Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 11, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    salttm. nnr.no:;. Tir,.DAV, iiAnen 11. iss:
i . .. r ' saaawsseass
j - - ' I ' , ''
local Matters Nat ReceJr.23
Math Altentloa !
.To Be Fitted at 4he Cominj County
Convention Some of the Aspirants
to Places on tho Legislative' Ticket
.and for the. Several Offices to Bo
' Filled. ,
V.M CrAi4lk.f- 7 ...... 4m a
Politics In MarUn county that Is.
local politics is not as warm as has
bcn the taw at the opening of past
campaigns, but there Is sufficient Inter
est .manifested to Insure a good lively
scramble for the several office In the
grift of the people, at least so far as the
I U-pu oilcans are! concerned, and It is
not at alt unlikely that before, the coun
ty convention finally meets March 28th
there will be lively times, and, the
'several candidates for the positions to
bff filled will not i-est on their. oars, but
will .with ..Industry and perseverance
-worthy of the cause, buttonhole the
voters, and especially the. delegates to.
the county convention In season and
out. They are already at. work, and are
doing all In their power to fix things.
There are candidates iff sufficient nuro
bers' forcthe principal positions, to war
rant the s'tatemenf that the contest. will
h a lively pne. J 1
The all-absorbing topic of discussion
among Ihose taking an interest fn pol-Itlis-ls
the contest for Governor, and
I hat for United States Senator, which
latter Involves the legislative! tickets
arid here the lines are .sharply drawnJ
Th-re are Candidates for members of
the two houses favoring both factions of
the Utpiiblican party, and altare work
ing arnestly in their precUicts and
throughout tbe county for delegations
rfavorabl to telr Fide of the fence, and
both sides are ; making, combinations
with tHIti jn.l:lrt I fix' WhUTiAVAr f'.l
tlon secures control of the county con
vention will not only beabk? to name
it cartui.'jaie ior ine couniy legisla
tive ticket five ; Representatives f ahd
two State Hf-paora but will also moxt
likely name the candidate for Joint
rViiaAor for Marlon and Linn counties,
wliUfi, collectively, will mean eight
yot-s for4fnlted States Senator, . This
is un uiiiri.ini jran 01 me worn ui me
Marian county, convention, and upon
the complexion of its members may de
pend the next United States Senator
. from Or.B. ' '
Among the candidates named for the
several positions, to be filled by the
county .invention, are many leading
iUn of Marlon county, and a goodly
portion f them will doubtless bie In Sa
l-m today to Interview their friends and
n.ii kn rhtiulry as to conditions In! the po
ll Heal fMd iln various portions of the
tximxy. Following are the names of a
tin in Ur of those who are candidates for
AU Hevetal Mlces, or have been favor
ably mentioned by their friends:
, , - . Governor."
T. T. deer, of Marlon couniy. i
W. J. Kurnlnh, ; ITmsfctlllaT
K. A. 1Ow.li. ITmatllta.
11. W. Corbet t. Multnomah. "
C. V. Pulton, Clatsop.
Henry K, Ankeny, Jackson.
Secretary of State.
V. s! Mali'olrn. Muitnomarj.
K. I. Ixinlair, of Clatsop.
State Treasurer ,
, Crra fl. Moore,; Klamath. . -
Superintendent of Public . Instruction.
J. II. Ackermnn, Multnomah.
-. "' Attorney; General.- ; 'f -1
. Ucik r. uiai'imuni, unn, .1
Frank T, Wright man, Marlon.
; A. M. Crawford,' Douglaa. ' .1
i State Printer. . '
Willis R. Dun way, Multnomah. .
J.. J nerkett. Mnrlon.
Wm. J. Clarke, Marlon. .
J. It Whitney. IJnn.
F. W. Chausse,' Josephine.
i Judge of Supreme Court.
- It. S. Ilean, tia: 1
Joint 8enator.
(Markm and Linn)
Frank J. Miller, of Albany, j .
V State Senators. .
lxt J. Pearce. of Salem. ( , f
I Jr. J. N. Smlth.'of Salem. - . ..f
I. II. Looney, of Jefferson.
tt. 3. Adams, of Sllverton. -
J, M. roorman, of Woodburn
W. II. llobson. of Stayton.-,. ,f
r. p.-BWwp, of: Salem.-
3 Sou! re Farrar. f SaJem. ' , 0
V Representatives .
Frank Davey, of Salem.' ' -J.
II Se-ttlemler; of Woodburni"
Henry A. Snyder, of Aurora. ,
J. S. Ritchie, of Scotts Mills.
John M. Watson, of Turner.'; '
Henry Keene. of Stayton. ; .
Mint Jones, of Mission Bottorri.
Alex. LjiFoIlett, of Mlsslon-J Bottom.
Abner Lewis, of AumsvMei, p '
, K. T. Judd. of Aumsvlll. )
John A. Shaw, of Mitt CHy, ,
if" Sheriff. 'V)
Robert A. WItxet. of Turner. ,
Wm. A. Taylor, of Macleay.
Chas. I. Hartman. of iScott Mils.
W.' lt Savage, of Satenii 1 .
.County Clerk. "V -'
J. W. Koland. of Salem:
Frank A-.Blackerby, of Sllverton.
County ; Recorder.
S. A. McFaddenJ of Salem.
John C. Siegmund. of Oervals.
Fred A. Legg. pf Salem.
County Treasurer. V
J. Henry Haas, of Salem.
Itobert A. Crossan. of Salem.
C B. Watters, of Stayton.' , 1 ;"
County: Assessor. .
Charles Lembcke, of Buttevllle.
County Surveyor.
B. R Herrlck Jr vf Salem. .
Tbe skin U tho seat of aa almost cad
lss variety of iiseases. They are knewn
try various names, tut are all due to tbe
same cause, acid and other poison in
the blood that irritate and interfere with
tbe proper action of the skin.
To have av smooth, soft sic in, free from
all eruptions, the blood must be kept pore
and healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic and potash and the large number
of face powders and lotions generally
need in this class of diseases cover up
for a short time, but cannot remove per
manently the' ugly blotches and the red,
disfiguring pimples. -; ,. i ; ' t
Oeifu vl&tanoo a tho gar loo
of m beautiful oompioxlon
when such remedies are relied on. x
Mr. tr.T. Sttobe. TTH Lncs Avao. St. XjotAm,
Mo., ssys : "Mr Uogliter wm sSUcted tor years
b a cUaflgnricg eruption 00 feer face, whicta
reM4 alt treat meat. &b was takra lo two
celebrated health apriega. tat received no bene,
fit. Many coedtciaea were freacrited, but watlw
ci result, ojitii we aecioea la try . . swaou by
the tiisc tbe first botUe was finished taceraptioa
begs a to fl.saf.ptar. A Cum bottles cared bee
completely Snd left ber akia eerlccuy sirsoot
She is tsow seventeen years eld. and not a riga i
tbe embarrassiog ticae has ever returned." -
&. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for
the worst' forms of skia troubles. ' It is
the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed purely vegetable.
Bad blood makes bad complexion.
purines and invigo
rates the old ana
makes new, rich blood
that nourishes the
body ana keeps the
skin 'active and healthy and in proper
condition to perform its part towards
carrying off the irrfpurities from the body.
If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt
Rheum, rsoriasts, or your skin is rough
and pimply,- send for our book on Blood
and Skin Diseases and write our physi-
i cians about your case. No charge wha
ever for this service.
Dr. D. F. Lane, of gafem. ;
Commissioaer. ;
Wmi Miley, of Aurora.
W. II. Smith, of Sublimity.
Justice of the Peace.
(Salem District), j
C. Judd, Halem.
K. l. Horgan, Halem -
: .1 ' i Constable,,
"George II. Irwin, Salem.
m Demoeratie Politics.
Thei Demecmtic brethren 1 are gener
ally .beginning do talk politics,, and ex
pect to be ready to wage a. campaign
when tho time cornea. .'They are get
ting their men together throughout the
state, and perfecting thir local organ
Izrutions ' everywhere, aad they make
the assertion ,freely that when the state
convention meets they will be Jn ahape
to place a ticket before the voters of
Oregon that will command respect and
-votew. For a. time it was thought
that few men would care to run for of
fice on the Democratic ; ticket ;but as
the political blood grow warmer, more
men are coming to the front, and al
ridy: there re a three, ien named by
admiring friends for the noinlrtittlon of
Oovernor, and more fairorlte aons to
le- heard frwn. District' Attorney
Oeorg K; ChamberhUnof ; I'ortland,
hum tha lead among thoMo mentioned
for the head of tbe tlcky.; while J. W,
Ibmnett. the noted crlmlrutl lawyer of
The pnJlM fuis aJso been prominently
mentioned and he would be tiocked by
a tnng folowlng In Eastern Oregon
esteem by all cla"s tatirl conditions) of
men. j The latest one eomlng to the
front. for prcfermervt is ipol. It. A." Mil
It r, of Oregon! Wty. Coiionel "lkb, as
he Is familiarly known.. H an ortluvbrx
Democrat iild nnt be-' anything else.
If he wlfhed -and he.my Jave strong
support when the time cwmea for action
by the State Convention of his party.
In OJackamaa county an effort Is be
Ing made to perfect an organisation of
Republicans. Demo-raU land I'opullsts,
tinder the title of "(ntlaen,' to wrest
the Htate Kemttorshlp i from Keraitor
Oeorg C. Brownell, who' Is o. cj trull
date for re-e4ectlon. A.; committee of
ninercmpaed of three members from
eiixAt poll U cat orgsinl wit lion, named ami
headed by Ootom-I R. A. Miller. Is to
meet in Oregon City in a fe' days to
cormider the matter of Jmlllng n, citl-
zens' convention to devise plans ond
nominate a. man to defe-.t BroWnell.
The Portland Telegram, of last even
ing,! has the following regarding Mari
on county political workers who recent
ly visited In that city: i ;
'R. M. Crolsan. f Palem. spent yes
terday In Portland. Mr Crolsan Is the
Marlon county member f the Republi
can State Central Comsnlttee and the
leader of the Marion county Simon Re
publicans. His mission to the clty'yes
terday was to confer with the chairman
of the State Central Committee and
the prominent Multnomah county poli
ticians. He was somewhat loath to
talk 1 politics, but was jwufflclentjy lo
quaf lous to say that thcire wss no sha
dow of a doubt that Mrlon county
would send a solid Simon delegation to
the State Convention. Mr. Crolsan did
not express It Just that
He said that the1 Msrlon
way, however.
county delega-
tlon would be In perfect!
harrnony with
of the party.
the regular organisation
"Walter Lyon, the private secretary
pf Governor Oeer. was asso a Salem vis
itor to the metropolis yesteraay. ; r.
Lyon does quite a tot of political work
for the wing of the party to which Gov
ernor Geer looks for renominatlon, but
he Is about as loquacious as the aver
age clam. However, he ventures to y
that he believes In the certainty ofJir.
Geer'a renomlnatlon.
?Lbt L. Pearce. a reEtresentatlve In
the Legislature from Marion county.
wis also tn the city yesterday.'""
I Are Not Candidates.,
fbrmin fiehellberc. of Sublimity,
mm tia la nor a candidate, for the Leg
tslature. and Insists on; withdrawing
his name whch. be etates. baa been
used without authority from him.:
Wm. , Wicke, the Socialist candidate
for sheriff, flatly refuses to run for that
office!, j He says he Is net In condition
to make the race for the ofacr. and can
not spar the time. 1
" A Now Candidate. ,
The People PressCthe furlalist state
organ, published at Albany, mentions
Judge X. J. Judah. of -this city, for
Oovernor on , the Socialist ticket. In
view of his standing In that party, and
the many years of his connection with
the movement, and urges his nomina-
. f . . . " ,
... i ....
llzrt S:iscr!?U::$ Cecelved to
Pay Ifcc laiebtcfJccsii
Some Voluntary Subscriptions Are Be
j ing Secured The List of the Sums
1 Received by the Committee to Help
, the Old Pioneer School to a Bio
fler and Better Ufe. '
(Prom Saturday's Statesman.)
Subscriptions to the amount of SCOQ
were yesterday added to the total to
wards paying off the debt of Willam
ette TniveraMyl The committee' hav
ing the matter In hand was not able to
cotnmence the work of a thorough can
vass, and the subscriptions of yester
day were more In the nature cjf rolun--tary
ones than otherwise. In fact. It
would be a very good plan to have
someway to receive and record volun
tary subscription, in order that those
who ere not seen by members of the
committee, and wishing to help in
clearing the Institution from debt, may
be allowed to record their gifts early,
w hen they will do the most good.
-Following it tlie; way the matter
stands to date: j
Previously reported . . .. ..... 11,030
Geo. -J. Pearce. ... .. .... 100
Salem Water Co...... 100
Weller Bros..1.. ... ............ .) 9
Governor Tj T. Geer. 100
G. W. Gray Eatate. ...... 250
Total. .. .
, . .
Are Reaching This City in Consider
able Numbers Families Expecting
to Remain in Oregon Permanently
IFrom Saturday's Statesman. ,
-Many families from the East who are
taking advantage of the wondrousty
low rates now in effect upon all rail
ways and are seeking a home In the
glorious state of Oregon and especial
ly the Willamette valley, the garden
spot of the earth, are arriving In this
city on every train. It Is to be hoped
they will not become frightened with
the unusually Inclement weather Which
all are at present experiencing ahd re
main ' here sufficiently 1 long to ex
perience a fair sample oif Oregon win
ter; so that, if they, do not Intend to
locate permanently they will at least
carry back With them an everlastingly
good Impression of the climate. But
they are altogether too intelligent to
form a too hasty opinion and they may
rest assured that-they are welcome.
Among those who arrived yesterday
are the following: j
The family of W. Seaman from Grand
Center, Iowa. Mr. Seaman arrived a
day or two ago and his family Joined
hint last evening.
O. CI. Tuve and family from Toronto,
South Dakota. -
Kugene. F, 'Smith and family, from
Duluth, Minnesota.
Joseph Itix and family, from Duluth,
Minnesota. ... ; : .. . , 1 ;
Articles of. Incorporstion Filed In the
State Department A Co-operative
Concern to Run 1 Church ind
Build Railroads.
In the State Department, yesterday,
four 'new corporations filed articles.
They are: ,
' The Riverside Mining A Milling
Company will operate and deal In min
ing properties of all kinds, with head
quarters in Portland. The company Is
cnpitallzed for $2,000,000. P. J. Hard.
Kennett Evans and L D. Bushnell are
the Incorporators of record.
The Thunder Mountain Prospecting.
Developing A Mercantile Company will
operate and devePop' mining claims.!
erect and operate reduction works and
meters, and deal In merctvartdise, with
headquarters In Sumpter.-. The com-j
pany has a capital of $200,000, and
James Newlands. Chas. S. Warren. Jr,
and Tom C. Gray are the Incorporators.
The Oregon Coast Navigation Com
pany, will own and operate steam and
other vessels and trade between Port
rand and Coos Day. r The headquarters
are In Portland, and the company has
a capital of $125,000. R. C. Wilson. E.
J. Hart and R. R. GiKner are the In
corporators. ,
The Co-operative Christian Federa
tion No. t will develop the religious
and moral capacities of Its members,
do all kinds of work, take contracts;
build and operate railroads, and do a
general j business. The board of di
rectors are elders of the Church of Ood.
Portland la the headquarters. The
officers are elected for life. IL8. Wal
lace, president; H. D. Staley, secre
tary, and Frances E. OotstvaJt. treas
urer, are the incorporators.
Jisagreement Between Two Partners
sf Woodbum j Business Firm
Ends in Application for a Receiver.
A new action nas been begun in the I
second department olthe Clrc-un court
take charge of the property of the firm
of Wright Durante dealers. In lum
ber, paints, oils, etc.. of which be Is a.
member, and he also sues his partner,
K. 1L Wright, the defendant, for an
accounting. -. .
The pkUntin! aJlegee In his complaint
that he and the defendant entered into
partnership about one year ago,, he.
Durant. furnishing S 1428 in money In
the business, and Wright about the
same amount In property. The plain
tiff did all tbe tneehanictU work for
the firm, while the defendant man
aged the business and kept the hooka.
The ptaintifl says that he only drew
S1C9 out of the funds of the firm while,
according to the books, the defendant
had only drawn 1139, but. In reality had
collected large sum of the firm's ac
counts and had appropriated about
tc his own use.- He claims that he was
aware that tbe defendant, was not
charging hlmeetf on the books with all
of the cash he had drawn, and upon
several occasions plaintiff demanded of
fte defendant that he straighten up tbe
accounts which the defendant hod
neglected to do. . The, plaintiff states
that there are debts owed by the firm
amounting to .12200. .while their bills
uncollected amount to only about 1400,
and that he is possessed of no means
to meet the. liabilities except his Inter
est Jn the business. v-V ,- j '
- Besides demanding 'an accounting
and the appointment of receiver, the
plaintiff aaks that the defendant be
enjoined from collectingany more of
the firm's accounts, and that he be
compelled to account for all the funds
he has appropriated to tils own use.
Peter Rasmusserv .Recently' Charged
with .' Being Insane by an Angry
Neighbor, Now Arrested for Steal-
, - 1 ' ' -
' ing Accused by His Old Enemy.
Peter Rasmussen, ' who resides on
Howell Prairie, was yesterday arrested 1
by Constable J. H. Lewis on a warrant
issued by Justice of the Peace 'J.
O'Donald and sworn out by M. Chris-tense-n,i
charged wltbthe larceny of a
cross-cut saw valued at $8. on or about
June aVl$01.
I Vbout two months ago a charge of
sen and another, and upon Rasmussen
and by the. same complainant Chrlsten
se n and another, and upon Rasmuseen
appearing before the.' county court
where - an examination was held, the
county court came to the conclusion
that the charge was made through
spite and was the result of a neighbor
hood quarrel which has been raging
for a long time. Now Ohristenaen al
leges in his complaint that the saw in
question disappeared r on the : date
aforementioned, but its; whereabouts
had been a mystery until It was discov
ered In Rasmuasen's possession by an
other party. . I
The defendant was arraigned before
Justice O'Donald yeisterday afternoon,
plead not guilty, and his trial , was set
fort 1 o'clock p. m. today and ' the de
femlant was allowed to go upon his
own recognizance to appear at the time
specified. J. H. Mr Nary will represent
the state at the examination and S.
T. Richardson has been retained as
counsel for the defendant!
. One United States lamT certificate
was filed, for record , with the county
recorder yesterday., conveying to
Christian Weber ISO acres of land In
section 25, township 10 south of range
7 east, as were also two- real estate
transfers the consideration of. which
aggregated $47?S. as follows:
John R. Lehman and wife to John
F. Schrunk.' 1 acres of land In
section 28, t 7 s, r 2 w... w. d..,.$4000
Chfestlan Weber to O. B. Mc- ,
Leod. 1C0 acres of tand in sec
tion 35. t 10 s. r 7 e. w. a...... 77a
Total ....
t Tho Children's Friend. -
Thete is no use in trying to. persuade
American mothers that a substitute ex
iats for Perry Davis' Painkiller. They
know how It relieves the troubles of
childhood, from sprained arms snd legs
to stomachache. Other preparations
may do good. Painkiller la certain to,
A big difference .and one that has been
recognised for sixty years. - There I
but one Painkiller. Perry Davis.
FINAL ACCOITNT. The final ac
count of R. E. Kirk: end Matilda M.
Kirk, co-executors of the last will, tes
tament and estate of Peter Kirk, de
ceased, was filed In-the Marlon county
probate court I yesterday and the court
set Friday, April, II. 102. at 2 o'clock
p. m. as the date and time for hearing
objections thereto. t
With Phil Metschsn as One of the In
corporators Other Companies File
Articles and Begin Operations.
In the State Department, at the Cap
itol, yesterday, three new companies
filed articles. They are: , '
The Oregon. Washington & California
Home Building , Association will con
duct a financial agency and do a gen
eral mortgage and loan business, with
offices In Portland, and a capital of
$00,000, Napoleon Davis. E. II. McFar
land, and Phil Metschan are the incor
porators. '. . ' . .
The Eldorado Oil and I Mining Com
pany will deal in oil and develop oil and
mineral . lands, with headquarters at
Malheur City, and a capital of $100,000.
E. Simpson. J. B. White, H. A. Duffy
and twelve others are the Incorporators
of record. ' ' j
(The Goble, Nehalem A Pacific Rail
way Company will build a railroad
from Goble to Nehalem Bay. and do
general transportation and develop
ment In that section of Oregon. Port
land is. the headquarters. The capital
Is $4.6io. and F. M. Seller,, R. Smith,
F. S. Stanley and II. M. Cartock are the
Incorporators. k I
The Second Church of Church (Scien-.
tlst). filed supplementary articles at
the. State House and in -the county
clerk's office, providing for the above
name, and for the election, of five trus
tee by ballot, at the annual meeting
held In May of each year. O. W. John
son. F. E- Phafer. Mamie M- IIaydn.
Minnie A. Culten and Emma R. Vlbbert
are the trustees.
1 "
She Was Intrenched In a House Quae
..... v
, antinued for Smallpox, and It Was
Difficult Matter to Recurs and
Commit Her. :
-; ; i ; ... ".' '-Jj-, :. 1":..
- (From Saturday's Ptateman.)
The Marion county court was placed
In a very awkward position yesterday
afternoon and for s time was some
what at a loss what to do under, the
circumstances. Early in the afternoon
A. S. Huntley,' who resides south of
this city, : appeared , before)
and preferred charges of.
the court
against Ms wife, Mrs. Allce M. Hunt
ley, who had recently, taken' up ber
residence at the Holiness .Mission on
12th street. He charged that her mind
bad become deranged through religion.
' The story told was that Mrs. Hunt
ley, having attended tbe religious ser
vices at the mission quitej regularly,
had become so thoroughly imbued with
the faith, that she imagined that she;
naa peen cauea upon to uevojte ner ser
vices to the mission, and she accord
ingly obeyed the summon aid went to
the mission to live. : .
The Mission Is at present.and has
for more than a week pnat, -been In
quarantine on account of smaJIpox, ahd l
M ra. Huntley could not be removed
from the place without being thor
oughly fumigated, and the county judge
could not enter the Mission Snd expose
himself to smallpox and then return to
his dudes. ' Furthermore the unfortu
nate woman had become violent and
had fortified herself In one of the
rooms, armed with a flatiron, and
threatened violence to anyone who
would attempt to enter. Dr. J. A.
I Richardson was appointed jexaminlng
pnysican by the- court and he went out
to the Mission, satisfied himself that
the Woman was Insane and So reported
to ' the court. Then other and more
serious troubles confronted jthe county
Judge, for he could not ensrage a cab
In the city to transfer the patient to
the Asylum, on account of the small
pox scare, nor a guard to tske charge
of the patient and deliver her to that
Institution. I Then again it was remem
bered that she would not be admitted
to the Asylum unless her effects had
been thoroughly fumigated jand disin
fected. : A carriage was . finally pro
cured and the husband, A. 3. Huntley,
and P.' A. Shipley . agreedl to take
etiarge of the. patient and deliver her
to the Asylum. She was finally taken
out. put through a process off disenfec
tkm, and upon the authorities of the
Asylum being assured that all of the
necessary! precautions had peen taken
to prevent the spread of the disease,
she was admitted for treatment. The
only danger was In the dispose being
communicated toothers, as Mrs. Hunt
ley is In no danger of suffering an at-
The Pacific Homestead
The. Ieading Farm Paper of the Faciiio North- 1
west. 20-page illustrated ireekly, $1 per year.
I We want good agenta and solicitors and to audi 4 V
1 will pay ft liberal commission. Write' for termv
Adveitisers should patronize the Homestead
8ecial rates on longtime contracts. Clubbing rate with the
Twice-a-Week; Statesman, if
monUis after giving the order,
Office in Statesmari Building.
7 on CimmercM Utreet.
WEEKLY OREGONIAN, per year........ ...........$1X0
. ' i
BOTH PAPERS. .... L ....
. - - A - - 1 -
HOARDS DAIRYMAN, per yasr......
BOTH PAPERS.... ....................... ,.,....$175
fH RICE-A WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, per yesr... ............... .tUUi
BOTH PAPERS....!............... ........... .........$U3
1 " . - - -
'CALL'S MAGAZINE (including free
BOTH PAPE RS ............ ...... . . , . . ..... . i . . . . . , .$10 -
tack of U herself, she living had it
years ago. .. , ...
IMPROVING. Sheriff F. W. Durbin,
who has been suffering for several days
with a severe cold, verging on pneu
monla, was reported last evening as
Improving. ,
aegai atiana,s Kiaieman ioo ui.irr.
Legal Blanks. Statesman Job Office.
In Every Print
Shop, There Is
The Devil
to Pay
and besides him. ws bar to pay
a force of over 40 men, who are
employed In the several depart"
went of our establishment la
printing of various kinds. Krery
. ihlnff printed bere, from a rail
ing card to a newspaper. Will
you become one of our patrons
and help to promote borne mtno
facturtDgT '
JOB 'Phone
OFFICE rulB204l
Franla DimicEi
Carriage Palntlno
Over Pohle A Bishop's shop, corner
of Liberty aad Ferry streets.
Favorite Stables
The leading, livery, feed ' and sales
stablea of the city. Have added a
ladles waiting and toilet room. '
western Kurseries
" -; ,n 1 - -
Large stock of fruit trees and shrub
bery. All stock .free from pests, and
diseases. AH trees delivered, free In
O.l.n. XXT-II fn. Ml.ln.iu V.krllinr
and March are good months to plant
trees. - , . '
r. D. JONES, Prop.
8,000 WEEKLY
paid in advance, or within six;
$1.75, ' ,
a -.a .
-1 .
year...... ............ $1X0
PAPERS.... ..........,..$225
km . .
year..... ............ ......... .$UOT
i 1
........... .............. ,..$1J5
year...... ..........$1X0.
1. -B-B-BMBaSaaSS
......... ...... ......8139
..... ......t1X0
yesr. ............$1j0O
yesr...... ...$ j
year .....$!&,
yesr...... .$1J?J
pattern is sash subscriber). ...$1X0
year...... ..,.. $1X0