Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 18, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    or.naorx statesman Tuesday. rEuncAnr is,-i3c:.
ay I) Veil let
jr Ch!!2rca.Cc;!2!a cf lltziKhts?
TE STRENGTH Is in many cases lh root of all evil, and this eye
. ength tends to stunt the derelopme rlt of your children, both In body and
- Snd. Then you wonder why your children are not as bright and healthy
- others. ' - 4 . - . - -
'!',. J DON'T DELAY LOXCZR ,! ' .
As these dtlays may ruin a brilliant career. ' No child can get the proper
bn-flt from study wblle suffering under a bad eye. strength- J . -." A
We examine eyes. free, -Call and see our new bptleal parlors..
IIEM!N 1Y, DAna, Scientific Optician,
v tZ0 8tte Street. SBiem, -
ml mm
' v. ' '
v-1 ' f
Your Interests hen buying Wall
Taper. A little! are 4n making
selections will often avoid having
an. unsatisfactory paper on the
wall. The tratment of walls,
when a pleasing effect Is defired,
la : a deep study that requires
tlrne and exrerltncc. ,'. i
We ! not know it all. but you
art welcome to what we have
MbMorbcd by lng contact with
the business. .
, .... j. , , .
308 Commercial St. Next Door to Post off Ice.
r -. -. " ;
ev Wholesale
Shoe Mouse
With complete ; lines of both artistic and reliable foot wear. We. carry
a eomplcta Mas for city or country wsar.
Catalogue mailed to dealers, n application or our j representativo will
Call. .,
ClrJUSSC 8 PfinCCp portLand, oregos
' i : .... j
The Massachusetts Mohair Plush Company
f of Lowell, Mass.
are the markct'for year's growth Oregon Moha.ir.
i ' Sfecial prices for superior grades
v. A. Ji RAY, Agent,
334 Sherlock Banding Portland, Or.
pojsitlon the provision was Inserted
the bill. .';,; . l !
' Several other bills of Importance on
h ,4-unlp wm rasaed. amor a them
lone extending tle charters of National
' banks, 'i (.". .5f 'ur.:: r:
Oisfranefiising Negroes.
Washintrton. Feb 17. The Republican
- . .k-iiir..... . . v. : a
AP prOVefl Dy ICC Ctn3ie IS SCSri'rus tonlsht to consider the question of
Southern elections. Oniy einnty-six
Reoublicans were present: . This waa
short of a quorum, but the meeting
proceeded. Ai resolution was adopted
asking the House Committee on Rules
to report a resolution for a, special in
vestigating committee to consider
questions relating to the disfranchise
nTent of voters.
Order Yesterdav
.4 .
Thai War Revenue Reduction Bill
Passed tho House by Unanimous
VoU and Without a Word of Do-
bate The Unexpected Happened
Cuban Reciprocity Will Be. Taken
Up" Next New Plan Proposed.
Ccnir.snlcctl:ns Sect la ca
ca$ Ssbjects
r v
But something bad to; be done. It
mattered little what whether, good or
bad. The members must be enabled
to mo home and report to their d I con
tented constltueney. that they had dona
something made a change and thua
satisfy them ty wait, and aee how It
worited. . Their motto seems to have
been: -After ua the deluge."
So a few eminent gentlemen, the
Oovernoyi understand with them, got
together, pooled their wisdom (?) and
Incubated House Bill No. called the
Booth Bill.
Of thia bill In an article published In
the Dally Statesman, Feb. 19, isoi, I
Mt - ; : ...
i Ccnuine stamped C C C Never sold la bulk.
. Bwrc of tht dcafsr who tries to tell v
onwthins ui( as ld.w
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17Tday, in
little more than an hour's time, the
Senate disposed of the treaty with
Denmark, ceding to the United States
for tho consideration of $5,000,000 the
lands of St. Thomas, St. John and St.
Croix, composing the' group of Antilles
known as the Danish .West Indies,
lying just east of Porto Rico, and thus,
0 far' as this country is concerned,
consummated the transaction which
has been under consideration intermit
tently since the administration of Pros-
dent Lincoln.
NwnsMMMnMMMHMKMMl r Irtish
1 1 fw,Uf n
A- .t r m 1 1
HORP n,i w"1 Cur hem otJUnrm, Cough or
" w .w jJitttmpcr, fruHluii Ucarc l'u tier.
twrn anliiir h t'ruiwinn H l ii-f th tMt fight TtK' mnA
in kTur It honemut V nf 1lntiir tui t of i brnntv
Gt orge Oretnhalgh, an AQed farm
;? er Living Near Merer
t k
e "
Was on
tho BridgW
Early Sunday
Morning When the Pay-car Came
Along Died in Trying to Save His
Dog No Inquest Held. .
V, Tl'RNER. Or, Feb. 1. Sunday
morning a sad and fatal accident oc
curred oo the rnJlroud bridge, crossing
I MM Creek one mlW Jnorth of Turner.
-Mr. tleo. preenhjagli.an aged residenli
jlivlng pear the "scene of tne fatality,
was walking t on 1 the bridge- accom
junlrd by his 'shepherd dog. a great
favorite. When nor the south end ot
.the bridge, aeelng the,py-cr eomljjs
from tholnorth at a high rate of speed
on Its rvKuUr monthly dlburing trip
.Mr. Orwenhalgh got off on one of th
oupjiortlng th stringers of th
bridge, but seelnf tbejdiii; still on tht
Jtavk an4 the englnexbul a few feet
rfiy, bexeacbe! a rots to pull the dog
off, hn he pea - truck, by the pibttf
i!t under nt" a linln biikx of the!
'! !irhl arm titt. jand i kn kM nff . Iti!
- bridge, Into." eorae shallow water,' but
-.is not ftn disabled but that he walked
,viy and tr th aid of the traJa men
ihe car lMln.g atottMl was pWu-ed on
the rar and taken in the depot at Tr
nr, from whence It was taken to the msm aM fc- ...
The dog was so Injured that be had to
be killed. ' . :;)--.; I '
-' Mr. Oreenhalgh had be-n In the habit
of goirur on the brtdsr between trains
and catching drift wood, for firo wwd.
Not-expecting any train at thai time
of the day he felt secure on the bridge,
and It was . therefore, greatly to his
surprise when the pay-train suddenly
appeared coming toward him at a hlffh
rate ' of apeed, giving him no opiwr-'
tunity to get off the long trestle, and
resulting in his death. '
Mr. tirevnhalgh was a worthy citizen
and .an upright, conscientious manAnd
one of -.decided' t-onvlrtlona upon mat
Ua' with which he was acquainted,
artd his sudden taking off Is motit. aad.
He lived lne. hia only comixinlon be
ing his faithful dog. Ills wife .- died
nearly eight years agou -He was born
jtn CornWHil. Kngland, alut 75 years
ago. coming- to this untry.w hen about
ten years old. He leaverTwo sisters lu
th state of Delaware, two brothera In
lowav and a couln. James (jrcnhalgb,
living n Albany, thia KlaUi. Tiie l.i.t.
Mrs. James.'.' Walker whose famriy re
sides two miles above Turner, wax also
rounln. The funeral was held at the
Methodist church in Turner thia ufteH
non at 2 o'clock, and Interment jwai
had In the Masonic Cemetery. The cor
cincr waa notiljed. hut under the cir
cumstances'he did not think It neccs
sary to hold an Inquest. i
. MA tap worsa aicbtw r4 lng ar
let earn aeaaa arwer s, takloa taa
fM-AKETA.j This 1 m sure aa ituwl m
bad Sesiia for past tbrve , eara 1 am u.l
Uh4S tWret. thm emy cathartic worthy of
aouee by aeasibte pM!a M , ' ..
USO. TV. UQTIM, BSirO, klit
Washington, Feb. 17. The unex
pected happened in the House today,
when thetbill to repeal the war revenue
taxes was passed unanimously, with
out a word of debate. This '"action, was
thei outcome of a challenge, thrown
wti by; Richardson, the minority
leader, after adopting by a stric.t party
ote'-a special order for the consider
ation of the bill which permitted the
debate upon It until 4 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon, but cut off all opportunity
of. offering amendments, except such as
had been agreed upon by. tne ways ana
Means Committee. . The .adoption ,of
the rule had been preceded by a stormy
debate. In the - course of which, the
Democrats protested against the appli
atlon of the - "gag" rule which iay
(Virginia) charged,' was meant5 to pre
vent free expression, not 6nly "by Dem
ocrats but by some of the Republicans,
attention being especially " directed to
ward Babcock (Wisconsin), father of
the bill, to amend the steel schedule of
the nresent tariff law. They also
charged that such a method of proced
ure waa minimizing the Influence of
the i-House, and making It simply a
machine to register the decree of the
few men in control.
When, the rule was adopted by a vbt
of 158 to 120, Richardson, to emphasize
the fact that the debate on thefblll
could 'accomplish nothing, and that
deliberation upon It would be fruitless.
asked unanimous consent that the bill
. n1ti(1 ii r on Its rnntuep. Kot art
objection was voiced, and the vote wasj
taken forthwith- Kvery vote. 278 in
number, waa cast In the affirmative.
Hope's great nuciefs, "Rupert of llent
zau." -was the attraction at the New
tand last bight, and a crowded house
greeted the; excellent company and for
nearly -three hour enjoyed one of the
best production -of the stage ever pre
sented In Salem. The work of the
(company' was, excel lent, the eoitum
perfect; and the sequel to the "Irlsoner
of Zend" played here last year under
the same management, waa better than
ita predecessor, and won many friends
for the excellent performers.
lw a ra wr K.ismmyh .
r HdMM'fiHnieM tNtlaenreall k'.lnar Ola am
The, Homo of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Har
ris presented a restive Scene on
: Friday Evening A Most Enjoyabla
Social Gathering. r
It Dazzles the World
; No Duwrovery in medlciner has . ever
created one quarter of th excitement
that has been causedby J)r. King's
Nca' Discovery forConsumptlon. Its
severest tests have been on hopeless
victims i of Consumption. Pneumonia,
Hemorrh a gel'leu rlsy a nd Bronchi Us,
thousandsor whom It has restored to
perfects-health. , For Coughs, Colds.
A th ma., Oroun. llay Fever. Hoarse-
I pewr" and Whopping- Cough it-is the
Ujulckest, surest cure In the world. It
m kohi iy ur. mone, wno guarantees
SiitiHfactloo or refunds money. ' Irge
bottles BOc. and 1. Trial bottles free.
Cuban Reciprocity.
Washington. Feb. 17. With the pas
sage of the war revenue reduction bill,
In the house today, informal plan? are
being considered on both sides of the
chamber for the consideration of the
Cuban reciprocity question, now pend
ing before, the Ways and Means Com
mittee. There is a-pretty general un
derstanding among the Republican
members of the committee that they
will confer oh "the question later in the
week. The Democratic members of
the commfttee met this afternoon to
consider; plans of proceeding with the
Cuban reciprocity question when, it
cornea up. No definite line of action
was determined upe
. I ' .
A Reciprocity Plan.
Wash i ii g ton, Fcb.1 7. Reprcsen ta ti ve
Hnitth, of Michigan, today introduced
a bill amending the act of July, 189S,
by authorizing the. President to negoy
ti:te a reciprooity, treaty , between the
Unit-d States and Cuba, for a period
of ten yeararby which the United
8ate shall refund to the Cuban Gov
ernmeivt. quarterly, 40 per cent of the
autoes, on condition ' that Cuba will
grant a concession of duties on all arti
cles imported .by .Cuba from the flnited
St a ton; and. on condition that no duties
shall be refunded on any article, on the
production of which any bounty shall
have bn provided or have been paid.
Friday evening the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Harris, of Jllckey, present
ed a very pleasant scene, when a few
of their young friends -were gathered
to celebrate .St. Valentine's day. The
evening was spent In pleasant conver
sat Ion, games and music, until a late
hour, when refreshments were served.
after which the presents of St. Valen
tine were distributed. . Messrs. Ben
Hofstetter and Joe Hirshey. two prom
inent young- musicians of Rickey, fur
nished the music for the evening. The
house was very prettily decorated with
fir boughs nd red hearts pierced with
white arroft-g. Those present were:
- Mr. and Mrs. Harris, the Misses June
and Mabel Beaver, Hasel and Verbena
Harris, Trule Carlson, Daisy and LJHle
Harris, and Messrs. Clarence and' Ar-
thur Beaver, George Race, Carl . and
Victor Carlson, Claud and Frank Ash-
by, Levi and Frank Harris, Joe Hlrshe
and Ben Hofstetter. i j
complaint of 11. K. Dunlap, Samuel
J"ath?w, aged X2 years, and a. super
annuated minister of the . rnsiiel. was
yesterday examined by Dr. J. A. Rich
ardnon and County Judge Jnhrt II.
Scott, pronounced Insane and commit
ted to the InnanexAwylum. Ifr,wa
delivered to that institution, by Sheriff
F. V. Durbin yesterday' aQerhoon.
There Is. on rational way to treat
nasal -catarrh; the medicine Is applied
direct to the afffrted membrancX The
remedy is Kly's Cream-' Balm-."- iKre-
stores the- Inflamed tlspues to a healthy
state without drying all the life out of
them nd it gives back the lost senses
of taste and srnelf. "The mifferer who
I tired of vain experiments should use
Cream. Balm; Druggists ."sell it for W
cts.' Kl BrotherM. r. Warfen Street,
-N'v York, will' mail it. , -
-' V -
nMa. Ptaiti, .it. Ttt tUnrJI. ft
Caw. tkMi, W . r CUM. Vt. a, ft
til where be uJ4 la it tw Ittlnutci.'
Tho Pacifle Cable. '
Washington. Feb. 1JL The nWnorHy
reKrt on the Pacific cable bill, filed
tfMlay. dissents from the" view that the
Government should build the , cable.
The report says: -
"We believe the Government can ob
tain all the advantages of Govern
men-ta! ownership, and avoid the risks
and disadvantages of Government own
ershlp. by allowing a private corpora
tion to lay and operate this cable.
Moreover, we do not thlnW It right for
W A .... . ... . . .ft ! . . A.
...it vn.iri mm in i, i.iy mis came aiier
a ; private contoration - has sUrtt-d to
lay snth a-cable. i
, Hobson to Retire.
Washington, Feb. 17-The t'reident
to.lay a. nt tneiwage th Hwate.
rec-ommenfUrtg the, re.iiretnt .f Naval
Constructor 1U chard l4 HotMon. and: B
accordance with this reeomnx-hdation
Senator rt dinger introduced - a Mil
providing for Ilohson transfer to the
retJreti list.' . f i
. . I , . ,The Census Office,. - :".1; ;' -"... - .
Whlngon, F b. I7-4Aft(r -a'eir
tended debate the Senate today pioe
the hill establishing a permanent On
sua Office. Thp diui-sion related prin
cipally to the;.eotectlon and pu-fallea.
tlon. by th IHrector the Oriaus, f
statistics, respecting .' lb proiu"t ',,(
cotton. Allison vlforouay opposed the
pro iion maintaining
statistics gathered br.l
or Afrifuiiur wr complei and r.
rurate. 'and 'that no necesty ietinted
fvr (heir duplication.- Uerpit hia o
MASON. At the home of her parents.
Mr. and. Mrs. G. Ma.on. Santiam.
1 Mnn cunty. Oregon. Friday evening,'
, February 14. 102 M Iss Rosa H. Ma
i non. aged 21 years, 7 months and 6
j days, of typhoid fever." " -
' Funeral tervirrs ill be. held at tho
home of the parents, at Santiam. and
the rernains . xrVl be brought to this
city on-the overland tomorrow after
noon, arid thei burial will take place In
the City View cemetery..' ....;v-. -. ;
Something That Will Do You Good.
j We know of no way in which we cart
be of inore service to iur readers than
to tell them -pf .something that will be
of real gHd to them. For this reason
w want toiacqusint th-m with what
we-' consider one of the very lest reme
dies on the market for coughs, colds,
and that alarming v.cenirfaint, -'croup.
We refer to (hamleruin's Cough Jtetn
ely.l W hdie uA It jaHh ucta good
rrisulla in our family so. long that it has
tef-ome a household necr-swfty. By Its
prompt :. us . w hsven'tt any d6ubt
that It ha time and again ?revented
croup, f Tbe testimony Is given wpoti
our own experienee, and we suggest
th.-it ottr readerss, esperlty-those who
have sm;..! -h!Mren. always Jceep it in
tbir homes a, a safeguard against
croup. Camden f S. , Mwr, For
Of tho Counties v Toward Paying the
- Expenses of tho State GoverUment,
Discussed by John .P. Robertson.
i (The Statesman la pleased tc print
communications upon topics of central
jinterest.it any time. There is arcely
any limit to the topics of general In
terest. It la asked " only that corre
spondents refrain from personalities
and use care that nothing "be written
of a libelous r unworthy or untruth
ful nature.). ;
Booth Tax Law.
Kditor Statesman:
i The board charged with the duty ht
levying state taxes for the supHrt of
the' state- government consists of tho
Governor. Secretary of State, and State
Treasurer. - Previous to this yes r they
first ascertained the Amount of money
required to defray the expenses of the
State government for the current fiscal
year; and al the total amount of as?
Sessed property In the state, i s re
turned by the aeveral counties lat the
last aeiMimSnt; then by calculation
they found' the nuhiber of mills heces
sary to be levied on each dollar to
false, the required sum. Then they
made a direct and uniform levy of so
many mills on each dollar of atsessed
iroierty In the .state. It was direct
because made on the property a id not
in a lump demand against each county.
It was uniform because the; number of
mills levied on the dollar was the Same
in all the -counties of the state.
Although the law provided that prop-
of trie laws
and were re
D ITS j - ' Aa a remedy It is proposed in Houne
lilli 68 which passed the House with
CON-I only one dissenting vote, to take tha
unequal assessments of these laf five
years (l8 to Inclusive) yeara
when this "systematic evasion of
law was the most flagrant and enact
these unjust, and unequal assessments
Into laws, and make them the basis for
tne demand on the several counties for
state taxes! -. "- : . ,' '.. -
. The counties whose officials have'
been most successful In evading the
law, and defrauding the, state .ftrthe
last fite years, are low to be protected,
In that 'systematic vaston of the law
ror tne next five years! i The peoplo
ask relief from unequal taxation. The
House answers by fastening on. them
for five yeara to come th very injus
tice of which they coftiplajln!
What then? After ItOS the state's
taxes are to be levied on Wach 'county,'
not; on Its proiortlonal amount of as
sessable property, but on I Its . , propor
tional expenditures ror jcounty pur
poses for the last Ave yeara precedln
1903, It would be lust as reasonablea
equitable, and as constitutional to base
it on the number of men with rei hair
In each county. Can auci a bill pasa
the Senate? i Wo shall see What we
hall see. . It Is but the craziest patch
itora a lemporary exiteaient, perhaps
only designed to perpetuate prcsen
ii...i.i. i.i . . ...
iviciavw ivvnuawna ur anoniPT nri
years.,:-: j ;.,t , .,:-:
. .Notwithstanding the bill dTd pass the
c . . . . . . -. X . .
mrnic, ina was approvKuy ine tov.
jernor. Thoigh I iM-llyt- it (., tK. an,
n t?ilkT V "lltirtw-lat 1 1 til inwvui u m It M ....li..
the first lleyy of state taxes has been
made' under its provisions, and llie lirnt
assessment since Its enactincntJs com-
Jdete. and the results of Jxiih arc now
.before usy
J In in next (soon to follow, we will
see Mw nearly in the above exiruHs I
forecast the resuJU " X' -V
erty should be assessed at Its
cash value," it was evident m
ago tnat some assessors, were
gardiag alike this mand
and their official oat
turning .very low valuations. I This en
abled their ctnsHtunts to shirk an
equitable shareof state taxes and to
throw an unequal land unjust burden,
on the peppie -of other counties, whose
assessors were more conscientious.
Thenr being no central atate authority
tow-hlch. the several: assessors must
submit their 'assessments for revision.
each assessor was practically "a law
Unto Himself. feellevlng; yes knowing.
that some, if not' all other assessors
would each, seek to protect his county
from the payment of an unfatrt If not
from a fair, nronortion of state taxes.
every assessor was under a very strong
temptation. If not necessity, to I under
valuation. So the abuse grew elpace.
1 believe I am safely within the
bounds of truth when I say that' Mult
homab county led In this "sysiematlc
evasion of law, until the abuse be?
jpamo ?so general," and the undervalu
ation so great, thatj It wa rrlr
characterised by the Governof as1 a
'race, to reach the lowest "possible level
of assessment. i
So successful were the assessors in
this effort, that the assessed valuation
of the state decreased from $1,
In 1893, to a little less than 1118
and la
that the f-OMtn
the Department
Hon. and Mrs ,K. P. McCornack re
turned on Surwlay from an extended
r'atrn trip, after anabeenc erf seven
weeks, j , They visited the lrlncipal
itis In thwKsrt." and m nt several
days in1 that Mecca of i the Western
tf a vek-r Washington. ih
In loo; a loss of 150,000,000 lit seven
In view of these statistical facts the
Governor in bis last biennial message
aid:' 1 -' ' .-r'.
The limit to which this syst
evasion of - law . can go has
reachcdj'ractlcally we have no law on
the subject." ,
If the Governor may truthfully be
said 'to have definitely proposed
e"ommended any remedy for this de
plorable state of affairs, it may h
found on page 13 of his message
us follows-;.
"The lest one. If It can be haal.
be to devise some system by which the
emit- i an asM-sn . a crriain amuuni
against ea.ch county, for state pujrpose.
In proiKirtlon to Its a-ealth, or popula
tion." , . ' - ; , . ' ';-.
I take It that no sane mam. would.
bmg entertain, as proposition tb levy ;
axes In proportion to population. . If j
hen "In proportion to wealth, how Is
that proportion to be ascertained? Is
the state board endowed with stjch su 1
jnerlor and infallible wisdom that, they
can equitably apportion tht levy
nmong the several counties without an
ctual assessment?; 8urey notJ Then
we must have assessors, and an assess- I
ment.r And that Is Just what vye have ,
had all along, i I I ; I
If the Governor had suggested some
feasible plan by which these assessor
could be induced to value all asjiessible i
roperty at Its "actual cash value. as
he law directs, then his suggestion
would have real rnerU. But tol merely
y we should Ido what ail' admit
Should be done,' without pointing outi
how to do It, is to leave us Just where;
we were before, without advancing the '
solution of the problem a single ster.
However, by reading closely the above
extra, we may discover the enibryotic
outlines of . the lneUltable enactment
tinder wjileh the- Ward are now oper
ating. Notwithstanding this It was
hoped that the Legislature would for
once rise equal to the occasion, tnd en
act an ei ul table and workable assess
ment law. . But these, fond Jmp- were
""on disielled, for , It was soor mani
fest that -the mean bera -had not all
com to Kalem. with an earnest deter
mln.it ion to rme at these, aeknowl
edged and palpable abuses. :.
A majority seemed to ,bav coml
chiefly Intent rra defeating or electing
some parileular candJdste f'r Sena
tor! il honors to dicker, trade and
traffic for office for favors for friends
cprtsnna, pagehl, and places at
' Hon. I J. Adams, of Pit vert on.- at
tended to some business of a it! gal na
ture in this city yesterday. .' '
Eggs 18 cents caah. 1
Chickens 8 to 10 cents. V
The local market quotations yester-
day i were: as follows; ;
? Wheat 62 cents. " " u;
Oats 9.",c white; 90 gray; per cental.
Ha 7hTat. 70$7.50; L lover, to
t'j tltn'othy, 9 to 10; wheat, $7..
; Flour 70 and ii tints per sack; 82.60 i
to 13.20 per barrel, .-' . .-
Mill Fe.'d Bian,'8i7.&; shorts. HS.tiO.
Butter ;'fl to 2Zja er I1. (buying)
CramerjvJ7V4 .-' -
Eggs 18 cents. -
Chbken- to 10 cents. ','
Jork-firfrnkl:t cents. : ,
heifers. 3 ..- , - fi .
Mut tirt-rShcp.. 3 V '
eal. dressed.
Potatees 0 to" C.'hj per1 bushel. ;t
Wool 11c to 13c
state institutions. These weighty mat
""''n m ..,. . .. -.7! i nib!., A il.n.. . , ,1 1 1 1. ...
...,ll.l , T.r .1.1..1 . .. . inirilllrH- 11 laMQ Mil - JUS Wer- , ' .-j.fvul.wv,
m' iiw uwtii'ii, irMiiflL .aia mo-t ' '
srbed all time. Consequently the! He. does a cash bufrlnesii. He neither
members sero to hsve-had intle lnett-iuys on tlmo nr sells on time, jrjg
nation or time in oVvote n an earnest srs. Journals, day-books, i hoVu f t ?,
tudy f so eommonidac a subject naj bill coll.-. tors, and all Jhe foo'lerh para-,
injuniri; iji? in nonru lupaffr, I'HTiiiiu in rrpiii..sf ux BivrM, ara un
by mjr .. dfeotlv 'revenue laws, and . known n hlj bualnes. tience a full
yi?t, and spent a very enjoy a b bur
at the Whlf I louse, and Mr. MrCor
paclt ia nthusiatJe in his pralae
the rrm4m treatment of viaitortJ
in the- r urn trip several days were
Pnt at Los Angelf a and other Call-
lot nil jKiintS.
Buyers and Shippers of
Iralers in
Hopt Grcwsis1 Supplies
Watchuusrs at ,
J. 0. ORAI
207 Commercial 5t)
:'- - '
' i '
J -r - ---I :
T1m store (two In number),-are.. lo
cated at No. and Xit Ctunmerela I
street, a ud ire well slocked with a
compieta linn of drug aid medh Ines,
tuilel articles, i-erfumery, brushes, etc. '
y Do. htonk y : - : ' .- - '
Has had some 25 yars '.f xperjence- In
the practice of medl'inu. and boa
J Ihelr wore IftuJtjr gdminlstratlwn. (tock and orrect ftrltci.