II r.TAT::.-: iAN -TtTSlUT, FECnCAUT ' IS, 1502. . i V3 People q Wealth-? Live Itfear Boor" i - ' I , ; ,.. . ' " ;-; Vi By Profettor GEORGE C COC of Northwestern ' S Univenity -j i,-- -. ! . .'In.! I. - EOPLE OF WEALTH AND f REFINEMENT WOULD BE HAPPIER AND UETTEK IF THEY COULD LIVE NEXT DOOR TO k TJIE POOR. Yibf ? Because it Vrings them, dovm to simplicity and breaks their artificial views-of life. It j destroys a tendency to selfishness and snobbery., - . ;; and conceit that is always lound wnea a person is shut vpina. Utile exclusive circle. . . , ! i ! f ""' For that reason people of -wealth receive more from the laborers than they can give 'them. ' The most they , car. give in xeturn ,is a, knowledge of social propriety and aid in the . building up of social - communities. It is the common testimony of the University Settle ment workers that they receive more than they give. " 4 x THE ULTRA EXCLUSIVENE3S OF THE RICH "AND THE SULLEN RETIREMENT OF THE POOR INTO THEIR SALL COMMUNITIES ARE AMONG THE GREATEST OF SOCIAL ERRORS. A LESS CLAN NISH SPIRIT WOULD PRODUCi A . BETTER SOCIETY. . . ".The segregation' of. class from class is always an eviL The sepa iiating of the residences of the ricn from the resiJencea of the poor i ia the largo cities has resulted ina disadvantage to both the rich, and A$iq poor. If the well endowed children of s,elf made men are segre-: gated from the rest of thWwdria,;'. ih.e - effect . pn; them, mnst .bo" moral "degeneracy; Tfie polito man needs to learn some of the directness i tli 3 rougher man, and the latter would profit by the contact by; Incoming inore refined, v y ; ' '.;'-yi. .';'rVv' l:'fi, j, ! 'r-'i;(r The principle that he who trie to save his life loses it applies to classes. in society as well as individuals. Those who are fortunate in reipcctto property and culture need opportunities for sharing their gifts with those who are less fortunate Oh the other hand, THEY, '.iiave' huii :to GAIN FROil personal contact- WITH TILtf SIMPLE, STURDY LIFE OF THE; HONEST .toiler. , ; , ; y JHOW AN HONEST MAN "':v7 mMAY GET AHEAD iO rule that a man can adopt will bring grcatejr jc ward than ; this - to abstain from the use of alcohol as. a' beverage. " A DiINKING MAN ; SHOULD HAVE NO PLACE ANYWHERE, ? .Every honest man who desires work can1 obtain it and at wages suffix cient to enable him, to lay aside enough for a competence inhis old ago that is, if ho has a good wife to help him savefit. . There is nothing elso o important as a good managing wife. She is the ''greatest aid t saving and getting ahead. , , , ;' MM mm By 'ANDREW' CARNEGIE THE HUMPHREY .1 social time "Indulged in. ; ; enrr ally. Cards amT ther parlor - gams (or rausmpnt atd tb ivTdIton of a short but e pier trtgrram by way of.-en ter- m- n r m r- t a J I t W V W f I I ill I raraHti deliciftaa refr-hmenU consist i Irfgf t ' t Ice cream, takes, unch, etc., vp, Jeanntte nooth.f admioltratrtx, rponden; rehearing dented. : KUia ft: llufheii, atifw-lljtrit. v.' Chia.o. K. Ijadd. et al.. Ti.nUnt; ard on stipulation that repnd-iit haT until AprW lt o.v their brief and thar appellant have untir April -Oth to were erved to the metiters and guests J rve his reply. TcTntt i'teretaase Uza Feces a . , CrlinJs:rCh2fce" v I r'j before th citicUiIon of the evening's 7, CONSIDERABLE TIME SPENT IN SECURING A JURY AND MANY . WITNESSES HEARD. ' The Defendant Accused f Larcen by Bailaa of a Quantity of Wheat Be 1 longing to E. T.' HalV and Storad Last Ysar A Point of Law Arguod Before Adjournment. ' WhseTeVCot Rid of His Rheuma- "Durinsr the winter of l&SS I was so lame In my Joints, In fact all over my body, , that - 1 -could harlly 'hobbie around, when I bought a bottla.of Chamberlain's Pain" Balm. From the first application I began ; to fret - well. and was cured and-hare worked stead lly a'l tb yea r. B.. Wheeler. North woock N. T. Kor sale by STONE S I DRUG STORES.- Lf . . 7 - - - PRESIDENT COLEMAN. Preside nj Ji It. Coleman, of Willamette. Unlver- I sity, is expected to arrive here to take ud Ms work'on nxt Thursday at 11 a. i in. , jn rortiana.4 m- ateuMHiisi :inis- ters of that city will meet j him at the I A . . T - - union aepoi, ana w;corne mm 10 ure- J. O. Htntberv. isnondent,,v. Jarhes Qu!nn. appellant: ordered on etiptila-. tion that appellant have until April to file a brief, and respondent 3t diys thereafter, to aervQ reply brief. . ; , J. F. T B, Bren!tano, respondent. t. F. Brentano, appellant; nuition strike put. supplemental brief overruled. It 1 N PA Tha Exc citenl nt Not Over. The rush at tlTe arugr rtore jrtlll cn- Uiiues and dally scores of people t) ror a ootue or Kemp a iiaisam gon, and oil his arrival in this city. It U the plan, top the Board of Trusees , and Faculty of Willamette and possibly the student body,' to meet him at the passen'geK station ami give The Humphrey warehouse case camel him a warm reception to tHlsi city, the the Throat and Xjinsrs .for . the cure of Coughs. Colds, Asthma,' Bronchitis and consumption. Kemp's Balsam, 'the standard family remedy, is sold on a guarantee and nvr rails to g-ve entire, satisfaction. Price - ?3c and 60c; , . -J .- Vs. to all r -Ju.lg A. cv i rou Rh. of 1 ra m p 4. formerly "a, reidnt .of. Wnodburn ".and Salem, where lie practiced law, Vn a, business visitor' in this :tityt yetlerday having an,-important ,c3' 'In the Su preme Courtr ---i fvr'V: . .' M. McDonald.- president j of the Ore--eon Nursery -Co., has." return ei home a,fter spftdlhKf some nnuti afttr the California liart ness of his voajiwriy. hi i3 liuariers having been acrantento,. W in; oukln? tt -thelbui' V 1 . : .Want Good .Man. ., Editor Statesman:, ' ' Since the.,. weather has , modera on for trial In the criminal department of the State Circuit Court for Marlon county at 1 o'clock yesterday after noon, and the day wa taken up 'with the drawing; of a jury and the examln atlon 'of witnesses for tne saaie. (v talesmen t were called, out' of I scene of his future labors, j A' hearty welcome will be extended the new ex ecutive head , of (hi Willamette Uni versity !'V; .; 'Y': T:,'-.'r:-: : University, j politics begins to sprout In the. lied Hills and vicinity., - So, far however. rts -4 COLON HEAD lei Use Allan's Foot Ease. A powder, to be shaken Into the Shoes. Yout feet feel swollen, nerv- ntta t. .n.t tlKul llr - It which number the requireawme 1 you have smarting feet or tlffht shoes. there Are 'no candidates Ah these pa who propose to break; Into1 offlce. that the people desire Is that the b-sf men possible shall be nominated and elected.: If the first 1s done, the latter will surely ifolldw. i I was v asked . -e- cently , by. ad intelligent ryotmg rtittn,' one who keeps well posted on the Af fairs of state, and hOvwas formerly of ;the Populist household whom he Republicans were going- to nominate were seeo. jr'JHnZ "I bpe . r jie isJbe Nearly all the men examined ha4 reaU swollen. . amazing- feet. 1 InsTowlns i.. M .... in t ra nunii(!i nJix. miHtern .unu caiiuus iuoi.i. : xl i ' ---t. . --.-- - - r - ucvra wuia aim uuuiuua ui 0,4 1 tu.i 1 te -Sm rT.Tor SK?aM' iBo,,rb',l, druggist, and shoe found.waming In all matters pertain ng In which the story had, bem reaa. a stores. for 25c Trial nackaee FREE. -.e Vw. -L- nurtiber ' havlnir read It In the ore-1 Aiir.. Allen a nimt.n,i i.....nn. gonian-aisp. ssoqiepi me m wew iorx. that they had aiscusspa .me case bhu the aeienaants emoarramniir-m. "i-r -r-'-- . t . utiii lull lvuu&j sir a-ij follows: . ; r . ' J. 1. Calvert, merchant. Hubbard. . r niiiK niiuiii, uuiiiiri, oih. N. Mlckel, farmer, Mt. Angel. M. A. BarbeV, dairyman. Marlon. L. D. Kelly, sawmill maiitHowelL J. B, Seeley. farmer. Monitor. F. A Mangold, merchant, GerV'als. J. I Stelwer, farmer. Jefferson. Alex Dawson, brlckmaker, wood- burn. ; y . I- . D.H. Looney.' farmer, Jefferson. H. W.' Jones, farmer. Brooks. The p'roscutlon placed a number of L witnesses on the stand, showing that ' defendant had conducted n warehouse A WILL CASE FROM LINN COUNTY IS AFFIRMED. The Application for a Rehearing of the Verena Wichsar-Booth Case De nied by the Court Other Orders CURU FOR C A T Alt R H if la k'" ' . fPi's Creani: Bala Esy and pleaiaat to nae. uontslus no la Juriousdrag. f is aickiT absorbed. UJrer relief at pocev ItOnaBd Hniai the n aml putt ft. Alift) 1 lnnsmstion. . - s i - - rivals and rrotecfjTlbe' Membrune. R-st6rttf ; i4ho, Reuses . of Taste and Sawli. Laree size, 50 Cents; trial sisa 10 cents, at drugxlsta or f oaaiL ELY BUOTlIEUi 00 Warren street Nevr...-Yorfc. . 'visit DR. JORDAN'S cncaT 1 MUSEUM OFofltlflTOLir ion lmrr ui micuct, cil J' T1Lrr Amtikrt Minialiftt . C3. aCSO(UI-DiSASS Of Mt 1 TrsiLI tVxmvklr mbwnl : Sow y. wtfcuw lUmum o ' TmMimlhfMltit'ali, icai sim. riM.i mi a lly lf tctet. A n m ff- cm 1 4IIUCI. MAOJlO eM. (A MlaaU OR. JORDAN ft CO10lt Marie St. S. F i SV 1 3 mTm TOliACCO SPIT L YourUfeaway! to the honor- and welfare vd( the state or of the people of the state. And he Is rlsit. Governor Oeer has growra in political stature since being Governor, and. although havinsr attained an r aBMHKM v oil r I 1 r .,. . viable eminence as a .statesman and , . V Vada. PLEASANT TRIP U I : ."'l . , :i UPIHE VALLEY . ' ... A Sale m Man Records Obsfrva- llflns Made by Him ' j. ... AlCASE OF UNUSUAL DEPRAVITY WAS WITNESSED AS THE - : S& TRAIN PASSED" ALB ANY. J flow a Young Gentleman (?) Threw a vt' Kofel Through a Window of a Pas sfnger Coach Subttantial Im - t,".'provemants in the Cities Between a, 1 Salem and Roseburg. ' . " t '- -' ' 7; Cam ' . . ' ..,..' OM .TIJH WlXfl. -Sun-layi Ewninir, I t,lirpose ebTlftAytrtp throuth the Willam- to ' City.1 Cottage Grove.1! Drain and Oak land also partake of the good aijmr anci . v - 1 : There has been a j:ool, 'deal of rain biiely all aloru? the line to the LroMa.i valley and all lodUiafions arc for a prosperous1 year in all lines. , ' r. d. . MEETS APRIL i10TH. ... PftUTLAND. Or..' reb; 17. The D m orratlc State Convention has been call ed to met t In Portland April .lpth. ': TO BUILD A MONUMENT AN t ASSOCIATION! FORMED TO HONOR SOLDIER DEAD. Will Erect Suitable Memorial Shaft in Lone Fir Cemetery at Portland in Honor of the Volunteers. ;' ette valley diirln a 'day a 'pleasant as HuinlayV rybriiary 'lthj vi swi ' as a rare enjoyment. The tountj-y loofts well after: pns&ins; tlw'Uh j a! mild winter : Oultie, sheep atiJ ulikiiuls of domestic animals' are la t)rt ratj.,jcndition oiid I never saw-Iprath crops looklntr better. " Th vast 'if retch of cmint ry .tributary; , tn thu Koutbern 3'acind .reud" Is In ex crl'cnt sham tti ffive tbe: right; kind of , WtfJcome and ' cncouritrmeut to the Btyrlads of .prtmpectlte- horneseekrs is hi, h the redut-ed niJIroad Jjutes will .' p( brin??. .china pheaaanU aret. very 1. -tttiful and present 4 prety picture infth( lr hunJuoine plumage vnd inde liMdftvt stmt. ; ! ; We witnessed an InsUvnce of peculiar nnwn depnivity today, which, foriu rf.rtNy, is not often 'displayed In the s.mui" way. : '''As. -the- train passed Al- trty Junction (or lXtunon switch) a ri'k t rashed throusth fh heavy RljkSS nt th veotlhfite .l.x.r, makins; a round h fiv inches. In dinmeter thnjush tht S-lnMi'.-'platip..-'-The nl?lle wa thirWn by a younk m.m who.Mn f-omj- pany'wlth s jountr lady, was. walklnff ntfr the trntc. im our Interest In the e-nt-' ws cm4derably deepeh! by tftact that pur seat was next! to that ' nlJ it lb (Mil). nd vthat. slight ' ' divergence of movement on ,t!he part C( th rt k ttil(rht ? have -trHis;ht it , tfinmjth uur window Instead of the ves tibule. "Conductor Dave Houston Is iimlsudlly jrood-natured but . the milk oVbutjian kin.liuK was badly sourrett irj hlm.whcn he saw what had been ituu'e ntt i-uld he have had grip on the neck f the offending miscreant he wtinid hot 'throw .vwny .'rocket agttln,! s.'Veral tl.lA-i. Jlty th;wa&' such acts of 'vandalism are strong suggestions of .tfi'; propriety of clothing passenger train men with the power of arrest In ri-h c. or whenever an offense ug '.ht life or property la eoramltted or ntffinptctL r . ' K. The towns ail .flJong th road in Ore rl to Itoeeburg twhlch Is as far a l .uld observe by daylight) give, evl of growth nd prosieriiy. espe- I liy the larger places, Hue. Albany,' 1 Ai-che and noeburg wherein' sub f iPilal ijypwvement Is noticeable, s iiio JeXeroa, JIarrlburr, . Junction r ' - ' . 1 The Soldiers' 'Monum'entLAssoclatlon . - ...... ; ...... r of Lone Fir Cemetery, yesterday articles of Incorporation in the Depart- ' ment of State, at the Capitol. The of theorgan'izaton is the eree a monunieht In honor of. the The Fupreme Court yesre'rday handod bbslness In this city, anil that he eas J jown onlnlons in three anoeat cases: .short when called upon for the wheat. I .-..;: t . X. ; Among the witnesses examined by,the ;(.f, state Were K. T. I rail, M. R. Moore,' J. H. Gibson, K. if. Jory, Claud Oaten, G. G. Swart, and W. D. ClaggetU " The turticular charge made was the lar ceny by bailee of 04 bushels of wheat, tor4 In the Ilumihrey warehouse by E. T. Hall, and wbM-h amount defendu aht failed": to deliver or pay for when railed UIm. , "' ; : At 4. o'clock, the defense obletHed to Andrew- J. Ames, resptindent, v. Mary : E., Ames, appellant: appeal, from Linn county, lion. R. P. Boise, judge; affirmed. "Opinion by Aso elate Justice F. A. Moore. Thh is a , controversy respecting wHL-yherefh defendant leftj his proper. ty to. his bcoher and sister, no provl slon being made for his wife. Undue executive, he has notvyet reached the limit of his possibilities. Like WU liam McKlnley, he grows and progress es with the times, and Droves himself equal to any-and all emef gencles." No executive fflcer of the state of Oregon has ever given more time to the duties of the office) and few so much, as has T..T.. Geer. . He has neglected., nothing nor delegated to othersthe duties de volving upon himself. .No scandal .has tainted his admlnlatrationT-n charge of fraud or corruption can - beNmjain- tained rainst it. . While credltKfor such a condition is due : to the pov ernor, it does not -all belong - to him. Secretary Dunbar and Treisurer Mpore are justly entitled to share with him the reward due for honest and efficient service. . Honest jmen all and working together for the best interests of the state and the people, they should be continued Jn their well doing. j ' X' PAN WKIJSTEH. RosedaleOr.. Feb. 17, .1902, xne inircxiuc uon 01 testimony oy tne 1 na,it.nC. was . UnrwA l.v th urir a .wl I . . . ' at the defendahfhadh J . ' . . 1 7 1 Money to Loan On Improved farm and city property. wn - .hnrt ih4r rrain t.i.ti V inufflclencyf of witnesses to the' testa mentj tne petitioner for letters of ad- ministration who Is the .respondent herein, had the petition denied by thn I probate. i-ouH." Ife appeared, and the mentioned In the Information, and the court excused the jury forythe day, after which the.point, of law raised by the defense was argued nnd taken un der advisement by the court. The case THOMAS tC FOItD, ..Over Ladd & Rush's Bank. Salem, Oregon. i throughout tas'warmly .contested by (Circuit Court reversed the decision and both sides. A number of witnesses, . not , In : at tendance yesterday,' are expected to be present . tfday, and the hearing of the case will be continued at 9 o't lok this mnrtiln. ' I The state is presented by" District rM a thlrt party out of Attorney J. N. Hart, and leputy .John lappoinieu. mm auminisiraiof, wnereup- on the widow of the testator appealed. ;;Tb ttppellate courr"- holds That the a will was; property witnessed. . laying d6wrt th rule that - the witness, asked j hearing of testator, is competent, if he ' witnessed the document! With the con sent of the testator; .. On the question of ;oundness of mind of the testator, and the .bringing of undue'lnnuence to bear upon him, the vourt holds, after qiscusstng ine xestimony at lengtn, irvai the claims are not supported,' and adds: :. .:. , '.-" v"Wben ft will has been properly.exe- nutmory of those w-ho,fouht In the war with. Mexico, In the indian. wars In the original -territory of Oregon, In the Civil ;Var, and In the Spanish-Amerl can iwar. and' to. care for sut-h., monu ment after its erection. .'.The sources -of incormf ,w ill be from donation of patrl otlci.cHixi na,:, Portland Is the hfadijuar ters.r and Martin I. Pratt,. Edward Martin. James, H. McMillan,rand John V. ()KlIbee are the Incorporators of record. Other corporations filing ar .tirles are; ... , ' ' -:-. ' ;. f .The Golden Rule Mining and Milling Company. William j Wethter, William Lansing ana &i. ji'arvin.i.incorporai ors," acquire by location,, appropri ation,, donation, purchase, or othrwise, real and tmonal properly of any kind. milncs, mining profierty. Water rights. water priorilic, reilu Ion Vorki. mills, smelters fl.nd refining worksr and the treatment of , poidj silver, oopwr r and other valuable metals: and to operate reduction works, smelters,, refining works, of any kind. . The company; has capital of tlOil.tt, llvidej into hares ;valutd at S.'cents each. rttlcm, wilt U This company als filed articles a the court house. 4 . -J.,.. - i. i i -' -' ThW . Valley Qiieen Mih'hg Company will develap mitring properties and do general prospecting -and , mining bul negs, ".with hi,4'Jfl":pt,i'r 'n Humpter, and a capital of ."0.tto. T. C. Gray. C, . Warren- Jr and C .IT McCutloch are the Itvcoriiorators of record. 1 i s The Portland Engine Company will manufacture and deal In foundry, and machine shop work. The headquarters 'wlli.be In Portland. The capital nmk it fixed at 20,WM, with shares valued at tl each. M. A. M. Ashley, G. G. Willis and Frsncl L McKcnna are thrt Incorporators. i II. McNary. while S. L. Hayden. W. It Holmes and K. T. Richardson appeared for the defendant. After the Jury had : been selected. yesterday afternoon. Judge Burnett re quested all other jurors In attendance to leave the court room, and admon ished them not to discuss the case, as . v - - -.. .... KJ. f I against the defendant. that might come f luted, it Is. the duty of the court to up- up for hearing at this term of court, hold It if . the testator possessed sound . -"-...; ' rami disposing mind and memory, and i i w j.. ftv wvL . na. lire & I r.ii a, i . a i,'-. . w . the damage suit in the first de- lunaerundu influence, notwlthstandins; partment of thtj- Circuit Court entitled I aympathy Tor -persons , legally eniiuea Duncan RossV i.l.ilntlfT . vn Raim I to' testators bounty, and that a sne Light.. Power y&. Traction Co., . defend! of Innate justice mlgh suggest different ant, whb h cause V was recently non-r teitamentary disposition. The Judg sulted, the plalntltr yesterday objected r ment of the Circuit t"0"" 's therefore to the defendants cost bill. He ob-f affirmedv ' ; ' ' . "' jects to the allowance of 92 notary fees. ancging iirnt, a o t-ent charge Is euf nclent. j He also objected to the allow - an;e of witness fees to the defendant for W. J. Culver $4: F. L. Pound. 6.0. and R. H. McGlnnis, $4.20, for the rea son that all of these witnesses had been ummon'eLby The plaintiff and gave tm i-iesiimony in tne caw, and a I sty to wit IT. b mad wclL (nor. mi.nriii- sew life sad rigor by taking MO-TO-BAO that ataksa 4sa a V am am cured. Ail i ,H and KF.MKDY Chicago or New York..' nd in ten daT. Orrr SOO.OUQ Ml drngzists. : Cur jruarautred. H,... drtca i'RHE. Ad.lre STKltilNtJ Y t hicago or New Yof k,. . 4J1 curs MUna. ISiprdlna. Sixl ItrblHC fttru. Tt tNwr. jih- iuoitr, larta lu-hiuitafcun S lHiiitf. g rt tnxanl rr4t l't Wt(. Hum. IMH t. flLK M .. I" U l r tr4 nJr tot Plle an.' t.-i. " .. in- j.ii ratr ran Krery boa la warranted. Sold Uf dnVt-:.i,.r arfo . br mail on rcr I pt ol prior. ao.i I . WLLJUAaa UVti CO, Pfv'.,tX.V4AUt KFOR 8ATU? BT . JniGfJS. fH fr o. ii e s a ncl I Z i n c 6 r a p h i I I Th B.il-kolhln. ! Jt Yof543mIto &gravih9M (o.j' - '.? . '.--lCtcKwrs1 ainl .kj'vHL'"' 1 Trintintf Plates ' I 24 Monitfomerr St, S..F. '-. 1 Q fhari Jih'S90 ' Of'JS v Blown to Atoms. 9. 1 The old Idea ; ihat the," body some times neels a powerful, drastic purga tive pill has been exptoiled: for Ic. King's Kpw iJle IiU. which are per fectly harnUess, gently stimulate liver ond lowels to expel poisonous matter. cleanse the system ami .. absnlutelyJ cure constipation and tnicK Headache Only. . S5, at Ur. .J3 tone's Lrug auirea. ness rees Jor Chas. Stump.J4.20, W. F. Mlchaelis. 4.20, Henry maffton, ff.?0.' irs. w, K. Mott, 14.20. W. A. Monroe. I 14.20, and J. L. Lambirth. $4.20. for the II. U. Sultort. respondtnt, vs. W B. , Clarke, et al.. apl-eflants: an appeal from Iiouglas county, Hon. J. Vt . Hamilton. Jurdge;v reversed, and re manded, r Opinion by ChlcRjustice R. S. .Bean-. - '"'?' -' - .. .' ,. ';: - Tttis Action was commen5ed to recov er 1247.cS. alleged to be due' B logs de. livered to defendant, and payment for whlt-H to be made In Installmens. The answer admits' the sale,' but- Pleads that the eta! In has not, matul-ed, and In sen- a si a. a - a w a m . - . . . t;:rtal-7thre;, ere not call ml upon to testify and aH were entltleij to $2.29 each and no more. I An Anawrsr Filed. j, waran iHinn, asv defendant In the suit for 183 with Interest at percent from February 18, 19. In department No. 1 of the Circuit fJourt. wherein Ii ! F. Butler is piaiofin. yesterday made I answer to the tinJmirr rnmi,i2ini h- I nylng all of the WtertaV allegations -'endaofa claim fr amgf s. this lelng s set forth therein, rflie.lenle that "'material Ibe,.a9-wmngj. For fail she had ever" borrowed snv monev wre -to. do this the" motion to ret aside whatsoever from the pUJntllT nor ee-ltbe report ouht to" haVe been ailewed.' ruled a, note In' favor of plaintiff In I nl Judfjm nt.ls thr rf fore. reversed sn.l payment or any sum and, for her seplthe cause emanoca par new trial. arate answer, alleges that she was an nt delivered all the logs contracted for thus damaging the defendant in the um of $300. The rate wa referred to a referee, who found for plaintiff In the cum of IM1S. Defendant's motion to Set aside the reiKirt mas overruled in the lower court and an appeal follow ed. The Appellate Court holds that the failure of the referee, after finding the logs were not deliverer!, to ronnlder de- Invalid and that, during the month of January,190J, the plaintiff, who is her brother, railed upon her and gave her i as a voluntary and absolute gift , the turn f $20 and no more. She de- manded that the complaint be dls- . Fannie H, JJfndman. respondent, vs. H. M.'W. "llfndman, api'llant; appeal front Unn county, Hn. R. p. itol.xe. Judge; affirmed. Opinion rer curiam. This was a suit for divorce on the tnlssed and that she recover beV costs jg-roand of Crul and Inhuman trent and disbursement.. It birdies the Globe i The fame of ftuotlen's Arnicw Rntee as the best In. the world, extends rouna tn earth". It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns. Burns, Bruises, liresv Jabls, -, .Rolls. Fleers. Felons. Aches. 10 Ins and nil K'xtn Kruptions. Only lnf?lMbenie ure. ::c a box at Ir. Stone s Irug Stores. ment. Wo questions of law are Involv ed In the; case. The court say the e. aminatlon of the record convinces thct the case should be affirmed.. The ce of. c. K. Harmrth, appenmf, vs. chas.' leker, retondenl, an a p ea from Joerbincoaniy, wa arrud an -i'submlttel by It. G. mlth for ap- 11l!ant. abd A. L. Hammond atul A."C " " .' 1 1 11 1 111 ' : Hottgb for respondent. " " vriTH THK I.IONt. At a regular ' '-.'. meeting of Capital City 11 re N'. 34. ! - Minr orders rere msde br thecourt Order of Lion, sever 1 new' member "In the followlnr cases. r eri jinr An in- were Initial!. Afi' tlie -burtV 'pal:' ' : ' ' i rneeilng a nUMb? of .frn is of ' the , ' In the matter of ' the will of Verena members were Invited In and mJ good '.Wtclur kxth. LydialVUlls). st-tx-Uant. Aro You Soing EgsLp b 'of service it you. over any railrfoa.l running it Perhaps I can b 1 can ticket you trains out of Portland;, tell you when to4eave pange cars; wnenyou will tion, and what there is to home; where to c . reach your destiny ...... . be seen on the way. Call or write -I ing your questions ismana, ns-aKo. ivansas jL.nr, &I. Louis ii t ,i- i EVEHVWHEIfE beobd.1 ("'KViPl' J 11 take pleaiurein ansver- auj i A.C. Shxlpon, General ARent. ' r. Third ana Surk Sts... Portland, Ore. J -I - ft r a 5 J r.lArjHOob restored bim Vluuiiwr. tlia rrril'tlnri a f,.nKm, Frr:i ;hfrin, til t,n rm M ine na.a,amla aniarm narrf, Kinaa cupiocnar TThm srat Veift'. F .tiKm, rrer:i ;.r--in. til f,U-l l nir- yna t alt IfV f.rwm.v, H-h mm Im NMhatwl, lawaKla, im. l.wlulMia. KrrtM, iM-a-llll'r, Claaiilrt. atlwjr lrti, airtMM-vl. avMrt Caa.ll aiM Ion "l""! nmmenay qar or KltlL t-ry ariM-k imai,l d.l,.r I.I, b tl ....i . .. l. iMfis 1 iriul.rrhu-a and all tb l.orrw . Itnpnl.twr. TI l:WKrlrtuitllt Sod restores small wi o.,,.: " r "T e ,r.UMtBre,,llltM I l hdr wsssjk carHriPV . itarsi is sren ant mow; tua rt1 lr rtrss rfie:.r 4 i.iTrar lrvre Cf., f Wa btislor VMt u. Hex 9re. Kaa rraariaco. Cat. FOK SALH IIT Z. J. IlIOOH. DKUGOIST. 8ALEJU. OIU2O0N T0 THE: fflldDIylllE If yon arc going liome4-U your childbood'ai homo tin's year, rrincTnlcr that lh XOItTIIKHX PACIFIC lea!g to er crylKxly'it hoiuc. You tran go by way of fit. Paul to Chicago, oir fit. Louis, and thence reach the entire 1 IJulutlt, and from there tiiMjej superb Iiiike SU-ament down Erie, aiid UiifTalo the Pan- tast and Boutlu Or. you caii tro to ther the rail linr, or ono of the the lakes to Detroit, Cleveland, . Start right and you w American Cit'. 1 proliably an tiop all ri-jht, acd, to Mart ri prt-frrably the --OliTJI CO after MAY rlh. Any local agent irill rtame ratrs. ht, uc the ISoithetn J'aciGc, and A8TLlMITJ:i" train, in sen ire A. D CHARLTON H1'4"1 e""i5:"ilir"!i M av afatn llAafWVaV probably arrive at yonr destina- f. 5