WEEKLY OHS.GON: STATESMAN. Tuesday pecembxii 18,-jooo, 'yt a six Cup and 0 saucer for f't rent. ; Plate " cent.. Very pretty shape, la plain white, tuuch better line 10 rents per set higher. 57-Hece Dinner Set for $4.25 . . ; , ; . ' "Good smooth ware fC.no. Come Lamps In slock. YOKOHAMA ! Thono 2411 249 Commercial Street j oxkxxxxxxx9 OUR WCKipSSJCS ARE IVEAIIIFR DffIEItS They are a protection against pneumonia, but they should lo well ln:ile and of reliable finalities to In of Service. Do not make the mistake agalni and buy bait and no-called leaders, but practice economy al '4 my a - f s GOOD MACKINTOSH We sell you float (Guaranteed by the Makers) for MAKERS PRICES. They nre K(x value. The seauis.are sewed, strapped aud cement ed. They ani just the right k Intl. j Let us show them to you. .. I ? : - : ' 1 - - - - i ' - - . . W. Johnson & Co,, X The People's Clothiers and furnishers. ; X 257 Commercial Street Salem, Oregon $ ooooooooooocooooooooooooo oxx0 See anew CUT, FULL The famous Noyes Norman Shoe C. Q. GIVEN; . OUS K4TSER.!rePAIPJKu EDUCATIONAL. 131 COURT ST., SALEM, OR. W. I. STALEY, Principal. When one Invest In a busln education snph as may le secured at this school he H htsured of auhstantlal dividend. It I a fajlng Invests itieut everywhere and always Tlih fact 1 demonstrated coutlnually by tin snece f our ;rraluates. Three distinct' and complete departments. " v ; Business, Shorthand; ; and f nglish. v . - Students admlttel at any time. Visitors welcome. Clas and individual iimtruetion. We ak the fnlht Investigation of onr method.' work . and equipment by thoe who think if securlug a thorough training for bul hc. Scud or call for a cony of our illustrated catalosrue. . . In Business Offices are open to twoclasses of person. Ml) Those who write well, are, accurate ; la fljures, understand bookkeeping, e. (2) Those who are skilled In short hand and typewriting. Persons who .are proficient In both Hoes are bet ter off still. They are always given Jt he preference. We teach all these branches, anil many more. Investigate our work.; It will pay., Call- or write. ; PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE ' V; ', Parle and Washington Strctts " ' t;': l-'-yl A. P. Armstrong. LI. Principal. . J. A. Wesco. renman and Secretary V Tbs (rrcat rtmdy for nervous - nrraasoi euaer eei, s-jca an f Iff 'lotcncy, Nicbily Emissions, tf L'ubnera op (lDium. whieU f fT?!! I'f order wecoeraU to cir or wtk.) bv..di e boxes iorti.OS. k. SIOTX'S ClIivJXlCAAi CO, Cleveland! itiim . v " a ; FOR SALE BY A LL DRUGGISTS. ,; v , - s , I.Y.XCIIIXtl IX IXI H ANA. An Orderly Mob Hans a Xesrro at l Booiteville. , . ' ; 1X1HAXAPOI.IS. Jn.1., lec. 17. A ?:.'lnl to the Sntlnel from Booue v ill.. I nil., sny: . -v. . . , . , Julm 1 toll a. 'the third of the colored men implicated .hi the murder of llol- for Cliristnias Presents '--.Nothing uIi-it for gift-making than some article of Jewelry. -a golil waW-h, a diamond, chain charm, link button, rings, broaches, ami nu . endle var iety of other pretty iblngs. in Ik1 found at our' store. Our liu of silver novelties and ebony soods I - larger than ever. We have a lot of manicure 'pie for 2-V sterling silver handles .cordially Invite you to rlAt our store If yqu don t Intend to bur. v BURR'S JEVELRY STORE it leaders in Low Frieea. US State Street, Salem, Or. a : 'I and see us for Lamps. Over S00 TEA STORE Free Delivery. I Salem, Oregon V s STOCKQvIiy Sbl prostration and ail lisaea of the rneratlfV - TTou jrrtwirauoa. ruling or iost Manuuoo. Yon it fu I t.-ror. Mental Worry, jrees.slT us la CVniiH!rt.iofi ajiA tns&nii refnn.l IHw tocov. Hold t i LT. With ever Bold at Sl.OO per box. lle Wraomltwia hsn-e! to a '-"tree 1 In the ewni yard, 4y a tnolv of fllxJut ltMt men fmm Kockport, at -VJtto o'elock this evening..' Not a" shot ' was fired and everything vwas inducted as quietly as If the. execution had been tuuler the sanction of law. ' Twiee-a-Week SlaSesman $1 a year $3.50 Shoe Agent I i . r i j How to Cure Croup. V ; Mr. R. Cray, who Urea n?ar Aiaenla Dut-ht s county, X.. Y says: "Cham bet&Un Cousrh Jtemedy i tlte best uiedidne I li.ve em uswL It" la" a fine children' rnuedy for vroup and never falls to cure. When Kiren as soon as the child Iecomes hoarsw, or eren after the eroupy cough- liaa de- relopetllt -will . prevent the attack. iui siiouia ne tiorne m mind and a bottle of tluvflongh Remely kept at hand ready for Instant ue as eoon aa thee tsyniptoms aipear. For ale by I'. J. Ilaa. drnsglst, Salem. r. I Market Reports. The local market qnotaiioaa fttttf day vere as follows: Wheat CO cents at the Salem Floor ing Mills , Co.'s office. Oats 3S to 40c. j liar Cheat bnrlne. S7 to S7.50: clorer, ?; 1o ST; timochy, S9 to SIO. FkiM-80 and 83 cents per sack; $3 to $3.20 per bbLI Mill feed Bran. S1G; shorts, f 18. Butter 17(g22 cents (buying). I Esj? 25 eentsj ' . I'oultry Chickens fle. per lb. rork Fat, '4 gross; net. Beef Steers. SV2 to 3 cows, 3 to 3U cents good leifer, 3!je. Mutton Sheep, 34 cents. Veal 4S and 7c dressed. 1 Potatoes 25c, buying. . . Wool 14 to 15 cents .market weak. Mohair 20 cents. - HARNESS i ; , . WHIPS. ROBES California Oak-tanned Leather used ilamess Oil. etc . F. E. SHAFER 2.1 State Street, i 'f '; Salem. Oregon .,;.EVEBY TEACHER.... OU( HIT TO SUPPORT HIS OWN HOME SCHOOL JOI7HXAL. TH E OREG 0 H TfcAGH ERS ' MO NTHLY Is the' only educational journal of general circulation published in Ore gon. It Is progressive and npto-date. Price one dollar a year. .SOME CLUBBING" RATES ; ' With Uhe Oregon1 Teachers' Monthly. Western TenHuer (new). . . w . . . $1 25 Western Teacher! (renewal). . . , 1 5 1 25 l m 1 50 1 25 l no i no 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 Xormal Instructor. .......... 4 Ti-a chers' World The Teachers' Institute. . . Out Times......;. acific tlonieslend . . . ... i . . . . rvIey.vWeek ? Htatesma n . . . . . Wiekly Oregonirin .. ... .. .. . The Pacific Monthly. ......... . Oregon Xa 1 1 ve Ron The American Boy . ........... The American B.v Is one of the best lwvw paiHr . 'pnblishett in the U. It la a large 40 page Monthly Journal and In publislunl at Petrolt. Michigan, at fl.oo a j-esir. ; Write for a sample copy. A uy one, of these journals will he sent tvlta the Oregon Teachers' Monthly one year for tbe price set ap posite the name. Address, , T6B igoii Jeacte1 Konliilj, ; SALEM, OREGON. IF YOU ARE figuring on a fence get our prices on Woven Wire Fen ring. Pickets and Poultry Netting. Best quality shin gles at low price Walter lilorley jY.tr.........A iliMiiunuiuiimi-il SalemFence Works, 59 State Street The best New Year Resolution. Take the Keeley Thexletall of the treatment the rea son for this iWail, and proof of its success. Sent free on application to The Keeley Institute, 314 Sixth atreet. Portland," Or. r . Money to loan on improred farms and city property, on short and long time at 0 per eent. per annum. No i-ommissiou. ; Also wanted ' State, t'onnty. City warrants and snbpeonas. Call or adilress EUGENE RREYMAN. -70 Commercial St, Remember the llace. : White Corner block. One "door north of Statesman office. Money to Loan On tmproved farm and lty property t kwet eorrent rate. ; T. K. FORD, 0r Ladd Boah's bank. IIEXS WANTED. I will iay an ex Ma -prlw for ." dozen good young Leg horn hens White. Brown or BufT. ec me at the old i Huffman place, first house on right Iiand tide of Sil verton road, .after iKtsingtbe Fair Graound. or addrew , I-J. IV Itlz r, Fair (Jrounds,' Oregon. 12:14-2t (1) RUSTLINQ TOUNG MAN Can mtke $ per month' and expenses. Per- manent position. Experience unnee essry. Write quick for particular. Clark'& Co., 4 th & Locust street, phlladephla Pa,, 9:4-Cm-dw. PERSONAU MYSTERIES OF TUB TJN'KNOWN revealel by the great Indian medi um and prophetess of tb age. born with double yell and second sight revealed every hidden mystery never known 1o fail. Know your fate .at nee when all others fait?- Consult ih best. Ileal by the nse of her Revealed Herbal teas. Cure chronic ana so-called- nncnrable diseases. Free treatment for the poor. Con sultation free. -132V Third street, near 'Alder, Portland, Oregon. . sir THE fJEIIALm COAL X 5 . WHAT ItfOCLB US DOXB TO OCTtU)r i ' f THE riKUUS. v.-.?.- WoBdrfo Katarat t BHMrcM t ' ; Secttoa That Shaald Dvl - oped at OaeW ' That What.Ia Portland going to do about bringing Nhalem coal inliere by rail? Several mt-tr of good Juilgientfanl f sponslbillty, 'notably States Senator Knlton, Touc-h for th excellent quality of the coal, jandi Mr. Hammond,- ltwill ti remembered, one offered- to TuHd the railroad, provided certain conces sions were made him. The assertion has beeu made perhapa lt 4 exagger- ated somewhat--44iat Uie tllfference In cojM: ietwee a Tislt; to Paget Sound and one to the Columbia river, grow lug our of the price of coal at the two places. Is, to a trans-Paciflcj steamship, $1.0IV These figures could le shaved down eonshlerably,t and! illl leave margin of great incentive- to the de- vlopment and ttellvery of; -cheap eoa for Portland.1- It hs evident that the project Is getting attention in raikxad circieK, and it may yet lie carried out by some existing railroad company, Put if h Is not,-then Portland must it- s-lf Investigate the Lower, Nehalem c-oal. and if it quality ami quantity urove as allestd, open the auine andi build the railroad. Mn,- George T. Mvers receatJy offered $23 tv' start a milscription to inves't.Igate the coal nroblem. This is not enough to do ui Mt h with, lut we have noclonbt that Mr. Myers will give many times ?25 to help along the eal problem if . we are sure we have found the -right coaL It will take something like $ L5000.000 to build the railroad. Portland can raiso thi amount in subscriptions to ock, easily, jr aome experienced rail road builder Is put in elnvrge of tlie work and If t lie scheme is. promoted with something of the vim and deter mination our good friend Dan MeAllen una sdi'own In tlie matter of a World's Kalr. The little city of ?alem has re- ftindiful Its debt In 4 per : cent call Ionds. all taken by it own resident Certainly Portland can float $l,ri00.000 in railroad bonds to bring coal in liere md establish limpregnably the citv's ommerelal and manu-fa'cturimr su premacy. It is the purpose of The treaonian- to pursue its in vest! ration of the coal problem, and Iti invites th? aid auti co-operation of any who are fiuaunett to assfst. Iilitorlal in Ote- Snian.- Monday. j iud Portland ought to k it. Coal not the only thing to be 4anled out of the Nehalem and Tilkimook coun tries. There are billions of feet of Itfmlier ; la iry products galore; fisli front the streams; sandstone, and gar den and farm products, and livestock. That i irosiectively one of the rich est regions on the coast. It only need opening up so that the products can have a market. If Portland will only ste to It that' a railroad is built over Wiere. immense wealth will rthe-Iap of Oregon commercial me- rronons. xhere will swiftly follow caoital and industry and imputation to take advantage of the great oppor tunities that are now shut up . from the outside world for want of trans ortation facilities. ? A; Thousand Tongues. ' ;, Could not expres Cie rapture of Annie E, ' Springer, of 1 125 Howard St. Philadelphia, Pa. when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely . cured her of a backing cough that for many years 4iad mae life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "It soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep sound ly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel lrke sounding its praises throughout the Universe." So will every one who tries Or. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50c. and. $t.oa Trial bottles free at DR. STONE'S Drug Stores; every bottl trantecd. '"' ' " SOLD THE It. L. 8 W ARTS L4CE Three Minnesota Men Will Convert This Splendid Farm Icto a Fine 8toek Baneb. F. N. Derby, of this city, has con cluded negotiation with tlie Kufner Bros., of Minnesota, by which these gentlemen come Into possesioa of the R. L. Swart s plaee. three miles ent of this (City. This Is one of the best bodies of land in the country, but has not fceeu as well Improred a It might have been owing lo the owner, (Jen. Geo. W. Williams, not caring to go into the XarmJng business rery exten sively, having held it for Home time, awaiting an opportunity to dispose of it. It is the purpose of the new own ers to make a -model farm of.lt. New fences will be built-and the necessary buildings erected. The tlmljered land will be converted Into fields and pas tnres and the whole tract of COO acres will be made as productive a- Condi tions will Just Ify.- It Is the intention of the new own ers to place on the farm a large herd of fine stock for breeding which they have acquired a high reputation In Minnesota. rJ There are three f the brothers interested Jn the farm and thejr will oil derote their time and at tention to making a tmceesti of tlieir enterprfaH. Tlie hop yard on tlie place trill be leased to parties who hare had experience In hop raising a the Kuf ner Bros, do not care, to undertake the cultivation of the yad. .If you would have Jin Appett like a lKar and a re'lao- for your meals take Chamberlain' Stomach and Liv er Tablets They correct disorder of the tomach and regulate the liver and bowels. IVIce 2T Cents. Samples fre?, at F, . Haas, drug store; Salem, Ore gon. . . . -.; , . : -- GERMAN TRAINIXO SHIP - Poutulered Off "Gibraltar. Causing an y EnormoiM Ixss of Life. BERLIN, Dc 17. An official AU natch from Malaga received here this morning aceants for , 31 1 - snrrirors out of rite 45 fierson-s wb were ' on tmard the Gertnau uniluing frigsin Gueiemui. which fuumkrt-d at the eu trame to" tiv itort if M-alaga yesterday while she was taking' refuge from the t err I Me storm jrevailla at tin time. It 1 rumored that the commander Of, tlie-tlneisenani etmriultted suicide when lie saw that all vat lost. A m phew of tlie Imperial ClmnevMor, Count von Bulow, umntd Benntt, -was among te navnl. though lie was In lured alHHit the head. A ailr wlw snrvlvct tlie wreck, weut mad. The first - englneeri rtlie ; assistant englutT and a numlHg of ietty vtticers, were drowned. , . '. '! - ; - i UU hoiied tlmt the guns, the treas. nre client aud pertiaps part of the hull will lie tcaivaged. . . 5 zkO one can reasonably hope for good lw-alth unlesM his, bowets move owe each day. - When this is not at- tended to. disorders of tlie stomach ariM,'bIliousmist. Iteadache, dyspepsia and piles soon fojlow. If you wish to avoid these ailments keep yonr lowels regular by taking Cbamlierlain's stom ach and Liver .Tablet, when required. They are so easy to take and mild and gentle In effect For' snio hy F. J. Haas, druggLjt, Salem, . Oregon. HER II US-BAND A NU S.VNCE. Mrs. Anna MitcWl of Chicago Jias netii rel a n ' i u j u net kn' from J u1 ge Clietla in which forbids her hustxi nd from, stopping or addressing her on tlie street. or stand around near her place of aliode. - She alleges in her bill that 1noe a sejwrfl'!ou. wWcii occurred In April, he has, annoyed her by stopirine her on tlie stivet and holding lier tRinds. tie is obo said to tin ve bnhl lier by tlie arms so that 4i vii1l nnt nw.vo ami then phv-liel nad choked lier. She nlso alleges that since tlie saeparation he lais demamled sniaill sums of mon ey from lier and enforced ..paynieu'l ujitler iieualty, of jmblic ridicule and ((li-auie if he refused. . CASTOR I A - For Infant and Children, r 7 fixe Kind Yea Hav? Always Bought Bears the " Signatura of MORE ARB PRISONERS. Boers Take Care of a Command of ' British Horse. LONDON, Dec. 17.-General Kitch ener, in a disnateli received bv the War Office, contirms the Associated lress dispatch '? from Allwal North. Cane Colony, last night, announcing the canture Jiy tlie Boers of tt detach ment of Brabant's Horse. December 11th. near Zastron, Orance River Col ony, ahd Wiys 107 men were made pris oners n Huit occasaon; WILL CO.ME OUT. President McKinley to Visit the Pa- cih Oiast In May. WASHINGTON. Dec. 17-Preshlenf Scott, of the I'rtlou Iron Works, of San Frnnclsco, builders df the new iKittleship Ohio, saw fthe Presklent to day ami received his assurance that if nothing occurred to prevent he would go to San Francisco some thne tiext May to witness the launching of the big vessel. SERIOUS LOSS. Suffered by the Navy Department in ' um1ay Fire. WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. It is said at the Navyjleiihrrment that serious m nas i surrerei iy tne navy tn me nre at t lie Norfolk, X. C. navy yanl. yesterilay. The fire destroyed valuable record which cannot le Jre nlaeed. and many necessary plans which can; only he replaced at much exoeu'we In time and money. - O DTon: Bwtfsths Mhl Koitt Yea Haw Always Btosff. BlfiurtMS f m EXCELLENT BAND SILVEBTOJTS MCeiCa l OBQANIZATION KLKCTS XIW OrFXCEBS. A 2fw KMdor Chosen Yiomt Brlek Balldlas; Dostroyod bv Vlro Attracts Mack Attoatlon. SI LVERT02C. Or, Dec. 17.-tThe Sllverton band held their annual meet ing Wednesday evening and the j fol lowing t officers - wore elected: At F; Slmeral, juvsildent; .51. E. , Dcgnire, Tice-preldent; II. E. Hodges. ecre tary; Roy Russell, leader; R. 8, Whiles. drum major. The band was organs ixed al tout five years ago. underj the leadership of II. L. Allen who ai the iweseut time ha the honor of being resiKinsible for the organization of tlio hest aggregation of musicians in f Ore gon. The iirononnced success of this band is due to the self -sacrificing de votion ami imlominatable pinck of Band-master Allen. Also no words of pialse for its members ore too expres sive. Mr: Allen, besides beinsr an able conductor, possesses the skill of an art ist on nearly every instrument in tlie band and his resignation as conductor is deeply regretted hy members of the band as well as the mtwc loving teo- ple of Sllverton. Mr. Russell, the newly elected lender Is a thorouzh mnsk-Ian and it Is the wish of the -H- izen of, -Sllverton that he will still continue the advancement of this splendid organization. ; Holiday good are , tlf ntlful ami every store in enjoying a fine' trade in-oienty is still with us. Jhe wreck of ,C!oolIdrze Jk ileChilne bank building and the collanse at the first brick building em-ted in Silveroj caused by the recent Are attracts many people from the country ami small neighboring town. . The -IJberal University have nliont sixty-five students. Like all colleges they want many thine they can't cet. The latest is a set of band instruments and a couple more-, dormltars and 1UMU. Who. will give them? . ' It Is thw unauimQiis decision that our public M-ho.l emdiH-teI - under.. Jria ciiial Crawford Is tlie. best for. nun. years. ' ' . '. Tlje mendier" ' of f the' Christian tchnrcb heldi a very mvemi fnlr rentlzlng therefrom the sum of fK..ii . tue poMomce has lieeil rmovel to tlie Hardware bnllding of ,T. R. P.Lickerby. Postmaster Riches Is de serving the thanks of the public for so rarcf nlly pscrvJug. all i mall mat ters during the Tece nt conflagration. eyernl . vetUIIug.4 "wltll om d rvorce. so the tnmor.goeK, will he reeordeil hi SUvertOnVdth-ing ; the last month of ifK). - ' . Ci.'Aforler and wife are spending their honeymoon at Wllhoit" Siwings. :. Several cases of Scarlet fever are re Iortd is town. . . , -v; ... fLTURE OF THE FAIR PROSPECTS ABE BB1GHT FOR . SPUtSDlD KXPOS1TIOM. - EfforU WU1 If Ud to Scar rsds for t tbeParpoa of Maklac Repair ',, to Jtalldlasa. , Tlie Oregon State Fair will lie hald on Ihf Fair Groumls near, this, city, ou fteptem Iter 2? to 28th next. With pros pects of tlie liest exposition "that ha yo5' been given on the' loir-al Fair Grounds. x The otneers of the" Fair Boartl mv higldy.ilcnsel with th re sults attained last-year aBd .with the ewourrtgetiieut' bffertHl 1 tbeui for thu next season ihe proKH-ts art "Judeeil bright. '-Tlie Portland -Telegram of hist evening, 1n speaking of the Fair,- ays: ' ' ' . . "Oregon's jtate Fair lifts leen'placel iipon a iaying Stasis. It start n next vesir with a ch"ar re-owl for tlie first t line wince Its orga niza t Ion. At the recent meeting of . the 'Agricultural Board several recommemlations. were made and ther business ra unacted.' whk-U- will gresitly assist Its interests. M. li.'"Wbifcm,' the se-ret:irj, re turned home yestenfciy.f from utteu lane at the meetings of the board. He saj s th iple of Sakm ate show ins a tiKHi tindivhliMl interest in th: fair flrfc yenrv and xince the meeting f the Itonnl, liave ralset fpXMi for t Ik; Snlem-tlay prize. ' X- general revLsioii of tlie iH-fiiiluiu list wan made, v-lli:nn tlu list next j-ear wil lie greatly Ini imoved.' Anvong the prizes' will be an 1( silver cup for the let count- ex hibit. There will lie - .other ' etrunty prlxi whiHi will iserve to. stlmu late interest in that direct kiu. l"Ur the race -meet are offered 'a $1(Mi stake foiv-the HfJti rot, and the Kame offer to b dlvidvd ' lietween two-jear-old trtitter and iacers. Other large stakes for bith industrial prizes and races will lien nnounceil later. A recioni'meudat ion was made at the hoard yeeting for money with which to Imirove anl entargo Mhe fair gimmds In oler. to keep pace with the glowing needs of exhibitors. Be cause of the good record made by the fair last year he uianageeucut feel that an amount. will 1h planted sunl cient to cover the improvement." Tlie North we-A Racing - Association, which was organised a Porthmd on Sarurihiy, luie adopted a set of rules, provkKng for punishing jockeys who undertake, to run things with a high hand. Tlio text of the rules is contain ed in the resolutloiM athipioxl, as fol lows: 'That any repntale fair or racing" asftociatioii In the states -of Oregon. California. Wasington, Idaho, 'Mou tana. Wyoming. Utah and British Col umbia will be eligible for inemlershJp on payment of a memJiership feet of -!5. . . . That thiw association adopt, for the government of racing the rnlevnnf the California Jiwkcy Club. and that the by-laws of the. National Trotting As sociation, aiui tided to auit lotl comll tions. be doited an thct by-la ws . of this association. ! . . .. , . 1 , ; - 'T3at a board of appeals lie selected, one from each vtate or province, who shall lia re the saine -jpowers aiit ilu tk as are dt-dgnatcd.o flie .loard uf apixmls of the National Tjtitting Association.- ... ; '''-;. . "That all fines And penalties iminxu eil and collected at any race meetUig lield by imcuiliere shall lie paUl to :pil association, and tefmrts of all sileh lemiltles be promptly ient to the i:c retary. - . "That all jockeys tnusf have-a 11 nse from- this association Inrore Ink ing permitted to ride at any nut ting held hy Its members, va Id license to bo cmsl for one year, and to cost $1. "That the local officers, directors or judges of the local oK-latk.in lmve no power to remit any .fine once imiocd, ami that the only tneaits of removing any such disability slmll be through the lioard of appeals, ami claims and protests must le made to that txsly. "That rlie annual meeting of the board of directors, of which the rrrt sl dent and Hecretarr are ex-offl lo man iters, and the hoard of at'Kals. shall lie held in Portland on the second Sa v hrdiy lr Decemlier of each year," ' PUTTING ON POULTICES. v If for any reason, a poultice can not be put on n soon- n it Is mad imt it between twV hot plates and stand It over a saucep-an,, of. 4xlling - water. Never pu It Into the oven to kep hot. as tlie dry hear lmnlens tlie out side of It and It U very likely to clmfe the skin. 'All poulth'es except .liiweel meal ithoukl lie put Into -musllu ligs, Llnsetl JrtHi!d lte' snrend on musliu nmlthe tnc?I Kj-lf "put against tha . a.t ...ill. At t . rf a 4 'i . f S. C. STONE, M. ' ' Proprietor o! HAL.LM, OREGON, ; i, Tli store, '(two In number) a., lo cated at No. 233 and 833 Commercial Btroet. and are well stocked with a complete line of drugs and medicines, toilet articles, perf emery, brashes, etc-, etc, etc . v : -v- DB. BTONH 'f- ;. h nas had some 25 years-' experience 14 the 'practice of - medicine and noic makes no charge tzr eonscltatlon, eif unlutlon or pracr!Uoa. - '1? SIOIIE'S DIG STORES