Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 28, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    52d YfLAR.No.
S !
You OuRhfo See Our flew Line of 1
'.-r :-'-V;:'4T- i v v-v.';uv.-iik -' -' .'.r;f "I ll
AVe lave a wonderful variety of neat style in our SOe line tlii sea
son lu ;.If Hliirlx .with plain front? and pleated front. Finer grade nr.
Ak;t 7rxs and Wie, A Theyre the ttp notch of style- Onrlineof colored
tire fiirtH f'r u muter wear can't I l-at hi the i-itv :amlytu know
how oor pi icvf-ompure with "regular stores.', We haven't . nejrlectetl
the work shirt for rough wear either. We have Uiein In extra strong
fabric at 45-, OOeattd ate. Of course yoacau't jude of the valued till
you ee thr piodi.! Try oneof our - : 7 ":' !;
. 5
i If you want to dres well on Httle money. Full line for men, boy's
and children. JJoy' Norfolk uil and knee pant suit with vevts for
boy from H to 15 vear are what they're wearing this spring. -, We have
-in cni ai our usual "itacKei rricesi"
fcn i " ; v .
1 ' . i .J r ".V . t t
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store
,Ot:it PTO HE CLOSES AT O'CLOCK every evening except Saturday
Cor. CoRi nerclal and Chemeketa Sts. f. T. BARNES, Prop.
Richardson Charges Tbat Bribery
. Has Been Practised
The Rf public of;puba Will Benin
Its Existence
ON Till rWLNIItlt! DAY Or MY
('.nw.UMt. vooo ham been in-
Kl l'.f :CTI I TO TURN irVKft M
Till-: CloVitttNAfftNT
day, in readlnfe the instructions given
Governorl (General Wood for the with
drawal of United States Sovereignity in
Cuba. This Government Is anxious to
maintain a million dollar dry dock at
Havana, to establish end maintain one
or two naval stations, to .continue a
system of . weather1 stations and other
Important' rnetaorologleal worki but
there details are matters subject to ne
gotiatlons and-discussions -between this
Government and the Cuban Represen
tatives'. ;"; The postal service' Is 'one 1m
porta ni - branch whose transition into
absolute control of the Cubans will oe
evasion no difficulty. j
There was only a passing: reference
to the recent Mile? incident at the Cab-l
Inet meet I iik. ''and Ti disposition was
manifested to ignore' the case for pre
ctit. '-. 1
Congressmen Said to Have Been Cor
rupted, and an Investigation Has
Been Ordered A Committee Appoint
ed to Deal With the Question Fun
on Attacked and Abused.
T the ly Kle J oflw-rs .jf the
I.Ih-i.I It. public- Art iilery V lie
lt'pt oh III ml t'n-til tlie -N-w N:itlon
Will I'rovitle and OrgMnlsejIts Own
A rniy to I'nMett It.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 25. May 20th
Is l he new date fixed ftr turnlnifiover
the iKlalid of Cubt to its people. The
r rhfiRc of date w.n msiilt- with the ap
proval of I'rewidiit-elect 1'alrna, anj
rim atmrrn, ptnor x nniaj a. u in vutr
H.'lda. . '
Secretary Root this evenln-f made
public his order to Oenerul Wood, dl
rectlnir him to turr over the (lovern
nie.nt and control of I'uba to Its I'res
ld.Mt on May 201 h fiexl.; The order re-
smite oil treaty obltiratlons. and directs
General -Wol to continue the artillery
force, to avoid le1nic the island en
tirely fleffiiMclesM until the Cuban Gov
ernment shall have n" opportunity t
ulo is directed to convene the 'Cuban
'Conjfi'ess before M ty 20th. Jle also1 Is
din i ttnl to consult w ith President-elect
I'alma. and substitute ru n persons as
h shall desire Ir lhiw'pw hol'lin
.flh lal jKJsltions in Cuba. . The , order
. "You are authorised to provide for
the Inauguration on the 20th of May
r.t. of the Ooyefjiment elected by the
, l-ejirle of Cuba, d upon the establish
ment of said Government to-leave the
CiiM'initifnt and control of the Island
f Cuba to Its people, pursuant to pro
lshms of the act of Conr approved
Mnrc-h 2. lfli.. ; ' ''J' '
Then follaW In detail the Inntructlons
tii tlcneral Woojl ag to the transferiof
authority - tjo the t!uban Government.
Grvenil Wood and a tl staff ortlcers
duty In Cuba. r ordered to reiort to
the "Adjulnnt General at ; Washlneton
for Instruction as to future asslcn
ments. It is stAted at' the War; X
Irtmett today, that niHhin lia yet
len settled' with rtir.it d to the future
tailon of General Wood..'
lenenil AVood will leave here tomor
row for Havatm. to $urry Into I ex ecu -tlon.the
plans for the transfer of the
tlovernment.' It is iuhderjtood1 rresl-dem-elect
Talma, will not go to Ha
vana until the early, part of May. i
, ' Cuban Reciprocity. f
WflMnfrton. Mar, 25 Another con
ference was held at the White plouse
tonlffnt, oh the subject of Cuban reel -tiMHltv,
and was partlelpated In hy the
IVesldent and Housw leaders. Including
Chairman Payne, and Dalxell and Iong
o fthe Ways and Means Committee.
ondCannon. chsirman of fthe Republi
can CaUCUS. - t f " ' ''
The conference waa In the main an
en chan ire of r lews btween the Kxecu
"tlv? and the Congressmen or. the gren
. eral: reciprocity proposition, and the
positive statement wa,s madeithat there
t were.. nonew development In tho slt-
uailonand that the program adopted
' by, the Republican caucus, providing a
twenty, par Jfeent; reduction on Cuban
lmorts, would be -carried out In the;
House. ."- ' ' ' j ..'.;'.'-"
." 3 ". In the Cabinet.: N
Washington. Mar.- 25. Considerable
'. time was taken up by the Cabinet to-
A Beautiful Tribute,
Washington. March 25. President
elect TJomus Kstrada Palma, of Cuba,
left the city at midnight for New York,
where he will remain until the last of
April,-when .he will leave for Cuba.
Genet al Palma paid this tribute 'to
the United. Plates Government:
"The .iGo.veinment of the - United
States has shown a most beautiful ex
m pie of Kood-faith In dealing with a
wk (lovernmcnt which It undertook
to rescue from its oppressors. It Has
demonstrated- Itis generosity and a-
trlotlBm, iind by the heddinK f Us
'own-'blood has helped Cuba to Weak
the chain which united it with Halni
Tbti'h!ted Htatcs has fc-lven to the
world evidence of kxh! - will iseidom
found. Thel people, of th 1'ulted Ktates
have remetntwred their own Ieclara
Hon of Jndeitendence. and have fultlll-
ed their duty! to mankind." .
Two Sluggers Finish a Twenty Round
Bout with Row.
IorjTIANU, Or, Mar. 26. Mike
Ionov"an, of lUH'bester. and t.haties
f Hitch" Thurston, : of Ban Francls!o,
foutsrht twertrty rounds to a draw to
night, at the Pastime Club, The fight
wast pr-tt y even up to the 20th round,
with the" advantage, If any. with
Thurston. He was very lively on his
feet and most of Donovan's .leads fell
short. In the last round both mert
went at It hammer and tongs, trying
for & knock-out. Thurston was the
stronger, however, and Donovan was
getting a bud pummellng when, just at
the end of the round, Donovan struck
Thurston a very low: blow. Referee
Grarit did not consider the foul blow
an intentional one, and called the bout
-ft draw, l) ; .r X
I Martin Denny, one of Thurston's sec
onds, jumped Into the ring and began
to remonstrate with Donovan for sttlk
InK Thurston a foul blow.,- Donovan
promptly .struck tennyand a lively
mix-up wa only averted by the police
entering the ring and putting a stop
to the roiy, t
Coming Westward,: Five Thousand
, Leaving Minneapolis Yesterday.
J MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Mar. 2.
Over &000 homeseekers passed through
Minneapolis tonight, en route to North
Dakota and states further west, r The
estimates by the various .roads -handling
thla movement places thel total
for today at &000 people. With an ad
ditional 1500 or more, taken out by the
wesfbound trains last evening, the
homeseekers -rush through this gate
way in the past 24 hours has been
well up to T0O0. -
The homeseekers Included about
2000 Dunkards. chiefly from ? Illinois,
Ohio and , Imliana, Who are travelling
In slxcomplete trains over the Great
Northern Railroad, along whose lines
In Northwestern Minnesota, and North
Dakota they will make permanent set
tlements. Forty passenger .'coaches
and 100 freight cars were required to
rary the party and theie household ef
fects .. -i ' : r ! - - ; a : :i '
" IjOWEL.1 Mass., March .it. "The
Textile Council today voted to order a
strike la the. cotton mill of this city,
on MaJCh Xlst. because of the refusal
of the mill asrentj tot trrdnt 10 per
rent Increase In 'wagf. The strike
will directly affect about 20.000 opera
tives - , ; . , , ,
.WASHINGTON, March 27. -A genu
ine senatIon waa caused In the House
today, by the presentation by Richard
son, the Democratic leader, of charges
alleging the corrupt use of a fund of
$500,000, In connection with the sale of
the Danish West Indies. The charge
were contained in an alleged' secret
report of Captain Walter Christmas,
to the Danish ; Government, which de
clared that hj had employed corrupt
means to bring the negotiations for a
sale' of the bilands to a consummation.
The report mentioned the names of Ab-
ner McKinley and his partner. Colonel
Brown; Cl W. Knox, who waj describ
ed "as an "Intimate friend of Senator
Ilanna;" Richard P. Evans, who wtt
said to represent "Mr. Gardner and his
friends in the House,' and two presj
associations, the names of which wefe
not given, as having been interested in
the matter. ' ". '
The charges against the members of
Congress were not specific. Upon the
ba.is of this report, . Richardson aeked
the adoption of a resolution for the
appointment of an investigating com
mKt.ee of even. Great excitement at
tended the whole proceeding. Richartl
son's motion Was adopted, and the
sreaker appointed the' following com
mittee:.. ' . . ,'; ..
Dalzell (Republican, Pa.): Hift (Re
publican, Ills.); Cousins (Republican,
la.); Mr-Call (Republican, Mass.);
Richardson (Dem, Tenn.); Dlnsrnoore
(Dem., Ark.); and Cowherd (Dem. Mo.)
The Army i Appropriation bill was
subsequently passed without raatetial
amendment. , s
clonal Committee, today : informed
President Roosevelt that, owing to ttl
health, he desired to relinquish, the
Chairmanship of the committee.
j The Consular Service.
Washington. Mar. 2T. The House
committee on foreign affairs today
voted to report the bill to reorganise
the United State Consular service.
The bill provide for the appointment
by. the President of a, committee to as
sist In the reorganization of the Con
sular, service, which 1 to be .effected
within two year. Consular officers are
graded with fixed salaries; fee are
abolished; a board of examiners Is es
tablished,' and a, provision Is made for
an eligible, list, from which appointees
may be selected.
Committee cn Icsnlar Affairs in
favorably reported to the. House. The
measure .come from the committee
rwtth quite n. number of changes. The
ext'iUMonoi t. ninese iaorvr i mau'
tHimplete. both a to the mainland terri
tory tdhe t'nlted. States, and all in
sular possesions. Including the PhU-
i ' i
r-:r ) -, ,
Generii Mites Plan.
Washington. MarSS. t S
tcAlon of ChainiiunCooper,'
Houxe Committee on kisular
The Open Door In China the Subject
of Negotiations.
RERUN, Mar. 27. The Associated
Press has high authority for saying
that the Government of the United
States has been sounding Germany as
to how 'far the latter country would go
toward maintaining th4 "open door In
China,:- " ; '.-' - ;'
"The purpos of th Inquiry was to
learn whether Germany, In any event,
would take a resolute stand for equal
trade opportunities. The Inquiry re
sulted In obtaining .from the very head
of the German Empire the impression
that Germany, while willing to 'take
an identical attitude with, the other
powers for. the "open door; would not
in the Anal instance oppose something
tha Russia really dfsired.
I - Committee to Organize.
Washington. March 27. Representa
tive Dalzell, chairman of the commit
tee appointed today by Speaker Hen
derson to Investigate the charges If
connection with the Danish West Ire
die treaty, -will go . over the allega
tions tomorrow, and the arrangements
will then be made for an early meeting
of the committee, probably on Fatur-
No Commissions; Paid.. -
Washington, March 27. It Is said
that the answer of the State Depart
ment to the Richardson, resolution di
recting an investigation of the charges
made in connection with the Dan ten
West Indies treaty, will disclose the
fact that,. according to the record, the
t'nlted Ktate Government ha refused
to have anything. to do with any per
sons as party to the treaty who were
not directly connected with the Danish
Government., The Department ajso
placed n -fecord Its determination to
pay no commission to'" any person on
account of a session of the islands., It
will be pointed out that our Govern
ment has no right to dictate to the
Drfnlsh Government as to what It
should do in the rmit ter Of paying-com
missions. ..'' '
Attacked Funston.
Washington, March 27. In the Sen-
it today Harris and Queries stoke at
length on the lOleomargarlne bill. Hsr
rts supported , the measure, but urged
that an amendment placing the tax of
10 cent a pound on adulterated butter
and regulating the manufacture and
sale of renovated butter ought to be
adopted. Quarle vigorously denounc
ed the oleomargarine industry as at
present conducted, as a fraud, and In-,
stated that in the interest of the whole
American people the pending bill ought
to be enacted Into law. Taking advan
tage of the latitude of debate1 afforded
by the Senate .rule, Patterson sharply
criticised the methods by which Gen
eral Funston captured A gulnaido, and
sought to show that Fuoston's state
ment published today, that he had not
violated the articles of civilised war
tare, was not iaccurate. ,v
Washington, March Tf. Represent
ative Babcock. of the IWay nd
Means committee, called at the White
House today In response to a request
from i the President. It was discovered
that the committee stands eight to
eight, as between Payne and Tawney
Cuban reciprocity propositions, and
tbat Babcock held th deciding vote.
After the interview It wa staled that
Babcock had been won over by the
President, and that he would vote for
the Payne proposition.
I Will Meet Boer Agents in Paris for a
PARIS, Mar. 27. The Figaro says. It
has reason to believe that an Interview
Is about to take place 'between Lord
Ftosebery, Sir Henry Campbell-Baimer-
man. the Duke of Devonshire, and other
Liberal leaders, who are now in Pari.
and Dr. Levds. the European .represen
tative of the Transvaal. The Figaro
says. Leyds reached Paris last night.
Pretoria, Mar. 27. Four guns, taken
by the Boers when General Methuen
was captured, are still -In General Ie
larey's hands. Those recapture! Jby
Colonel KekewTch are the gun lost at
the timeuof the Vondoiop convoy dis
aster. ... '
Passenger Traffie on Northern Pacific
Stepped by Spring Rains.
ST, PAUU Minn, Mar. 27, The main
Hne of the Northern Pacific Is b!o-k-
adetl,. and passenger traffic Is seriously
interrurrted. Trains are now blocked
by the spring rain. The melting show
and severe rain have transformed the
stretches of prairie near Man dan, N.
!., and between .Mandan and James
town, into .veritable lakes. At many
points the tracks fcre completely cov
ered by water. The Great Northern
lineJvts suffered severely, although the
floods have not been severe enough to
bl k the train. (
Senator ' Hsnns Secures a Temporary
Settlement of Anthracite Troubles.
NEW YORK. Mar7. The mine
workers and mineowner, of the An
thraclte-fields debated their differences
tokiy fn u conference arranged by the
i?onciliatlon committee of the National
Civic Federation, but the meeting we
without result, save that the worker
agreed not to strike on April 1st, sa
decided at the Khumnklts convention.
There im to be a further friendly dis
cussion between the two Interest, and
Senator llanna is empowered to call
another ?conferfJce at any favorable
time within the next thirty days.
Lukbsn s Successor in Samar Is Ready
i to Surrender, s
MANILA. Mar. 27 Genera! Smith
in command of the American force on
the. Island of Sarhar, had an Interview
yesterday with tne Insurgent General,
Guevarra, and several - officer of hi
command. -Guevnrm succeeded Luk-
ban as the insurgent leader In Hamar,
and ha signified hi Intention of sur
rendering 'to , the American authorities.
Affecting Scene In a Court Room, at
the Trial of esse.
nivrvprinT. wh. Mar. 27. A
damage suit for $20,000, brought by
Frank Thompson against H. H. Mc
MIHAn for aJienntina- his wife's affec
tions, wa . begun here Wednesday.
vnen asked to estimate nis oamage.
the plaintiff today broke down and
ried, and said:
"I am damaged more than my life Is
orth." . ,. ' 0, .
The Noted American Missionary Is
- Going toiLonden;
VIENNA, Mar. 57. Mis ' Ellen if.
Stone, the American missionary, passed
through Vienna tonight n her way to
London, Mis Bt one appeared to have
recovered from the effects of her cap
tivity better -than was expected by
those who saw her at the time of her
The Silver Standard.
Washington.' March .- 27 Republican
member of the Senate committee on
the Philippine were In session today,
considering thet Philippine Government
bilL After the conference adjourned,
the member of the committee, ststed
that there wa a, practical unanimity
in favor of permitting the present sil
ver standard In the Philippines to re
main undisturbed. ' ( '
Wished to Retire.
Wshln-ton.' March 27.' Chairman
Babcock, of the Republican Congres-
CHIHUAHUA. Tex March 27. The
roundhouse, carpenter shops and entire
plant of the Chihuahua A Pacific Rail
road Company ha been destroyed by
fire, the origin of which 1 unknown.
The loss is estimated at !00,fMiO. AH
the engine, with tbe exception of two,
were destroyed, . ' . -
' ' 'A .
incorporated In th Measure
Congressmen on the5- Contml
Legislatlr Assembly It
by the
ttee ?A
Consisting of an Upper and o: Iawer
House In the Houses of Congress,
publican member of the 1
mittee on Insular Affairs ti
perfecting- a bill, providl
form of Government fotfihe
In the main the measure, as
follows that favored by Judg
Its present f i m the hill
th. institution of a. civil
the PhilippineswheiJ the
shall certify to the t resident
tate of permanent peace
cured. Thereafter the censu
held, and the Islands divided
tricts. A legislative Asiem
ated. consisting of two iiuu
upper House is to somef ext
tinuance of the Philippine
The Lower House of I'hlllpplhe Assem
blymen Is to be eleced by the people.
The Re
se Com
re rapidly
a civil
Taft, In
es for
that a
been se
I to be
Into dls-
Rhea Unseated.
Warhlngton, Mar. 25. Tie House
to.lay.iby a majority of, ten. unseated
Rhea, of Kentucky, a Dem h-rat. and
seated in his place J. McKensle Moa.
who 'a formerly a D-mocra: bat who,
according to his brief. Is In. accord with
the Republican party on the
Miles, outlining a plan of campaign In
the House is forty-three w
two Republicans, Hfijnbury dnd Vree
land, of New York, voted
Democrats, enough Republik;an
illned to-vote to! reduce- the
to tn. I At ' the coni-lunlon
on the case was rather splrUed, Rhea
making1 an eioiuent defense of I his
right to the seat.
After the i'ote the ' Houxf b-gan a
consideration of the 'army
tion bill.
A Sharp Attack.
? Washington Mar. 25. A' tharp at
tack on the pending Oleotnargari.ne
bill was made in the Kenote
Money, lie denounce! the m
unconstitutional, dishonest.
and unjust. He said It was :
tion to tax out of exlstenle q
try for the benefit of'anoth
was "protection gone mad.
the In-
of the
on res-
to call up tomorrow the IXirlest
olutlon requesting- t her' President to
submit to the House . letter otxGeneral
Mile, outlining i. pt;m f campaign in
the Philippine, and It Is expectedthe
remmiTtee win report xavoraoiy on
leM.lUti'n. ,
b'y is cre-
kes. The.
nt a con-
hlle only
tlie deliate
Who Wouldn't Like to Have lit, if
. Report Is Truer ."'
GtTTHRIE. O. Tr) Mar 26. Great 'ex
citement has been caused at luwt on by
the unearth Ins: In the Wichita Moun
tains of an flghty-flve iwUnd niigget,
eighty-three per cent pure gold, "
AUSTIN, Tex;f March 27.T1e Xff
elated lres i-orresiondent had a t-alk
with State Health Officer TaUir litis
morning regarding a went publication
1 . Wu t..v TUt..rlmuiit , t.liA'.'tf ft 14. ''I
that a certain spe,'.les of mosquito is
the only mcilium for the transmlslon
of yHkw fever. Dr, Tabor is of the.
opinion . that the "theory, won't hold
water,? and state that he will not or-;
eept It. He had be-n familiar with
yellow fever from child hood and knew
enough to keep rigid quarantine und
disinfecting rules in effect. " J
WASHINGTON, Mar. 2. The vn
Ident totlny sent the following- noinf
nation. to the Henate
Albert M. Anderson, Colvllle ARen-y,
Wash. Herman G.rNickersoh. , Hho-.
stone r Agency, Wyoming; Civil En
gl neerM. T., End Icott, U, H. N., to b
Chief of Burenu of Yards atd Dck.
with rank of Rear Admiral.
V-NEW YOHK. March. 27. The British
ttovernment.has made a contract with
the London1 branch-of a large Ameri
can packing firm for 220.000 cases of
eanried beef, to be delivered In London
for the British army, and for &00.000
pounds of tlced -bacon in tin cans for
prompt shlfctnent. This I said, to be
the blggept slngh. contract for cannd
leef on record, shd I mstly or two-
tolay. by
ensure us
i roxsl -
no Indus-
ier, and It
, Chinese Exclusion.
Washington, Mar. ;25. '
Committee on Foreign Affai
completed .the ccmslderntlo
Chinese Exclusion bill. nd
Dl'LUTH. Minn, March 27. Tlie
Minnesota. Dairy and Fok1 Department,
Miirtl lis" first i cotfv'lctlon Undr the
pure-liquor law.) Captain Henry Hav
age Iwi been ctinvii'ted At'f selling -im
pure wihlnky, and 40 other prosecution
are pending awaiting the decision, In
rs tiMi.iy
of th
prdered it
S 1 1 A N MIA I, March, 27.-The k?h IneL-,
Government has Instructed ffce Vice
roy of Cantonto sutKtnl tHgollatlcm
(wth the French syndicate for the Can.
tn Fatuhan Itallway, as, this project I
calculateil 'to affect the rights of the
American sytidicate. ; - . x . 1
"Agents' Authority to HeirUeal,
Estate Mank. fit the.- Statesman Job
Office. - - "
i '" .,'-':. -: '";;'':l iv:''::'-;-''- I- : '::--'''' -rv;: -.. f
Sale Prices oa all
Trimmed Hats
Street Hats
This is my Easter ofleiin and
it is worthy of your Investigation
rrtip. Whit Corner Millllnerjf
.'V I ' '
IGioycj Today
Indies; Kid Gloves; fin, -lected
stock; guaranteed quality
fitted by expert fitters.
Special 88c
. A Glove that most' every store
It for ll.W). We have given
thm the test of time and found?
theni good !. ; ...
Special $1.08
Extra High Grade French Kldi
all shades for Easter.
Special $1.28
Our High Grade Majestic
Gloves In ail colors,
i Special $1.68
Easter Eggs for Children Under 12 Years
free Tomorro w from JO to II O'clock: .
' l' ;:
r -
: 1' "
, . i '. ' ! .... ' - ".