" 3 it I Mi it r FEED STORED . O rcio g Se o d s ' : ' A complete stock ot grass and clover weds, at the lowest possible prices for first class seeds. . Give as a call be fore bny ing. - -, 7 B2tW$U8 t iVSITt Tfc fee Mes No. 01 Court St, Salem. Thone 1781 DEALERS IN GRAIN. WPAT BOUGHT or exhsitged for flour and feed at trench office of Aurora Roller Mills, warehouse on Trade street, .near High. Salem, Oregon. : i ; W. 8. HURST & CO. Aurora, Oregon. Wholesale dealers In Wheat, Oars, j Hops, ; Potatoes, Onions and Onion Sets, etc. Salem - Agency n office Aurora Roller Mills, on Trade street, near High. . TINNING AND PLUMBING. T. S. BURROUGHS T1NNIN0 ANd PLUMBINO Gas. and Steam "'fitting.! Manntact nrer of Hop arid; Fruk Pipe. ioj SUte St.. TeL 131. Salem, Or. PHYSICIANS. J.F. COOK, M. D BOTANICAL DOCTOR Cures Consumption, Cancer, Tumors, Grave' and Kidney Troubles. Asthma. Skin and Borre Diseases, wiehout knife, plasters, posdsens or pain. Also Blind I I Salem, Oregon. LIVERY STABLES. FAVORITE STABLES 41 Sikt St., Salem. ; Telephone 701 Livery, Peed and Boarding Hi - lioarded fbjf day. week or month sit reasonable! prices. The ac commodation are iEgHd and the rigs are first- class in every resieet. A 1 specialty made of rigs for commercial men. RADABAUGH & FltANCIS. Proprietors. ; 7 "A. R. PAGE W. A. STEPHENS PAGE & STEPHENS Horses weH fed, (food accommoda tions. Fine Rigs. Good Rig for commercial men a Specialty. 'Horses boarded by day. week or month. Red From livery, Feed and Boanflfo Me 164 Commercial St., I Tel. 8st. Salem RESTAURANTS. You are most cordially invited to call at the 1 4 . Elmo Kestaurant t 214 Commercial street. .Salem. Oregon. ami try our 20elMEAI,S. No better can i had in ilo city. ( D. . LI G I ITN E It ! Proprietor. ' The Wonder j Restaurant MEALS ao CENTS Open day and flight When in the city .we - solicit your patronage. I'OU WAltD & HYDE, Frwps. 2f Oommerelal Street Salem. Ilir RELLENBRRND'S RESTAURJiHT 2I." Comuiercial Street Salem. . Ood Square Meali far cc Thlrt .v-two yertf. lu business In this city and have fed more iieoplovthan thre are- in Oregon: all were well pleaded. 'Meal sit all honrs. ?, I U. W. ' II E L LE N I II A N !.. i Kilt FENCE IP3T, coated with ..Carbolineum Avenarius.. Wilt out rnr Cedar It Is afao a Radical fimedy Attalast tThloken Li. ItM applicaUmi to th itimle walls of poul try house wUl psTrnaticntly ex ' tirmint nil I.JCK. Rnult: liraltfcr. Chlfh,ii3 I'lenty tgfs. 'Write tor circular and prices and men "tlon thl- pnpr. R. M. WADK CO., Agents. i BALiK.M. ORKQON. WILKES' STALLIOM, "JEROME" NO. 296JI Will fttand for Slarxs the eomins sen son at lJncnr ,of Ferry and L.IIerty nt reefs. For Pedigree and particulars, call on . ' ! Dr. W. Long Yenlerlnary Fnr2on. Salem. Or. B i CYCLE R E f IRUG. Don't thrown nway you delapidaled Umbrellas. '' - ! - i G. A. Roberts Cai mt ud It for you as good as new. Take t to htin.l tO!i STATE STREET r.icycle Kewlrlnj?- i Specialty. . s - MARRIED. FOKE.MAN-IiHNTLEV At the Sa lem 'Iltel. Ka!"m. Oivson. Tuoiy. r'nnlKT 27. 1 !. lh Hanmih uM. i( nUrv to 'Mri Ira l'foremin. lw1h of Fat!. i'itr. Ptiik eminty. Kev. P. O. nvrlt, iwsfor of tin? First Christian -hnrer. vtticUiiin. : ; ' ' KEYXOU -! PINX.-AI XewlH-nr. tnaoti. Tlmrsikiy. NovemIxT .. J;k. fMi Maryi-llnn,' of Ohict, -to Pior. C. . Kcynold. of f a!em. The Iviippf iKiHle will t-ome to Ichi twlay.-where tlny;wHl make tlw-ir future home. jTlw rnHm is the on of W. ( IteyinrttK,of this city. DIKD. SHANKS-At Ailinjrton. ;illiain chuh ty. Oregon. Sunday. iXovenrber 2Tth, little KenmHli I'foy Shank, of nen In.iiitia itf tin, lira In. aged 3 years, S iinrnitU and V fciy.. ' ' llejas the prMle of Ida parents and all who k hint nnt! was an nnom monly bright little l.v. He lrT failr nedniotlwr il-Vrnandi and Josl Shanksi'and.uiany friends and rela Mtcs t monru'hi tk,mie. Tlie fuuer tit was, held at t.he Maeleay cemettry, .ou.thtt 2.7Ui iut.. . . ' ..- ;':::.:y; ; j " ..-j. i it- J for infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bousbt IxaA borne the slgna tore of Chas. II. Fletcher, and lias been made tinder. his " .' personal supervision for orer SO years. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Jttst-as-grood are but experiments, and endanger the health of Children experience against experiment. The Kind You Harve Always Bought S7 .Bears the In Use For f Over 30 Years. .. GRASS Our stock of Grass Seed for fall .sowing" is complete, and we invito. all seed users to call and examine same before purchas ing, as we feel sure, that the qual ity, .as well as the prices, can't be beat. SAVAGE & REID, Scedmcn 322 and 324 Commercial Street, North 0' P 0. CLUBBING LISTT -or Twlce-a-Week WEEKLY OREGONIAN, per year... .... TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year. ... OUR PRICE, BOTH PAPERS -..10 PACfFIC HOMESTEAD, per year..:,....... TWTCE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per year..,.. BOTH PAPERS CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, per TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS . HOARDS DAIRYMAN, per year TWIC5-A-WEEK STATESMAN,, BOTH 'PAPERS. OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL, TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS NEW YORK TRIBUNE, per Tear TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS TIIRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK TWICE-A-WEEK--STATESMAN. BOTH PAPERS McCALL'S MAGAZINE (inclndinp TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS The Pacific Homestead SALEM, OREGON The Leading Farm Paper of Hie Pacific North ' west. 20-pago illustrated weekly, $1 per year. Vo want good agents and solicitors, and to such will pay a liberal cornmission. Write for terms. Advcrtistrs should patronize the Homestead.. ... CIRCULATION, 5,000 WEEKLY Sjiccial rates on long time contracts. Clubbing ratwith the Twicc-a-Weck Statesman, if months after giving the order. ' iv ; f PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, Office in Statesman Building. FINE JOB LEGAL 300K 2 06 Commerclsf Street. SALEM, - WILL EXCHANGE -:' , - - - v -,- ... :".-..:.' LG!A! for , .TURKEYS: or TOULfRV. For a short time. Address or call on F. A. WEIjCH; Kb 391 Coinmbrcial St., Salem, or Istatesmau BuUdiHg. .. Signature of. SEED Tmt Statesman .....fi.51 .$1.00 . .$1.00 ..$100 .... fl.50 year .... per year.... . ....... ...... ...... S1.00 9 $1.00 - $135 ....... ....... .$1.00 per year. ..... ........ $1.00 per year...... .... . per year ..51.0 ..... $1.25 per jear... I i ,00 00 , ... .1.25 WORLD, per year... Per year.... ..$1.00 .. . ... . .. ..$1.00 ...$1.G5 a free pattern to each 1 subscriber).. i per year.... ... .I ...$1.30 paid in advance, or within six Address: SALEM, OR. r PRINTING ! BUNKS WORK STATESMAN JOB OFFICE - - . - OREGON. - - HARES ' " r. LIQUID FUEL IN STEA3IEKS. A1 , Trarels" to Ixudon From IJoraeo, "X'sJn? Only Oil to Fire ' ; ? Ita Fnrnacca. - - - - In October the steamship Cowrie steananl ad the way from Koetel u Fotwo to London, a distance of 9,235 uIk, tislns nothing but Liquid fml. "ben flie te-inor reaebe! Ixndon ttH. boiler for inipplylns steam foe rne cnlocMung - roaeliinery wrt fired by 'the Kiae material. The o'A waa not burned by a thin layer of Iix-amle-tcent coal, a a is the cae' In some sys tems, but was reduced to a spray by mearw of a steam Jet at the fnrnae? door wlxre It .was tinlirered from tanka above the boilers. The Cowrie wa formerly fired with coal and wr owners tay that tier eon rTIon to liqnkl fnvl 8kis been attoml ed with ndTantagtoua result;". Only Il stokers am now reiuired, fJKjCh sixteen were newtenary wIhh coal waa ttI." A jrreat deal of bunker pn is al.-w acTed. . The eonsranptlon of oil at tra 1 only twenty-two tOiw a. day wTiS;the daily wuuniitkn of coal uned to le thirty-fire ten, and a ton of oil; occupies only thirty-Xotir cubic feet apa Inst forty-fiw feet reinlml for coal. The oil Is also taken on Iwnrd much more quickly than coal, awl re cently utHi tons were imiiped Into a German teteamer In an hour.. The oil yielded 4iy the Borneo' oil fiekKi is said to make an excc&ent fin4 jnsft a it coanes from the gTouull. aul itIs beginning to be much used for flih pon"le by tlit Hamburg-American ami otiier steamers that are en raacd In ttie Eastern trade. j A YOUNG MUIIDERER, Chicago Iad ' ConTleted Yesterday Goes to I reform School. CHICAGO. Nov. Nov. 28,-Richartl Novak, ajrwl 14 f years, -was today found sndt.r of murder. Novak stab IumI and kilUnl lil esinijniiilon, AllKrt 01stn, during a quarrel on Septeuiber 17th. Novak is ald to be the young est murderer ever convictel In Cook f-cuuty. He will be sent to the re fermatory nutkr the Inchterminate act, where he wilt be coullned until lie fc re!ea.WHl on parole, or sent to t ha state prison when he is of age. STOCKS AKE HIGH. NEW YOIJIv. Nov. 28. The sle of Standard Oil KhareS lu tlie open mar ket toifciy aggregated 157 shares at f 750, the new high record for the stock. x PIXPL1-Are flocking to the New York Racket to nee tlie new line of 4toJid;iy good-v You ought to join tbv crowd. ' d2t wl t. FAVOU "AltlUTIlATION. : PA It IS. Nov. 2S. The general coun cil of Siu today uiiaulninisl v adoptiHl a resolution, that , t lie .-French .trorernieent siiould take the Initiative in the 'endtivor to bring aliout an arbitra'tion f tin Issws between tJnat lirHiilu and the Boers. QUICK WORK. A Convict, a a Expert Safe Blower, Borrowed to Oien a Safe. ' . C II IC At JO; Nov. 28. A sihh ial to tin Tribune from Columbus, O., kjijs: In order to immediately tK-cure valu able psiHTs iH-loniUng to lwr k-id liutt JkiwI, the late (louel F. J. Pkkard. n iJvil engineer wiio diid a few years ago. an expert safe blower, now n con vict in tlie state ienltentiary Irere, waw toamWl to Mrs. Ph-kard by the warden longcnoush for him to oien the strong ltox in which the important jwikts were kept. Tlie entire affair was kept s-rer, and tlie prisoner was -conveyed through the city in elosetl carriage to the safe, wliich he blew oien and was returned to lus celr before daj--light tills morning:. ' AH irivate iprm were locked up in I'olonel Piekard's mfe, the dead man alone having known ttie combination. The town was sea relied In vain for an exiM-rt to ois'n thr safe, and the novel phin of securing the services of a bur glar was adopted.'. It took, the convict twelve minute's to oien tlie safe. MAYORS IN COUNCIL. LITTLE- ROCK, Nov. 2a Tlie may ors of tlie diffefent eitie'of tlie state of Arkansas began their session, here today..- They win prepare plans for the furthering of legislation Iwfore the next Jiegislatim. lkmrls of trades, birsims men's leagues arid ctmmcr chtl orgsinizations have delegates in at tendance. WILL GO TO ASIA. NEW YOltK. Nov. 28. It is eonsid ereil likely In naval circles, says a Heraht-fK?e:al from Washington, that Rear-Admiral Freder'ek Itoilgers. president of the Inspection TUnard, will N assignel to duty on the Asiatic sta tion. It cannot be ascertainett that he Is to succeed either Rear-Admiral Remey or Itear-Atlmlral KempfT, though there are m mors that he will relieve the latter. It is Intimated that with the large- force of American war ships m Asiatic' waters thre should lie a Comma uder-in-Chief and two sub ordinate flag officers. FIRST .SNOW. All through the day Plie winter massed The angry armies of tlie sky. And when tle darkness fell at last! We heard the jsavage liost sweep by. Now breaks Pbe morning, bright once - moTe, ' ''- - Anl 'silence lies upon tlie world; Pence conies, rlw long sif ge being ' ' o'er - " - " ' v I'eaee. wltb,her great whit? flag un- : furled! FraaJi Dempster SSierman in the Ie tiuilter Woman Home Companion. FIVE IIUXIRBn .'MILLION ' AMERICANS BY THE YEAR 200O. TlM-re will L proljalrCy be from SjO, OJ i0,0Oi to 300.IWI.0f lO people in .Vmcrl ca and It possessiont by the lapxe of auoiher ten tnry. Nicaragua " w CI ask fT snitiib-.ion to rar Untoa after lOr.fenssfs KIDNEY I Backactie Gure. Fnr aii KKtivr, mmttr 1 nm ry Km, Hd WrtUtut. V. Uniaiiin5iJireTjaaleVv"eaknes. thj completion of the great canal, ilexko wi3 1h next. Euroe, risk ing more territory 10 sIm? south of us, wi3 causo "many South ami Central American republics to be voted into the Union by ' ttelr own people. De ecanber Ladle Home Journal. ' SUIJSTITUTE FOR .; PLUM PUDDING. Cheaper, More- Easily Made and as Good as the Ioular Chrrstmas Dinner Dessert. Plmn pudding, the traditional Christinas pudding. Is expensive, and few people can aflord( either the tkne to make it or the cost of the materials. Substitute a Saratoga pudding, and few win know the difference. Tv make one, roM aiAl Sft one pint of stale brcaikTumtw; ackl'one ctipfnl of flour, a teas--pooinful of cinnamon, dial of a grated nutmeg, a -cupful of brown sugar, a pound of seedless raisins, a quarter of a iKuud of khndiUil citron, floured, and talf a jxnmd of raw suet. freeI from nKtoibrane nisi diofiptsl fine; anlx tlioroughly. Dissolve one tea.tsuful of Uiklug soxla In two tablefpoonfuls of water, aud add It to one etipfua of New Orleans lm-lasses; adSl one egg well lieateu,'' the jn!t "ami grated rind of oxrc lemon, ami ixxur it Into IIh1 dry ingredients. Aork aa carefully together until It Is moist, not wet, ami pack It down into a grt"ffid ktttte or tnould., Cover and lioa continuously for four 3iours. Lift the lid of tlie mould until tlie pis Wing is cvOi, then cover and eland aside. Reheat at rcrv Ing time. An onllusiry rani kettle way le usunl lu laee of a mctiliL Tliis iHiddlug may 1k anado a week before Cliristiiiaa ami iuatexl for Cltrlsrwas 1 inner. Servo hot witlt lianl sam-e. iMik. S. T. Rorr, in the Deertnber Ijwljes'. Home Journal. SENIOR REAR ADMIRAL. WASHINGTON, ov. 28. IJear Ad miral Frederick G. McNair died at his residence. In this city, today, from a stroke of apoplexy. He was tlie rank ing tvr admiral of the navy, aud tlie officer next in line to Admiral Iewey. SUDDEN ILLNESS. Miss Ertillne (iwr, private secretary toand T6i ligh ter of State-sLand Agnt Ij. B. became seriously ill in the State Iiind Office, at the iipitol. yestwday morti; Ing. She had a fainting qll, and a physkhin was hastily sum nioned. who soon gave- her relief, and the patient was removed to her home on Capital strvetv She was rcporteil somewhat Improved fcist evening, and she Is ex pected to oou recover. At Bed Time I take a pleaunt herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my com plexion is better. My doctor tajra it acts gently on the stomach, 'liver and kidneyi, and is a pleasant laxa tive. It is made" form herbs and is prepared as easily as tea. It is called Lane's ; Medicine. All drug. gists sell it at 25c. and 50c. Lane's Family Medicines moves the bowels each day. If you cannot get it, send for a free sample. Address. Orator F. Woodwcr. J Rot. N. Y. 5. t h . BEAUTIFUL OMBSTONE THAT jTELlvS A ROMANCE. This Is a Moiihnieut of Love, Hewn 'Out by a Ievotcd 1 1 11 si ki ml to I'er- . pctnalp tin? aleiiiory of His Wife and Two Infant Children. Pliiladelphia Nov. 21. Recent in ives. concerning n man qnlry, byv rela wlio once inadj Philadelphia his home has revived interest in a beautiful monument In 'South Laurel Hill cem etery... ' i ' . One would- scarcely; liok for ro tnanee among the little mounds that mark the lied of the quiet sUperS1, and yet a story from real life-may' be read In Iiurtd Hill by any pssst-r-by. -'Overlooking 1m river and East Fa tr ump ut Park Drive there Is the status of a woman 1m a ring two Indies In her arm's. Tills is a monuim'tit of love, hewn out by a devoted husband to lSTtietuato tin" : memory of his wife and two infant cliildren. The story of Henry Dinoehowsfcl has passed from the- recollection of most "PhHadelirii Jans, but flicre are a few still who remember it. . DinoehowskI was a IVilisli patriot who wed one Helena Ashaaf in the pretty Rhine country of German fifty yearago. It (was 3ils Intention to live In Poland. 1iu?. atiaing to free his na tive country from f he Russian yoke, lie was exileili af tt tlie-uprising of IHin by goyetlttiicntal authorities. With his wife jlie came to America anil took np his residence in the Quaker City, 'Assuming tl name f Sauinlcrs. In a short time he was well known aw a sculptor of ability. In 1ST.7 his wife died at the Wrth of twin children. The children a'.so died, and w!t!h thef passing of the dearest object of liis jife and Inr two pretty babies the artist' seemed to lose Inter est In liM work and did only enottgli' to bring him a scant liveliliood. After a time b Iegan to woiTt at night ami his neighIorv wlien they saw his light -burning, said that' the "foreigner" was picking tip his cour age again ami was ambitious to, earn money, as tie bad been of old. For many nights from tlie "forelgner'a" cellar there. came" the uud of chisel and htmmer. But tlie curlons were wrong. Tlie sculptor ws not wrkiig late to eain money. He was hewing out from tl;e cold wftite stono an linage of his wife and children. In a slKrt time after Its completion it was placed over the grave in Laurel Hill, where it still sta nds. ' '.-'. '. On one side of the great stone block that fornrt the pedestal oiiear the iron's r "-,' ' .'--p-' -- : ,We live in leelit. not years In tbonghts, not Jmmths In f-lhis. not in figures on a dial. We slionld itHint time by hcait throlis. He most lives wflio thinks most, feels' the noblevt, acts the Iwst." '- ' On the liack ; one reads' In Iatin: "Henry Dims-howskl Sauuders with his rwn band made this exact Image of bis most beloved wife, atsl coiw." cratel It to her memory in 1S-VC' Tlif tsjls with wlkti be worked and a likemv- of fin sculptor's face art? done on other part of the stone. . Wien bis tank was unis-hed Dino ebowskl disjipeared as completely as though he liad never existeI. Whsth-' er he killed hmis-lf or went to some foreign Uind9ias never been learned. ! SU Lour Republic. : Those w-lto are always necking tiratse rarely get it. DELICIOUS CHRISTMAS .Il'M- DLLS AT SMALL COr. ! are exin-nsive; tiniple ones, wheir w 11 mad. are gooi mix nair a ciipi-m y eartfnUy reudtTcd ct. or auy of the lanl tmlistitutcs, with two tatIt!!iKKii fuls of butter. Dissolve a "tcaspoourul of msla in two tablespooufuls of wa ter; stir It into one cupful thalf a pint) of New Orleans niolar-es. When'' foaming, add a cupful of strong lull ing coffee; add this to the short ulag; .. mix, and add a teasHonf ul o ciuna mon, a tablesiwonful or ground fin ger, and sufficient flonr to make a soft dough, about three cupful.- Roll th diHigh -half n inch in thickness; cut with a' round. entKT, ami Isike In a . moderately qukk oven for fifteen min- utcs. ThlssptH-eipt, omitting the dsl and rolling the dough thin., may lw nsed for snaps. Snaps must lie Jmkl, in a slow oven. December Ladies' Home Journal. " . , Tlie girt wlio cah be aoeable wlft the toothache baa aji Idealdisposi tion. ' - :-- '"- - - '' Market Reports The local market QaoUtiomi yetteif- . . - ; - day vere as fouowt: - - Wheat 30 eenta at the Salcni Flour ing Mills Co.s office. ' f Oats 37eGSe. ' Hay Cheat, buying. $7 to ll&O; clover, $0 to 7; timotiiy. ft to'JIO. Florn St ami S3 emts per eacki $;l to ;L2( ixt bid. ' ! Mill feed Bra u, $10; shorts, $18. Butter 17$22 cents (buying). Eggs 30 cents. ; Poirltry I'hkkeus Se. per lb. j Pork Fat. 1'a gross: mt.: j . Beef Steers. 3M to cows. 3 to S'4 trills gootf lieiier, jvc. heifer, 3Uc. Mutton-yieeis 3Vie on foot; A'eal G and 7c dressed. Potatoes 25e, buying. r Wool 14 to 13 cents .market weak. Molialr 20 ccn,ts. . - 1 WH1P3, ROBES - U California Oaik-tanned Leather used. Harness Oil. etc I F. E. CHAFER 2 SUte Street Salem. Oregon, NEW TO-DAY. TO PRESERVE j Your Home the ttappiness of your family. Iong life, and Ik the Amert eau 'Citixen. . 3-0U should and can be. Take tho Keeley-Cnne. ComsoiMl cimx Invited by The - Keeley Iitst.lt litu 314 Sixth st reet, Portland Oregon. The Only Im-tltute J41 -the State. IF YOU Altli flgurlngpn a ft nco get our price's on Woven Wire Fen j.. -l-Vt cing, Pickets and m VI 1. , . 1 . Netting. ruJr; 51 S"t quality blu '.ii.- '- p at low price Bii'iliiiiiuiiuiiiii J Walter Morfey Salem Fence WorksJ 59 Htate-Strect EVERY TEACHER r 1 f t f I'll III! OUGHT TO 'SUPPORT HIS OWN . HOME SCHOOL JOURNAL. ;- THEOREGQMAGPSPTHIY Is -the only educational' Journal' of general circulation 'published. In Ore gon. It is progressive and up-to-date. Price one dollar a year. . . ' - Ml CLUBB1KG RUES ; With Uie Oregon Trtichers Monthly. Westmi TcuHmt f new) .''.). . tVestern Teacher (renewal).., Normal Instructor. . ....... . . Teachers World ............ The Teachers. 'Institute...'..., Our Times. Pacific Homestead .... ...... TwieoarWeek Statesman..,. Weekly Oregonlan .......... The Pacific Monthly... .. .i... $1 i i 1 23 ru 3(1 23 Wl 3i 30 Ml, 1 I 1 Oregon Native Sou. .. ... . . ! 1,3)) Any one of these Journal will be sent witli Hit Oregon Teachers' Monthly one year for the price set op Iwsife the nameAdjlrcjw, . The Oregon Teadiers' Monthly, SALEM, OREGON. '; ; ' -' - - " , Money to Loan On Improved farm and aitjr property i lowest current fates. 1 T. K. FORD . ' Ovr Ladd Bush's bank., RUSTLING YOUKG MAN-fian tnsk per month and epnses. Per manent NsItion. Exp'rlence unnec essry. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., 4tn & Locust streets, PUJladephla Pa. 0:4-0m-dw. BY MUTUAL AtJREEMENT The firm of Kirk & Litoii is 4his day dis solve 1. W' A. Linton retiring aud L. M; Kh-k eoiitlnning the. business at the old stand, and collecting all ac counts. L. M. KIRK. W. A. LtSTON. Salem, Or. Oct. 31, 1000. lis: 5ttf. PERSONAL 51 MYSTERIES OF THE UNKNOWN revealed by the great Indian tnedl-. um and propJietess of the age, born with double veil and second slsht revealed every hidden mystery Ji'jver known to fail. Know your. fate at once when all others fall. Consult the lsst. Heal by the uses of her ievealcl Hcriial teaw. Cure chronic and so-called uncurable diReasea. Free treatment for Oie xMr. Con- sultatiou free. 132V4 Third street,, near Alder, i'ortlaud, Oregon, ; ., - t , . s.