Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, January 07, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    5Ut YEAR NO 42.
hint Known Dead and Many Mort
Are Missing ;
' s - ' -'-CREW
Rcv Htnry ErickMn, a Minister, Is
' - Saved, but Hi Wife and Two Chil
dren Are Still Misting, While jOne
Son Died on a Liferaft from Ex
1 pesure One Lifeboat and a j Raft
. Still Afloat -'x' !;!-:
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4.--As far as
can be determined by' diligent inquiry
and careful checking and comparison
6f listsdead and missing - 1 f r'om the
wreck of the steamer Walla Walla now
number fifty-two people. Known dead
number nine; passengers .missing,
'''eighteen crew missing,, nineteen. ;
Tb known ifead are: Mrs. Herman
Kiiiwairwr,' passenger; ' Johnj Wilson,
qunrteriiMiteri William Rarien, fire
man; ' Droley (Or. I II. Druby),
passenger; a mm of Rev. Erlckson, and
four imkno n ' men.
The steamer Nome-City arrived here
tonight, wlit six survli-ors of the wreck
ir.r the Wall,! Walla." They, were picked
up. from it liferaft- Their name are;,
.1. ..WIsorT. first officer F, Lupp, second
,iflVer: , .; Rrtiwn, fourth officer; J
-ShU-1. pantryman; S. Murello, cook;
'it. Henry Rricksbn, passenger.
- Iiv. Krickson, who was J picked up
ly the Nome City, was accompanied, by
Ills wife and .three ; children, who are
y-t unaccounted for. " They were bound
lr Whatcom, Wash. J , i
.. . The prvsvn-e of so many; officers ori
tht. lift-raft in accounted for) as follows;
Ti e IVrnt , sc-tid a hd . fourth i officers
tr-' on the rear of the Walla Walla,
doing nit In thHr power to rescue pas
sengers, when they noticed the, vessel
sinkings Just previous t6 this they had
thrown . i raft from the steamer to' pas
str $ crp who had Jumped lnt,o the water.
As Ihe bout' ji s tn down th officers
lerpit wnd ere piokel up by those
w ho. had suc.'c-titd in hoarding the raft.
Tht-rewere orlxinally elfrht persona ,on
(t)--j raft, thiw meniirtnecl above, 'nn
iirtkno-wn holy, ami t'n Jl-yea-old Hon
of lli-v. Ir. KiWkxoti.
?hoitty nfier th Waha. Walla went
down, l)we on (he raft met one of the
lif lMKit and llio. unknown woman was
removed fixm .the r.tft to .the boat;
Ymnc ICrf. Krom die J from expopure
twelve .hour? a fter the Walla. Walla
went down. The survivors :iw the
atesimer Iinutvb come and ko, out of
.Riircka. hut could not h;ill; her. 4
. The. list of anved Includes fifty-thre-i
i:iwittftM and alxty-cine of the crew.
Tno of '.the miiWtiuf li ftlMMty arrived
lift Jlht. noith of Tfinidad. nnd sev
eiit.,.h ,... ,w i.r., Jjimii fro,,! them.
This li!is one Hfolioat and one' raft
yet to 1 ac ounted for. '
' r ' - - -Y
By Rev..C. M. Sheldon, of Topcka, Who
Believes, in Modern' Papers., '' e-
; TOPKKA, ka.is., Jan t -jTlev. C M.
SheKlon inaiVe a viKoroui defense of
the FiiodTu n-9paber.'' heij'today; at
a te. U of th,. Ministerial Assoc!
tioji. a member of .the aaaciciat'ion iead
a -.j..i--r. atticklnj; Jmirnulists a a
class, saj in their motle f conducting
;nwl.r bred ananby. Jtev. Mr.
., Sheldon, di..'med from this view, say
ing . iifwspaiiera formeil a stftmg
ajtency for Sod. ,
: - - - ' . : .l
Fo-st One Sent to Board of Aldermen
Y ! Treats of Blackmail.
J NT,V YOltk. Jan. 6 MaVnr' Tw
eht his fin?t Message id the tioanl of
aldermen tolaj -sj -Th. -ionijf . subject
tnat..a of waa i blackmail i In the civil
administration; in the stamping outiof
whtvb, be staid, he desired' the co-operation
of the people of the City, i j
"If during the next two. years, ih?
mw.ijte fy. "any cltJxen or employe
ot tbe ctiy pa- money Uleirltlmately to
l .avoid any Inconvenience or to secure
hi .rvKe.hr will do It because he
want.x to, and not because he must.r
f-." .' - ,. ' ' .
i The Eugene Forger Makes No Defense
and Is Held for Trial.
KI "I tN E.: Ore.. Jan. 6,-Mieo. Vernon.
?' "frrehended ti California,
rtaa given a preliminary examination
I toJa y pn t he charges t forgery and
obuining money under false pretenses.
-.He niade no defense, and was bound
jover to.the grand Jury.- '
;; iJ "k .-ft'-'-' "" 1 '-. ', ,.;; '-) -.
SUmp Clerks Testify. to the Dishonest
.. i. Practices of Nteleyi '
HAVANA, Jan, fc-At the ! continua
tion of the trial" of the caiea ariilnr
.froBi the Cuban pot office' frauds, to-
day.Moya and Mascara, , the two Cu
ban Wtanip? clerks testing! they bad
received surcharged stamps from Chas.
F.;wi.; Nel?yv without racking- a rec
ord thereof; that they had sold, them
and (had given the money received
therefbr to Neeley. the two clerks
recalled about eighteen ;; Instances of
such payments,! 'aboutl $100 each.
Mya paid Nee ley made ; nio secret of
these transactions and that Neeley's
clerks received the money When Neeley
was not present. --,
Minnesota'? Atterrey CeneralBefore
United State Supreme; Court.
Douglass, Attorney General of Minne
sota, and St. p. 'Dunn, assistant coun
sel. arrived at Washington 'today for
the purpose of asking permission' of the
United States Supreme Court to file
a petition -of mandamus against the so
t'ulled Northern Pacific merger.
Famous BTcycle Rider's Mother Is Paid
' Damages for Death of Her
." ' ' ; 8on in Turkey---;
PITTSBURG. Pal. Jan.: 6. A lease
famous In Internatlonai diplomacy was
closed today, by the payment of $7,50J
damages to Mm. Lena. mother Of
Frank G'. Lmzr the American wheel
man who waa killed by Turkish) offie
talsi. The money waa turned? over by
the atate department.
iioors COME HOME
To be Brought to the United States as
Early as Possible Another Mem
ber of the Philippine Commission
.' is in. v . k ; '.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. Secretary
Root has directed that the third squad
ron of the Eighth cavalry, icomprtelng
the entire garriaoti at Puerto Principe,
Cuba, be brought to the United Statea
at the flrst favorable opportunity. This
is practically the beginning of ft gen
eral withdrawal of the United States
troops to Cuba, preparatory to- the.
transfer of the control: of affairs to
the new civil government. There will
be no further withdrawals 'of troops,
however, until the final arrangements
are made for the formal transfer of
the; government to the newily elected.
official of Cuba,
. i . l
Judge Ida Is III.
WASHINGTON. Jan. .Secretary
Root; has Ibeen informed J that Judge
Me of ther Philllppine Commission, is
ill and has .gone to Ja.an to re'uper
rate.. He 1 the second member 'of .the
i'ommlsskn to succumb tdi hard work,
under trying climate conditions. Judge
Taft. civil governor of the Philippines,
Is now on the way home for the ben
efit! of his health. L
Kansas City Journal:' j! Kentucky
makes and consumes a Vast deal of
whisky, but there are sections of th.e
state whierewhsky drinking Is much
x-stricted, femark'td al man; from
there the other day. "IB; my section
oiie finds ther are neither! saloons nor
side doors Where one canhbuy Intox-
htcants. ' True, occasionally ai man
brings a bot1e of whisky to town, and
a little moonshine is sold sometimes
from -the alleys, but as a general rop-4
osltlon thejsale of strong drink is ta
booed and (ur people are perfectly-ron-t
e.Q t that the tax on w h Isk y . should
remain just what it is at present."
' s - Th:-1lV-V.i
, WASHINGTON.1 Jan. .-The Ifnlteil
States Supreme Court toay refused to
Interfere in the case of Captain; pber
lln M. Carter. The decision was ! ren
dered In the proceedings Instituted by
Captain Carter for the purpose of se
curing a fc rit of .habeas crpui that
jaould Yelease him from prison ai Lea
venworth, Kan; . The case originated
In tlhe fnlted States Circuit C.oirt tor
the district of Kansas., by wtilch; pe
tttioa for writ was denied. Today's
opinion was delivered by Chief Justice
Fuller md affirmed the opinion of the
PHIlLADELPHIA. Jan. . The old
Liberty bell, accompanied "by- Mayor
Ashbridge and an official escort of city
coancilmen and city department beads,
started on Its Joarney to the, CharJes
ton Expoaltlon at 9 o'clock: this morn
lhg. 'As the special train left the Penn
sylvania staion a aalute of 21 j guns
was fired at the League Island navy
yard. t : ;.-.;,.
iXEW TOHK, Jan. C Miss Hannah
R. Phillips, the educator and physician,
having requested it. upon, her death
bed, her body has been Cremated and
next' Saturday, after a aim pie-service
on : the decks of one of the Stamen
Island ferryboats, the ashes will
scattered upon the waters of New Tork
hay.. , -,.'..,
, j - ' , .
ArgegUse and Ctlle Appear to Cave
foand a Solution
i " .
The Question of Arbitration' a the
Pan-American Conference in-Mexico
City Will Com Up for Settle-ment-
Tomorrow It May Disrupt
the Congress Insurgents in Cen
tral America Still Active. .
BUENOS, AYRES, Jan. 6. The de
claration by Chile, relative to the
meaning ; of the paragraphs of the
Yahex-Portela protocol concerning the
policing of the territory known as the
Ultima Esperanza, are satisfactory fiii
Argentina. In so much as the princi
ples wherein Argentina considered- her
self agrieved by Chile; have been pro
vided for, the two - Governments wyll
approve -- the paragraphs in question
thus putting an end to the clatms aris
ing from the Ultima Esperanza inci
dent. : . . ' f- !' ':, ' '!
Valparlso, ChHe, Jan. 6. Replying to,
an Interpellation In the Chamber -of
Deputlest concerning the rumors : that
Argentina had give Chile- 24 hours In
which to reply to the question of polic
ing in the Ultima Esperanza. territory.
Senor Yanez. the Chilean Minister of
Foreign Affairs, announced tha J the
dispute between the two countries was
in the'same status today as "on Decem
ber 25th. "-. -: '-
Pan-American. Conferenca . '
Mexico City, Jan, 6. It Is thought
now I tha,t the arbitration .Question in
the tari-'Amertcan -Conference will be
determine! either r tomorrow Or -Wed -nesday.
" Whether (r'not a sohatioh vll
be the disruption of the conference de
pends on whether the 4clegsitloni. .ho
favor compulsory arbitration, will ac-.
cept a compromise measure to- be !of-,
feredi on the . line suggested by-. .vVJ.-J.
Kucha nan, of the. United States dele,
grutlnn. The terms of the- compmirijsey
whlc-h.will ber proposed, Irave mt leen
dischwej. -1 . -
On Venezuelan Soil.
; Willemstaxl, .Island of Curacao. Jan.
6. eneral : Rivera, the. Venezuelan
Insurgent leader, and the Insurgents
who had assembled, here, embarked on
board tha eunbiwt. I.ilwratdor iluring
the ilanml night, and landed On Vene
zuelan soil this morning-, near Vealde
toro, with arms ond ammunition. It
is reported here this afternoon,- that
the Uberatdor has captired the Vene
zuelan gUnboat Zumbador. .-
Struck in ah Artesian Well at Everett,
Washington, Yesterday
EVERETT, Wash., Jan. C: Today a
drill,' used in sinking an artesian well,
struck a flow of natural gas at a depth
of '500' feet. The stream of irnud and
sand was blown into the air 100 feet;
by the escaping graa. W. D. loward,
one of t he workmen, was, overcome by
the gas and died soon , afterward. ,
' The . flow ha been auppressed,- but
the pressureIs still on. and a rumblin
can be, heard at 1 the 'bottom of thd
shaft, v ""'.'--,;.''
Big Colonization Scheme Worked In
New York's Seventh District ;
NEW YORK, Jan, 6. State .Super
intendent of Elections John McCullagft
said tonlght,L he had discovered what
he believed, was a Vblg r colonization
scheme, to be worked tomorrow, in the
epeclal election of Congressman from
the Seventh Congressional district. He
did not know In whos Interest the re -porttd
colonization had, been made.
Tre Movement Has Commenced and Is
Fostered by Canadians.
movement of Mormons from Utah to
the Coloales of Alberta is oti. nineteen
families passing through this city to
day. The Canadian Northwest Irriga
tion Company is behind the project to
colonize SO. 000 Mormons along- the route
of the company's canal In Albert.
Discussed by the London Times Prog
' ' i res of ThiSCountryJDoubteT,
1LONDON, Jan. . The Times de
votes a long editorial to a review of the
economic situation In the UnitedStates.
akes the view that, in spite of the
pparesUly tremendous material prog-
reas made in America, of recent years,
this progress Is Insufficient, to warrant
tho view of Its economic result ss either
by rV sanguine v Americans or by timid
Kun-peans. -
The Tiroes contends that the recent
prosoerity has led to over-in vestments,
and the 'fact .that exchange during the
past autumn remained in favofl of Lon
don, tends to show that the bilance of
trade Is aot.ln favor of the United
States. t . 1
WASHINGTON. jJan. . Edward
Lam pre, secretary general of the Pa n.
ema Canal. Company, who was sent to
the United States to make, a format
offer for the 'sale of the company's
rights, property, etc, to' this Govern
ment.' arrived in Washington tonight.
TREJNTTON, Mass.. Jan.! .T-John
Townseno-cashler of the BiLstol Coun
ty National Bahltls reported I3S.000
snorj.! in nis account i
saidfjto have been due
The deficit Is
ulatlon lh
cottdn futures, j
CQRUNA. Spain. Jan. C A bark
has tapslT.ed -at the moulu..of thet River
Lezero.! and.' twenty-three peopje.'most
ly women, were drowneC . '
gAN FRANCI.eW'O, ; Jan. . Prlnca
David ffawanonoea, of Hawil was
marrletl today .to -Miss. Abigail Camp
Mi. of San. Jose. ' .
B.ased on Investigation to Be Made by
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
. .. : t. i . .- .v ,
si on. ' . i. ; . ' ,
(From Saturday's StatesmaW;)- :
CHICAGO, Jan. 3. The Record -Her-Id
wilfaay tomorrow: - 4v : : '5?
aid will say
i .n
The -Interstate iCommerce
slm wilt begin series .of Investlga-f
ton, which a said to. have for tlieir
purpose tbeT gathering of data for) a
siieciUt message of PVealdeiif RooseyeHj
tt Congress, it Is . said: k tho l-messaae
will deal with two subjects, is follows:-
Railway combinations.! and the Inter
state Commerce Commission and'-leg.
islatlon governing trafftcy .
Owing to he inability of the Inter
state Commerce Commissi on to .get ail
tbe facts-.net'esaary. these subjHta
were- touchedf upon briefly in the Preal--dont's
annual message, and were; left
to be handled in ajBUpplenientary ntM-j-age,
j . - . '- ' ' . - . ' .".
Offenders' Trials. Began in Havana
S esterday4-AII Plead Not GuiltyV
-JIAVANA, Jan. 4. The trial of the
fes arising from the Cilhain ptistofifce
embezulements opened today. In "the
Audencia Court, before five Judge.
One hundred .and ef ghty-two Vltnesses.
have been called, and about; efgh(ty' re
snded today.. : Neeley 3ias gTOVn
stouter and was In good sjilrlts,
Neeley entered' a plea of not guilty,
Rathbone. Moya and Mascara .also
pleaded not guilty, and Reeves was
granted permission, to wait, until the
-next session of theT COurt before, mak
ing his plea.
Escaping. Prisoners Shoot the Officer in
Cold Blood.
r CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Jah A. Advicea
fiom Casper atae. that Sheriff Ricke'r,
who was,, pursuing the Woodward bro
thers and two other escaped prisoners
was muroejred . in .cold blood. . ;
WnMI be reached the : Wbod wrd
ranch he was shot down and robbed of
his valuables. One-of his deputies is
reportexl to have Joined the outlaws and
tied with them -to the mountains." I ...
Said to Have Deserted French Ship
t Portland in November,
; NANTES, Fra'jie, Jan. XI. Le Petit
Phare publishes aa article today, which
follows up the charges -of the crimping
methods employed' at Portland, Or.
Today's article contains extracts- from
letters, showing that elghty-rseven
French sailors were beaten and de
serted ships at Portland during No
vember, i. - .
RAKER CITY, Or., Jait- '3.-AnJrfe
Downie. Jr wjs found rtetwl --"tntUm
cabin, near Sumpter, 'thl mormnar.
Downie was manager of the Downie
placer, mine. i : t
, It Dazzles thei WerM. -V -'
, No Discovery In medicine ha ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that has been ransed by Dr. King's
New 1 Discovery for- Consumption. Its
severest tests have been. - on hopeless,,
victims of - Consumption. Pneumonia,
Hemorrhage. Pleurisy and r I bronchitis,
thousanda- of whom it has restored to
perfect . health. For Coughs, Cold.
Asthma. Croup, Hajr- Fever. Hoarse
neen iatd Wbeopinr' Cough it ts the
4uic1test. surest cure in the worliL. It
in sold by Dr.. Stone, who guarantees
satisfaction or refunds money. . Large
bottles SOc. and L Trial bottles free.
radfic Coast Senators 'and Repre
" senathes Are Beady
Proposed Act is Far More Strict Than
- the One It Is to I Displace The
Lower House of Congress -Was in
Session But a Shert Time Yester
'dsy A Proposed Tunnel Under the
! Bay of San Francisco. v-
tors and Representatives, ef the Pacifio
Coast; who, have been considering the
bill for Chinese exclusion, have perfect
ed a measure which will be intrdducredj
in both Houses in a few 'days. It. is
, - - - .
much more Comprehensive than any
of jthe, bills that , have . been pre
sented heretofore on the . subject, - The
bill does not limit itself to any term 0f1
years as did the Geary ' Act, buttf
pissed in the present i form would be
perpetual, unless repealed.
The bill declares 1 that alKt'hlneae,
other than eltlxens of the United Statea
or thiose who are secured in coming to
hnd residing in the United States un
der the present treaty with China;
f-hall be refused admission anil return
ed to the country yhence the came, at
the expense of the transportation coin
tany bringing ' them The transporta
tion companies bringing Chinese to the
United. Htates ,hal! detain them .until
their right of aJmlsslon shall be rmcer
tained .( The only Chinese persons .per
mitted, to enter the United States un
der the act, are those who have become
citizens by birth and naturalization, of
ficials of the Chinese Government
tertchers,- students, mpifha-nts,; travel
ers for pleasure-or cuirslty. returning
l.i borers who must have certificates, or
domiciled men-h ants.
I ngjuurnt a tiny.
Washington, .Jan. BpThe Ifouse
thtnsacted no business todayTNmmedi-
ately after it met, Loudenslager ( N. J4
oh noum-ed the death' of Senator Sewell,
and after adopting (he customary res
olutions, the House' adjourned. The
Senate also adjourned upon, j the- an,-j
nouncement of toe death or senator
Scwell. ' :, ' : jv' :,.. ''-.:
. -A A California- Project.
Washington, Jan. fr.-r-Representati ve
Kahn, of San FrahclsctJ, today intro
duced a bill for a submarine tunnel uh
der Kah FrancisVir lia.. with openings
.n troat, Island where t he Unfted. Statea
military! reservation is located, '.and
permitting the transportation of freight
and Taasettgers betweeni San Francisco
and Oakland, s i- i .
-,- " - :: '"- - ' - "I- i ';:. 1 " '-
Civil Government, '
Washington. 'Jan., S.-f Repj-esentatlve
Cooper, of; Wisconsin,! chairman of the
Innular Committee of the House, will
intnwtnce a bill providing a system of
Clif: Government for j the Philippines.
Provislons aie incorprirateit regulating
corporate franchises, establishing reg
ulations 'for. mining, timber and land
cetera tionsv and establishing prelimin
ary steps by which self government
shall be undertaken by the people of
the Island i." " 1 - -
A Philippine Bill.
j Vashlngton, JanJ Senator Lodge
chalirmon of the Committee on - the
Philippines, tomorrowi will introduce a
bill 'for -the temporary government of
the Philippine drafted a fter. many ton,
sul tat Ions with the War IVpartment
officials, directly Interested In I the . In
sular .ff airs and the government of the
lhll!pplne. The bill will not be b part
of the Philippine revenue bill. Which
haa passed the House, hut will be an
lndcendent meaite.l The4 bill does
not attempt to establish a new; fdrm
of government In the I'bUlpplnes, hut
confirms the action of President Mc
Klnley. In creating. a Commission. It
also glyes the Itesldent authority,
while there Is armed, resistance Inr any
part of the (slanda to the United States,
to regulate and control the Interests of
commerce. 1 , - ;
, One of the most Important provliiions
In the bill is that .empowering the: Phil
ippine; Commission; to purchase the
religions orders and dispose of them
on proper terms to actual ocsnipants.
. A. Cure for. Lumbago." . ;,..;;.
W. C. Williamson.-of Amherst, Va,
ays: -For more- than & year I suffered
from lumbartv I finally tried rChamber
I .tin's Pain'flalm and it gave me en
tire relief, which ail other remedies had
railed to do." Sold at STONE'S drug
stores. .' . -. t
What the Northwestern States Have
Added to the World's Wealth
. Last Year. ,
WASHlNGTOX. Jan. 4. Prlimlniry
estl mates of the Director of ,the Mint,
on he prwl action of I gold) snd stiver
In the United States during the calen
dar far -901 indicate only av alight
gain oer the production of the pTece!
ing year. The yield of Alaska fell off
by about a million dollars.- Colorado
made a slight gain In gold, and otrar
producers were nearly stationary. The
yield of silver exceeded that of the
previous 1 year by about 2,000.0im fine
ounces, The production In the North-;
weft is as follows:
Gold. JrUlvcr.
(Value! (Fine Ounce!
. S6.904.40O
. .02300'
, ; i.t;;.so
, ;o.2oo :
, 3:30,000
Idaho.. .1 ,
Montana.. .
Oreron -. .
Carnegie's Gift , Will Be Accepted
The, Institute' Incorporated.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4.-Secrelary '
Hayand a number -of gentlemen Inter-".
e,-ted In the Carnegie project of a Na
tional University met at the State De
partment today, and. formed an lncor-
poratlon known- as the Carnegie ln
rtltute." tl is andei stood' that Carnepi-
has removed thei obstacles that exlst,el
to the acceptajtce of his S10.000.M0 do
nation to the cause of education, an
Uiday's action" was the first stepvfo
ward giving legal form and Substance
to the prtiofiltion. v r -..f
The articles of lncorioratIn of th
Carnegie Institute were Jilt! with the
IIUhI with I
ity today.
recorder f deeds in this
-The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
as the best In jtlie world, extends
rourwl the earth If the. one perfect'
healer of ?utsxCorna Hurns, Hrulse.
Sores. Scald. Roils. tHcers, Felons,
Aches. Prflns and all Skin EruiHions.
Only InfafliMe 1 He cure, 25c a box at
cfs Drug Store, f
To Take Action on the'Railwsy Merger
Threatened by the Northern Roads
': . 'I-"-: - '.
Governor Hunt's StstemenL ,
From aturday's Statesman.) -ROISE,
Id Jan. 3. Jovernbr Hunt,
when .asked if he would take any ac
tion in the n.uU-ter of the proposed-. con
solidation of v the Northwestern faH-
ways, eall: - ' p-:-
"No action will b' taketi In
courts, of blaho,, to fight proUseii
tierifer. It Is not my purjsiHiui ca II
the legislature': In extrav- , sessionL
make a taw covering' the case,";
';. Matter Is In Court,"-
v aaningron, anv tetMuor t os-
er of W'iashinirton state. authorir.eM the
stateriient JJt. because' .the matter Isj
now in the.-ourts fof- adjudication, he
has made ' nh comments : wbate'-r ,. on i
the i.utjet of the transiontlnental
railroad merger.' !. ",-'.. J '"-, . ; ' -
. Exposure to Wet, 4 T - ;J
l:unpn!i ahdecid, l'n-arlably resulta
In a sudden hill, -which if not atleiit-d
to immetlialelyi will chuw u ill. . Ity
mltlhir a tcasoinful ut Perry Davis';
4ainrkliler in half a srlass of warm
water .or milk, the whole system will
Im heated-: and the; danga-r of cold
avoided. 1 Avoid substltutofi, ther .. Is
ut one Painkiller, lvrry Davis'. Price
26 cents and 60 ents. - ' . 1. 1
Caused Something of Flurry jn the
V County Commissioners' Court Yes
terday, When a Warrant Was Or
dered to ls.ue.
The isyment of the claim of Messrs.
Clark and Jtuchanan In the county
commissioners courts erealed "some
what of a discord in lite proceedings of
the court which- have' sc far during
H term, h been condioted In t'r--feet
harmony, During the .session of -last
Saturday the .court made an order,
that no warrants should be Issued in
payment of any claim whatsoever, un
til the clerk had made the proper entry
the court land the signatures of 'alt
members, of the court; tri a majot'lly
thereof, had been affixed to the .dsy's
proc-edlngs. When th ;abfye -men-tloned
claim was allowed jby: the court
a warrant was ordered Issued In pay
ment of the same inrmedlatelvi when
the clerk protested that such : action
would bi It direct violation to thn or
der of the court on Saturday and! en
tered of record. The court Insisted,
however, uipon the issuance and jpay-
mnt of the warrarrTirn4lhjalened to
rf-lnd the previous, order,! executed on
Haturday, If the warrant -was notfbon-i
pred, County Clerk W. W. Hall. In or
der to preserve peace and decoriii la the
court, issued the warrants and it
was ; .presented to the; county ' tejfas-urer-
where a check fas drawn fof Its
payment. ' -'i., ;:-';... ; - - I ..
An Attack of Pneumonia Warded Off.
"Some time ago my daughter Canght
a. severe cold, She complained of
paths in her chest , and had i m.- bad
t-oagh. I gave' her Charnberialn's
Cough Remedy according to direction,
and in two days she-was .well and able -to
go to school. I have used this rem
edy In my family for the past .seven .
years and have never known It. to fall.
aays Jamen Prendergitst. : merchant,
AnnaJto Hay; Jahmica, t India . is
lands. The pains ln. (be chest Indies t-
evT a n ta rrTMi . ti Inor ntl rr aw ;rAi ewn -
w,- s)s etf vm,Mi',gj eatenTae j" s l r
nla, which In this init-tnce wa Uu
doubted! y warded off by Chamberlajn'a
Cctirh : Remedy. It counteracts aoy
tendency of a cold toward pneumonia.
Sold at STONE'S drug stores, f
Semi-Weekly Statesman. $1 a year.
'" - i