Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 21, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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51t YEAR No. 52
-1: :
1 he SliOCS that Oii don't find in nt I, r-r m a
at lle same tricr , . , . . . . . .
AYVhavo a onderfdl virlety'of styles and quilitfc?
for you to select fiora in fact wo vtifty a larger
i t s rl merit and -rell mora s! oe than ; most shoe
-sicrjf. Ever. pa. i wo set! increases the confidence
of the public- in ... ; . . . .... V;.. .
1 i
As a Moiey Saving Inslitution for the community.
New Hi c of Norfolk Suits, to .fit ilio b vs. They're
I eauties, too-- Extra values' in Men's "Spring Siyle
Hat and .Shirt . . .' . . . . . . . . . .
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store
OUR STORE CLOSES AT O'CLOCK every evening except Saturday
Cor. Commercial and CbeoieketaSts. f. T, BARNES, Prop.
Repayment of the Ransom la the
Stcfif Case
Hat Given Up His Position arid A. L.
Benson Is Appointed to Fill Hi
a compared with the name month last
year.- '?'' ; : ,,
State, 1901 choice. .17 01S ,
State, 1901, , prime.. .V. ... .... ..ttfW,i
State, 1901, com. to medium., .13 f15
State, 1900, choice. ..'.j.. ..12V6613
State, 1900, com. to prime..';.. 8 612 i
Pacific coast. 190i choice... ..17 618
Pa'c. coast, 1901.com to - prime. 13 6tm
Pacific1 coast. 1900, .choice. lZ'iCfiS
Pac. coast,' 1900, com to prime. 8 "if 12
State and P-ac. coast, old olds. 3 0 W
J.-W. Ilcevcs, 1 ).-pu y tfler.k of; tin?
-Hupr m Court an l i ' '"ir-iiilu;r, haa
resigned --hi portion, x' lu novf ttt
' " California. Illn1 ftlijruilion oe?
' jtil by the f nuit, at yenterday'S n'
nioii. nn I, I'm,' 'tipMiJn(ffi -nt of, Arthur
I.. It4;nfkn. f Sulcrn. by Clerk' J. J.
' Murphy, vja appiove-i. Mr. Benson
in ihf M' t mn of Ju Jipci H, I Denwon,
of Kllniiuth I V.ils, ainl .t very competent
young man, . ' v.
Judge J. J. .Murphy, ("lcik, of the
ftiifih-nif Cow?, yesterday itrfanged the
--Hl'-tit.r fir th in-Kt Iwn week, tlje
j. fllu inr f " x'1nr iut for hearing:
s MotKl.iy. Mar. h 21th Mu. M... ToWnj
f !.. -')fnii'iit, v.! Tlie l'orttitid
'IojiHi; MHIh i'imtiiy. t .ttt., apfx?
!;f.in(pit .ij..r-.u frtMH Jr.tnn ,-unty, 12 tn.
TiH M lny. March '2.'th: 14a. M. TMln.
iil.i r''.'iinfnlo. vk. The Portluiwt'
M-Miriinjr MfflH f'., ft ah. flcfcndiirttf. '
'". in ii'k, aifll.int; from.',
-:- l.lrm i otmly. f2 m. :
W. (r...s,-,y, Mar( h 2th S hot PI-:
tn.t No. lis, aptM-ltaiif. vs. V. M. I'al-!
tfi'T. -t . rcsiMirHWrits; Hiiciil frtmij
I.inn .county. 12 in. T t. '
Thii'rmJay, March 27th Pacific ittatf
Savings Iism & ItullillnR Company, re- 1
-. si-nlnt, vs. Auffimta; M. Hpurrkr ct !
;al., aitt Hitnts: uppel : from, Mullrio
nvih liuht, 12 in,
'MoriVlay, 'March 31wt Jwvm WhiLc.
:iI-lif'IJant, 'vs. Vm. M.'-Lndd. almlnis
trator of th , eitat of A. II. Johnon,
ln tMKcd, Yeponlciit; , up peal from
Multnomah county, 42 ,m.
Tuemlay, April Iwt CurUw E. Bow
en; un Infant, by D. C lkwr.4. hl
Kuartllan, riHnlent. V. Str tyoggrinn
.A Lumlcr .Co., apK?l!ant; wprnl fioan
Columbia county, 12 ti. i
In the vume of 'Killls J. Martin, ct nil.,
ri !MHi.lcnt, "v. J-Jiigle- Creek Pcvclop
rnent t"om't.ny... appHlitivta,7 It Wtin or
fere.l oft motion that apiMlan-t Iwive
until Airil 5th to serve and lilt- their
luicf. ' .''"-: ' L
Responsibility Not Fixed by the State
Department General Miles' Testi
mony Before the Military Commit
tee Will Be Made Public It is Dis
' credited by the Commander of the
' Army. . '
WASHINGTON, Mar. 20. The per
sistant circulation of reports that the
Stat. Department has made a demand
upon Turkey for reimbursement of the
money expended in the ransom of Miss
Stone, is causing a good deal of annoy
a nee to the officials of that Depart
ment. It can be stated that the State
Department has made no such demand
on Turkey, and consequently the Turk
ish Government has not flatly refused
to pay. I
i A already stated, LeUhman some
time ago lodg-ed caveat with the Turk
Ishl, and Bulgarian Governments, stat
ing the right of th United State Gov
ernment to prefer a demand for repar-
atlon and reimbursement In the stone
ease, when It Was able to fixthe re
fponibllity for the abductlort. Up to
this time the official reports have not
put the State Department In possession
of sufficient fact ; to determine this
question of rewpotvBlbillty.
Brewers in the ' Eastern Market Take
Up Light Stocks Eftglish Papers
Report Stronger "Conditions j Pro-
Kc-, f jM for week .. j. ........ 1.4S6
, i t-t vlpta f rtwn tpt.-' 1 . . -' . TO.ll.r
' KxfMit tsi to Europe for wetk., .. .. 3S3
K oil fronii Sept 1 .j. ....'i0,6il2
. ImporiV "for week ... . .. . 133
lmpotts from Sept. 1 .. 6,417
4 Itrewern ha been taking on a little
i-2 . movement; haa been f comparatively
. 'malj pro4rtloiifi, Iook! holdings are
'I Muite fipm feeling the' quantity of
- lw! hck in bHh gmwera uno? deader
j . hands In very light for the eeason f
", . .. 1!iirl5rw! U at 1901 hODS. both
yi I Kite ml , Pacific coast, have been lln
i. lout Ihe ranere of our figure Wltn
notlet able firmneM In the lower grades
oaling "to the stronger rate forj year
iinss. For the latter'there ha been In
:crjnxi call of late, i and .with lia"ht
!. k!. buyer have ht to pay 1213t
for prime to choice ciUaJitie. 01d oMs
lo hive a little bHahter look. - We
hear that bid of" 1717VjC have been
renewevt for eoune of the bewt growths
-- tint are at ill unokJ in thk state, and
lw'pr ask more.. Some further, be
, on 4 he. coajrt.at 13fl5c; and the
'Wntfcrn'.paper report contracting in
Oregon for the" new 1 crop at : 11 12c.
l!port from English , market are
atronger. Government atamp wait for
-Jintmry for January' indicate a. conr
anmptlon of malt liquors equal to 2,829,r
SiJ baMcls, an Increase of 457,000 barrels
-"'.': , ;:.'Mi -. Ku- '.jyv.i.
Oregon and Washington Do Not Hav
to Import ' Evrythmg Pacific
Coast People and Thir Wants. '
, Agricultural Xdvcrtlning, tin adver
tlxing Jourijal puhllchd In, Oiieugo,-by
the l-'rank .11. AVhltj" Conipany, ha In a
recent lusue th following Interesting
artltle about a" Mafem newniBiper ntn,
and the needs , of tiie Pacific .const; .
"Mr. C. V. Mlntnn, of th Oregron
l'ftiltry Joi uPiil, H.tleni. H't:, conic n
nualy ;to he Chicago Poultry Khow In
the Jnteifmt of hi paper, Mr. . Mln ton Is
a'lo Wdvertlnlng reprencntatlve of The
Pacific IIomtend. lie fay that tlvwe
two pupcrn are gmvvg ' fn circulation
and Influence, uiid Wo keeping -I we
with ih remarkable development of
that act ion of the country.
"Mr. Mlnton reiKrt that .the new
northwest la very. properou at pres
ent. -and has entirely recovered from the
efTertA of the "boom" of f n or. twelve
year ago. Then the, cities grew far
uhejul of the country. .They were built
on brrowed capital, and the agricul
tural population was too tnnall to
upiort them. ! - n. : . , . i,"'
"All thia tia changed. Orn and
Washington are not now compelled, a
formerly, to .Import everything, prac
tfcaTTy, in ; the wwy of .foodatuffa. ; The
rlc-h valleys and the Irrigated land are
almoati Incredibly productive. Good
Tan"J In theak takwj aell at from S3 to
330t) per acre. The agricultural ire
aourceai havej as yet; (hardly been
touched. This, of course, is true. In
other lines. Th claim la majterthat1
either of these states capable of
supporting a large 'a population . a;
Pennsylvania. !':'., '
"In Mr. Mlnton opinion, that sec-
Hon Is yet to wit new It moat rapid
agricultural d"velopm-nt. The raiding
of fine stock , hat "dnly recently been
taken up' Jn earnest', and yet at the
iaat- Oregon State Pair the display of
live stock wa said by I-Jaat.'arn visitors
to be equal to the bert display in the
rnewt Important Bastem Mates. ,
The Pacific eoart people' want the
best of everything, and have th money
With will ch to buy. The new people
who "are locating " on the ! farms . or
"ranches" are of a soperfhr class.' The
north Pjiclflc coast offer excrJlent awl
vantages to progressive people, with
moderate means. , There t room toy
the rnllllon yet, though thl auction cart
no s longer ba regarded a, "the from--tier."
There-1 no longer any frontleri
In the United Sitej. ; S
' . tnif kW
ta ca-' .
II tiro.
M4by i
i Standard Oil
: Company
7T-" A V A4 I
ft I
AY. -yM
bfZi NTT v A 4
. . v
Kin ana iwtk
ha wo esccl em
wtih F.orrka Hr-
mw tJU.-. It re-
tistm in 5mp.
er ton no jtf
a mt lwek. 'v.i A
Ne roos V.
itc l chat ; - f ' V .
ndCttl. 1
barnrv roc
omhf krrr
ew, bl
,nai t-.nS
HviKM Oil.
manded an eight-hour work day In all
the collieries of the Anthraci te 'region.
Other were adopted demanding the
recognition, of 'mine committ-es in the
edjutment of disputes resulting In lo
cal strikes; declaring opposition to
working-with men not members of the
Mlneworkers' Union1: favoring arbitra
tion of trades disputes, and condemning
the system of blacklisting by com
panies of discharged employes.
BUTTEj Mont, March 20. The Jury
In the' Plymouth-Silver King mining
suit brought in a verdict for plaintiffs,
J. H. Malony and others, for 328,400
damage for, ore alleged to have been
extracted ; by the owner of the Silver
King roJne- The plaintiffs cought to
recover 350.000. . .
LONDON. March 20. A dispatch
from Vienna to the Chronicle says that
Great Britain. Austria and Itu&sia.
have addressed a note to Turkey, ad
monishing the Porte to keep order in
Macedonia and Albania. . . Germany.
ays the correspondent, declined to
join in the note. .
Letter trcci Actlsg Governor of
i the Phlllpplcts
In Passing About Anywhere
- Unarmed General Smith
ta the
(are an
Mil Again
Washington, March 20. The news of
General Mik-s' statement today, before
the Military Committee of the Senate,
excited great Interest at the War De
partment. Tliero wa a very general
Inquiry, a to whether, by passing crl
ttoimn on the various officials, as re
ported in 1 he press. Miles ha not ex-'
poeel himself to tllscipllnary treat
ment'. :
While Mile diitt not expect, when he
g'ave hi testimony, that it would le
made public in any . form,' he is now
willing that U'shall be published by the
coimnlttee, ntaklng, himself, a broad
stull-rncnt that the statemntsl which
wre given to 'the pre um th roaW
by himself lefore the cmnmittee, were
misrepresentation totally unwarrant
ed " "
' i
Th Scat Vacant.
Washington March 20, In th con
tested case of Wm. II. Horton, vs. Ja.
J. Hutler. from the Twrffth Mlurl
Ilsrrlct. the Itepublican member of
the election committee No. 1, have de
cided to recommend that the seat be
dclared vacant.
The member of the committee eav
the hear Ing disclosed that the list
contained aboutf 14.000 names hlch
could riot be located at the places of
residence designated, nor were these,
name In the last censu1 returns or in
the city dlretrtofy of St. Ixml. The
committee found that 8500 of these
doubtful name appeared1 In the voting
list of which It I estfmated Butler re-
celved about "000. and Horton aboutl
2500. In view Of the fact the Itepubll
enn member decided to declare the
eat vacant. i.
Safer Method.
Washington. March 20. A bill Intro
duced In the Senate by McMillan., to
prevent robbing the mall, profile a
safer and easier nelhof of sending
money by mall, end to Increase the
postal revenue ha been Introduceil In
the House by Gardner,-vof Michigan.
Th. bill Is eKrrsed by the Amerttan
Newspaper Publisher Association. It
provide that all paper money hereaf
ter issued by the United- States, of the
denomination of one, two nr five dol
lars except National Hank note, shall
be of a form known a a post check,
and shall not be convertible by 'the
holder Itno a check to sv name payee.
This post check will be Interchangeable
at any United States nfouey order post
office for current fund, after which the
postmaster will cancel them land for
ward them to the depos4rory designated
by the Postmaster General. ' and shall
receive credit therefor. ' ,
- ' . i
In th Lower House of Congress, Pro
viding for Reciprocity with th
: Pearl of th AntilUs 8om Oppo-
" . -' ' ' f
sition Among th Republican Mm-
ber. '
WASHINGTON, Mar. 19. Chairman
Payne; $t the Way and Mean Com
mittee,' ioday Introduced a' bill to pro
vide fortreclprocal'trude relation with
Cuba, a the result of the Republican
conferenco decision last night. The
bill provides for a 20 per cent reduc
tion In duties. 1 . '
The'. steering- committee of' the ele
ment which ham opposed. the Way and
Mean. Committee reciprocity plan, this
afternoon, ' at a call of Representative
Tawney of Minnesota, chairman of the
committee, with Several old leader in
the movement, cunvased the situation
carefully.!' Individually most of those
present expressed 'ia, desire to carry the
content to the iloor of the lloune. j t 1
consldenl desirable, however, to tak
no action until alt of those who voted
in the conference .against reciprocity
were caik-d into conferen-e, ; This
meeting will, be held later In the-week.
Beyond 'thl; decision, no action: wa
taken. -..J ' ' : . ; '
Protet th Pridnt.
Washington, Mar. 19. Pu ring's the
entire session of th Senate bslay, th,
bill providing for the protection, of the
Presideriti of th United State wa
under consideration. Spormer (Wl.).
wntendel that the Govern inent had
an absolute and Inherent right tov pro
tect lteif ngUnst assault, mad cither
lilKMi Itself or umn any of It ofnecrs.
He maintained that an assault Uion
the President wa In the very nature
of things tan assault on thfe Nation.
Bailey (Texas), said 1 h.e could hot
support the measure a It stands.; be
cause he could conceive of an assault
made, upqn the President as a. pers?n,
and not as an official of tho Govern
ment. The ussallant In that event
ought to be punished precisely as If he
id assaulted any other cltixen.
Sympathy for Bor.
Washington. Mar. If. The. - Demo
crats of th House, at a. caucus held to
night, unanimously adopted resolutions
declaring that Congress should ex
press the ymiathy of the American
people for the struggling iBoer Repub
lics, and pledging: themselves to use
their "utmost endeavors to "force tfte
committee to report a. resolution et-
preswive of such sympathy. If only that
Con grew may have an opportunity; to
act.' - ' ' -V i ;X
, Been Ordered to Return
United States H Wilt Dee
Armistic in th Island ol Samsr
.. Washington Mar. 20 Judg
Wright, Acting Civil Governor of th
Philippines, ha written a letter, to
General Marcus J. Wright, of thi city,
which giv an interesting insight into
th condition of th affairs' in th Phil
ippines. H ayt
"In nintyfiv par ent of th terri
tory of th Island thr is n insur
rection, and th Americans go about
singly and unarmed, with about as
much afty thy would in a larg
majority of th state at horn. .
"There Is a fast ding insurrection In
two provinces of the Island ol L.uxon,
and-in the Island f Sa mar. We are
dealing,1 vtrry energetically with the
lawless element. A . to the ;rogrc
we have made In the last year, it Is
tremendous, and to ut? very eiicourax
ingv I see j no reason to doubt that
American authority can now I c main
tained without more troops thi n I ltd I
catcd by: Governor Tuft."
Smith Rlivd.
. Washington, Mar. 20. A'n oiKh-r wa
Issued today, relieving Brigadier-Gen
eral Jacob. H. Smith from further duty
In the Philippines, snd directing him to
proceed to San: .Antonio, to
command of the Department mi
Geneml ffniith ls la command of -the
American troops, which are conducting
such'a vigorou. campaign In
and of Samar.
This, hoaeveri comes from desire to
get rich, and we have but one objec
tion to urge to the course and this I
that the habit once formed generally
stays with one through ilfe.v In which
case . it would be a , calamity rather
than a blessing. This getting up at 2
o'clock in the morning. Winter and
Sumirier, jto wake" up the pig and
geese, a w hole life through-Is not our
luea. 01 an nueai country inc. ine
farmer may push thing a little and
get up early and work late, while get-
done, 1 when the farmer is onV at
ease and .out or debt we believe in
taking things easier. Five o'clock II
earlyenough; to get . up a rule.. nd
the manvw ho begins the day' work it
that, hour
find all the , hours of
f Texa.
the ..1st.
Rebels Want ArmisticcL
Manila, Mar. 20. General Hknlth, in
.TiiiiiiKiiid In the Island of Kutiar. ca
bles that li will meet; tJuevarrti. March
24th, awl arrange the detail ami tho
length; of the proposed arfnistie to fa
till late ihe collection of tJuevarra"
men with th'ir rifles, nd thelir suse--
queni formsil surrender, . Up to the
present . all communication letween
Smith and Guevurra has beeii by. let
ter. ;
TOKIO. March 1. via San
March 20.-s-MarquU Ito. e-Ir.
Jaitan. ami the man to whose
the c-oncluston of the AnghW
alliance la by many credited
to Japan on the 2Uth ult.
MIAMI. Fla., March 20
'ooI ami party srrlvei.f rom
toxlay and left for Washington
a'tclv. . " " ,-:..
. : River and Harbor.
Washington. March 2?.4-The House
today made very alo- progress in the
Hlver and Harbor bill, disposing of
only thirty page, leaving; fifty pa
stfrt to be considered. . The River and
Harbor Committee again trsJay suc
ceeded Ihv defeating- every1 amendment
offered. Bellamy N. C.) took occasion
to denounce the Crumpacker proposi
tion to Investigate the Southern elec
tion law, as designed to stir up sec
tional atrife. fie appealed to conservative-
Republicans to defeat, the resolu
Important Resolutions Psd Th
Union Must B Recognixed.
SHAMOKIN. P Mar. 20. Th- most
Important feature of tortay's session of
the convention of . United. Mlneworkers
of America tvs the adoption of several
resolutions. ' The first resolution de-
River and Harbor-7 I
Wa shl ngtmi. Mar. 1 .- The 1 louse
today nta.de fair progres with the
Rivers And Harbors bills. After the
citmfttt the general debate, twemy
sven of the' 118 pages of the' bill were
disposed i of. No amendments,- were
adopted. ! .
New Exclusion Bill.
Washington, Mar. 1. Henlator Proc
tor today Introduced t bill continuing
In force the present law for the exclu
sion of t)h Chinese until the expira
tion of the existing treaty with China,
or until a new treaty shall be negoti
ated. - i--' . ' - -: 4'
. . Th Isthmian Canal. "
Washington, 5far. 19. Senator Mof-f
gan. from the Vorhmlttee on Isthmian
Canals, today presented to the Senate
the majority and minority reports of
that committee, on the question of the
validity of the title of the new Part-
a ma. Canal Company, and its right tjo
transfer the Panama Canal .property to
the United. State for 34fl.0oa.OOO. The
nbjectlonlof th majority to the title
held by that company are based largely
on the relation of the Canal Company
to . the Government of France land
Colombia. ' ''"I
Yallowston Park Boundaries, J
Wash I ngtotij M r. 1 9. Th-s Secret a ry
of the Intierior today sent to the Senate
a draft if a bill provMIn; for the enj
la rgement of Yellowstone Park. In th?
commuuni cation accompanylna; the bill;
he says i tlv - extension of the park
boundaries is necessary to protect the
game in the rwrk.
;, ;. . . , ; .-':.!
Subscribe for the Weekly Statfiman,
31.00 a year.
BI.HM AIICK, N. D.. March
result of the recent bliszard.
of live sto.-k betwen Jamest-Uw
the Missouri river will be a
rat Ik and efeveral thousaml
II. iK-laney, a prominent ca
near' here, was found dV-ad. '
mler f
I '
C en era t
o. As a
he lostws
n snd
ep. C.
in in
WASHINGTtN, March 20 The Prs
fdehttotlay rfminareI Nevad N. Htan-
ahan. to be Collector of Customs for
the District of New, York.
CAPE TOWN'.! March 20. A
issued at iTnidnlghC says the
ficuKy of Kecll IlhoIe ha be
orated, but o'winf to the heat
tient 1. unable t! leep,
BERLIN. March 20. Admiral
Henry. otJPruasla, hoisted hi
today on the battleship
rleh III, as commander of the
in Kiel water. .
NEW TORK. March, 20. It
Peck V Company, piano maw
er. suffered a los of tV),
dVwtructlon. tonight by : fire,
plant.: ;. i ' " ' '''.
The foHosing artfcele.
Rocky Mountain Husbandman,
of rkh meat so to pt ak;
."Because the farmer due
money in hi pur or to hi
the bank doe not augur that
not prospering'. Some of our most
perou rural resident are bardet
to it to make ends meet. : Tn
mine to - accomplish a certain
and are often closely driven
. . ?
ung dif-
n am a
the tii-
by the
of their
Jabor he cX stand In Justice to him
self. , But as w; have stated elsewhere
It Is Ksiblefor the , farmer snd
ranchman to so, arrange his affairs a"s
to .keep his face to Hhe Krlndton? all
his life by keeping hismark moved up
a little ahead of hi awhty. For in
stance, after the first 160 aWes of land
Is paid far a second may be purchased
snd after this it. may he thought well
to adl 329 in oruer to nave a secxioiu
and so on; adlnfinltum. Or the, farmer
may be "nUnti lth placing money to
hi credit In the bank; and may Max
his durance ' beyond queatm In ordsr
to add thousand after thousand, which
I well enough except It be done at the
cost of the comfort of lire. There :I
nothing thst will warrant the .acrlrtce
of 'home comfo.ft except to. save the
hnni from the Cure of debt and edu
cate the children. jl.et .the farmer or
ranchman In comfortable circumstan
ce provide a good "home slid provide
It with comfort. Let him build out
buildings, barns, sheds, oultry hoiiw.
etc.. and let him provMe a warm dwell
ing and furnish It richly, for It I hi
castle, hla nalace a It were, and he
Vill enjoy easy chairs and downy car
pets, and then let him take life rea
sonably easy. This constant race . for
wealth, thl al;riflce of everything
that , tn make life 'worth 11 v'ins: to
the accumulation of wealth I a great
mistake. Gain 1 the basis of human
exhitence.. We plead with our reader,
make comfort the aim In life, rather
than wealth." ; ,
." , - '- ':; - . '.I, ' ' : . .-';.;.-; i
oo ant a jx.
. A, a . at Xa
Bears the ' A 109 lUTt :3T1 WIT
D. Id. Wilson, of Itoseburg,,'l In the
city visiting with relatives. f . 1
Hon. J. II. Setth rricr returned to hi
home 1 Wo.srburn yesterday after
noon, naving aticnei to, sine ousi
nes. in this city. -' : 'A., ' ' :
I Jos. Meyers
and Sons
is full
not have
rredlt In
be is
y deter-
to do It-
: The suf -erlfirlty of our :vl'ues
are never qu-s11oned. -
And jwhen we offer. such;"wlApls
gonls as theie at such r.soiial.Ie
price.s, people fl'Hk to u 1 for
thm ." : .'.-'"." j, . ',
5c Stamlard Ca lcies, yard..
7c nVached MuIIn, yard..,.
$CIiwn, special, yard.",.,..!.
Amoskeag (JJtiglian, yard,1.
Nlrkle Safety Ilns d.n.. ,
Wire Hair Pins,' box . .
Cc pearl Button,, d-s-n.. .. .
Kat Eagle Pins, paper,. j ,. ....
2V llwk TwelW, each...; ...
-3v.Bath Towels; each.,..,..
IMisdalc Muslin, yard.. .....
Fruit. f the Ixnm, yrd,... ,
Lonsdale , Cambric, yard...".. .
Ctst W. Muslin, yard.......
CaV.t A. M uIJn yard: . . .
i? Embroideries, yard..-, .Zr
12-c Kmbr.i'irls, yard,
20c EmbroidTles, yarJ...
Z'tc Embroideries, yard.
35e Henrietta, yard,, .. . '. .
Ze Wixd Walstlng. yard
.V- Woi-Wafi.ting,. yard.,.. t."
$1.2i ChalklJne-Suiting. y rd, 'kite
"iUt. Taffeta Silk, yard . . 6
Men' i&c SKks, pair,',....,,, c
..Sic ;Kuh nder. pair.... ..',. ".' l!c
i tor Sc Work Sox, pair..... -e
&0c Wcirk ti hyJ rts, each . .;. ZU;
60c Underwear J7e
. io
, I7c
. 1 0o
, 6:
.. V?
.. l2fT
.. lie,
. ilic
Hl-i-cial':' ..'"' v ,-.. -
$2a4 !
..'. ' :
: : . ". '
A Regalar t -2-for-25c
lluck Tovel
Special 8c