WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, FRIDAY, SOW It). CfdbGSeecIo , A complete stock of gram And clover wwk at the kmet possible prices for first, chiss seeds. : Giro, us a .call be fore i-uying.,.., ,-;, v CSIWSTEa r.lTf, Tbe feed Met , No. 01 Court St Ealem.1 'Phone 1781 DEALERS' IN GRAIN. WHEAT! BOUGHT or rxnangtd -for' flour and feed at branch of5ce of Aurora Roller Mill, warehouse pii Trade street, near Highl Salem, Oregon; 4 W. S. HUK8T & CO. A urura, Oregon., ! Wholesale dealers In .Wu'eaC Oati, ..Hops, Potatoes, Onions and Ouloa Sets, etc. Salem Agency at offlce Aurora Holler Mills, on Trade street, near High. - ',.,' TINNING AND PLUIBING. T. S. BURROUGHS TINNINO AND PLUMBlNfJ J -. .. . . . Ga and Steam fating. ? Manufaci nrer c Hop an Fruk ripe, , 103 State Su TeL'131. Salem, Or. PHYSICIANS. J. F. COOK, M. D. BOTANICAL DOCTOR Cures Consumption,' Cancer, Tumors, Grave' and Kidney Troubles, Asthma, Skin and Bone Diseases, without knife, . plasters, post sorts or pain. Also Blind ness. Salem, Oregon. LIVERY STAB EES. FAVORITE STABLES H Sttft 8t Salem.; Telephone 701 Livery Feed and Board lac lle; boarded by day." week or month nt'iresmoiiftbh prlt-ea. The ac commodations are good and the rijars are firsts class In ' every -respect. " A specialty made'of riff for 'commercial men. RADABACGII & FRANCIS. Proprietor. - ; ; ' -"'. rl. R. PAGE ; 1 ! W. A. STEPHENS . PAGE STEPHENS i Horses wH led, good accommoda tions. - Fine Rigs. . Good Rigs tot commercial ; men a Specialty. - lllorses boarded by daj... week, or month, -' - Red front llvsry; f eea.onrf Bocrdina some 164 Commercial St., 'Tel. 851 Salem RESTAURANTS. Y are' tuost .cordially fnTited to -nll at "the' " . ' . " Elmo Bestaurant 244 Commercial street. .Salem. Orejron. and iry 'our e MI-VLS.- No better can ; in Jitid to the city.; '. ' r, D. J.' LI U I ITN Eli, Proprietor. The Wonder ; Restaurant . MEALS jo CENTS -r'X t!Mn day'JhiCI nights 'Vfien n the city we solicit your patronage. V,, , I'OinVAUU Si. HYDE, IVmp. :- iJ." Oiimhierclal Street,-4aleui. TRY HELLENBRfiXD'S . RESTftUHftHT 2 13 Comnteitrlal Street, Salem. : - OoU Squirs Mealafor aoc Thirty-two jer In business In this city and ftave fed more people than there are In Oregon :, all were- well pleawd. MeaN at .all houra. ;: c. w. iiEMjNnnAND. Kilt FENCe POST; coated with ..Carbplfnetim :Aveharius.. Will eat wear bedar It Is also a Radical Remedy AKalast Chicken Lice. . lta atpdcatKu t tbe UismIc walls of pvul - try housf wl!l prTninrntly x titirt!r.tt ill IAC.K. Writ for circular prices mud inen , . , tlnn this ppr. , . R. IL WADR CO., A rents, '' , SAL.EM. OHKOOX. WILKES STALLIOS, "JEROME" V. - ; NO 2963 i AYIll stand for Marea the comlnj; aea wu at mifr of Ferry and liberty treeia, For Pedigree and particulars, call on " t " " . Dr W. Lorig Ventrfuary Sursreon: Balein. Or. BICYCLE REPAIRING. I iint. thrown away you delapiJatci irnibrelia.. .j , 6. A.. Roberts Can mViMl.lt Cor you asgoud as new. Take It to Id in " . ' IO!i, STATE STREET HiryrK UHairlnff a Specially. NLVKTlKiiVKi; : SUIOCKS IN J A s ., , ... , ,:...l,A'S'i,'i-.-';.,,--; . The crust nC.ibeaih under Jaiwtu n-Pf i le -i:uparatively thln. JudKin? by tho. numlT of eartlniuake 1wK-ks lu that i-ountry. They average MO a -year.'.:-, ivy'v. WHY HE WENT. ; -Had yAir Vacjitioii yet, timhy?, -Nop. Cxhis lu NovemlHT. ' "Hut Xort-niU'r I usually one, pf 11K titTrtrtwiTtt imnrtlr ; " ..yt-iny wife's another always vlsftH -berl LT-tNo nilk.-Clevehiud lMaiy-Iect-, c ri it XI --s, 5 .4 i - A jf IVlUOAN APPIJ3. T1IEE.; ; v Anfapi'lel irt S' tuJ the orchard of Mount Ilalur..JMrt It- laud rohut rsiich... has blossomed thrd. tout. smi' winter. ,- ; ; T7 "' The sm dl bo.v can ncrer reconcile the, prinrYpkVttC"?-. lH;tlartlon of tmh pfiuh iH, wfth r lte reslrletloiia i a i. , Twlce-a-WcvU Statebiuau, ft a year. .... . I , -: :xym) lUj.nl IM for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa ture of Clas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision lor over SO ; years. - Allow no one " to deceive yon In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-grood " are but Experiments, and endanger the - health of Children Experience against Experiment. ' The Kind Tou Have Always Bought SI Bears the In Use For Over 3 O Years. Twc eewrnuw cowa. V. tt wtfMar nrer, rw t,w.- - GRAS !S Our stock of Grass Seed for fall eOiWiug is. complete, and we invite all seed users to call and examine same before purchas ing, as we feel I sure that tho quality, as well as the jvrices, can't bo beat. SAVAGE & REID, Seedmen 322 and 324 Commercial Street, North o P p, Q IB iJJB Bl IN O or Tiyice-a-Week WEEKLY OREGONIAN, per year........ ........ ..Si.5c TWIUE-A-WIitK STATESMAN, OUR PRICE, l BOTH PAPERS ... $1.50 PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, per year.......... ... :...T..f.U...C'..$l.0Q TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, per BOTH PAPERS CHICAGO INTER OCEAN, per TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, 15UJ.1I 1'AriitvS . HOARDS DAIRYMAN, per year......... .... ...... .............. iSl.oO TWICS-A-WEEK , STATESMAN, v BOTH PAPERS OREGON POULTRY JOURNAL, TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS NEW YORK TRIBUNE, per rear TvVICE-A-WEEK , STATESMAN, r. , BOTH PAPERS --i 11.25 TliiRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK WORLD.' per year... ..... ........ $1.00 TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN. BOTH PAPERS McCALL'S MAGAZINE Oncludine TWICE-A-WEEK STATESMAN, BOTH PAPERS- The Pacific Homestead i SALEM, OREGON ' The Leading Farm Paper of the Pacific North- 1 . west 20-page illustrated weekly, $1 per year, j We want good agents anI solicitors, and to sucir , will pay a liberal commission, f Write for terrn V Advertisers should patronize the Homestead-. .... CIRCULATION, 5,000 WEEKLY Social rates on long time contracts. Clubbing rats with the Twicc-a-Week Statesman, if paid in advance, or within six months after giving the order. Address: j ' PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, Office in Statesman Building. - SALEM, OR. pine jo: 2f Commtrctal Street, ..' SALEM, . . ; DECORATING THE ARM. P-rocetct and every d'vict?. for thrco raring the ana are again seen.' tin? heavy liuigk leiu itlrst in iwpuhsr favor. The flat ba.n I f ' velvet ' U worn around the arm sind is triiaiuctl with mock j.'wcls and other decora tion. Thest? velvet bands are le-otu-... .1 irHt ' tuiit ' oimi' in style. nukklv become favorite articles or t.iif Trill! v anil !1SSS. ltl MX' utrm ,n, ....... cudrc4tere.l with pearls, ami nsain the- am found a vciiiabk? aruKM-a! lM,ud. coVil with steel i-.nn..v.- J!s. oreruiPi'iug ath other, cover t Iter ..bawl. Agaj? g iVeret nd :!ceh led in. wild pion. hUvmI and oreihipng each other Ik -vuihI nil iowits of yrparatloa. Ju-t dainty llttlv trille ate lUwtN but miKlx Signature of . SEED .. THK Statesman per year... ...Jl.OO year .........$f.oo $1.60 year. ..... ... ... ...$i.oo per year ..$i.oo -L. 51.oO per year..... ...?i.oo .-..11.75 per year...... .50 per year.... .Sxxt .1.25 ...... .ff.oo per year..,. ...$i.oc peT year . ,...$i.oo :-i ,Ul.65 a free pattern to each subscriber).. Sl.oo per year.... .?I.O0 -$1.30 3 PRINTING STATESMAN JOB OFFICE . - - - OREGON . of 'the success of dress deiH'udss moa thciu. Dr. Temple, archbishop of uter btiry.. 1 an unwaril 'WTorkcr In tin? cau!e of tenijieram-e and Is imu li 1in aplKiiiUetl that, in spite of all his ef fort s, pa rlia imn t ref nses to do a ny tWng toward restricting the. drink' traffic. The arclbibop has prepared time bills on tbe subject ami tlMy wUl be presented at the comiug session. ,, Mr. Ii!eevkcr-Oh. yes; liaxier lost all his money lut nt hK friends. ; - , Miss-Chaiubeiv How was that? ' Mr. P-kxvker Wvil. lie had thf god sense to die at the tame time. Jud;e. i WHEN WRITING' To om- adver 1 ttTS, ay you saw' ft in the States .man, , . .. w -aia.lajl3a THE FOUEST RESERVE WOBK EKE BT THE THBCK DITI5I03 v SCPEBVlSOKS. r- , T. H, B. Dot ar, of tba Rerthm DUtrlct Had Ardaod Sam mar" Work . MIIm Traveled. Supt. S. I?. Onusby, of the Cascade Forest KeiterTe yesterday pave out a tabulated statement of the work done by the supervisors f the three divis ions of the ? Reserre, during tbe ist ecaaon, beglnnimr on June 13th, when tbey were ordered to begin xprations oft tho Ileser-e. and.endins with Not vmbcT 10th. the .close of the season. The statement shows .auite a differ ence in the poniber of miles traveled by eath with which phase of the worE U; deals exclusively. The following statistics are taken from the state ment:- ' ' .-; ' : " ' ' ' Suptrvkwr ,Nat Lanjcell, of the SoiK hern Division, travelled, by team and' wagon. 11U miles; with saddle and p;ick horse, a total of 45 miles. tpervisor Enos Dixon, of the Uen tral Division, traveled by team and wajjou 005; with saddle and pack horw, 145; total 2151 nil It. t ;. Supervisor W, II. II. Dufur, of the Northern Division, traveled by team 40: saddle and pack horse, 1072; total. 2012. . : ; ' The statement shows that Supervis or Dixon traveled nearly over bis en tire territory by team, tUls being made possible by the act that all of the rangera under bis charge were stationed on the three -wagon roads crossing tho Reserve,, while, the two others, especially Mr. Dufur, were compelled to use traHs- ahuost exclus ively In their official visits to the for est rangers stations, r 'Mr. Laiigell had charge of , twelve rangers in his division; Mr. IMxon hud fourteen men, and Mr. Dufur had twenty-four men, thi fact also ac counting to some extent for the dif ference in the lii'lleage. A comparison of the work of tbe several superi.ors, as shown by t.ap tain Ormsby's statement would indi cate that. Mr. Dnfur. of the Northern Division, had by far tlie most diffi cult work, as he had, within, two, as many. rangers on Ids division as were empkiyed on the other two, and they were so stationed that In visiting them lcriodk,ally saddle and pack horses had to be utilized almost exclusively. the roughest of mountain trials only leiug available; the other two suner vlsors however, made a gootl portion of their trips, comfortably seated jn buggy, this being esjieciajly the case on the Central Division. Mr. Dufur is tlierefore entitled to great credit for the work done on Ms division. BLANKETS AND OVERCOATS. The blanket jtnd overcoat sales are still on at our store, and the way our trade is carrying them on. Is highly satisfactory. This morning we bring from the Mill 50 pairs of white blan kets. We hare made' a reduction of $1 a pair on one line, and 2 a pair on another line, which puts thein at a popular price,, and they are our iarg est and best white blankets. Salem Woolen Mill Store. POTTERS CLAY. An Inquiry ha reached tlie Chamber of Commerce of this city, regarding a location for a fatcory for the manufacture of earth enware and porcelain. . The inquiry comes from a firm that lias had a good deal of . experience in tlie - work n ud proposes to erect a large plant In Ore gon !n the near future, providing good jiotters clay can le found in sufficient quantities to justify its establishment. The officials of , the Chamlier of Com merce aro very auxions to find out If clay suitable for this' purpose can be found in the Vicinity of Salem, and any information about where a. bed 4 of It Is located will be lltankfuliy receiv ed by them. This would be a Valu able factory for Oregon and it is quite possible that it Will be -able, to secure tins. one. . , TKBEE NEW COMPANIES OBCAMZED. State Iw-intrtment Filed Articles One Coniiauy to Handle a farge Estate ?n Portiand. (From iMUy Statesnmn. Nov. 22). ; In the tmte Iepartnient. yestertbiy, three new "orporat ions filed articles, as follows: The Maclcay Estate Company will manage-the" property a tnl interests of tlie estat of the late Ionald Maeleay, a lxl to do a general business In .all kinds of jirierty. The conpany .will have Its priucial office in I'ortlaml. ami will oierate with a capital of $.jOO,W!0, divided Into scares valued at $10O each. II. I Macleay, Sander son Keel and Wm MacM aster are the lmnrjiomtors. Tbe Parifie Timler Company will engage la-general contracthig, erect buildings, deal in timlter lands. oisrate railroals arid otlier, transportatiou Mncw, ami do a general merchandise and development Imsiness. The prin cipal office wWl le locateI in Portland. The capital stock! -Is -fixed, at dlvidel Into shares valued at ( S10O each. X C. Fhimlers, S. 11. Llnthlcnm and A- E. tiabbardt are the incorpora tors of record. The Willamette Manufacturing Company wHl engage In the mannfac ttrre of wooden handle, wagon Hjwkes srxl other manufactores, of wood: fish ing rod add rod cases, and secure patent rigid for various articles. TTie priii Ijl office will Ix? at Oregron City-- WILL EXCHANGE 8ELG CYS -.'or mm For a short time; "Address or call on F. A. WELCH, No. 391 Commercial StM Salem, or Statesman Building. TIm tompany-1iar a cnpltnPef $1', iHvided Into shares, valued at f 100 each. OtHMre F. Ilorton. J. M.IIttk arrf IL UK Wilson and A. W, Howard are the stockholders f sthe new cor poration. ' . - '- f -CANV.VSS THE CITY'.-rThe SaKm District Sunday School Convention, re cently hekl. ajioLntel as a committee oa city. canTass. the superintendents f the-' several 8mulay. spools. - and these met at the residence of C. J. Atwood last evening to dtscoss plans for tbe work. It was decided to make a- systematfc canvass of the cKy on Wednesday.' December 5th, when the canvassers will secure a complete census of the i-Ityp imputation togeth er, witli the chmx-h relationship, names cf members of families, church pre ference, Sunday school mctnberslUp, etc. The city will be ub-divided Into districts, and the? entire work will be done in one day. ; . . - A SUCCESSFUL OPERATION Mrs. M. K. Drooks, who was oporatl nixn by Drs. Alice lrettyman and Wi tl. Byrd a Tew diiys ago. Is reported an much Unproved aud will soon be abla to to out. although still very weak. This Is the third oeration Mrs. Crooks has undergone in tins past few years, and It Is hoped it may.be the last onei she will tx required to suffer. ' BnoUirr BACIv. Willie Martin, the 17 year-old boy who escaped from the Iteforfii School three day ago, was captured in Portland yesterday by the police who gave notice to tlie authorities here. Superintendent II. E. Bickers went down yesterday af ternoon ami retnnieil on the overlaud last night with Hm iwy in charge. A SAILOR ASHORE. Frank Smith, second, mate of the ship Abbie Palmer, of Seart1yi8 In Salem on a visit to his cousin, Sheriff V. W. Durbin. Mr. Smith's vessels trades", between the Pacific coast and Australia, He stated yesterday That he was now further inland than he had been in many years. -: ' FOR TWO BITS. Eastern or Olym pla oysters, frjetl. only 2T cent a phitw at Strong's: and no extra charge for coffee, tea or milk. IN NEIGHBORING TOWNS. STAYTON HAS , COLD WEATH ER AND SNOW. Personal New s Nt;s from That Place and ' Anmsville Ik. IxHturo on Amcrkau ManlKKKL STAYTON, (Or.), Nov. 21. This Is the coldest morning experlcucel for many years at this snsou of the year. Tlie thermometer registers 15 degrees above zero. Nearly twoJ inches of snow fell here Monday aftc ruoon. tbe first snow of the season. I al tlie people t being earlier than usu wero wholly uuprepared for it. J J. P. parse ami AVm. If . - Qucener made a ,'bushtess trip to the Capital City on Monday, returning Tuesday. ' Ixuis Siegmund. of Fern liidge, was a Stayton visitor Tuesday. He reiwlts snow 5 inches deep in that vicinity. J. W." Lehman. a practicing dentist, arrived in this city Monday, and will assist Dr. Welch in this office Work. John Nixon and Warren Richardson floated in about twenty-five cords' of fine maple chair-timber tho first of the -week. j ' Jeff Thari came in from his stock ranch on the Alsea yesterday, looking hale and hearty. , E. C. Baker and wife went to Lyons Saturdjtjv for an over'-Suuday ' visit with -their son Ray. Elmer Watsou, of Ooldendale, Wash ington, is a irnest. at the hoiiio of his cousin, Mrs.Joseph Flxlier'of this city. Miss Christina Mct!row, and frieuil. of McCoy. sjK'iit Sunday lu this city tho guest of relatives. AT ATJMSVILLE. l.lumsvll'ie, (Or. Nov. 21. S. W. Head, on employe at the asylum farm, visit ed his "parents near her a few days ago. Harry Porter. Myrtle Van Nuys and otlMTs. of A1e, attended the lecture here last Frhlay evening. Tlie eulv ject "American Manhood," was ably handled by the speaker, Trof. John Ooooe. . , Geo. Isham. of llanisburg, " h;as ?tarteI a shoe ahop here. Jeorge was ornH-rly a resident! of this place ami has many friends here to welcome him back. Ed. Prnnk. of Turner, will move on to the Latotmil place Just west of town. Mr. Snyder, who has been liv ing tliere for the )ast two years, ha v ing rental Mrs. Morris fam between Timet aud Marlon. Miss Clara Kirkpatrlck has returned to Monmouth . to, school from where sue was recently called on account of tl lcknes of Imt brotlier who died several lay-asro. Mrs. Little, of Kansas City, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Chapel of this pLiee for several mouths, ex pects to leave for-home in a few days. THIBET 'STILL A MYSTERY, - For tlie completion of the map of tlie Asiatic continent the researches of tlie ninetteuth century hare eshtbgh. sl new and exa-t base, yet there are still smaller and larger regions which am entirely unknown, says a London wrrespondent. 3Inch remains, to lie done In TbUs-t hsiite- the successes of Iitftxiau. Einrlish and Fretieh trav elers and Indian surveyors.: This . Is partleuiarly the case of tlie laiwl north of the route of Naln Sinah i JS74-lK7."i. "POULTRY.- sonlh ef tlie Kwctilun and - weM f the route of tlie Journey ofjje 11! ? in lv;a North of.tln I?Pr-nIui - a, i of the route of - Irchewal-Ri m' I HcdiU. stretching to the Tartiu, an; extensive unknown diserfcv The east ern half of the Himalaya Is known only in Incomplete outlines. The Wh cst peaks of the earth in this reg" have l-n nHasured by trigMiomctry froni the flats of the Gauges river, but their lwses or their tops- have not been tea cbed. 4 61EGE. If I sJHUikl conte knocking. ku'klng . At the TkHMP of your little hesirt Too In oft hMte would le hickiug The portal that ke?t us apart; And: then you would sit at some wla- v kw, on high, , , , Would smile, from your turret a ud even defy! , But ne love omy, aid would be flocking. . Wotdd besH-ge you on every side; . Aud soon would ytrttr turret le nnk. lug. . i And oon would ie irtal swing Wide: And the loves, my true llegmcn. will ' hasten to bring .. -"rite royal sweet captive dowu to their king. ' ' . ' . i So, instead of uch sndllng aud tno k iug. There might even-be sighs oo, your part, ' " - As on mine if I should come knock ing . hl . , At the door of your little henrtr Why uot'ft truce? Oh. why not, tljeu yld.- - - ., i Ami ieac. with a klsV at the door- wav be seaUM? . Edhlt MX Thomas. A PROMISING CH-rLD. "What's the matter with our cher ished Infantr' InqulnMl Mr. - lllyklus. as a scries of , ptolougi.'d yells reached hi eaif?. ' . "Why, Ik-t's lost his temper, and tie s standing In led dntching the foot Tail of tlie brass ledstead with both hands and shoutiug at -tlie top of his voice." "Ixt him alone. 'Tle'll. 1h a great political orator, one of these days.;! He. thinks iieV on' the war plalform of a train." Washington Star. ! , LIGHT. "Yon first iaw the light on June 15? The Boston girl frowned Impatient ly. ' -. " ' !.' - "You misuuderstoVsI me! site ; ex claluied. "I first saw tlie light oil Juue Mi. I was -born June but I was not fitted with glasses until U0 next day. ' . . i We could not help but ls struck with her dlgullied candor in'dlscusslug this delicate subject. iM'troit Journal. KNEW WHAT WAS IN THEAL Mrs. Bnyslft Will this corncr'hi IorkaIncrea'!H the price of i usages Mr. Butcher? 1 ! Butcher I don't see why It shoiild, madam. Baltimore 'American." 1 ...- THE CASPIAN EA. The larsest body of water lm the woihl having no outlet in "the oti'rtn I the Casplau sea. It Uhig JHUruoo stiuare miles In extent. 1 CELESTIAL GOOD CLOTHES. I Polly They sa.v 'lie i Clilnese l"ni- press Dowager has 2,(KH fro-ks. ; Dolly !raclous! I supise the selllfh old, tiling has more- thaif " a milliou shirt vatets. Indianapolis Journal... , William Dean Ho wells, the novelist, will spend the., whiter In New Orleans, wiiefe, it 1 MlI, he will lay tlie ceuj for his next story. j By the aid of modern machinery one man can cut 10,000 watch wheel in a day. .' - .. I: China has n coast line of abojit 2,.V) miles. . Dr.Fenner'sKIDNEYI Backache Uure. For all KMiwy, BIiW nl t'rlnrf Troahln. in Rark.liMrt ll-w.0km IiaM. Kht.uirulm. bd Wi-IUiitf. bv Unfailing in Female Weakness. 1 NEW TO-DAY. ' ' ' ' " '"' -1 STOLEN A dark gray mare 7 yifirs okl weight, nlMiut ' .Won. A little plgen toed. Small hair-slip In cen ter of forehead. Anyone knowing wbereaiMHTt re-ort to sheriff or un dersigned. R. D. Teter, Roscdale, Oregon. . ll:20-ytd-ltw G. NOTICE OP, GL'AUDIAX S SALE. Notice 1s jheriy given to all wlioui It nmy concern; " Tliat the uiilersiriud, guardian of tlie Jstsou and estau-s wf Joseph S. Beck and Lroua lieck, miuor heirs of S. Beck, difeasiil, will tunler aud by vlrtiH of an rdT and license of th County Court of 'Marion County. Oregon, made ami entereil of record on tl 17th day of NoveintMf, A. D. BHio, sell at 'public auction it; Gi West dsw of the county erntrt 1ioiim in the city of Saknii. iu Mfli'Iiai coun ty. In tlje State of Oregon, on Satur day the IfMh ihiy iff IeeniisT, I !. at 2 o'clock p. in. of sjild day, to t Ji highest and best ' bidder .' In ; Culti'! State gold coin, to Js iald at th time of iile. all 1ii. rlcht. title and Interest, of the said minors' and eocii of theiu in and to the following de-stTlls-jrl real iiroiKTty and premises, to-wit: . - : Tlie North three qnartTs - of tlie North one-half tlit of Lot No, six m In Bks k No. Thirty-tJiree :.'!i, sltmtte in the City of Salem. . Marion County, Oregou, tofflicr with the tenetiHutj." lierlltaim'4its. sinl jmr tcuances tbewtiuto' bcloiixlng or lu anywis' flpisTtafnlng thereto. ' Tlie Interest of the said miner hi said real proierty lsing tctlier nti nmllrhh-d one-lialf (1,41 interest in fe therein. suJ.lect to .the dower rijcht tliereia of .Margarite Beck, widow of sstsl "ibn-fleiit. The' said Interests of ftlH sahl lirliMTs hi said real preperty will Is sohl as aforesaid aulijrs t to said dower right therein. - . r Dated at Sak-ni, tm-gou, this 2nlt ilay of NoviTiilfer. l!)0O. MAIUJARirr V.VA'K,- f ' Guardian of. the jKrsons ami es tates of said Joseph H. Ih-ek. and Ltvua Bcckjt uiluors. '11-23-51W. j