FEED STORHS Cross Soods.i; A complete- stork of fcrass and clover seeds, at the lowest possible price -for first cla seeds. .Give us a call be fore, buying. ; f . , s - ' CRtWSTfB & WHITE, The reed Meg No. !U Court St., Salem. "Phone 17S1 DEALERS IK GRAIN. WHEAT BOUGHT or ensnged lor ; flour and feed at branch office of Aurora Roller Mills, warehouse on. Trade 'street,; near High. Saletn, Oregon. ;; j .7-... , 1 W. 8. HUHST & CO. Aurora. Oregon.- Wholesale dealers In ' Wheat, Oatsv Hops, ; Potatoes, Onion and Onion j Set, etc , Salem - Agency -at olllee Aurora Roller ; Hills, on Trade street, hear H1gh.: . " " 1INN1NU AND PLUMBING. T. S. BURROUGHS TINN1NO AND PLUMB1NO Ga and Steam fitting. Mamiiact nrr of Hep ami Fruit Pipe. -: 103 State St.. tel. 151. 5aietn, Or, . PHYSICIANS. J. F. COOK, M. D. BOTANICAL DOCTOR . Cares Consamptio, - Cancer, Tumors. Grave, and Kkincy Troubles, Asthma. Skin and Iiotie Disease, -without knife, plasters, po si sons or pain. ' Also Blind . . " -' " .? Salem. Oregon. LIVERY STABLES. FAVORITE STABLES 44 S;t SU Saleni. Telephone 701 Livery, Feed and Boarding Horsi? boarded! by day, "Week or. month at rasonalle prices. -.-The ae commodation art? good andJihe rigs are first- class in every respect. , A specialty made of rig for commercial lie-u. RADABAl'GII & FRANCIS. Proprietor. I r , H. R. PAGE . !W. A. STEPHENS PACE & STEPHENS " Hores "vH fed. gocxi accommoda tions. Fine R"g5- '. Good ..Rigs-.-, for commercial men a Specialty. 'Horses boarded by ''day. week or month. . Red Froni itvery. Feefl anaBOTffina sigdib 164 Commercial St.. Tel. 851. Salem RESTAURANTS. Yow . arc most cordially invited to call at the. j , - 7 . . ; : El mo Kestaurant i 24i fommerclal street. .Salem. Oregon. and try our 2Uc MKALK. No lttcr can Ik tmd 5n tin city,. . r P. .T. LIUUT.XKU, Proppietori, . The .Wonder Restaurant , , . MEALS ao CENTS. - - Open day and nisht. When in ' the city we tmlicit ymir patronage. I'Oi:WAKI & ItyDK. IVapa. "JfCi OommerelnJ Sltet't, Salem. 1 JEtiraWS RESTAURANT 215 Commen-lal Street, Salem. Uosd Squarb Meal for aoc Thirty-two year In lni!n's In this city aiil liave fed more jw-oplt thai there ar In Oresan:; all were well nlcaaed. XI-fll! at all hour. J C. W. llKM.KNItnANIV. FIR FENCE POST, coated with ..Carboline'um Avenarius.. vtil out wenr Clnr tt t la a Radical itmety AKlut jL'hltken i.ce. lt appilcaOua t th la!e wall of pom try houaps will pttnan-iiUy ex - trrinloat all I.ICE. Kult4: llraliby Ghlckis I'U-nty Write tr clrcuUr an. 1 prices ul men tion tBH paper. . R. U. W'AUK & CO., Atrn". ( . ORKOO.V. WILKES STIIUOI, "JIROME" - NO. 29631' Will stand for ilarea the coming Rea ou at Cnrn?r of Ferry and. Literty trteta. For ldiaree -and particulars, call tm : h - i i . f Dr. W. Long Venters nary Sorgyon. y Salem. Or. BICYCLE REPAIRING. lon't thrown away you delapidated Umbrellas. ' ! ,'.'!.. n - v -. G. Al Roberts Tan nicntl It for you as good as new. T.ike It to him. ' ' - ' : . ; i 105 STATE STREET lUcydf Ih'iwiring a Specialty. TO CLlti: A CHILI OF STUiTER- The- child; that! . at u Her tnut' -he pi n t It. i t 1 1 and Krsitnt ly cor ieted. i'Plxl when he U'srlns to hoxltale, maile to fill'th Inns with air bv a d Inhalation, and then to lro:ioun.e the ditticnlt syllablt until he can d o eally and mnoothly. If thl coure i imrnetl undeviatln-Rly cere I vrtain-leciutr-r Ladies Home Journal.,-; It I a hUh,.lttalnniont in MItene to allow otlsor to le mistaken. Let a trilllujr. ni!tatemeat t" "o,lcHJ wl rrc tio priihMpk -I involved, and wlien a mistake b pat mncly it 1 lH-t to let 1 he tt1jct drop. 11h ar suftK nt of th I ild you i- char neicr U almiy quHe .uixftluons. Mr. Ilpriou Klusrslautl la the IVcejn Wr .LiHcs llouie Journal. - , Tatefrd dre t a.wholeonn ami r.tcrsfarr. a thine for a woman n. coo l rood and -drink. But - if he make life a Ions debauch of clothes 1m I ct:iv..ly in the position of the Khiu&u or the 'drunkard. December Ladle IIo4:e JournaL ."-."' for Infants 4 Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OIL Taru goric. Drop and Kootlilug Symps. It i Plearant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, it destroys "Worms and allays Feverilmess. ' It cures DLarrlupa and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth- Jnsr Troubles nud cures Constipation. It regulates the Womach ami liowela, priTinsr healthy and natural sleep. ; The Children! ranaeea-The,3Iothera friend. v : The ; Kind You "Have Always Bought - S3 Sears the In Use For Over 30 Years. Twr errTo" f8r, r t GRASS Our stock ot Grass Seed for fall sowing is complete, and we invite all seed users to call and examine same before purchas ing, as we feel sure that the quality, as well as the prices, can't be beat. SAVAGE & REID, Seedmen 322, and 324 Commercial Street, North o' ? 0. Twlce-a-Week X II lwLJLl VlabJVllllll pCI JTCoal TWICE-AWEEK STATESMAN, OUR PRICE BOTH PAPERS1 . $1.50 PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, per year. TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per BOTH PAPERS CHICAGO INTER-OCEAN, per TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS t HOARDS DAIRYMAN,4 per year. TWIGS-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL, TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS NEW YORK TRIBUNE, per year: TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS T THRICE-A'-WEEK NEW YORK TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS McCALL'S MAGAZINE (Incladinjc TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH. PAPERS -U-i The Pacific Homestead c ' I SALEM, OREGON , , , ' 5 r - ' . - . ,- ''. The Leaditig Farm Taper of the Pacific North- w;est. 20-page illustrated - weekly, 1 per year. We want good agents and solicitors, and to such will pay a liberal commission. Write for term Advertisers should patronize the Homestead.-. CIRCULATION, 5,000 WEEKLY - Special rates o1 long time contracts. Clubbing rate with the Twice-a-Week Statesman if paid(in advance, or within six months after giving the order. 1 Address; . I . L PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, Office in Statesman Building. SALEM, OR. FINE 266 Commercial Street, SALEM, ; - Will exchange BELG for imiitw or For a short time. Address or call on F. A. WELCH, No. 391 Commercial St., Salem, or 1 Statesman Building. . and Children. Signature of noiv ttiirrt, Rf roM err. THE 1 Statesman ...St.sc per year,... ...$i.oo year. ,. ..$1.00 .....,.,.$1.00 $10 year per year. .. . .$1.00 .. ...Si.oo $1.S5 per year. . ..$1-00 ..,.$r.oo :- l76 , per year ,........$ .50 per year.... .?i.ot -$15 per year.... .........Si.oo . ...... ..i.oo 1.25 WORLD, per year... per year ...,$1.00 ,,;.$i.oo -$1.G5 a free pattern to each subscriber).. Jl.oo per year $1.00 - W -.$00 PRINXI1NG SEED .STATESMAN JOB OFFICE OREGON. urn. t HARES NT. THE CU..D SCIiCGL REPORT OrTBOCKLE AT THAT STATE ' " lJiSTITCTIOJT. '.' Effort to B Am to StUo tha HUudtr taadlag- mm Aaaleabl . . Wy. ? (From Pally Statesman. 'Nor; 23.1. IJrardiug herejroii Stare Sthaol for 1h Blind, tie Portland Telegram of LiSiterenlc hai the follow ins tele ?ram from Salt m, undt-r date of jev -The S4ate St-hool fur the Blind i Salu to lAHonie a-aubject of inTesti utlon, and th time of the State Roan! of KdmrUia -will tv- taken im thhs aftemou hearlus sonx tieusarioa- ch.irjia against the roanasrenjent. A fislit ou Superiutudtut Carter M lsoinj; made by 4 )i! Colby. Mn.'- lH'uU'iK-e. axrd lr fa-ther wa tn Faltm yt-iertlay with tho aTowed diMerinina- ihxt to make tliliis- warm for iiiin. . Miw Colby I? a youmr womaii of alxHit 24 wr-'tS year or aae. i-he w a iHipii of the t hoJ and wa.? expelled but now claiui! iu a nwornf latent at tbattheite wa.- no eaux ftr lir expul sion and ' chat Knperlutnletr Cat ter is incoiupettnt o xmtrol pnpKs or to command tlKir renw. Slw ?ko chareea that proper fotid 4 not served to the pniik; llutt tlMTe a c-onstaut Hystem of Jealoua .plotiaKe givitij; on in au endeavor by tlie-KUivclutemWn't fo acertain who of the pupil- are saainlius in' winh him and who ato net. and that i1itt whose fealty i kHlti are unfairly 'treated.' - ;eorie Huxan asesr of I'nwt'Illa comsty. who hiis a little daughter in the school. ha btc-u Jtet-e a day or two kik.lnr into matUTs and is mm-h lu sa tfylKul. Jiavins btartl o nmch slure 4ie 4'jme Jiere. a to -iiiake hbt -onii-leus and he will watch the prot ced ing Ix-fore Use Iward with anxiety. "There lia Ih.h a notl ' deal of trouble at this institution the pat few vears, whereitt teacher. - pupil and superintendent were arrayed against ach talKT.-bivt itiperiutendnt ( '.i n er -liaiit -TSiten aide no far to make tlw most ratif fa-tty howiujr to the lxvtnl. and they hate sustained him. Mr. Colby and his dansrlitpr Itave 'filoo! In 'their ye antl ill make a strenuous enort to (Uscra Wt him this lime." Mr. Colby and ltb daujrhtcr were at he Capitol yest-rtlay, to i-the State Board of 'Education, and s,.ent an hour with tJov. T. T. Oeer. The otlH-rtwo nwmlxiH w?. ' ahw-aar. however. Mr. IHTt:b.tr bKnsr Kl. niwl lrof. Ackerman om of the city anl. t.hercfoiv, no board frcetilitf wa? 1hM. '-If I to 1k honnl the nt!:e trouble la .'thv result of a wrisuuiVrstandlnjr. and that it will ivr amicably adjn&tcd in vhe war future. RICH MEN IN THE U. S. SENATE. New York World: Of the 24 very rh-h lueu In the United States Seuate tlMTe. are only - live of whose terms expire next Mrrch Wet more of iChode Island. Se well of New .lerV E1k:ns of Went Vircinia, McMillan of Michigan and Wolfort of Colorado. All of these exeejit Woleott expect to returu yet of the five Woh-ott 1 the only one who measure up fully to a reasonable Ideal of what a Unit. el State Senator houhl 4h. There are five rich men in the Sen ate from the New Emjland state Hale. lroetor, Iol?e, Wetmore and A.hlrich. Tlrree are men of stu4t ikr oual qualification that no one. ever think of tfhem a mere rich m-ii Hal IM-tor ani Ixslare. New , York ha two riJlf-nett to represent it both of alriHty. but only one, Dhw. with I1m tpKilineam whk-h "in other cir-f-nmstanice ;woi'.d make a fit 1 rue representative.' New Jersey Im two millionaire. Sewcll and Kean. the latter regarded a the richest man iu the Senate. Neither represent 11k people. (In West VirginJa tliere are Klkliw and Seott. lotb millionaire and lwrtli reiresutative of the newly acquirel iower of privilege it) the last state of middle AthitUic jrrouo. In the Middle West the' tIcIi Semi tor are Hanna ami Foraker of .Ohio, Fairbanks Ind'au'i' nmltimilllonaire; the- very rich McMiHan of Michigan, the rich SiKKra"r and the rich Quurle of WI-onsin. Of thc six. three are of a tyje renwrte from the true sena torial stamhinl -Hanna. McMillan ami Fairbanks. (Juarlo ami Siooaer are most creditable representative of Wiseonsin pwi. Clark of Wyominjr i a fair Senator a well a a rich man, and Woleott of Colorado would Xta. a credit to any state. Jom and Stewart of Nevada are of the offensive tyie, . like Ahrrleii. Ferkin ami Bart '- of California am both very rich, and the latter , i Senator solely because of hl.r!che. Jke Fairbanks ami Scott and McMillan and Wetmore. The sanie i to a certain extent true1" of Addison Foster of Washington. All of these men are Republican iu fact as well a in name except J one of Nevada. w1k i three-fourth Re publican one-fmtrth Fopulist ;and four-fonrtb Jones. J The alence of Democrat from the list i noc altogether to tle credit of tho Dfmocrathr party. It ha only one Senator from the nortli, ffora whic4i comei all tlw rich Senator Rawlins of Utah. It came very near having another copper klmr Clark of Montana, who.' had he retained hi purchased sent, wouM luive lieen held tip. and justly, a the extreme exam pi of senatorial defeneration. To sum up: Of the rS Senator from tin North (Delaware. Pennsylvania, Montana awl Utah bare- only one caclu. 20 are men worth front half a million doUar to nlotit ir.0KM. Mormon isnop rill bllity OU,TwitChl FOR SALE BY P. G. HAAS. Tht rreat remedy far wcrrova 4 M-Mnanf Aithov imacs: lmpoteaer, Nirtiiy SJsiMioBS. Yotittful trrwr. U"UU Worry, xrnmif m " X Tobacco cr Opium, whlek tX o CoMumptlon ad Idsmut. Wia ejery aiorder wo tnrate toenrw or rf-jn-1 th monjr. Sou lXKer box. besek (or .ou. uu.3littT uiuucai. ua. . ( FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C:f til i!4. II are ian -wh either would uot Ik? or ought not to 1 Sen ators under a proper nysUun of ;opu lar refiresentathtn.; while lo are ukii who have achieved'.-' or ulsht have aehh't-etl the Sonate without regard to ihelr w.lth. Of thev lrt, six Hik. 1'roetor, llge..SiMier. Quailea ami Woleott are men iu connection with whom tle words ricli men" are practically iMver nsed. , - Noah ark and tlte tin wddler must take their , places anion; toy antl qut:e. T1h doll that 4iy ; vtivi" and mamma" 1st really a vory simple affair Ud the- tmchaukal toy that are already-ltelas shown to ChrUttua puTchasra ia the larjre toy . shop. Doll not only talk, but wait, dance and sung nowaday. '.-They have their house wltb jra -ond 4octrk lisht ar ran.eeirtrtit. elevator ud srate llrt. Their.trunk ar- im kmjrer -lap toy afTaira but real leather with lock and trap ami tray and their toiler article ace of sMver aiw ivory. An ni-to-late doH lut 1kt full allowance of CotuiiW for the treet. the boudoir nad dinuer anl ha a maid a wclL Th" ehiklivn of toilas are' well pro vided for in . th-way-oC wonderful toy. lut fheir tastt are htr?r-ly for musical imtmnent, raphoplione. tyiiewrlter ami other nensible artlc le Toj' automohih's for doll are aioou the novelties. - " WHY MANY HEELS ARE LOST. Machine. peffffin on," Shoe I Not , Conducive to Lonr -W-ar. IJave you nothtsl," a-k! i!m ol- seYvant man. niow often one sw the tortion of alMX h1"! scatterctl about at the elevat-d rojid stations and other places where a. lift m'.stUt easily Ih torn on? I wonder what the reason is? In the ohl day the liel of one shoe Were the part that cluns to the uper nt cos-iy. on news paper fellows are supiosed 4o know everything. Just auswtf Uuit couuu- drnm." The writer couhl uot. but a Hhoodoalor ould. and did. "llie tva ou." said he. I ltoau-e In tlie dav of macliimuuuU- sIhjc the 1mh4 are fasti'iMHl on by machinery, a 1 evtry other iwirt of the shoe. . Soft iron 1 unl for the nail instead of ste'l. a thi I handhnl more easily. When the lift of the. heel have leett fastemnl in plac the nail protrude. T1m shoe are thcu scut., to another machine where-they are shaved off Instead of lieinj; driven home, a In the daya when the woi k wa done by hand. The result 1 that they are in securely fastued. and If one catchc the hHl of hi shoe agninst a stnlr so that there i the least strain on it It jrive way and qnll otT. The moral i to have a set of steel nail driven into tle hetl when you buy a new pair of shoe." Xew York Time. : BIG INCREASE. BERLIN, Nov. Nov. 24.--A hill, suh- mJttl to tlie Relehsrajr.r show the Imptri:ti Budsmt for l!Nl balam-es at 2.24.h47Jltn mtirkj. au incresii-e of 17-t,.K:i.281 tnark4ve.r l!)00. A HEROIC BATTLE. ST. PAUL, f 'Minn.. Nov. 24. The liht of hi twmviidons will againt physical diaA ltt aloue'kept Soiw tor Iiavlsillve for the iwist twenty- four bo-crs. . TO RE A PEER. LOXDOX. Nov. 24 fK-ral Boiler home liewsiiaiKf. tle NwtJi lN-vn lbnild. say lit isr nuderstatid tlK h'iHral will lie anadc a ieer. ami that Ins will assume aflie titie.of Lottl Bn-1 hr of. IuKvsiiirith. .William Dea h Howell, the novelist. will siH'iid the where. It i fa winter in New Orleans, hk-he will lay the acetic for hi next tpry. HAZED BY THE OIRL PUPII. A Boy Pni il of tlie Tully Union Si luol Bouiul a mi lajrgel ami Carried Into the- Wood. Binghamtoni N. Y., Nov. 10. Arfhnr Jom-. a j'ounig man of Truxtoti, wa .ilsliK-tc-d and- hazed bv a tiartv of indignant gfrl iHipilx from tlie Tully lu.on SvhooL Si'Vi-ral MHTft sot exist among the pupils of the Instlt tion. atnl mur-)i rivalry ha leen devel-1 ojkm lwtwiM'nj tlK ly and girl. It wa rtiarg"tl ihat Jne had iiossesseil himself of certain sign ami secret In-, formation of oue of the girl noeioticH, ami they dtorjninod to pet even. Tbey sucoteded In waylaying, gagging and binding him In the most apirroved fashion. He jwa then carrletl to a pateb of wooils, ami after an initia tion that wa more InterV'stlng than agreeable wa left to free himself and return Imme a lHt he could. It i sakl th.1t tlM average college hazing was mild connm-d with the unique reception nrranged ; by the nngerwl school girl. THE "VERDICT SUSPENDS. Said o Hav Cost O.TI. P. Belmont AlHMtt ftO.ni if i In Two Year. The Verdict. O. II. P. Belmont Illustrated iwiitieal weekly. 1 to cease puldh-atlon wltJi tlie- enrremf Issue. 1'mler the guidance of Alfred Henry Lew.; Mr. Belmont ha ptiblishctl hi free silver, anti-Supreme Court- eriod Ual for Just about two year. Ac cording to Mr. Lewi the circulation got to lie a high a to lO.Oim. In 1iite of 7 that the average fcde fictt did not go liehiw 2-V a wwk. Mr. IMmont" lo I etImatHl to lo alKtut f:a(nii.-N. Y. Sun. JOHN'S REJOINDER. " J A scotch ditlne took one of hi par ishioner to tak for hi non-attend- lnao.a, wminm -m. vrttocrii - DRUGGIST, SALEM. OR. protrWo m.aa .U ;uei m m ecer nine at kirk: ti.' m.m mi.l: "1 ' like lausj sermons.. The p.iri.s; v : ' swuie warmth.. rpll'-tl: "Jfiia. ye il . '. ami jr to a jhice where ye ll not h:ne tlie privliesre or n.-.-irai ins -i '. m-mum. -There may lc.V stiid -loun. hut if wituia ! for :' lack f iarsoi w'.. Painted or vanished floor, may li kept lu good -condition by wiping with a demrn cloth and then rulbin; with a dry wtHhi cloth. ,Thlof cawrse. 1 for floor ui.1t no not, xei . M-kMwl. Kitchen or pantry tio.r tijry lie ;.wahOfl with skim . milk r If - v.-ry dlrtv. with 5kip and water. A. acnib- bing lruh should never lav used on a tatuted or varntslieil tloor. iHt-eih- ler lilies' Home Joumau , The liet cut ftr. a woman wlu Kir 4 think she lta a mission I to lier a pUjc dojf., . WHEN WRIinX -T our artver-States- Users, you saw it in the man. r '.'-.". ' , WHEN WRITING To our adver- tlscra, say you-aw -it In the states man. - ,.'-. NEW TO-DAY. FOUNH, A JERSEY STACr-Owa r -all at W. I. Whet !cr'. 4 WTu ast of Ssilvm, ;ou p'tii Miliary tostd'and pav for, keepinjj and thl tiotUv. t ltnuvit (1) w. IF YOU ARB figuring ou a fence Cft our price Woven AViiTcTr cinr, PkkcU and Poultry Ncttinj. llet quality biu glea Vt low price, Walter Morley" ainiiuiuuuiniii'j Salem Fence Works, 59 State Street C GtE WO, Great Chinese Doctor; Ilaa : removed hi ottlceto 1.12iThrd, St. Portland. th-v" N o Wj I y o u r cli:mr to gvt ctinAl at biuall coit. This great doctor make; siM-ial prit?s . ' for' thirty days aud 11 IT A 11 A N T EliS 40 ctwv the followi w&$tm C tarrli, A t hma jjt-ml I.uug ''. TrouHle.,...t. . . . , . , -flO. to.?IO All Nervous' I Mseaset.-.. . . 3 U Neuralgia and Kheumalbmi. 1 to 1 '".V All Stomach and IJver IU eases. . . ... . .. Kidney aud ladder Troub les.... ... All Mca: Troubles. .... All Female Troubles., .1 to - i - n to 2 to 2 to no 4 ,0 Piles :u.l Skiu lls.fibeti. . . . 5 to 4" Bhod I'oison... ... ... ... n to ;;i-'i All otlur disease uot iiieuUonc11 up, Cwll and wv hliu. Consultation ffiH..' Patient out of rt lie city write' for blank- and circular." - Kik-Iok-s' stiimp, Add res T1k Wo Ch!ne Mtiltclue Co., i'orthrud, trregon. ."f j ..EVERY TEACHER I OUOUT TO SUPPORT - HIS 0V?i HOME SCHOOL JOUlfNAL. 1 THEOREGOMTtAGHERS'MOHTHLY . ,.. - . - ,i ;:a ' ' I the only- iHlucatlonal Journal of general circulation published In (Ore gon.8 It h progivsslve' and up-to-dute. l'riee one dollar a year. j ! SOME EIW MIES With ; he Oregon Teacher Monthly West-m Tea-her ' (new). . . Western Teacher (renewal) l rut i s i ri i ri 1 2T, 1 1 W i rti i ri i r Normal lulrtictor.. Tesichers World T. till t r .u"tu.J T1'' Teacher Institute. ..... .r ist tu t,r Time....,.......;....,: ill!! 1 1'aelfle tlomcslcad ........ . . . TwleeKVWeek Statesman..... M'eekly Oregonlan . ...... The Paci fk Mont lily. ..... , Oregon Native Son.;......, i... Any one of tiioe journal will be sent with thf. sOregon Teaciicr-f' Monthly one year for the price N't oj posite tin? name. Addre, I " Tte Oregon TeacfiErsV Wcnthly, : : ; SALEM", OREdON. J TAKE IT TODA Y Iou't put off taking tin Keeley treat ment take , M, today. It 1 he only, cure for alcoholism and drug addic tion. Send for printed matter that tell all about it.' ':.- . ; j..,. Tte Keeley lstltate, Portland, Or, Money to Loan ; On lmprovftd farm and ity property' at lowtat current rates. -; . , T. k. FORD, V Orar Ldd BuaVa bank... BY MUTUAL A G RE EM ENT Tl te firm of Kirk & Llstou 1 thl day dis solved. W. A. Llston retiring and I. M. Kirk continuing ther business at the old stand, and collecting nil .ac count. L, M. KIRK. -W. A. LISTONV; Salem. Or. Oct. 31, 1UOO. ll!2Zlv;. : RUSTLING YOUNO MAN-Can maka ijQ per month and expenses. Per manent position. Experience unnec essry. Write quick for particular. Clark & Co., 4th Sc Locust streets, Phlladephla Ta- fi:4-Cm.-dw, ' PERSONAL MYSTERIES OF THE UNKNOWN, revealefl by the grat Indian mell tira and prophetes-of'tlM age, lora with double veil ami second lrht revealed erery hidden mystery n-ver 'known to fall. Know your' fate nt once when all other Tall. Conduit the let. Ileal by the ues of -ficr: 7ltevealcd Herbal tea. Cure chrnnife and ao-called uncnrable dlseasccr. Fre treatment f.ir the iioor. Con altathm free. - 132 Third t re. t, near Alder, Portland, Oregon. . --,. , . i h r - ,''"' - .. A- - " ' s -,