FEED STORES. CrapsSecdo A complete stock of grass and clover HLs at ilie lowest possible prices Tor Urn-class sceds Give us a call be fore bayins. . .... .. ., ; , . CSCWSTC8 ft WniTt. The feed Me No. 91 Court St.r Salem. 'Phone 17SI DEALERS INTGRAIN. WHEAT BOUGHT or exhanged for- flour arrd feed at branh tjiKcejolAorar'i Roller Mills, warehou&e 6a Trade street; near High. Salerm. Oregon. t W. 8. 1IUKST.& CO. Aurora, Oregon. f Wholesale dealers in Wheat, Oatsi, tf op-C Potatoes, Onions and Onion LSets etc. Salem Agency at office 'Aiumai Itoller Mills, on Trade street, noarrfiish. 1 TINNING AND-PLXJMBltfG. T. BURROUGHS TIN$!Nrj ANDjPLilAlfclNa ' Ga 7??$ '---ttuisr. -ilartufacii rer oC-IIs? .aoCLFhMV-Kpe. oj Stitc St.. TeiialaUni; Or. piiysiciaks.k; BOTANICAL- DOCTOR t Cures CotsU tolonawiTnmot i-l Sinn and -iDoncii5caswrrfiout knife plasters, poSKn-::-f wan-:Also Blind. pg'S. : -:r rvrrr Salem, Oregon. LIVER. STABLES. FAn-ETSTABLES 44 Snsf Sflertttrclephone 701 . LIvsVjfffeedandBoaralns: ': Horses loTded jbjp- day, week or month at twwoualer prices. The ac cninwi4aUm5aTe; rtk)(1. and . the rigs are Jtrek- ,e-fas Ti-tvery respect-: A chitty matin of Hsrs, foe tomnHTcwl III II- ll.)UAdt(it -fc E li.SL'lS. Proprietors;" H. R. PAGE-A. STEPHENS PAGE STEPHENS Horser weH ' fed, good accnrnnrodT tion. Fine - Rags." Good ' Rig for commercial men a Specialty. (Horses boarded by day, -neck or 'morrtli. Red rfoni livenf, Feed ood Booming sue 164 Commercial St.. Tel. 851. Salem Restaurants. You are most cordially invited to call at the Elmo Restaurant 241 Commercial stri-et .Salcni; Oregon. and try, our LK .MBALS.' Xo better cau Is? luitl 1tt' the city. D. J. IilGIIT.NElX Proprietor... The Wonder Restaurant " MEALS 30 cents Open day and j night. When in the city we solicit your patronage. FOItWARD & HYDE, Praps. 2CC5 Commercial Street. Salem. TRY HFLiFKBRRND'S I J 13 Couimertlal Street, Salem. Goad 5quire Meals for aoc - Thlrtyttwo years In business lu this city and have feci more people than, there a re, la Oregon; , all were well pleased, ileal at all hours. ' aw.Hi:i-i.KNitBASi). WiLHES STW LIOS "JEROME" Will wtnMd fotf Glares the coming sea son at Cnrnrr f Ferry andEilerty streets,-For Pedigree and particulars, call on '.: - - ' K "A ' 1 Dr. W- Long Veterinary Sargeotu r Salem, Or. BICYCLE REPAt RING. I on t ' t h ro it 7 yu. leIa I'1'11 1 t;iulr-nas. f j ,j :.';...-...: , , G.Al Roberts Ciitt tueinl If Tor you aa goo.1 as nenf. Take It to- bfili:' ! ip5 srrr street : Itleyc-le. itciiiriji3 - Hpecialty WAR REVENLE BILL MkvsFiiK FourKKDCtrriox OK TUB TAX VKCFU'TS - VAsiuN:TOX, Iec l-Tle House twla r paKlil the f War Ilcretu He d.H tlon -Idll. ITI.i- QPiwltton waHt o ruomwit l;o l.ilt. 'ith Iu-trt.et.oiH to reirt-t l.ct iueaure-relclng revemte at . Wts7U.MMK;.ul to chhliii a prtiVloft frt!le?rotoix; Hxltnr-f.:tlM uirt'Ui- rU. Motion faiU.l. :tl to 15. Thereupon t lie 4 was paUeit itvlthout tl ,C"7I of the uiinoritJV.wl UtiZ vetina.;iXe nmemlment plac?l In int" hill yotnniai.tQ tax oxpr; ttHli.t. was U&all " l1 Apr: .rialfcm .hilU carrjlns l.sJW CUO.',wari.tKl.' luexactly, tUirtecn The blouse CouiinUtw ou Ceuw t raaMt.'eHJHlCTatkiO- of fbor -WPPJ six; to tire espied HplefereiHV for leaving the tvprreu.ath,ir or H,'h of i:epreeat;t i rea a t T. as nt hrest ntr Thl5 rofe was hot uid vtvtl'n. tiualiiy. however, ma several menilxrs were absent. . ' " inrrrfi-mClPNEYII 1 nitincKOCiio uuro.i I r - - F for Infants C!?trials a taTmlcs snbsUtute for Castor Oil, Par S2!Jl-,iJ5pop?nd KootlllliS Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotlo ruDstancc. It destroys Worm and allays FeTerishness.1 f-UT" Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth lnff 1 roubles nud -cures Constipation. It refrulates the monmch and liowels, giiins healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. . The Kind You; Have Always Bbtight .Bears the In Use For i Over 30 Years. Oar slock 61 Grass Seed for fall sowing is complete, and we invite- all seed users to call and examine same before purchas ing, as wo feel sure that the quality, as well as the prices, cau't bo beat. . SA YAGE& RE1D, Seedmen 322 and 324 Commercial Street, North o' P O. -OF J5$ce-a-Week WEEKLY OREGONIAN per year. ivviuii.-A-Wiit.K ? alAiuUAa, : OUll; PRICE,. BOTU PAPERS ,SL50 PACIFIC HOMESTEAD. Vr year.......... ... TWI-CE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year..... ... ... ........... ...?l.co BOTH PAPERS ... CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN per TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, 1 BOTH PAPERS $1.35 HOARDS DAIRYMAN, per year......... .... $1.00 TWIGS-A-WEEK : STATESMAN, per year.... .$f.co BOTH PAPERS OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL, TWICE-A-VVEEK. - SlAlliSALAN, BOTH PAPERS -i --. NEW YORK TRIBUNE, per year TvVlCE-A.WEEK STATESMAN, BOTII PAPERS -L- TI I'R ICE-A-WEEK NBVV YORK TWIOE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS .! McCALL'S MAGAZINE rinelodinir TWICE-AWVEEK r STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS -.L.i The Pacific ' SALEM, ; The Leading Farrh " Paper of the Pacitic North- , west 20-page illustrated weekly, $1 per year. . ; i We want good agents and solicitors, and to such ; -will pay a liberal commission. Write for terms. I i Advertisfcrs should patronize tho Homestead-;.. " CIRCULATION, 5,000 WEEKLY ; x Special rules on long timo crnlracls. I Clubbing rata with the Twice-a Week Statesman; if paid in advance, or witliin six months after giving the order. , Address: : Vi r'y-,: Cf' r- IMCIFIQ HOMESTEAD, Office in Slalesman Building. rjALEM, OR. ; FIIME JOB J LEGAL ' 300K 2ft Commercial Street. SALEM, - WILL EXCHANGE AW for AniRKEYS or - vnr n. short timo. : Address or call on' F.! A WELCH, No. 391 Commorcial St., Salem,; or WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, . "' ja and Children Signature of mm THK Statesman .........li.se per year.,... ,v......$i oo ... ..--:.;.-r-:.j-f uo year... ....i.$i.oo per year.... ........Si.oo ..$1.75 per year...... ......$ .50 per year i.ot -1 J $1.25 S. ' $1.00 per year.. $1.00 ; i 1.25 WORLD, per year... ..... t.oo per year..... pi..$i.op - - ., . .$1.65. a free pattern to each subscriber).. ti.oo per year.... $t.oo .. $10 Homestead OREGON ? 1 PRINTING BLANKS WORK SEED STATESMAN JOB OFFICE nnnca PODLIRV,1 tuesdat. i.ecembeh is. 10U DUCATCHS WILL MEET Western Division of State Tcscb- ers Asscclatlon at Ali3ny. TO GATHER IN ALBANY THIS MONTH Excnrubn . Trilas Arranged for and Many Teachers Will Attend from Portland and 8alem. Frohi "Dally Statesman. lee. Hi.) ' Tfcc-lsipsskm of the Veteru IHvIsioa cf th4 Wtate n-aihtrs Afotiallou to bclielii: hi.' Albany during the boCklaya, Kiresi unusual promise of a ancwaaful meeting. : The program, which baa been pri'pared with careful thought and ylth qM?dal refeuoe o the needs of ' teachers engaged ; hi school room Work. I "was llstrlbutCJ among tjie? tcsu-bcts cf the state luriug the firt part I of last week, and baa created much intervnt hi -the tueettng wher ever, It ba gone. It begins, to ook as if tills Aoclatlon meeting was going to' have- a larger aiteudanee than tlMt of any 1m11 In reevht years; altliougb 3Ti4 fcachers were enroJled at the Sa; leni. Imeetlog last rear. . Ttuclicrs. are announcing , their In- tentlou, , to attend this meeting and preiia rations are lelng radi to get tranpiwrtailou rates" as low as posi-i- We. - .The- Portland teachers have ar- ranged to fharter a car to carry a iwrty of flxtj- ieoile from the Port Ian! Kctiools. the xountl trip rat? b&. Ingj$2. IHi4!as, Monuioutb aud luit pemlettee teaclMM- an? llscuing 1m: matter. of securing a car to take the traclK'rs frcnu , them towns of Polk count y," to Albajiy. d niey wVA 110 doibt make th arrangement.- The lal-her from Kbsdmrg are not to lie outdone In. these matters, and Ito- buitar and Iiouplas. county" teatdiers wHS have a iHt-Ial car ami in all prob ability. Eugene teacher will pntaWy adpt tin- Munic phiti of coming to and rctsimhig from the Association, as Clie matter c-f chartering a car Is bring coasldertrtl by some of t lie leading ed ucatrs. "Tlie ttachers of the Capital City' are not. 'behind In their interest In ( t he Albany mee ting. At a 'meeting of J the Salem . teachers .-yesterday, tWcnty-flve of them signified their de t frm luatluii to attend, which. Xvith tiHe outsiiK of the dry whools. who nayp alreatTy fbowu their willingness to) ntteml, will make enough to justify we eua rteiina or a car. .jPy' this tueans the expense of the tirlu will be- materially nnhiced as the fare there and return will be. only' 73 c-cntK each, if sixty-. persons go ou the ejtcnrslc a. The tetu-hers of tills cuua t jr will bp hi attendance lu largo nuni ls, auil-,it Is believed they will en llearor lo bring the Eext meeting to alem as the location and ace-ommoda Hons for such a meeting. are eiecia3Iy good.' ' . ' . j From Albany the 'report comes that evoiiry-nve persons k have engaged rooms for. the meeting, 'and applica lions are coining in by every mail. : TB8K ttW COMfASifS Artlc&ts of IncoiToratiou Filed In the if State Ieiartment. ! (From Ially Stab"sman. l)-c. 1",. In theLVpartiuenY of State, at the Capitol, y est enlay, tln mw com panies titeVl articles as follows: T1k American Tiinbt'r Compauy vfill buy, sell, fliamlle and locate land warrants and land scrip of all kinds, (Unl in tiutlM-r and timber lands and do" a geiwral develoi uncut bnsfness. TIm-eo'irtf ny Is capitaUzcil for ?23.xl divided Into 'SV) share valued at f 100 each. lrtland Is the headquarters of the coriKiratlou. nmt II M. Hunyn O. P. M. Jannison and V. O. Farrlsou are the sutiseribing stock hohlers. M. Apach's Cash t.rocery will en ga g in- ! tin reta 3 grocery t ra d 1 u Portlaiwf. The capital etock'.f -flow Is divHhxl into shares vaimtl at caeh. M. Apach. II.-X." Ross ami W H 'Merges are the IncoriHratocs of record. ' " , ' The Eastern Oreiron Arvertlslng & I'.HI I'osttng nniTany wia do a gen eral advertising iroslnc,- with head ouarters at Itaker City. borg I IkikervL. II. Pearl and V. P.McIiow eB are the lncoriorators of record. HOW TO tlET STKOXtl ANT) KEEP ; SO WITHOUT TIIK VHK OF AP PAltATI S AS JAIVOCATKI BY A MAX WHO XEVKK KATS COOK ED FOOD. 'When I Tell An Athlef 11 wit He tn Keep Ills Hotly In Perfect Trim Year In and Year Out by Two Min utes Exercise Twk a Iay, Without ! Apparatus of Any Kiml. and That -i.' One-Halt of TJils Thue Is Jnut In Keying, He Is 'Aeuonlslietl,- himI W00M iHwilit Mliat I Pay If I Could Xot liow H Hn a "Set of MusHes Kept hi iVrtcct Condition by This Mians.'" - ' ; , ; -. : ' Sa-1i is the declaration of Dr. Julian P.- T?mnas, a thysk-tau of a "dozen years' ."pract ice, and formerly at' Hie Ik-sO of att Institute for propagating th gonet f .bealth y oteana of exer-ei-e. i Dr. TlMuas hte; wife ami hia 'U . . . r ".lAtlHOOD REGTOREDfiSSSS, -T-7.7T ITll ir" V,". wHi. -n iu.umu V tu-t-t A writ. VOH SALE BY F. G. HAAS. DKCGGIST, SALEM. OIL ' HOTTG PBK3YRDYAL PILLS SSBaS: f - - - 1 r 1 1 1 an4 banish Mpaiaa of roenstruatkm-- They are lAXVi SAYlItS" to rtrla at nvmintinnt. aLiio? deTelotiment of onr&ns and body. Ko ft known 1 tyaaotnea ly drutrzi .. TOR SALE BY ALL, twcuty-njont'v'TS-cld lXy are livin? dc u:ivms iu FupiH?rt"of his theory t? the etlkacy of rHiratin aililetics. More iiun mar, iney are exmists oc no trcan igniticauce In the exposition of his belief that lu um-ook?d fool lies riie secret of good health, says the X. Y., Herald. ' --.-'--, . . T exercise eterr nne In my body In tiiiat I, think the simpttst aad best way. I get Vhcttiost thorough ex ercise of the mv5cle with rho least exiteiKliture of nerve energy. I get. therefore, the naickwst- aixr lt return for tiie work done, pays DrTliotuas. : "Tflilnk of two . muiuterf exercise twice- a luy being emnigti 10 k"tauy person In good phj4cal ctmdltloul 1 1 bHive I atu- la ,o..ixsltkn fairly to Jiuige of the advantages aud d'imdvan- tages of all fornw of exiTcle. for I have been deeply Intrrestcvt In Imild lag ninny own and other folks' bodies since- childlusidv - . V ' ; ' ? "Havinsr a very cauall and weak body as a -etalM. I foon foumt that Jt was necessary for me to practice regularly If- I acvomiabdKMl what I .wanted to do that is. to excel eomnuhxu of ny own age at any tkne. I have rrksl aU sort of outduor tniorts. hare had-a koo1 work-a-day txymimstuin of my own. aud wtis .a .incmUr of . a Young M'u CiUrMian Association, in th gymnasium of which 1 trained as siduously. . -- '"To these' ordinary gymnaslum-' aiv lmtatusea I aisled ttwedisb tuove- nn-ntte. mai'Wiee, iectrlcity ami exer- clf in uKHalnes, eaHed rUmitors, that wor-ild exercise every ntre In . one a body nvltliout any exertion on the part of the individual. . P-ut after years of study in lly building ly tbt.ahl of these eotniHl- cated and eosoy lustnnmMits I found to my sunwise ami delight that our bod Km were eoitrucrel so that they could exercise themselves without any aixiratus or extraneous a Ms far cheaper. much letter, iiulcker . ami more pleasuraUy than in any other way. - "-. " -. - -Athletes ami 1hisIihss men huve askel mt h- It is posimde to achieve iBcrcnsed luaHt. preahr -Jiet ex pansion and solhhirtty of muscle with only 'four minutes work a day. Here is oiy explanation" " . ' "Vlrc'lioW hasr tK-monstrnted tliat our lsMlks are eotHposeil of . minute Indl vklual veil In one grand asrgreratlon, and that tin- unity of t1u living lKHly Is- fouudcil ouly lu ria (leiK'udcnce of Its parts, each on the otlier, a-dependence. aecouii4isiienl hy iihiius of ncrrea, cinnilatlou and Immed-lnte anastomoses or eon tents. . ,-VJien -we ejutract a miis-ie or se rKes of musch, we sUccse the nn teiits out of tlaW cells, just as when uu twitM-ezes waUT'out of the Inter tit Ices of a 'vpongo.- That wpitvr.lug of IQie e-i-ll! eau-es all tlie Impurities in tlw -i-lls to be exptvsscd Into the veins, and carried to th kidneys and lungs, aml'expt'llcd thence! fipm the system. , ; . : 'lleEas the "muse-lea and cells refill with new bloesl or a If, and derive fresli sustenance, .and to ou Indetl nltely. - - -;- "I'he iirst oliject, then, of exerciss Is to remove from these cells tlie materi al tltatnais lsHn uoit ami would' Is? noisoubus to theau Vf rela'netl. A sim ple, single fll would iuoti away from tibti irritating material, hut In n eenn plex fKKly Kke ours It Is east into tlie veins, and thej- 'iemovi the de4ris. Wien tlie exeii-W of sntcliifg CtiuTs the cell Is. refilled with' fresh fotsl, containing aW the ehtnenh mwvsiry to strengthen and rebui'hl the e-clls and mirselcw or body, provided one's diet la correct. i. ': .- "It Is.tK-cessary for this new" materi al to rtualn in tin cell awhile in or der to'bu apjiroiirhtted. hy rlie cell. It Is absolutely ne-esMiry -that the cell be not f-ontracted1 1111111 this lias ls-n acompUwlieI. Hence, rest Is im(eia tlve. -Steady exercist um-Aim merely fatitas nml not receiiie-ratlou. -t Tlius we have thret' essentials to artl lelng. First, exe-rcfe--. to exlsd rlie used tip ma trials or waste, Heeond, the reidenishmeilt Vlth new material. Thinl. rest. In order to extract the nu trhneut. ' "Af'er one act of mus-ls liave Is-eu exerclseil and Tested another set may lie contracted and then rested. anl s tm until all have U'en exerclscl. Tlito rrnloves all the Impure materia! frtMii tla? e'll ami feed It. anew. pnaltK-iug healfli lu the individual te-ll and har-monylK-auty f foinu and act! m In tlie Isily at large, If one jmrt of our system la exer cised more than another tas is o apt to ie Ihe'ase when meciiauical means are employed it temi to deform tlie lody ami a-anw he act km of every organ. If exercise fc taken pn-iM-rly it is just a natural and agreeable as eating, drinking or the isTformanie of any other fn net Ion. Xothlng, -onilnue-d Dr. Thomas, "Van live wlPliout exercise. Every liv ing tiling ex ere-Ises. It is, therefore, a lrim eonditVn of vitality which I liave dwelt tipu afh ugth In my paro plilet on the Tlieories of Life and Health. Overexwlst kills. If one tart of tin- iKxly. for Instance, tli-In-ain. Is exerctel more ttian rlie rest ti will wear out sooner ttian the rest, WliH an emexerciseil art wiH accumulate-all kinds of Impurities: thfy will set He In IIr Joint ami - tlwies, the saiiue as dregs In a tajinant'!ooL It dss not pay to use tutMi vitality, as is often doiK. at random.- In the vain hof that It may do good. ' Dr. Thtmia Uirms by dire-tlng his patients V liold 1!ls- clenehed ri. chwo to We tssly, a his Mttle ty does, and with tense. mum-Ies vnrate tin? iiaud, wrist and arm strenuously for a mi 11 ule. Unless one olservrs vTy close ly. It In lnuos!lie to see tlie vibra- tio -Tlieo tlie bands, are allowed tJ fall natm-atly to fhe aides, ami tlie ia tlent rests. , . Xext.T tin arms are , extended to their fullest reaeh. nrt with the palms up am then' with patois facing for ... . 1 , ......jii. -. ..i.ilil. -cmpnT for women eqaais lom Mnncw ntj narm a rdeasure. JUl.DO PI31 1JOX IIY MAIL. Sold sts. DU. liOTT3 CU EM1CAL CO., ClerelancL Ohkx DRUGGISTS. ward, and tiu- lisnds anus an 1 it;- r part f tlfij iKxiy libra tetl' 1;;. -.". Affaia rest ensues. ' " - Then the bauds, pointing down a aid are extended a far as iKM-sibN th musKles, cf eourse, held tene, and while the hsimls and - arms ribrate r- r rled rerr. very lovii''. till they reach 'the bighcist possible point over tlie hcad-'Thla movemcut imi-'t lie done very slowly to be of auy U" etir. i Tlie patient will feel ids ruugw ex pand and he will breathe Ue-iH-r lu bis iest ami nlslome-n thau 1h ever di-.l liefore when he tries It. Most e-alls-Tlienk-a and physkal exercises for lu-, encasinjr t-ht expauslou and dte-p breathing mean tiierety swayiug the hod r' with relaxed mn.4cv Try thisi hand movement .wtHiiCMit holding the miwks tense and no nppreclab- effect follows. lk it aceemling Jo tit Thomas regimen ami see tlie difference.-. Again the patient resus, ami then rlie next movement Is takeu up. --with hand n tilpa. coinrar.r iws . mn-i-lea of the chest ami hick aud let rticiii vibrate rauklty. Again rest, am! then hold the neck lunacies rigid ami vibrate the head up and down fcr a-, minute. Oftentimes this will com pletely cure beadache. Dr. Thomas says. .YMrate the iead aidewaya, af-te-r resting a minute. - For corpu'eiK-e many phy.'eal cult ure teaehers advbM- awaylng Hie lsly from the walrttlrst to the left, then to the right retieatedly. -With tie taao held hs.ely no remiarkable re- ' eults e-au le traced to this sotrreiv but hold all the upper Inxly mi-cles terwej auvl vBMSte the torso, aud .note th v eonmimiH-es. One womait leiluccd." her girth four indies' In a mouth, ae-' conliug to Dr. Thomas, hy steadily pumiing tins vmiatory exercise iw:ce, a 4lay for two minutes at a time. ": For-' strengthening --the legs and thigh tlie exercise h to liold tue leg'" nt an easy anle anJ anpiiort the hody' by gras)iug chair tstek and tlieu. contract the musi-les of the leg and vibrate once again vigorously. ; Ir. Thomas, his wife ami his luiby hoy all rejoice in hk-eis as Ihird as any athlete's to Is found in a day'! wan-ii. Ir. Tlnanas baa lnmasiil hi client expansion from live U ' fovea incite. After lie was tweuty-elglif;' yars old 1h ttstk up tills kk-a of vi- lt-iatorj- athh'th-s. and much to hi. smprlst when lits lielght was taken a few months ago 1m found lie had. grown an iiieh and a quarter Iuce his Is-lglit was last wtaihtt. . , , . Ills alHltuuinal iiitti-vUs are lig'.it.' "Tob FUzsimmous an I hvcau sMnl a very severe solar-plexus blov whlto tHxinir - ail hour any aiwreut d'si-nni-fort- Tlie mai'-vles of dtls imi-k and arms are woinknful'y developed ob. atnl he can hit a iretmemlously Ciard Itlow: His thiglM are very solid ami musttiiar. Little Pa by Thomas, taeuly months old, I far alstve tlie aenast two and a dKilf year old child hi slue, yet not an ounce of iiHrtlitotis tlesh tan b foeiml mi him. aul hts inu-eirl.ir devil-, opmeut Is remarkable. He can supiiott hlnise'.f by hts hniul4 for as long a tmo-a a 1h;v of four teen, and when his father ho'ils liiui up hy one aim Itaby lliomas will pick up a twenty pound cliair ivlt'ii the oilier and hold It clear of the tkor for nu Instant cr two. " Twtiier with this vlliralory atldet lcs.Dr. Thomas ndvlr-i-s an abstention fnan all cooked1 fooiK .For jcars h.- and hl" wife- have lived ujion rani wheat (busks and a 111 comire'sseil Into cakes. .;.,' Whole -wheat, milk ami nuts riie quite enougii. Dr. Tliomas hoMs. Hut Baby lliomas Iras never had an kba of cooked food of any sort. Dr. Thom as explains how and why unconk-el fotsl seems the bestr ktml of hiiniar provender by saying: 'Tneooked. t-ompressil iread Is a eomhlnatioii of living organk? and Inorganic eleineiit alled wheat mechanh-nlly comblmI so as to form bread. -are lieing taken not to destroy its original vital ami In organic onalltle. It W airn-eaNe t sight and taste and contains moie tm trinent cr potiud Ihan any other fosl prxsluct, rge(able or animal. Not only tliat. lait It ontalms tlie varir ous eksiMiits in. snHi pl ot srt ions a tut In sm?i natural "condition that tlie sys tem eau use tiwiii in rhe re-pa Ir of the various parts most readily. ' , There Is not too niwli of some ele ments and not cnouirh of otilwrs." Kays Dr. Thomas. as Is blie case with orli-( er bnads. Altlioiigh very rich. It , flKMM not he consiileri-sl a comk-i-sif fwaL tlM samo a Jteef tea and eon-., doused milk. fjr. unlike them, the bread reiw-eseuts the entire rtl'le. or, . a ..... u 1 ll i . 4 1 1 .. n l,niOillii wuuiii fay, mni- tloiral relations are not e-bauged. If the vitality, -moisture.1 husk or any Inorganic element Isid lxen nmored 1 this raw' would liave l-en broken." ANCIENT DEED IN " rilLV. PHI LAD EL Tlte first lee conveying itrosTty to the , trijrietor of . IVnnlvanla. Wnilam Pcnn. Is written In old Dutch, and I now preserved iu tle city ball, PhiRrik-Iidiia. Tlie pna-erty was wltat Is noa-.knowh as licmon flilll. liwhidlng the mannfou and the M-liiylk HI rlrer front, whore lite old Farrinoitnt wa terworks was Heated. There tVna , keit hU Itarire ami some rowlmaia. tlie ttarge carrylna an admiral's i'n-. nant. ' It is saui there ts only one ma a In IhllaJelphla who von read tlii. dceil. ' . ..- ".'...' - '- , A IIIOH WIKKILtScIo will soon have a high school. It lsing -the Intui tion It risn the lust itmion after Nw .Yinrs. This will neeeswl tale .the em ploy men t of another teacher, iinnklnir four employel by thedlstrk't In whi h the city Is located. Vrof. J. It. CwMci Is principal of the adwxds. Not t(i dent. of H-lo Is otIKseel to the bi'h isfhool itrojwt. - . 1 I. DELEGATES XAMED.-eJov. T: T. Oeer yesterday aisinted F. .D Slc Cuily, of Joseph. Oregon, ami ihn;i A. Younz of AutehuH', to (mttc with W. ,I. Ilanna. of Vale, g. delegates from Oregon to tlie National I.lv sloek AsHoelation. wbk-b meets iti (Bait Iike City, January 15th to 'lstb. HIX 510NTH A J. E. Kargent w.i t yesterday rei-elved at the iMtilteit)arr. from V'niatilla eounty to mw six moutbsi.tiavina' Ieeti eonvieted of an attempt to commit burglary. - IWII XTY FUND. T treasurer of llaniey county yestenbiy dejMrHitel $Illi.ir.in Jhe.offiee of .Htate Trcair er Chas. 8. Moore on account of the tviate K-aIp llounty fund. TJerlln Is to liave an Italian ex xb lion In tlie oZolgk-al ganlens. There Wlll Js? JloTtatkHl - streets of Naples, Home,' 'rioreme. i, Pompeii, Venice nlih .camels, etc. mmm 1 ? - f 1 ' ir ialcTHala eakness. Statesmuu Buiiamg.