SALEM. ORTGONVfrIDAT MARCH 14. 1502. 8 The Way a Ring Fits . - - :- t " -"' -i -rt : -f- . " -, - j -f i;-- ..---"m- " " - " -. ' has a great dial to do with the Hvaj t&e lady value It. Now. It's hot.mucb of a lover who docs not know the size of her finger, but sucn cafe do ccurand we. are willing;: to exchange the ring It tt do 'sn't At-- A good -va!uea hTe la Engagement and Weddings Rings' as you will fin a in the city. APPEAL FROM - MARION COUNTY The LUlQiUsa over the fflci rlcb Estate Ccn ltaes Ba's Jewelry Store t i , , j ' " ' Leaders In Low Prices. . 120 State Street. - , Salem, Or. I 4 Tnfm In fe , f aito Hf j Tllmon Ford, executor, plain UfT, va. A. T. Gilbert, et ab. defendants, for an or der directing the receiver to r a to him the turn of JiOO, the mount of two draft issued by Gilbert Bros, on the First National Dank - of Portland, in favor of Wadhama at Co., and Mason. Ehrmab A Co., respectively, on April 18, 1901, and presented for, payment on , Aorll 23. 1901. but refused on account of the closing of the Gilbert I Bros'. J liank on that date, was allowed and the ! court ordered that the recetvervbe In- at rue ted to pay the amount claimed.. Wccdl Wanted If you owe tho Statcsijiian ofljee, And intend to pay in wood, Mease haul tlio wood now. W need it now.) We may not need it later. X i The petition of. Louise and Hermann IJarr In the same case was continued JTAKEN TO THE CIRCUIT COURTand the petitioners granted leave to 4 I :a 1 . .ill I a menu xueir piuion. , , Egg 11 cents cah,' ChltVena -S to S cents. THE MARKETS. The local mafkei tjuotallon yestef. day were as follows; j ' j Wbeat--5J cents. j j Oats Nimlnal at $1.63 per cental, llay Cheat. $7.10 f $$-; Uover, $fc,io . $7; timothy, $! to 10; What. $7. nur 73 and P3 cnt per ack; 12.60 : to 13.50 per barrel. , Mill Feed Rran, flT.fA. shorts, $13.10. -Hutter 20 to 2Z'yT per ., buying) ' Creamery, tlftc. KiTK 11 cents rash. 1 'hlckna 4 to cents. - TorkGros, S rents.' 1 : Ueefsteers, Sc; cows, 2&c; ood S- c. stone, m.d: it-, ' pnopRiETort or. STO E'S DIG STOBES hc-lfers, Zc. '. - Mutton Shep. ZlA2, on foot., dreed.' j - " 1 I'otaue 0 to Cc per bushel. Woolr-Hc to 13c. THE MARKETS. jyCM. OREGON. . ' . c - The stores (two In number), are lo cated at No, 235 and 297 Commercial street, and are well stocked with a complete line of drug- and medicines, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes, eta DR. STONE ; I ' lias had some 25 years' experience In the practire of imodiclne, and now makes no charge for consultation, ex amination or prescription. lie dues' a cash business, lie neither buys on time nor sells on time. Ledg ers, journals, day-book, bookkeepers, bill collectors, and all the modern tiara phernalia of credit drug stores, are un known in his business, hence a full stock 'and correct orices. PORTLAND, Or., March 13. Svheat. Walls, Walla, &oU&jc Ulufstem. 66?) 6aC. 1 Cfic; Club, rtc. -Wfkeat niuestfm. SUIT TO FOKECIUSE fan Francisco. cah. 1 114. March. 13. 'hat, :litcas;o, March 13. Wheat. Miy, Harley. B0?J3c, Flax,' 11.6!f; North western, 11.72. FILED IN THE STATE CIRCUIT COURT YESTERDAY. BUKM GUTHRIE & CO, Iiuycrs and Sli1jpcrs of GRAIN Dealers In Hop Goers' Supplies Judge Boise Has Decided the Egan Finney Controversy The Butt-rick-Richardson Case Argued and Submitted. Wan ijouKi- at rri:st:t I'll AT I'M HllANV. 9- MAf'I.KA V. lil'.OOKM. . HA J. KM. ;viTZi:nL.4NU. J. H. WrlgliL plaintiff, vs. II. C. Hal- Icy-nnd Mary IIilly, defendants, is j ihc titi of a nuit of foreclosure which j w4 filed In the second department of the iUate Cirpuit. Court yesterday by ' It. ,J. Fleming, -attorney for the plain tiff. The plaintiff alleges that the de ( fendant; "It. '. "Kalley,, gave two notes In faivor of the plaintiff, aggregating thf nim of $219 inclurllnf; interest, as j ff( urlty for th iayment of the balance ' dun plaintiff on account between the two parties. I'ltlnttff allK that an action was brought in the first depart in nt ut the Circuit Court to collect the. 1 urrotuit of Kill notes and a judgment I we secured In favor of the plaintiff an 1 fiKirirmt the defendant in the sum I of with Interest at 10 jx-r ct nl from I of Jn inx-nt. It'i vpi't lal attorney?! ' t h and Lr tlt"'co.'.t() and dilui--m nts ;tmounting to $12. Now th- plaintiff s-(-ks to necure a first lien 'up i on an ft') acre tract of land situated in township ,8 south, range 3 wt, valued At $1'100, which Is In the j ri4iii: of Mary Ilalley, the party de-f'-ridant, lut In whli-h the defendant, It. (?. llalley has an Inchoate right of eou.itesy, in mtlsfaetlon of the Judg ment, secured through th former ac tion. He also prays for an order d i reeltig the premises be sold and the i money arrfcng from the srfle applied to ; th pwyment .f the costs of the sle, coMts anl disbursements of thU action. r-r-r-r-rfr : : . : ! lo the 'payment of the amount due. on l-(Hl II WD MI7l liiiriK tTio lh" Jul'f furntnut tr.t ff.fn.1inr for-U-t on tl.ii ".Haleu, market, o toF. K. i ,h' ,! lnt ,1,'f ""'"w. attorneys fees Kir vi. iMj fn.,....Mi.i wJ.. ,w anl cost and disbursements. Oni Case Decided. In the second department of the statr Circuit f'ourt yesterday, Judge It. IV ilulse rendered a decision In the case; of VV. II. Kgan. plaintiff, vs. James Finney, defendant, a cross bill In equity ! etHl)lih a line of division between t the properties of the contestants. In fa vor of the defendant, James Kinney. The "Mill for an accounting, entitled Mrii:'i ni' 'i:YAtv Fi, t:n. J. 0. 'GRAHAM- Manager 7 Contf,' Kt. N HiMli'a Hank. Also a fnJI lftw of sud- ilie. whip, ndMts.nnd ti. ndjtisttncntu fur' tho bmw to e!ii t from, fittf Jtflc fltd our U:ilitie are tli Hctns Jiriitg u our vi-r-larn-iishtg trmlc. Wlwtt In Salrtu ihni't forget to 'mil .. Ami ace ua. i r Money to Loan On Improved farm and city property, at lowest ra'cs. i -TIIOMAH K. FORD. ' Over Ladd A Hush's Dank. Balem Oregon. , j It. Huttrlck, plaintiff,- vs. H. T Klhardson, d fendant. was argued and itpitted Hsterday afternon Hnd taken under av(sennnt by the court. when the turt adjourned until T tiny, March lMh, IN AN EFFORT TO REVERSE JUDGE J. H--!sCOTT- 'V '7 ! ; ' ''" The Suit of Lizzie R. Buttnck, Against Her Former Guardian, S. T. Richardson, Tried Before Judge . R. P, Beiss Yesterday. - s Tbe transcript on appeal In the mat tcr of the estate of E. M. Friedrlch. deceased, was yesterday Jlled In the second department of the State Circuit court from the. Marion county court. lion. John II. Scott, judge. i This estate has been the subject for controversy In the Marion county cwrt for -several months past between John Rleger, petitioner and appellant, and D. F. Lane, administrator and respond ent. A brief statement of the case fol lows : . , As alleged in the' appellant's original petition to the county court, E. M Friedrlch died in Marlon county, Intes tate, on September 16. 1900, and two days later D. F. Lane, coroner of Marl on county, was appointed as adminis trator of the estate by the. Marlon county probate court upon the petition of the undertaker who attended the burial of the remains In which petition, the appellant alleges, the undertaker represented that the deceased at the time of his death was an inhabitant Of Marlon county, which assertion the' ap ycllant alleges, was wholly untrue and known to be such by the petitioner making uch representation and was done for the sole purpose of making it appear that the Marlon county court had jurisdiction over the administra tion of the estate. The appellant al leges further In his petition .that the deceased was for twenty-flve years pri or to his death a bona fide resident of Multnomah county and was only tem porarily employed in Marlon county at the time of i his death, and toe therefore maintains that- the Marlon county court has no jurisdiction In the estate and prays for the revocation-of the letters of administration issued to D. F. Lane. About two weeks ago the Marlon county court sustained the administra tor's demurrer , to and . . dis missed the petition, from which decis ion the petitioner now appeals. (lan tenbcln & Vcazle and F. A. Turner are the attorneys tor the appellant and-petitioner, and Frank and Webster Holmes are the attorneys for the ad ministrator and respondent. DEEOS RECORDED. In Cireuit Court. - In the second . department of the Htate Circuit Court, yesterday, the suit for an accounting between Llzzii It. Uuurl k. plaintiff, and H. T. Itichard- n, defertdunt, carne up for hearing and the entire day. was consumed in the takln gof testimony which was not completed, however, and the case wax continued over until 10 o'clock this morning. In this case tho plaintiff, the young est heir of th (I. W. Richardson es tate, nues the defendant, as guard! ih of her person and estate prior to her attaining her majority arid also guard ian of the persona and estates. of I). N. ItMhardson and Fannie Richardson, the eldest heirs of th aforesaid estate. for an laccountlng uton the around that lh uiTaiiH fif the estate had been Improperly admitilstered upon. The defense, however, corn tends thit the guardian several etrs after the plain tiff had arrived at her majority,: made a detollvd statement and rerwirt unon the. estate, of which ther, vrvre three copies, which" were submitted to th several heirs ami approved and that en h of th heirs, in iuiJIng the plain tiff, had signed a document releasing him as their guardian. About four months after the signing of the release. the defendant alleges, the plaintiff, at tn instigation of hvr husband who has no pecuniary interest whatever In the estate, brought this action against In in. the defendant, upon the emu rid stated above, . It la thought, by theattorneys Inter- . ... ft t H .. . 1. . I . ...... j , i.. ,n me rr, mm ii wotua oe con ues, t eluded and submitted today, ? The petition of A. H. r.ppley, by his seven deeds -of realty transfers were nled for record in the county record er's department yesterday, the consid eration of which aggregated ,$3,233, four mortgage of realty for $750, $430, $300 and $233 were also filed. The deeds follow: , . -John Mart haler and wife to J. N. tikalfe. $0 acres of land In t 5 , r 2 wj d $1500 w m. xi. Mvrgnn bjiu wiiu iu Alan son Cotn fort, lots No. 14, 15 and 16, In Marion Fruit Farm, w d . James H. Glarner and wife to LJudson P. Itownvan, 20 acres of hind In t 7 s, r 2 w-w d Wm. Ji Wargnier andvi'lfe to Gustave Devroy, lots No, 6, 8, 7 and 8, In block 20 of St. Louis, q c d . . . ... .... . . . ......... Aaahel Bush to Aha M. Chaser lots No. 13 and 14 of block 6, V of Englewood addition to Sa lem, w d .... ...... A. A- Coon a.nd wife to Iurance Muehberger, lot No. 2, of block h in Wolfers addition to Hub bard, w d.l.. ...;.,.... Lsiurence Moshbergetr to Ch&rlle Law son, lot No. 2..'.... 20 i SALEM FRUIT UNION mani Pub.-.Go. New Wholesale Shoe louse With complete lines of betH artistic and reliable foot wear. We carry 800 450 330 SO I a complete line for city or country wear. Catalogue mailed to dealers, en application calL ECraussc & Prince, or our representative will .v .'-. Ns. 87-89 First Street. 'PORTLAND, OREGOM , GROWERS HELD AN INTERESTING SESSION YESTERDAY. The Newberg Fruit Farmers, Who. Are . About to Organize, Invited to Join the Combine Perfected in This City At a meeting of the Salem Fruit Growers Union, -yesterday afternoon. which was well attended and enthusias tic, the secretary was Instructed to In vite the fruit grower of Newberg, who are contemplating the organization of an association at that place, to combine with the Salem growers and co-operate with them. Upon the announcement bat the Salem Cannery Company de sired to secure -all the fruit possible for canning purposes arid requested that the growers set a fair nrlce on their product, which was the subject of a long and interesting discussion. It was finally decided to hold 'another meeting oh Saturday afternoon. March 29th and the following resolution was drawn up ami unanimously adopted by the Un ion:1 I .,-.! "Resolved, that the manager of the ftalem Cannery and Oregon Packing Company be Invited to address the Ha le m Fruit Growers Union as to the terms and conditions of receiving fruit and make the directors of the same a proposition to take berries and other fruit handled by thia Union." The secretary was also Instructed to tender Manager Davidson ofithe 11 of id River Fruit Association &n Invitation to attend the meeting and deliver an address to the members.- ? ., .,-. , i ; inc . Massachusetts Mohair Plush Company are in tlte market for . Special pri of Lowell, Mass. year's growth Orejjon Mohair. for sujerior grades A. J KAY, Adent, 334 Sherlock Building rortlacd, Or. NEWILLINERY ..J.CPARTH3EIUT... TURNER NEWS NOTES. Many of the Residents' of that Suffering with the Grip. City TURNER. Or., March 13 The union cvnagellstlc services being held In the Presbyterian church here, are begin nlng'to grow In Interest. Re-v. Howard of 0-rvalf, Is the principal speaker and his sermons are greatly enjoyed by all who attend, ' Mr, F. II. Rolertson expects to leave this week i for Wasco, Or., to join her husband, who has accepted a position as supei ini ti-ient inn noosac per ior the r'andow .Milling Co., of that place. Mr. mid Mrs. A. K. Gardner had bus iness c tiling them to the Capital City' toftay. The Union C. E. Bociety announces rpeclal services for Sunday evening, at 6:30 sharp. As this o-iety never doc thlngnt by halve, ail who' attend this service may expect a treat. i Mrs. tl. V. Robertson is confined to her lw d with a second attack of . the grippe . ' , 'Charles Ransom, of the firm of Ran som St Son. was transacting business Orcciibnum's Next Door W nrc.ojrening iipi tin tuw dp-nr;iiicnt with nil tho infest noveilies. ICxjvtt iritniKtrn in charge. Our goods) arc first claw; our priccx rcaormh!c. Wc Iiivo ju.t i ried17 do.i n Failcr, and will start tlio s;i!X'ti with "Jo ai r for 2ie. Dry Goods Store lo the Postofflcf in Falem the first of the week. Mrs. R. O. Thomas 4s suffering n nt ta.K of rheumatism and 1 gr!pic cm blnod. ' J"esse Potter and Ernest Mathlas both came home this week with la grippe, from R E. Robertson's logging camp, where rhey had gone to work abou Week ago. ... .: ' '.' Farmers In I hi section mfrm to thj the cold rain we are having is needed to hold the fruit In check. Professor If Irons, principal of Turner public schools, has been unal for a few days to teach, owing id slight attack of the prevailing ajlnv the grippe. t ! nk he a nt BORN, JOHT.-At the home In Fouth Fale Oregon. March 12, l'XC. to Mr. ajnd Mrs. Oliver Jory, a son. . - ; leiri. Hops Hops' Hops ! If you ere Interested . n bop news flnd prlct It will pay you to set the report of the ' N . N. Y. HOP REPOItTINU CO.. , S3 Wbiteh.l St. New York Citjr. EXIMHT WELLS, Oca. .Manager. Woven Wire fencing Jut arrived,,iwo carload of nM anl lawn fenc!n-.'pou'try fencing a spe cialty. 1 fend for catalogue an.d prices. WALTER MORI.KT, v hi State Street, Salem. - . i - i i J 'A. -A THE CHOICE OF EMRT5 voriMMCfi fir aiiTi::i ONE OF THE YOUNGEST In years tf the miey lines of wheels co Mann-.i tii i g fomp.iny, but rn ,f h Hie lftt Mcy le men In the tra!e rone from n alt around standpoint of dura siTpciti a nee, coupled with that ln'hM"M "CI you." Tribune 'wherls "nt" th i ll Tribune lk)!e nre famous for the d-feciiv-. ffll 4-;'tt.' a'l cti( rod i1' that I common in smi wheeH. Ma t, c'ltidat ;iiiN k-ts. whtf h wrn the first er with th least frit t ionthey being t el whUh now hs si miny lr;i ' .- , ' . , . , - J . . Irritation is the inccri-il flattery, s tnanufrfftiirers todav. ntrolle-l by the American ryei e most iifular of ail, and by many r eded to Ih the mt jwrfert wheel buflt bwlty. i m; of prvpuUion, and graceful biblo ckruent la a htl tltat uitks it fr h: ' ; ir perfect .'irinc. r.v-r hnnn t" hate to avoid 1h "wedging" tendency rannUM Jgain by Ihclr cel. brte,J ty t. really fit the chain and gt-t full pow. f tlti'i. to rd4t thin form or ;it'jrk- o tli Trlbunv is lUttertd by nun,ri x ' 1 5 ' i lyPLEWErlT MOUSE , : V H W I W7 - NN 1 1! 11 --. - - 1 The Leading Implement House of the Valley Rtifs-ll' Kriiiits. Thr nhers. Hawrrtltl-f, -tr. MiCfJtiMlCK HARVESTING MAflHNEKY. KTirilEHAKKIl Vt'AfUlS'K AV! Vt'llH'I. !!:. MONITOR ANlTU;KItMtlLlJf AN1 HUKDHR. - ) 11ITFAU) PITTH HARROWS. ' , HKNlClA ROTARY IiISC PlJWrf. HYRACt fH CHILLED I'lJWH. i ' MO LINK PLoWS. , UINIjKR TWINE EXTRAS and upplley, oil and compound for ma- rbinefy, : . - .: . , ! .. Bi -. , ; ... i - HTANIARD AND WHITE EWlN(i MACHINES'. TRIUTJNK RICYCLi;.. j 253257 LtbcrtylStrcct Successor to E.M. Crolsan it TRIBUNE1' CHAINLETS a ' m at a at sf at ' lassa sssa -' mmm as, . , f. Ladles9. Model 57. Gents, Model 56, These cheinb-ss at c the bevc-I gear absolutely perfect in adjustment, and a of ven sold last season not one has g CHAIN MOD1JLS FROM $55 ur. C and $j, ladies' or gVnts.. Th cushion In cycledom. Coaster brakes of any so CHEAPER WHEELS, from $20 up. wheel ever sold at that figure, the igrac latest Tribunes la used in itVcon struct! sundries of every sort alwaysNn hand. $50 S50 pt have Ix-f-n in u since '!?. Tb'-y ' ie gUing the beat of satifselln. tiut vn tttt Jast twjther to the rider. lUfUIION FRAME TRIRI'NRH at $W trr: la the very :s:enc of lomfoit rt you -ant, . TIr-s your choice. , At $.'5 we haven the handyomej-t laifei if-ful doublo loop frame common on our on. 'Alt sorts of tires, btdis, lamps, anl , 3 -