Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 27, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    r, . r- 1 f v p r.
LjjILiuilL u
derd. the fiiW Harvard contragrut ar
rived in the city t.iUy on a. tniia ef
ten part lor car from Biwou. Willi
the arrival of tiiat comiiny"of erini
ou".uiporter tbe first nnmey to le
wapereil on he frane from the Har
vard supporters afeareiL Tlie Har
vard men demanded o6ls of 10 to" 7.
Tbe Harvard auen exiiect Governor
Roo-aerelt . to rtie morning. , He li;e
lAHMhscd to 4ieip k-ad the cbierius of
tb Harvard snpiiorters.
America, Russia and france Have Demanded
; Moderation . in Dealing with China, .-.'
Mile the Other Powers Insist
Inflicted ca Hostile Princes
j front in Chi
I.OXHOX. Nor 23.V venous ,11-
vergeu. e ban ari-eti IVkiu eays
rlie TienTski i-wresiwotleirt ' of the
lMnr ,MaiL "J:ii1i,1fR. UnltvU States
kb f,w,ilisS!-
miMer puuisiHiieat tlfcni the executou
of Iriuee Tuan owl ; tut hers, while
Cnat Iiritahi, Hermauy. VuMra
Hungary and ltalv .h-i.. n..v,i,... i.
than Hie death iK-nahy ue!e..
"Ao HniKHtattt riec4iou lft been ari
rived at. however, that; tbis diverg
ence 4 uot to Interfere wth tlw gnv
era I peace negotiations. r .
Another ramarkaltfe feature of the
situation I Hi suddvn Isild face of
lluf. ia, wIllvU now thiliiun titber t
w it biraw lier troops from the province
or Cbl 1,1 or to hand over-the railway
a iiro&ifevd.?- .;.' ' j :
rerun, Nov. 23. A dHnatch from
Mnrsl-al Vou tValdciee. nayn; Jlmiil-
encfel-: kHai1mw nt; Novemlwr 2th,
h-vt a. 4iainl of Boxers out of Aiukal
Oiwaiiir. aTier a brt rnniiKcmcnt,
during which forty Boxeit-i were kiE
ed and t be lattiT V1 eight jpfiw.
iniiim, . at. ss.A U)wK-li to
lU titer'n XewH Aeencj from IVkiu
datnl November "22d. mj:
t'oiiilMMetit iiHleiiemk-nt JihI of
Hie indent errtk-al ta?e of tlie nego-
t:Htio:i pine that tlw xons'hk nit km
of all the pe&ee Hx4iiumariet uliould
twf lrativferrNl to Washington or to a
, liiroM-aii caplml -J ml in- ila--i in
H han.H or hniliKteiitlarte iks--
. ... . , .
SH-ure txH-ks at The Dalle of the
Columbia oiujress to- .Make
An Approiii:ttiou.
POUTLAXO. Or4 Not. 1KJ. The wui
Jt r an' otH'ii rher: from Iwiston
to the xntV-wa etmidered by tlie
Pfiamlier of Pownnn-e tniftee toibiy.
" X'ot intK'h. wan aeeotMpMxheil.. but'. the'
wiry vaM o;ened for a fuller i-oiiHlib-r-ation
of; .-Hie aubjeet. Lto the end that
.Ihere rfhrll Ih TiaiKil action ttt the
1hre Miatett in Conw to einre tlie
ltnjroVi'UM'it desdmt.j A 'eanal and
lm-k. at tlM,dalhH c t-tie tY-'iiioKa.
t eot b- than jft.ihkmhsMo In eom
- Ih-trd wiMifti live )rar. ; tlie particu
lar 'woject now ciiaclns attention.
TMn Mut t ea me lefH e tlie truH
1ei of the Chamber! of t'ouimerce iu
the form of : a b"ter -froin 1'reident
K. 11. IJtley. f thell'wlv-toti. Idalto.
miiNHeMl Club. a perinil letter to
Iiieshbiit Taylor, of file Portland
Chatider of '.Commeree. It .iKkiil the
i-ofMTatiou of , INkiIiiihI in the mve
. iih irt to inake ih rjver '.Hia-tiucl fre
frtni I'wNton to : the ma.
.After dtwusku ef the 'iiibjeet
Tor two lnir?. the Ch.imlH-r of t'ojii-liieree-dei'lde!
to lisle Preshleut I.Ibliey
t eoine to- Portland fur a -ouferen
t- ue it Tuesday. .' -
mosquitoi:s ix cpp.a.
Carry t lie brmi of Velkiw Fever
They Are iUInHinUtle for Spread.
NKYV. YOi: bt. Nov. 'J2. Tlie Tribune
aym: It is nmb'r4tood that a rejiort
i-om-eruinj; Hie InveHiHon of tbe
eute Infection il-aw rvakHit in
Culm will hooii J imid to Syrjreou-'
ticneviil tcrntH'rjr. i Tltii rciMrt. It in
declared, will uliow lhat mosqnHo are
!arsely mpotisible ;for the npreal of
yHIw fever In uba. and that a phy
Hleiati; who exertnieiitet n hliiuwJf
to burn if th'.M tlieory wai true, died
from yellow fever, tlie perm of which
bad In en lujected Into Ids iy!tem by
a imstiito tliat had birten a liersom
ertleteU n1th yellow fevT. It will also
tdjow, it Is said, tluit amrther ihyI-
lan win exiierimeuled iu a stimilar
manner .wa Ktrickeu with yellow
fever, but recovered. i '
Ir. Jfp ' tjiKcjtir i said to have
b- the iiyiclau; who siic-uui1n1 to
,1Ik Mes." ami Ir. Jainw Carroll
was the one who reeovereL Ioctrs
Cai roll ami Iizear were statkml In
Ctla M Hie lime of the experiments.
SiiHau FrtH A-merfcwn Consulate
Itciiiu KstablMietl at Ilarpoot.
t -i INST A XTI XOPI.K. Nov.. Ttie
IVrte haw definitely TeJ-tel the e
jzwl for an e.aunatiir for a I nlted
states CoiishI iirt" HariHjot. Tkb l-e
fte aT In regarded by the tniiel tat!
lint'u as n diiect vkdatkiu ofi.the
treatr riRbtsi and. -onsiueiitl.v. ilea-'
l!te the refussil, Ir. Tboiiias II.
ton. vho was HMitntHl by Iresklent
MeKInler wMiie time ago to establish
a- Consulate 'at! 11a rpeot. iH'en nr
crtcil a proceed, to--hi sst. The ex
rscted rislt f Hh jinlvsbh;. Keo
m kr 4o Smyrna Is lleveil to rite
Mt'e as much to this matter as to the
iiiilenmity question. ' .
halites; Nov 23. Tlie I nltetl StaW
battleship - Keiitwky vhi"h arriveil
liere November iyth,'s8iU tomorrow
ftr Smyrna.
IXIUAXAPOI.IS, tml.. Xor.-STt-Pre4dirtMitKll.
of tlie United Mine
Workers of i.Viwrlca. Joday giauleil
permlsiiot to: 2i lulmts of Hopkins
county, K)-.. to strike tomorrow.
. ItAWLIXS,' Wyo., Nov. 23.-FIierlfC
Upon the Death Penalty Being
Russia Puts on a Bold
LI Province.'
,d of full ,w-r to 3rnSMlM. Wnm
to lie . Imiosed on Chuia. . Once the
,er,,,! are agnwl on they' should lie
'V'"1 as 'tonand not reuirUi;-
a10" w!tb chiu
It hi Celt that tin? prewnt : ct
V1"" ot 41m Ministers, who fe not
P00 power to decide on the
'"'"V ui. projKjanioiM , without
i'Uce to their irot TTiiiMnt r.
IhiuimI to hnenjuluablytdrag out the
preliminaries and result la Ions delay,
causing the greatest uneasiness iti the
foreign eonmmnitles. who antk-Spate
vastly increased ditticnlty in reaching
souk-meat, owing to the alleged waste
to tiiut?. ; ,
Wasliiugioii, Nov. 23. The Secretary
of State has uiblressed an kKmHcal
note ,to tlie Power Interested in tlie
Chinese situation et ting out tersely
ami afresli -the objects as are votmnou
the I'ovm -au 1 le!t wure-.L
TIk note marks tlw iuiliatiou of frei
negotiation xmi ; our iwrt of the ar-
rautiuti or new iasis to kie over
the itoouiU44 silualion ere;vtd at the
last iiMttinr of the Ministers In IVkiu,
Some nsiMneH already tp at hand,
and it 1 tated tluft peuerlly oar
tau-es ha-e beu will reeeived, awl
the -State lKpartneut xireseH atl-
f:U'l tlMI -; Wltll " tltA !-bm; r..
. - - - - - - 1 ' . - . pr . , .
at-hleveil. ' ; . t ,
It. it sieved that the note U an ap-
Kal from the extreme eonrse ugget-
ed by some of the Powern a to e
treat un'ut of Clnua.UiHiUTllv in the
matter of punbdiments aud "iudeumi-
ties to whiHi the Ministers at l'ekiu
sh-u IiK-lintiL; TIk iuteut is to tmsii
the im-jtoi la t hi;h on a . uiure ratio'mil
aiHl luxiu-.s-like tuils.
U. P.- Kirk, of Iktlliuvr. T lias
IdcnUticHi tlie renta ins of the outlaw
idiot ami Mlhl 1y liemity Sheriff
Xdrtiut at Iion Wetlnela v. as
Xoeih .Wilkentou. uiMhr life tr ntence
ii Texas a-s accessor' to murder.
SinTifl! Kirk iromI.srtJ to xprina a wni-
HHtiou diou his roturn 4o Cotcniau,
Tex., where Wilkervon waf ennlijMsl.
Tin ritle aMl revolvr of WilkT?on
lie recognized at harinj; Uen the prop
erty of 4-crtaln rersons in Texas, wlt.o.
It j? lieHeved, aided 4he convk't to
cape. '.::- .':-. , i
Ne;;io C1uiwt With Criminal Afault
Suicides in Court.
VlIOEXIX. AriaC Nov. 23. I n Ju
tue John-vn' ttrtirt tinlay, KriK"t
Scott, a iKro charecd wlrti attempt-
cd as.-ault oil t wo -wlrite girls. wal-
lowcil n lciixlftil of broki'n uiass. lie
nillju-olfubly IU. As the judge liotinil
Mm over to the , grand jury. Scott
Huritl the glass Into Ms mouth, aud
fell into a clrair.
I am ilm' for; they can't hang
luv." he iiiuttercd. ;
Iiiabilitkf Are Iss Than
AvailabI" Ass4ts.
POKTLANIi. Nov. 23. JohiiM. tls
biuu. of (Vrvallis. a farmer ami line
stoek rabwr. ! a rtfldeiit ' of - Benton
imuty fr the laist forty yean, today
PKmI a ie1ttioii ii Iwukruptcy tn the
Fnited State c;ur.t. , His liabilities
aim Htit to-M4ime $PMK, and bis as
set to alnmt f l.s.tum.
Bold Sieculatcr Cares Utile
What the Market May Be.
CHICAGO. Xor. 23. tii. II. Iliil--.
who bas mNiessftrily nmiwl
Nonir!er isrn. rsti-il on IrVs tsars t
ilay and ik'lawl lie wonld do Mot'lrimr
tin litis week. Noveml er cvni dos'd
me fent lower flian yesterday, at
4 4'. 2 rents. .
-I do uot cnie wlK-thr jn-ices g up
or down for tbe prfeut." iid Pliilips.
AVHKX WKITIXO To . our adver
tisers, nay you saw it In the States
man.' , ; w..
AnalMim nSwtn:er of lWng Swami
ed by dbtSanta. Atnv Rivir.
ANAHEIM. Cl.. Nov. 23 Tlie tUl
situation liere I o farming. A break 'in
tin Santa Ana River Ira brought tlie
water to wltbln a mile 'of 11k- -town,
widen is fifteen fet below tbe bed of
the river, ami if tlie ti of 11m bitter
cintluues.ni' towo ill -le swanisd.
Tlie tirlKilk- eenetTy was re jiclwsl
last iHght and l nmbf a fnot of a
ler.' -Iu tlHviK-at lauds break in tlw?
Stint a Ami River have let in large
voi twite of ww water, ami 1h , celery
nwii fr Hie entin crH of I.Tini ears
win 1 lost. Over H" fiHMilies bave
1 en driven fnm : 'tlwir Ihhuts. .and
rbere Tear Hrat people isolate!
e4kms tia ve cen drowned.' '?
The South ru I'artne tas lot a m'le
,.r ira. W on the Lo Alaniito bram-ti.
AH that isMiniry I tksnksl.: Two
MHMit fet of track fc ot across
ri-nh Kfcits. Tlie Saute Fe trafn
fioin Ssiuta Ana Is ber. but can go no
furl lier. f Beyond rhat 2M feet of
track are out at one plaee, ud 1U
feet furtiwr on. while ten milt of
roadbtMl Is eui-wfe.' - , .
Harvanl ami Yab b Meet on the tJrid
iix'n RoW-cvelt to Clieer. ,
YEW HAVUX. - iMi .- Nov. 23."
Everytliing I i tvadines for tbe
great game . I tweet Yale and Har
vard, on'tlie Yle field. tomirrov. In-
.; t .';". -1 .;'.- - -
XEW YORK, Nov. 23. A dispatch
to the Herald from San Juan. Porto
Rk-o, says: A gentleman in this city
has received a -ablcgram from Cara
'as Kay tag rliat the rebel have elnl
the prlnclital ia port of Colombia;
The new wa conveyed by a stauicr
which arrived at Laguayra from tlie
west. -
Diplomatic Complications with
England May Easily Result.
Tbe Gorernment Cau Not Afford io
Antagonize a Friendly Kefgh
riog Conntry.
; HIJOX, France, Nov. 23. One of the
most Important phases of the' demon
stration in honor of Irs1ilent Kruger
was the tttru H took m the aul I-British
dlreetiou. A few criminally fool
Englishmen. whoe Hl-tlmeil levity
at the Hotel Iu Louvre fn Marseilles
exasperated the peoitfe in the "'street
c'bete, never dreamed of i lie conse
quence of their act. TlKy sowed tbe
wind, ami toilaj' the English iieople
are reaping the wha-lwlnd. The newt
of tbe supioed Jusult to Kruger
Hnm to have pread across France.'
ami at nH statimis. loH esMH.-talIy at
Lyons and Iijon,Kliouts for tlie Boers
were nrngled Willi loud cries of "Down
with the English T' lmbel, at I,yois
the denunciptioii of the English
drowned the shouting for tbe Boers.
Tbis Is the distm-biug feature which
l universally dicnssed. Fear are
expressed that .tomorrow' receiHioii
In Parl.s may assume a character caJ
cn!itisl to arouse Hk? fei'tiug-of irt
Itritain against France to suet- extent
as to result in mtpleasant relations
between the two countries. - ,
PARIS. Xbv. 2:5. Tlr pcatefnl, lilt 4
enthuslaHh' mauner hi wlitch the
Is-ople of Mam'S.les greeted the arriv
al ojf Kruger. j-esterday. ami Hie warui
iwlcmiM' extended to him lu tlie dire
be paed ChTough toibiy. all oeearriujp
witliout anr nnw-Brlttsb
demonstra t
ontltleirt tiiat
tious of aiuy etinscitweiKi,
the autlioritie here fitH on
1b iecitim fliere toiiMnow will nor
fesutt In any miplenf-wnt im-iilenf.
Mr. Lcpiuo, prefwt of iioliee, Jkl to
day: - '
; "We liave full contidem-e in the peo
ple of I'ari's.iand loitut upoiithem not
to do anything Iik1y to irusi-dipki-hiatie
i-oniirMi-sitioiis . Howe rtv; the
jiolk'e have tTte. st rictJ--t order' t it
tnlt only eiie wlrich an compliment
ary to -Mr. Krti'-K-r and the Boers.'
They will not tolerate any itIw un
complimentary to tle nelghlsrrlug and
frieiMNy iimntry. Any iK-roi ttttcr
jiig u-li iHKompHinentary crle will
I irtf teil."
yir. Kniger will atrive 1mK 110011.
and many 'tot il In cloMd for the
rest of Hie afreruoou. Tliere I ecr-
w. n. cnAtrzn.
Mnmager. ' .
Send for samples of our special designs
. in fithojravure work for letter and
bill IiJids, cards and envclopes...
Estimates ;
; Furnished
266 Commercial
t pure yh
Strongest, purest, most economical
and healthM of all leavening agents.
tain to lie an lmiiHHiH com-oun-e
people along the iM're route.
MarM-il!es. Nov. 23. TlHittgh tin en
tlnishuMn attending Mr. KrugerV de-paTtu-re
from Marille ns not.
btistetoti and tliere wa ik wh-1i
crowd irec!it a awaHii! bint "it t1i
o.ii!iy wIhii 1m Sanded yesterday from
tlie ielftTla int.' 1 Imd 110 n-asii t
coinpfciin of any diniiniitioi of wamitli
on tlie part of the jieople of Marserllcw.
Mr. Kiniger wa up sit tti varlr l:our
afid wa ri'ady and watting when Ids
fcimkiii ieac1iet the lwtel to onvey him
to tlie ra41nid depot." Amidst th
clK-eriug of a large w-iiiblage. tie
fen-mer piewitknit of the Transvaal n
tcred'hi carriage nt 0 o'cloi-k and was
driven to tin statk.n.- He was tn-eoiii-panied
by J r, a lid Messrs.
Pflrsiu. Wesils. FUsi'Ikt. Van II a ni
Ael. Ra niliud ami lleymaii's. 4usl
tiefore the ileiiarture of the 'train Ir.
Kruger apiieared on tlw Wen. f Urn
railroad farriage.. tu rcsjumse to the
shout of tlie crowd, ami Vid:
? ('.ftizens of tMaryeilles: I HMtik the
Ieopl; of Mar-H-Hk- for 'Its warm wel
come. I -irust I -whall'-find-Hie name
entlnishtHtlc spirit iu all 1h cities
which I am going to. travel througli.
ami I liolie it wHI 1k folbwtl by a'-
; KHj
s tl
tkrti Which will eolMiiHH -to atst MS
result In alKlting-onr caurwv' -,
wi tra-in Hi at !ia . m.. n
areii t err a rose. Mr. 'Km get w l H
si end 41h niglit at IHJ011, when lie
wiTt arrive at 3:3d p. 111.
Extensive islic prnit?tions went
taken this iiMMniing. ,1it:ichnietits of
Ioli"cmen were miw-seil tibnig 4 ln
route fiom tlie 'liotil .to Hie: station,
but Mr. Kinger" k part tire ok place
without any disagreeable beikknt.
Itnlou. Nor. 2:J. 11m Staiidiird ti
ifciy, iMiniMMitlng '-the report that
Ceneral Potlui. with bis commando, -Is
ilov to lrew tkrrp, regard the news
a niut disiprkiing. ainl says:
. "We Jiave heard many stninge and
onveritlcd utmitn. but' one tiling we
know, that French waHpursmd all
"it " - ' 1 ; ' '
ipinie 'jioib "
rrr n o
There are1 many imitation baking powders sold
at a low price. They are made from alum,
a corrosive acid which is poisonous in food,
C1h way from MiikKcbnrg lo SHimbH"
tnu, ami got tlmmgh it he terrible iK-k
of tlx iiHmita!jis only by tlie nklu of
hi teeth."
The Slap- suggest 'that Heueral
P-ol'ha pursinir the Jlritisli. maMied
south mid Jv!nctl haiMl with tletieral
Ik-wi't. and hat thus Blocm found 11 N
eiwbtupeml mid Hie Orange Fre"' Shite
will lwive to.lie u.couiiiered lK'foiv the
selHluiiig of the Transvaal emu 1k coiii
uueetl. : III ei"4uie't in witli tl. show a. te
lattil teh'jrnuu autiotimvs thrtt ti-ucral
Fretitli arri vih! at JoIiamtiMairg No
Ti'iuhf 17th.
Imkn. Xov. 23. A sjHH-ial disMt-h
from Middtebiirg. Ttiusvaal tVouy,
say that in Hh surji'ise ii the otit
Hnt of .Hie "Bun!-" i'Thi-nl 1nfaiytiy
rioiit'liwi-st of lt;ikiiH-.il, Xoveints-rJ
loth, fin' IUrs kst ixly men kiiletl
ainl woumkil. The Intrgbers, Hk HW
patch . adds, simultaneously nttackisl
a garrison f Fnstowr on Wilge rl"er.
but wen lieateii n with' the 1oh of
120 men killed and wounded.
' The Iitest Yarn
A Pittsburg drumnicr tell this ne
yarn: I alway I carry a bollle if
, Kemp Balsam Iu my grip. I takfc
; cold easily and -a few.Mlose of -the
Balsam always make me a well
man. Everywhere I S I speak a
good word for Kemp. I take Indd
Of my customer I take old men
and young men aud tell them. oti
fldently what I-do when I take cold.
At druggists, 23c and. pOe.
Mines Pliable to Pnsluet' Enough to
Supply Wants of Trade. ,
The demand for coal hi Abiiiaina x-:-ii.k
tin' uiiply. is tlw iiiformation
given ut by oMrators. T1k mines are
working harder now than ever lM-foro
and' the prisltu'liou in Hie state I
large. 4'oloml T. II. AM rich of the
Southern Calmba ('oal Mining Co. mid
Piilliaut X'osil co.. in Marion ouiut.r.
slrttvd the oHnt day that In addition
High -
Sm'.etm, Oregon
Job Office,
"( i
to the regular union , price pa Id for',
mining n premlmn of 3 eeuts per ton '
Is paid for every -ton over t3 tons a 41
moiilh. Tlie iKHHiiuiu is giveu a rtu
jm-entive for banler work on Hie iirt
of Hie miner on account of the urreut)
uetHl for the iirodtiet. 1
The itrly bird catcbi'H the wtinu,' wo
art told. ' : ' I '
AimI .lite -worm that la early get.t
-auglit: . . ' i
Jvi Jf jott'iv a'Ulnl you must rie ore
,' the 'gold '. fV":.
Of the morning ''flame up, or catch
. naught! . ' i .' ':
With 10m first ldnt of day j .
You must btwry away I
To whetv annelid Idiot are caught!
Aud If you're a worm, you in ust utay.
.close in bed . , !
Till all the woodpecker liave goiw;
When they knock t your kKr7?oii
no ust over your head I i
Ami lie deaf a, n tom tlHlte1
kms-kiT bare flowii!: ' ! ,
Oli. You'll1 starve f .yoit doT
Well, the binl'M Ktarvo, too. 'V
Ami there'll two iSinnle Jmous"
be gone.
" IndiaiiaiMMls Presi.
IYiz to servant who had.; nerved .
tlicir nastiTs n long time were jdis
trihulcd in Austria on the oecaslon. of
the emisTiir" i'veiitleth . blrtlHlikv..,
Twenty-ono rize of $73 cadi wi-given-for
serving 3-3 yirnjf. ..moiig
I he reHplcnt wi re a valet f 71
year of age who had erved hi mas
ter for 45 yi-sirs; a inirm 72 year rtf
age. who bad lieeti 42 year 1n ! one
family; a mm id 'of all work, 77 year
of age. wIkiso n-coril wn 41 years, and '.
a ssik. kHeheiiniaKl and a maid ttt.
all work, who hail each layeil iu one
llace 3! year. t
Eviry engagement, on ne slib
Hie ot her. Is a put-up Job. i
Grade Work
Prompt Execution
Prices Reasonable,
Salem, Orcgdn