Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 18, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Call do Vn helfar )iHn -i
governor 4BEER WAS 8ERENAD
f "Gentlemen.' ordinarily this fifteen
fof all practical purjoses, hut for this
occasion I orn sorry it is n.t nirj-c
commodious. You are welecnv! to en
ter, Iwwever, for undr the present dr
cumeUnre,ltak walla will bo found to
lr InilfflnWrlv oIi.it.tl..' Afiln h-.li--
And Large Crowd of Friend- The Jng ytu for your kJndnes and for th-
8uccfut Candidato -. fand : Hi. -loyalty ahown me by your woik todiy.
m-. ami wun item wisnea 10 you :niiviaui.ti!y
Admirers an,j collectively, I bid you gol night."
- ) At the conclusion of the talk th
Timely Remark to Hi
ana oupporxere
it-ople thook fcind with the fiviuir
land ho thanked cah one jxTsonaHy
' " for the part taken In his lnt'ret. Thk
Ono of . the, p!ea3 litest, events of tnwd vkhirh ninnl.ml lw,i.t 2.111 tt-!
Fiidaya primarie,sile from the v le-, very cuthuM.jirtie and did tut lies ; tat,;!
tory list if. occnrre.r about 9 ot.l k ' ' extend their enthnriuxtn in frequent
agent. . ' . '-.j ev er active In shaping the .-ourae cf
J. Iipiiam, by W. 1 Wade, ascnt. -oar lives. ' ,
Mm. S. G. Metner. by Wj L. Wale.j If, we ask the cauie of thi wile
agent. . ' . b t j spread ll.i-asp, we shall fled it origin
Wm. A. Taylor." ' ' ia Wron? conception of God. The root
Mr. Matilda Taylor, by V. A. Tayior of U all is in the old iJa that God
after the grand result
count In the Sheriff's Offics Ar
rangements Made by the County
Judge, to Make the Settlement.
.KaaU Ikn n t -4 r W. ,- i J ft a I . . M
. V VT 0 ": i .J It S3 J V ft. U I IS il'.llil ItJC IM
Detswne. . , t -rMri,in,. ;,f K it
To Kalcm Military ttand. a-"' jv,re and cave Mm a serenade. " Mr.
scmblcd in front of the Sla-t reman' of- Ih Fore resnnIei, not with a sioHh.
fice tind. 4f tr plAytii a feW n-fcrtinrif bttt w,til a;ara. whit h were hiirtily
prm ceded to Governor. Gr a rcitdn i".
rJiKweu uy a lrge crowd nf-adl by
I;tyr I5islvi and a number :f other
proittinent bjlnr-M J und prof-tsional
On arrival nt'thc Gr hin the
band pbtyod a ar-ift Un nd whfn tht
4ovrtnnr Tc-arcd uin ihe ;;n h
Air.l rliL'.n tVircA ttl4s jhiiii-. 1i frt
i!'ayir liifihop advance t tholJvj
rnr and Informed : him of the result I
ut Ihe ir lni;ui and lntrodtr'4-d biei toj
th crowd as th ' "next Governor of
orcKon." After enthuxi:tMic eh-cra by; And Secure the Three Per Cent Dit
to.? crowd uovernor over BpoKe orieny
a foilowa: i
"My friends. ncfcfjhlxrft nmr fellow
cltlz-n: I dculre to express my rln
cre appret Ifitbm of thl vli!.t nfi'l 'irf
the pnrtftiifir occiaioti which haf
brought o? together.,, hlle tm&l vic
tory for r whici we,' jjtrove has ' bejn
cornplfte b yond" cxj-ctatlona, 1 am
ur; It haa left, .no or sp.t8 In any
Uirevtlon. - Ar tcawtf wft.ll ft has been
largely a pernai ilsht agTilnat me, 1
Urar no ill will towards those who have
wnged it. One Ot the mo.t Junpleaitant
'fi-stlur'-a about polttbitl contests la me
crKomil'Homent which too of ten creet8
iiittj them, and the unavoidable dia;
pointnieritK which follow, but the ob
J t cf taany elottion.i and cotiyentlons
14 to try out personal p'referencea with
in th party, and afterwards -to enter
tiie. fatnp!iH:n for ttjo principles which
call u tiC'tliV-r as . aiMMiciatcK in one
"t rcrjUcnx-ti. I. appreciate the diRin;-tfi't'-vteil
. fffoitw you have today, put
forth Jrt' my b "half: more t-hfin I Van
Hiiy. btU while 1 thua fr;eiy ekprtiaa my
obligation -to you, I mut nut forget
Ihe fib-rid la the country prcclnrtst.
the nit n V.it thjf farms and iiii the dia
l.ifit foothill. vho"e pu1lli servant I
.uft nnd ariHiog whom I have- for so
loriK b -n a frltow-workef. Their Hoy
ally in thi 'emergency will not o'n
be foi gotten. ..
"This in no time for n political X.iiW
tind1! will only way' In that conaectlfMJ
"that during Ihe pa at thre v'f"ata I have
dtne- the bet I could' In the executiv
ollb-e and coming;, an I did, notj only)
llgnr.i lively,' tint- almost, literally,! from
the plow to the (loviTtioTxhip, tind con
fronted bv a. full (leilei Ieginlattire,
it v.'ftuld not be Kurfitixing if, being but
.in average man, t kIiohH h:tv,- tu.i 1-
Forne mlntakea. An To tha t I have-only
lo way that; If o, th'ey have been of
the hend d rot'fi 'th h4itt,"illld Ih.tt
my hiiiiibie opinion th it any man
who is diKifi.-( l.'i (lie rif-rht direction,
The crowd of taxpayer was much
greater at the ehcrlff'a oftlce yesterday
than upon any previous day and, al
though all were eager and anxious to
pay their taxea and benefit by the 3 per
cent rebate, . everyhbdy was good ma
tured and well behaved and a line was
formed, which was well maintained,
and the days work passed off very
qulefiy, free from all Jostling Or dlsa
gieeabllity. The office force was kept
very Vuy throughout the day waiting
Upon Ithe crowd, but when th hour of
Si o'clock p. m. arrived there was still
'tuite a lung line of people and, as IJ-p-u?y
H. 15. Co bath-was obllged to, d?i!'it
all of the cash on hand In the bank so
as to avoid carrying any money In the
vault over Sunday, the door was closed
and all that were Inside were waited
upon in their turn.
On , account of many having called
fov several mcceeaive day and w.cre
unable to pay their taxes, ' County
Judi;r John II. Scott drew up a form
of atll'lavlt in . a book which many
Kigricfl ast evidence of- the fact tn'dt they
could not pa' their taxes for the pur
pone or bfiiciitliuK by tho rebate. Tho
aUUJav.lt and flsr.atures aubscribtul
therefj follows: j
"The' follow lnj: narne.l persons here
by certify that th y hae made applica
tion at the tdicrrifr's of lice' In the ('nun
ty of MftrloiK State tt Oregon, this l"lh
d;iy of March, W-'. to r ay their tax for
theear liiof, in order that th;-y might
receive the benefit of ( the 3 per cent re
bate as is by law prpvided.Vand eonld
not be waited upon.": i
J'jc Hirschbcrg, by M- Wiprut, agent.
I T. T. (Iter. 1 , , ..
V. I.. Wade.
M rr. Y. U Wade, -by W. I.. Wade,
ag nt. - - " ' . "-
. K, V, Thomas, ty J- III UoLial,
ascnt. ,i ,
G. tVGarflf Id. t.y J. II. nand, gent.
. Geo. I:. c;o. by J; II. nnt.
- G'O. Conner,, by J. II. ItolAn.J, usr.t.
Wm. Onner. by J. II. fU'land. asvntl
- XL K. Jilackwcll. ty J. II. Itotand,
fjsear J'orry. by J. 1 1. Ittdard,, ag-nC
". L. Jonttr. b .1. It. l!o!and,'4i; nt.
A, A. Mlllrr, 7 J. I. i:i.:.ir.'Vcf;rnt.
K.'M. Miller, by J. I!. !Ptsnd. agent
Ij. MOilbcrt, oy 1 la i. a:nl.
JL'nbl Mllkr, by if. McMaltan,
a5tnt. , i -
Sof-hrojila Jvt.su p, bj- Tj. II. McMahan
f n St&te Treasury. ;
State TJ-eaauTr Cha. S.t Moore yes
terday reetived rctr.ii tanct a from two
couatks, on account of etate taxes for
the year 1301. They are:
Lake Ftate tax in full .$ 9,576 30.
Lake Atftiw-ultural College tax. 257 5)
Lane, rtate W.W M
Lane Agricultuial CPetfe tax. 1,123 33
Lane, balance Interest 190,... . TS 65
In the caw of Lane county, the'treaJi
urer remitted, the state' taxes in full,
less S per cent, deducting the rfbate al
lowed to Individual taxjaye;?, prior to
March 15th. In the fceMef that the coun
ty was entitled to this , He was noti
fied that the fuif amount must be pai l.
The State j Traurer also - received
payments from two Indurative com
panies on account of the 2 ier cnt
state . tax on thtir business of
L a JaJ tu,, vcangeful iersonality, sit
ting In Judgment over his chlMren, arj
liable at" any time to rend jrfs! tat ions
of Hla wrath uion them, or ready to
c?ndenn. lhom to eternal punishment.
Couple! with. this U th belief that
tbere is a power of 'eil ever sttlvtng
Jo gain iMtcudcn of men, and ter-i
mil ted by ld loj bring confusion !and
misery upon thetn. These two ic wer
ful opinion:, cvniinjr to us from the
infancy and isnorauce of tb ra:. are
totally destructive of peace, birmony
and health, and actiVely producJve of
the oppoaite condltloc. --,
" Dread of dtsae and of "bad luck"
is stilt icinraon. We standi in ao of
death because we dread the change
and uncertainty of the IteiCafter- Even
the elements have been endowed with
power of evil; one person dreads the
wlntet1, another the' sumUfr,' aiuthrr
the night air"or the east wind. Jf thvre
U hot a positive dread, there is nega
tive unbelief, and the d4seaje of ap
ptehenseness is born of Ivthu n We
fail to connect cause-1 and effect; , c
do.-jiot discriminate between leality
and uortality; we live in the, things of
time ?n-l The grrat "oVtr-tnse'
of faith is left oui of oun , lives; e
are apprehensive of what fate may
bring.. We limit our God aril cur
stive?. The 5ieclfic forms in which this dis
ease manifests itself are so numerous
and so varied by the modifications of
individual experience that we will rot
attempt to trace them all, says E. A.
Ptnnock, in, the Higher Life; but it
will be helpful to mention some' of
the more common. The destructive
In Probate Court,
In the Marlon county courl yesterday
the bond of Isableile Ikoth," as guardi
an of the Jterson and estate of Georgh
liclle Hooth. a -minor, :1n the sum of
$2000, was approved and ordered -r.Jacrd
on fila.
Uptm the petition 6r Will and Her
man Goodwin the court up'pointel E.
P. Morcam aflminlstratoriof the es'.ate
of Frel Cioodwtn, oeceased, and upon
his filing his bond In, the sum of $4.'i,
which was approved by the court,, let
ter of a lniiii'.atration we'e Issue to
hln.. ! ' :." .' ' ,
.uv . at (
Sun. Insurance 'Life...'. 28 forces ct anorehenslvenesn frmiunttv
Connecticut Mu.ual Li.V 21 S'i.iu, .
Sometimea th mother's apprehensions,
whexi caused by a specific experience,
are marked upon the child In some
frightful deformity, either of body or
character. Again, if the material dread
is more general the 'manifestation may
be less marked upon the child t olrtn.
but the getm cells have been poisoned,
and the effect will be none the Ttss
rure, resulting in stunted and distorted
unfoldment of the -child life. Modern
psychology and child study have re
vealed the tremendous and terrible in
heritance of fear and drwid that unr-
j.nts hand down to their children.
j Many parents follow their children
through chiidnool and youth with nnx
iety and apprehensiver.ess that arjf
ruit'iy reflected upon- the formative
rn!i:d and bearafter their kind. As we
advance In life, we form new' tppre
hn?un. ' We are. ' afraid of poverty,
cfrald of accident, afraid of public
Thia apprehenslveness takes all ihs
sunshine out of life, throws a wet
blanket over ail i our activities, sours
our whole nature, paralyzes us. Just
as surely does it reaction the physical
Catora"l n harmless piibstitutc for Castor OH, Iar
coric, Irwp aiui Swthiuff Hjrup. It I IMrawynt. It
conUUns ncltUer Oplmii. lorphino nr other Jjn""'0
uzbsUmce. It destroys Warms ami ftl lays l-errlliiM.
It cures Iiarrltra tml "Wind Ct.Iie. It relieve Tevli
Injr Trouble! and cures Constipation. It regulates tno
Stomach and UovreK srivinar healthy ami natural slcci.
The Kind. Tola -Have Always Bought
'in Use For Over 30 Years.
tr rrii'iui (, T"rTi,,,w.""" "7"",
displaced by - a more ratloinal view,
which regard the germs, not ws caues
but as friendly subsequent activities
that come in to bring a new form of
life to a condition' that requires them.
It is the morbid and fearful thought
that is fatal, not the sct-rms
Appreherisivcncss is causative In
crime as well-as in physical disease.
Many a man is led to steal because he
dread twant or loss of awlal'-posltion.
In political economy is not h:prel;en-
J Ivcnes a factor also Confidence Is
is tuesk-
money t
n iurlal
d tinos
lrty , and
I crirae are disease, and ap$fehertslve-
i n'f s 1 a rau.e
V.'e have now coiuiicred (Uuse Td
effect. Wl.at shil: be the retnedy? We
?. th life of business. Vhen id
ened credits are withdrawn,
withheld from circulation
j actlv'rty ceases; we have "hi
j AVhat is more destructive to
! than apprchnslvenens? I'ov
s - -
It Is
)!3eae Save
From It.
know that no reirely' oin t
that does not deal wlih cadi-.
cause' mut be
forever. Many
eradlca-trd at
may question
bility nt human nature being
anxiety and ap5'rchnv es.
A large part of mankind Is in bond
age to that tate cf mind which H
aiprehensive of some ,ort 'of trouble
or misfortune in the future. It t found
among all sorts and conditions of men.
It permeates evt ry station, occupiJon
and profession. . -
In general, we arc prone to treasure ; part of our being by depressing the
the memories of our pat failures arid ; n rv, centers aiid infusing morbid ae
sorrows which serve: as a tnckgrund ! tlv ity Into the ceils. The result Is a
on whit h are developed th ilisto: ted ! turpi I liver, a weak heart, a four
pictures of future unhapr-lnc. We j Mumat h, nervous prostration and pa
do this not on'y consciously, but "tin- j raly.-l. These lh!ng follow ju.-.t' a
consciously. Every experience in life i surely as two and two make four.
leaves an Impression In the oiemory
structure. To this subcnncVus coiu'i-'
lion we keep adding by t;uc . chronic;
per.slmifrn. We look for the evil ijiid'
neglect the good. TI.iuh is eftabllahed
a powerful subconscious foirco that la
Caure and effect, mind and embodi
ment, are Inst-iiarab'e. There can be
vta O'-iubt that the only iPtnger front
pidemic discaes lits in .the dread of
them. Vilhcr conscious or uncn"lou.
The germ theory y f disease if being
man believe in an Immanent
ever-present Help, an All-in
i apply this bellt f to every(
f This Is one half the' problem
berg says: "Solicitude ahoutJ
'i ertnflritte n ct m it k f-)f" A n 1
tards the- Influx of spiritual!
. they - who are solicitous at
themreKe what is of the IiylneProv
j id-nte, and they who do tikis oppose
the lnflqx of life, and oppose
good and truth." Herein is
' the other half a llief In om
' a manifestation of that
with the nrT, wi'l make thi ctmjl-te
i circle. First, tin n. a full rraitiatlen of
omnipresent spiritual reility. an un
changinz gtio-iness, of which the nni-
ver Is an expression; second, an ad
justment of all thought ami 4" activity
to this great projsltlon and
ctu l
. The
once an I
the posl
tfrsfe from
tlod'. an
ail, and
lay life?
S vK n
futurity, vanl e
Hfe; for
t Ibute ;to
khe Jlfe of
self a
life, which.
i : ... -lf , , i
TTTTf T IT Tf TTITH f TTFTT IV TTTf TfTT . ' - . aa-asau. in' jam im :' '" Maa av
mm: mtmsA
. - HnTfWnTfTfTTITTirfTITVfTfTff I . m,mm,
cor:biry- that man, mad
fntage or triM juprcmi pirit is rpim
iial. and ncelvcs consantlyj an influx
id life and good and truth it hat will
i-- - ; - - .- - r .'. ,
lead him. on to the 'fulfillment of his
highest riilny;-thU is the a.aik. and
wc can answer tmeruivoi ally that It la
unlverfaily attainable.
The removal of the cute of the l--
ease of atptvhenlvrnes is reiin4-d
thus to a simple change of . -ilnd on
our part,' to a different way nf think
ing, lo training of our mental activ
ities away .from Ignorance and-error,
along the line of cosmic trolh, to In
clude all that ls: good and; leautiful.
Our thinking .faculties are our own. to
use a we wi:i. l'ower is born of tie-
sire. We may drop Hj anxiety and
appr"hT..H cucks If iv will. As we
ttain ourfctvt to atrept that view of
God and Hi tmlveisp UBiih accords
with highest reason and science and
intuition, there wiil b' no place for
apprvhensjve' thoughts. ', As these .dis
appear, we bt'eome more and mt
open to the Influx of all that Is tru
and wholesome and hopeful dn a word,
of nil that is ditine. Our f'.-ar Is tuned
Into courage, our faith Is tranmlttd
inti woiks. If tlotl be ftr us. who or
what can In against us? Thut we
-ome.to know the Immanent IJTe of
the'woild, the ever-creative Love. -, We
come to re.cegnise ourselves as iaanl
fe'tations of ibis I4f I anl" Jxve
through the Ideal manifestation lh.it
was"in Christ.. This. is life eternal, an
ever-progrrsilvo. ever-w blenirig and
ever-deepening life, from now. hence
forth. In 1 1 perfect love casts out fcir.
TiriiNICIt KHVIVALS.The meeting
rt-centlv conducted at the Turner M. E.
church by Evangelist Samuel Snyder,
wa ohe of unprecedented interest. For
t'hree week, throufth rn'id and rain
and darkm- the people cam.? thrtv tir
Tour rnllc to attend the) services.
I'oity-four profised conversion atid
i cntycigni ornnu bum iiic
cnurcti. ao r.pworiii i -- Mie.u
forty " im-mtwrs ' ha In-cn organised.
The Ir.sbyterlan brethren arc now
holding a meeting.
Cloth trespass notice at theState
man office. '
Will mo difenmina
lion in purclnisifip;
liis mount this yVar;
the iUn that a bicy-'
clc of our make inustt
necessarily be nboul
Iho same thinp; as an--ctlicr
no ,longcr irc
Vftil. i ;
, .-' . :- ' .
, " ' :' " - .''.-'- --'vl.'- - .)' '". H '.-' .h.l-'l--',':-:- s -:::"-V:V:'-::-h :'!.'"-
Possess every, advanced idcu that can be adejed dn bringing the bicycl6
to the highest point of development.
817.50 '820.0(1 822.50
832.50 K.0ti" 87.50
Old Vhoels Taken in
V fn Mi rtnv fir h anv wFjcol, nllf.Kviiifj or rlmrghi 1 1 - ili(
fill:-! TIKKS aIAVAY'S Oxfunl, iAfnidiT Sweial, IlyilTonl
0. v .1 Wiy fit Dunloi) mid (J. tt J., Sk c l Kiins. also Cri.secijt Stctil Kims
iriiicfj ft" lb; ca"c may be. WK IIAVIJ
Cotnliidi Kkina, Dillilop, M, tt W"..
i'tlris. I'icvclo Kenairiiiir.
at s
Introductory Ilemarks
Tlio MITCHELL WACON bciR the kinK
jiin of our vehicle lines, iri feet of all our lints
and, being of the hiqliest rVpsible standard it a
tut nntural e sljouid strive to surround it with
goads of merit. XWaro lrgo buycrv, hence ran
. ditluto Komcwhat to the inanufarturer, and get
'-'fKi'.is innde ripht -for ijitt ftNorthwt?st" Trade.
Tlu'rtftjreJ wu IreHTStifitHl in savinc that we
uivo moie valwc fur tlievnonev.ihap caii be bod
eUewhe-ro J
Wc Recommend Our'BEEr
Line of Buggies
For tlaeiv who want a gtnxl wrvicnhJo rt liaffa vehiel at
n iiitMlerale iri(i.: Tltcre in a pnm ins -demand for nalcrale
ITiced Vehicles httilt to Rive uilifaain. Thi-Jiic fills the
want to a nicety lec:tpit la Ltillt wflhaTull know lctlfr of
t lw conililiHi.t sntl requirement of tho JCofthwcft trade. - For
t'.02 we have arMeti tho lanly etimer. Inm, written has nlwa'e
i n a feature f our Jlen riey JJuirsries. ,'
Our HENISEY Line of Bugles
K ' Is now on the lparkt t for the fifth year, ami Jia.- Ien
rolil largely to I.fverymcn, lvetn, Httieknieti ami other who
keep a husnry jnIrig anl jrlve ir lots of "hard krmrkK", f IKN-
M ;V Itl'f KHrX iti them. lve are weir anct tavomtiiy Known
havin I era wM here for vrars. TIicm; IIKNNEY rig of ours.
however, are l.uilt eiieeiallv for ii-t, wo ftipiuatin; -,tho grade Manaara will aiwaya continue io prevail. v -
anl fiixo of every iec f materia.! it them, a.1 well rf Iho tvl n x' nir, r. '
or roust ruction. A 11 FITTER nnOCIY FtR TJIF. MONEY "0 YOU Want tttC I land, JT.,
i'ANNtlT HP RfUHUlT." is the venlictof every Uverymait ;ardcn Tool? We rarrj a ctmiplcte asartuient of them
who has u.seu tlK'in. i .
. zre American L.rcam separator
Gasoline Engines from One tO SlX horse power are . " J., n,e one wo handle- Winner of the GOUl MEDAL
always Ih StOCk. at the l-arisExjosltion.
;. .;', , . - ; ', ;
i - - ' t M WWA V ;
N -srf&HS '"w-vB: -xxl'W ' lJK
in 1 1 1 1 11 i n in ! 1
- - ' ,m. H...I... . .i.M.l.r, A .,...,,. ! 'II 'I I' ll'l N' 11 ! ! 1
IstcSiel, Lewssf i; Stiver 1
' '' 47-51-55 :SMte t Street ' " ".'
I v : . . - - ' .- ". i x ; - - . 4 j, i
SXWA E RANCH t, T. CRLV, Minaser
Mitchell Wagons
x- ; KAUJT, HPRIXO anl DELIVERY wacaii! of the
MIT(;HELL make, wherever known or u-tel, need no fur
th'er ro-otnmendatin than that they are genuine MITtJllKLI
CiOODS. : Ftr nearly eve..ty years they have been manufao
litretl altlw hfhet t-taiiHartl of quality(atid the same high