OREGON STATESMAN TUESDAY. FEBRUARY IS. 102." BUSY DAY IN ; CIRCUIT COURT Tfcree Criminal tests Tried be fere Jslge Ccrcttt i THIRTY-SIX JURORS LOCKED UP TO DELIBERATE ON VERDICTS AT ONE TIME. The Jury In, the W R. Smith Stabbing Affray Was Out Nearly All Day Without Rendering a i Verdict Two Men Tried for Stealing a Coat. (From Saturday' Statesman.) , Tmrday wa a busy time -In the Stae Circuit Court for Marion county, Department! No, l,!andat'rorte time 'ihreeV Juries--thirty-six .j'l- men -were locked up deliberating- on, verdict.): !'' At t d'clock a- m., when, the court , convened, ' the taking of testimony In the ease of 'the state against W, R. Smith, the Sllverton stabbing affray, was continued, and at 10 O'clock, the testimony being: In. the case. :"a ar gued by ; tKe attorneys. It was! 1120 before the 'Judge concluded k' his In structional ta 'the Jury, and the latter retired to deliberate upon ; a verdict, and the Jurors remained in their room all day, being4, unable to agree- The Jury consists J. 1 Steiwer, Alex. Dawson. M. IM Barber, DL 'II. Lodhey, T. W. Rutherford, John Brock, F. A. Mangold, O, E. Thompson, J. B. Seeley. S. W. .Jones, C. L. Weaver, Frank Smith..- At o'clock last evening the ! court called out the Jury, and ascertaining- that no verdict had been reached,- Sheriff t W. Durbin waa In siructcrd to take the men to supper and afterwards, return them and : lock them up tor xurtner a eji Deration. . At 1 p. m. the case of the Stute vs. John . Duly and Frank-J Smith, waa ailed. The men ' were accused of ieallng an overcoat from -a room in N, the Salem 'lodging house, on, Christmas NEve, 1901. The men hud demanded separate trials, and the case of John Daly, was .'called -first. the following Juror being chosen to try the case: Newt' 'ook. J I Calvert, M. A. Wade. N. Mlokel, Frank, Wade, B. B r;.'wr, Ch;j. Lotyg. W. R. Townend, II. J. Workman. I I.; Kelly, L. Ci Cav anah.-W. M. Murphy- " 1 7. !' The caae consumed' sewral hours of the court's time, ahd searching ihves ligation w a made Into It. The de fendant claimed he wan a tailor and had worked at Vancouver Barracks for a .'time, whence: he went to Portland, and came to Salem by ste,a'rner a few days before Christmas. On Christmas he and his' 1 partner " were arrested chnrgel witli stealing the 'coat.. ' ! He clalraed lie had liought the coat from a Stranger. The State showed that the drfepdant tctfinVd to a different story froni the on- toi.l at the preliminary hearing. At 3"r30 o'clock! the Jury waa charged arid retired, and as the regu iar Jury room was. occupied -by the twelve m.-n th-llberatlrtg on the verdict in the VV. R. Smith stabbing case, the .rtttortiey's. room in 'the northwest cor p.:r of 'the building was used for the , Daly jury.X. .? i' ? -- Tiie ae afeiiinst Frank Smith, on the same rharge,' was .called Immediately .'after the Daly Jury retired, and as the regular jury venire was nearly ex hausted, a" n; venue was , called .and - the following twelve men were nworrt In to try the case: ' , , Jo. Benolt.1 F. R. Dayton. Kd Jory. ! diaries' Benson, Waited D. Dow, D. T. I'ltt. W. T. Ktol. II. W. Barr O. II. Fay. Fred WJ SteuslofT, j Robert Down ing. James Vaughn: i J V ..' '. ' The testimony In this case did. not differ much from that of the preceding trial, and at 5:10' the Jury retired' to deliberate upon a verdict, they being given quarters In the old Grand Jury ' room, adjoining the court 'room. The! Jury In thlsease reached, an Agreement in about two hours, and re turned a Verdict Into -court, finding de fendant guilty as charged. In the W. R. Smith cae S. D. Hay den and W. II., Holmes represented the ifefendant, while E. C; Judd appeared for the two defendants In the last two coes, and District Attorney J, N. Hart and Deputy John H. McNary apperiMl for the state In all three cases. Sheriff F. W. Durbin and Deputy SherifTIl, B. Colbatb were both sworn la to act as bafUff, a the two regular 'inert had moi juries on thetr hands than they could conveniently handle.. ORATORICAL CONTEST AT VVILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Resulted in the Sslsetion of Mr. Wil- kins as the Representative of the School inxthe Coming State Con 'ptest. ".'.; :" ' ,':--. f .:.; " ;...'' The local ratorlaJ contest at the :AVIMamette University. last, night, drew a large crowd of the friends of the "old sehtKil." as well; as the, students In large numbersthe occasion being the try-out of the or&tors of "Old Willam- ette." the victor io be chosen to repre- .., ik. it.i..ii.i .i.(.nr.ior. i si contest to be held in this city next , month. ',... i ' There were three contestants for the honors, tL B. WUklns. whose subject was The Spirit of Progress; Miss Sophia K Townsend. with "The: Maker of History" as her subject, while W. K Keyes discussed "Arnold, the Traitor." , The work of all three was excellent, and thoroughly enjoyed" and1 appre ciated" by all preant. "The Spirit of Prpgress," by Mr. Wilklns. was given first place by the Judges, and that gen tleman was consequently the choice of the University for Us representative Jii the state contest. '..:.'';. '-'' :-' The musical , numbers of ! the eve- ning's entertainment were all excellent.' and the auilenee enjoyed the entire program to the full. . ; - At Corvallia. . -Corvallia, Or, Feb, 14. Herman Tar- TT :' n n fD arc i l m x THE OFFCPMUQ t OF HEREDITARY ' BLOOD TAINT. ' Scrofula b Lut a modified form of Blood Poison and Consumption. The parent who ii tainted by cither will gee in the cnua the sanic disease manifesting i t se 1 f la the form : of swollen glands of the neck and throat, catarrh, weak and abscesses and of- g tcnticjs white swell- S ingfture signs of Scrofula., '.There may bcooexteroa! sisrnafor a Ions time, for the disease develops slowly in some cases, but the poison is ia the blood and will break out at the first favor able opportunity. S. S. S. cores this wast ing, destructive disease by first purifying anil building up the blood and stimulating and invigorating the whole system, v j. J, (teals, its Public Sqosie. Na.hVille.Tena, ays t "Tra years sgo my daughter felt and cut her forehead. From thi wound tlte glands oa the side of her face became swollen and tmrsted. ne,c; he it doctors here sad euwwbere ttended fcer Withont soy benefit. We decided to try K. a. a and a few bottles cared aer ca Urely." . makes new and pure blood to nouruh and af ren or! tka lA and is a positive and safe cure for Scrofula. It overcomes all forms of blood poison, whether inherited or acquired, and no remedy so thoroughly and effectively cleanses the blood. If you have any blood trouble, or your child has inherited jotne blood taint, take S.,S.- S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage. Send for our free book and write oar physicians about your case. We make no charge whatever for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC C0 ATLANTA, 6A. tar was tonight chosen the representa tive of the Agricultural College, In the state : oratorical contest, 'to occur at Salem next month. A Wretched Millionaire. The story Is told of the owner of severat railroads who - was (unable to buy relief from the nerve-twisting ag ony of neuralgia. It Is an unlikely tale. The sick man must have known that Perry Davis Painkiller would help him at or.ee, as it has helped so many thousands of sufferers in the past sixty years. There Is but one Painkiller, Perry DavlsV REGISTER TO VOTE . " .. .. THE WORK OF LISTING THE ELECTORS BY COUNTY CLERK Proceeding Slowing on Account of the Apparent Indifference of the Voters All Are Urged to Call and ' Register. (From Saturday's Statesman.) The work of registering the voters Is being carried on very slowly and al though there remains about three months In" which one can register it seems Mhe better policy to attend to the matter at the present time- instead of putting it off until he last hour or minute and run.the-riak of getting into a ruph and being shut out as was the case with many before.? Up to last evening 5J7 votiers had been registered an Increase of bne more than 100 over the previous day. This, of course, a plies only to those who have registered In "the -county clerk's department In this city and it Is a very difficult mat ter to make even a rough estimate of the number of registrations throughout the county, as outfits have been sent to every precinct In. the county except those In the Immediate vicinity of Ba te m pnd It Is quite prob.tble that there Is better progress being made In the outside precincts than In those of the city and vicinity.' As evidence of this W. Scott Taylor who has charge of the registration of the voters of Ger- vals frrectnet Informed the Statesman about: a week ago that he had, up to that date registered an even 100; which Is no doubt the banner precinct of the county. raiem no. z precinct up to last evenlnar has reelstered 103 iVoters. being tar In the lead of any precinct In the city or neighborhood, jKnglewood being second with 68 registrations. County Clerk Hal! Is very anxious to have the work finished at the earltent possible date, and Is so anxlottn that every voter le registered that he re quests anyone who knows of avoter who through Illness or InnniHty will hot be able to come to the office to reg ister, will 'kindly call-at hls office and leave- that person's name and address he will call upon' him In person before the books close and see that he Is prop erly registered. The registrations by precincts, as shown by the books In the clerk's department up to last eve ning; follow; j . i Aumsvlile 3, Aurora 1. Breltenbush 1, Brooks i3..Buttevllle X, Elkborn , Englewood I 6S, Tairfleld 8, Gervals 1, Horttb Z. Howell S, Hubbard 1. Vlacleay 12, Marion S,' Menama 1. Mt. Angel 5. Prospect 27, Salem Sio. 1. 19; Salem No. 2. 103; Salem Na 3, 41: Salem No. 4. 45; Salem (East). 22: Satent (North), 30; Salem (South). 22; Scotta Mjfts 1. Sidney 14, Silver Falls l; Silverton 3. Silverton (South), 3, Sllverton (North). !l. St. Paukt, Stayton 4. Sublimity 7. Turner 25, Woodburn 2, Tew Park 23- CASTOR 1 A Tor Xniixus &nd Cliildrex : Tba Kfci Yea Ka?f E::?h' SbjUAtura of tf INSPECTION TOUR Superintend ent n. Field and Manager R. Koeh- er 0(. the Oregon division - of the Southern Pacific Company, passed through this city yesterday afternoon In a special car, southbound, viewing the company's properties generally. r r . w THE FILING OF HOP CONTRACTS Tea Mere Placed L'p:a tfae tizrha Ccasty Er cords , REPRESENTING SEVENTY - ONE THOUSAND j POUNDS OF HOPS OF NEXT-YEAR'S CROP. The Price Agreed Upon Is Eleven Cents . Pee Pound, a Portion to Bae Paid at Picking Time, the Remafndee en Delivery. (Vjom Saturday's Statesman.) Ten hop contracts were filed for record in the county recorder's depart ment yesterday, representing In the ag gregate tl.000 pounds or 400 bales of Marion county bops the ruling consid eration of j which was 11 cents per pound. In every instance a portion of the price is to be! advanced at picking time and the balance upon delivery; Krebs Bros, agents, of Salem, and Frank McClard, j of Brooks, , 14.000 pounds at io cents per pound. Kaber Sc. Nels, 1 Salen and Charles and Joseph Johnston, of Gervals, 10, 000 pounds at 11 cents)' ; , Faber & Nela, Salem; and William, Benjamin and Joshua Collins, of Ger vals, 1 0,000 ! pounds atll cents. - Krebs Bros, agents, of Salem, and Robert M. Nusom, of Brooks, 7,000 pounds at-11 cents. Krebs Bros., agents, of Salem, and John Gerber, of Prat um, ,000 pounds at 10 cents. Krebs Bros agents, of Salem, and Gottleib , Meyers, j of Pratum, 5,000 pounds at 11 cents. Krebs Bros., agents, oi Salem, and Charles Kneustlng, of Woodburn, 5,000 pounds at 11 cents. . Krebs Bros, agents, of Salem, and Antonia Flck, ofT Woodburn; 5.000 pounds at 11 cents. Krebs Bros agents, " of Salem, and Aaron Nusom. of Brooks, 5,000 pounds at 11 cents.- Krebs Bros., agents, of Salem, and Chris Lichty, of Sllverton, 4,000 pounds at 10Va cents. A GYMNASIUM. The officers a.nd clerks at the state house have! fitted up a gymnasium In the old State U brary. Where, after business hours, many of tbem spend an hourn taking exercise and enjoying sKrt of hojnd ball, basket ball, tc. They are much taken up with this new departure and find the taking of th eerc!se jnoat healthful. They are now Industriously practicing basket ball.: and exiect challenge all the good- teams of the states for contests In another week or ten days. i ; LITTLE CHANGE IN LOCAL GRAIN CIRCLES Ths Local Price Is Still Fifty-two Cents a Bushel Uncertainty Is Existing: as to What the Season Will Prove to Be. The local Wheat market Im. and has been for the past few weejts. very quiet with little or no change In the prljce The Eastern and foreign markets have been In a somewhat disturbed and fluc tuating condition, but no particular in fjuence has been made upon the loal market and the price, - 63 cents per bushel, has been maintained steadily although millers have been obliged to nav from 1 to 114 cents in excess of that price in order to secure material on which to run. ! A letter from the firm iof Getrge Morrow St Co., of Sn Franiclsco, defines the condition of the market in that district and the world generally.' It follows: Market conditions are somewhat pe culiar. The showery weather of the present week has been added to the un certainty heretofore existing .aa to what the season would prove to be, and wniie snowers nave been frequent, w have not been favored with anything approaching an old-fashioned southeast rain storm.X The light rains we have had. have of course tended to keep the crops alive, but there is great need of a heavy soaking rain, not only tolbrlng relief to the minds of the farmers, but to i stimulate business generally throughout tbe! state. X "The decided dron In the price of foreign freights within the past month has had a natural tendency to advance the price of what and, at this writing. shippers are fairly free buyers at our quotations." j- '.7 JEFFERSON WILL HAVE A BANKING INSITUTION. All Arrangements Completed for the Enterprise, , and 'It Wilt Be Launched Soon Farmers Will Ap preciate the New Venture. Jefferson Or,-';. Feb. , 14. Bdltor Statesman: It has been an open se cret here for several days that the wide-awake town of Jefferson Is soon to have Opened In its midst a. banking establishment, which fact makes, the business people of this place feel espe cially Jubilant, as If means that much other business will follow as a, result. Mr. J. A. Aupperle of the Jefferson flouring mills. Is one; of the prime mov ers In the matter, and will have associ ated with him Mr. K W. liasardv who will act aa cashier 'of the bank. : Mr. Hazard spent several weeks here, and Anally decided to cast his fortunes with Marion county. He has canvassed all the business men and most of the farmers round about, all of whom have agreed to support the bank with theii good will and patronage. i Mr. Haxard was for many-years cash- ler of an Iowa bank, where he was most successful, and made a good rec ord as a straight business man. Some local capital baa been secured to take an interest Iik the enterprise, and it Is expected that a good business wilt be worked up. All farmers selling wheat and other produce here will appreciate being able to get their cash Instead of checks and orders as In the past, and It Is thought this fact will be a con siderable advantage to all the business Interests of the place, t The capital stock will probably be 320,000 to begin with, but thjs may be Increased aa the business demands. ! AT ! PLEASANT POINT PLEASANT POINT Feb. 14. Mrs. Emma Bowers, went to Portland Wed nesday, being called on. account of the serious, illness of Grandma Hal), her mother, who is on a visit to relatives there. She is at this writing much im proved. . ' - Small pox has. disappeared from our mldt and 'has left no saddened, be teaved homes behind; as all the sick are now enjoying their usual robust health. , ' ! . C, F. Talcott Is having ten acres of land cleared this winter. The S. P. P. Ft. people have taken out the old wooden platform at the' Re form School station and put In a new one of, atone and sand. Mrs. D. W. Vanderbilt Is-visiting the family of . her brotherT, T. Clark near the county1 farm. " i ; Basra 0 Eigsstar1 af 1 hi I'M tot Van A,'sirs Bcbk DEEDS RECORDED. five deeds to Marion County real f state were filed for record In the county recorder's department yesterday the consideration of which aggregated 13,550 as follows: ., Edmund J. Lund to H. J. Olson. 0 acres of , land in section 33. t 5 s. r I w. w d, .$1200 Charles A. Strain and wife : to Martin Fessler, 10 acres of land In t 5 s, r 1 w, w. d......i....... 500 H. Al Thomas and wife to A. Kp perly, seven acres of land on the Garden road near Salem, w. d. .. 450 Luke A. Port to Addle! Parvln, lot No. 2 of blk 25 of the City of ' Salem; w. d. 1200 II. A. Johnson and A.' & Johnson to It. C. Dennlson, lots No. 10 and 11 In blk 9. of Itrookty ad dition to Salem; w. d.... .300 Total.... ,..13650 NEGRO IS CAUGHT ESCAPED PRISONER WAS FREE JUST THREE! HOURS Whm Hs Was Picked! Up by an Ore gon City Officer on the Road Nsa- That Place Deputy Sheriffs Thiel sen and Matthews Were iNsar Him and en His Trsil. . ; (Frm Saturday's Statesman.) Frank Jackson, alias Geoirge Gray, the negro convict, who escaped from R, M. Thompson, near New Kra kn Thurs day evening, by jumping offjt'he train, was captured near Oregon City, on the road leading Into the town, about four hours after his sensational escape. He had wandered around until about ' o'clock, when he struck the road lead ing toward Oregon City.! -He came face to face with' Henry .Cooke, brother ot Sheriff Cooke, of Clackamas county. and realising the futility of! running gave up without a struggle. Deputy Sheriff Thielsen, of Portland, was with in a quarter of. A mile, watching the name road, and had Jackson dodged Henry Cooke he would have fallen Into Mr. Thlelsen's hands. It seems Jack son did not hear the officer coming un til they were face to face.. He under took to pass Cooke, hoping to be taken for an ordinary pedestrian. As he ap proached the officer halted him and or dered him to hold out bis hands. The negro complied, and there were the steel bracelets, and Jackson s freedom had again 'vanished. 'In the meantime men had been stationed on all ' the roads, and the escape could not have gotten away by any of them. Deputy Sheriff r II. W. Thielsen brought the negro to the penitentiary t mt nl.Kf end miMW -f he ' ff1,tlir nfetw placed behind the bare. In telling of his escape and capture the negro salflJ "After. I got on the train I began to think of jumping from the, train. 1 looked for a good place, and when we reached a. timbered country, I thoughjH my chance had come. Thompson teas looking the other way and I made a run for the door. He started, but I had the lead., and Jumped before he rescued the. pisiform. I landed In a pool of water. Waist high, but scrambled but and went Into the wood. "They backed up the 7 train, but' as they could not see me, pulled out sgatn. They were within 100 yards of where I Was lying- in the brush, and I thought once they had me. After the 'train left I tried to climb the bluff, and even tried to ford tne river, but did not succeed. Then I walked. In the timber, thinking I would strike for Portland a4 get some tramp or colored man to file off the cuffs. I finally struck a road and started for Oregon City. It was on a clay road and I did . not heir Cooke coming, or I would have hid. When I saw him I knew t was best -to walk along, for If he was after.me he would get me anyway, and If not. It would be aU the better. He halted me, and here I am." ." 'V ','- ' . '.'. TWO PATIENTS. I lenry SeWmann. a native of Jermany. 50 years f age. Was brought to 'the Insane Asylum from I'ortiand last evening, b Deputy Sheriff John Stipes... .Dick Deneyck. a native of Missouri. 41 years of asje. wss also received at the .Insane Asylum. avtng been conducted there by Sheriff J, J, Cooke ytt Clacksmas county, and one guard.-' '.-,, ;. : -'' IS RECOVERING. Attorney Gener al D. K. N. Blackburn, who has been criouf ly III at bis home, with typhoid fever, is much Improved, and though still very weak. ' his recovery Is now confidently expected by his family. NO INTEREST IS ALLOWED To f.C.GUtcers:l Ppll UttscUsa by Circuit Ceaa JUDGE BOISE HOLDS MONEYS DE POSITE D BY TH E MEN IN WILLIAMS ENGLAN D BANK. Belonged to the Stats and Interest Can Not B Recovered E. J. Swsfford and Gen W. H. Ode! I Not Included in This Order. (From Saturday's Statesman) In the matter of thJ objections of Ladd ar Bush to the al iowance of the blltner, Philip claims of Edmund Metschan. J. A. Baker ahd W, II. Odell for Interest upon certain principals de posited with the Insolvej nt corporation. The WUUams & England Banking Co, defendant In the recWvershlp suit. wherein J. A. Baker Is plaintiff. Which was tried irt departmenk No. 2 . of the Circuit Court on February 1. I02. Judge R. P. Boise yesterday filed Its decision. in court oasea it rulings In sua- tainlng the objections of) Ladif Bush to the claims of E. C. Giltner. agent. and Philip Metschan, 'Treasurer, and Philip Metschan, in Its findings of fact and conclusions of law. upon Its finding that the consideration and basis of the claim of Edmund C. G!I the principal sum of $: ner. agent, for 5,000. was the funds of the State of Oregon improper ly deposited with and loaned to the de fendant, corporation fori Interest? con trary toy the -laws of the State of Ore- gon, and that Edmund 1 !. Giltner at the time of the presentment of' the claim was acting for and in behalf of Philip Metschan. and not for hi Metschan was the State Treasurer of Oregon at the time the 125.000 was re,. ceived and deposited with the-defend ant. r It also states th at Philip Met- s,han, Treasurer,' Is hot entitled to In terest, upon, the sum of 3KC13-CO, and I'hllip Metschan Ms not terest uion the sum of reaaon that he was sta thevtlme the deposit i entitled to In- 89.73. for th te treasurer at as made and that the principals' we-e state funds Improperly defMalted aid not subject to interest. The objection claims of J. A. Baker, V J. Swafford and W. H. Odell were overruled. The order, as made by the substance, as follows: court, was in '"Based upon the findings of fact and the conclusions of lawh It Is ordered that the objections to the payment of interest out of the fun In 'of the said estate uion the Claims at K. C. Giltner, agent, for the sum of 325,000; : I'hllip Metst-han, treasurer, -for the sums of 3C13.0 and 9..X, be and the same are hereby jsuntained, and the objec tions o the payment ol Interest from the funds of the estate upon the claims of E; J. Swafford for: the Hum of 37349.33 and W. H. Odell for the iJum of $5047.27. t-e and the same are hetjeby oerruled; and that the object Ions tU the payment of. any claims which have 4he express contract for the payment of intereHt are hereby overruled. And; it Is further ordered, that J. A, Bak r, as the as signee4 of the claim of i 3. Swafford and W.H. OdelL and all other claim ants having proved claims agalrist the estate of the defendant upon contracts express or implied, for.tne payment of money by the defendant, but have no express agreement fur the payment of Interest thereon are enti Lied to receive from the funds of the em ate interest at 8 per cent from July 8, 1896, upon the face of their claims to the date of the flrst payment thereon, And utMin the balance remaining unpaid after the ap several dlvl- plication of each- of the dends heretofore made to the payment Of the principal of the claim. "That the receiver make a com put a f Ion of the amount of Interest that may be due to each- of the Claimants ac cording to the terms of Ihls order and report the same to the cjourt, together with the amount of fund s now in his hands applicable toward the payment of the Interest fo the further order of the court 1 The total amount of interest , due upon all the claims filed. approve! .and allowed e court, amounts to. about the s of $17,000, but excluding any st on account of the Claims of E, Giltner. agent, Phil p Metschan, reasurer, snd Philip Metschan, the In terest due- will amount to vbout the ppears frcm sum of .$11.50.113, and it the petition of the recelvpr that there will not be more than the sum of $7,000 of the estate applicable to the pay ment of the estate, Ar NEW COMPANY. The Ooshswk Mining Compsnyi yesterday filed art cles of Incorr-oratlon In tlhe State In mining properties, and prospect for precious metals In Oregon, wit, quarters In Portland. Thecompany has a capital of $7!W. wlthshs res fixed at, $300 each. A. V.. Anthony. Roks Nicholas and A. K. Anthony are the Incorporators. ! "STATE TAXES PAID. State Treasurer Chas.. H. Moore Is la receipt of remittances from four'ln- sura nee companies, on account of the 2 irr cent state fax due the state. -The (mpani'es and the paymehtsmade are: National Surety Company...... $ 11 7 Germsn Alliance.... ...J...... Ill 24 eriean I I Co. of Phoenix Ins.! Hartfbrd... 325 41 SHERIFF' SALE. Sheriff F. W. Durbin yesterday sold at Sheriff's sale. st the west door M tlw court House, lot No t of block No. 74. rf the city of Valcrm, to J II, Albert. fjr the sum of 12302.43 afh rayment. being the high est offer made. ' This sale was made In cwnformlty with a decree of the Stat Circuit Court rendered -on January 2, 1162. la favor of the plaintiff in the suit Milled Adelaide A. Madkreth, plain tiff, vt. M. V. Rook, et all defendants. r hereon. m th am Intere - DEEDS RECORDED. Six deeds to real estate were f ! ! for record In the county recorder's 1 partment the consideration of wM-h aggregated $36S. as were also threv ntortgages of real estate for $1309. 1 1-' and $150, respectively, and one satis faction of mortgage for $3000. Th deeds follow; : Abraham Steffen and wlfeto John Lichty, one-half interest! In 16 acres In sections and 7, t 7 s, . - r 1 and 2 w. w. d..... $3u-. James A. Hicks and wife to J. I. Larsen.; 2 acres In sections 3 sjtd 4. t 7 a. r 1 w, w. d.U. U Emma. M. Davis, et al id Peter Host rack. SS acres In section 32, t s, rr, w. d 4'. H r Abraham Steffen and wife to John TJchty. one half Interest I In ISO acres in section 28, t 7 4 r 1 e. w. d.... ....... ....... ........ .4 F. Durbin. sheriff, to Sarah E. i Moore. 7 lots Ih blocks No. 5. 15. 30. Al. 25. 29, 23. 13. 20 and 00 32. all In Highland Addition to . Salem, s. d........ ...V.".i. Fl W. Durbin. sheriff, to fXar,, B. : Moo res. fourteen ' lots in block No, 14. of Highland add!- 59 . tion to -Salem. . sd. i. ..... . Total $626i Strikes a Rich Find. ' T was troubled for several years With chronic, Indigestion and nervou debility," writes F. J. Green, of latn caster, N. 11. "No Iremedy hele.t me until I began, using Electric Hitters, whleb did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife In excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters ore Just splendid for female troubles; they are a grand tonic and invlgorator for weak, run down Women.: No 'other medicine can take Its plaee In cur fam ily.'.". '.Try tbem. Only 50c. Satlrac tlon guaranteed by DR. STONE'S Drug Stores. Ox - PRINCE HENRY'S OFFICERS N ft W TOI1K. Feb. 17. The officers of the German Imperial yacht Hoberjsul len. who went to Niagara Falls last week, returned today. Owjng to the storm there were . few visitors to", the yacht tdsy. Admiral Von Bandlssln left for Philadelphia this afternoon. Semi-Weekly, $1 a year. NEW TO-DAY. GENTLE HOftSE: FOR SALE. OR wilt trade for a cow, young cattle or sheep. Call on A. Turnbull. four miles east of Fair (grounds on Hil-, verton road, or address It. F..D. No. 7. Salem, Oregon. 2:14-2tw-(t) WANTED. I wsnt to rent a ranch stocked, for 3 or t years, references, state what you have. "It," Statesman office. ' ; V FOirAI.E OR TRADE. The States man has a standard tfred nisre for sale or to trade for another horse. , Would make a splendid brood mare. She needs ; ret, hence this offer, Anply at- the statesntan business " fftce,:--".''--.'J ' i.-- ! "' - -'. ESTR AT. II AT 'OLT CAM ETO 1 place of : Otjen Bros, on Howelt . Prairie, on the 22d of ecember last. , 'Owner. Van have sain by proving property and paying' charges. 14-tf The Stalesm'sn puhCo. has on hand several hundred coples',of the OREGON, C INSTITUTION. The price Is 10 cents each am long as they Isst, ' MONEY TO IXJAK. and 1 per cent on Improved Vslley farms. W, A. Hiaw & .. 24a Stark Street., 1'ort laud. Oregon. CEDAR FENCE POSTB. Any one In need of cedar fence posts will do Well to write to II. Jacobs, Detroit. Oregon, s ':'' :- - ' tf. i NOW Is a good time l bring In your machinery and have your repair ing all done. Castings, Iron snd brsKS, f urnhfhed on short hotlce. One boiler and 4-horse engine comiJete for sale cheap, . E. M. IClGHTLtNGER. I'hone 2933. ; -20 liberty BU ABSTRACTORS OT TITLE. ESTABLISHED IN lf)-Only com plete tn f abstract books la Mtijn county, Oregon. (JoncvrBlog titles consult as. 'Salem . AttArsct and ; Itnl Co., Siileoi, Oregon., V. V. Waters, , Secrernry and M soaker. , VyOVENwrRE FENCING to. consumers at wholesale prices.' I am taking orders to complete a car load of fencing for March delivery. , - Write now and get prices. Hat loea February 25fh. ' WALTER MORLEY, t i $9 State street, Salem, Or, Salem Fence Works, UOAX. KoTicrs. NOTICE OF, II EA HI NO OF FINAL -; ,.:--' ACCOUNT . ; . Notice Is hereby given that the final account of Claud Gate h a admlnlatra tor de jbonis non of the estate ofW.!J. Herren deceae, has been filed iVthe county court of ' Marion county, Htsie of Oregon, and that; the 34th day of February 1?02 at the hour. of 19 o'clock N a. m., lias been duly apfointed , by such court for the hearing- of obj-c-ttons to such final account and the settlement thereof, at which time any person Interested In such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and con teat thexsame. CLAUD JATCH. : Administrator de, bonis ' non of the! Eat ale. l:31-5tw. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO WITH DRAW ' INSURANCE DEPHIT IfYf THE PALATINE 1NKUR ' ANCK COM HA NY, IJMITKD. OF MANCHESTER, ENGLAND. To Whom It Msy Concern: in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the! State, of Xiregon, J relative to Insurance com pan lex. notice is hereby given that the PALATINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. OF MANCHESTER, ENGLAND, de string to cease doing business within tne SJate of Oregon. Intends to- w 1 1 h -draw Its deposit with the Tres surer of said State and will. If no claim against said Company shall be filed with the , Insurance Commissioner within six months from the 22d day ot (xtolw-r, 190L the same being the date of the first publication of this notice, with draw Its deposit from the State Treas urer. . -. , . PALATINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, By C. F. Mailing, - (Manager for ths Pacific Coast,