OREGONr STATESMAN FRIPAtJ FEnilCARY 7. 1T0S ) ? DEBATIfJO THE Bllll GUTTER Strccg fight Is toiecp theOIeo r tSZTQZtlZt till THE SALARY: BILL F03 UNITED 8TATES JUDGES DISCUSSED IN , THE LOWER HOUSE. . The Interstate Cmmirt Law to Be Amended,' Giving Railway Com- jianieo tho Right to Pool Rata Under tho Oversight of tho Com A mission - Cuban Reciprocity in Soma Form Will Probably Result. WASHINGTON, Fab. 4. Tho debate on the oleomargarine bill continued to day in tha Huu, and tho prospects . ara that a vota will not ba reached earf , lar than Thursday.. T Ho opponents of tho bill are making a strong fight so far as tho presentation of argument is concerned,: Tho speakers today were? Tompkins N. Y.), Robbr (Mo.), Knapp (N. Y.), Bates (Pa.) ; Davidson (Wis.), Driscoll (N. Y.) and Hepburn (la.), in favor of the bill, and Cowherd (Mo.), Lanahan (Texas), Grosvenor (Ohio), nd Kleberg (Texas), against tha bill. FEDERAL JUDGES. Washington, ' Feb. After a brief discussion today of the Senate blU providing for a. 2a per cent increase in the salaries of United States 'judges, all amendments were, voted down. In eluding the one to Imreaw' .salaries of the Cabinet officers jfrom $8,000 to $12, tjoo a year. Lnirlng the remalner of the ritsy's session the urgent deficiency ap proprlation hill ; wan under discussion, the , I'hlllpplne . tariff meamire' being laid aside temporarily. - ' llansbrotigft made a speech In de "fense of Judge Noye.s, of the IMstricl Court1-of -Alaska, and Alexander Me Kctizle, upon'; whom an attack was made in the S-nate yesterday. This precipitated a long discussion of: thy Noyes case, ml tec hnical rather thar. ' tiersonal. No action could he taken on the subject, but the tjiacussion will bci Tont1ntied tomorrow: under the latitude . Allowed where appropriation bills art pending. -V ; John -K-. Tryd-n was Inducted Into office !. the aucjr-esnor of the late Sen ator Sewatl. of iS'ew Jersey. - t , ' Interstate Commerce. Washlngto.i, Krh. C- -Senator Elkliis, . halrma n i of the Interstate CorniTieree Committee, today Introduced a 'bill making i! nutntfer of change If the ' Interstate icominerce l,w, the most ini--portant o.xhJrh are the, following; tiiving the , interstate 'ominercf Commission, under certain conditions, power tni flK riillroad rate; l c ru l.i li UK pooling and abolishing Imprisonment as a method of punishing 'offenses against the law. The (ii'Mmi of the bill con tenting pitting provides that "It shall fbe lavtfiil tut any two or more common . iSfrriefiH to irr'iiiiK1- l t vi'eer, and amo.ng ' IhemscJ ves, forj the ' establishment or fiiut liteiui rife of rat"S. It also shall b lawful for Much carrier to agree b contract. In wrlltng, tiled with the 1 1 , -terstate t'lHiii tierce 'ommission, upon a division of their traffic or enrniiiRS of both." v "Authorlty It Riven the Intcrstatt Commerce Commission to he;ir coirf .pMlntn ik th- fairnetin of . muh )xHilnK ttrf.imccpif-nt, ;irif1 to m.tke iir. order .itmulllng; the contrHct where U . Is found to he upjii.st and unlawful. , : lroeeellmrs by 'writ' of liijunctlot, nre iiuthorized iplnVt uny pnrty' dtB- i-ytriK thei provisions of the' hill. nd the ofTendiirsr p.i rty ; lno niade mh-Je,-f,o a iifiialty of $ I o.imm, ft, pain Info the TreauVy nf t,hc l.'nitd 'States Cuban Reciprocity. - - W.ishlnirton-, Feb.' 4. Itepr-.'sentji i. -rp-l!abcock and ,I4rnK. UtMjtdicap mem ber of the and MViirtu Commit r ip. calle.1 on tie Ir-fiden't to1:y and "df-.u(e1 wlth diNii Cubiin reciprU;1t It.w'ny j. tated by a Hepubliran niffnnei of tiliie Way ' jyvl Mean Committee. therew III tie further doubt that the f r inmlttee would report wnne merisur of 'iilun re iproclty. ' Plea For Peace. i XVuplilfiKton. l-'eb. ' 4. Sen.lor H'Bit tod.iv presented 'a petition filgned bv rimilxr if .1ttliiirtil.hed eltlxena of "tjhls tountry. for th jiuspenjiJon' of;hojtlti4 lien In the I'hllipplnen,. and asking rh t an opfwtrf unity b. f1ven for a dlBctt! flon of the ult'Mtlon between the Ciov rinment and KlHpIno" leader. MISS ROOSEVELT INVITED To Travel to London and Witness ' the Coronation of King Edward as" 1 Whitelaw Raid's Guest. r .', 'A!'nNXmN. Fp. 4.Whltplaw Held ha Invilea. illa Alk-' Roowwlt, rldet daughter f the rreUent. to ao rotnivmy hlmi to Iomlon as hla guest, when-.hw giei to attend the coronation of KiiiK-l-1'ffd. ' SELECTIONS APPROVED. Lands Chosen for Montana's School of Mines Will Be Granted. Hl.'TTK. Mont, Feh. 4. A special from Helena, .itoi thir.Minr. Siiys: . t'liivfrnur Toole has beeat notified by Pi-nger Hermann. tmmiss1oner of thei t,enerai iin.i imf. or tne approval by .the Secretary' of the Interior of the lands selected .for' the State School of Mines and t1t . AgricutturafiCoJlege, The land'-emhrweed In both tracts- Is orr I'3.H0 acres, . - NATIVES WERE. ELECTED As Governors of. the Several Provinces In the Philippines. v . ..'MANILA. Feh- 4. Return so far re vived indicte j the election In most ruse of , Natives asGovernors of the jrovinees." CaptsitiVHsrry P. Band- hoik, of the Second Infantry, defeated Major Cornelias Gardner, of the Tblr teentfi Infantry, the jiresent Govei-nor of Tayabaa - province. f At llalanra. the capital of Balaan, thetre were only eight-four voters, but el ghtx-nine' vote were tast, ajtd an other election baa been ordered. FIRE ON SHIPBOARD. NEW TORK, Feb. 4 Much excite ment so cauaeo in . the. shipyard ai Hhooters Island by a smalt fire in the hold of the steamahJp Saale. The Ut- ter whkh was in the great fire at Ho bokea. le beinar rebuilt, and dies but I a shrf distance from Emperor WUliatrfs yatjht Meteor. A strong- wind was blolwlnr. and for a moment, fears were en t-ertained that, the flames might spijead. The well-drilled force of the shipyard wereviiek to act. however, an in a few moments the fire was ex- t Inguished. ; f ! ; THEIR HOUSE BURNED. Tho American Party, Negotiating for Miss Stone's Release, Have a. Narrow Escape. LONDON. Feb. 4. The Sofia corre- Indent of the. Times rejKrtnI that JuHng the neirotfations wlih the brif ands for the relea of Miss Stone, the houxe in which , the American party wajs lodged was burned, but the In mates cwaped with the ransom money. TOM L. JOHNSON'S SCHEME Of .Raising Assessments of Ohio Rail- '. j roads Is Put ;Sleep.- , Lt'XinrS. O.. Feb. 4. The Su- pi rerne Court toiay put. an ena in im Johnson's effort to secure a higher ar bralsement of the rfillway proH?rty of Ohio. The court handed down a de- HI rn. suKtalnintr the demuirer of the At iwpvy General to his petition, and dis miaiiing- tbt? same. . ; JAPAN'S COMING fAlR SPACE IS CALLED FOR BY EXHIB- - ITORS FROM AMERICA De mands Are So Great that Japanese Exhibitors . Are Offering to Erect Thoir Own BuildingsV TflKlO, via Victoria. B. (1.. Feb. 4. The Great National Iruiuxtrlal Kxhiblt, which the Government of Japan Wi-h i - . hold at Omika in 193. is attracting m rich attention.' Althouuh the ilimit i ' . - I . i within which the applications for space miint be tiled has been. sot at Jutiie 30. I!fx the applications from the ITiilted. Slite and Kurope.: already aKgrcate miire than the extirpated space allotted. and private individual's have offered to iiiil iiii thelrtown buildirurs in order to exjiibit 'machinery.;- There ix a ioflbility that the Crown Pr nee of Japan inny visit the ITiilted States before loiiR. lie haa long -ex-praised a M'lsh to travel In America and huroi (Jitid has taken the neees- y, preliminary steps of communli-.al- If'ig his" desire to tho Kmtieror. STOCK INSPECTION. IH-rNVKft, Feb. 4 The 'Supreme Court ha handed dfwn a decision up holding the, livestock Inspection law paxed by the Ia-gUIattire of this state. The ilcHxion was. renrlered in the esse of Kf. 11. field.-who rushed cattle into this state from Texas for the '-purpose of testing the law. The sentence of six months in the county jali against lU id Is also affirmed. Held was back- d by hading livestock organisations of the country, who claimed that the federal lnip-ctlon laws u;ereded those of a state. . 0O NOT AGREE. PUOVlUKNCi:. It. I.. Feb. 4. Iean Meiklejor-rt. if ".Brown ITnlversity, in his annual report dealing with college regintiatlon, ' differs with President. KI- iot. of llarvard. by attributing the In creased registration of Brown's stu dents In a mensoirej to athletic promin ent, especially when trfat prominence comes V through victory's. President Kliot; in his recent report, said, that sue-ess or failure In siorts has' had no Influence on registration at HarvaTd r Yale. GRAIN-Ol GRAIN-0! Remember that rwm when yon want a delicious, sppetlrtng. nourish-! fiuwl drink irt labo the tilaee of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who "have osed IU Oraln-O li ma1 of pure grain, it atas nigesuon na iMnrth,i the nerves; It Is nof a stimulant but a health builder and ihe children as wen as tne annus can drink It with great benefit. Cost shout i as much, as coffee. 15 cts. and 35. -;. per pa'kwge. Ask your grocct rr.r "tlratn-O. -- CANNOT AGREE. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Feb, 4,-The ine operHtors and mine workers. In m se rret, session of the Joint scale com- ir. ttee, ttMlay disagreea apon every one the" Wm iroiwsltions submitted b nt the miners. It has beconi plain that the niterMtwrs will not grant the scale asked by the miners. Semi-Weekly 91.00 a year. Soft Harness Xtm eaa mil ynar tee M on ma m t f 1 4MlmikMtitf J I 4 MfEIHKktlUr. A OS Oil, Tea n 1 1 nctOen as l.fr wts J m trv lone as U ' 04 orotaaruy wonM. I EUREKA? 01! Ml MV SMScm s seorVwHt ' hr H'm like a-. M-o nf Tt. Mn) twOtnt ml. r- 'Mr iirti i ta tbe m rmdtrr. svt4 twii M-ailo la Wail It limm OIL C& V It - w 2f i : r . l .:' "I UUl FMEMEfJ ! 1 WERE KILLED Ucdef the f aIsg Wzlls cf a Bsrn : leg CsIIrilcg j ST. LOUIS LAST NGHT- THE BODIES HAVE NOT YET BEEN IN RECOVERED. -I Tho Boilers of a Towhoat Blow Up in Pennsylvania Wailars Yastarday i Awful Results of the Mine Hor ror in Mexico, South Of Eagle Pass, Texas Eighty-five j Dead Bodioh and Thirty Man Brought Up. RT. LOUIS. Mo- Feb. Ag At j Uast - V " V ' I nine firemen were killed, and a many i mere" injured, at a fire tonight w the buildina occuoiod by tho u American Tont & Awning Company. Tho build ing collapsed, and although; the wen who were caught in tho crash have not been reached, it is almost certain they Have succumbed. The dead are: Au-i gust Thierry, 'Patrick Berger, Michael Keho, -DaniH Steele, Wm. Dundon, Chas. Krenning, and three pipemen, rames unknown. BOILERS BLEW UP. Pittsburg, Pa- Feb. . 4. Word- has bfA rcce-iyed from Braddock, that; the boilers of the towboatJohn W. Albs blew up. ' Witnesses of the accident say they 'saw. several hodies blown through the air. - .'.' ' ! Few Will Recover.: ; Kagle I'assi Texas, Feb. 4. Thirty live men and eighty-five Ixxliea have leeii recovered from the Hondo mine. Of tho thirty, few will recover, as all are badly mangled. Throe Barges Lost. " New York. Fe. 4. There Is reason to believe that three barges, coal laden from Newart News fir Boston, have been lost at sea, arid thirteen persons comprising the crews have perished. The barges Were the Antelope, the e of Oregon, and the Mystic Belle. MINERS UNDER ARREST FIFTEEN MEN TAKEN TO BAKER ' " : - t . - CITY YESTERDAY. Charged With Rioting at the Columbia Mine. They Induce Two ' Men Who Wero' Filling Strikers' Places to Quit Work. BAKKIl CITY. Ot- Feb. 4 Sheriff Ifiintlntiin went to th Columbia min ibove Suntpter this morning, with a posne, and arrested fifteen miners Who u ere--concerned In the movement to ex pel the Taylor brothers- from the cariip Sunday night. The Taylors took' the place of -two striking ' engineers.' and the miners wbligcd them to leave th' tamp Sunday nteht. The- men wer; ariested ,n a Charge of rioting. They will have a hearing tomorrow. ' '- The men say ty' threats-were, made or vio lence usd t lndu e the Taylors to go but.almit that they were told they must, go. ' ' . He Plead Guilty. Olympia. Wash- Feb. 4. Tlay Chas. Hardl pU-adcd guilty to cmlazling JJ00 while treasurer of Tumwater. three years ago. Hardt left .hero' before th emtexr.lement was discovered, and was apprehended in t.'olorado. fieri, months ago; Tumwater has leen fully reim bursed by Harflt, and hi, fcentene will be UghL "If I Could Get Rid of this stKmtnable ,old." exclaimed the sufferer, when the end lof a spasm of coughing gave him a chance to talk. The way out of the trouble is plain. Take Allen's I.ung. Balsam - .before the merciless grip of the cold has fastened upon thfetat and lungs.. After a few doses the cough is easier, and less fe 'Pient. and a complete cure is, but the question of a little time. ; WOOLGROWERS .MEET. HEIVENA. Mont. Febi 4. The fifth annual meeting of the Pacific North- as- i. a. . .. ei niHfiifrawers Association was opened this afternoon at the Auditor ium. lelegates from the six states In- ciuied within the association. Oregon. Washington, Idaho. Utah. Wyoming and Montana, are present. bu$ the at tendance Is not so largo as was antic ipated. Exaggerated reports of severe cold weather kept many delegates from Oregon and Washington away from Helena, although the weather moderat ed last week and is mild today. Ore gon, oulsid of Montana, has more rep. resen tat Ives than any other state tn eluded within the association. A BRITISH VICTORY. Boor Commando .. Wiped Out Slight Loss to England. With LONDON. Feb. 5. Lord KJtfh-nei has sent the following message from Pretoria:- j "Major Leaders force surprise I.. larey commando, killing seven and capturing 1J1. The British casualties were slight, no British being killed." THE RAILROAD MERGER. Governor Van Sant Discusses. It in His Message to tho Legislature of Minnesota, ST. FA CI Minn. Fet. 5. Ooverwt Van Rant, In his message to th Iegl" I4ture. today taid. on the railroad erer: - ' 4 . 1 lf the Supremo Court does not take Jurisdiction. It I tho Intention of the Attorney General to at cone bring a suit in the state courts, and every ef fort will be made apeodily to have the case reached In the court of last resort. IT IS SWINE PLAGUE Hogs at Pandleon Aro Noi Afflctad i 1 ! With Cholera. PEXDUn'ON, Or, Peb. 6. Dr. Win. Mclean, Oregon's State Veterinarian, today ofBHally pronounced the disease affecting hogs here,1 the awlne plague, less virulent than hog cholera. lie be lieve the malady will soon be stamp ed out. ' -' - r ; r -.1 .: ; 'y THE SCHLEY CASE. A Prediction that the-President Will . Decide AgaUsst tho Admiral. ; ' WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. The POBI tomorrow will say;. h was stated last'T.lKht that the Pre sident's response to the application of Admiral Schley would bo made public next Saturday, It Is understood it will be adverse to Schley.. S " PRISONERS ESCAPE. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 5. Ten military; prisoners, confined in the stockade at the Presidio, escaped last night. Their, escape .was made by a tunnel through the ground. . ' c - : I - TO THE EXPOSITION- 1 WASlIINaTON, Feb. 5.- President ami r. iwu-cii. p Will accompany inciu j nit- v iianrm-ju lxnosltion, will leave here next Mon day. t . - - .. THEIR SIGHT IS SHORT LEWISTON- COMMERCIAL CLUB OPPOSE IMPROVEMENT j At the Month of the Columbia River, Unless th,o Upper River is Also , mombered with Substantial Ap propriations by Congress. v- - : '-"-' PKN Pl.HTON, Or.Keb. 4. The Pen dleton Commercial AsK-lation this evening refused ; to adopt a resolu tion, which the Lewiston Commercial Club' asked that the Association Were telegraph to the Senators and flepre sentatlves in Congress, demanding that they oppose", all Federal impropriations for thej Columbia river unless at this time also -provision Ixs niade for fthe iMlles-CclibV canal. The vote was un aiiiiwous ujH.n the motion of 'T. C, Tay lor, a member of the Association. x and also President of the Oregon Scnatr, that, the Iawiston request be returned, ungrcmted. - " Tli sentiment of the Pendleton As sH'iation is that It would lie suiciial to oppose the needed Improvements at the mouth of -the riverain the eyent the I'elllo , appropriation is denied by River and Harbor Committee. A LIFE-TIMER. Another California Footpad for a Long Term. Sent SANj FRANCISCO. Feb. 5. Another footpad received the limit In Judge CMiks i court today. John Murphy, tn old . offender, . who was convicted yes terday Uff having held up and brutally Ih'h ten ! Henry Iawrey on IlcccniVr 24th. was sentenced to San Qu?ntln for life. . ' AN OLD CHESTNUT. The Deceased Wife'a Sister Bill Again Before Parliament. ' Is l)NI')ON, Feb. 5 The perennial "de eased w;lfes sister bill" reappeared in Parliament today, in form identical with that of last yea,r. -On fourteen oc casions the House, of Commons lias af firmed the principle Of tip bill.'. which, however. haS always met with Insur mountable obstruction, generally from the Bishops In the upper Hous. DONATES TO COOPER UNION, Andrew Carnegie-Makes an Additional ! Present of J3O0,00. Andrew Carnegie has within the last few days given $3O0,fio to Cooper Un ion. This Is Mr. Carnegie's second gift to the institution, the first one being of a like amount. The Income which will be derived from, this gift will, .With what the in stitution, already has, enable Cooper Union to. occupy nearly all 4?ls build in s-s. It wll( also admit of paying ad ditiohal compensations to teachers. AtrpiTINO ilUAJt. The Marion county, f-ommlssiotaers court convene! at, 10 o'clock' yesterday, morning in the regular February term of court, ind the entire day was 'devoted to auditing claims and drawing warrants in pay ment of the same. The court w 11,1 continue in;' -session !. throughout the week and a 'considerable' amount of business remains1 to be transacted. ; DIPLOMA fl RANGED. The State Board of Education yesterday granted a state life diplomai to K. C. Terry, of Scio. -J : I : Kr.oltn and solrn tvhercber good crop s j j are grnlrri. 'I j - Sola evetr mifi j j ,9 " nmni RE' J . D riy a co. : finm r.nntiiFno WUUL UUUWLliO COfJVEfJTICiJ Decides ca rishtlcg margarine C the OIco II SECRETARY BAlLEY, RICHARD SCOTT AND SCOTi; BOZORTH, CE LEGATE FROM OREGON Fought fh Prc-or.ition Alone, but Wore Helpless TJie Secretary Ro- - fused to Sign 'the Resolution and Resigned His Seat cjn tho Spot - r --- ----- - . 5 , I : - . When blurred by a Largo Montana Sheep Grower. HELENA, Mont., Fob. 15. A crisis was reached in tho Wool Growers' Con voniion today, when a resolution was adopted endorsing oleomi rgarino, and pledging tho support of thi Association to' assist in tho defeat of i ho iMcCleary bill now before Congress. This bill provides a tax of 10 conti a pound on all oleomargarine colored in imitation ef buUor. The National Livestock Aa t . -. i osiausn, mm in, nprinaiif vi rtm livestock interests of tho country, cat tle aa well as sheep, is working for tho defeat of this measure. Some time ago it was determined that the wool and sheep men should work together for the defeat of the measure, and for tho pas- saga of a bill requiring tho marking, of goods containing shoddy. I Two resolu lions wore presented, one! referring to the shoddy bill, and the oleomargarine measure tions passed. lother to the Both re sol u- Secretary llailey 'spoke : st rongly against the adoption of the oleoma r garitie resolution, as did Scott Itozorth, of Oregon: II. Scott and The resolu- Hon passed' with but three votes in the negative Delegate Bozortjh aaked that the president only be required to sign the resolution." saying thjit Setretary Bailey was Ualry Commissioner ot Oregon. . i ueiegate r iowerree, or l Montana, a large sheep grower. Said if the secre tary was not lirsympalhy with the trta Jorlty of the wool meir on the o'icsmoh. and did not, want to sign the resolution he should not hold the iiosltion. Secre tary Bai Icy Jumped to his feet and ex claimed: , ; ' Mr. lTesl.de.nt, I reslgfk hero and now." : ;';-, . .;; , j Then he left his desk and look a seat in the Isidy of the hjillj latter, by a vHe of thei Convention. Mr. Bailey was persuaded to contlnii" to act until his succevaor is elected to morrow- - - ! Ready to VotJ. Washington, Fe1. 5. Ah, agreement was reached in (he House flwiay, where- by . t he oleoma rga rlne li 11 will tie brught to a vote after tw o more ilays of consideration, one to. IW devoted . to geneml debate, and one it debate fin der th? flve-mliiute rub. The dbi tr io ry fash I n iay continued In a desu hout special Ifieldent. In the Senate, - ,; . Tl.roughoiit ife had mi. it.ileflclency . WaVhlnglon, fbi 5. the session today the Sen der consideration the urgiAi appropriation hill. 'a-nd, Ju. before ad- Jon isnment passied substantially In the shape I ri which It .was reirien io the Senate by thecoinmllt Ce. lurlng the early part on the e.lot' H. . Noj'es, he-.cases of 'Judge Arthu of the District Court . of ' (Alaska:.-and Alexander MeKen'sle and others were discussetl.' MetiumtHT (Sf P.) dellv- erel an elaborate- speech in defense f Judge Noyen and McKensi. Incident ally he critic lx'-rl fh- Cin-iiit Court of Hjipeals ,f San . Frsnclsco. for jiermlt ting Itself to be Influenced l.y irejudice and bias. He became In viol ved In- a ,i olloquy." with fTHIman, who Uald he p-- faared in thei nove: attitu le of a d fender. of the ifnited Staifsljudclarv'. 1 he South Carolina Senator had - Intl t.atcd that he wiMiId deliiMr a1 Hpeech on th-oyes case, but at th conclu sion of McCumtcr'fccch me 'content ed blnuM lfi practically with putting into the fongrsslonrJ Record Iheiderlion of the Cif4siii.;i!irt of Ap als of Un rrancincoj in itn case of eontefnrit in a firlef spe- li Siwart reviA''-'t me caw. , sia-aking sltonglv! nisuinnt Judge Jvoyes . jsnd his aetionti Alsl--t .. Ther Noyes Csso Waslilngton.1 Fh. 5. At orney t;en prellinln iry ersl Knox i toav ,ga ve o hearing tn the case of Jud lt JSoyes. nt the United Staten Court f r th Nome. IHstrlct of Alaska, who convicted of contempt ,y recently, vmt, The "p-d States Court of Appeals a 1 1 sco. Knn h-r.t,. The Attorney Oeneral hal the recor of the fiurt under considj gallon, and it Is expected, that within a week or two he will advise the Presfd ent as to whether Judge Noye has been guilty of such offenses while JudgU In Alask L as to render his further seitvlce In fl.at cafacity undesirable and. If so. wheth er thei offenses; were of sK gra ve -t character as to warrant hm removal. CURIOSITIES OF, MICA, The mica as ft comes from the mlnv Is in blocks which are theoretically short rhombic prisms, tait ,K-actlcaiiy are scarcely recognlxable as; such, hav ing ery rough and, uneven contour. They hare a very perfect cMavage -parallel to th base, "and may be split Into laminae thinner thirn the thinnest tissue paper, rand these laminae form the familiar, transparent arbve'-panen and lamp chimneys. The esterlor pot- tlons of t bene blocks are opdiie. hrit tie. and worthless presumably from the penetration af water, for mlcU sorm d composes when eposd to any ' con- slderable weathering. - A thl"k yr of plates has therefore to Ms removed to. WM from ef thr fa'-e of fhe block- pfore any mm Vr six years I waa a victim of ays p i pel a la its wont form. I rould est neil.tTir but milk tout, sod st times mjr Womwh mii4 not retain and dltrent eren I hat Lal fctnrrh beirsn taking CAStTAKKTS and since ilri bsT steadtlt Imnrorrd, ufitU 1 am sa well ss I eer waa to my life.-' - - - Uatio U. Mcmrar. Newark. O rtMMM, Pshaabte. Potest. T wS. fwr" OooO. SK-cva. f or fanie. Sir. 2. : CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Cii iiiii.rmm. Hum s tn ffi Tfl f lf rnrsnfeM hf sHdrs- bW-H-MI'IIUM il.1 .HElotaKO HsSii.. yS CANOY If CATHARTIC -4 mica of commercial ' sise or value is'., reached, and the sheets split frm the remainder are surrounded by , a wide margin of .worthless materia rr Hut the dlfflcultlca and hwses of ml a mining are far from being all enumfr- ' ated. Even when occurring In blocks-, of commercial site, it Is rendered al uless of comiaratlvcly so by one e-r niore of a series of defects, which may : ts classed as: color. secks. ruling rib- ' bing, and wedge-formation, It . some timts occurs literally pied with Mack dots, corislsting In general of black ox Ide of dron or garnet, and when even a few of these are present Its commercial value is destroyed, because such mica, when used as an Insulator is peculiarly liable to puncture, the specks forming practically short circuits for the elec tric current. The same Is true ot streaks, which are sometimes tttm-d to red rust. -' " '. . Some -otherwise , excellent mica' is found to be ruled or cut, as It were, with'a series of ierfectly straight lines, parallel to one side of the crysfaU'so that' on being spilt the mica fall Im mediately Into- strips. Or again. In- stead of being 'stri'iajd or ruled, the mica Is ofted deeply ribbed or i-orru- gated parallel to the adjacent-edses of the crystal, so as to give the appear ance of -the letter A (or rather V) whence It is ternied "A-mlca." As I lie ribbed portion has to be cut away in, the sheet, such mica Is unprofitable, . unless the blo-ksbe large. i-AVe.li;e-- ; mica, is that in whlcht the ; bl.w k is thicker at one end than the other, the laminae partaking In the unevtiness Such blocks are wholely worthless ex-' cept a scrap. tingineerlng Magazlue. , TWO PLACES FILLED. -. -v. . - - cu-- WASHINGTON, Vb. 4.-The Presi dent sent the following nominations to the ' Senate, today:'-.- Heglster of th Iwuid Office at Cisur d" Ahfu. Idaho,- John F. " Vost; Receiver of rublif moneys at Coeur 1' Al-ne, Chas. t, Warner. V . r V WOULD DIN EMI CUBA RESOLUTION INTRODUCED OF- FERING ISLAND STATEHOOD. It Also Authorizes Reciprocity an I a Reduction of TweMy-rrvo Per Cent of the Duty on tjhe Present Ci otj ol .' Sugar in the Nsvv Republic. ":"::: v'- - " ."' ' - W A SI 1 1 N 5T IN, If. b. Be pi e .u l -atlVe Njw'l anIs, fi Nevada, of lit" WaS ahd Means Conmill tee. jodjy in troduced a Joint, resolution InvMl'i,? t -llepublle of Cllbii to betionie n ; i f .f the "Uniliil Stales, llrst as a teivlt ii.v, anil then as a state of the t'ni'oi.'to -Called the state of f 'lib.i : end -iiImo i.n thorlzing a 25- f kt i-nt rclu I too .f ' duty on the present ' erop' f th -. 'iib.m sugar ir, consl'l-T.itln of ciilNta ,; tainting- preferential lates to; th' t i,t i f- States. : -.i r '.' -.'I -. ' ' A Contest Decided. . Washington, Feb. ..:-Th' 1 1' t !' Elei-tlon -f'omnilltee N'. 1 today (:ii-l- : ed the contented elect foit case of Nt--! Kenzie Moss, against, Ilcprcti i ! f' , Bhea. ' iienKK-rat f 'Kentucky, f r t r- j seat of the Third Keru m ky "DNf.f l- t. In favor of the contestant, recommending''.! the unseating of llh'-a. The vle-as j on party lines. -; . j , l Spokane's Po-tmtor. i , Washington. Feb. T,.rThe Sert iJe f daijinTied M. T. Iljftson, as poV-r nWSTer at Spokane, j. ' ' - - . . Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or J'diarrh'ca whn your bowel arc out of fifilcr, Ca tarcts Candy Cathartic will rnaks theni act naiurallj-. (Jcnuinc Iillrt3 stamped C. C. C. Never sold ia ullc. f. All druggists, loc 1 JUST THREE MORE WEEKS Of wlr 20 er cent discount ' sale . on men's, youths' and , hilren's clothing, at the New Vt.fk Ttaiket, We have jflne Hne of young-menls suits at irlc,- from $p.7 t 9..r,u wit Hi 30 ffr cent oft on all lses. Ion't fall to ch l" a ii'l t our lmk. March 1st closes fhe ills rwiBt sale itrt klie pa ntSOiMil A -it 1I.&0 to 5, all at' lh JO'tar en( diK- C'Ollllt. ' . I . ilw Tho Excitement lot Over The rush at the (drug store still ron 1 1 ntrcs and dally scores f-people cn,l for a but tli of Kemp's Halyam for , th Throat and laings for the nr of .Coughs, f'tdds. Asthma. ItronchHI nd consumption. .! Kemp's "llalsam.' the stamlard . family remedy. Is sold on guarantee ;itn,li never f.lsto glee entire satlsfaJction.i J'rtce Jlc. and SOc. : ; . . , , - A.-'..- .- 2.- From all accounts thi re IK a herd or Lhogs ln Marlon courtyl affected with swine plague. A ; section f aV . hog's lung waa received at tb college Vri'ia'y with a reouest that the bcfrio.lW.' department . diagnose tjie.- esse. vTh Sf.irnen famefrom a 4-eterinarlan St Faiern. who said that .on he farm? from which It rams Ifirt hogs! had died, In the investigation at the iroii-ge the. dis ease was certainly 1'icajted as swine plague., The" malady ishighly Infec tious and there Is no remedy for an sn Irrial on attai ked -with Vlt. The sam- P,P w w iniro oi in sfri rrivei m a m t M at A a m aa h station, the others paving come from Eastern Oregoni tCorvallls Times.