-13 (Q) D-, rn for Infants and Children. Catoria 1 o harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paru corie, Drops and Hootulnpr Syropi, It Is Pleasant.. It ' contains neither, Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic v ncbstance. It destroys Worms and allays Feyerbshneas. " it cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth jn? Troubles and cures Constipation It regulates the -Stomach and lSoweh, girin;? healthy and natural sleep. Tbo Children's Panacea The Mother Friend. : : The Kindi You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of -7X In Use For Over 3 O Years. r of err. THE L - T: - . -K --. is ' . i s 1 1 "NORTH COAST LIMITED" Will resume service January 5, 1902- The train will be eyrn fxtlcr than it was in 1001. It will be a complete home 'on wliorls, Parlor,. Dining. Ifnnin, Slrrping. Room, Li- hrary, Smoking IJonm, and Bath Room they will all. be IIkto; and all lrrlitl by electricity ami Iwated by steam, i Kirst arnl seeoiirl class 'tickets lmth piod on this train. IV ll.is CKACK TKAIN of the NORTHWEST on your. way to the rau-American Kxposition, Buffalo, New York. . Vni can po either by way of SL Paul and Chicago, .or Iu Julh ami i the (Jreat Lakes. ' ' ! Inquire of anyr NOllTIIKUN PACIFIC Agent as to further particulars, or write to ' ' - ' ' i v- ; ' , ': - - ': 1 . i I" ' '; :f Aao- A. D. CHARLTON, AsVt Gen'l Passenger Ajrent, Portland The SALEM, OREGON The Leading Farm Paper of the Pacific North west -poge illustrated weekly, $1 per year. ; We want good' agents-and solicitors, and to such ; will pay a liberal commission. Write for terms. , Advertisers should patronize the Homestead-. CIRCULATION, 8,000 WEEKLY Special rates on long time contracts Clubhing rate with the Twice-a-Week Statesman, if paid in advance, or within isix '-months after giving the order,'$1.75, ! Address: V- PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, L Office in Statesman Building. SALEM, (OR. FINE JOB PRINTING 2 ttt Commercial Street. BALEM, ST A 7 ESti AN JOB OFFICE ORECiON. OILJlBBIiNO iisnr -or THK- Twlcc-a-Wcek Statesman ' -! WFFKLY ORECONIAN: Mf vear. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, pair year ; ..... - OUR PRICE, BOTH PAPERS. 'J ....J .;....'.;.L ...$10 .......:'....2M PACI FIC HOMESTEAD, per .4 4" ' jf2 TWICE. A-WEEK STATESMAN. pr yr . .. .$1X0 BOTH PAPERS4. ... CHICAGO INTER. OCEAN, pr yaar.. i. ...........$1X0 TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN p.r yw. ..........$1X0 BOTH PAPERS.,. ' .: $ixo ..........$1X0 HOARDS DAIRYMAN, pr y.r TWICE A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year BOTH PAPERS...;..... .....$1.75 OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL, pr year...... ..;.M,.'. 0 TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per yar .....j...... ... $1X0 BOTH PAPERS...... - ....$1.40 THRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, per year...... ....... ... $1X0 TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year...... ............ .....,....$1X0 BOTH PAPERS.i. ........... i.... ....... U. 1X5 Mt ALL'S MAGAZINE (including a f r pattern te each eubecrtber). ...$tXO TWICE. A-WEEW STATESMAN, per year...... ..U . . .... .....$1X0 ' " ( i .j ; BOTH -PAPERS '..L .$130 T I FfiAl1 Rl AH'KS PRlNTlNofATArm UL"Vri l'lTr,ll.U HAN JOB OFFICE, BAUZI mm:zz m Tbe New Teriff CII1 tlsccsscd in tfcs S(en3te CHARGES OF CRUELTIES TO FILI , PINOS BY. AMERICAN SOL . DIER3 DENIED. Congressman Boutclhi of Illinois, An - ewers Wheeler, the Kentucky Dem ocrat, on the Letter's Attack on the ' ' Government, and His Slurring Re marks Regarding Visiting Royalty. ' Democratic Action In the PasL X ..WASHINGTON, Feb. 19 The Sen ate continued the consideration of the Philippine Tariff bill today, the main speeches being made by Burrows (Mich.) for the bill," and Money (Miss.) against it, although Mitchell (Oregon), Foraker .(Ohio), Mallory (Fla.), and Tillman (S. C), all took more or less part in the general -debate en the sub ject. ':;! , CRUELTIES CHARGED. Washlna-ton. Feb. !. -Respond! ng to an Inquiry from Senator Idg. the Krrretary of War today sent to him a large number of parT bearing upon the chartre that cruelty Is practiced by the American troops on the natives in the Phillppinea. ! Senator Idse pre sented the documents in the Senate. Among the documents forwarded are the records of thirteen, invewtijfatlons Into rurh charffew, and - the Secretary pays that "every report .or chars. of this description, which has at any time been brought to the notice f the( War DepTtn1". has been made the subject of prompt Investlsatlon." He adds that In substantially every cae inquired Into, the report has proved to he either unfounded or gross ly exaggerated- , -Wheeler Is Answered. Washington, Feb. 19. Ajrain today the senral debate on the Indian p proprlatlonbill was devoted almost en tirely to extraneous topics. As on yes terday the issue raised by Wheeler (Ky.) a few days ago came In for con siderable attention and was a feature Of . the session. BromwelL an Ohio Republican: Kern, an Illinois Demo crat, and Fleming, a Georgia Detao crat. added their views to the literature on the smbject, but it was Boutell, an niihois Republican, who - entertained the Hous most. He was well fortified with material and with an exceedingly good temper and a trenchant dlsplayf wit, he, traced tte history of wat Wheeler had called "truculent aycoph.-, ancy." as he said, from th day when the first - Democratic President pur chased a bogus roat-of-arma, to the entertainment of ueeh lilluokalan1, by the last Democratic President. He Anally dismissed -the whole sub ject ,by saying it should " be accepted Abroad as ote of the erratic and spora dic .phases f American humor. ! Hamilton a Michigan Republican, enlivened the proceedings with, an, en tertaining speech on trusts, i -)' Houtell proceeded with delicate hu mor to trace the origin of what Wheeler has called "truculent sycoph ancy." He first read a -lotter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1771, -'in which he authorised the purchase of a coat of arms, for him, and from another writ ten four years later, in which h said that he would rather be dependent "on Great Ilritaln "than any other country, or than none." i Then he pasaed down to the days -of Martin Van IJuren, and told of the visit of his son John to the ?ourt of m. James, which earned for him the sobriquet jof "IYInce John," by which he was known afterwards. Hou tell said that he felt sure that, when the, daughter' of the President returned from the icoronatlon of Edward VI tv she Would not be known as "Prlnce!a Alice." Iioutell then told the story of the coronation of the Clxar of Russia -In. 1S9. and of the appearance on that oc casion tti the Iemofcratic Ambaesador, Clifton K. Breckinridge, of Arkansas, in full court costume, knee breeches and all. Breckinridge was. he said, amid laughter, a native of Lexington, Kentucky. ; , ' . v -'.'. " "He has been dead pollUcaily ever since." Interjected FMxgerald .(,. Y.) rtoutelt then descrlbed'the reception of the Queen of Hawaii to Washing ton, and the honor ahown her by Pres Ident Cleveland. , j v V -l succeeded, by James Rosa, of Montreal. Vice-President and General Manager A. J. Moxham. who was brought from Pittsburg, also will retire. It la further stated, and be succeeded by Herrick Duggan, a Canadian. These changes are Interpreted as meaning that there win be no further steps taken toward combining- with tbe United States Steel Corporation. , The Excitement Not Over. Tbe rush at the, drug store still con " tinuea and daily scores of people rail for a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for v the Throat and Lungs for tbe rure of Coughs. Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis and consumption. Kemp's Balsam, the standard family remedy, is sold on a guarantee and never fails to give entire satisfaction Price ?Jc and SOc. - i . i . SUGAR. -Best cane granulated sugar 33 pound for II. at the Blue Front, dw. POLITICS IS WARM SEVERAL CANDIDATES FOR LEG ISLATIVE HONORS.. . Two Leading Aspirants for the Nomi : nation for Governor Salem Jus ,' tice of the Peace Office Is Net Be ing Overlooked. y The political situation In" Marion county remains - almost the same, as stated In yesterday's Statesman. . with the addition of several candidates over looked In the writing of that report. Among the candidates for the Legis lature, an able man who ps an avowed candidate, and who was Inadvertantly overlooked. Is Frank Davey. Hon. J. H. Settlemier, of Woodburn, a member of the State Hoard of Agriculture." is amither aMe Republican, whOi aspires to a place on the State Senatorial ticket. 1 : A letter received by the Statesman yesterday from J. C lcgmund..of Ger vais, states tliat this gentleman is not a candidate for the office of sheriff, but that he is aspiring toi the nomina tion for county recorder. Among the candidates! for the Re publican nomination for Governor, In Oregon are several wellrknowri men. but the fight seems to have come down to two Gov. T. T. deer, the preawnt incumbent, and IIon. W. J.; Furnish, of Pendleton; formerly a. . Democrat whJ ieft his party in 186, on account of Its silver proclivities, and has since trained with the Republicans. The other candidates seem to have dropped out of sight. To oppose the one io be eelected by the Republican Convention, will doubtless be that Democratic vole getter, Hon. -George- E. Chamberlain, of Portland, and the Republicans are arguing that to oppose hi nv the strongest man must be named by the Republicans, and that man Is general ly conceded, to be T. T. Oeer, the best campaigner In the state. In local circles the matter of naming district officers Is being seriously dis cussed, and slate-makers are looking about for available timber for justice of to succeed Judge J. 0,TXnald, w;hose term expires on July 1st, the name of E. C. Judd has been prominently men tloned. andxMr. Judd's many friends assert that hex has sufficient strength to capture-the nomination and election. Hef is a young attorney of excellent habits, a good practice and good Judg ment. Edwin Iforgan, another young attorney; Is an aaplranvfor the nomina tion, and Ills friends are industrious in his behalf. lie, too, hasXgood qual ifications for the place, and the contest for the nomination wllt.prdbabtrsbe.be tween these two. ' 1 ' 1 -. $20 WORTH SENT FREE. x Dr. Miles the Great , Specialist in . Diseases of the' Heart. Nerves, Stomach and Kidneys COULD NOT COMBINE.. NEW YORK. Feb. 19. Canadian In terest In the Dominion (Iron Hteel Company and the Jominion Coal Com pany, in Cae Breton, have succeeded, says a Montreal dispatch to the Times. In preventing the "American! sat ion" of thae companies. Aa a result, II. W. Whitney will. It Is stated, resign the presidency of both concerns and be D3. C. GEE WO ; Wonderful Home :r Treatment. v Tills wmWfnl Chl bw. doclr i cTtii"-1! grit tcause -' cur- p??p4e ilh nif H!ratkn' ' that ; sr I" given up i'p die. ''II L?55fr' cares with VJ -W'i wonderful ChJe if 4 P A - brt-ba. roots. hd. inai srf ih'-i known to medical oc In ttti- mumtry. dirs. thia Umwi .loctor kn ,K "l"'"? f ..vcr oiflfrrent rm-Uw whk M stiecwKfully vnf ' In diffTettt Hun lie sjttsrmcs to ctir rnM, stomach. . kidy. Wad ttm tnmbie. I"t mashood. all private has huadrnts of ieUntiala. Charges "Twtnd s him.C.7intttj fr. P Unf mut ih city writ f. Wssk and cirratnr. rtiw- ntasap. A,WrTi-Tfrttl3 fW Wo Chiwi-' M"drti.e C.. IK1 T Ktreet, I'orBand, Oresoev Meatk tbis tWill Send a Trial Course of His New and Remarkable Treatments Free : When an experienced physician 'of fers to give away $2.50 Treatments for diseases . of the heart, nerv, stomach-, ' or drorsy, it is conclusive -"evidence j that he haa great 'faith In it., And when nnniTeni 01 (inirainrni nicn nnu . . ntxw men freely' (ratify.. tohlf unusual skill a tv! the superiority of hla' New -Special Treatnunt his liberality is certainly worthy of serious consideration. That Franklin Mild, M. I., LL. B., Is cne of t h worM's most, successful , Phyt iclans i proven by - hundred . f j-.wonderful cures of well-known people. I One patient . cured aftr failure if eleven urana napin "nyaan, one after being given up by thirty phyfi clans.one after nine of the leading dc tors in New York City. Philadelphia and Chicago failed. -I ' ', Tire latevProf. J. H Jewell. M. P.. ed itor of I he Journal of Mentil sind Nerv nuM DirnwfS, aaid: "by all means pub lish .your surprising, results." Prof, J, P. lions. M. i. Kx-I"resldfnt of Rush Medical College, wrote In IStt: "Dr. Miles has ; taken two courses of my private instruction In diseases of the heart and lone;." Mr. - Truman Ie Wse. editor of the Chicago Tlmes HeraM. tatcs; "Ir. -Miles cured me of years of inherited headache and dii nesa.T: The w-ll-known . hanufactttner of Freeprrt, III, J. C !cott, says fl bad frulttcaxiy ri-ent thouaands of dollars on physicians until 'I 'consulted IrMlle." Mrs. Fiank SmHh,:f Wa baih Ave . Chicago; writes: "Dr. Miles cured, me of droisy after five leading physlclara had given me up.- . v v. One-thousand remarkable Ustlmoni ala snt.upon :reout.- '-' As all may have J 5 worth of treat ment t eerciaJly prepared for their car. free, as a trial, .we would advise, them to send for It at once. Ad -tress ffir.: Franklin Miles. S9 Ftate Street, Chkaga. Please mention this paper. . .Keml-Weekly $1 year. THE FUNERAL. The funeral of little. Pearl Barker, who died at the Mroe of Mr. and Mrs. li. U Matheny, In West Salem, on Wednesday evening. wISl e held at St, Paul, today. The funeral procession will leave the Ma theny home early tbki morning, and t - irl 1 '1 in preparing appetizing and wholesome food is lightened fey this famous baking powder f QVVVL ft f , s v I Light Biscuit Delicious Ctc v I- Daiinty Pastztes "Ti Fine Pudding Aisolut :ly pure It adds healthful cualities to the food ROYAL. : I .. .., The "Rrrrat Rker nt rastry Cook" most practical arsl "valuable .of cook , booksk free to every patron. Sefid full address by ioctal card. There are cheap baking powders, made from alum, but they are c credinKly harmful to health- Their astringent and cauterizing: iqualilics ' ' add a dangerous clement to iuod. OVAL DAKINO rOWOtS. CO 100 WILLIAM ST Hf.W YORS- w II 1 proceed for St. Paul, w funrrai will be held. A nu atives and ! friends of the fa here the rived 'front Ft. Paul iat evening, and mber of rt-l- will accompany -the remains to tncir Ully ar-'lt reeling place. Are You U Mo-Date? IP NOT, U0 YOU WANT TO BE? V IN EITHER (tASC TO V SHOULD TAKE 1HK Pacific Homestead $1.00 per year. If you hate not the dollar, cut out and sign this coupon. and mall It today: . . To HOMKSTED CO., Salem, pregon. . Date ..W...... Please send the Pacific Homestead tomy' address, as given below, for twelve 'months; for which I agree to ,r. o ..... bay 11.00 within sJi months fiom this dale. .V 2 J . r . V IT not-paid within six months, prV-ewlll be 11,25. Homestead and BttvUsmanJlUi i-eryvar cash, or if paid within aU months - 1 HERE IS WHAT BOMB O P OUR BUHbumuiiiw nai. IliVor 1 foment ea.d! Enchjsed iflnd order for $1.53 for on year's Subscription to the Ilineslcad and the Oregon Poultry JournaL When your agent Called In June 1 did not feet like taking your pepr but he wished me tovtry it! for three months hnd said If I did not like it at the end of that lime It wouitt not cost m anything. Hut wo like your paper very much and send Wder for one yea r'a subqripUon from last June. Wiahlng succesa, J. JI. HELYKA. ' Fnohomlsh, Wash. Rcpt. 27, X1- tlfomestead and Poultry Journal Is BOW $1.40.) ' Editor Homestead: Please find ensclosed $1 for my sun- r-rit.tion to tht- Homestead. . 1.1. ...i i.nii .mill .t.aoer very inm-n -virion ,.. v . --. There Is so much valuauie iiiuwmatiwn Ml.l,llll In II. '.- J. A. liosKna. Freewater. Or.,rFeptJ50, 190L Editor Homestead; i liko the Homestead very m.it.tn'1 v.rv well do without U -The articles written and reports from different set lions or parts of trie coun try, published every week, are lied. , LEN. C'l which ...l. 19 ,W gotten from Ito other source; f iu'.eillgeBtly apf v . T. 8. AI nidgefleld. Wash., Attf . J. 1L T.-4I,. irnmltut! Enclosed' find postoffice order for one dollar for one year's subaciifition to tiriE. Hone- them vmip valuable ttcr. I would vithout it. Yours truly. . E. J. HONtTMl: Thatcher. tr., Nov. 11, 190L :rtltor Homestead J N. 1 am much uleawd with the .i.u.i .n.i- Ktateaman! beHve eouai. to any pat rs on IhUcrwtKt, If not t-etter. I remain, yours fp- futlV I C11AVEN. tlalesvllle, r NW, 13, Id. Editor Honestesd: rnitu find enclosed $1.75' for subscription to the llomestei Ftatesman. I am mwn pieaw much k howl- be lost tny d and with the Homestead. Thrre Is m'ct Valu able Informal Wn contalnea InltJ WUb titg you atsccess,. I ' 1 i MUS. C. M. PtXUT. IMakely, Or, Nov. , 190L frank Ktrong. of Myrtle loint. Coos county. Oregon," sends two ncjw sub scriptions to the Homestead and' says: -1 like the Hosnestead very (much; could not get along without Jt.f . A renewal from IL" C. Jackson, of Khedd. Oregon, has the followibiff en eoursKlsg words added thereto: "I like the Homestead' a a well as ever nnd would not like to be without :lt. Wish ing you success' ' , - - : J. D. Martin, of Vancouver, Wssh Ington, says be llkea the Homestead splendid." ; ', - '-" Wm. P. Stewart, of, Bnohoinlsh, Washington, .wishes the Homestead great suwess. ' . . W. E. Williams, nf Outlook.J Wash ington, thinks nhe Homestead Is o. k.f 1 like th Pacific Homeate id flna and think It Is the best farm tair I have taken." says O. A. Ooerig, of Woodland. Or. . -----. - J. W. Keller, , Waterloo, Oregon rays: "Find enciesd It for on year;s subscription to the Homestead. Hav Ing recently coma hera from Hanford. California, have, fs lied to get several opcs;of your excellent paper, .and hive -missed them very much. "I am well pleased with Oie paper," writes n. . Farley, of Monroe, Ore gon, ditto O. C Bergcr, of Avon, Wash ington. "--A .';'''!' "'V. - .' ' Frsnk Collins, of Auburn. Waahlng toni says: "We like your, farm paper very muf-h, better than' ahy farm 'pa perl we have ever taken." fl. W. TempWon. fd ' Marysvllle, Washington, thinks, 'the Pacific. Home ftead is o. k." i ' i James louder, of Tacoma, Wash-1 Ington. espressea himself In this way J "Would riot be without your paper for ten times Its price." '- V. F. Inhale, of- fghra, Oregon, says: ."Would not be without your pa pr any longer, never missed anything so t;uch." . -1 - 'j ".--.' J. M. '-Fisher, of Welser; Idaho, In re newing his subscription to the Home; etcadwHys he "Is well 1I cased with the paper." 'i:'Tr; W. D. Patch, of Welser, Idaho, takes sveral farm pafrs. "but likes the Homestead b-st of all." . I r. A. , Kk I pton, of Payette, . Idaho, likes the Homestead very tnu'-u and thinks "any one Interested In farming should take It,": -. , '',,;,. - v Charles Coyle, owning a Wg wheat soil stock ranch two miles west of Wslla Walla, a.) ys "the pacific Home stead is the beat paper on farming I ever read." - - , It. It. McNesI, Having a tie.antlful' farm Seven miles west of Wslla Walla, nn Walla Walla rtvrr la rnHttr Into lrynK and diversified farming,' He praises tne iioroesieaa y saying y what I need," ' ':.'. " The paper of all papers to -and to yotir Eaatern friends, for It gives a more thorough (insight than any other publication into the farming and In dus trial conditions or the noitawett