SALE II, OREGON. PIMDAT MARCH 11. lJt'2. NKV TO-IUY. heard and passed upon: by said Court at said time nl plate,! - Fori HALK Oft TBADK-l fXiOD fSOi -"d at : Jialrru. Oregon, honw rw- kH boiler, about sow ; JAy E Marcn, A. ij. fU ofHfi, -In. and -ln. Iron ldp.i?VE- KIRK and MATILDA M..KIUK. nearly nw. and all In good shape. Co-executors of the laat will, testa- Address or call on White & Klchie. Knot t if Ilia, Oregon.; 3:7-41(1) MONET TO LOAN ON JMPTlOVElN rarrns nnl city property at ff per cer. I Knumum; im cemmiiiiotw , Pl'iw call or address Kujrene Breyman. Ite-p.-rater the fdace. 270 Commercial street, one door north of Statesman office. v .. dwtf IIORSK FOR 1 SALE-4WEIOHT 1S0J lb. ' Xine years old. ' c. A. Pet rel, y six mil." north ' . of Balem. j 3f7-Jtw (1) ' ', WANTJCDI wjfnt to rent a ranch r stock d," ToV J or S i'ears, references, .. state what you have. H." Statesman office, j - J.y : ' ;- t's;" The jBialesroan Pub. Co. has on hand several hcndred copies of the ORKOON CONSTITUTION.' The price is 10 cents each as long as they last.; P k if ON ITT TO LOAN. if and 7 per cent on Improved Valley- farms. W. A. khaw &.. 243 taK StreeL, ' Portland. Oregon. i NOW Is a . good . brine in your machinery ami -have yur repair ing all done. Castings, Iron" am! trass, furnished on short notice. One boiler and 4-iherse engine ; cornl'Iete for sale cheap. . ' J2. Ms KJOHTLINGKIt. Phone 2333. 1263 Liberty St. inejnt and estate of Peter Kirk. de ceased. . 3:14-t. For School Boys BANQUET BY , r BUSINESS MEN s Given President J. H. Coleman IVof VYIItemetle University FRIENDS OK . THE INSTITUTION ; WERE PRESENT - IN " LARGE " NUMBERS LAST NIGHT ABSTRACTORS OF TITLE. ESTTBljsilKxT I.sfWCniy com plete set of. abstract books In Marlon - county, .Oresoai TCtuceTuIutf title consult, "lis. r : &3eiu ' A Mi raei, Vand Ianl Co., Salem. Oregon. V. W. 'Waters, ; STetary 004, Manager. LEGAL NOTICES. i NOTICE OF INTENTION TO WITH DltAW, INSt'HANC; IKI'OHIT BTTl'(lfeJtr?ftT:f 1 ; xitatfa ! FIRK 1!4MiliA?r-i: (ki. '-. 1 To Whoni It May, Concern: In accordance with th rfqulr-m.;nts of the law of I the. f!iul of (trfgon, rela.tlve to insurance rromf-unlfifl. no tice U hereby gtveti that th ITNITKD HTATES FlitK INKUItA NCK CUMl'A Nf Of New.' York. New-Vorfc. .t-IilnK t cjae dolntf: buiiifo within the State of Oregon. In tei ffrt. to With-1 raw Its dfpoaft nith th Tfaurr of 'skill Htate atifl W W. If no ci;trn agulius. raid ; Comp-any hall e tt 14 with the IuKur. . ance CorriniUKiiifr vlthln six month ; from the 21st day "of February, -1902, 'r the eame being th- Jut of the tlrxt i publlcatifm of thU rittr e, withdraw lf deposit fkoni the -State Treasurer. UNITED HTATK Flftl-J INrfH A NCK COMPANY; ' I , Vy W. W. CNDJUUIILU -'-"President. Datfcd t Nirw- York, thia, 7th day of reorivry,, j .; 2;-'l- ino, NOTICE OF INTENTION : TO WITHDRAW IXiTOLLNCE ' In nccordance with the. refinlre-1 meutJ )fnJ no tit- I IJ 1 1 1 ' It (i4 1 1 1 E I.VSUUANCE COM. 1 arfd Girls. ;D you. want to ,earn-fime money, and something- else real, nice? . ; ' . , , The Pacic Homeetead wants more ubscribers and you. boys and' girls can n-!p Set them.. -j , ; ;. . ; 1 Y'eu kuow. of sojrie of your neighbors who do not take the Homestead. AskJAn th Nssds of ths Pioneer School nfm io suoaerirje. . litis ine oest rmi paper published on t lh 'l'aelrtc coast, ! Comes eyery ! week and contains 1 20 bags,' ' .ia illustrated. - j ' f The boy or girl sending the largest number of new annual subseriptlona before October 1, 10, iwlll have first choi--e of I premiums.' the seond largest, nunibr seeond choice,! and 'so on. J . i Tvo J& months subscriptions or Four 3 months subscriptions count as one. ' . ' - 1 ' " . ' 1 and Its Prospects Were Discussed at, Lsngth An Interesting Gath ering and Conference Held. CASH FOR 1 WORK- i (From Thursday's Statesman.) . : Tbie business men ."of Halem and other friends of the Institution, to the number of about Cfty, care a. banquet Fot veV HMi-e iiici Vft . ; It evening I?! honor of the new pres- 25 rents and send us 75 cents with ,Idntof Willamette University, IHv J. NAfE and ADDIIESS of your subtlL Coleman. 1 The banqueting 4able wriber. , IJe sure and Ive your ewn wiu Ki.reaJ In the matlou dlnine name anu aaarers t ana say "ritizu CONTK8T. ' -: We do not object 'to--our parents and friends iassitlng r you, ' but send the mont-y in YOl'H 6wn NAME. i ' iU-ibf'TnbT -this - 1 for NEW StJB- KCHIHER ONLY. : " f If you want a few sample "copies to assist you. ask for them. : CONTEST CLOSES, OCT. I, 1902 PRIZES. , 'Koi "1. Illfc'h Orade, fiO- Bicycle, (Make to be announced later.. r j- ' No. 2. Winchester Repeating Shot KUn. Take down, Model 18K7. ,. ". i '; -. ;- - - ' V ' -! No. 3. Korona Camera 45 with In stantaneous symmetrical tense. No. 4. Werner's- Library, of famous Books comfyUilng 30 volumes. . i ' "I ' No;- t Jacobus Stalner Violin. : No. 6. Angello Mannello Mandolin. No. 7. Same as No. 6. : i ' ! - I No. 8,7-Gernvan Accorjleon. room of the Willamette Hotel,, and It wa about 7, lo'eloelc when the assem Ued icnests tookJUSelr places, the hour havAn-g been aw.oum-ed to be 6: 30. , . , ii art ft .1 I- ,' i r " ' ' 7)1 S? After 'the discussion of a . very 9. Blacli Heauty by Anna Se- No. well; No. lO. Lady of the Lake by Scott. Next ttn prizes Useful Books. . Ad- PACIFIC HOMESTEAD PRIZE CONTEST. . -i SALKI, OR. fcSMAVitlSfATE PAPERS 4 la hereby given that tbe- MA(j 'j ' ; " VPANS", of Magilelurg, tJernjimy, ' l&-' ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF EDU sires t ceiise uoiti 4Lt:alues within ; ' the mat.e of Ore son. Jntt this trr with-1 draw? if tkiMit with tlie Treourer t of , wild s atf at.4 will, If no 'claim- CATION YESTERDAY. shall je llied w ith the Imeiraticr' CouV State Certificates and Diplomas Issued .m.iviii-r "iuihi rix -ttio-uins rrom ine, llfBJ tin y of (XtbT, 11XU. the name! JxMng, the date of the first day of pul- 1 cation of - tb.a -notice ' withdraw l!s deposit from the tafe Treasurer. MAoni:m:i:f; fird insurance COMPANY, lb (Suite & Frank. 3ifinflger for the Pnciflc Coarr. I4tel at, Francisco, thl 2d day : Of October 1901. 10:ll-6mi. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO WITH DRAW INSnitANCH- DEIM1S1T BY TUB LION FIRE JNSUIV' , A NCR (X) M l' A N ', d . I SI IT KP. To Whom It May Cfntcrn: " In accordance .with the requirements of the - laws, f he fate of oregren. relatf Irtrtsuriince'eoinpaales. notice Is msreby glvri . t lye LION FIUE iNSfHAjs;cE Company, limited. of London, EnKland, dv.mrtnjr to cease tolnj bu.-iiitH wlthlrt the itat of Oregon,- Intend 4 wfthqraw Jts this lt With the Treasurer of said 'State and wilt, if n. claim 'against said Company shall jbe tiled .with the Inua ance CommlnHione'r withrti fix months from the 24th day of January. t:j)2, the same bt lrg tlie.:dat of the tlrt publi cation of . this notice. Withdraw ts deposit from Mc-Stat Treasurer.' LION Film INSITUANCE CO . LTD. Itjr ,Vin. J. Landers, Manager for the Paciflc Coast. Bated at San Francisco,' this 6th day of Jan .1502. l:25-6mo. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. to a Number o Teachers Who Re cently Took the Examination. Educatlqn yes diplomas and a number !of The State P.oard Of terday granted state state : certlfliMites to teachers. vho recently took the exam ination for tljse papers. They are: Stats Diplomas. Eph-ralm- Thurman Mtxres. S;Uem. Katlu rlni- I'add-n, Portland. Oforjs W;ihinKton jMilam. Albany Nora !attn,. WhIIowh. fc John iiloiiKh, Ijit.I-aytte. - Ellen SedKwlek, Albany. - , v . .Stat Certificates. Lesoh-v Francis, Allany. Marvlll. Laurence Watts, Athena. Jennie iiae Nool. 4'orvallis Mary Jiittredge, Haker i'lty lluglv llonlytni E.soa, ClaAskajnle. Ajtnes t'lunimer,' Portland. elma Ktrcina Shavelf, I'ortland Ella tt'-irtrude McDoough. Holbrooke Carrla K. Bentley, Ashland. Edmund F. Carleton,! Joseph Olive Conb-e. Canyon City. Iloaa Esther Smith, Monmouth, Neti it. Ward. Monmouth Jennettie I McKlnnon., Weeiton I.uHl.i B. tlralffen.. Brlffgson. Ethft . S. Turpf-n.' North , Bend. - Katie Mareli Wtorts. NVoodburn, In- A ii rust a Lunk. Monmonth. Ada Oracc jviyton. Salem. M. Katherine oon. Orants -Vallev Mark WaM McKihney,, Brownsville. Notice Is hereby given to all whom it may concern:, that the undersigned j ."OR STEALINC TIClvET3. Const.! administrator of the estate of Nelson I We J 11,1 r returned on the overw IL Boty late of Marlon county,! Ore-, ana yjestrapiy. morning from AshlandL go ft. deceased.' has Wed- his final ac having 4n charge the t young m4i count of sal. estate and that the coup. Ralph PJahd and CIerge Koontz, wh5 ty court oritarlon counjy. Oreiron. has - helr to anwi r toi th charge. .f eet the same for hearing on the 15th having etolen two rnilruad tickets fror day of "March, 1S02, at one (1) o'clock:? Turner to San Francisco from th If. t of sdid day. at the court room t .Souerii Pacino tlckt-t ioince at Turn4 salltourt In . the county f ourt houne In I Monday. March 19. 102, ; They were theclty of Palem Marlon county. Ore- arraigned before Justice of the .Pace gon, and that enlu final account .and any objections thereto will be heard and passed upon by the court at said time and rtace. j - , Oated at Salem. Oregon, this 12th day of February, 1902. : i - , . L C. NEEBHAM. vAdndnlstrator of th Estate of 14-5W Nelson R- Doty, deceased. EX ECtlTO RS N OTl CE O F ' FINAL l: SETTLEMENT. I . i ..- ' Notice Is hereby given to all whom ' It may concern that the undersigned r ' Executors of thie Estate cof Peter Kirk. Deceased, "have j .filed their Anal ac-1 fount of kJ estate in the County! Court of Marion County. Oregon, andT thet said Court,, has fixed as the time; and place of hearing said - final ac-f count nnd any .objections thereto, onf the 11th day: of Aprir. lt2, at 2i o'clock P. M, of said! day. at thet Oourt room of said Court, in the j County Court Jiousejat , the City of! falem. in. Marion County, State of', Oregon. anI ' that sralJ tlnal account I" and any objection thereto will bet J. O'Donald at 2:36 o'cLmIc vsu.r.L.v arternoon, plead nof mitity and ide manded a preUminafy examint(n, but, upo the enr.w-nti! the defend ants, me hearing. .u .ostponed ut.til 3 ocieck p. ny. Monday Mart h.1 7th. t . u. . i . upon tieianej in a ouiaw- trip to Clrants Pass fat night. tenjpling; bill of fare, , arranged under the t direction of Lund lord Conner, Hon, C. B. Moorcs, Register of the United States Land Office at' Oregon Cftyoqk charge as toa.s-trnaster. Af ter 4iyfductorjr remarks appropriate ioi me assuniption or this, function r. jioore siiose upon tnei topic as signed to him, ''The influences aris ing from,; thei establishing of the Wil-t lamctte University, from the alumni and old students, upon the business and professional Interests of the Northwest." i ; Mr. Mooresi Spoke of the hundreds of students who. h;ive gone out from this Institution and who have oceupldj ana wno are now holding important and honored places in the, official, pro- lessionai ana business life of Northwest and elsewhere. It w glowing and inspiring tribute. of suggestion and urtrumen awakening of interest school and its upbuildi institution. He shovved that valuable asset of Jnon?.rtl name that will live for all time through the men and women who have gone out from its precincts, t.Vn. W. II. Odell, president ot the lM.ara of trustevs of the AVIIIamtt ITnJvcr-slty. spoke noon "WUlamctto l-nlvcrMity. its present indebtedness and the causes leading up to it.' .U'-neral Odell explained very fullv nnd lutddiy the causes, most of which are laminar to i?h readers: of : the statesman, -and which ; reflect no dis credit upon -the, ru.inarnont of the In stl tut ion, pant or iresent.- J'f. J. i. Coleman, b.-Ing called upon, responded to the toast. "Repre ft-iuuix urji. r.. v.nurcn; wnat -are fhe Ims,. Intents and purposes of this iynFiiiiiiu.iMn reKarainf- its . ouuea tional work In" th Northwest, with especial reference to Willamette UnU versify?" i , , .- Ir. t'olenn called attention to the firct -:r that; . the Method 1st. Episcopul Church htis a membership in the United Statea.of nearly three inlllion.s; that it has educational in.ftitutions in this country that own property worth in the aggregate thirty millions of diillars; that It has, four universities with upwards of 1000 students each, one haing 2S00. He called attention to the fact that this, church is com mitted to the: iKlicy of -establishing a Kreat institution of learning in the Pacific Northwest, and that the ac- tion of the local conferencea has fixed u the ItiKtitution which' ls "to have the patronage net essary for this consum mation. Willamette '--'University. - He Kave emih;iiis ,ind ,directneRS to the l mougnt that this in the achotd- Jhe one only, which must be made the Rreat educational center of Methodism in the West, Be spoke ia a aretieral way of the value of education, and he pretllcted that the work now taken up will be .pushed vigorously and Purely IO 1 successful teni.f n iH..n Dr. Coleman was -listened to with ! oaineu aiienuon. and hla -or,l touched' a responsive rhnni ' i k hearts of all present. ; 1 Myor Bishop was called upon also Governor ,0er. Judge Bean. Judge Wolverton, Hon. J. J. Murtdiv 1i;m T II. Albert, Bet-order Judah. JT. B. T. Tuthlll. Dr. Byrd.llott P. 1 iiimt.,.. Hon. C. S. Moore, on.) ltwn one responded With mraunirliir words.-. - i , -, .,. ' IT- i joe nanquet was a crrcat sue nu a nioft pleasant nfTalr. and id Are not more disfiguring, to pure white ' paper iLm blotches an4 pimples are to tbe clean white kta. Both men aul women are at cialvatttao when thet face is marred and scarred by an, eruptiVoUI$-t ease. Perhaps the woman ia the moro unfortunate . because the beauty of a clean ekin and clear com plexion M her rightful heritage. And w hile she has - the friendly shelter of the veil, it only covers what 4 it cannot entirely conceaL TJie worst mk fortune in the case of a inan with a pimply faco 1st that he, is generally set down' as dissipated, 'if he eeka a position hia "dis8ipateil, face discounts his abilities. If, he is a salesman he find customers disinclined to do business with a man whoso commercial reliability must be taken largely "on trust, because his face ia against hini. " ";' : ,' ' - The. misery and discdmfort of such disfiguring: eruptive 4iscases is apparent to everyone. The ' great question is : Can these diseases bo" cured? Can this rough skin be made smooth? Is there any escape from the torment of eczema and salt-rheum? Can scrofulous sores be healed?- 'k':.f- The answer is : "What has been done can bo ' done. Dr. I1erces Golden 3Iedical Discovery haa cured eruptive: diseases iti men and . women, and cured them perfectly and permanently. It has cured pimples, boils, scrofulous sores, erysipelas, eezema, salt-rheuni 'and other distressing and disfiguring eruptive diseases. What Golden -Aledtcal Discov ery n hon done for others ii "can do for yoiL It ia.'f aH absolutely reliablo medicine. , It always helpa. It almost always cures, - '- r "It' eirea tne' ereat pleasure to ejcniea:tnV fafihti"- - virtue of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical iJ-iscovery,1' writes . ilzektel Floro, of Graytown, Ottawa Co., Ohio. I suffered every uiiug lor two years with a humor on my face, which Ijaffled the skill of some of the ntost noted physicians. Was advised to go to the hospital; was doctoretT there for three months without success, Came home discouraged, Then began toidoctor with a "chemist lie r.nri ... help me. ; Theh I began Ihv I'ierce's Golden iletlical Dis coverjr, wlUi 14, faiUi whatever in it. Did it only to please iny wife; but I am happy to tell you that after taking fire ! 11 '- "7' rrJPf.' writes JSTra. Jlita j. afitchdl. of iSM aft-r rSl S A1i4r,c,1Ia Co.. California, by tisinjour Golden epical .Ihacor; 1. atter I nml.teen under the doctor care and relef., -: .' : ! V tfn thl Ulli 1 tdok VtT tGM Medical iiisccverT for a ncrofulons affec. N V an llmfn?. 1 i neC writes Mr. Zebulofll B. Louiu. 0 Griftoo, PiU Co.. tvriS. -n lL.Kl5 .Vs1! t,UIt 1 i1 had no rftu" of ithe disease. I thought I would write an 14et you know, that I hare not forgotten yon, and never .will Vhile I I've." ; Pf of rTi 1 uise. reason. tor, tlu thorough cures of eruptive diseases -cftiM :by Hit Li ,m. tHTc txoivien ,ileuical discovery is this : It entirely cleanses thc- LIo-d; ..... ... nn-i. nim-ii uie niorii' , . 1 nii - vw!i' a "-3 ' ! ; . . -; r-" v; ' . ; -j ' . .,. 111 Wi : ': : II If i Y .'r. V. 15 1 I : ft if m fc m .j - - a . ,1 M ' . i f ' 'vV: Titea Mrs v'it 1 tV7- inbrTr yw J won!crful rery the use of your medicine - A mined a Terllt Cl?t!t kP TUX nn il it went all over my bead. .It, ' ' S lSk I ty L dl wen1.n nntil nd was taken aick.aLoV lay almt t I Gol,W Ml J. coralition, atul I was -.fcommenlel to try Vr. fierce'. ' due for mX SLRZTZZ' ? J't,xbottles, I thin. About three' Isitles of fnedi- , "! Sat Idon-t 'StLta """ttn,? of U helping me in any tlier way, but I feel thankful . , r of " j ZjJZS nll todoso. I think ita miracle, for I had jvcn t-p ell hone , iT !all tliatir "2-LHtirLc a' wondeul,.u.,. Iff hulXl thinks hood. . .. I act now m.niySth year and am very stromr." -. I 1 I II l roin rem-d there can be no permanent cure. I'impl-s, boils sores, etc., are only the outwanJ signs of .thomt-ard disease. To cure the1 disease the cauw must Iw cured, acd " Golden Medical Discovery " absolutely climinates from the bl.Kxl the corrupt, and .clogging elements which cause disfiguring eruptions. : It mdores the skin to normal ..smoothness, and the pure, healthy blood supply pnbiced by iL means dyes the cheek with the ruddy hues of health. ;-,.' Ir. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with tho "Disi-ovenr" when the bowels are irregular, or tho liver' sluggish. The twlo medicines are especially adapted to Ihj used together whenever a laxative is required, The matiifest motive for substitution is to enable Jhe dealer to make the little more iiroux wui on the sale of less meritorious remedies. To accept a Mihstitute modieine as "just as good n as ' Golden 3Iedieal Disco ot the lamihar fable and trade substance for shadow. i cry " is to reat the folly THE FZ?lZr5ZB ' hlfffii nFr 3r9m homwtld m$attioai rrTTur-i mm - oantwlntng tutmr m thcmmmmal larffa papam, and MaaTioal Adviaa. tfa aant FREE on ewe, af atatnpm ia may aw pan pi mallhw OMLT. aifo-cant atamtam far 0hm oJath-baamal ala. ftama aavara. . . - Jiddaaaai am anly than Thla oraat 7 CO IHaatrattana. at la 21 aMacitam tarn tha L V. PIERCE. Buffala, M. Y. KK e 0 V . s ' " " wh - - ... yy - , jViV ' i ' ' i " '" '"' ' ' - -' '.-. -.-' - - . - ! -r : ' ; z r , 1 . , , . . IDAHO GOLD FIELD ices. will beneffit of &4 -a I a iB. fx Knekm artf sokni' f tehereber good 1 crops I j j j arv srokvL i l V 90 Anal FREE. J Bo doubt redound to the Willamette University. . Woodburn Responds. Dr; J. H. Coleman ov-cuoied the mil- dt of the M. E. t-hunh ilt Wo.xll.orn la.Hit Kuna(y mornInc. ami ll iiii of his appeal for help for WiilameUe (university was very enconraainc. Hon. J. M. I'oorman uiedcred Ilrto m,l l'0 additional was subscribed in amaller ronn This is very bamm! fori Woodburn. The ame kind of rp-i siKnse. throuRhout the Knrthr.-et J will wifa? out the 135.009 debt, and add a considerable sum to the Vmlou-m'nt funL ' ' :''' '- L s- : ' JHE CAMP A RICH ONE BUT IS IN WINTER'S GRASP. Provisions Cannot Be. Bought Ki any Are Now Going lr New Stsgs Line ts Be Opnd to the District " ' Soon. . ' - ''.'-. ' ." wending: its way toward the new gold- MMs. Yesterday oarty uf miners, from Victor.-:-Colo.. 'left flock for Thunder Mountain. r iihlrty Bed I Mrs. W. T. Eakin returned last even ing: from an extended vlett to reld In- Portland. Mrs. It. A. Kirk wtnt to Gervail a 'visit to relatives yesrday afterfKn. business. lives is for Miss Helen Steiwer. bo has been At tending the Corvallls College Is In the city visiting with relatives. ' :..: Oryille Royal retutned 'yesterday a f ternoon Ifrora a businessi trip to Al bany. . ... . .'; .. Hfin.' C. 15. Moores. of Oregon City. came up on-the laid evening "o.n. SPOICANE, Wh, Mar. 11. A ' Mouctalnl Home redal. to! rhe flnnk.. I man-Review, says: 1 , ' x A. W..McMorran, formerly a count 11- ef iSpokane, h.'re tonigtit from the iew gld camp of Thunder Mountain. He report: that about 100 A rninTfr TildTatrt3is i.-mler- j V0!! : Provisions , ann.t BUrtriu LOO j "e iiounni.. j ne aef a mow prevents bul'-.Jing. j McMorran la'. convinced that' fhe district I a Hch one. Coming out jy he met twenty-tww men along the imll. 'e Two bad horsesi but vthe others vrri , , P ADC yT7 Ut t f ' . i :. 'x - " 'all! or mm CASES OF I HARD Mm HEAD NOISES? HEARiniC rTwtV--'...... ... . . . t.TtMrtK. M.I.. Msttr , fet. ' winter." and snowshoes. are needed for a fM history of ssVea to b.'at moiaaaam TO THE AS YLUiL Sheriff W. W. Wlthera and sruard E. CI . r iilranioc thlr niDnllix n n .t i. 1 yenterday brought Lewis' 1 Wlintf or cirrylnff 4 hem on . th4e i; ., w tk. f - ajred Si yvura, to the Insane Asvlum rnow Is deeper now than It vca In i.i.t.!' iprii r.uyene, ana jeOT WinWe an In- winter, and mm shoes 3i corrigible youth axed 13 to the the - greater part of the war. erorm School . from - the same place. !' ; ' , - .J ' e latter being committed to thai ini: ' : New SUg Lint. stttuiion for; petty .. larceny. Wheeler, aged . 41 years was to the Insane Asvlom! tict from Multminub eoOntv bv th an.t eWrrt jai, j.v : : : "" .w. . '7Z: t "I . -' - ' on tne route to TOunaer Aloun- i ought to the latter Institution from lain.' Th trail rr, SaWAn in. I'"" county SberilT G. W. Bailey btVn open ror alut ten days, and an J1 one guards ' almost steady stream of prospectors ls ARE nOV! CURABLE by r new invention. Only those born deaf are1nem-ahl HEAD riOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. P. A. VVERMAW, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS I ; 1-er olr.'lcto!! 'ITi&f" oolh without .flyoece eotwoluM . n- -.1 wV r f 'f .'"r- "" rr " oniTiewporsntr. that the knid lUjiM-awoulJ d oroVrd yonrtreat ,h Boi m- and restored.- I thaok yosj ssioweii iimte. 3Uont Mar. 12. A rww ii ----- - . - 1 aacsa . ' nr . dui ns wtma rm mr aajuj-j . . . - brotight the 1 M W. f n Ped IWk, says: K. - b 1" ..e n XeYofrUW" s vf n " ... i w . . TTimt. After I had txl H nni. . r . .JL .VL per.-sn Bemnuyaau tM'gtoreauua Verv irul or . - . . - , - r. A. w EIMA.V, 7308. BrotdWar. BalUaiore. Ul "r treatment tloen not interfere u tth your uual occupation. TzCM CAjrCURE YOURSELF AT HOME I.iTERflATICftAL AURAL CLINIC, 535 U SALLE AVE, CHICAC3, ILL