Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, December 25, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, Trr:?rAT, hfemtjer ?s i&oo.
and ( infri for r"i cenl.
plain t white, nineiv U-ller Hue 10
- i
57-Piece Dinner
' " Good smooth ware $G.oo, Corn1
JjUips in stoi k.
.' . Thone 2111
249 Commercial Street
When one invest iti a business education such as -may lie secured at
this s -tiool he in assured of Kiilstantlal dividemls. It Is a paying invest
ment everywhere and always. wThs fact ls deinonstratnl continually by
the siiif-ess f our graduates. Three distinct arnt complete departments.
i i -
! Business, Shorthand, and English.
i Students admitted at any lime. Visitor welcome. Class nnd individual
instruction. We ask. tlu fullest investigation or our methods, wwrk an1
cipiipmeut. ly those who think of see uring a thorough training for bnsl-iu-s.
Semi or eall for. :i copy of our Illustrated eatalogue.
... We Are Ready For Christmas ...
er& youf
. Men's House Coats
t ..
In beautiful pattern plain
fancy-- trimmed -' S4..
?".. $J'M ahl ?lJVi.
Silk Mufflers
7.e." $t.txt. $J.'jr. $l..-you will
f ?nrjiiset to thul mt imu-li ete
piircc erovvdiil into jn-li sniall
Silk Suspenders
i.t to $h.(ki.
If yoit want your Chrisfma money, lo resell' a Ions tvay,
enlx lierWe Klxe back more change- than any house In
The People's Clothiers and furnishers
237 Commercial i Street
UNlOX; Tee. '22, Twa fuss are
towing this White Star line Nteainer
I'ufK. rwelitly at nmhnr; In illtre
ami ntuiniloiieii ly lierferew off the
Skerrh?. to Uverool. , , The steamer
Hoiuerhlll "whltli toweil the lia1lel
wi'rt'mer Westernlaml to West Itay,
ns'ar Weyinotith. ha lost her main
mast ami lia her hull tiamaseil. !nit
Irf priMitNlin-;. leatinii the Veterii
laml to neeive local assistant-1.
XKW VOUIv. Th fi Harry, r.lkea
lefeatel Jimmy Mlehael In a 5-nille
hleyele r.Me, motor-pacisl, -tonight.
, roilTLAXn. Or
Walla Walla 74 v
Dee. 2-2. Wheat-
San Era nelseo. Iee. 2. Wheat
May, fijtct: eash, f;v4v r-.--
,hleaKO. Iee. 22. Whi'at-openlngj-7.'le;
closing. 7l(t'.
ialtlnjj Elax. $ljvs, ;
Liverpool, Ph-. 2J
-Wheat -March.
The local market qaotatiow yctf
lday irere as follows: !
Wheat cents at the Salem Floor
ing Mills Co.t office. , i ,
ttais-U? to 4V. v
Hay-aeat. baying. 7 to S70;
clover. $5 io f 7J timoMiy, $0 to 10. .-.
. Flour so aM S3 eiiita 'per eack; $3
n.2t pir ltl. " "'".'
Mill feeil-liran. ?lG;i nhort. 1S.
Kuttcr-17Q22 cents (buying).
Kggs 23 cents.
roultrj- -Chickens V. per IK .
rork Fat, 4 gross; 5-?4 not." -Ueef-Stecrs,
ZVj to cows, 3 to 2j
cent gMl heifer, 3M". . . .
Mutton Sheep. 3! cents. j
Veal G and 7c dressed. ,
Potatoes 23c, buying.
Wool 14 to 13 cents .market weak. :
- Mohair 20 cents. v
- ' WlKPs, ROSES : '
Ca'llornia Oak-tanned Leather . used.
Harness CKItc . '
F. 12. iMAFF V ' !
2J bireet. A Salem, Otegon
rorCiiristnias Presents
Nothinc liiriT for gift making tluin
Home oniric or jeweiry. a gmi w.ih-ii.
:i diamond, chain charm, 1'mk bullous.
. rings. broaches, and an endless var
iety f other pretty things, can ln
found at our tire. Our line if silver
novelties and elwMiy , goods 1 larger
than over We have a lot of manicure,
pieces for 25e sterling silver -handles.
We enrdiallv Invite yon lo riilt our
Mori- ffyrtl don't ititeid lo !uy.
,n irif
. Leader in Low Price. ...
tt8 State Street, Salem, Or.
Platci 33 rent. Ycry pretty shapa,
cent per set higher.
Set for $4.25
1 1
us for Lamp. Over 300
Free ! Delivery. -.
? .Salem, Oregon
W. I. STALE Y, Principal.
v Dress or Street Gloves
Sl.no $1.2.1. f IJtl fliT.1 $1.7."..
I Silk
4"nui 2-Mr
to $UK each.
Holiday Neckwear
: fmm 2-"e to
ist OtTtTt.
SUM All the new-
J . Holiday Jewelry
a tsjtresul at prlect that are sure
to please you.
luij' pres
Saleiu. t
Salem, Oregon
- i
- i .: '
rr.vi.rit thk cjkounu.
rrocccullnr fCitacsn Uwt TUuaony llit
t Kxoarat4t Hloj from lllauie In
"I tit Rcet 8bootlnr,
iFroin TKtily ftatesmau, Dec. 23.)
Lee Mitchell, who was arrcstctt Fri
day veiiing on the fharge of nssault
with n deadly weapon, made against
Itlut' by llr. Rose Jerome, "was dis-
timrgeil j-entenlay after' the examin
lit lou of the : proH.utlngi witness. It
wa very apparent that the witness
had Ifi? cause niou which to baw her
eliarge ami a-jtirentl.v had no Uulin
ntion. to want. t have Mitchell -pun-
lnhed for anything.
j She said she aturyirr mother were
in: the office of theKiilein Flomiiig
Mills Co. on North ront ijrei't, on the
evening of the ac-Wilentn,nd that fhe
started home but later .-determined t
wait until her jnother was ready ti
go. Shc;returneil to tho otlh-e ami
etd herself on the ' imreli ouIkMc
While 1h was sitting there oini o-.k
1ftne to the dinir of the otttee and tinil
ft -Mhot which stritt'k her In the shrtul-
tier. Slie cotikl not ffwear who llreu
I1m shot, but believed It was ; Leo
MitchHI. . She enid' that the shot" was
purely accidental and knew 'that
Mitchell would not have done such a
thiug had he known that she was In
the vh-initv.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney C. T.
MeXary statetl-to-the -ourt that the
evidence he wa able 'to it ml was lu
adiinare ro prove the guilt of the jile
fendant. ami nvel that the charge
N . dismissed and " the" prisoner dls
chargVd which was ncteil uikjii fator
ally by. the court. - .
WKYMOtTTIt Maslo Dec.r 22The
tortMdo-loat flestroyer MacDonough
-a launched today nt the Fore Uiver
Kngine Company's plant. This is ! the
last loat that the conqiany will
launch, at the narrow reach .of the
river, the others to take the water at
the new works at the mouth of the
river at Qnlucy Point." Mhs.Lucy
MacPonongu, of Philadelphia,.' now
Mrs. Charles I loleomb Head, christen
ed the craft with her maiden name,
arier. Commodore ' MacDonough.
iTwloe-aiWwk Statesmanv fl a year.
rilO.'.l DlEf.'OS AYRESi
Visit ot tHm PrUleat f nrill-Mi:nlfl-
rent RmpUm t th Uandi or tbo
Nelsbborlnr IlrpiiWIe.
(From Ttally Stateman,:rcc. 23.)
Following are Mime excerpt from a
letter .written under date of "Nov, 1st
lo a Salem friend, from Iineno Ayres,
Anrentine Republic. by "ilrs W. ; P.
Irl. wifo of ex-(overtior 'Lord of
that great South American eouulryt
fhe 1'resident of. irazil has lieen
the jgusf Of Jihehos Ay res for a week,
ah reri-ntl;' Anticipated V f .r several
uanths. and for whk li great prepara
tions bare ln inah; The -whole
town ha tiem giren over to demon-
i ration, the-like f whb-h one fi7,
dom has Hie. ery goinl fortune to see,
and which seems to have lieen etijoycik
to the utmost by every one. The city
is reafly very attractive " and lends
Itself admitahly to dei-oratlous. Ijnd
siiik 'gardening effects are a. nofabk
feature In public squares, as, well as
private gardens, and the Intiuty of
tlie noricultuie iand iWrcm-c! Ives ai-
way keeping in virw on:e -oni roeil.
which..' at once arrests and 'gratis
fies the (eye. thows an artistic taste
and talent not often to be met in large
cities. Ave de Mayo, oni of i lw jkw
streets, would le an omainent 'to any
eitv. and the life and rush is an In
stiiratlon. .The Vve Is very Wide, ful
ly 130 feet, all asphalt, with stone
raiseil dais in the center. 4 to a block.
with ornamental. iot . holding great
glass globe ivered i electric lights.
These raised places are resting spots
in making a crossing, which Is an
anx'huis moment for a pedestrian. An
other Ave i Callao, princioally a i-s-
lil ny street, but planned in the same
generous style. Jnt't our Presiden
tial visitor. We were notified a hat a
ilac' had 1eeu res-rvel for t he corps.
on the "patio d'lioiuieur." the day IDs
Excellency was expected. A drizzling
rain set In but, 'in spite of It, the
streets which Mere In the route pre
scribed, were a niovius nia of hu
manity. We wist, of course, and
flown 'a me he drizzle. My husland.
with -'the other -k Ministers, took the
places. ' or 'walked alnnt. whik the
wonen sat in the carriages and .talked
to each other. ; After a two hours'
wait; it was announced that the loats
could not 'get up till the next day.
I. wishing to. sce; the erowtu accept
ed an invite to a friend's plai on the
route. Finally? the- Presidential party
came nrj-retum , iiy a jaltooliig caval
cade' oif soldiers in armor and helmets.
The .'carriage, with VMstilIions luitunt
cd oil -the carriage horses fimr wear
ing a gorgeous livery of h'ue and
white velvet, the Argentine color. The
two Presidents were line looking men,
though tJiv Argiiitme one I prefer: lie
is a very courtly "gentleman. The
streets were simply packed. That
night was a- grand ball at the Jockey
Club. -for IuvIiihI gnets to meet the
President. We came to it from a
grand banqnvt. The next night Ar
gentine ladle gave an entertainment
at the opera house with ah ot-ra eori--IudHl
with a banquet. Tlie house
was a dream :of 'beamy. The womfu
were lovely and gowniHl with the liesc
croation of I'aris modistes. The deco
rations were again hi Argentine colors,
of great streamers ot satin, alternat
ed with garlands, of flowers, the iar
tcrre around the Presidents teiug
tealihm hair fern and orchids. We
were so fortunate as to have near
by scat, which gave, a giwd view of
the lieantlfnl women. "The next day
wore more banquets, and a, flower
fiesta in the illuminated Ave Callos.
Starting from 4 lie residence assigned
the President, a palatial structure and
covered willi a maze of electric lights,
were sit tally ho coaches, filled with
lovely girl In the' daintiest of cos
1 nines he Presidential; Carriagi with
its gay horses and liveried postilllous,
followed by a long procession of most
c'.egant turnopts these aU proceeded
to ihe ark u the edge of I lie city,
which was brilliantly illuminated.
There wa a merry battle of flower
throwing. The following day the corps
called In a lody nt 7. p. ro. on the
I'lvsiiV-Mit and at 1 p. ni. we Avent to a
grand ball given by one of the great
families.- The house (you can imagine
its size to accommodate the lopo
guests who were participants in rids
generous hospitality) was decora ted in
t lie 'entrance with great stands of
riw-cs. and others of orchids and ferns.
The aimrtmeiits of great $lze opened
from each other In what seemed an
i riilless succession With highly iiolish
cl marquetry floors, the walls covered
ii Tjlj rveat remedy for norrous prostration and all diseases or the reneratrra
-v.v oriraasot either sex, such an Nerroan Prostration. KUtcf or Lost Manhood.
A'-'Jyctt.sN ImrwiencyKlsrhtly Bmisaiona. Youthful Krrora, Mental Worry, axeestitTa naa
fa order we uaratee to ere or refund the money. Sold at i l.OO per box,
fi Uoxes tor SA.OU. 1U. MOXXn UtEJUCAL C(K ClevelaAdToiUo.
Door to Bush9
li risil,f ?lftHct!j "with ?x;ilslt
iifind emlirolderefi designs of oft em
ors-one rfsHi-Is-ing:a, ehat-nfliig foil
to the next and all adortidl with a
nrorusiou of " roses and ttrchld. " A
gallery was giv.u rp to a splendid or
chestra, ami was so raneh Mrenefl by
the distance as to lend 1o:I1h effift.
A great -marble staircase was wreath
ed with flfiwers, and a constant pro
cession of exquisitely gowned " ladies
made ft a mosf attractive spot:
: The banquet. ! whleh'f was inaintly
woribil In the Invitation to take' a
cui of tea was very elalwrate and
serrisl continually in what, was he
tih-fl iatio but covered witli ; a rel
carpet for the occasion.- The table was
the;w7ioh length of tlu patio. ; and
coverefl at 4 be edge with a 1raml of
roses and myrtl. through which pecp-
cil the fleet rie Jights-.This roonuwas
two stories high- an ff4onfl at the
top wirli heavy gjarlahds- containing
lovely lights which looked like daz
zling flowers at that distance. ,
The 'viands , were of tli; choicest,
with What seeincil anfnidimlfeil sui
ply o f ch a mpa gt c f ra pic--b nt i t sa w
no one who semeil to lie In tho least
imdcr exhileration from fhe !eyerages.
We left aloit 2 p. m.. and the streets
even, 'at" that hour were lined as far
as the eye conld see -wlfh tlio waiting
carriages. - . ' " '
It wonhl lie difficult Induced to ex
cel the native Argentine in hospitality,
and In doing tip an event to the finest
iwissiliie ftohitt, I haven't even yet
toiu-heft on the beauty of the streets,
which were festooned with 1 clectrie
lights wherever the President Lnl party
would pass. SSome streets weic deco
ra ted with arches, other with fes
toons, the lights covered with alter
nate tdiK and white glasses and at the
terminating square at Ave Mayo and
the oveniment buildings was a con
stants blaze of lights. In hand some de
signs. One very attractive feature In
the square were a relies of light having
the cffectof an arcade leading up 4o
a sninmer house, made entirely of
lights. The Illuminations wiere contin
uous for the week's visit. The Presi
dent leaves today, and there Is another
grand demonstration to we him off to
which our Minister has gone, but, be
ing letfer day, J did ot leave borne.
I think we were very 'fortunate to
have se'cu such a demonstration", which j
shows the grery good feeling existing
ltetween Ueighlioring states and ex-1
eels in iManty anyrlilng it bas ever
lieen my pleasure to witness.
To PostiHine Old Age.
The latest theory is to apply
tricity to tlwe lse of thn brain,
haif Veiling of . the arteries He
The first
symplom is followeil "1y a crumbling
avay of the brain eells. This process
pnsluces the mental characteristics, of
old age. NoL alone Iocs this tieat
meat mstore the fi-elings of youth.
Amt priHluee tlie appearance of It.
While hundreds of exinerHuents have
IVren pi-esenteil. then is 1nioe way
of prolonging youth, n ml tlfeit is by
Mm preservation r health,' For this
puriMe. and for '.the cure of eonstipa
tion. indigestion, dysju-psia. liver and
kidney disorders, llostetter's Stomach
HiM.ers was placeil ' lwfor tlif public
oyer Hit yj years ago. Money cannot
biiy a Urfter reniesly. Try it. and you
will bo .coiiTinced.
fiy a ?"lerk in the Treasury Who Had
a Fancied Wrong to Avenge
1 The Crimiual Arrestet.
WASHINGTON, Dtc. 22. Frank II.
Jlorris, auditor of the War reiart
ment, was shot and Instantly killed
fids afternoon, by Samaiel MacDonald.
recehtlj- disbursing clerk of the Treas
ury, in tlie former's office at the Win
der building. Morris was alone with
MacDonald when the shooting occurr
ed. In trying to make his escaiie Mae
Honald also assanlteil the watchman.
TlKimas Curlck, with the butt of his
revolver. lie was arretted while
leaving the "building. ltefbre being
taken. into etistody, however, he shot
him-self in the stomach nml also made
an ugly gash In. his throat with n
knife. When the officers arrived, he
was heard to exclahn: '
"I did It, 1 know I am done for."
The employes who knew MaiCDonaltl
said he had a grievajice against Mor
ris, whom, he claimed was s responsible
for having his pay reduced. Others
said they could not attribute the deed
to anything bnt n diseased brain from
over indulgence of "iquor.
Frank II. Morrist was a native of
Cleveland, Ohio, 4lteyears of age. nnd
leaves a widow and two sons.
MacDonald was removed to the em
ergency hospital. . He may recover.
Twice-a-Week Statesman, $1 a year.
in nr. fi wiTni iw
xv JuarCvsxztJCTC's x:
Well Shod
an .
can laugh at the weather. Durabil
ity. Hight Fit, Workmansldp. Elegame,
Gratifying IVIces. Tliat's what is
wanted and wlrat we have In Russets
ami Tans Dox Cjilf'anfl Oil fl rains.
Willow. Wax Calf nml Vicl KId, in
Tvh. Toddy, Pensy, Studeut and Man
hattan lasts. ivOFltLU RrtLKS-WlN-
TKIt WE If UTS." ' .
si Bank, Sfate Street ?
nht tbo Coyoto Sralpn Have Coat the
Sttor nMtoa Si ore tb Bonntr
Uw Wmm Enacted. '
nie scalp lioilnty.evlljeontinncs fi'nm
day lo day, under tlnr law passed at
the last session of a'he - Iglslatnr.
more r Certificates for scalps, of coyotes
Ielng (-otistautly reelved from the
sV'vcral ciwuties, ami for each scalp
tlie tUate lJepartrocut Is t-omislhHl to
Issne ' a ; wa rra n t for . $2. ; To. xy-ii a n
extent lias this grown that now nearly
$UI4mkh nf endorsed warrauts arc ont
S land lag,, tl rawing interest, while the
fimds In the hands of the state treas-
nrer Is scare jo isr cent or tins
amount. -
i Nearly every county lia sent in
Maims on. this account, the only excep
tions lM-ing Linn and Washington,
hcitlicr of which-has thus far liletl a
t hiim. Polk t-ountj, thus far, has se
cured only fit;, is'ing for eight scalps,
his licing tlie smallest amount issued
n auy county. Harney county heads
be list with 10.524 scalps, or a 4otal
6f $21, (MS drawn from the state in the
hape of warrants, 1 tearing interest.
Marion county has drawn $22-S and
Multnomah. :ti. .
,TIk following talde shows the nutn
IKr of si-alps for which warrants w-re
Issued by the Secretary of estate dur
ing the three months between July 1.
and Sept em Iter ISO. llmo. and between
Octf.lter 1, anil I ifcemlx-r 1 e-
July I Oct. 1
4o to
Sept. ,. Iee. 11.
- . litis).
.. 2TS) 107
. . .3. 3
.. 44 C
. . 1 2
.. li) n;
. 4S I
.. 204 Isi
.. .M. 3
.. 7" S!)
. . ii :w
. . 212 2UI
. .202d S7S
..-10". 112
. . i54 4
.. 17. 47
. . CIS . ' 24
. . 10
' County
flaker. . . i
IVntuii.. ...
t'hickainas. .
'latsop. . . .
Ciiliiinbia . .
Coos.. ..
Crook , . . . .
('urry . . . . .
Douglas. . . ,
fii Ilia m.. ..
Harney. . . .
.Jackson. . . .
Josephine. .
Klamath. . .
ake ,
Line. . . . . .
t.iui-oln. . . .
Malheur.. .
Marion. . . .
Morrow. . . .
- j7;
I 21
Sherina n . .
I mat ilia. . .
F n ion. . . . .
Wallowa. . .
Wasci. ..
Wheeler. . .
Yamhill. . . ,
Total. ..... . . . . . .f;33! 4138
The following table show t lie total
number of scalps received from each
county in t he state, together with the
amoirat paid to each county:
Baker. lOti". $ 3,832
Ponton. . . ....... . f 12
Clackamas 233 40
Clatsop. . .. .' lot) 300
Columbia 128 . 23t
Coos 12i 2T2
Crook. . .. 3.2J4 0.528
Currv.. .. .. t Ki7 274
Douglas 3S 1.31(1
Hilliam.. ,. 1.37!) 3.138
(Jrant.. 2,220 4,452
Harney ...1U.524 21.048
Jackson ..... !)54 . l'.nos
Josephine. . 222 444
Klamath.. 1.0211" 3.852
Lake. . . . . . .... . . 4.140 8,202
Lane.. .. 301 (Ktt
Lincoln. Kid 332
Mallieur.. 3.170 10.340
Marion 114 228
Morrow 2,717- 5,4.1
Multnomah.. .. .. .. 10 :2
Polk S .10
SlwM inan . . SOO 1.000
Tillamook.... 408 8l
tTmatllla. . 3.(115 10.030
IFnion.. .. .. .. .. .. 1.373 3.15(1
Wailowa.. ., 1.133 2.270
Wasco. 2.478 4.050
WlHtler..-. .. .. ... L740 3.4! S
Yamhill.. ......... 71 142
i - -
Tota I ..... ..... . 40,075 $91l,05f
Among tlie tens or thousands who
have used fMmmlierlaln's Congh Rem
edy for colds and la grippe during the
past few years, to our knowledge, not
a single case has resulted In pnentno
rtia. Thos. Whitfleh & Co 240 Wa
bash avenue, Chicago, one of 11m? most
prominent retail druggists, in that city,
in speaking of this, says: "We recom
mend CliamlxTlain's Cough llemedy
for la grhpe in many cases, as It not
only gives prompt and complete re
covery, lint also counteracts any ten
dency of la grippe to result In pneu
monia. For sale by F. G. Haas, dnig
glst, Salem, Oregon,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. The River
and Harlior bin, as it will lie reported
from the Ilonse committee soon after
the rccontening of Congress on the 3d
of Jannarj'. will carry a provision
altolUhing the Missouri River c'oniniis-
fion. . ; " '..
SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. 22ATbe
Great Northern Railway Company to
day commenced an action against the
Seattiei & ljke Washington '' Canal
Ctiuiariy,: to enjoin th latter ' from
fining or dredging any property on tlie
Sfittle -Tide Flats, - ' ' "" ;
;,' ': ;,' , . J',. '; ",;, " . -;-i
BRISTOL. It; I.. Dec. 22. The kivl
of the new cup defender was eoniplet
cd tills afternoon.
Several Itates Settled and the
-. minlstrators Discharged.
(From Daily Statesman, Dec. 23. i
' Ida II. Bennett, administrator of the
estate of Elizalieth I'rescott." deceased.
has rendered her final awount to the
court and wa j'estenlay relieved from
further duties a the affairs of the es-
-tafe are nil setthnl. . ; !
- - '
Mrs. Lv'dla fampbell. mother a
feeh of Cjatide D Jnmidiell, iio was
killetl Inmhe railroad colllsiu pzar
IbMbnrg; a lew Weeks ago, ..was in. -jtointetl
. mliiiiiiUtrHtrlx of th estate
l-rt by deceasiHl. riie vaiiu f the es-'
iaiq isalleged li lw f.W). y t ,a
t T. M. Witten, administrator of the
estate of J. D. Fulller, deceaseilj was
discharged yesterday by Judge John
ii. M-oii i mm -runner iiutiesa such.
Ills final report was filed ,'Mt.inA
ago. and. riM?eutly allowdly ti
eoeru i - -
ROFNTY ; TAN. The Ireasnrer of
Grant' county, yesterday IejoHited
$121.2.14 in the State .Tri-au'ry. to he
apliel on; the State Scalp ; lhuntr
Fuml. ' - ' ' - " -
. It Saved His Leg. )
P. AV DanfortSr, of LaGrange, Ga.,
stifTered "ntunsely, ior six month & with
a frighttul running sore on Ms leg, hut
writes that Bitcklen's Arriica 'Salve
wlios'ly cured it in ten days, l-'or Ul
cers, Wounds, ''Bums. Ikiils, Fa4n or
Piles it the best -salve m the world.
Cure guarantee. Only 25c Sold by
DIC STONE druggist. ;
, j '"-:"
Dooh the nniou care for the barking
ofa dogV Itnrton. - ------
Notice in hereby given that (h uu
deigned luis bi Iti- Com ty Onirt of
.Marioii county. iregoii. Imhmi aiMtiut
(Hl administratrix of the' esiate.uf
f 'landjt Di Cainpliell.. late deeasiMl. if
Marion county. Oregon, aiuj baS- dTy
qualified as sik1i ami all persons hav
ing claim against said vstate are
hereby notified to present the .-inie.
oyty verinei to me at 1 lie resilience
0 Artliur Welch on South Commercial
street in Jileni, Oregon, within six
months from the date of.-this notice.5
Hated at Salem. Oregon, this 22d dav
if Ilecemls-r. 1!N.
Adrtiinlstratrix ff tlie estate of
Claude D. Campltell. diieased. .
Iburiiam & Martin. Attorneys for A1
nifhistratrix. '" 12:28-51 w.
IS the only educational journal of
general circulation publislied in Ore
gon. It is progi-essive; and up-to-date.
Price one dollar a yeah '
With Uie Oregon Ttachers' Monthly.
Western TenHier (new)
Western Teacher (renewal).....
Norma I 1 list rnctor ............
Teachers World . ...... . .
The Teachers' Institute
Our Times. .......
Pacific Homestead ...........
TAvIcfva-Awek Statesnia n . . ; . .
Weekly Oregonlan . . 1
The I'aclfic Monthly .
Oregon Native Son.....
Tin American Hoy.
"Tlie American Boy" 5s one
best lioys paier published In
S. It is a large 40 page
journal and is published at fDetroit.
Michigan, -at Sl.uo a year. Write for
a sample copy.',
Any' one-of these journals will be
sent .. with" the Oregon Teachers'
Monthly one 3-ear for the price set i
posite the name. Address,
The Oregon Teacfars1 Monthly, 1
figuring on a fence
get our prices ou
Woven Wire Fen
cing, Pickets and
Poultry Netting.
Jiest quality shin
gles at low price
.......... A
..ff t, ... '.. .
imfmnmmuunjr waiter Monty
SalemFenee "Works,
59 State Street
The best New Year Resolution.
Take tlie Keelej:
The detail of the treatment the rea
son for this detail, and proof of its
success. Sent free on application to
The Kecley Institute, 314 Sixth street.
Portland, Or.
Money to Loan
On improved ' t a.rfnmxsS' lty property
at lowest current rate. , -
- Ti K. FORD,
Over 144 Ms Sliwh'a bank.
Moiiey to loan on improveil farhis
and city property, on short and long
time nt 0 per cent., per annum.
commission. Also wanted State.
Comity, City warrants nml snbpeonas. -Call
or address EUOENE ItUKYMAN.
27(1 Commereial St. ; RenHmIer the
place. White Corner block. One door
north of Statesman office. : ; -
10 WoQd Choppers Wanted
ft'per cord cash. ' .
Amly b Chas. Wlnslow, ,Stayton.
Oregon. -y.v: ; ----- -
$00 per month and expenses. Per
manent posItIon- 'Experience onnec
essry. Write quick for particulars.
Clark & Co.. 4th & Locust streeta,
' PhiladephiA Pa. , , 0:4-Cin-dw.
revealed by the great Indian medi
um and prophetes of the age, lorn
with double veil and jseeond sight
revealed every hidden myatery never
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Free treatment for the poor. Con
sulfation free. 132Vi Tlilrd street,
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?1 25
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1 25
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1 50
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1 50
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