r X9 ! -,r - vx'-r. , t v- ISSCfcO ISC 8KMI-WEKKI.Y SECIIOSS. KACH tfESUAV ASD FRIDAY. VOL. 49.-NCX44. - , SALEM,1 OREGON, Fill DAY, DECEMBER, 21, .1.900. SECOND SECTIONEIGHT PAGES ( 1 III 11 i "' 1 ! I - - w a : . i i' v : : ' .:.'" . V 4 6 o 6 o 6 6 6 6 6 i S ooa oiwkwwo oooooto oooo -o oooawoooo WHAT IS IT YOU'RE; LOCfiariG tfOIl ? O b 9 o 6 tir o . BETTER GO NEW YORK ; . You'io almost sure to find it prices lower than elsewhere. tj ami give customers the benefit of o 6 6 ; 6 6 MliEiERCiEFS Dolls, albums, dressing cases, shaving sets, ,stand coveis.towels 6 table linens, napkins, and an enormous assortment of holiday p specialties of every description. o 6 6 o V 9 o o g 9 o Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store Store Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o - o - co - o - o r SK.'PV &&ttPLilk t? f?iny sn oot heart, wife or sister. . "S prtiieut will Tegret, Tlwft slve a iwlr of Uomeo slippers , I'pio ouch Juliet, r, ,. ,. , , ... We Arc Ready ' are Men's House Coats In t:iuilful pytteriw. ilaia anl faiK-v; trlmiiHl $4.n. $5.m, 5FT.OM. $10.ff nn.l flSLrMl. j Silk Mufflers 7r 41V $1JT.. l-i-jon will lw min!"4"! 11,1,1 ''JUUfli lt-ftaiu-n -rwdcHl Into mk-1 email 1 J Silk Suspenders - ? If roil want your Clirift!uu money to ra-h a Ions war. X P"" eiiU h-e We give back more change than any huwe.ln Salem. G. W. Johnson St Co., The Teople's Clothiers and Foraishtrs. 257 Commercial Street oooooooooooooc- ft .& . f,iin and aaucers for CS cents. Tlates 55 eent. Very Iretty sliap. In i.lain i whe much better line 10 cents per set higher. Y t . I 57-ricce dinner Set for $4.25 ' tiJA.'iimMih ware IflLOm Come and see us for Lamp. Over 200 T.anip4 ill ock. . ........... ; . ! - YOKOHAMA Thone 2111 r.i IVlCE-A-V.'KK STUMS SI o 6 9 o 6 6 6 9 o 6 6 9 9 o o a TO THE RACKET 6 there. Then vou'U find the ' 2 They do a spot cash business, 9 this plan. i X o c 6 6 c - o - o - o - o - ao - ch,-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o THERE IS A TIME AND PLACE FOR EVERYTHING I phuf at all times. Slippers iimke fusible holiday presents. f 94 STATE STREET Tor Christmas ... you? Dress or Street Gloves Jjjl.ro " f 1.2T, fUVJ and fl.TTfc, Silk Handkerchiefs fmm 2V-' to t.w pa-it. Holiday Neckwear rrom ."w; to. f ljfi ;AI1 tUo new X n iiouaav jewciry a a gin-cart at prlec tliat are sure to tlea. yoiu t . . . Salem, Oregon ix e i, -ft- TEA STORE Free Delivery. . w, , Sacwt Oregon PER i) THE RUMOR IS C0f5ED Geberal Kitchener. Says Cape Cclony J Has Been Invaded. W0L1D DRIVE THEM NORTH AGAIN Great Britain Is Preparinj: to Send Morn Troops to Africa A Conrt v Was Interrupted. LONDON', Dec! - 1. Since Ionl KltelH'uer dispatch, formally ; co tirming iho inraMon of aiie Colony, and expressing tlw? hoiw not to eapnm tho'-Iloers, but only to rdrlve them north. again." not a ward ha Iteen I xuctl ofTieially a to the nituaiioii. Cfaiisidi-rahle ar-tlvitv is now niaui fested at Alderhor. A large draft of mounttKl troops will he ready to start for South Africa, Janixary ith. while others hare been notified to hold theiu selves In' readiness ' for the auic de tluation. According to he Cape Town correspondent of the laily Mail, wir ing yesderday, the treason - court Kit ting in Coleshurg -wa plligl liurrlel ly, to remove to Cape Town with the Kcsults of a Frightful storm records and documents, owing to the viclnity-'of the invading ftoers. The Colesburg dUtrict." says the correspondent, "is scihlng with anti- Iirltlsh exritement. iesteniay (morn ing a tight was proceeding at tovii." KIVEHS AX1 IIAUnOItS. lhe Kill for Appropriations Has Keen Malcrlall7 IJeUuecl. WASHINGTON'. l)e-- 20-The House rnnnniitm nn Hirers ana itariHrs in- day "completed their bill, and it will 1e given to the public tomorrow... The decision to make it pulfiic lefore the holiday reeesa was duc'to trie ract tnnt varhKt Ifeins ot tne out nan k'sm-.i out. The bin was vigoruusij iiruu- at the last moment. The total oppro priations carrietliby it yesterday,. In- clnding continuing l-nunrans, Hiiuiini ed to about .sMM.raV:'Tlie snlvcoin- mlttee pared the Mil down, last nignt, m hnnt i.isswifii. T1h aptrropria- tlon for improvements at tlie month of tlw Col umbla rl ver wa s cu t alwu t $;!tn,0is. ' BUY AN TALKS. He Says Xo Comment Is Xecrssary on Cleveland's Statement. ATIVNTA. C.a.. Dee. 2d.-W. J. Bryan. In a telegram today to the At lanta Journal, declines to express him self npon ex-President Cleveland statement, which was published this morning. : Mr. Brya savs: - "L'wll Cleveland sets forth definitely wliat he considers Democratic princi ples' there is no nece-slty for cont irient. The rank and file of the party expressed themselves In 1KOO and 'in UMt. and I, have no doubt tliey will 4-ontInne to express themselves on tthe Issncs as they arKe." NEGRO LYNCHED, Swift Punishment for a Coloretl Mur derer in Mississippi. C.ULF rORT, . JM Iss.. Tcr. 20. Tlie negro Lewis, who last night shot and killed Marshal W. E. Richardson here, was lynclted today. .Business In fJnlf Port "was practk-ally susjenlel. t Af-tri- fii trniredv last night the negro church was fired, a ml bnmed to the rrouud, ; . . i . . . ' - TUB NATIOXAI, VOTE. Total Rallots" tast for. tle Several Candidates for President. NEW YORK. Dec. 20. The Times thl luoruing publishes; a talle how- fling the itopular vote for, . PrviknlUii !eh-ton in !f he:n,cetr ele-tKvti." .Minue- was 'the '.-last'Ktate wrtWlsre it vnKithis, not liaving lieeu htie until yesterday, f Iu tcon Ktat . a in fouia Utiiut aud.Su'tli'!drrdiua.' thene wre th nominatiottK of - lnt two iiarties, Hftttdi(ttt HfiuiKTiil, Uhii the iKklkkt. ;Jn i Other. tates thMH were Mtn-e aud fu'ur, and in wmc eight. llie, total vote, including U!ll n-at-terinfi.'wa i:LH;7.Llil. (If thU Me Hitiley mhed 7.217.iTX and Ilryan tf.T.JCVt. WVxdley. rrohihitioiUKt. rt--eeJvfd o far a rorted 197JS; Ilar ker. . MkUUo-of-the-itoad 1'opnlUt. ?h 18s: Social Ik-nnx rat. !MV2, and Ma hiney. SMdal l-lvnr. :K4."it)i. . ."Me Kin ley plurality, according v tin- figure of t lie Thm. wns hTiJKKJl; McKInh'y'jt majority wa 4tls.lM.V ;ln additkri 4 here were rote return ed in flve: states for the candiilate of tho National t'nion Iteforni jtari.V. Seth II. l-HliM. of Ohio,1 fr rresident, and Samuel T. Nicholnou. of Pennsylvania, for Vice lreUlent, and in two statc fjir the caiiilhlate f he t "lilted iCliris tttn fwirty. "J. F. H. Ixonard. of Iowa, for President.' and John 1. VKney, of Illinois, for Y'ce I'ri'sldent.' these votes l'ltiir ns follows: : Nation.! I Tnlon He form. Arkansas. U1 : llllnol. v,7 : I ndla na, "jr. ( i inry land. ttT. .uid 4hhf.-4Hl - : Putted Christian. Illinois. Xirj; Iowa, 1Ui , ' ' . .,'. SHOT BV A DOG. A T.IXN COPXTV 'IIPXTEIl SPF PKIiS A SEV'KUK ACCIUKXT. f Al,ll.NY. r . 1 im; ai.-tStwr-lal ' to the Statesman. 'A man named llcve. and Al Douglas wito hunting duc-k Ue'ar Tangent, when Douglas .dog rati SEEKING SLAIN IN THE WRECKAGE. Htm n the Mississippi river. Rescue work r against his master's gnn. llscharglng it. The bot took efTcct in Iteeve's face. He was lirottght to Allnany for treatment and hln iuji.ry Is fortunately found to lie not dangerous. ' The- wind today 'blew the wagon bri.ige gate Into Hie river. Tho En terprise SawtiiJll C'o.'s building was overturned. There was much damage done to the tindKT in the mountains. HEMBMPEU SHOE! And clothing when you're thinking of lilwlay pres ents The -New York Kacket is the ilac to buy them. d4twlt. . OOOCKXXDXXXCOCOCDCOOCCOOOC OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS A Children's Umbrellas' Tearl handles filh sterling ktiobs, $1.50. Sizes 22 and 24 Dressing V Sacqscs A very swell Xmas line $1.20 to, $3.50 23C Ik mm - . JlAY -fAfJGEfiJrE TRIAfV . ' :.."'''.- .' Adopted, as Amended,, by a Good Majority In tl:3 : c : j United States The TrMty TmWt tor the Protection t the Canal liy the t'nltrd States Other Proihions Similar to Those Resobtlna the 'r Suez Marine Canal. WASIIINCTOX. Dv. 2ft. Afler Kuendiug the'gnater part of the past week in eonshierhig tl. Hay-Pannr-e-fot treaty for a modification of the Clavton-Ilnlwer contention of-' 1ST,V the. 'Senate today coksuiihh! only oie hour and ! minutes in amending jt, and , ratifying It as anteudtMl. During that time there were several roll calls and viva voce votes!. Th.- llr?t five of the roll calls were olt' ameniluients oflered by individual Senators, and the Ltt otic on a resoJu i ion to ratlfj- the treaty as amended. All the amendments, except those of fered by Senator Poraker und reirteI by tlu'l'mntnlttee on Foivigu relations were voted down by majorities averag ing about lf.'; The ratification resola 'tlou was 'adopted by a vote of .5 to 1. on the lower river in Louisiana. The. vote upon the treaty Jtsolf Is as foitows; , V , Yeas Aldrich. Allison, Itacon, Hcver idgv, Bnrrow, Carter, Clta nil ler. Clay, Ciillom, Heioe, Pillingliaui. Elklns, Fairbanks. Poraker, Poster. Prye, 2al Jinger. - Hale, llanua. Hanstrough. Harris, Ilawley. Hoar. Jones tXer.lt. Kean. Kenny. Lintisay, Ixxlge. Me I'.rlde, McCoinas, McCnmlier. MeEit ery. McLaurin, ' McMillan, Mallory, 'Morgan. Nelson. Penrose. Perkins, Fer tus. Piatt (X. Y.t, Pritclujnl. Proctor, Otiarlen, Scott, Shoup SMoiier, ,"tcw rt4 StiUlrnu.- Taliaferro, Thiirton, n Merdiandlw movement In consequence of a change In' our location. We are going Into larger,' better quarters oon. Your constantly Incrcasfng patronage demands It. When -we are ready! to move, this stock should le ns wnall as rapid selling will leave It. Only! vigorous methods will redjtee our eubH'k. IMk how the jc'co tiimbh that we may start new In our hew stand. ' . . :...'!. ' '. Xmas : Kids ; All the lead in g make?, "Tinted and guaranteed al - Sale Prices -WW LADICJ GL0VEJ Li l Our tn!s full of silk went like chaff Ibefore the wind 3TO ysnls iw.ld yesterday at 1 and 2 a yard. Come early and Onish iheni tip today Value from S.V to fl.Of) I Xmas Fans f 71 1 r A to $2.50 I CC0C03d00CC0t50rT0C0C Turner, Warren. Wet more. WoIcoU-Tk", ; XavsAllen. Hard, lt;ite, Kerry. Ktu ner. CM-krell. 4'ullM-rson. Daniel, licit-feldt.-- Ma sou. -Money. I'ettlgrew. ler. Tillman, Turley, Vest, Wellington IS. '. : . -'' ' . ' Pairs' on the treaty vote wen as fol lows; Two Senators for 'the' treaty being iwilred with oue ng.ilnst It, in ae- I'ortiance wun custom: . Depcw and Sewell for, with" Haw lins against: Clark and Simon for. with Chiltou against; Dollivcr aul Kaker for. with Towne against; Caf fery ami llatt iCouii.) for. .whit Jonts (Ark.t against; Kyle absent and un palrel. lie "was for the treaty, but no pair 'could 1k scutel for him. The pairs on the rotes on the .'amend-, metits wore as follows; " u ' Chilton for with Simon , asalnst; itawlins for with, Pepvw against; Kenneyfor with Sewell against; AJlen for with Dollirer against; Jones (Ark.) for with Piatt fCotui.) axalnst; s Helt fehlt for with Kyle against; Harris for with Clark agaiuwtrCa fiery aud Kaker ahcnl aud unpaired. v , - Tlie text of the tiXMty as ainemled, follows: - . Article 1. It i , nsrwl , tliat tho canal, to be constructed nmler the auspices of the Oovermnent of the Fnlted States, either directly at 11 ovn,cntt or by. gift" or loan of money to iiulividuals or rorprat'im, or through , subscription to' or purchase of stock or shares,' and that subject o the provisions of the present reinven tion the Government shall ltavti .and enjoy" all tlie rights Incident to such construction; regulation, and manage ment or tlie canal.; . , ... . Aw4cle 2. The high contracting par-' fk desiring: to pnervi and- iimku tain the general principles., of, neutral ization established Ja article 4'gllt of thb Clayton-KiUwcr t-ouventlou. wbl'' convention Is hereby uptnseded, ilopt. as a basieTi of such neutralization the following TltJes, triitlwtfluUaUy ; a cmi bihllcd ,Iu the;i convention - indwecn (reat.itrltaln and certain- pthcT Pow ers, si gneil at ConMautltiopU tlctotwr 2ft. Isks for the f ree uavlgathin of I he Snex Marine Canal,' that Is to say. "1-Tlie Caual shall be fre and open. In time of war as lu lime of peace, to the vessels of cotmiicrce and of war of all nations, on Serins of en tire equality, mo that there shall Ih no discrlthinatlon against any natron or Its citizens or subjects In 'Tesp-t of condition or charges of trafllc or oth erwise, i . i "2. The Cattal shall never le block- aded nor shall any rlcht of way cr extrclwHl nor any act of hostility be conwiiittexl within It. 1. Vessels of war of a belligerent shall not rerlctnal nor tlakc any stores In the Canal except o,far as. may lx strlftly fiecessiry, ami transit of such vessels through the Canal shall lie ef fected with the least possible delay in accordance with the regulations In force, and wltlt only such Intermission ns (nay result front She necessities of thej-wrvlce. Frizes' shall bo In all to sjsvts subject to tlie Mine rules as ! (Continued on .th Page.) UNTIL XMAS! 4 , if! M Mort'c'l tpt XY iiivii ouiuvii Collars 2Sc.20c and 15c ' latest styles for' IOC i (7 OCOOOOOCCCOCCCOCOCCvj 7