Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 18, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    IZd YEAR 2.
An Hfrt Made to limit the lx
W ,-j prndilcirc :1 -jv'
ON accountIof THE PEND-
The ' Republican Cuban Reciprocity
Conferee in "Settlon Yesterday
No Change in the Situation As No
Agreement Had Been Reached In
foYmantion Wanted in Regard to
the Government Transport Serv'c
to the Philippine.
WASHINGTON, March 15-A idif
fersr.ee of opinion on the Republican
eide appeared in. the Senate. debate on
the subsidy bill todayv. . Allison Jndi
cated that "he was .not satisfied with
the measure as it ( stands now, and
nave notite of amendments, limiting
alio he amount of money annually to
be paid from the treasury on' account
of it. '.. . ,
, Sx-on.r tkk cxcf-f.tions to some pro
visions ' it tho measure, lie Was hot
. . . i i fi .t.i . . .
. iTUUM (Hat wn ijiii iubiu uL-vijiiin
the. ercar results whih Its advocates
hilrin '1 ' .r; It, and ; urged' that before
i( -mi tm-nt Into law, definite' infor
mation ii'.-n that point ouht-to
fiiml h.-'l to i'Vrigre. '' Hp gav bo
th .of !nii' tilii iit providing ttwt the
bill might b an iul.-l r reiw-.ale V by
I'oDKti'Mit w ithout. . tii.wj'vrT,' ljnili;lnx
any loritiiKt irmi'f .urii-r , it prOVlS
lonM. , ; . i i . '
't'-Hi r rri.n!v ii : l.vLi'HMltlfn
to -the tn-ryfM.-t. KikittH Iliad.' till illl-
tr;..H in Hi-ewnt of It. although ' the
VV-r-.t Yi!,;ria Hcn-ator iylrrWtt'-l that
Ik .i tinuM l.ii.fl.f. I tit-'' sOl.itti folk if a IMtl.-
' . f- Cuban Reciprocity, i ;
Vnfhinxloh. March 1... The Hi-pub-lican
Cuban Teclpns-lty Y-onferecs re
ma incd hi s-slon until ft "p. tn. today.
fhalrman Payh made a UtemMit
that -the- situation was lid It had been
evenlritf": that no agreement ha
l- n ranched, and .that the itmreree
' ' ' T : . i ' : L
The iTraniport Service.
VaihltiKtfn. Mnrfh 15. The IIouje
i!rvotfil tivl.iy ;to private1 pnnton blllx,
.pitfMtnfr 'ii'-t MIK antl -t lfrtnir the cal--iwlar.
Thl in the largeHt number of
lfiilon bllln ever passed by that Haune
ut one Hvf-iotu 1
l-Urli-r In the day a reiwflutlon wtie
n.l.H J t allintr upoii the War Ietrt-
irnt4 forL.ttifortnutlorr concerning the
overiimefit! transport Hervlce sbetween
San I'ranctawo ami the Philippine.
, ' 1
t i : - -
No Regrets That He Did Not Secure a
. Literary Prixe.
st. Pirriinsmino, ieb. 2. . ror-
(csnlMu Afmochitcd PreMl.) The
iumwcr f Count Tolrtol to a letter of
the SweilMh cctmmittee rettrettlnit tlat
the ivbe Ilterary Prlxe w.ia jrtven to
M. Anna ml.. Sully Prudhomme. the
l'r-n h author. Instead of t?.'hlm, ha
1-en pubhaHefl. lie tliankn the com
mittee for the friendly communication
and. Incldeitnlly, th whole world for
t Kmjtathy at thl& time, bat remarkii
that, fort unatelv. he Is in no need of
lootit'y anl jrctrardit nionev a a, curiie
anyhow. . ':j ,
The Union Pacific Will Biuld a Rail
Road Into tha District. J ;
I IMA MA, ne aiarcn la--ine
Pacific in preprln to mike on en
trance to the Thunder Mountain', min
ing country in Idaho, and la aendtng
fcveral mpvpylnr pflrtlen to serin! the
h Mt rtiute.- : Five routes will be aur
vt yed from Irtdnt on the Oreswt Bhort
line, frtnt Hed Hiik to Weiwer. Idaho.
It is atated at headquartcm that travel
to that country lu atrewdy le-ojne
lame, and rreiaratIona ate BKiklnj (or
the moving of e'enl thousand people
to Thun ler Mountain during the-spring.
: , " j - - f '
SAN' FHANClSCO, March lS--The
trannitort HamwkS ealled t today for
Manila, with the neadiuarter. bahd
and two battalion of the Tenth Infan
try, flT4 recruits and caauala- i
'.-'J . . ... a
( OliORADO SPiUWUS. 1.-OKX, atari. n
13. Kdwarvl IO, Carter, father of
I'nlel suites Senatjr Thonme II. Car
ter, of Montana, died tonlht.
ASHLAND. Or, MArch : 13. Jame
Clark Tolmnn. one of tft widely known
pioneers of Oregon, who waa prominent
in he atraira or tnej atate lor niiy
year, died todar, In his ninetieth year.
NOME. Alaska. Jan. 5. via Seattle.
Waah- March,1 15. John - Nutcher and
d. 3. Crni411e were kl!le3 ( by in e
plotlon in a tunnel of the Twin Maun
tain Gold Mining; tk. Milling Company.
on Poulder Crektrtbutary of Snake
River. ' i ;
A Hose Wagon and Street Car Collide
With Disastrous) Results.
fiEATTLH Wah., Mirch 1 j. A eot
IlfIon between a hose -wagon plunging
down the Columbia street bill in re
Ionse to a fire alarm, and a street
car, resulted In the probable death of
one man a ad the injury of three, others
thfa morning-. The Injured are;-
1 Daniel McGlnnlss, c-apt.iln, Enffine
Company No. 1, a fractured skull, four
broken ribs, a broken , shoulder plod;
Chan. W. Oilfctm, pipeman, probable
internal- injuries: W, D. Kent, driver,
ear t6rn from head, severe bruises;
Father P. E. Oendreaux, a Catholic
Vicar General of Dawson, lt.Mtiy
bruised 1 . j - , . f . '
An International Tournament
for Coronation Week.
NEW TOIIK, March 15 The program
for the International tournament, to be
held uner the auspices of . the National
Sporting Club during coronation week
in Ioridon, ha been completed by the
National Club representatives, Cavin
and Ia. Today a match: between
Frank Erin andPat Daly was announc
ed. Other bout are: Peter: Maher
will nrht Tom Sharkey for fhe Irlnh
championship; CSu ftuhlln wf!l tackle
Kid McCoy; Joe Walcott will box Tom
my Weat, and Tommy Ryan will en
counter George 'Gardner.
Thrown Into tha Sea and Find a Wat
ery Grave With Them Went Five
Men of a Stranded Barge Whom
They Attempted to Aid. ,
CHATHAM. Mass., March 17. By
the capsizing; of a life boat today, aeven
life a vers of MJhomy frtatlon, on Caie
ol, met death, and with them into the
sea went: five nven from the atranded
barge Wadena, whom they tried to
bring to shore. The jlost are: i I '
L.!fe Savers Marshall N. Eldredge,
Edgar Small, Elijah Henrlcks. Or.borne
Chase. .Arthur Itogera, Isaac Thomas
Fove, Valentine Nlckerson.-
From the t.trge Wm. II. Mack, Cap
tain Christian Olsen. Robert Molaneux,
Walter A. Seved, Manuel Knos.
The Crescent City Derby Won By Quex
In New Orleans. ! '
JSKV ORLEANS. March 15. Nearly
5000 people cheered Lord Quex on to vic
tory In the Crescent City Derby today.
The race Was worth 13800 to the wln
ntr. ;The Crercent City -Derby, a mile
anil on eighth. Ixrd Quex won; Vasal
Dance, second; Prowl, third. Time,
2:00!(4. " .' t ' "r I i: ,'; ;
jSan Francisco, March 15. In 'the
presence Of over '4000 people, Slddons
Won the Thornton stakes. in four .miles,
over a fast track at Oakland today.
Four mllfs. ThomtoiT stakes purse
$300,i Slddons won; Lixella aecond.;
Pangor, third. Time, 7:30.
NEW TORK, March IS. After two
ittya of hard figtitiag the AmerlcaJi
chexs twm vanqulshifd the Ilritlsh
team tonight.! this being: the eventh
of the International aerie of matches
fiirNewne's Cup. America won 5ti
gatnen and Oreat Ilrltaln 4.
WASHINGTON, March 15 Oonljrm j
ations by the Senate today were: Pot-mastera-iO.
W. Irvln, Butte. Montana;
A. M. Itennett. M.I lea, City. Montnut;
A. J- Stephens. Lewlston Montana; J.
If. Bruce, iWelser, Idnho.
. PRLLVILlE. Kans, March 15. A
cyclone visited Scotch Plain, a Dunk
anl nettletnent near here, today a n1 did
much damage. ; A hnmlur of hwuse
wer-blown down and the . Dunkard
church completely demolished. No
lives were lost. ' T i ' . " j
i - ! . i '. 1 i't' .
WHATCOM. Wash.; March IS. Prof.
Oeorge, teacher of drawing in the puh
Hr (schools, ha heen ml wing slnoe
Monday last. ? Hie friends ; n o.Ter
no' theory to account for his disap
pearance, . !
:". i I i ; ; . - :fi '. I ; '
Ham yestenlay received a telegram
stating 1 hla brother" E. A. Ollliam, at
Pendleton, Oregon, and an old reaident
of that pl.we, had died, from & compli
cation of diseoaes. He waa burled at
that place yesterday'at 2 o'clock.
bin was brought to the Inaane Asylum
yesterday fror. UmatlllaJ county. She
la resiJeni of MIMon. ag-ed 4S year,
and the cause of her Insanity la re
ligious iruutla. 4 . . i ' !
' ' ! , , " i':
Cloth trespass notice at the States-
J man office.
Wire Compelled te Cbaroe Mob of
Kitting S Indents
; ,-.-,i,. Y
The. Trouble Ended When the Soldiery
Attacked the Rioters, .mnd Dis
persed the Crowds Considerable
Disturbance but Little Bloodshed
An Uprising Is Fearedin Ireland
Warning of tha Vatican.
8T. PETERSBURG, Mar. 17, The
students' riot, in which over 1000
people engaged, kept a large force of
police and cavalry busy throughout the
day. . Probably 100 arrests' were made.
The students, attempted to organise a
procession, singing revolutionary songs,
and shouting "Free Russia, ' - and
"Down with autocracy," and the police
and cavalry charged, using cossack
whips and the flats of. sabres. Many
persons were hurt. The fighting con
tinued during the afternoon, breaking
out in fresh places continuously. The
authorities made efforts to prevent
bloodshed, and were . remarkably suc
cessful -considering the magnitude of
the demonstration.
London, Mar. 17. The Vatican has
received - confidential newM, says i the
Rome correiwndent of the Chronh-le,
of, the serioua situation Jri Ireland,
The Fenians have for some months
been engaged in an active propaganIa,
with a view to organizing for a gen
eral rising. It is believed the .Vatican
M1II Instruct the Irish clergy to hold
aloof from the revolutionary agitation.
Restore Tien Tsin. '
Pek In, Mar, 17. The conference of
the Ministers of the Powers today de
cided on the principle of restoring the
Chinese at Tien Tain, thua. reversing
the decision of the military commend -
era. No time; for the transfer (has yet
been fixed. . !
Wireless Telegraphy.
Ottawa. Ont., ( March 17. The agree
ment letwen the Dominion Government
and William Marconi, for the establish
ment of a wireless telegraph station at
Cape Breton; has been brought to a rat
Ufactory Issue. It is expe.ed1 that
wlrelesa communication will be estab
lished In the Dominion and Great Brit
ain by the beginning of next June.
; 'i' ' At Bed Tims.
I tags a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is better. My doctor says
it acts gently on the stomach, liver
and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxa
tive. It la made from herbs and
ia prepared as easily as tea. It Is
called inkes Medicine. All drug
gists sell tr aV25e. and 50c .Lane's
Family Medicines moves the bowels
each day. If you. cannot get It, send
for a Tree sample. Address. Orator
F. Woodward. Le Roy. N. T. , .
Government Generals Characterize the
Brmvry of Rebela as Extraordinary.
PANAMA,. Mat. 14. The government
Generals Castro and Oftl r arrived
here this morning. Referring , to1 the
engagement at Agua.Dulce, on Febru
ary 20th, General Castro says that of
the fore?' under the revolutionary
General Herrera. over 700 were killed
or wounded. H characterised the
bravery of the revolutionists as extra
ordinary, r .
Ion, Mar. 14.-The following report
was obtained from the Government
troops which arrived here yesterday
from Tlocas' del Toro. The soldiers re
port that 800 men were killed during
the fighting- at Arua, Dulce. The rev
olutionists lost 550 and the Govern
ment forces 230. The rifle fire during
the Agua Dulce battle was deadly and
persistent. The slaughter and massa
cre at that' battle are described as
SWfuL : ' .' ' v ; f." :
Stepped Into Live Coals
"When a child I burned- my foot
frightfully." writes W. II. Eada. of
JonesIHe, Va-, "which caused horri
ble leg sores for SO- years, but Bucklen's
Arnica Salve wholly cured me after
everything else failed." Infallible for
Hums, Scalds, Cuts, Sores. Bruises and
Piles,. Sold by DR. STONE'S drug
stores.' 2Se. . .-. .
The Labor Situation Is Said to Be
Extremely Perplexing.
BOSTON, Mass, 14.--The labor sit
uation tonight fs extremely perplexing.
To give weight W the statements of
the labor men who say that harmony
is not restored, is tir make the7 outlook
far more critical than at any time
since the AlUed Freight Transporta
tion Counclf began the flrht against
the R. R Brine Transportation Com-1
pony. On- th other hand Governor
Crane and the State Board of Arbltra-1
tlon believe that the problem is bf ingj
solved quite- rapidly, considering the
Immensity of the strike. ; As a. nv.Uer
of fact the strike waa completely
broken, today, although 4 the troubles
cropped out In many quartera. some of
which, were arranged without delay,
and others dragged along" In an uncer
tain state, so that they eurne i in for
consideration by the labor bodjes Jate
tonighL - ,
General Funston i Will Command
partment of Colorado.
WASHINGTON. MarchXl7.-On the
retirement of Major General E. 8. Otia,
on the 25th Inst.. Major eOneral Arthur
MacArthur in conmiand of the Depart
ment tof Colorado will beYtranaf erred to
Chicago, andrigadier T3eneral Fred
erick FunKon will command the De
partment of Colorado.
- Brijradler General W, A. Kobbe will
be aslgned to the command of the
partment of Dakota 1
Preparations Under Way to Stake Out
a Line in Idaho. j,
LEWISTON. Ida- Mar. 17. C. O.
Brown, of Moscow, is superintending
the construction of two large batteaux
which will be used Jn carryinga sur
veying party Up the fork of the Clear
water river. The party will complete
a survey to the summit of the Bitter
Root , Mountains.- Brown states the
survey is being made by an Eastern
railroad company, independent of any
other transportation lines.
The survey is of: muchXlmportanee n
tM-sfrinfevOh the MIsoula-Lewlston cut
off plans of the Northern Pacific. It is
believed the party, indirectly , repre
senting that company. i
Some Lives Are Reported Lost in the
Storm-swept Region, and Csttls
Have Suffered Severely i Through
out That Section.
PT. PAIIv Mlnn.. March 17. The
great blizzard which' had ragd over
tht Dakotas and Manitoba since last
Friday, subsided last night, and today
the weather was generally fair, but In
tensely cold, the thermometer tanging
from 10 to 16 degrees below xero. J
It Is the general belief that not more
than eight or ten "persons perished
throughout the storm-awept region. A
family of Tour is reported; to have per
ished near Mlnot.':N. D., and two or
three others, are said to htve bfen
frozen to death at- different localities.
The loss to Mock is hard to estimate.
A report from Dickinson, N. D.; places
the looses at from 25 to 30 er cent,
while rumor plaoea It In other localities
at a much higher figure.
A Number of the California Suspects
Are 8et at Liberty.
ALTURAS. Cal.. March 17. E. S.
Trowbridge, his son Orrin Trowbridge.
Fred Roberts, and his son Harry (Rob
erts, Richard Nichols, J. R. Myers,
Claude Marcus and Joe Leventon,
charged with having participated in the
lynching of Calvin Hall. Jim Hall.
Frank Hall. Dan Yantis and Martin
Wilson, at Lookout, May Slst last, were
re teased today. v
After hearing the complaints. Judge
Harrington this morning dismissed the
defendants Eleven other suspects are
confined here under indictment by the
XSrand Jury. ) i
Disastrous Fire In a Portland 8anctu
, ary Last Evening.
PORTLAND. Or., March 17. Fire this
afternoon, caused by a defective flue in
TrlnKyiEplscopal church, damaged the
church building and furnishings to the
extent of $12,000.. The loss is covered
by Insurance. '
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. March 17.
A peclal-from Pajtco to the Union,
nays: John Campbell, 44 years old,
committed sulclde.at a farm three miles
below this city this' afternoon.. Hick
nesa ia beHeVed to have made the man
' WASHINGTON. March 17. Jose
Vincents Concha, the newly appointed
Minister from Colombia, presented Ihs
credentials to President llooaevelt to
day. : . ' ' .;,X: r;
WARM PPRNGS. Cat.. March 17.
The seventeen months old daughter of
J. C. Sinclair, of Paiouse. Wash, fell
into a poet hole containing a small
quantity, of water.today, and was suf
focated to death. '
'.- EVERETT. Wash.. Mareh17. In a
l4hl114e on the Great, Northern coast
line, five miles north of'JRdmonJ, the
hank caved .25 feet from 25 to Hi feet
uVp on the track. Trains wit be delay
ed 2.K hours., .
fhe Measure Passed the Senate by
x Decisive Vote
The Resolution to Investiaate the Dis-
f rsnchisement of the Negro Will
Be Recommended The Democrats
Will Fight the Matter, Opposing It
en the Floor of House-icuban
After a
prolonged debate, the Senate
passed the ship Subsidy bill, the final
vote uDOn the measure being 42 to 31
Senators Allison, Dolliver, Spooner,
Queries, Proctor and Dillingha
m. Re-
publicans, voted against the final pas
sage of the bill, and McLaurin
tS. C.j
voted for the bill.' Some amendments
were adopted but they were all agree j
able to those in charge of the measure,
the friends of the bill voting down all
the' other amendments.
With the exception of the amend-t
ments offered by Allison and ai-cepted!
by Frye, limiting the 'time of thW ofrj
ation of the contract ay made under th
provisions of. the bill to July 1. 1920,
and providing1 that the amount of ex 4
penallture under the mail subeldir para
grarh should not at any time exceed
$8,000,000 annually, none of the aineitd-j
ntenta, agreed to tittUertaHy affect! the
bill as reported from the fontnen-e
Committee. The vote uin the ijnt-nd-mt-nts
began at 3 o'clock, and such
fiotjd of them was offered that the final
vote upon the bill was not reached un
til just before- o'clock. ;
The amendments loffercHl hy Vest,
providing for "free. ah 1 is" and for the
apHlcntlon of the provisions of tthe
anti-trust law to the shipirfng i vlustfy,
were rejected, as was the arm ailment
by Patterson providing that no Chinese
Ierson should tie a member of the crew1
of A subsidised vessel. Pettus offered
an amendment providing that the total
expenditures under the bill aht uld not
exceed $1,000,000 In any year. It was
rejected by k decisive vote. i,
The Henafe agrel to an amendment
offered by Sooner, providing that Con
gress, should have' power to anend or
repal the Oct. without impoir ng any
contract made - under Its ni thorlty,
Hanna offered, and the Senate iidopted,
three amendments appl1ng directly to
the acquisition by J. P. Morgan and his
associates of the Ix-yland line f Brit
ish ships. They provide that no forr
elgn. built ship shall jMirtlclpato In the
proposed subsidy, that nothing in the
act shall, be construed to prevent
American citizens or corporations from
holding or operating foreign ;hlts In
the ocean earrylngXtrade, and that no
foreign built Ship of any line thus ac-
qui red by American Vltixens
shall tie
istry.. '.:
tdXAmerlciin reg
Disfrsnchising NegroesJ
Washington. ' Mar. 17. The
Committee on Ruleis. by a divided vote
on party lines, today decided. t4 report
the resolution of Representative Crurn-
packer, of Indiana, for a specljai com
mittee of thirteen members to
gate and report on the alleged dis
franchisement, of votera ln some of the
states. , i .
"The "Democratic members
committee, Richardson; fTenh.)
Underwood. (Ala.) protested against
reporting the resolution, i The Demo
cratic members7 consulted their col
leagues on the floor of the Hoiise, and
began considering the advisability ;of
expressing their dbnt hy resort ine to
the most extreme devices of Parlia
mentary procedure. To this end It Is
the intention to submit the matter to
the Democratic -caucus, probahjly Wed
needay night. -.
i Cuban Reciprocity.
Washington. Mar. 17. The
of the Republican members
the Ways and Means . rornrittee on
Cuban reciprocity, resulted In ajn agree
ment not to accept. any compromise in
volving . a 'reduction of tariff.
TMs In effect Is the Instruction to, in
sist upon the rebate plan or ret-Iproeity
plan. The meeting was attended by
fifty-two Republican members.
No AgreemenL
Washington. Mar. The
ting conference- on ; the Cub pi tariff
question laat'ed MntltS:! p. ml At Its
yne i
statement that there was no change In
the situation, and no agreement, the
conference adjourning tomorrohs;
The conferees stated privately thai
the situation In the conference W mount -ol
Mf deadlock, and that they were
no nearer an agreement than
bnen at the otttset.
they had
' Rivers and Harbors.
Washington, Mar. J7. The House fo-
day began the : consideration of -the
river and harbor bllL Burtoit (Ohio),
made an extended speech In
lion of the measure.
Beveral other
members spoke briefly on the measure.
among them being Rellamy (N. C)
ho protested against the treatment
h fa state bad received. Foster (111.1
and Cochran (Mo.) dlacussel the Doer
war. criticizing- the tnajoirty aeverely
for the failure to allow Congress to
express the sympathy of the- American
people Iwlth the struggling Republic.
A New Position.
Washington. Mar, 17. There ' Is , no
doubt that PennUm tMtimlsjanr
Evans will, "within the next few
months, sever: hla 'connection with the
Ienlon Uureuu. to tu-vr fmnn the
Iredent a ;-oilfn which will be a
subatantial pronMHion, l.ut which baa
not yet been deflnitHy sie-ted.'
i The President will tvt ctm.MJer the
question of Evans rvtlretmnt until s
position entirely satisfactory to the
Commissioner has been provided. No
decision has been reached conceming
a successor to Evans.
;.;. v .-',- '-"";. ( -Chinese
Washington. Man 17. Senator Pen-
rMVC. l-MtJITIIfl VI tll7 immune. Oil
Itnmlgration, toil ay submit ted a report'
on the Chinese exclusion bill, lie says
Ihta Mnll nw-nt rt t A )iv..r-(.kM ri (iadi-i! A
Is crystallaed against the adniisr' of
Chinese laborers to cotniete ' W. the
worklngmen of the United Stat and
uimends the uagi of the bill.
CHERUOl'UGH, France, Mar.h IT.
The stajamer 1 teotc hlattd,. having on
board AdmlralxPrlnee Henry, of JTu-
sia. arriVMi here at t-3Z p. m. I
P.QSTON Mass. March. The great
strike, involving SO.mni mt-iirnfn lged
oui hmn), iw (irariiraiir rvrrjr luaa
aent ba-k to work. 1
Ten cents will buy trial site of Eli's
that t i the greatest or relocate ror
nasal catarrh or cold In the head. Full
eixe U cents. Alt druggints. Weltisll it.
ELY Hlltxs., 1,6 Warren St., New Tork.
lM'K-cond HI reel Albany. N. Y.
Messrs. Kly Pros.: t suffered greatly
with catarrh and tried different, reme
dies witlxiut effect. After uing one
bottle of your Cream Halm I found re
lief and I cannot praise t oo highly such
a remedy.
gepr.; 27. l.99 MLse Cora Willard.
Theodore Cervsis, for Many Years Jan
: Itor at the Academy of the dacrer
Heart, Died Yesterday Morning.
Theodore Oervnla, ogl 71 years, 10
months and- 19 days, dlei at the Acad
emy or tne racrei Heart, tn this city,
yesterday niomltiic at 4; 30 o'clock, af
ter an i linens of alsiut thne years' du- '
ration, of heart failure. , j I
. Mr. (Jervai was ,lorn In Carra.Li,
April Z6, IS3. lie ttaa teen a Iireiong
aiidIevout hrltian of the Catholic
faith., lie came to tinwrn In the early
duya and svttleil near (Ht. "Paul, where
tor a mini ic r oi years ne was employed
as Janitor in the Convent iU that pla-e.
In Octolier, 1871, he vims' to Kaletn otwl
has been occupying the iosltion as Jan
itor of the Academy of tlie Hacred
Hart continuously and very creditably
up to the time he was t-oiifltied to his
bed, -;-' . - 1
His . son. Theodore- 1. UervaJs, of
P rooks, was with him when he die,l,
and he also has a daughter. Mrs. T.
Franklin, wh reHdes in Man Fran isco,
A Ite4ulem Mass for the rfw..v of the
soul of deceasM will be -icl,nitei at
Bt. Joseph's churi'h at :30 o'clock this
morning, and funeral nervlces will le
held In the church immediately after
the Illirh Mass at 10 o' lo, k " iiMruimm
morning, end Interment will be had In
the .Cathlic cemetery. ! . j
" Mn Oerval was well known to! all
the old resldenta of Kalem, Where
has been a familiar figure for so many
years.! No one knew htm but i. -
spect him for his fidelity and straight
forward devotion to duty. :
Wm. .Smith, a resident of Woodburn
and. also well known In 4hl rMy, died
at his home on Huml. ir ...nln
after several days'; suffering, f t-.,
trouble. Ilesides hH wife he !eav a
sister. Miss Mae Hmlth, of tlHiiclty,.
who went to his home last week to at
tend him during his lllne.
CdseatsTosr y-r-ftU With rssrsreta.
n,M n.,ii.u i .
- witcipsiioa Torever.
ttc.SSo. ItaaoJsJUdijrlaifoMy.
. easssssss SaSs ss '
iirarTier arrive i in this city vn yes
terday's trains .among whom were the
following: Ajmo Jliltey, livfd OV
rjeorge andJohn Lehtnan, otxf Huff ton,
Ohio; If.lsooYlL F. ItyoUg. and John
liilcng, of Monislogu-, Michigan; Mr
Ami Mr. W, Nebs, I a fa boo, Wiscon
sin; Mr. and Mr, Ipw n. tJordon.
Presoje Ioiahd.-, Main-; XI r. and Mr.
A..T. HIomas.MencrV pa.;1I. tPtgerj
(Hrlin. Kansas.- . . v. i
Legal Blanks, Statesman Job Office.
i ks wi mk ruciakT mm
rl. Mr ntblr u brtrd us
f uim-H d4 or drnik vss vsrr bl Sfw-r
tinf s f of t mrM tia, lsifrv4
StMMlcrfsii. 1h-f tr rrul h la ue lmmUi- r
"Wiiiii.,ij,a it.ri. ;
i La sumumm St ctsissau. tiue.
CANOV ' f . "
.5fn rofTtn rrr. Tt
V sj S
Tsaoi atsa SMsjiiaio
"O", eer S.ca. w w Ut.y. tx-. X. iuc.
SHrai 0m1 tmwi.hl.wi,li.li.y.MtM. tit
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