Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 20, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    iWEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, Tuesday. November 20; 1000.
' ' - " - ' - - f - - i , ; i." '
r.egro Murderer of Little Louise Frost Executed
' at Union, Colorado. ;
An Infuriated Crowd of farmers Tcbk the fiend from the Sheriff
and Deliberately Tied film to a Stale and Burned
Him to Death.
LIMOX, Colo.. Xot. JO. Chained to
a railroad rail set firmly in the groan!,
r.n the exact io where his .fiendish
.crime 'wa commute!. Preston Porter
Jr., or, aV be was familiarly known,
John Porter, this evening iaid a terri -
Me peualtytfor hi ke.L It was t-3
. .' 1 , . .-
oelock when th father. of the mur-1
dered girl touched a match to the" fuel
whic h had been piled aronnd the negro
and 2X1 minutes later tltejjast eoavul
ive shudder told 'that life wan extinct.
The ' executioner, win numbered
alioiit 3u0 citizens of "Lincoln county,
had not the least win Ida nee of an or
dinary mob. Their every act was do-lils-rate.
Grimly they Mood in a circle
about the lire nhiil the body was en
tirely consumed, and then quietly
made their way;liaek to Iiiiion,.froia
whence they k parted for -Uielr homes
tdiori 'y afterward.
Preston Port cif did not seem to real
ize the awful punishment that he wan
destined to undergo. As he had' ex
hibited Indifference to the enormity of
Jit; crime, so he xceiued to lack all un
derstanding of its terrible coiise-
mcnce: For jrnote than an hour,
while Ihe irejar:itiii- lor hm execu
tion were J11 progress, he sfoml mute
and Ktilhti among lle avenger?. When
everything wan, ready, lie walked to
the stake with a linn step, pausing, am
he reached the circle of broken Itoard-,
to kneel In prayer. lie was' allowed
to take his time, lie arose and placed
his back to'the Iron stake, and a lialf
ilozen nien wound tit chain about
his Ixsly and limbs. Kerosene oil was
anullcd to th wnn1 and. after a brief
.1 iaise. Richard W. Frost, father of lit
tle 'I-oiilse Frost, wlios (-riielly uiuti-Jat-1
Imily was ''fount! uic week ag
mi that very spot, look his match saf.
out. extracted a match, lit if aiMl tlten
toiiclKil the flairif s to the oil. -For a
ii'oiiicut but a little tllckering' ilaine
iinisc. iw h in no, n:irK .
flew lino the air. and the wood iM-gan
.... a
to crackle. Almost instantly tlie ne
gro's trousers caught tire. Even
though the flWh must- have l.eu
M-or'hed he did n t utter a wuiid.
Tlie flames crept Mowly upward on
1iis clothing; With a sudden. -nvuI-lue-lugging,
he. stretched his head as
far from tlte rapidly increasing flames
a jMiasn.ie. ajMi uttereii a -ry or pain.
h. my (.ml. let iuj go. -men. 1 vo
Um Ward Almost Helpleaaaa Atcoaat
of tb Lack of Faa Many
' fkimo laws are lieing vKJaletl In
! every pirtkt f rgon. a.ml as a
S eoiMeqtiencer of the tack of fumb with
fiwltitfi to ftruHevHte offetRlcTH, hetate
gnmt warden. I. P. W. luimby. is
a iiainlk"ainiel In ls effort! to utop the
i tiwlesrt slanglirer, atfcl ii-itre vm ef
fective euftwtuwetrt of the Jaw. Tlie
j lVirtlaml Tehgraui f a few hiys ago.
luiM t1i fiilowlng to ay reganling the
leoiistatit violas ion of tlie ganu law;
f V Evidence f the kthhible conse-'
HV.iicfl of the atate'a niggardly jstKcy
4n t-fere nee to gain irtet ion 4s ac
f u inula t in g. Ktoi'w tUatue AVanUti
iuimliy, with hi,, energetic fiaxx of
leputW', w5k are worklm? fcirgHy fr
rhiry, is doing mttcJi to eiifrt tho
lawa, but in a nK-!is4nx Irf liantls an
tied by lack: of fumls. He Is unable
to cover tlM entirei tate -with the
tiicvui-iaJIy ialsietl arm of the fciw. la
eouMNtwiiMV vltrfa.'yons of (the game
la ws contiixnei j
i "Tlie 4a tewt reirrfs of wholesale viol
ations, carrying with it tlie usual v
raugemeut tlie JwieraUve onu-hinery
rf tlt fciw an) a relmke to its maker
comes from Jacksixi eouwty. Itj v
i:hv to Hhe Wllhig of tin her. j j
Till reiHirt f rom Jackson couniy to
(ame Warden Qtviiuby chik Croia
JanieK M. WihHi4e. of ! WowyHle.
former lrtierifT f Jackson (cottwtyri! 'and
at . present Mmty pmw 'waixhr-ii for
the county, who writes Mr. Qulmby as
follows: " , .
I take titnetotfciy to write you -the
Kltuatiiott in mmie Kirts of this tHtuty;
and aJso otJiersi of Soutliern Oreson.
with iganl to violations rf hjt tsite
game Liwh, and .the aiecelty,of lai-
liresshig ttifc fact titou tlie Rein
KentiiMve of the vatnu -otmtii of
lie itate, lecaiii of a kick of tuirU
to rry dnto eff 41m fciw. "Tlwre is
no question ttwit there hookl lie a
tit op to tiw wanton ktni-tJon f wild
game, and more sH,efcilly 41ie lhtck
lall ker of the (Wit ontl 'as-ak
Mountain range. Huiitrs i-iielir:M
these mountain, votne T4. ; 75 ami
wni lmriulkfs Uu-k fnmt tlie railroad
(oI m'ttlements ainl kill deer for th
purpose of Uryhig tle meat ik1 ship
ping to ttteiiit mark4'ts a tvfu
irooxls oikl miimirik otlHT articles. I
Irave !eeii" Uu-fc tn Che iiMmatains
tlnnit 7t mUea, near he lieiulwsiters
of iiiK Urupqna Uiver. and found
JmuterH cami. wt tlMy liad lieeu
luring the umnier nwrtitlis, the kr
from wlrieh yxu inld emell two nklk,
fnm the nlain farcassea of kr kill
wl bv tamters. ,
"The great trouble. litweveT. witJi
our game Llw is the insnfllcileiit funds
to do -what should lie done tiv our utaste
laws. The kiw itself i all riglit. The
mikiH eonn-nsaiion wlrtch tlw kptitv
game wanleiu are ti.Ul will not jw-
something more to tell you. Please
lft me go. Oh. my Ood. my God.
V In terrible sereeehe these word, the
first he had nttered alond, came from
the "negro.- A terrible tagging at the
chains, a succession of awful groans
san! steams, showed that the negro
:wf''1 agonr Ava at last i',n;
i down., hi sullen com ponre. Not an
oatll .p, Wu1t bnt lo begged and
pleaded to Tre siiot." Suddenly the rope
J holding. his hand.- burned through.
Then.- the arms, neau ami wwiHiem
alippcd tbrotigh The chain. For an in
stanthis liody stod erect, the arm
were raised in isoppl seat ion, while the
Imniiiig ph-cos of cloth dropped from
them. The Imdy then fell away from
tin fire, the head lower than the feet,
which were still fastened to the rail.
The 1ody wax .then in such a position
that only the legs were in the fire.
The cries of the wretch were redoubled
and he again begged to lie shot. Some
wanted to throw him over into the tire,
and other tried to throw oil iqion him,
Boards were earrh!, and a large pil
was made over the prostrate liody.
Tliey wer: soon ignited and tlie terri
ble heat and lack of air qiiitkly ren
lerel tlie vjctrni unfii-ious. bringing
lnili a few moment' lator. i
Tlie train lear5ng the .ngro. in tlie
custody of Sheriff Ki".nian and
1 put ies. from iM-nver. 'arrive! in 1,5
liion at 3:1.1 p.' in. K. W. Frosty the
tni'i-d'i;ed girl's father, was' one of tlie
pji ss irgers. When tlie train stopped,
sixteen men. who had bH-n selH-tel
by the vigilance conituittee.-enteml
the train and demanded the prisoner
from the sin-riff. The officer prot-tetl
but his protests weie disregan'e I. One
ti'iin carrHil a riie in which had been
fcnnel a hangniau's noose. .This was
kUoSmnI over Hie in'gro's. neck. It was
at iiist aunouiK'cd-tliat tlie, negro wan
to Te xcnt(tl by 'hanging. Many, in
entiling tin - ta titer or tih- negro s vie
lite. protHel tltat sm-li a death, would
! lot easy, and it was lhtally decidetl
in leave the method of death to tlie
ion t raged father. He decided niMn
... .
nerniiig at iHe stake. Tlie train was
ili-n allowed to prtM-intl. and at Iike
.siat Ion, altout thrH miles from Union
aiut-.ii'ar nu scene or tlie negro a
-riiin. the whole party left the train
and ,legan preparations for the led
of vetigeatice. The strange feature of
lln affair was that of souvenirs. Jirt
ln-fore he was tied to the fake. u'inio
thr iipie-t for souvenirs, tlie boy tore
; leaves from his l'.ibje and dislributtNl
tthem anions his exeeutianer.
nut them to Ivtte tilieir time, efforts
and atwtitiou to tlie matter, wlvxdi. if
they could, would give Ihem the op
portumty to Iravel lick Into tlie
dtiU!s of tlie nvomiraiifts ami watch
for thos vlolaters of our game laws
during tit sum mer moutliis. The eom-
penKtit.in 4s so kiikiII we caniKt af-
fwd to ik tbis as it Klwmkl lx to have
i't effeift. I nIuiU Kimre no effort on
my part to 4nvness this fact upon Wis
!J1resnitativcs of Jackson and Jose-
pliine 'oMmties. and urge ahem to
make a fair nppnmrkit'Uui for tlw Tn-
tecrion f game Jn Orison at the next
evsion of theTgiAkttiHX."
It Is beileveI that, liotild the noxt
Ijc!hiture niake! more lilieral ih-
viski of fninL for tJe ga me "v-arden's
tuw in pnscuting v.ikitors of law,
this si Kites i-f offences would le mat'-
erially reduced in not oite alolisliel
nnd otm"thing of tliis kitwl Ikis to be
doaie. if Oregon's fftts and plains
are not. to lie esitlreljr kopulatel of
pi me. )
r : the . T'niteil States t.overnment.
Iuring the I'ast Year Hatching
'Salmon on tlie Columbia.
WASIiixjTOX, Xov. 1G. The an
nual reiort of United States Commis
sioner of 'Fish and Flsberk-s, tSeorge
M. Rowers, says the total number of
fish, distribute! by the government in
tlie past fiscal year was 1,1(H.:k;J.77V4
Owing to the excessive drought in
California In !!. few Mlmou ascend
ed Rattle Creek and MeCloud rivers
as far as the. hatcheries. " f
At the Coltimliia river (Oregon) the
results were I etter. though 'the run of
salmon was poor.. An attempt will be
made to rear all salmon fry to the
yearling age liefore lilierating them.
At Paker fjike. Wash., the propaga
tion of soekeye and blue back salmon
has lHgim. and over ten inill-on fry
have ' lieen hatclnil and planted there
In tlie Skagit rher. ; 1
XHW VORK. Xv HI. 'A lLsnaeii
to tlk I!ak! ifrm Yalta tiys: lr
Mm almut llie court say of 1ie Km.
jieror's ilbiew that -it was merely a
it'ikl is f inflnenisa. tTouglit on
from 9i4? well-known enrelestsjies- la
fitting aliowt rooms -with tbe wltwkiws
wide oik v On tlie other nan! it Is
rtiarkl that tise Rmhut Ambas
akr to Turkey. M. Prezlnmie, w1h
catrn fnaii CoitvtanlMjplc, lias Imn
wa. ting for la nkiys witlnna oli.iiitlng
the autlienct 4ttr whlHi lie wa. pe
Cally wtinsaiKHMM. jm1 at t'h:Wi 41h
tYar lias leen m4i worresl ami -aii-5'iotiis
lirt ovr Mi1ihs matters, anl.
te'wiil. ver tlie illness of tit- Czarina.
AlTlMmgli -4h litter is from , natural
catis- yet -i I ratlHT wops : rltaa
MrmaL Tlve result Is that the C.ir
lvi.se all Ji'j time wlrti twr and i
ecan-ely een at 'all een bv 1U fani
ily. . j :-. - r , .
The overskirt cannot !e disregarded,
for we see a gohl many indications
that point toward its coming popuiar-
Ity. A motlel gown designe! .by - a
wi ll-Jmown couturier ha the fullness
drawn np carefully on the hips . and
8t3lcbI lown In a ierie of tucks that
run parallel with the waist line. " In
the liack this fulmess utlek out in
to hirrel bunches, giving Sin ftdl
eftee.it' that bi admired this eason.This
Is an example of a .drajied .skirt that
eomph-tely covers the underskirt. An
overskirt long in ? front awl drawn -up
to not hing lehind. is a moilel t ha t Is
becoming popular, fot the oversklrt
a ft' oids a gool exehe for the display
of hand-iome trimmings. Is grae
ful jmt equally faKhhaiable Is a twite,
short anl winare ia front.'witk a long
back. This U gMierally, enipfc'tel by
Thl uiiarr'-Mit-Terskirt looks, wellrl
r . . . . . . .
it. costume or tauae orowu -ioiu.
tlie: overskirt eilged wills an -Inch
d'eD border of brown and black bice
and" finished with a black silk frins.
The bodi-e is niade with an oxn
l4onse and -trimniel with deep collar,
cinipleret with the lace ami fringe.
The ldes ore orna meat ed with large
button of black velvet embroidered
with gold. The vest of white Bilk,
tucked and trimmetl -with rows of fa
goting, over timpioise-blne velvet. .The
clioker is of gold laid over a band "of
tnrouoise Idne. A black riblion makes
the ImIi. It fc well drawn down in
front through a gold buckle, awl tlie
two ends are kicaml ta gold orna
ments. , t- :: i : ,""''? i -
TTie White of the Island Are Mmh
; Iepr'ssel over tlie Election of .
Delegate to Congress.
IIOXOLCT.t, Nov. O. via San Fran
cisco. Xov. tU. Robert W. Wih-ox, the
IndciKiuhnt Rnjalist candidate, has
been electinl Hawaiian delegate to Con
gress, by a small majority, over Riim
uel 1 a rker,1 the ISepnblica n ca nd Ida te.
His strong vote among thenatives in
the outside 'districts' carrkil the day
against the widtes and intelligent na
tive voters Of ihe cities.
Xews of the result of the election,
which was brought to Hotiolulit this
morning liy steamers carrying returiits
from the other islands produced much
dcir-ssion jtiiKing all the whites, as
Wilcox was strongly optioned by Re
publicsins" ami HeniiKrats alike. His
campaign was au anti-white canvas-,
witii promises on tlte part of some ot
his campaign workers tliat if lie wele
elected, tjueen Iiiluokalaui would 1h
r'pla etl jii tlte throne. The ri'snlt of
the vote shows the native bitterness
over annexation to be still alive.
Tlie Republicans carried Honolulu
ami the island -of Oahtt for; Hon. ..Sam
ite! 'Parker .by lil'.t plurality, the lem-m-ratii
candidate. Prince Kawaiiana
fcoa. 'receiving only nliout n-tliirl as
many votes as l'arker. Tishiy it is ex
ported tliat he was knif-l" by ex
tjuren I.iiiuokalaui. wjio is said to
have secretly thro'ivu her Iuterest to
Wihstx. There Is much bittcmcSM
against Iter among the Iemocrats, who
hoH-l that, even if they did not elect
Uieir man. they would at least so di
vide the native vote that Wilcox would
be lchind Parker.
L The indepmdi nt native party have
carried the House of RcprcseiitativcH
by a large majority riiey will have
fourt-'n of: their men in the House,
with nine liepublicaits ami six men
who are independent and , Democratic.
In the Sena le there will lie seven Re
publicans.! eight independents and one
lK-nocratj With the huleiK-udcnts in
control, a lively sessioii is exiat-tetl,
and they are against the riding regime
and will give tiovernor Hole pk'iity of
optMirtuuitios for -vetoes..
It is likely as a result of the election
that Congress wilP be asked to estalv
lish some limitations ou tlie votlug
privilegi's. Tin tuMives have won up
on a r.-t'-e division, ami now many of
the whites want a property qualifica
tion for voters. It is argue! tliat In
voting ttpoi'i ;i simple color line many
of the natives have shown themselves
untit for uuiversal suffrage.
Jho retnnis, -wlpcu- are wit quite
complete, tsuow ucox sixty-nine vo!e.
ahead. The precincts to Ik? heard from
are expected to slightly increase this
nuirauty. Utlcox carrie! ererv Uan
bur Oahu. wlere Honolulu Is. with its
large white population and with a riia
iority of l lie more ! cduc a tetl na t i ves
The islam! of Kauai gave more votes
to vt ih-ox than to l'arker and David
combined. .
The iiKwt en-onraging feature to the
wiiites of both parties Is in the fact
that the Wilcox majority Is m uiall.
which show that very, many of the
natives. were divided upon other than
race lines. If all the natives had cast
Wilcox votes his majoritr on each side
of the islands would have been much
larger than It Is. - Probably a third of
tlie native iMmnlatiou Is aligiHMl with
the American parties, and it is thoueht
that the; future will rapidly increase
!he proiiortton.
Th present prospect h that the Con-
mvsnMn-k'ct Will lie utterly !gnorel
by tlte commercial and otlKT interests
of the islands, t It Is said that I a rker
will go to Washington In a nv event
md tliat though he will have no ottic
lal title he will'I.k after Hawaiian lu-
erests there. ;
Hi Reply to Gov. T. T. Geer'n Tele-
firram of Congratulation is Char-
acteristic of the "Ha t.
Gov. T, T. Geer recently ne-nt a tele
gram to Cor, Tlielore Ro.--evelt.' the
M-cssful -Vice Preshlential -aii.lidaie
on llu Republican tU-ket, eongratuhit
iirjr' hltu uion his niagnilieent victory,
rhe Inventor yesterday received an
aetograph letter from Governor Roose
velt. . This letter is characteristic f
the popular 1 yonug statesman, and
reads as follows: 2 J v . -
"Hon. Theodore T. fJeer ' 7overnne:
Salem. Oregon. .
My dear 'Governor Geer- . tr..ritMt
thauks for your teh -jrrain. Ilelieve me.
appreciate the Kiikudid war. In
which Oregon Indicated Iter : disapprov
al oi i ue poucy ot scuttle. -
"With warm ri'jjanls. m'r dear (ir.
emor. I am. faithfully yours.
. "in Kt mon B ROOS K VE LT."
Buti ... lti Kicd Yea Haw k'.vm Hct
Convicts in Kansas ttake. Des
perate Effort- for. liberty.
Xjm. . -mm nr-l. - I 1L. 1 if tM
i-rue jtru o urkcu in uic iu
Overpowered Officer and. Seenred
Hiii Wiuebrstrr.
T.E AVKX wbRTII. s Kan.s., Xov. 1.
v In a jail de!lvTy at tiM Rtaite. peni
tentiary, afternoon, one prisoner
whs . killed liy tlie gnartls. Ouartl
j-li.wartz wa serkmsly woundel and
three prisoner ijEMle their escajx.
The convict, w-ho were femployetf In
the jienatemrtaTy nwue. hat! ecretel
gims tin the mines. ; ;f .
C.ouvk'tfs Sam Smith, nmler death
sentence; E. F. E-stell and Ren Crav
etts. tiiriwg odd moiiM'nts in fhe ial
niiaie, Mail faWhioneil a t'dumioy" re
volvtT oirt of wood, covertng tlie sanio
witii tiu foil. This afternoon tlie guard
at tlie IkkUoiu of the- pit suddenly
fou ml liwiieself looking: into the- muz
z3 of Wliat ne lmuglit wais a 32-cal't-Ire
revolver. At tiie ame Klme.he
was -riomunuHk-! to "Ikui.Is ttir
- The guard was -oniitt41til to give
Mie. .signal no "lift nj," and on n-aili-iug
tin? top tlie pmrret iuis"HilK!toi
gnaril inwihalreaged. Itlio guanl ar-comiNinyiin-g
the convkts being afraid
to give tlie alarm. tietTimg outxiiie the
fenclosnire tJinanl IIewt wats over
iKwel. and Ails WiiK4iester awl am
munition taken from him. After pass
ing nmJilljer post oecipiel liy Guard
Murray, tiie 'wiv!ict.s broke anl ran.
tluanl S-trwarz natdiel Murrays
gun mwl liegan tiring, the tire lsiug
avtumed ' vvitlr "Kth-fii efT't that
St 'h wa ti i. wa s severely woumkil. 1 e, i
uty Warden Tltoui'fctou tirsl, shooting
SmilJi iu tlie head, his wound Is-ing
mortal. A geinral Titsikule was open
1. 'when aumther mvict was Meu to
fall, Intt hw liody wtw lrawn to trover
by tluLs i-ttmmiiikis Milto :uin intrenched
in a ra vine. Tlie f usikidc is now iM4ng
earr1tl on lietwi-n ottivem ami con-
PJmmiwx. Ariz., Xov. (. Win. am!
Thmia.s Hakk'rm.ln wereJfang! tilws
.afl-riNoii in the Tombstone jail for
the mimic r of Ted Mooie.
' ; i
Fretuh !a iters Aet-wte Several Gentle-
, . iiH-n of Obtaining Inforiimtton
V,-' of the :Xew 11ld tluu.
"XEW YORK. Xiv. Ht A dispatch to
tlie Herald froui Paris s;ivs: The fol-
fowing statemeiit is given pruiiiiueuce
in Ijt Presse:;
"A personage who claims to Ik thor
oughly, acquainted with what U going
on Itehind the scenes on the matter of
the divulgence of tlie sex-rer of the
Iaitesiii Frmfli Held gun to ithe l.nitl
Slates, makes the following statement:
"'This affair is connected with the
sudden departure for Gibraltar of au
otticer of the 1'nited States na.v.V, who
was employed in tlie foieigu. sVtkn f
the Exiiosition, having fulfilled his
functions as the naval attache at the
embassy. Tlie field gun incident was
also tlie cause 'of the sudden handing
over of the embassy to the First Sec
retary by General Horace Porter and
his departure for Spain. The former
naval attache in question, who was
.born.' of Rritish parent! and devoted
aJ wive all to the 'embassy in .the Fau
linrg Saint Honoie. acted almost
ojierily as a spy for several powers.'
r "TI' departure of General Horace
Porter, whlcli is given out as tempor
ary, is really final, and he will lie re
tilaeed In Paris by Mr. John Irishman.
1'nited States Minister to Rerne, a
diplomatist of the highest character,
whose iiid'itidence vis-a-vis the Eng
lMi emlmissy can lie counted upon for
nuiinteuanie of good relations lietween
the French Republic and the United
States." .
Wtfhington. Xov. Id. It i said nt
lie Xttvy IkMmrtjnent that tflie effont.
-uiak in some FretK-li newspaper to
connect I.ieuteiuiiiit Sims, kite naval
nit f ache 4ut Paris, with rhe liscJoiwes
rekrtlve to tlte FTeiK-Ji gun. ore based
u j ion n nt;lsapMlieusion of the facts.
Tlie ofticlaJs iiere redicuk? tlie tory
tliat General Horace Porter, ambass
ador to Iarh. Is tn any way Involvel
in ttihis scnndaL In fact, tliey con
iletwl m one vnicctel with the Etn
l sissy 1kis liecu Jmlrcliel.
Tin' Wention Strnck ,1he Etnperor'
Carriage, tout IWtl No Iamcigw
A riot Suspected. : i
RRESLAIT. Xor. 111. Kmperor. Wal-
lLini tras Uh jee of ti nritempted
ourtrage sfciy whk4i liowe-er, fa i led.
Vc he wa rrnng Jn on or-fi earrkige
to the Cirasxier liarraclw. accmmni-
l by 11h lHeditary Prince of Sase-
Mei hinger. a- -wounn to the 7 crowd
hurled a ior lisiml-elMwtper, . of
aaikHt, at the carriage. The hatchet
fttrock tibe carnjige. lwt tilie rapklity
wstai whh-ti tlie ; vehK-k? . wa it.-usKini'
save! It ocuiants. Tlie woman wa
ImnKntrately arreated. J Slie- fc beUeved
to' be insane.' : "-;'""?' i -; --
The woman's name is J?-rmn Srfmniv
fce. She occnpietl a place In the
front rank of the miectntor on the
skle: furthermost from tlie Knriieror.
A crowd of people wix wnea$ael (tlie
ontrage tlirew ; tneanoelves on Hi
Majesty saJlant, tint tlie nmnmt
intervention of Uie fioiice saved the
woman; aron injury, j. ' s - ;
Btrlia. Nov. 1(V -While the
noon the Kaiser may not have formed
anv pari of an International plot.'there
is no doubt That iimiMial anarchist ac
tivity Is developing in various coun
tries of Eurojie. ami that tlie iolice are
taking exceptional orea lit Ions against
it. - t .-. , - - t
RERI.1X. Xov, Tlie. (trades wo
nt:! it. wlto t hrew ft 9t:i'rt lK-l at Knqieror
William toilay. Juid a. proviiskttiai tuexl
cal exaiiiiiulion, and ehe -itas lieen
ItronouiHtsl insane. '
Sutenced by Hh Iiiiwrial Court-
Iliiuv Tuan ti Ik lmprisoued
I ' ..; :.?: for JAtOi .
WASHIXGTOX. Nor. 10. Minister
Wu has received from !irec-tor-4ener-al
Shensr the following cablegram,
which he i-oimuun'cated to .Secretary
Hay today:
"An imjierial d-cre of Xovember
13th deprives Prince Tuan and Prince
Chang of their ranks and otliecs ami
orders them to lie Imprisoned for life;
Prince Yih and teeoiidary Prince In
Ing to lie imprisoned: seondary Prince
I-iien to lie deprived of his rank; Duke
Lait and Iuing Xlen to lie degraded iu
rank; Kang Yi In'ing dead, no ienal
tv can tie imposed upon him: and Chao
Shu Chiao to lie degraded, but retained
In office; Yu Hsien to lie exiled to the
fartlnst boundary."
The Chiucise otlicials mentioned in
tlw dH-ree are among tlie higlK'st in
Chiu.i, and -om prist most. f not all.
of those against whom the jiowers de
manded rigorous punishment. Prince
Tuan standsSt the head of the anti
foreign and lioxer movement. The
Ministers at I'ekin will shortly decide
wlK-ther tlie elict of the Chinse gives
the piinis-hments which are 'regarded!
as atlwiuate to fit the crime.
ConniKwlitiier Have Advanced Dinting
tlie Week Manufactures Firm.
XEW YORK. Xov. Id. R. G. Dun's
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow
will -ays:
Tlie pri-es of mmodities advancisl
almost without except Km. and ail
Chang U inanufacturtHl gtwxls are iu
the Wrepriitoii. of ftnner quotations.
Tin sm.-i lines of stK-ks of goods car-
rkl cs a feature of bur rtiiioirts from
most of the leading center. Th
sturcity of lalor gives manufacturers
rii the ntuldle tates gresilti coiu-em.
Tl-O faiUnres ftvr the w-ek in Wie
I'nlttl Stalest are 217. against '2V.
List year, am! thirty-liihree in Canala
agninst wmty 4ast year.
Encounter Wliife Set'tlers In' MexkM
ami Are Tiwtroughly PtmisJied.
PHOEXIX. Ariz.. Xov. Id. A jtpe-
cal to t'li Rcpublicnn, from CSissis
Grairaa. Mex... .says:
A band of Aiiacho Indians at4eitfpt-
d to ilrive awaj- a liunch of HtH-k. at
rth Mormon settk'tnewti near (this
pktce, tll!s monftng. Tlie ettl'r
gave dm se ami. in a light wJik-h. en
us!. four whites were kilkil and
neeral injimtl. The Imlians kvt. t'ti
killI. and seven were wHUhletl. '
IM'hlin tiday igned the arti-ks of
agnement for' a match with J. J. Jeff
ries. Tlie latter had already signed
the articles.
Contract Laliorors Xot to Re Lamletl
. fin tibo Unu'teil States.
The lMard of impiiry, wh'icli has been
engaged. An. investigating tlie case of
Hie tTxetj--five lace workers alleged
to ihave lieen brougliit to this country
from Knrope u viiolatikm of tflie lalior
law, kt-UMl today, that the. men. wo
.mcn and ehiklren., composing the
IKirty, imwt rtottirn to ifliefo liomes.
CHICAGO. Xov. 1(1. A numlier of
Chicago and Xew York capitalists have
secured an option on the Ienora cop
fMT mine In the Mount Sicker district,
of Vancouver Island, It.' C. It is re-
pornsl that tlie mine has been liondeil
for 4:.1,immmnn.
WASHIXGTOX. Xov. .lu.-k?nator
Hawley. of Connecticut, chair
man of tlie Senate committee on
military affairs, said today that a draft
of the military reorganization bill had
practically -been complete! and that a
bill of some sort would tie passed at
tno present session.; lie thought the
army's strength should lie at f least
KHI.IMNI meti. ;
Washington. Xov. Id. Tlie State De
partment has not heard from Minister
Conger for four kiy. Rut his hist re
port tqion the progress of the negotia
tions now going on at Peklu ltetween
the Ministers, taken in connection with
the Department's ample instructions
relative n tliiw sub jeet. warrants the
officials here In coutirming the IVkln
view that the end of these consulta
tions Is in sight.
NEW YORK. Xov. TtWCaiaa le F.
Jones, valet of tlie late ndlltoikiire.
YUllfcim Rice. wlio. with Ijiwrtr tvit-
rk'k.ilia lH-ti in live Tom 1m for four
wwka. ciiargenl with forger v.. was to
day taken In ifore Recorder Goff am,
on mot km of true Itistrict - Attorncr.
committed to the House of retention.
His lonl wa lixeil at $2fHK.
ST. PAI'U Minn., Xovi 1ft. It Is
stated that J. J. Hill will retire frow
the lH-esideney of the Great Xorthern.
in favor if hU son. James X, Hill, wim
was today elected : president of the
Montana CentraLat tireat Falls. The
elder Hill will remain chairman of the
brd. .:: .v-- ;.
I.OXDOX. Xov. 1ft. Tlie latest hnlle
tin ou the Czar's condition shows that
the disease I following tlv norma!
eounse-of a mild attack, and in. the
evit of there bir no rc'aose or
com plica I ions, tlie fever 'should sub
side bv tlie end of the moiitlu
CaliH-t-mcv'tkig today. Attorney -Corral
Griggs iuformtil tlie l'ri-Ki.l.-nr
and hN CfdleagiMi that H wMiuhl Im
luqiossilile fir him to remain a meut
ler' of 1kv Calanet during the next
four years. . . x V
I.OXDOX, Xov. III. Uni onfi, iii.Nl
KtatenHMits euuinate, from l'aris am!
Odessa that a secret twaty ha lMd
itiicliulet lMtwen ltuwiia and China
Since the opening of : the coat pi 'ted
section of the Jungfrau railway in
June last over 17. tourists have
lie n t-arrietl over that part of the line.
out. hi me aiue itnte wotk iu jite ex
tension of the road had to Ih .stopieil,
at it wa not iKtssible to coiie with
jhe transiKirtathm of tlie excavated
earth. The. work on tlie line will he
nestarteil In Xovemlier. An additional
loan of 2.MNMtK francs will lie nego
tiated for the purpose of extending ile
railway to Eismeer 'Station, wlih li lies
10.744-. feet . alMiYP level. The tcr
mintRs of the Jungfrau railway will be
14.172 fet alsive the level of lite s-a.
At the tipper course of the Kaiko
river, not far from the ancient Strat
onikeia. tlie Frnch explorer iJ.tc.iliit
has discovered a very ancient necropo
lis. A large quantity of stone vessel
and prehistoric implements was :No
found-. The ruins extend over a-large
area a-s far as Yortan.
An incident illustrative of tlie self
denying spirit on the part of the very
ixsir. H-eurred recently under the b
servatiou of tlie writer. It happened
iu a street car. A iwsir. raggiil felhiw
with a. thin and emaciated face occu-
one oi nit- wai t, etKlellll.V a Slit -
fering from coiisumpt ion. "When lite
conductor came alon.' for '-the fans
tlie man fumbled in his ttockets for
the change, but found onlv 2 cents of
tlu necessary 5. An excitd ctillotiuy
ensueil witl the conductor, who nat
urally refused to accept the partial
payment and insisted upon tlte whole,
fare tmder penalty of eject ion from
the car. At- this juncture a woman
sitting by.. hardly less, poorly clad and
sickly-looking than the man himself.,
seeing the ditliciilty. hastily drew
from her own jmcket a soiled and
ragged handkerchief, from a knotted
corner of ll k1i. tnnt "? r-oul ..i.. I
passed Ihem over to her distrsstl f-l-low-passenger,
saving, simply: 'There,
fake that." WliilJ others in. the ear
doubtless had their generous impulses
stirred by the -s-lght, she. tlie very
poorest of them all. was the quickest -to
give.Ieslie's Weekly.
In spring Chinese i itcasanls build
dikes of mud. three to ix feet high.'
to keep tlie rainwater in the i ice
fields."' Most of their time in smiMitfc
is pent in pumping or bringing water
into these 'fields. .
A Strike Is Exiwcted If Engineers
Fail rto Scimr Concessions.
XEW YORK. Xov. Id. A mass
nietNting of meuilters of tlK Intinw
tkin.il .Vsso-ia tkwi if M1 'iian'.cs was
held ki-st niglit to eonskler tlie intro-
iltrcl ion of the il'-ihour worly lay 'on
Nov"mSter P.Mh, as rrreeil on by the
Najtional Metal Tnmks AssK-ia ion.
There. apiHtinil to le a ihltch in th.
gi.miit irtiKinitl by the two asso
ciation at itlieir nceiit onfiviiNa in
this city, and it wo retioned at! last
iright' meeting, while the Xatlonal
Mal Trjok'M As-socki tJon was willing
tiliat tilM work day rf the jnachi nisi s
liHikl lie red need from Id 1iurs to
!i'4 hiwrs. it woukl refnsn to pay tlte
full Mcale of wages.
Tiie nw-eting wa Lirgely ''attended .
by liotit union and, ion-nniou men.
who work in tlie shops of (tlie asocIa
il'ion. It wa nnnoinic"d that by a vofe
of the different union of tlie Machin
ists' Union President O'Coiuiell had
lKvn orxlereil to dim-t a gi-neral strik
rvT ft'TriiM .tnei.litnlala At .Iia - ttiAnuw1 If
wise to lo so. Sme menits'rs of it.lw
Metal Trade. It was ald, wereiwlli-
Of or J'ti -it. I oil 1I.IJ ,im-i lin
lKur work. !ut licit other firms were
not. trnfttrva IT Wnnirt luiiws
agent of tlie Mai'hliifists' AsMuiitjon.'
akl tihat If a Strike was oitlenil be
tween ."lO.tNKi and liO.m W imu-hi nisi
Wtmkl 1k ealkil out. I
If a strike Is dec ided on, tlie itien.
it is sakl. woukl kiiiiuid an ahiiioiial
5 imt rent inmise In wages.
NEW YORK, Nqv. 10. A dispatch
to the Herald from' Lhna. Perti. a.vs:
The liead master of the. Italian School'
and a committee of jtupils. have ar
lanired for ihe donatkm'of a gold Incas
tint for the relief of the tJalveston suf
ferers. An address in Italian.. Spa nidi
and English to the effect that lh or
phans of the LIm.-ti asylum preseii led
Hie urn : to the Galveston suffen-rs will
Ik forwarded. The urn Is to tie sold
and the proceeds'will 1m devoted to re
lief work,
.-.'- , '
ST. PAI'U MInn "Xov. 10. .enalor
Da vis1 strong will is iMutltiliog witih dt
eae. and iKp lia not len. aKiii
donel. allhougli it N adtrritb! Hiat
hln coniktion is very critk'al.
la all It atagaa Umm .
r boa 14 ba deaaiiiMM.
El ja Cream Balm
ck4iiM.twilM and beat
tUa UMasel membrane.
It core catarrh and drlvea
way a CoM ta tha aca4
Craaxa Bain la placatt Into tlx aartrila, 'fprumi
trrer tba membran and ta atMorbed. EeUof U tm-
miilataaii4aitmreflowaJ It la not drying -a
aotpradooemeacins. Lore 8Ua, 69 eeuu at Dru
gUt or by mall ; Trial Sue, 1 MiitJ by auUI.
ELT USpTflXaa. Co Wanei Suaet, Sew fork.