11 " t n i i"r!ri 1 ' . Anr jr -r ri rr . r Issued every Tuesday end Fridaj by the 1 ' STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION HATES. One year, in advance, $1; Six months, in advance, Ok cents; Three months, in advance, 25 cents; One year, on. time, $1.25. , - i' -';t " - - The Statesman baa been establish- Ing in advance, will have the benefit of ed for nearly fifty-two year, and it baa dollar rate- But it tbey do not par oc?- subscribers who have received It nearly tbat lon and many wba bara read it for a generations--- Borne of thew object to having tbe paper dis- continued at the time of expiration of their subscriptions. For the 'benefit of these, and for other reasons, we have concluded to discontinue subscriptions only when notified to do so. AH: per- sons paring- when subscribing or pay- ANOTHER COMBINATION. ' The St. Helen's Mist thinks that a Fu1ton-Ger combination would :b' sat isfactory for the people of Columbia county. ; It .."says; KC. . WV Fulton, of . Clatsop- county, for Untied Stales Sen- ator, and T. . T, Geer,' the present In cumbent, for Governor, would prove' a strong team with the people of this county There is little doubt about this county sending delegates :'tp the Rtate Con venthm ! whose sympathies -and good Judgment would prompt them to support both these gentlemen. Mr. fleer's popularity! throughout the state Insures his. .renomlnation, and he would ot;be thus jsopular unless his admin lutratloo had been successful and was endorsed by. the people. Mr. Fulton i-J . a Columbia river , man and an able statesman, teside.-t being "Immensely popular throughout :thefsiate,Vand this county WHI . . . . .port bfrn' The l ton" of the paragraph quoted would Indicate that th -pVopIe of that county are not alarmed over the re port of 0vrnr; 0-r's alliance with Fenator yinv .The fact f that It Is Jrer'a etirnles wlut ?riHtentl clrM lale this report should l sufficient to Muv in(fltig-nt p-ip to , bsltatetbv fore. arte ptlrig it as true; ( (Jovernor leer 'Iras' entrjj into a combination with lther Fulti.n or Himon the; action is at variance vv If It tli- coflrse. he has always pursued in the at. I loth fac , tions In Multninnah county endorsed titer's candidacy four ; 'years ago, which shows at that time he had not Allied himself with clih.r faction. Since his elctliri he, has. studiously, avoided mixing in the factional fights. During the St-sslon of the last' Legislature', wlien th most" Htt-r; contest wu In progress over the Hcnatorlal' .election, noione pver inilmalfd that Jie'ln any way lnlTf-red or uwvl his Influence for or aguinst anyon in that struggle. Ttve ( oniblnation i Is alleged simply to - get Hlmon's cnetni to oppose fleer, and it don't rulre morrvthah ordinary lnteilignce to e through the scheme, Huti since the dlngruhtled are thort of cumpnlgn material; and as the Ful ton r combination ha.beenuggest ed, the .Statesman off-rlt to the op jKsltlon as a .pointer. They : have i worked- 'Ihe Slnion-tlecr combination t to its full irapMcity and have swttche' all of Simon's enemies ft Furnish. Now they might work the Fulton-Oeer combination to-get Simon's friends. In this way thiy would catch 'em a eomln ami agoln ' j - :"- ' ' ' ' ' '. WHAT THE FILIPINOS THINK. The North American, Review; pro pounded to the three native membcts Morco Cense. : .. c - 1. - Any . fool can take a horse to water, but it take a wise man to make' him drink,"' saya the; proverb. Tbe lu.re eats when buury and drinks when thirsty. A man eats and drinks by the I clock, wttnout re- gsrd to tbe need of nature. Because of I, careless eating ami arinaing - sioni.u 11 trouble " is otte . of comtnonest of iis- ascs. Sour ami bit ter ; tistoga, bclc-h- ings, unnatural ful ness after ; eaunir. dizziness, headache. and many other symptoms mark the beginning and pro- ffresa of disease 01 tbe stomach. . Dr. Pierces OoM- en Medical , Discov ery cures diseases of tbe stomacn ani other organs of di gestion and nutri tion, it cure tb rough the stom ach diseases of other organs which have their origin in a die eased rontfhlon of tbe stomach, and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. It strengthens the stomach, purifies the blood, cures obstinate cough and heals weaklungv : j : , r ; r I was takee wit Orlop, wtilcli jrwMlted l twsrt- sxl SoniKh trouble." wrttrs Mr. T. k. , CdUl, Moatlaaa. Allsksay C4 N. C ! ' wms mmb9 to da saythiog rood part of th t wrote t Or. PWA sbuut my comctitxMt, staring rait conSdeno Is ti medicine. He ad rlwdMtaUkt hU'Goldea Medical Dtawot,' which t did. Before 1 sad Baitbrd the MC44 txxtie I began to feet better, t have aed searly ta txstlea. 1 feel thankful to Cod for the bea at 1 have recti ved tram Dr. Pierce's Ooldea Med. teal tMaraverjr. J caa hl)f Illy recommend it to ail neraoo a a pod asd aafr siediciae. Dr. Pierce's rieasant Pellets keep the Uve!a healthy, j J I I 1 F-Vil J V r t i 1 I VI f "I I f Ijf I W -VI r jt( 1 vW 1 for; six month, the rate will be fl.Zi a -vesr, IIirtr will aenl the n&. to jj responsible persona who or- der It, though they may not send tbe money, with the understanding that they are to pay $1.25 a year, -In case they let tbe subscription account run over six months. In order that there may be no misunderstanding:, we will keep this notice standing- at this place In the paper. or tne I'hittpplne commission a num ber of questions relative to the Influ-1 ehce of the American occupation and asked for f frank'; expressions of their opinions In regard to many e.h1r.gs that have transpired Son the islands. ? The answers have Just been published, and afford a complete; account' of political conditions in thef Philippines. One of the questions was as I follows: l "Has the presence of the United Slates in the j Philippine Islands resulted In the ' Im provement of the political and economic condition as compared: with those ex isting ; under .Spanish rule?' The answer to thin question was In the affirmative In unmistakable terms. It enumerates many improvements In. political; and social affairs. Among the advantages resulting from the substitution Of Ainu-Iran for Span-1 IslY sovereignty fir the islands,- the Commissioners mention the cessation i Of fflmmllmt isa cat affairs, the W nicipalitltrs, th. . rganlzation of the; mu- tfubordlnation of ' the military to the civil power, the law of habeas corpus, the right of assembly, freedom of speech and lof the press,; the abrogation of obligator military vr- vee, and the abolition or the. system under which men were liable to punish-1 merit even by death fiir poll ilea I be liefs. ' . ' ' .; j -i , - ft is clearly brought out in these ar ticles that American administration has resulted in 1 the taxes producing double what they did In the best'yearst of Spanish rule, although there has I beeh, as yet, no Increame In the rater f taxation. This Is also true of the cus toms service, and the Insular treasury now has a surplus pt $5,000.000 a cpn diiUm said to be unprecedented. The tone ;ot the articles throughout are highly commendatory of the poll ciw pursued by the Oawernment, and a more hopeful view of jj the . future is taken by these eminent Filipinos than by, tjhe mott enthusiastic American who has been interested In the develop ment of the Islands. 1 GIVING AID AND COMFORT TO THE ENEMIES OF THE UNITED . STATES. . i : ; l' ;' . I " it N. Y. Sun. "My sympathies are with the Filipinos, yells the Hon.; Ilenjamin Ityan Tillman lh the Senate, J hammer ing on his desk to accentuate the ear neetn:8s of his disgust with his own country and of his fondness for Its en emles. i H If during the Civil War a "Confeder ate Senator had risen In his place and proclaimed; that his sympathies were with the Yankees, what would nave happened to hlm?4lf a Northern Bena- I tor had declared that his 1 sympathies I were with the South, what would have happened to him? t : Today 4t Is safe to abuse your coun try and to slobber over the rebels against Its authority. The Insurrection Is distant, not formidable, and absorbs only a very little of the; National, en ergy. , But the prinripli Is unaltered. The man who avows his sympathy with the Filipinos and avows thereby) his want of sympathy with the United States is as distinctly the enemy of his j countryj and the coddler of treason as the !oterhead ! was la the wartime. It. Is About lime for Oapt. Itea Till man to come Into Ahe Union. When the last argument has been ex. hauated without avail for the def-at of1 the nomination of a candidate and his enemies begin to proclaim that If nom inated he cannot be elected and wH be defeated at th polls, etc.. It Is evident ' they are In the last ditch. The opposi tion to I Oovernoe ler seems to have reache! this stage of their campaign against him already, while the yrimari les are I still a month away. Thinking Republicans will hesitate a long thne before Casting their lot with an aggre gation t hat has no better argument than this to offer In support of their cause President Roosevelt baa come. o the relief of Ilobson and has asked (or his retirement from the Navy. 11c win evidently be retired by special act of Congress, as there seems no tber way I to accomplish lt '; He had about out lived bs usefulness in the service, as there Is nothings t o n his nne of work, j He . has jbeea on duty at the Charleston Exposition for some months and the Department has been In a ; I fquan. iary i to what t do with Mm at J I it close. This is probably tbe cautt of the President's action in the matter. . War has again broken out h Cn tucky. The first battle records a loss of five killed, several wounded' and many missing. That state has to do such things as this occasionally to re mind ui tiat the name K n.ucky m.n the dark and bloody around, and that It is still entitled to the appellation. John 1. Sullivan, the ex-puglllst, has reformed; he made a resolution the other day to quit indulging in Krone; drink, and bis friends eem to think if he keeps it, tbe destruction of the whis key trust Is Inevitable. Whiskey will Indeed become a drug on the market. Congressman Tongue's friends hasten to assure the public that be is sound on the money question, notwithstand ing the construction placed upon bis recent remarks In the House. He will no doubt be renominated without op position.''! ". , - The Sultan of Turkey has found hi relatives to be rafher a disagreeable J set. One of his numerous brothers-in- I law recently was accused of plotting to. I overthrow , the despotic ruler and was I sentenced to death by default in mak- I Ing" bis appeaiance to answer the accu- sation.; Two -ofher -relatives will proh ably be given like sentences Tbe great loss of value that former methods of agriculture permitted Is Il lustrated In the use made of cotton . seed, by .the methods now in vogue. Less than forty years ago cotton seed wa treated by the planters as a bur den and a nuisance. ' But the census" reports trhbw that in the last year of tbe census there were 37 cotton seed establishments In operation, which pro duced $2190,674 worth of oil; tl. 020.6 7 worth of oil take and meal, and hulls and linters worth over $5.C0O.0OO. Oovernor Taft has not fuundit dif ficult to get rid of the !7,&00 given him as annual salary. The expenses of keeping up '.the palatial rtsiJ.-nce as signed him and the entertaining he is expected to -do . relieves Mm of an I trmihWrnn. itimlui tii ii.irv ,., I last year was less than iyiiid after his , expanses were deducted. Manila Is gayr city, and Ctovernor Oeneral un der the PpanlKh regime had unlimited resources at bk dlstKtsal for entertain ments uprn whkh were lavished larg- 1 sums. The cuHtom had become mo ftxeu that it l hard 'for our officials to do otherwise than follow It LIBERAL PENSIONS.' ; The Unlte)' States Is by far the, mosti liberal In granting pensions to the sol- tilers and sailors who have defemfeW the flag thawany other nation on earth The appropriations for this during th? next fiscal,, year are $139,842,230. . France comes next with a little ever 26 millions; Germany follows with al ... x ' most 23 millions, and Great Britain with $9,856,405. which is less than a'dol- rar to every IIS jjaid out, by th United States. Russkt devotes only the Inter est on $4,000,000 for pensions. The peo pie of this country -are willing and an xious to provide for every deserving man who has ought, In the Nation's a-rvl"ce, and no complaint' wpuld ever btf heard agajnet the, great expense If many undeserving did' not ,get their . 1- . names, on the roll. MORE FOLLY. The Mobile, Alabama. Heglster, , on Of the leading Democratic papers of the South, scores, the members of Con gress, of Its party, for: the stand thejr have taken on the Philippine question. It says: "Democratic " support of Filipino hostility and the encouragement of their resistance Is as mad a folly as the Insistence some years ago that this country should descend to the cheap money bo I. How can, we ex pect the people at large to trust the government of the Republic Into the hands of men who applaud foreigners when they ambush and kill American roldlers? Some way must be found to stop the mouth of blatant dema gogues of the far mack and Turner' et ripe.". v The lenders in Congress will surely commit the party to the proposition of withdrawal of our troops from the Isl ands, and the next campaign will be fought out on this issue. A large ma jority of the Democrats - will not sup port this idea, and the party will meet with a greater disaster , than ever be fore. '?. : i- ' ;-C, ".'. DAMAGING METHODS. The Statesman . expressed . regret a few weeks ago that certain local poli ticians, in .order to defeat candidates for 1 renoml nation, should resort to means .that were detrimental to the In terests of every property holder, a hd cltlsn of Salem, In order to show that tbe State land Board had made. a bad loan of school funds they alleged that land In the Immediate vicinity of Sa lm was worthless, etc. From this we are now getting a, good deal of adver tising In the preca throughout the state which the following Is a sample: "If Ealem Is surrounded with white land, as reported, homeseeker should steer clear of that locality. White land; Is also not very desirable tot tbe promotion of the flax ind usry."; - This wld lose 'Ealem many bonv?- ceekers and It. a positive Injury to lh ( "V r - No Time (o Lose You cannot afford to disregard the warning of a weak and . diseased heart and put of! tak ing the prescription of vthe world's greatest authority on heart and nervous disordert-7- Dr. Miles' If your heart palpitates, flutters, or yoU are short of breath, have smothering spells, pain in left side, shoulder or arm, you have heart trouble and are liable to drop dead any moment. Y Major J. Vt. Woodcock, one of tbe best known ott operators la tks coun try dropped dssd from heart dlaeuM Rcestly, at hU home tn Portland, iad ehUe soowlag bis Uwu. Xke rsss. 1 Mrs. IL A, Eirdsall. Watlunt, N. V, whose portrait heads this advertise ment, says: "1 write this through grat itude for benefits I received from Ir. Miles' Heart Cure. 1 had palpitation of the .heart, severe pains ccder the left shoulder, and roy general health -was miserable. A few bottles of Dr. Milea'lieart Core cured me entirely. Sold by ail Druggists. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, Interests of all Salem people. Whe: politicians -become so ardent in thei efforts to defeat officials, that they wii sacrifice every interest of the citizen to that end. It is time property holder: take steps :to protect themselves. The.; will have an opportunity to. do ao or March 22d, and it Is safe- to say the. will rebuke the political methods that have been employed to their great : dis advantage' by the followers of Mr Furnish.- - .',- t- GOLD STANDARD FOR MEXICO. . r. eaii: Mexican merchants ar weary of chasing the prbe of exchang up and down the fluctuations of sllvei They buy for s;oId abroad and sell fo silver at hotne. and buy -for silver a home and sell for gold abroad. Th permutations of value seriously affec: their trade and exchange. A glance at tbe fluctuations will rc veal the serious handicap of commw: when compelled ,lo do bustne.s In at unstable medium. Last July .$ Me.x ' lean would buy an American dollar It Mexico. ; It was1 ncarly"two;for one: but If It had stood still at that ratic the, buyer and cl er coutd have madt stable calcutations In his business. Bu It Is not ii his power t.) muke the. rati, stand. ; By last November an America dollar , was worth $2.34 Mexican, ant there were fears that Mexican sllve. would lunip entirely to Its bu'lior yaluc. 1 - , " - -'"'.- Sinc e it Was proposed 1o coin a Phil Ippin? peso, that would exchange foi $2.10 Mexican, exchange has been falrlj steady at that rate. iRut the Mexican merchants fear that this Is a transitory ratio, and have no assurance that h will be maintained, and for a delivery from unbearable bondage to a flicker ing standard are turning to gold ano starting an agitation for its adoption. It will be entirely in line with Mexi co's marvelous progress and enterprise for her to align .with the nations that bold to the t civilised standard, with whom she has the most of her trade. In the condition of Mexico we can see ourselves as we would have been if Mr. Bryan baa succeeded in bis battle oe the standards. An American and a Mexican dollar would have been equal. and all our vasi commerce would have been Impeded by doing business in a medium that fell from $1.W to $2.34 In four months and rce to$2.10 a month latwr. ' ;"?.' .- ' ; ;. ''...'--' . ' . If Mexico adopt a sane,' safe and sci entific standard and financial system, our own position will be strengthened, for she Is the great est of our Southern neighbors In t om mere-e, capacity, en terprlse and progress. In that event, too. Mr. Bryan will lose the last of his favorite lessons, for he always pointed the finger of triumph at Mexico and Japan as the beneficence of the silver standard. Japan changed to gold mure than three or more years ago. and if hs lose Mexico; he will be short of llluitra tions. .." -..-!;-: : , :,.","( SOMKTHXNO OUEEH. IN, THE TO- : BACCO TRADE. ". .. One of : the anomalies of -trade is found ; In the wsy smoking tobacco is packed and sold. Consumer generally do not -knew that when they buy a fivc-c nt "package containing one ounce they get) more for their money than when they by"-- ten-cent package o. the tame brand.. Bui tbe latter con tains loniy one' and twothird ounces. The same thing Is true of Jhebetter grade of tobacco, which ret alia for 1 cents an ounce and ;2 cent for one snd . two-third ounces. A lruisvllle dealer was asked to account for .this, but could only say that it was due to the tax Imposed by the Dingle y jaw, a wee-ounce, package requiring a reve nue stamp v of . greater profMrt tons te value than the smaller package.! That was all any of the retail realers seem ed to know of the question, and none of tb-ta se-emed. to think lt made any difference, anybow. . POLITICS, OF MARION COUNTY Vzzszzl Activity Is Shewn 13 the Republican RjnU SEVERAL ; CANDIDATES FOR ESULT STATE OFFICES WILL R IN A WARM CONTEST For the Control of the County ponven lien- to Select Dslsgates to the State Meeting The Senatorial Fight Will Enter Into the jrtarfare Hare Many t Candidates dfor the County Offices. V (From Thursday's .Statesman.) v Republican politics in Marion county Is beginning to get warm, and there are more than the usual number of men taking a great Interest in) the po litical discussions, and the active ante primary political ! work. Fro n every part of Marion county- comefire ports of activity and t the jforces are beginning to line up for the contest soon to take place s soon as the. date of the Re publican primaries for Marlon county Is fixed, which will be in the course of a week or te.n days at the' outside., . The principal fight In the county, at tbia time appears! to be the securing of delegations that will elect suitable del egates to the State Convents it -sui t able to the several candidates for places on the state) ticket -ami for the legislative ticket, keeping jn vlew the leaders who are anxious to sui-ceed to the seat now occupied by Hon. Joseph Simon In the United HI ate H- ute. )f course, the candidates for co inty of fices are not wasting their Unit looking after the - interests of aspirants for state positions, but are Industriously stated, some1 of them with apparently good. effect.. .- -.. f .- .The contest In iMarion. county might be called a three!-cornered one. Hon T. T. Oeer, the present OOXerhor, one of . Marion countj s fuvorlte srns, de sires o succeed himself in that office. claiming the re-nomination ujnd ele lion on the well-known j Republican principle that an office r, who has filled his position acceptably and with credit to himself and the party, should be given a second term. The fifiend ?f tne uovernor are. or course, satisfied that his chances of earrvlna- Marion county without any trouble are very good, and whileif they are neglecting nothing, they are Worrying less, and are confident that, with his home county sare roru uovernor cieer, tne State Convention! will without a doubt reward him with a second term. Another one of Marlon county's fa vorite sons who has always hud the confidence of the voters, is ei-Hherlrt Frank T. Wright man, at pris-nt practicing attorney In this tilty, who s desirous of securing the nomination for Attorney Oeneral, t the sands of tne wiaie convention, and is tnererore determined to J serure- the election of delegates to the county convention fa vorable to hiniself snd his candidacy, Realizing, as all do, that It wjll be -an Impossibility to secure the nomination of two men for stiite offices, from the same county, the line Is sharply drawn between the supporters of Mr. Wright man and those of, Governor deer, and the two sides will battle for supremacy at the primaries in most of the pre cincts. ;.- .1 . .. Lui nat is notf. enougn twere- are ill more aspirants for nominations to state offices In Martin cotinty ai there are more Iowa .men seeking po sitions In Washington, for Marion county has two j more or less active candidates for State; Printer, to suc ceed Hon. W. H.j Leeds, whose second term of service will expire on January 1st next, Wm. J. Clarke, pontmaster of Gerval, and editor of the Gervals Star, a native son of this coum y, is one of these candidates, "and be'has made an active canvass, not only in this county, but throughout the state, snd It Is said he .has met with riuch en couragement. He will,' of course, aid ed by his numerous friends, do all he can to secure the election of delegates favoring his candidacy, and his, sup porters are naturally not anilous for the other, aspirants for places on the ticket to be successful at Mr. Clarke's expense. For this same position, the name of P. J. BecVett, foreman In the State. Printing Office, has frequently been favorably mentioned, and It will probably be found, that this gentleman wilt Have good support when j the pre tlmfnary contest has been ended. The other state officers who will come up for re-nomlnntlon and re election Secretary of State r',l l. Ihin bar. Htate Treasurer -C. . Moore, ftupt, J. H. Ackerman. and Judge of the Su preme Court R. H, Bean--wlil have practically tvj opposition jn Marlon county, judging by present appear snces, ami It Is not at all unlikely that each of these gentlemen will find a clear road to a re-nomlnat(ooi without opposition from any part af the slate Legislative Ttmbss. . Next in Importance to thabove con lest will be the selection of- a legisla tive ticket. and new candidates for leg islative honors are being b'roWht out at regular intervals. Tm4$ groomed for nm race, 1 ne ngnt in this) Instance seems td be between i he f action sup porting and endorsing John If. Mitch ell and . bis followers on the one hand, and the friends of Joseph imon on the other, - "The contest, therefore. hinges on the election or defeat of ITnited States Kenntor Joseph Klmon, whose-term of offlco will Jxptre on March 4, 163, and, who Is coining up for re-election. .- ' V For the' state Senate tbe present in cumbents. N. II. Looney snd I J. Ad ams, are both candidates fohr re-election, and in addition to these two as pirants there are mentioned the names of Dr. J. N. Smith, t'oJ. J. M. ,'Poorman. Aiv-x taFoIIett, W. IL Ilobson and C. Bishop. Of these Messrs. N Looney, Smith and LaFollett may be termed1 as prt.Do,uiv-ed , Mitt bell men..and Mr. Looney may also be said o be a warm supporter of -Governor Geer for re election. . f- For . the House, Bent Jones, of Mis sion Bottom: Hon. Abner. Lewis, of Aumsvllle; C. fi. Irvine, of K,ilem: Her. . mann Schellberg. of Sublimlly: Henry jveene, or rttayton; tTnaries Hltk. of KUvertonr E. T. Judd,' of Aumsvllle; Squire Farrar, of Salem, 'and Wm; Armstrong', of Salem, have been men tioned repeatedly, and some of these gentlemen ar active candidate. In their support of the different factions they are somewhat mixed, and some of ( the Mitchell Republicans. among them' are opposed to Governor Geer, but1 this Is not the rule, for some of the1 most valiant supporters of Mr. Mitrh ell are also close friends of the Gov ernor' and ready to do, battle for him right loyally. The County Offices. For some of the county offices there Is considerable rivalry, aud these con tests may. In the course of. a few diiys develop so much strength; a to tnate rially encroach on the ground, of the game of state politics, as now played in Marion county, and may hecome the chief points of Interest. f The fight, of course, will be on th. sherlfTs office that bone of polltloil contention In Mariop county thes many yeafs--and already there are five candidates, snd more to be heard front. ;W. A. Taylor, of Maileay, is an avowed candidate for the office. Is making an active, canvas, and Ms confident of, winning ' a victory In. the primaries and In the county convention. Robert M. Witxeli. of Turner, who. -has. seyer.-il times been mentioned , In the untv convention. la also a candidate and Jworklng hard to secure deleg.ttion ' favorable to him. ; C, D. Hartman. of Scot ts Mills, who rerved Marlon ccun ty In the last Legislature.' Is alo Rn active candidate." and protases to re main, in. the Yight while thlur look us encouraging as they do. now. J. SJegmund, of Gervais. formerly a resi dent jof Jefferson,, and V..lI."Ha:age'4f Proste-t pret Irict, near : this c ity, are also both mentioned for the bdl.c, an J the many friends of each extx-t lo w their favorites make a splcndM nhow Ing. - y-. - . For the office of county clerk, Joint W. Roland, formerly )tookkf ep r of the. Asylum and an eKKrt afcount int and ' office mant is .in avowed ' jCiindiJVt'v ami he is geiierally nod freely sit.Hrr ed by hi many frb nd. Fr.tnk Hl.u k erby of Sllyerton, Is aiwxher cnti.li.l.tt. for this position, and fs.'tnd'tis'rioitsty working on the ltc'Ulli ahr,iii;h- 0111 tnej count v. whlli i fotm H ftMinf: Ilecord. r F. W.;-Wafers, of .this t liy. has also been promt iieiitfy ni.-nil.m.-.l for the dace. .-v i..-: .- --k N'"". The- connly recVrdr's iim.'e sUKht by Fretlj A, Iegg.nd; 'S.,A.!-Madden',' berth of this city, hi!- rumor fi' ft that the south end of the V,unty Will bring out a strong man for iIiIh non Inatlon In due cotirs of time. - The, ceuny IrcaKury Is said to le SOUltht bv two men. It A (V..ifiiii II hp denl.-r, is an j Vowed run. lid t ie foP the place, nnd the name of J. Henry Haas, the jeweler, is 'of (en nieiitliie. .1 In connection with this omVe, Thc term of ' Cotmly t"Hmmlssloner Win. Mliey expires this yearl and a, successor must be cb t d. Mr. Mlle Is, of course, a candidnte nnd" hi rec-' . ord. his friends say, will give him th nomination with! little effort. Win.-." Smith., of Sublimity, is also ready to accept the nomination, and he, .too,i Is an excellent man. for the position. V This leaves but one 4-ounty office to be diiosel of, and that IS one of the most Important to th ax-iayer the office of county assessor. The present Incumbent of that iKMji I Hon, Mr. l.'has.' Lembcke, has made a 'good, clean rec ord, and now Is a candidate. to succeed himself, and -as there are. no othelr as pirants for the place as yet, It Is likely Mr; LemtMhe wiy have but llttlo trouble when tbe convention meets. .,Th Opposition. The; Democrats nnd '-Kociallat will doubtless have a ticket In the field In MaHon county this year, ftossibly it -Joint ilcket, but there are very few men thus far prominently named for the several positions. Among thoa generally discussed for preferment Is Sheriff F. W. Diiridn's chief deputy. I!. U. Col bath, who I hit for the past llireo f yeara no ably aited Mr. lrurbln In' his office, and H I genertilly c-oncede,tN that be can' have the nomlhatton for v sheriff, an office be is well eiunllfle.I to fill. ,lf elected. MriCelbnth enjoys a wtdf acquaintance in 'Marlon county. ' Is popular, 'and ' If nomlnatet. wotil.l t make the Republican nominee know there had been a fight. . ; j Another offics discussed by theIem ocrats more: than any other Is that of ' Joint Senator for Linn and Marlon counties, which It Is thought will f.ll to Marion. Hon, H. L. Haydeh. former r pistrlct Attorney, Is prominently men rloned for this place, as ha a been Sher iff DurMn. but the latter declare he is pjl lively twt a candidate. EJilu-r one of these gentlemen- would make nn uncomfortably strong campaign. 1ti view of . the -Democratic: majrity In Linn county. Shake Into Your Sfioss. V Allen's Foot-EaseJ a powder. !!. cures i alnful, smarting, nervous feet, and Ingrowing nail, a"nd iMfdsntly' taxes the miinsg enit of corns and bun ions.1 It's the irreatest comfort ; dls- covery of the age. -Allen's Fool -: makes tight or new shoe feel essy. It Is a cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, schlng -feet. Try It today. -Sold by all druggists and shoe store. By mail for t. cts. .--In stamps. Trlil ''.-. DSckare FHKK. idrtnia. Allen H. Otmstead. 1. Roy, N. T. 2 . WANTED A GRANDMAMMA. A little 3-year-old laddie who had gone wHh his tapa and mammft. frotn an eastern to a western borne, s mIIv nlssed hi gramlnmmma, and one dy bis mother, who bad been too busy In tbe new home to give usual attention-'lf..? the small man. saw him? make a bole in the. ground and put an Id daguerreo- type of bis grandmsrrima there, "Why, , whet are you doing, baby? she asked. T fought," he said, with a quivering Hp and a, world of pent-up loneliness and homesickness, in bis -voice, as he tried to explain, "maybe If I planted It anozzer grandma'd grow. Selected. : WILL DEtiATE. Tbe debaters of PaclOc University have' submitted the following question, "Resolved, that the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitu tion of the United States has iWn- Justified." to the-debaters of WiHann- tte University. Willamette's team. consisting of Samuel A. Siewert. ilkrry W. F waff ord. and Walter E. Keys, yes- enlay chetse the affirmative. The de- ate will occur later at Forest Grove. ... . - -I