FEED STORES; Crass SeedQ A complete stock of grans and. ci0Ter eeds, at.the lowest possible prices for first class seed. Give us a call he fore buying. . CStwSUR 6 WMTTTke reed Mea No. 01 Court St, Salem. Tbone 1781 DDALERS IN GRAIN. WHEAT 1B0UGHT or exuanged for flour and feed at branch office of Aurora Roller, Mills, warehouse on Trade street, near High. Salem, Oregpcm. : i s. s W. 8. HUK8T & CO. Aurora, Oregon, Wholesaled dealers lu t Wheatt '- Oats, . Hops. r, Potatoes, nu Hits and Onion ? Sets,' etc.' Salem Aj;nu- at office A nrdra Roller Mills, on Trade street, near High.. " Ttin-ning and plumbing. . T. S. BURROUGHS TES&JNa AND PLCMBINQ - artr oifliop axii; Fruit Pipe. ioj State Sf.. TeL 151 Salem, Or. THYSlClAtfS. J. F. COOK, M. D. BOTANICAL DOCTOR Cures Consumption, Cancer, Tumors. Crave' and Kidney Trouble. Asthma. Son and IJorre Diseases, wit-bout km'ic, plasters, posiions or pain.; Also Blind ' '- '..; I " Salem, Oregon. LIVERY STABLES. FAVORITE STABLES 41 Sf SL, Salem. Telephone 701 ' Uvery, Feed and Boaralng j . Horses'" boarded by : day, week lor monlli nt reasonable prices. The ( ac commodations nrv good and tho rig are tirst- class hi every respect. A Iccialty tnadt of rigs for commercial 111.11. RADABAUiJH & FRANCIS. Proprietor!. j .1. R. PAGE I W. A. STEPHENS PAGE STEPHENS Hrcs weH fed. pod acemnmoda- tkvis. fine Rips. God Rips' lor commercial men 1 a Specialty, iforsc boarded by day. week or mmwh. y Roi fjoni livery, feed end wno.siGDie 164 Commercial St.. Tel." 851: Salem RESTAURANTS. Ymi ;ir most cordially InrUed to call at the ; , ? . . , ' Elmo Kestaurant 21 .i nnn:'r-!.il ktret. .S:ilem. OroRon. ami try, oar lli? SIlvALS. No better can I hl'id In, tli city. I. J. LUIIITNEIL Proprietor, The Wonder Restaurant MEALS ao CENTS OiH-ti ilay ami Dlgbt. W1hti in -tljrt city We solicit your patronage. I'MUVARIi& IIVIMJ: Prps. 2ir Coninwrelal Sttwt, Saleiu. fRrililffRiili 1 1 C'ouiniejvlal ;Street, Salem. ' 0od Square Meals for a oc Thirty-two years in business iu Ibis rity and have fed more people than there ar In Oregon; ; all were WeU pleaMd. SleaU a t all bour C. W. IlELLENHUAND.. WILKES" STALLIOH, "JEROME" NO. ?93t , j mil Htand for Man s the coming; sa boii at Corner of Ferry and IJlMTty utrt eta. Vor Pedigree aud particulars, call on . . ! , , . , Dr. W. Long Yetiterinary Hurgeon. Salem. Or. .BICYCLE REPAIRING. Tu't Ihrowii away you dehiptdaicd PmbreUas. j ' G. A: Roberts Can mend it for you as good as new. Take It to blm. - J I0!9 STATE STREET itieycle IM:iirinff a Specially. I -.. . i:.m;lisii nr.xs not ,'LAVIXU WKf-b Um.lon. Noi.ri7.-AtHibt-r "rltih lu.hiMrv Is ntlKi' wan. The Pri isli bin bT'aving fev-n rwer epgn . l tan riial aMhN4eii linn- of ytsir. Mrli lb' eoiufort thai iti Ih h VJ1 that M iK-himl tlH Uro k leni.Hl. TK nriueipnl i rtiison jrlv-ii for im f:i4rrla; l the.hide-liound m-liaeval-bin f tb. IMiitJli Taruieiv Tlw riult U that tlM-avemgt. t-.wii lmuboht r raw ixn-Hly- i-'t't lei'wlal-nrw-Hid sg to put uiOrt liN iMvakfast ni U erMi'fft an extortionate prk-e. Tb anuria ii.nsumjrtio-of egsra ip liMin Hi th.J -oirr of Wr.J5. tirnat,! at :.tSW.iK.' 1Z l lxl. ronirMl-liisC yeaf gg the val't. Of tVU9WK - EnslWi Tsrnw ' hi SrodiVi l(l tUc wfilHjnt tlie ce nun f oilHr grftmliural H ibe : Pritlhi farmer t mt Ik- U.e rortNner t M-lid in dtirlng 1ST" mf Ten" "than- l.!MiMio,W..W; to , The Poultry i OrsamzaHon Sort ry tbllrj H n. vt-laUl egg Vt -than Jhrtv iSiy old In warm tea thrj or iiT-rt.i.TH--f1n winter. Its srrt arrange for bis yoimn.w irt-m- irinw laying gg r 'J m, and It ran easily In.ront- by l ate hiiu .arly lb-rr tvwdd ' oon Im? a UtUi Tn-ir of rvr -id-.wi :,;...,., Iler l. l"ii " tb imHnloo of f.tign t.iH- timM -el Tl eggs eciruuird in iJreat.nrd- a in Vn a tT if JjJ V" ! v-1 1 - . ; .-- . - Vv . U; n ; Jh .. i imit.ii i i "- - - - - - - H, - - - -y - .... - - -- - , r" for infants and Children. Castorlais a harmless snbstitnte for Castor OIL Par Boric, lrops and Kootliiug- Syrnps. . It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine) nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It circ piarrhtjea and W ind Colic It relieves Teeth- J ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It rejrulates the stomach aiid lowels, erivln; healthy and natural sleep. . The ChUdren'tt Panacea The Mother's Friend., . The Kind You Have Always 'Bouglib' iuiura me In Use For t GRASS Our stock -of Grass Seed for fall sowing is complete, and we invito all seed users to call and examine same before purchas ing, as we feel sure that the quality,' as well as the prices; cati't be beat. SlK46E d3 REtt, Seedmen 322 and 324 Commercial Street, North of P. O. &BIING -OF.TUK- Twice-aWeek Statesman WEEKLY OREGONIAN. per year TWICE-AAVEEK STATESMAN, per ear ..$1.00 OUR rUlCE, BOTII 1'APERS .$1.&J PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, per year......... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year. BOTH PArEUS CHICAGO INTER,OCEAN, per TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, , BOTII PAPERS -.$1S5 HOARDS DATRYMAN, ner yar......V.; TWIC5-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year. ... ........ ...... .$i.oo BOTH PAPERS 1 41.75 OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL, per year... .50 TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year.... .................. ,.$i.ot BOTH PAPERS NEW YORK TRIBUNE, pef Tr TvVICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS T1IRICE-A -WEEK NEW YORK TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH 'PAPERS McCALL'S MAGAZINE f including TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS The Pacific SALEM, rThi-'I-cading'Fttrm Paper of the Pacific North- , wcsL 20-page illustrated weekly, $1 per year. d We1 want good agents and solicitors, and to such will pay a liberal commission. Writ for term. 'Advertisers should patronize tho Homestead . v CIRCULATION, 5,000 WEEKLY Special rates on long time contracts. Clubbing rats with the Twice a-Week Statesman, if paid in advance, -for withinsix months after giving the order. Address: , 1 PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, Office in Slatcsmau Building. ; SALEM, OR. PINE JOB : . , .LEGAL ' 300K 266 Commercial Street j WILL EXCHANGE BEL6FAN for TURKEYS! W , POTOY,"- cx short time. Address or call on F. A. WELCH..N0. 391 Commercial St.,-alem,.or 1. v " .L: TJntlrltriif'. WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN oignamre ox Over 30 Yeafs. M.oo M-o? -i.--.$l.0 ycar....i.... :..i.'i.i..'.ti. per year.... 00 oo - .$1.25 i .Ji. per year , ........$!. do oo -1.25 WORLD, per year. per year ,. $1.00 f f $I0O $1.C5 a free pattern to each subscriber).. Si.oo per year .$1.00 30 Homestead OREGON FRIINXIING BLANKS r WORK SEED STATESMAN JOB OFFICE OREGON. HARES ' -. -Vriday: December ftA&j nilUt : r.IAIL. : RflLTES EIGHT CABRICKS A FP O J 2TTCO SXSTC lOOO FAMILIES. TO AbMt . S40 SqMr Mlis KbImmmI la ; v tlM Territory t B Covr4 :- - troM Sslcm. tProui lally Statesniao, Dee. 13.) -Tbe Rural Mail tervk-e. to rnu from the Salem postotlice to the surrounding eotinu-y. aod give the rural population sorroundingr Salem a dallyi mall ser vice cental to that iu that city is bow esablishea, ofa,r as the, laying out of the routes and the appouituient of the edrrtcTS Is concerned; tbe reiort ou thfe work ' lias" bl-en teent, to tbe ' Post office 'rx'partuient at Washington by iIevlal Agvut IE J Onnsby, and Wtl fngT boV reuialns' to' be done- exeeit t'bje . approyar ofv- Captain Ornisbys work by the leiar(iiseut and. tbe or der to start tlve carriers - on , their routea on a day to be flxed by the De partment. - ' ; ' - Eight routes were established cov ering a territory of 240 square miles, with' Salem as tbe center; tbe carriers will serve on an average 15 families eaclu. giving dally mail servies; to a population of about tiOUO. Mr. Ormsby yestertlay sent In bis reixn-f to the 'Poofflve iK'partuieut, recommendiug the In-glunlug of the stTTk-e for January 15, luol; be also recommended the suspension of. the postoltlces at Lincoln. Zena, Eola, J.ilierty, Rosedale, and Sidney as tbe .Rural Mall delivery will eover the territory of these offit-sj he .fur ther recommended tbe discontinuance of the star routes from Salem to Mc Coy, ami the one to Sidney. lie urges all tatrous of the- Ilnral routes io at oaeo provkle the required regulation boxes for their , maiL as no mail will be delivered to p:itrons whoijiieghv-t this Important matter. Twenty brrgt; mall lkct!ou : boxes will itv put ui ua -the routes, similar lo; thoee Hsed in t the 'dty, and more will le erected lu Salem's territory If the iiostmaster lhiuks It advisable. The carriers apoInted are J. A. HemiuKtou, Clell llayden, H. McXail Howell. U-ister It. Iavirt. It. It. Wil lard, llvrnnl Cberrlngton, 1. M. ltay jiwiiul. and Ihmhi liinwL . Substltutji's jvere. appu!ntol m follows: t!orge . bi us. James AliM-rt. and Frank L. Rik-r. for ibe cast .dde. aid John Purvine and Win. Kayden lor tbe vrewt wide of thi river. . Tln. routes a la.1 out are: i,' Kot'te No. 1, .lames A. Remington. carrier Ib'ginning at tl'.f1 post oltiee in Sabiii; t hence west across the river over the ' Wallace' road to Lincoln: tbm- north to the forks of the road; tlicjwe west of Kfiuth. parsing the Spring Valley schoolhouse to Zcn;i; Iheuet MMiibcast. passing Ilinsh Co? lege back to Salem. Total kngtb of route, 'Ji miles. ' ' v Ronle No. Z CIcll Harden carrier Ili'gin'ulng at tbo iMJorlice In Salem: ilMm-t across tho river, through West Salwiu: tbenee west up ibe. Hver." pafs ing Ivola to Uiekrenl; thence .north. on tiw Portland jIikI Corvall; road tolh' interwi'ction of 4he Oak Orove rbiid, returning to Salenvby tbo Oak Orovo road. Total length of .route. 'SI miles. lloute No.A 11. McNaii Howi'U car rier 'Ib'tfhuiiug at the iostorrh-e lu Saloiii; tbeucn south on Commercial st t'r, past eemetries to Iicrty. ex leiiiring southwest to the schoolhouse opposite UwiKi Vlta; thence Jiack by way of Hall's Ferry and Halls Ferry roal to Saknu. Total length of route, 'Mi miles. Roiitd" No. 4. lister 15. Oavls. car rier Beginning at the iiostortlce iu Sa lem; theuce south on Coimnerciul street:-thence oA-er the old lage road to Hatch corner; thence west to the Rnena Vista road; thence, soutb through .'the Sunnyswle country to IIojH cliajH'1; tbence wrst to neir tbe P.nena Vista road; thence southwest to Kchoolliouso: thenei'. east through Rosnla!e to Snnuyside schoolhouse; tlieiMTi north to Hatcb's corner; thence eastto Priugle sclioolhouse and back to Salem by way of the Pringle road. Total length of route. miles. Ibute "So. 5. It. K. M illard carriiH- IbginniHg at the postorHce In Salem; thence out -on tin Turner road to E. ( ro slaughter lione; thence across the railroad track to tb Pet Ides" mljrhlKrhood east to MiH iwk ami Reform ciioo; tlicn-e past the Ihaf.Mnt wclioi and Asylum cot- ( tages; theact through . the - Witzel i neigh Iwrhood; thence north to the Iariy place west or Aiacioay; tnen?; west past the Rickey schoolhouse soothwest to the Ivstes place; thewe the Turner road and -laek oa the Turner road to Salem. Total lengtb of route, '211 miles. ! Route No. Kd. W. Clierriiigton. carrier liegiiining at the imstofliee in Siilem? thence at over State street: tin-nee east - Jvcr-be- South Howell prairie road o J-fTs corner: them north to s-boolhouc: tleu west over the Frnilland and Asjiinn avenue road to Salem. Total length of route, ID milv. ! Ronio No. 7, Frank Raymond car rier Reginning at the postotrlce in SaRni: -tbeuee thronaii Eglew-ool ad- tlillou over tJardeu road to (Jhspiuan! i. . . . i . . . I. : I road: thence east over tlws Silvcrton ral to threes i uarb-rs of a nillo wet f Howell; tlienet south to the Pra tum rtld. wet on the Prattim road to tlte Oarden nml to C3arHan's tmt Iter; thetiee -west to the Misstou Cemetery road; thetn-e west to post office. Total length of route, 21 i Roiitv- No. K. lon Oirotl carrier rtegionlng at tbs postotttee In Saleui,; tbeace north on Front street atnl over ll-MissUn- Bottom road iwst the Poor tl-rm iKt tlji Kals-r sebolliouse Poor Farm and ihm Kaiser scboolbouiw tbence east -lo , tbw rod west ofi Prks station; thence south to chio site ' tflear liak -lioolhonse: them east ue-half iiile. south to near Che ma wa .across the railroad track south of Cbemawa to the ? Rrooks road; theiKf lack to SaVm by way of Brooks road aud ltierty street. To tal length of route, 27 miles.- TRANSVAAL MUST PAY. England Will Tar tbe Couutry War Porjies.- for LONDON. Dec 12,-DurIng tbe dls ctrssioii In the cmnroltbH? of Ways and Meaws. 11m chancellor of clMnner. Sir Michael iikks-Ueacn, promised Itlh t "h cffiderabfe troi?ti t rf tiiH South AfrKrab ' w dipt fCbe South ArrhrabJwvvf taiubi IM obtaliid Crom tiieilYauvatll.: II iiitted'tbat Jbe trtaurj coluaiittee aumitteu'tnat Jue. treasury was about to proceed to the Transvaal to ascertain Its assets and their tax able capacity. 5ir Iarkl Itarltoor, continued the cbanccllor, has been se lected for, bis tak. A NEWSPAPER SOLD. CIIICAOO. Dec. 12.- Tbe Illinois Staats Zeituug was sold at auction to day for $:SR.Ot Hi. The comiauy will be reorganized at omv. t . A GOOD PRICE. NEW YORK. Dec. 12. A tnemler sbip in tbe New York) Stock Exchange sold today for $47,500 to Jobu II. Mc Cullogb. ' - .. AN ANTI-TRUST. IAAV. Hlinoi Courts IIoM Tliat State's Sta i 1 '? tote, as' Void. ' CHICAOO, JW. 12. Ry the decis ion of Judges Tn!tvy, Dunne aud Wa terman, of tho circuit court .today, section 1. of the antr-trosT Jaw of I11V nois. ' which Ieltnes' what constitutes trusts or combinations in restraint of trade, is declaretl um-onstitutionaL The decision is regarded as a distinct victory for corporations, ami is looked uixtu as nullifying the anti-trust law of tliv state in Its most-vital part. STILL NO VERDICT. The Jessie Morrison Jury Locked Up. Is Still ELDORADO. Kans.. Dee. 12. At 10 o'clock tonight Judge Shlnn agaiu sent the Morrison Jury to bed. in srtuctlng thcbi to resume delilierallous oil the case at SQ o'clock In tbv moru-iug....- -! .- : .. -. -.--.' .;. : CAM PRE LL APPOINTED. SAX FRANCISCO, Dee. 12. Tbe re gents of the University of California have formally apindntcd Professor W. W. Canypbcll director of the Lick Ob-sorvatorj-. lrof. CainplH'll has len acting art derectr siue the death cf Prof.- Kec-ler. Tbe rcsrents; vottnl Sirs. Keeler i1m salary whk-b . would have lioen lue' her husband to June 1st next amounting to $1.":;7. ' NEW YORK'S VOTE. NEW YOHK. DtH. 12. The State Hoard of Canvassers met today, aud canvassed the state vote. Only four of lire sixty-one counties,' cast majori ties of vote for Rryan.-' 'They' wrre: New York, Quet lis. Richmond and Schohark, McKlnley's plurality in cite state is H:.iti. SEXAIXIR DAVIS WILL. ST. IWt'L. Minn.. Dec. 12. The' will of the late. Senator Davis, who died NovemlM-r 27th. was tlh'd for probate' today. The will loaves all bis estate to Mrs. Davis. The estate Is va'"Uvd at-$2.".N In iMrsonal, and $10,0OtJ-ln real property. : ; . - '.. . f , . :., - ... ... i .i- i i .in M0KI TEA; positively cure 'Sick rioadache, Indigestion .and constipa tion. A delightful ; berb drink. , Re moves all ; erupt ions-of the skin, pro ducing a'perfect complexlou. or mon ey refnnded.-' 25 ceuU and 50 cxmts.' Dr. Stone's drng stor&s. " ?: TELEGRAPH KARNTX(!S. N EW. YORK. 1 lee. 1 2. The Wes t ern Union 'Telegrai'b -Company' reports that, for tlie quarter ending December His, the net .earning will l"; alsmt $liMMi,"V,-'. A divideud - of l't jsr cent, which 'Was do-lared tslajv calls ror ibe payment of .$l,217,ooO. 1IIIVD-END COLLISION. Tw o Freight Trains .Wrecked iu Mis souri with Fatal Rcults. DM SOTtl .Mo I)r. 12. A bead end collision occurred on tin? Iissourl Iron .Mountain railway at Dcs Arc, Mo.. Istwisn two freight trains, re siiMlng In the -death of Engineer Jas. Rritt. of Oluey, 111., and Itrakeman Ed I'.radley. of Do Soto, Mo. The latter was cjiught under 'the 1 wreck. ' which tok tire and .cremated bis IkmIj. Fireman P. Rariett fell .under bis engine, and i-ould only Is rescued from beiinr burned alive by cutting bis left arm off with an ax. W. X. Ralston, i-oiidiictor. aud Rod Scot!. brakMiian. and O. 1. Scott w.ore siightly injured. Eight cars Ioatril with lumber and eottou eaujiht Jlie. and ' wero entirely coosuined, 4-aiisiug a loss to the rail way connwuy of alsint $15.iKii. Tlie wreck 'Is sakl to have ls?n -auscd by a disregard of meeting orders. .GOVERNMENT WINS. Rebels. in Panama Defeated by Government Forces. the COLON, Deo. 12. Official dispatches have liecn nceived from tiotvmor AI ban. of the state of Pauauia. aiinoUuc ing that after a throe days' eiisjajfe nient Tnmaco. the former stronghold of tho insurgent movement, , was re occuplcd by tlie ovrnmeiit trois Ikcemler 4th, ami that the Galtnn, a relsd steamer, bad lsin destroyi-d. Governor Albnn. who" retumeil to the city of Pan a mi today," will hand luick miinjiml to her owners tli Krttish stea mer Taloga. wnjcli was v siise last month by the Colombian Govru mcut, ' -VTERRIFIC TYPHOON. Ka raped Hong, Kong and Caused Heavy Los, to Shiiipiug. . VJCTORIA. IV. C, lec. 12. Tb steamer, Knipresj- of India, which nr iivel tslay aftef a stormy iasage. lrougbt the; news of a great typhoou wbb'b ravaged Doug Kong on No vember lot it. niusius heavy loss of WDe ami shpiing. The liritsli pim- lioat Sandpiiier foumleretl. and some of her sea nen were lot. Tbe Ameri can ship Benjamin Si-well went ashore and . in. olir frt'nty-nvrpu rinim launches wf re wrecked and over 2s natives drowned. At Kkrwloon and other ioints there was also very heavy !us ,:.-, '-' : . ' - At daylight the iowerful dredger. Canton River, almost 'without ..-any warning. llte to iort and caisizd. Tbos n lioard at the ln:e :raiulered atiout fifti", all but twelve .being drownctl. , . . H Izi T Ran K.vm t:: Bwstlt Cigtaisrv ' At LAtlEViEW A lone Highwayman Seccred Msch Registered Mail. FATAL WRtCK ON GREAT NORTKlRM Tliree ras3enjrers Killed atibe He suit of the Breaking of attack Fait Kuoninjr. LAKKVIKW, Or. ' 1HV JiTlirt Lakevlew; aiijl Agir stage was roiilsl lastj, night at 8 o'clock, 'alMiit two tuiles from this city, A lom high way man aomplIsbel the Job." No- pass--c users were abtanl the stage. Two mail sacks were rilled aud a consider able amount of registered mall was taken. Tbo officers are uow working on case. 1 A FATAL WRTXJIv, Butte. Mont., Dec! 12. A special from Great Falls, to the Miner, says: The Great Northern iassenger train No. 3, west4oniHl was. wwkwl about 4 o'clock -this morning -"STewr Itrockto, thirty-one miles eajH of tllasgtiw. Five passengers r.tv reisirted killed, .and many lnjUTol Tbe. train was rmuiing aliout forty-live tulles an hour making up lost time, when . a truck, iiHko down, while twisting a- switcb. NThe euglne aud three cars passisl ovecNJn saiifetj-. hut the next four cart pltchci over the embankment. Three sleepers remalnHl on the rails. , The dead. are:.. An ged wonuiuj name, unknown; her daughter, M r. Wji t sou. rewkleucu unknown, tlirowu tlwougb n witH.Iow, TOD SLOAN Famous American Jockey i the jglass severing her Jngular Acln; fn" R iissfa iV Vfilhr, tia ine jTuikuo w i'lT Jiio iMMiies have.liceu taken to Glasgow, wlure Inquests - will in held tomor rows :; v ; .' . '.. . f THIVNEW TUNNEL. Seattlo.Vasiu. Df.; 12. Tlie tirst traiii . wUp 1h run through the new Girrai. .Northern lnnnl iu ,lbo Caseado uioutit;Uns next Sunday. The tuiimi ia 1!t'iMI fi-t loii-j- find the f hick in-ss of the. roof at the --thickest placy Is J .4 AN ULTIMATUM. Topckii.TCans., Dm. 12. The Santa Fe -Railway has repudiated its rela tions wltb the Order of Rail Wav Tcle- xrapbers. AH coiirtslis prevalent Im- tweeii tiu roaa una ino operators nave Ihm'ii revokel. "We will have nothing further to do with -tin iirgatiizatloii, that has proved itself IncoiuiHioitt; that broke Its contract to give us ;ju nays' not ). and gavi irs but ; IJO seoiiils." ' said General Manager MudgcjL4nulght. "That Is not saying that rc'oguitioii Will iH'dlellltnl the if. R. T. Mrinanellt ly, or under coiiTpcteut maiiageiueiit." STRIKE CLOSED. Galreston, Tex., De. 12-tteiierai Ma.i'iiger Polk, of thu Gulf. .Colorado & SaiMa Fo railroad, toiiilit iinnotiii cl. the telegraphers' strike Is cbsl as far as the couijHiuy ls"coucinn d. - ' -' ,! POR1X) RIC-VN FRANCHISE. SAN JUAN, Porto Rico. Dee. 12. The executive council has dectdedihat franchise matters iH.'reafter -will b. Considrel In mn-reit Session. Tills ft' ctsion has s'caioiHil iiuiiii comment. adcr.j REDUCING RATES. TACOMA. Wash., Dec. 12. -Tic? Northern Pacific has decided 1 rcdtire the His'iiiser rales In Montana from 4 to. a '.cent sr inilo, Tbo chaiisto will go Into effect shortly after. New Ystr. ' . . ' ACKER'S DYSPEI'SIA TABLETS are sdd on a pisitlve guarantee. Cures h8rt-burn. raiding" of the fol, distress after cat Ing or any form f dysrtsia. One little tablet. gives lm nwliate relief. 25 and 50 eta. Dr. Stoiw's' Drus Stores. Mr. lULlk-olioran cf West Peiirf has tbe tti'ust riiiarfcable;lrsf lii'.Ken tiicky, 1f not in r l'iiibItai"H. This lwrso has so- ke-n u sccin for larrrldgorf as "any - setter or pointer ia llu country, ' 1 Io n ii scent . Hsm fnnn IT t H fi't'aud never litakc! a mistake. - He pays no 'attention l rabbits or to atiyotl.T bird Isit n.o partridge.' When Ik get in the vi cinity of a covey, of birds bis no. a-ils dilate. Ilo-tbrows "P bead Jiii'l sliows all tlx symptoms rbat a bird log elves exc!!! bis tail. wbicTPiicvTiir stands out, but merely swiKioj.f Dr. feiuiit's K1DN E Y I I z-jyacKaclic Unrc, For ail Ki'lov-r, himA'tr-r 1 nnnty I IHmM, :)wmun. Iwl Wnliimr, .-ir. IUnfailmc in Female V eaknens. I f The ron isrv 'lifiy; urirv-u. u... ,