Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 20, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    .WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, tuesdat. xoyembeb 20, iooo.
co;,:?aiwtive nmzt
lie an asset of the tax payers of the
city. -. - ., .,::., . . . . . ... :
orcitATioxs or citt ctohcils vs-
A ! Krl7 2S.OOO CUr.li
rrtnt OfflebU tfrrof Beeord
. Offered la Kild-me. -
iFroui Daily Statesman. Nov.5 jl7.)
'When, by . Hie ' grace ' of j Republican
h-adcrship ami Republican toI the
citizen of rtaleni. placed; 'a non-partisan
administration in charge of the
affairs of ibis city two years ago. It
was with the avoirctl purpose of re
habilitating ;tbe itlieui unsatisfactory
condition of tuaujcipaliiiuauces. Thin
was the prima ry c tw for the move
ment. and now, jaf ter tlie men , who
were tlieu entrusted tvithl the task of
1 i
rt storing them?, balance jaud guard
ing the public credit, bare reaehed
tlie closing hours of tbejr terins of
office, it Js just and exiKNjUt'iit, from a
business tfliu)-Kiut. that! due' inquiry
he made into their eoudujet of affairn,
in orkr tljat the taxiawr uf sSaleni
may' know whether, or ilot, the, trust
thru linjKiscd has lw-cn -liouestly' and
tuus-essfuliy discharged. j '
There i))Ut one source of Informa
tion on Ihfck-head, and that is the rcc
ad of tbecity; shut It .-Jj pot enough
10 take from these liookx tlie details
f the operations of the present coun
cil, for from such a statement alone,
i In interested citizen coold draw no
parallel by which to prove that the
work of the vfit Iucumleuts .was
any improvement oyer ibat of t their
pi edtHi'Kvor. and kencej a ocruipara
live presentation has lnvn made and
submitted to the 8 tat ex'ian (with re
ouest for publication), as letween the
tot a b left by the administration " r
1)7-18JW and the. Tesfclts obtained
from the administration about J to
ejofe: And in (this behalf, the fol
lowing figures taken directly from the
imhHc re-ords of the city, ore here ap
)M'ndeU ' ' ' I : t ; '.
s WARRANT i indebtedness;,.
For 1M7....,.U...... I... $27,022 33
Vor lHiW. ...... i.'. t . . . 20.777 3!)
Both French and Engllji milliners
make great use of folded velvets in
two colors of two distinct shades of
one color on . their most fashionable
models. ome of ; the hats are de
mure little affairs In two shades of
gray with a soft low crown of- cream
white velvet. The. brim.' of all 'the
new bat are, this season, the object
ive point for the greatest kcorntion.
and folds and draperies of silk or
velvet. ; Lirjre, fluffy ostrich plumes,
huge - vel vet iwpph. ; roses, .orehkls.
etc., are arranged over I lie entire rim
of the Iiat in tlw most :iictrreue
fashion. , Kound bats f plain black
taffeta, somewhat In hroalcncU sailor
sliaiie, are tmked all over iu standing
rowf. liound with velvet or piel with
dor. Velvet in shaile of violet dah
lia, vert IJusse, -victtx roe. Idack ami
arenat Is simihirly iwed. with crowns
of luyine. heavy white silk brocaded
with shaded roM's and 'vl'iA'i or
tliere Is a gaiuilnre of black net with
cream applique figures foruilug a briiu
oeonitMu of folds. kos -and cboux.
Miaues or rich yellow see nin the nas-
nrtiuiit are usii ; f4,r relievlne ; tlie
I'eie effect of some of the;iiamLoine
DUck velvet bats. with a n-eHJion of
the color at the neck and waist of the
smart black tuilu costvines. s ,
Total k, 1807-S.!.......4-...fW.Gt0 72
lvdiiettng from this jtotal
the flty Hall cxiwnsei as
an Item tritu s wmcu
then I council cannot
Justljjr' charged.
- i :- S
Leaves a total warrants
p ne for 1807-8.-of .
For !!).
For r.Ms, ........
0.8O4 13
...3.8!3 ."y
. . HUJK7
. . . . 13,124 77
.$32,111 57
2.3i. ni
Total. isno-innt. ....
iJcductlns from ' this
the' sniall-ox exreu!e of
1K, as an item of exeu4
with whjch this council
cannot Ik; Justly charged. .
. ... ,i i., : t
I-:tves n total! warrant ex-
piuse for 18JB-1!XI df....$2J,Sll 37
Dr a direct faring in current
'sis rise iu favor of the
; preseut admluislratiou. of
IMiSl (t2
;.ll ItKVKN'lTlJX i lllsJCOKIBU'S
For i 7. . ; . .;. . . . . :A ... . fi.738 :w
Total. IS7-!S.
For issct :..
For iml
7.H51 07
.$1UK2 37
r. Jt.lii int
, . 1 1 N 1 3
..$211,721 3!)
Total. "lS!i!M!sm...i3
Kxivss of casb receipt to
credit of present admlnis-.
tratiou $ t;.32!
Wurraiits ont wlipf this
council took hold J of the
ciiv govTimient. tapproxi-
ipalefyt ..iU. 23.W
Warrants out and uicallHl
bv lfs treasurer. up to
Dec 1. l!m..V.;..t -
i jj .
.CHIMIN A I I'tiiST DlLl-55:
vm .
1 tf. l wu .
Tot Is .
tra t rim m
j: z
1 4Vf7 ;v f so to il a CO
iKM tVri 47 20i 1911 20
-4 1
(172 l 77 3:
1W" 7 i 2 raw " f 113 TO 2T0 On 49 M
otnU . .. :S t 311 W 305 Oft SOD 90
lS!7-IN!i.s. tolalvfee! drawn
bv lUeorder aud Marslial.$ 3.5T2
l.t'-l.vtus. tMal line sand for
feitures re turned. i.... .--
iv.7-l!'. m-t coft.
..$3,474 m
To Select Text Books Mmajr KfcoBBtaiU-
' tloDS Received for Mctobera ef
. i t the Board.
OIn-19M, total fti drawn
by, said oflb-ers. ... .. .f ltn
l.SV.H5H. to(al liues;iail for- -i..
fcitures n'turmdJ. "
lSW-liMV uet ost J
Amount wislit ofvpreseiif
- adiiiiferalioii .i... 3,1 io o
' V l'KESENT JVOt NClI-r 4
I-,vase la ; warrant X-l
1 net case in cash receipts. ..: o,oJ r
lntenst charges ssavetl by
reduction from ler ceut. . -to
4 per cent, on v ?
the tlo;iHiig deit. forK-
iHuittbs, b.r tin? issuance of
tlw boiue4oHU bmN...-
iNTiinw in fees r Marshal
and fceeortler in the matter
.of crimlnaVi cost ! bills
tTniwn from tbe Count T;
: - Court . ...
. . . u .
'3.lt3 7
Total of-niowys saved.?.!!- ;I
. rc Iy and indirectly," iu
' tI:o stst two yetirs. .. .i4.21,S3tJ 74
Inclikb'd iu this total is the sum
nf ::.sTr, received from the sale of
the Muck or land to the fniteil States
t.vemmcnt. Tliis Y Treated as a di
nvt cash asset tevuse it was .em
ilvsl iu alNiting the general -arraut
indctiteihiess of this cut : '
OTbis sum of $JXJ. drawn from
; tin- -ouiuy in-aury, was tiirmd into
the city treasury and oiu not cease 10
V :
(From Daily Statesman, Nov. 17.)
A-t tlie time lrawa iwarer when Gov.
T. T. CJexr ill be compelled to ap-
loint! a text book comiusJon, letters
are Isgimilng to wme in, tirging im-
m inenteluea tors and others for mcm-
lierH of thecomai4sjiou. Among these
jsMvoiw recommeiKleil edwators. of
twirse, iTredouwnate, -though ; ofhers
ai"e ncftneil for. airpolntmeut. Among
he lateit ones a-e"ommeihed are: ...
IVof'-.E. D. Jlessler, cjty uisnn-
tetxhntt of the Eugene scliools.' -rlio in
retvntmtnidcl, by - E. Schwarzsc4iild.
of Eugene. : :
MrML Nora T. ' Burney, of Portland,
by Hon, CSbas. It. Moore?, of. Orogou
C!tv. . -:.'-! -: : I ' s .
Hon. Oeorge H. Durham, of P(t
!ainl. rexvnrmembjd tn a wtrwug letter
to tfovettior Geer by Senator William
8uwth, of Baker county. fl"be If act of
Sena tor Smitli's niBtwervlug Demo
cracy, a ml AI r. Uumam w woll-knomi
lUimbiicaiiism. makes the suggest ion
doubly of weight. e
Ot'her nvonuuetwlalions, made were:
lTofessor'C A. IIittJlMV'k. iriuciial
of the qmblic scl hm4 at Asitkuid for
.some years, ana, prior 'to that tune
in a like issituon at IudeisTideni-e.
II was recounnemlw) without diH
kuo'wkdg' by JSismker E. V. .Carter,
of A1i;ij1. ; i.
W. .Wriglit, of C:inyonville, Douglas
county: r,otimieudei by x-Jiitge J
V. rnulmmw ieamtor Marrers and a
numerously .signed isHiton from Doug-
la and Jackstu couuities.Mr. Wright's
ktter .shows blni to lx a inp!ete
L. master of lmimaushJp hi'thcwy and
practice. ;
F. 11. Hamlin, of lUsbuTg, Super
tuteudeut of Koltool fr. Dougla coun
ty Mini Fli-st IJeivteii:ur u Coiuiiciny
li, S Him 1 Oregon Vohtirmers; Itccoiu-am-inle!
by Ibfneseutative 1C. A. Ei-
uutt, vf Keno. . ' '
. II. isarry.. or 1'ortiaiMi, a uiem
Imt of tiio MtUtiHMuah Tyisgrailical
1jmhi. wllio is rettnnmemletl by tJie
Ftiih-ra'tol Tnwles 'Assembly, J. A.
I'usbman, pjxwkleut, .nl A. A. Iljiiley,
eeretaryt ah by the MurtnouCTii
Typosrra ph leal.' Fukwi. V. I Johnwu,
pnHk'iiK and. W. D. Torrey, teTe
tary, IILs iipioiiitineiit is nrged
represent a tivc of tUe working classes.
lrctfrssiM. W. H. IStalkT. priiKiiKil of
the Baker City - pttld'H s scIkkJs for
mme years, reotiimetwbil by J. A.
'IniMiilL hy Kuperiirtileut a t
Bilker C4ty: Marvin F. Dav.'K, Post-
iiKister at I'uSoh: C- II. t'iiapni.ui
fVrmcr pnwident of the Shite I'ulver-
Tim Orgon Teachers Mouthy, for
Novmlsr. in itiotfriig Im pnqsitd-
tion. Aia- the following article:
Tlie lssk t-ommhonoit wbkh is to
lx aptxtinteil by the tfvnKr in Jan
uary is au all imiss-taiifc topic, of i-
0'rst to the enentiMinl force of Hie
state. It may i n lifli,-uit natr to
UimI Htitalji'e stsoiij w.1k are willing
t rve on Ums cwiimlssfou iecuse.
no ma flier -bow bonet mid conseientl-
oiw tlwt iHTscMis ouiy i le.: they will
probably Is erifii-lzet aawl noeuwd of
lacing m league with lssK mists. iik
iiMuds-rs of this ! com mission Klionld
W .nlwe Tll tera awl siuspk-hai. nisi
4iouId ts 4lrooghly -oiinst?nli tm
perform the task lefore tlieoi. '
tirmlv believe rhat wie nmjru.v wi
the cMumisskn slioukl Is prominent
ieducntor of 1lie tate wlio liave
ui;de the srJiools aawl .setHiol text
Isjoks a ttttwlv. Is it iKt Te-malt"
to think that- iehers woukl 1 et-
trr oualifw-! to sel-et gosI 4kk,4
Iwruks tilntn any otlwr class of citizens?
Noti niaai.v farmers wwnkl want the
average uaer. preanT.; i wt
to sk.-t t teim of iiowem for tlKm
tr 1br farming J Implements, aial
tlnre r gwsl reasm -why Un-y
vliould not. ihyMan wwukl want-
a -t-!i luT or farmer, no niatt how
biteUigeiit. to ivb prwiptiims or
Mlc-t suriiical ustruimnts for
adin. No nieHianH. won I allow any
,nt oulskle tots own trjKle : t wwet
tlx. tinJ .is to -work wu- f-o il
ought t le with tlie tealier. He Iras
Hie interest of the 4mj1s iur at
ia.frt rlmn tuiv ot3sr: class aud why
Should !m in diavc tlie 4eedon of
the books with which lie fc to ac-om-i
Mm most gssl n -rte work of
iiKiking aitest ami Jntt'Iligient citizens
Ji. -liHdren of 1l state? It is
to K most siucT4y hoped that, at
liU Hre of "onnissiou will
1k teavlher. I 0'Uwnr we gave
1 bt' or Maws U of whom we liebeve
tlHrougtdv vmistitl U iwrfinu tlie
wrrk of Hie connissm with flumes ty
nt.l tnurltv. we wave iu .
it makes
. ! T ..... . - . ... J I "
Royal is the most economical of all the
leavening agents. -
Greater in leavening strengths a
raises more dough, or goes further.
Working: uniformly and perfectly,
-the bread and cake always light and beautiful,
and there is never a waste of good flour, sugar,
butter and eggs. c "1 J j
, Finer food ; saving of money ; saving of the
health of the family; the last is tlie greatest
economy of alU l
i - r
1 1
Some bakino; powder makers claim their powders
are cheaper. They can be cheaper only if mado,
from cheaper materials. V Cheaper" ifteans inferior
materials always. To cheapen the cost of an
article of food at the expense of its hcalthfulness,
as is done in alum baking powders, is a crime.
- I
Misj IxHvtta Suuti. of the imiuiug
ikiKirtmeiirtUif tlio State Normal school
at. Monmourih: lrof. D. A. lirmrt, prin
cipal of the l'ark school. Portia 11:
Mrs. A. E. Ivamwx, of tlie Da Crnnle
publie weliools; aiul Hon. 1. It. lte"d
er. of IVMidleton. AVo emikl trust the
sekt?ou of H'lrool btsks tn the lipids
of lilKfe pepk tuwl 'fs4 flKit mirff
such Isjoks a .were worthy and iiic-
able wtukl lx selevred.
A monument -to Osissius M. Clay:' is.
a suggctkjai llmt has. in uiuoh favor
among tin tkreI isoik f Wasii-
imrhnK It is ixitosil unit an lie
coutributiknw onie from tlier race so
that tbe mosinnient tdiall. Is tb- iu ,
niorhil of 1 lie volored is-ople of tn,
colimaT to tlie KemjK-kiau. . j -
CbiH-ral Hawky pays tliis triliite
to tire Lite "ii;ijms luney :itiht;
"Ho was complMU'l.v u gcirtleiiKin. He
11 veil r4igious Mfe. but a id little
ill unit it. He regukirly attiieii imh
hiir-li. niKKnioir and olieymg its
rfsTvaiices. I ik'v beanl fnnu hiv
lis an iiwki4-.W or -u?so siory r
tin unclean -Men. . AU tildwrtT! injus:
tk-e. niesiniMss ami lishoiKr. It is a
chci-rfnl iirif ami n true wil; ami a
weet humor -that vr tlud In till his
Wurkmen Ilemovjp the Slructure -While
- Ktiic Hunters Hang Alsniti j
XIIW YOIilC.Nov. HI. A dozen men
with' pickaxes, crowbars and Snivels,
appeared 'at Madison" Square at mid
night to U-jiin tlie work of removing
tlie .'Dwey arch. In' .u few luinntes
flK' laborers ptilkil away tlw in-avy
coating of slafT aroiiml-" the base of tlie
Vrti-stnl sitiuittnl on lis? l'ark wide,
m ar Twenty-lift h street. A crowd col-U-i
i around the - men. Kelic-huiiters
by'the score appeared, and each sought
to olrtain some 'seclkm or t-he seulp
tunil figure of Victory," which' orna
ments tlie front of all the columns. -
Tlie skeleton or tlie column was laid
bare in a few minutes, and the -woolwork
was toru ajwirt and laid on tls
sddewalk. Tlie 'work was bne under
tlie direction of a foreman '"of the De
partment of Streets and High ways.
a rnosrEUDUs condition.
Keceipij of tlie (kmnment Exceed
the ExiwiMliitures.
WASHINCTON, Nov. 10. At a Cab
fiMt 'ins!iing toilay Secretary. lage
aiinxMiiKSMl this estlucite, oinpk'tnv
woukl liow an excels f nsiiiptj over
4xiM"Ulit lines. fr ! it 1k invseut 1 ftscal
yi-iiir, of $simwmi,iiuj. nnt mt exci-M
of ny-eipls for tlie fiscal year euliug;
Julv 1, ll(r. of $30,0HM"W.
Tin reci jit teiTible acldent on the
S. I. railroad cnii, it wh-iiw, be
as-riLd to no othT cause Hi.in that
of carelessness..-Of course, all huma-ii-lly
is prone fo it. and It Is not m
-straugo--' that: a-mau - could make the
mistake tliat Comlm-tor Cloyd did. but
that ' Eugiiisr Dreiinan should Ih
similarly afflicted with lapse of mem
ory and tin tirentaii ami traiii crew Ig
norant of the fact that Ihoy.were running-
against a regular train almost,
pas eiiiupreltcnsioii. The . injured
engineer should 1m able to giro somle
fu rt iter ex pla'na lion if he its-over snfO
ciently. We an Vol lthat only a few
days Ix-fore this accident, n shailar. . .
ne was narrowly avertd near tSniuts
Pass. A south bound -'freight slurted
out from 5raiiH t'ass and met iinotltot;
only, a few miles up the track, It (
hapicncd that, the trains -met w;here
it was iKKstiilik to slop before the col
lision tirok place. This n''ulTeiii'. ill
coiHH-ctioli willr tlie terrible aecidei'it
a few days later, would seem to Indi
cate that criminal rs'klessiies 1 imt,
so rare among train crews as it might
Ik-. It Ik. only fair, however ti inven
tion a recent change in tlie Hum card, -which
could easily ' -a confusion Ju
lh .minds of tlis' iiH'u'somed ti lh
obi one ami tha ( .men win, liko the
IniliiiiM-n. work at -all hours ttT tTfr
lay and night It Is unu li 'ns!cr mat-'
ter to mistake tlie days of the Week
than the general public realizes.
(iruuts Pass 4'ourlen . J,
SAN FA NCI SCO, Cal.. Nov. Th
stfiniwr Mariposa, Whk"li irrlvel o-
lay from Austmb'a; lrtug'ht f.'l,K),(XM
in gld. '
Twicer Week jStatesnwtn $1 a y'ftr.
Hich-Grade Work
Prom rr Execution
Prices Reasonable...
V. r. chatten;
: Ftmnkgtr,
SmZcm, Orrgo ,
Send for samples of our specul designs
. in lithogravure work for letter and
bill heads, cards and envelopes-
. i.i w Aix.it aHli?ont ami
ITS Wllrt W OUUl T w--
nscieutfous in 1,
i9,t duty if aiMssnbsL t Tliey an.
lrf C. A. H itdieock. ty soieriii
temb ut v the Aslduinl public schools;
..'-' - - ''.:'': -'I t ''-, -;-'''"-"'-'--
' 266 Commercial St
Statesman Job Office,
Salem, Oregon-