Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 18, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Yesterday's Rleettsa Devoted to
' M lie Adsirals cjc
:v': ' ' "' ' ' i , i :
l Hinted His Decision Will Clear
th Atmosphere upon Many of the
Questions Involved -Thai Gorman
Naval Officers in New Yerfc' Are
Making and Receiving Callae
Pleasant Incidents.
' WASHINGTON, sb. 14. Ono of the
principal - subjects discussed at the
' mooting of tho Cabinet today was tho
reply which th President will mak to
the appeal of Admiral Schlsy , Mem
bers of tho Cabinet ar extremely retl
cent concerning Jwhat, ths President's
views aro, bayondtths statement that
his decision undoubtedly will clear tho
ajtmoophora somewhat, upon many of
tho. involved .questions.
-.. ,NW York.j Feb. 14 Admiral Voa
Piudtssin, commander ofthe -iierman
Imperial yaclit Huhenzollern.' was kept
busy today receiving and returning
calls. In the morning, wearing a full
uniform with many decoration, and
'tfccoropanled by lieutenant Von Wer-
temourg, ne caiiea upon mayor tuuin
linker, of -Hoboken. anil wi Intro
Qure! to liiiinr of the city officials.
Major Genera! Brooke, commanding,
th Department of the Kal called '.on
Admiral Von lladulssln shortly before
noon, and was received with much cer
emony. lie spent some time with, th?
tJerman Admiral in the letter's private
' cabin. At-9 -o'clock this afternoon Ad--mlral
Bker. 6f i the Brooklyn Navy
Yard, returned trie call of-Von Baudis
sln mad yesterday. ':-
After the American Admiral took his
departure,, the , tie rman Admiral left
for New York In cltlxens attire Jo
nianr aim ; r vricx.a.w se s
lie he met in Kiel, tlermany. ;J
. , - ' i
'Prince Henry's Plan. '
New York, Feb. 14. Prince Henry
and suite 'Will take a special train frojtn
Kiel early on Saturday morning, says a
Ixitidon Ulspitti h to the Tribune. A
short stop will be made at Bremen, t talninp itn usual equljibrium 'th'd bal
where the Prince will take luncheon In loon acted In.a way ;.that caused anxi
' trlcr"rlrv at the railway station.;''.- among the . spectator The sero-
Waiid thence Ihey win pr6?el tia B rem
fiit.it where he-will board th
K rpti
. thus
I'rllis WJIheinV , immediately.
avolUlng all farewells, an tiw panneo
gers will; have" ernbarjied previously.
The vessel will then st.u t at once.
President Roosevelt Has Called for
- Confidential Report Regarding
Advices from Honolulu
il re -to
14 Mall
! 1
the effect t
I hat Henator tjeo. fi. Tarter, of. the
.Hawaiian I-gislalure, ' has Received i
fierot;tl letter, from President ltooie.
velf. asking for it stal-tiiefit of Ihe po
tltlcol eltiiatlon hn flaw-all. ': Henator
Carter.. will Jeaye for Washington on
February llth, to present the tnatler In
iern. President Kooev-lt rcitio-Mt,
-if"tlM"r with th reirt that -Preident
I tole'n ri,li(rialln Mould, be called for,
Jiaa CHiiseit I'inusiial lfttrt In IIooji--Ittlil
polltlcnl t lr !. P ( .
A Dsaf-Mute In Prire Fight in Salt
Lake City A Foul Ends a Scrap
. In Denver
HALT IAKI-jctTT. IT I. ah,' Feb, 14;
"Hilenl" Itowwn. the Butte. Mont.,
festherwelght, otifclasseil in everything
i4kcept ring experience, mamigel to get
a draw at the end of twenty rounds
wlih Ittll Oreen, of Halt Iike v'Uy
toninht. For fifteen rounds the deaf
mute dfl most of the lending, and at
times had a shade the better of It. ' "
Inver.r Colow Feb; 14. Itltly Arrn
stnngAf allfornla, won frm Kid
Parker,' of lener, on a foul fn th
seventh round. f what was st heduled
to be a ten-rnd go (tonight.
Brought , the Government at Sofia
t ' Time in Miss 8 tone's Case -
'"''": A New Move.' ...
SOFIA.. FebU 14. An offlcl.tl news
paper declares that, as the result of ah
energetic nte from the I'hited HtateX
tho Oovernment haa permitted the
opening of negotiations with the brig
ands,, for the liberation of Miss Stone,
on Turkish territory
Bt'FFAUX N. ' Y-. Feb, 14 Tom
Jenkins, of Cleveland champion Amer- J
lean wrestler, defeated Jim Parr. cham
pion of P.nglanJ. in a match announced
to bo for the international champion
ship. Jenkln.won two straight falls.
Head of Western Federation of
ifi Hae Found Ric4i Mine.
Rait I-ake. Feb. 14. A special to the
Tribune- from! Spokane. tVssh, says
that Iwlr" Iloyce. head of the West
ern Federation; of Miners, and leader
in the recent strike In Northern Idaho,
has become a: wealthy man through a
rich find recently made In a mine in
.'-' ' -' - : :' i- -; l': -v. .:'.: " ' " .
which he and his wife are interested
Some of thew-ealthlest mining men in
the West; are said to have offer-! a
million and a half for the property, but
the owners refused to part with it.
; Melnhers f the Miners Union ar
saldto be greatly Interested in know
ing whether Boyce will." remain at the
bead of the order or retire-with his
new-found wealth.
Condon Sheepman Notified Telephone
Company to Remove Lino Then
' - Did It Himself. " f " '
CONDON, FebJ 14.-Oorge Hardie, a
well-known and 'prosperous sheepman,
was arrested here today charged with
cutting poles owned by the Lost Valley
Telephone Company. Hardie recently
purchased a piece . of land on Which
were a number ,of poles, lie atVonce
notified the company to Ftmove them
within a "limited i time; j This i they
failed to do, so Hardie took his little
ax and proceeded to' chop wood, file
has engaged .the- services of Judge A
Bennett, of The Dalles, to defend him.
PORTLAND, j Or.. Feb.' 14. The'
stockholders' meeting of the LtwU aml
Clark Kxposltion Corporation tonight
voted to Increawei the capital stock from
$300,000 . to. $500,000. J 1 !
A Denver Capitalist Sends a Represen
tative to the Malheur Fiellei .
BAKER CITY, Oi Feb! 14. A, W.
Thayer, representing W. P.ij Durin. a
capintl1t of I'enver and Is Angeles,
Is here arranging with various oil com
panies to bore for oil In lalheu Oil
District. The plan Is to begin boring
within sixty days. d
And ths old Aeronaut Missel Death by
Drowning in
by a .Close
Is Wrecked.'
the Bay of
Margin His
MONACO, Feb. 14, Santds-Dumont,
the aeronaut, met with disaster today.
a narrow escape from death.
- . , ; . i -
- ln"; arhlfi ,s ,otaJ Wre k- wh U"
night his motor lis at the bottom'
the bay of Monaco. 1 ,
Cheers greeted Santo Dumont am the
airship rose 'anl its head pointed for
the middle of the bay. It. was soon no
ticed, however, that Instead of ijnaln-
naut,i however, kept oii, lua flight,
pointing the ship t the loft, font
to aiceri'J until he pulije ropw
twenty feet out of the water. 1 In
iiig the- balloon the guide rpte caught
In the screw, and thl, with the er
ratlc wording of the alrxhip, created a
situation Int. great diinger. 'At. t min
utes 'of 3o'cb-x-k the en'd f the balloon
burst, arid the Prince f Monaco, who
was on imard si launch, nave orders to
r t-ctie ;',an)OM 1 iiitnont rtorrU. Iiis peril
ous iMiilon. The l.'nin'h came alotx
siile i he jlialf-deflated ba I too n of Ihe-alr-
hip , atul Kantos-Duroont clanibered
o er thtf gunw ale, into the'tnat
! This Climate Is Oood
enounh j for anylnidy with weak lunxs
Th" pnlleiit -need not travel. 1 can
get. Well here with the. help of Alleji's
Ming lJmla,m, taken frequently wh-n
cooifhlng and sUorifn-ss-of breath after
exercW. mrvf notice utn him that
"rioiis riilrrn.'iry trouble Is 'not
awayi Allen's f.ung Balsam t
from a ay. form of opium.
f n e
h.H.I resioicr. Prices. 12 for HHt i 'M
tnr 4flf.a 1KI for Address Htaiesman
Pob. .co' Halem, or. wtf.
Every woman loves to think ef the
time when a soft tittle body, all her
own, wiil nest! In her bosom, fully
at!sfylr the yearning which lies in
the hsart of every f (d w?man. But
yet there Is a black cloud hoverlnr
about the pre tt picture In her mind
which Mis her with terror. The
dread of childbirth takes away much
of the Joy cf motherhood. And yet it
need not be so. For sometime there
hs been upon the market, we it-known
and recommended by physicians, a
liniment called - f
liioiBeits Trieiid
which makes childbirth as simple and
easy as nature Intended it. It la a
atrergtheoing, penetrating liniment,
which tho skin readily absorbs. It
glvej the muse Its eW.icity and. vigor,
prevents sore breasts, morning sick
ness and the leu of the girlish figure.
An IntflUgent mother la Butler, !,,
ssy! " Were! to nee4 Motbvr'a Friend
Kim, I wontd ottain S bottles if I k4
to pmf $a per bottle tor it." -
Cret Metbees Frtead at tho drag
Store, fl per bottle. , ,
' V ', -l AUMUVC, r
Wrtte Um M free U.vM rated book
Tor aalev.t DR. STONE'S drug stores.
' ' '
Cosgressmaa Wheeler Decoscces
' tbe Dlplamiilc Policy
Governor Rehearses the History of the
Visit of the Prince of Wales to
America, in 1860, and His Recep
tion by President Buchanan -The
Clerk Evil Causes Trouble in the
WASHINGTON: Feb. 14w The mo
note ny of .the private pension legists
tion today, in the House, was enlivened
by a very, sensational speech from
Wheeler (Kentucky) in denunciation of
what he denominated flunkey ism' to
forefan countries. " rlV took recent
statements emanating from x the conti
nontal cabinets, regarding tho attitude
of Great Britain during tho Spanish
war, as the text for a wholesale attack
upon tho trend of our recent diplomacy
His speech aroused the House to a
high pitch of excitement and elicite
from Koutelle (Illinois) a spirited de
fense of (Secretary Hany, whom he eu
loglzcd in high terms. Several other
members on the Republican- side took
a hand, and later in '.' the aftermn
fjrosvenor Ohl) took Wheeler to., task
for the "inortportune protest." and re
htatscd the History "of the visit of the
irtnee of Wales'". to this ciuntry In
1HS0, and his reception by Presidcn
IJuehman. ' 7
Wlieeler excoriated what he termei
the modern dispsltlon toward "Kuro
i.an fllunkevlsm." I'ntll 1SS5, all
Americans had gloried In the splenl
Isolation of the 1 Republic and Us de
termination to hold aloof from fotegu
cntahirilng alliances. ' lexa than Uv
years ago, he declared, a President
ert',d on bv the oitiable flunkey in
the Ptate Bepariment." bad strettlie
iu across the seas in adula Ion
in the oeonle of .Oreat 'Britain, and to
ifiv ihe riovernmeut was hugeinir t
Its bosom a Na I Ion that since the bAt
tie of Yorktown had systematiot'y
and persistently plotted our downfall
He sneered at t he . ' shoulder strap
rold lace flunkey." who were, to
t. dispatched"- acrtiss the Atlantic
Iwnd the knee and to kiss the, band
the Knlish King, whose Oovernnvnt
he declared, had attempted to form
coalition of 'Kit rope n Oovrtnmht-'H-a
ihw.'lrt us-' while w were teekini? XV
rtrike the shackles from .Cuha. Hon
ett. Ktraiftht forward American dip!"
macy, had given, way to Kuropcan dil
lomacy. .''"'.. ,
lie raid, he respected, the preeent- oc
cut ant of the A hte Hoiiw. He wjh
h- said, too straightforward for many
of his party colleagues. V.ltghtly iUix-
otic. perhai, and ha,;y lemjer'-d, but
honft atid brave enough, he thoii!it
to Mot out the man In the Htate 1
tiartnent who had btought tisi to tjilif
humlllatlnt poslfbm."
Turning, to-KntJand's 'war' -In Houfh
Africa, be denounffd her tyranny and
the part e had In It In allowing war
tnat-r al to h shlpi ed from our shores
If hoi' that wee r.i'd of "this man
I'nutu vfott'" was Iruc, h .declared, he
oiieht in le shipped ncios the wilef,
"and the ooer th hdter" ItferrlriK
in the fact that a member of the prs
(dent's family was to alt nl the co.-o-
With n, VVh'ler sjil I it was perhaps
unbecoming to ttllude to lt.,N ve the
less, he said, he considered It mostijin
foVtu.isle and tiniecedcnte I, ami; fe
he lu men ted by, every lihert y-lovirtir
American. It was btt one --more tlnl
In . chain.
Wheeler : then, tutneil to the pros
pcctlve visit or rrinc Henry, with a
g.s'ur of cr.ntcrnid he decrel thfll
the "Kuropean maniacs" were falllna
over each oth-r to se . the "little
lutchmn." There were a thnutarhl
Americans following the plow who
were as honest and as noble as he
"Why should the Amerlrah people, give
heed to this flunkcylsm of the present
administration?" he sked. "We shMild
treat our visitors pdltely, butjwhy fall
down and worship them?"
The whole House was aroused by
Whciler's philippic, Several lmes the
T Kmoeratle side burst into applause.
As he was condtdlng. Crosvenor
(OhloV.asked if Wheeler had been liv
ing at the time of the visit of Ti Fay
ette, j the representative of the King
of France, whether he would have op
posed the reW'ptlftn accorded the
Frenchman by , Washington. . -
During the day 155 private -pension
bills wet psssed in 37 minutes.
. The Clerk Evil.
Washington, Feb. 14 A little flurry
wag created In the Senate today, over
the employment sirio the beginning of
the session of a score or more of extra
clerks and messengers to commit tee a.
The charge 'of extravaarance mad In.
dufd the reference of the whole sub
ject of clerical employment to a. com-
m.iiee ror investigation and report.
The bill creating a permanent Census
Office was under consideration for a
time, but' was not disposed of final!-.
A' large number of private pension
blils were passed.
New General 8taff.
Washington. Feb. 14 The War De
partment's bill for the re-oreantxatlon
of the army sta.T branches and the
creating of a General Staff Corps was
transmitted today to Chairman Hull.
of the House Military Committee, and
by him Introduced. It consolidated the
quartermasters, sustenance -and pay
masters branches In Division of Pup
pi l-s under an officer ranking ss a
Major General. witnPrigadier Gener
al In charge of the brant beg of snp
plles, commissary, finance and trans
portation. "Th General Jtaff Corps," Is to eon-
!rjlertb "military policy of the coun
try and prepare comprenensive pians
for National defense and for, the moo
t(zfon of the military fortes In time
of war." ' ; . ; ' -. , ' ..
Jt also has charge of all questions
affecting th army and , the co-operation
of the army and navy, plans of
camraign, armament, equipment, etc.
A' Lieutenant General Is at the head
of this board, with one Major Gen
eral one Eriradler General, four Col
on Is and numerous officers of lower
rank. t. . . . ..
Waa Completed Last Night, and
Goes to tho Voters for Approval
at tho Juno Election.
- PORTLAND, Or, Feb. 14
The Port
land Charter Commission completed Its
work today.: The charter will te voted
upon In the coming election In June,
and . if carried will go to the Legisla
ture for ratification. v ,
The Town . of Shamska, Trans-Caucasia,
Destroyed and Many Lives
Were Sacrificed
LONDON,, Feb. 14. A dispatch from
St. Petersburg announces that the
large town of Sbamaka, trans-Caucasia
had been destroyed by an earthquake.
Only a few houses In Shamaka. are
standing, and the earthquake was at
tended with great loss of life. ,
The Patient Is Much Improved and
Partakes of Solid Food.
d&OTON. Msml, Feb. 14. Theodore
Roosevelt,' Jr, has Improved very "Vap
idly, and ! for the first time since his
Illness partook of solid food today.
From . aH appearances V convalescence
was uninterrupted: ,
. - . - -
On an Arkansas Railroad Yesterday-
It Is Thought Others Are Buried
Under the Sand at the Wreck. -
LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Feb. 14. Sev
en men were killed and at least four
teen seriously injured, by a huge boul
der, weighing fifteen tons, crashing
into the caboose of a work! rain on the
Choc taw, Oklahoma & Gulf railway,
twenty miles west of Little Rock this
morning. The dead are:
Samuel Bimon, H. Ti Jones, Orange
Foster. John Williams, .Henry McGee,
and two unknown men.'.-
'It is thought there are others killed
or burled under the sand at the 'scene
of the wreck, as there are several fnlss
ing and yet unaccounted for.
- C ; ' - i'
'" 1 i ' 'J ' '
Walla Walla People Claim an Interest
in a Large. Estate.
WALLA WALLA, Wash,, Feb. 14.
Frank M. Baker and nls daughter, Min
nie Haker, of this city, will tomorrow
begin ac tion to secure the share com
ing to' them in the famous Col. Jacob
Maker eatate, of Philadelphia, Valued
at $3XO,o0",OOO. The Rakers have been
given the assurance that their claims
will be, settled within tt year.
NF.W YORK, Feb. IS. Commander
Booth Tucker, of the Hal vat ion Army,
tc ok the oath of allegiance? ns a cltlxen
of the Ifftlted Klates Kxlay.
TH'f.ITTH, Minn.. F-l, i4-Kdward
lirown, suterlntendent of the f4u-
erlor division f the Northern Pacific,
has resigned, to bentne general stifler
Intendent of the Montana Central, one
tt the grefiv Northern subsidiary lines.
NliW TOItK, f-th. II Rolert Fits
slttimons sold today that he would ac
slt a 'proposition made by James J.
Ieffrln for a finish contest between
them, the winner to 7tske 60-per cent
and the Josern40 per cent of the purse
Fltxslrr.mons said he was willing to
sign article at shy time, and the only
stipulation he wished to make was that
the winner should have all of the pic
ture privilege proceeds. He thought
he fight should take place before the
dub -offering the largest purse.
Those old Iinglkh Kings
made history. Those old lin-
giish Kings were fast livers.
Those old English Kings got
SICK.'--' ;,'; j ': '. ': .' .
One disease became so com
mon to them as to be called
King's evil a royal disease,
t is now among us the well
cnown scrof uja. Those" old
English Kings handed it down
pread it through the nations,
and here it is.
Too bad Scott's Emulsion
was not made in time for those
Kings. Scott's Emulsion is a
positive cure for King's evil
or scrofula. It heals the sores,
idds strength and flesh and
brings good health.
OMe.ssjl M , r.t s- - -
-ww w wwwwm ft mm peases.
SCOTT & tCW.Ni, I mI MtMt. N Ysrk.
t m
r-ns-viV sr. r . inn el..
s i 11 Hi iiUhU.UV hilMlK
-J " - , , ,
Report of tho Army "(Board
Names of Those Worthy of Die
Unction -Medals . of
Certiflcates of Merit,
-' '; " I' ' ,
Honor and
WASHINQTOX, 1 Feb. 1 4
, Adjutant-
General Cor bin today made public the
report of - tbe Army Board of which
- general. ilacArthur was prjesldent, ap
pointed " to consider; and
reiort the
names of officers and enlisted men of
the Army who distinguished
during the reccrt, campaigns in Cuba,
China and the PlUjippineS, so is to
entitle thera to the sward either of
medals of honor or certificates
merit. The officers recommended, for
brevet rank for specially j meritorious
services during the samej campaigns
will be nominated to the Senate by the
President In theVcgular wjay.;
Am has been stated. President Roose
velt has approved all the rjecommenda
1 16ns made by the .Mac Arthur' board
for awards of breyet. medks of honor
and certlncitcs ofj merit,x with' the ex
ception of the recommendatlbn- that
Colonel Theodore f Roose veil be glvm
the brevet-rank of . 'Hrlgafdier-lJeneral
for valor and services at the battle of
San Juan Hill. The list ofj brevets will
be male public when It id sent to the
Senate. s 'vj '"'-. V Lv :
Medals of honor wljl bel( awarded
inirty-mree cunri, in wnu n irn go to
commissioned onVers and twenty-three
to noncommlsjlpr.er -iiffteei's"' , and pri
vates. Only one medal uas awarded
on account of the Cuban service, two
in the case of the Chlhc
se campaign.
and thirty In the Philippine war. The
modal list shows few nam
es.of persons
familiar to the public,
most, notable ones bejng
perhaps the
hose of M u-
sician Calvin P. Titus, who was the
first to scale the . wall" at
Pekin, and
who afterward was sent to West Point,
and Lieutenant Matthew A. Patson.
who commanded the Macabebe sc'outs.
The certificates or mf
rll arc - all
ned cfflcers
awarded' to nonoomral.c
and privates, and of the I
pf fifty-six, four are on ai
otal numbeR
cunt of the
Cuban campaign, forty-fiyfe on account
of the Philippine campaiglC and aeven
on account of the Chine
The metials of honor
lows: i . .
Cuba-r'dn.ard Lee' I
Is as
ter Jr.. Sr-
geant-MaJor Tenth Caval
Vi for distl li
guished gallantry In action)
st Santiago;
Cuba. July 1. WK. In lea
hg cover and
rescuing under fire a wou
tided comrade
from drowning in a tlrea
in In front of
Philippine Islands Ca
tain George
W. Matthews, assistant
urgeon, Tbitty
sixth Volunteer Infantry
for most 11-
tlnguithed gallantry in a
ilon near ;La-
bao, Luzon. P. I.. OclobHr 29, 19? In
Attending wounded under a' severe Are
of: the enemy sad sizing a carbine uw
bestma- of an attack upon wounded
offlcers and men under hi
it charge.
Lieutenant-Colonel Will
Jam R; tl rove,
Thirty-sixth Volunteers.
for most dis
tlngulshed gallantry' In a
lion near po-
rac, Luaon,. P. L. r?ep
mber ,
where In advance of hts
regiment he
ruhed to 'the assistance
charging, pistol in hand
f t.!s Colonel.
seven lnturg-
ent.s and compelling me
surtender of
all not killed or wounded)
Captain Harry .Hell, Th
rty-slnth Vol;
unteer Infantry, for mct
gallantry in action near
orae, Iuxon,
I.. October. 17. 159, In.
eading a sue-
eful charge against a
6erlor force
capturing and dlspersin
fhe enemy
and relieving other memMe
rs of his reg
iment from a.pernou jo
Flrst-Lltitiat Afthnr
M. Ferguson
Thirty Klxth Volunteer
n fan try. for
most conspicuous galianl
fy. In action
with nineteen men, ellng and at
elo. oUilMcrs defeating of the ell
em V near IMr. l.USon, K I,. :. October
c,.ii,in lluth J. ilcilniih, I'otirin
- t . . ....
fuenirv (since d-ecacd for most dls
tlngulshed gallantrv In. t irnmiiig ui
fan Juan river In the fa - of the ene
my's fire and driving Horn from their
enlrtnchments at caiunti
r - - l l . . - SB
;i. j.uxon, i
JulV 21. 1
First LieKienant Matth
w A. ftsiscm,
Fourth Cavalary (miw tf
red), ditto
Lieutenant irohmel J4
mn Parker,
Forty fifth Vdunteer
Major of Cavjaliy and
nf ant ry tnow
Utrrt Ad;u
tant fleneral), for mnsfi
gallantry In the defense
son.' I'. I.. lecemler 4.
Yigaii, iM
KW. while In
command of the garilsort
where with
mall numbers he repulse
a savsge at
tack by an overwhelming
force of- the
',nemy fighting at close ciluai tcrs In the
dark for several hours.
Hecnd 'Lieutenant Al
J. Oreer,
Foti rt h 1 n f a rrt r yi f or co a
tdcuous gal
lantry In action July 2, :
lata. l.arur.a Ptovlftce, I
!H1, nar Ml
I., in charg
Inc alone an InVurgent rtlt
lost with his
olhtcd. killing one, wounlllng two and
capturing three Insurgents with title
and equipment
1 ' "
Private Jchn C. Wethe
rby. Company
L Fourth Infantry (died
November 24.
lr9). for most nftingut
he,i gallantry
ng lrnHrtant
he was dea
in aelloii. Whilecarry
orders on the battleflel
perately wounded, and i
walk erect, crawled far
ling unable to
enouKh to de-
liver his orders: this nea
Imus. Luzon.
P. I... November 29, -19!.
Fergeant Henry F P
hroeder. Corn-
pany I Plxteenth Infah
try, for most
distinguished gallantry I
action In de
tticru 400 In-,
f eating with twenty-tw
surgents, killing thiriy-rl
Ing ninety;' this at Car
and, woun.'
g, P.
fember 14, 1900. ;
Private .Louis ,X, fled)
eon. Company
G, Nineteenth Infantry,
for mcst dls
tlngulshed gallantry In ietloa. Kingle
handed and alone he df
nded his mor
tally wounded captain
from an over-
whelming force - of thW
enemy near
February 4,
Mount Amia. Cfbu, P.
PrtvAt Charles II. Ptyrre, Comrany
I Twenty-second Infanit
ry for most
distinguished gallantry,
holding bridge from a
and fighting, though,
in actkm. In
superior force
fnost severely
wounded, until the main
body came up
to cross, this near Fan
jltklro, Luzon.
P. I.. October 19. m.
Fergeant Charles W. Ray, Company
f. Twenty-second Infantry,
for :-. most
distinguished gallantry
in action, cap'
turlng a bridge, with t b detachment
IUIIII SB as S 7 , s
'be commanded, holding
11 against a
superior force of tbe enemy, thereby
cabling an army to co.ne and cro?8;
'this near San Iradro, Luion. P. I.
. . .. t ... ' . . I .-.
OAKLAND. Cal.. Feb. 1.A1 Nell
Knocaea oui -jjutcn- inuneton In the
tenth round, at the Reliance Club to
night. I , -X
Mysterious Suicide of An Oreg
Near AshlandJ
ASHLAND. Or, reb. lJ.-f-ClaraiTor-
rey, young woman of 2S yeara, living
near talent m this county, committer!
suicide by shooting herself throuK$ the
nearx last night. No further particu
lars are known.
WARIIINaTp.Fcb. U.-Rcfore the
National Woman Suffrage Asstoclation
met' today, .the delegates gathered in
an informal conference, for the purpo-
of IP iicusng tn press work, j Mrs. Kl-
nora M. Ha been k presided. Mrs,
Toung, of Bouth Carollnaj said she
foiind hewspaier . , work the greatest
factor In the dissemination of the equal,
rights idea.. .. ' -' ,
LINCOLN,. Neb,, Feb. I4.t-At a meet
ing today of the senior k lass of the
Cnlverwlty of Nebraska:
he selection
of Itooker T. Washing!
n, as Com-
mencement Day oru torf
by a ma Jorf t y vote. ,
LONDON. Feb. 14. The sLitement
published by It Interne, of I'.-ms,
that a treaty of alllaiice bad been
signed between Russia and China, docs
hot: find support In any ciuarter.
V IF. N NA. Fe H. 14The Neueste Wli,
ner Journal publishe an unconfirmed
rumor., that Count Tolstoi is d,ad.
. A Lit ANY. N. Y..' F.b 1 "..The Metro
politan Hecurlf les Comjiny. of New
York rlty. Which in to control the trar
tloir lines of that city, was lnr ,.r... rated
today, with a capital of t3'.M',oKi.
MANAOIIA. NtcarjigiM, Feb. 15.
Presldent ,Ze;tya has releasetl tront
prlscj Oeneral Vasiiuexi Vfoi iner Pres
ident of Honduras, and . has granted
him permission to leave Nicaragua. -
F.L PASO. Tex,OFeb. . 1 .- Porsunnt
to Instructions from fJoveVnor otero, of
New Mexico, the sheriffs of r,u.id:d'uie,
I'nlnn; Lincoln - and thrives c-ounllen.
are organizing posnes of "picked men u
hunt down the members if the 3: k
Musgrove band of bandit whi. h hes -iccently
terrotlr.ed that region;- This
means that a war of extermination -m ill
ile waged against the oiitl.iws,. and ex
citing times ar-, expected in th i lr-
- ." or New Mexico to which -the out-.
laws nave retreated. They are sii.i to
be In the -fastness cf. the wild Capltan
mountains. '
The flflK'ernor addressed a strong let
ter to the sheriffs of the four eounile
mentioned urging them 1 to', ."end th
reln of fernr; In the Iscolaled eeftle
im nts of Fasiern New .Mexlco,caii-il
by lite murdering and pillaging out
laws." ami romping :b -will le;
commend to the next leglslainre th-ft
rVwards le given thoe Who are in- tru
Kiental ln capturing cn t c.n vii litu; the
brigs rids.
Files He Annual Report with Gov.
T. Gear -Fine Stock Eshibittd
the Expositien at Ths Dslles.
From funlHV's 8.ta"tesm.ih.
The econd ICnstern Orecn 1 ltii' f
Agricultural Koclcty yester.lM hied l
anhtiiii reMirt wftlt fbVi T- Tt I' r.
The Hoelety held fair at The Pill' ,
th tcdwr 1 to- 6, li, nny -the- oftbefs"
teiort H. mmt sue cessfulf;ilr, and UK
best exhibition of blooded sh U, ever
held Jn Kuslern Oregon. - The -financial
statement follows: -
:. Receipts. ' '"'
HUite appropriation. . . .. .$l.'.a
Hied trials, entries....',,'....; &2 21
f late 'receipts. . , .... .C73 7r,
Fees, premium lixisr i nliy fees 2fi 2'
t Vncesslons. .. . . . . . - &7 Hh
Total . ,
e i
Trials ofspeed prenilUTns jd..ti"3l
i-remiuis on exnibits.
Kxpenses.' .... .. . . .
J34 01'
... ,4001 47
03 C. GEE WO
WenderfuJU Moms
' Trestment. "
This wonderful Chi
nese doctor Is csl!d
grest becasse - h
cures people without
otHcrstioo that sr
given . up .to die, 11
cure ( wllb those
wofeterful Ch
herbs, ' riots, bud,
jrk and vex't'ibi.
tlkst sre eotirrly un-
knnsn to medical ci-nee m trus :uiitry.
hrousb the ue f Dew hsrrnietu reme
dies, this fnmons dfctor kn 'tss-.ine sett n
of over different emetics whicn o-
viiCcesKfullr uaes Ml dinrnt Ote".
He guarantees to cr c-stsrrti, mihiw,
rtinr, throat, rbeiunstlxm, ervtiie-.
stomsch, liver, kldm-y. bl.tdder. femsie
routle, lost manhood, all privste i"1""'
has hundreds of t-timoni!. , nflrje
Jail and see him roB01ttlon free.. Pa
tients out of the city write; for Man. s"'l
ctrcslnr. Knctose stamp. A!drew in t
irm Wo 'Chinese M4llns C . I'i i'"r"
Wtreet. Portland, Orefoo.. Mntlos Ibis
raei -"rsr". . -. am
paper. . . . - . .
- -.A