion was alMO introduced favoring- aj
caucus lor united Stat-s HenntOr,. and " . r
ureinir Renublican members of the!
legislature to attend fUch t-auci and Lrrfu In this city yesterday,
to vote fr the man receiving three- Judge II. I Benson returned from
fourth's of enough votes to" elet : one j viit to Portland Jat evening. 1 '
recomendlng the pas.?.1K of a direct j Mrs. N. S. Seollard, of Wiwdburn.
" 1 vt.ttea wttn friends .In iSaienv yst,,r-
martoiuM. ri. Tongue. aid pleugifig tne ,,.. . ' y i
support .Of. Marion county; and ohe en- - k...
orsmg thief Justice It. S. . lU-dn for i.f- - ... . - , .
re-election. ' '. i '" .- . c?itiu mim-
At this point: vote r.f thanks was non-, : : ; .
tendered Chairman Lot I Pear -e, on ; Miss Allie Hedritk arrived hon.e
motion of Hon: Tilmon Ford.-for his ! f ro!' vlxit to 1'ortiand le.a lives iafcf
unbiased and Impartial work a Ipresld-1 evenlns. -'' i , ; ,
liig officer, and - with a-cheer ah 1 the j Mrs. L. lii rlUForef i of 1 Turner, de
best of feeling, the confention adjourn-1 parted for htr home laete veiling ft out
ed sine die, at 11:40 p. in.
didates, P. N. Lathrop. W. M. Hille4n"
and J. D. Simmons. Tbe ballot result
ed In the selection of J; D. SimmOps,
by a vote 'Of 161 votes, -S . ;
County OfYlcsrs.
The nominations for sHeriff were next
called for and Mr. J. B. Early, of Mac
leay, placed in "nomination W. A. Tay;
icr, of Macleay, in a neatly worked,
cpeech; Dr. E. A. Pierce -presented thi
name of W. H. Savage, cf Englewood
precinct. Fred Drager ., presented ..he
name of Hon. Charles D. Hartman.'of
Scotts Mills. Ben Robertson presented
in a well worded speech, the name of
Robert f A. Wltzwl. of Turner. Mr. B
l-" Haettt-tt of JfTft-iion T1iirl in nom
ination jonn vv, ieiwer, oi jenerson
precinct. E. C. Cross, of Salem No. 2,
seconded the nomination of Mr St
wer. , The nrst ballot resulted in no
election, layior receiving vopea
Stelwer, 74; Savage. 35; Hartman 23;
Wltzet; 19; blank. 1. There being no
election, a. second ballot was taken, re
sulting in no election, Steiwer receiv
ing 117, votes Taylor. 116, and Wltzel
S, with "one vote blank. A third ballot
was called for, resulting in the selec
tion as th e nominee for sheriff, of John
W. Steiwer, byV 125 votes, to 114 for
W. A. Taylor. and two for Wltzel, and
one blank.'
The nom.'nationa for county clerk
were called for,. and John W. Reynold
presented. In a well prepared speech,
the name of John W. Roland for county
clerk, of Marion county.- J. A Hicks.
of Silverton,. placed in nomlnaSftion Mr
A. F. Blackerby for the same posititm.
The nominations were . seconded ' 'by
several parties, and the ballot resulted
In . tie. eafch -nominee: receiving 120
the. members of the press. It : was j vojes. A second ballot was taken resujt-
creed to Without division, and P. D.
Prunty.1 HT. A. Hinltle and Dr. M. S.
Skiff were appointed, after which the
convention adjourned to 1 p. ro.. sharp.
yThe two committees at. once began
thrlr work, and the stage waa beaiiM
fullv draped with the National colors.
while a large pirture of Governor" Geer
hung, in the centre. Tables ana
rhaJrs- were nrovlded and every thmff
in the best possible: condition
for the afternoon's .work.
Ine In too "many votes, J. W. Roland re--
celvlng 128 votPS, and A. F. Blackerby
121 votes, a total of 249i or six more
than were delegates in the convention.
It was no election, and a new ballot
was ordered, resulting i the nomina
tion of John W. Roland by -I2.s (votes.
to 114 for A. F. Bhickby, and Mr.
Roland was declared the nomlhee of
the c&nvent ion 'for county clerk..-
Following this ballot! adjournment
was taken to 7:30 o'clock. .
Evening Session. -, ,
It was t :40 o clock before the con
vention was called to, order for th
night session. Nom. nations were tail
ed for county recorder, and: Fred
Drager. of Scotts Mills was named by
I. L. Dunnagan. of Scott Mil's.'. Hal
D. Patton. nominated S. A. McFad len,
of Salem. JohnC Siegrnund, of Ger
vala. was named by the Gervais. dele
gation. Several .seconding . speeches
were made, land at i their conclulcjr.
the ballot was taken resulting in no
choice, S. A- McFadden securing 1
yotes: Fred Drager, 53; and "3. C. SI
There einar no choice, a
. Afternoon Session.
The delegates were alow in appearing
at the hall for the afternoon session.
and it Was 1:23 o'clock" before tlbalrman
Pearce rsu'ieJ for order and the cre-
ontiia Mtnmittee filetl its rcpoH. The
report was read, showing that a few
I roxies were untitled to eats, among
jthem J. M. Poorman, as proxy ior job.
'Miller, also represented by W. L. Tooxe.
The latter gentleman's proxy waa re
jected, and Mr. Poorman seated. -A
v The report of the comml ttee on per
manent organization was read, recom- j mund. 8X
mending !that the temporary organiaa-1 second ballot was required.
nn im msde oermanent. , The resolu-I on the second ballot, which1 was
Hon was adopted without an opposing taken immediately, the vote resulted la
Immediately followlmr thia vote. I no choice. Sieground receiving1 113
Chairman Pearce delivered a brief ad- votes; McF&d den. 9L and Drager, 33.
dress thanking the" convention far the! At the conclusion of the vote the came
bcitor conferred on him, andr ne pieageuior Mr. urager was wiuiarawn, an w
w J..t rt tmcartial. and urged ac-1 ba!lot was taken up. when Just as the
tion that would result in7 the election
of every candidate nonlnated. '
. The order of business, aa reported by
tte committee was next - read and
adopted, a follows:
1. Senators. . .
l. Representatives. . r"
3. Sheriff, '
, 4.' Clerk. " - '" . "! '
ballot was taken up. when just as tbe
tel'ers were about to begin the count,
the name of Mr, McFadden was 'with
drawn by H. G. Meyer, and a. motion
to make. Mr. Siegmund's nomination
unanimous, was agreed to with a shout
and a cheer. .. '--'. :'.' . ' r
The callxf6r nominations for treas
urer brought;out a . number of fgnAV
; Congressional Convention. , - i
E. P. McCornack, delegate-at-largo.
Chas, I. Ogle, G. II. Riches, J. W.
Young, Fred Drager, H." A. Johnson.
Henry Zorn, J. T. Jones, J. F.lBlanch
jrd. T. W. Rutherford. J. J. Murphy,,
I. H. Riches, E. A. Kurtz, P. D. Prunty
A. W. Drager. E. A. M, Cone, E. G.
iegmund, Wm. Brown, B. V. Giesy, S.
W. Read. Oliver. Beers, Henry Work-,
.nan. .
When the lists of delegates had been
read.and a motion -,was oefore te house
to ratify the selections, Frank N.. Der-
oy, bf Tew Park precinct, protested
igainst his precinct being grouped with
Salem No, 4,, and he asked that liatn-
in Smith, a Geer man from Yew Park,
o substituted for George G. Bingham.
He met . with no second, and the motion
to ratify was put and carried. N
E. C. Cross moved tnat the delegates
to ib. State Convention be Instructed
io use all honorable means to secure
the renomi nation of Hon. T. T. Geer
for Governor, and It was agreed to by
unanimous Vote of the convention. '
The selection of Justices of the Peaee
was the next order, and the ten Salem
precincts held a convention, selecting
after three ballots, E. M. Horgan for
Justice of the peace. Ills Opponents
were E. C. Judge. J. M. Batchelor and
M. Ek GoodelLi The selection of a can
didate, for. constable brought out four
candidates: . K. E.i Cooper, George H.
Irwin.: II. L Brown and J. H. McC9r
mlck. The first ballot resulted' In no
election, but - on the second ballot
George II Irwin aeeured the nomina
tion by a large majority.
The county central committee was
seleoied by precincts, a splendid lot of
men being chosen from 5 the severs!
precincts, as follows: .
Aurora L. . Webber.
Aumsvllle -John A. Simth. '. ,. ,
Brooks---EImer Goddard. ',:
Butteville Frank Van Gorder.
Brtltenbu,h John Auterson.
Champoeg J. "E. Smith.
, Elkhorn R.1 It. Moorbouse. : "
Enjrlewoo! J. F. Ooode. .
Fairfield T. A. Itttmar.
Gervais Andrew Kavnaugh.
Horeb W. If. Ham bo.
Howell F. J. Rice.
Hubbard W. T. Grim. .
Jefferson J. T. .Jones. '-
Macleay Chas. Short.
ML Annef D. E. Settlemler.
MonitoiwJT. O. Ihelps.
Mehama F. V. Hall .
Marion W. J. Hadley. -
,Irospet S. A. HughtS.
Salefn N(. 1 11. A. Johnson.
Salem . No. 2 E. M. LaFore. '
Salem No. 3 John B. Kaiser .
Salem No. 4 A. O. CondiU .t i
Salem East-J. D. Horner.
Salem North T. J. Cronlse. -
Salem Siutb A. Vaaa..
Stay ton J. N. E-Idy. :,
Sidney D. C4 Thorns.
Silverton South C. F. licks.'
Silverton North A. F. I lobar t, ' 1
SIlverton--I C liUsselL
Silver Falls Jay I?;eakney.
Fc-itU Mills Fred Drager.
Sohlimity M. W. Hunt.
St. Paul J. L. Cook. '' .
Turner O. IL P. Cornelius.. ; ''
Woodburn O. .D." Henderson
Yew Park Grove 'Hensley;
The chairmanship of the1 county cen
tral committee w as called next, and
Hon. Tilmon Ford nominated WV J.
Culvert i IL Geo. Meyer at once second
ed the "nomination, and he Waa made
tho 'unantmcusv choice 'of tthe conven
tion.- ' .
Chairman Pearce .suggested that
The M
. S. Eurrell Estate to Be Han
dled by a Corporation.
In the State Department, yestrrdaj:,
two new companies filed.' articles, as
follows: .
(The Burrell Investment .Coriipany
Will deal In real estate, and ltandle the
property known ai the M. 8. IJurrell
Estate, with headquarters at Iijtland.
The capital is $120,000. W. F.
Gordon Voorhles and Helen
Voorliies Ytr' the lneprpora tors.
The New-berg" Telephone Company
win- operate a , teiepnone system
headquarters In N swberg. The
lany has a1 capital of J12000.
Mills, C. F. Moore and F. H. Stor
the Incorporators:
8. A.
y are
M. C. A. BlPyDfeated a f
Team from the University.
Captajn Grannis picke-l bank
team from the Willamette Unlv
was last nlsrht defeatel bv the Y.
A", afterriooo "clar" at IKV AsiMH-
M. C.
KTnnasium insthe' Y. M, C. A. building.
The game was hotly contested until,
toward the close, the T. M. C. A. boys
forged ahead. The players forths two
side were: ' " r ' - '
Y. M. C. A. Sherk. Rhodes, Terry.
Bean, Matthews (Cspt.).' ,
W. U. Grannis " (Capt.). Coleman.
Riddell, IUalr, Baker; '
If you have an autamizer half IfHl it
with a forty per cent, solution of for
maldehyde. Stand the books upright
on the end .wide open with the leaves
separated as much as rKJs&lble". and
pray thoroughly with formaideliyde.
If the binding is very delicate anI like
ly 10 oe injured oy tne momture pro
cure a tight tin box large enough to
hold the 000 k and a saucer filled with
formaldehyde. Stand the book upright
as deetcrlbd and Hobm; the Ijox,: leaving
it for an hour at ieat. It to said
one cubic centimetre' of . formaTdfhyde
to three hundred, cubic c'titrnetTh-s vf
rpace veil thoroughly Uinfrt-any
book In fifteen minute. Ladies' jjlome
Journal. .
! Women's Faces on Postage Stamps.
. For more than fifty years our pov.
emment has been making postage
stamp.- The first issue, in 1S47. riepre
sented but two values, and on
was printed the likeness of a vruml
nent man a policy ' ever since contin
ued. Other nations have
faces on their stamps. Why not the
United .States? Purely we have itcpre.
sentatlve women enough. There was
Dorothea Dix, for Instaic. v hose
work for the insane marked an era;
Maria Mitchell, whose pure mentality
and magnificent reasoning , faculty
male her pre-eminent; Frances
lard, whose reform worjfc claims recog
nitions riot to mention our many noted
literary women. There is also a djunky
face well worth considering; the
of a woman who holds a union
tion' in our history and who had nuch
to do in keeping' alive that strutting
English colony on ""'-the James, rier
why not her" face? Why not I'Oeahon-
tat. Ladies' Home JoorriftL
SMntae e!ia LflJ ta Rrm it?n Ect
'. r
a visit to relatives. :
Frank Starr and George Fcrrell Ar
rived on the overland yesterday at if r
noon frbBi ji vlflt, ,t San,Frlt4ncisco.
IL E. Louasbury. of the O. II. & N.
Company, was a Salem visitor yester
day and departed aoulh last night.
Mr.: and Mrs. M. v Wamjole of Ger
vais.! visited .with" their . daughter in
this city ;ete,rJay and -eeturned home .
on the afternoon train. -
Archly Hvdlford returned to his home
in Sllverton yesterdayi after attending
the- county, convention in this city.
Mr. nd M rs. C. W. Claggett de part
ed .for Portland yesterday afternoon,
where they will make - their future 1
home.'" - I : "" (- '
. Miss Ijllian McNary. superintendent
of the Salem Hospital, went to Port
land for a brief visit yesterday after
noon. ' - : .-;
Mrs. G B.HoVenden returned to her.
home in Hubbard yesterday afternoon,
after a visit: to tbe family of Hun. M.
L. 'Jones in this city.
" - : '"-' y ' :'' V ' '. '.''".-'
HonL. T. Reynolds, Slate Horticul
tural Commissioner, went to Wood
burp sterday affernoon , to. Inspect a
shipment of nursery, stock. :
Dr. Prank Smith and family, late of ,
LakevleW, Oregon, arrived in the over
land yesterday aftemofm, expecting to
locate here pernianently. ;
Fred O, Plummer, of Albany, Is in
the city vUlting with frle.nd. Mr. .
Mummer Is in the Government service
under the Department of the Interior.
'-.. Just Hustle, ' .: ' .:
My boy,' you are feeling discouraged
. and blue? ' " ;" ; '
Are you thinking that there are- no
v chances for you 7 '
Does "failure' seem stamped Upon ail
that you do? ' .
' Just hustle!
Li- -
Do you toll In the office, the field or
the shop? 4 . (
Don't let each small obstacle tempt you
- . to atofi. .-",..'
And every effort and am bl lion drop.
. . Just hustlel
gef It the best that
i dates. W. Y.iKlchardson, of Suyton; powerbe granted to some one to fill', Lejal BUnka Statesman Job Oface.
; The world never yet "owed a living"
j to man. .- s. "' '- .
1 Each one has to
. he ca-fi,' ,
And tlt huMlers always Rod' In the
.r Just hustle! -
v ' ' ' ' " -: - jj.1. '- '.':- "- .
: " . - - ". 1 ;
If you cannot do what you 'would like
best to do.
Or th.it which seems easy and pleasant
to yoti, .. .. '.
Just' pitch mto something, and push it
. ighl -through., . -
- ' Just- hustle! J
c 7 ' "'"1 ' '' -' . ". ' ' ' ' '
This work-a -day world is a. go-ahead
, place, " . !.u N . g ;, ' 'f''i . -';'
And laggard complainers. are left In
the chas; .",
Then forge to the front, and be first
la the ra;e.. ' . .
x:. ."'.'' Just bustle!
. Louisa J. Strong In Exchange.
; ; A Hurry-up Medicine. ,
' Every' housekeeper recornlre the
need of eft ecu ve remedlea to be ued
in emergencies; when something mast
be done right away. Such a, remedy U
Perry Davis; Painkiller, for sprains and
bruise, for atralned muscles- ami for
the aches and pains restiltWfrom
Wows and falls. Its mission of mercy
began ,lxty yeara ago. it m use4 Jn
all .eountrlei. There ia but one Pa.in.
killer. Perry DaviaY