WEEKLY OREGON STATESMANrrESDAY, xovniir.cis' ia1600. All BV SCHOOL SYSTEM f 4 L Movement on Foot to Make the County the Unit of the School Organization. Tbe Plan finds Macb favor, and an Effort May Be -lade to Have the Leglslatcre Take Action la the Matter ''-'- "Next Winter. i"" ' " . tPiom Dally; Statesman Nor. Hi.) , There 1 considerable discussion throughout the-trtate, regarding a new system of i hi bile .schools, -by a more4 thorough organization, and tbe doing away with the nttny school dlstrk-t Innards. Il-ontiueiit educators bare ree fitly ds'iissel the1 advisability of having the 'school laws o Oregon so changed a to make the cvnnty the ilblt of school org:rnizatiou -instead of the district,1 by "dating bo ' entire schools of tin ooiiuty lo charge of a loard of tlireototM vhiujiowiI of three men, they l take the plaee of tin j..-ore and hundred 'of board-, "nndor ihe" present ysteni. ami 4hu 'glv'ug all tlie school o the county tbe same advantage; a -bow enjoyed only by the city school, ami placing the lwst ami most up-f-d.:t!e met bods of iopn lar education within the nacli of every child .in the- county. Tlie ma t ttv ha uttrao'ed eousidernble atten- 1 ion wherever dfois.d. and -several-j pnilllillv-lH ' incllllier 1 of tlie I-guda- t tire -are di.osing m adyisalmity of introducing abill In tin next Leg islature, looking lownnl Introducing this system in Orcjion. Til KjKtMU I now In wieoossful operation In soiiio of the states, and it. i loikid trHi wKh great favor wherever tried, jln Ulohmond county, Ooorgia. IIm syKtem I In operation, ami lTof. Eewton It. -Evans, uieriti tomleut of whool of That county. In dik'Usjtjr Jif .JHU-iitfe-4f, 4t.-ln the i mm l. ou riiral iwiiimb of the Commit tee of X 4 -?,i'ou' Educa tional " AMoekrtiftUk ayof. It' .advan tages - " i ' '. : vl hrltprrTrr.r-ttrinrytbattlt coun ty ,ir township; Is, the proer unit of educational org niy-i toon. If oik sys tem of scbtiols can bo made to 'xtiul -r a .whole Vonuty. Iiu-lutliug tbo oily ami villas-. tbe orfranlza-tbm .will lie m-m a; Imsi rf -rrltory. Ry . f hJs meaii! tbe entire eouutry eau, after Awbil Im Irronjrbt under a uniforni orcauization. So lonsr an tbe orsaulxa 4 in I by eltloH - we . -nierely oranlsu' li' l.H-jlity,- wh'u-U mn never 1m' uni form or s'iitire.! It will always remain a ote-i!iil l!velipiui'it. A iroiHr ijli'y 4h to imltKi- iIk people bereiif tr tor;iHlz' by.ar.-a ratber than hy - Kots. The, effjKi-Of tlu? wlll.be t Kve to 1lie rural eUibl llie tlaine .-btKI jolvantacoH a;lo 1k Ityi obild. anl there eTt'Cj'i Mtufnii 4ii equity ana K'mbI n-nte .why tlie ailvanta'.' slwHil.l lw ilte aer "I 'oiim tjcom nn Illustration of tlilf ktiul 4t organization., atnl It -may, not le 4imli to lell ,4Miietb!njr of tlK jMoKlMjf.JtbMiinond, nullity. Iki.. in which euiity,-.i" Katnatetl 41h tbrlvins eity ol AuUta. Here for the past twenty-live yi'tir Ia Imhmi in operas Hon what I known a the county wyx- teni. I r,,: ... i . - . ' "One.ltoanl of 1uciitkn. e.nniMsl of rn-ri'tltallve! e'ieetel by the peo- .1,. tltr a t-nn a tbr-e renr. one- The teafbers are treriteil a early alike aseanlte. U.r ainl eoiuwr. ioa hers ire iaid atont " tbe Kiiiue salary. Th- pet K at tlie eiwl of e-ry tiWtKh ami ; on the sniW lay. The eertalnty ami the resrularlty of a fixed 'eouipenxatlon- en at a f eiiw of Neeurlty, Kaf.-tjv ami -omfort for a u-avher, ami ae-orilinsly lu-rea4 bin efneleiiey. No teaeber ran lo hi Iet wwk wljen he work tt starration' rats. I iciH omv every three or four nxrfiilis. ami of fn 1 u scrip that be ihit!t (Hseotmt. Tliere 1 iniKh ihil-ihj- ami alM e-onomy in tbe maxim il;it ji.lvle u to .piiy a.puhlie, ser vant well, ami watt-b bini l.H4 ly. Sc we thaw uo olisiliietimi of b-allty.. rirt-c1a4 work U wrth as ; much twwy niiU-H from town an It Is in' the heart of tin eity. ; f r Tbe w botl. of tbe eoiurfy all run piue eahmilar months. They all be Sn at the niM' time ami done n-t tin same tiiiM. ; IluHujr the, last - yea i' every chihl of the -onntj regard Ies of 'where he Iiveil. wa offered nine month of actual tuition. "So far an St-lioolhousox are eoiseeru- d. the are lHateI in rural dUtriH a to Ik? oil sin a vera go, of four lniK-s aiMtt. No child i out of walk Intf U'tance of a school ojx-n nine month in the year and taught by a jftKMl teacluT. The hous- sre own et by the loard of eilueatioii and cost, from to $2-V each, aecord- ing to size and iulpiiieiit. "ne -uiHrintendent ton eharge of all the "teaclierH in the county. The name degree of efficiency that should attend tbe nirvisIon of city school I likewise exiemhl to tlie country ftchooU. An extHH-t teaclier for all l the theory, and. "so far a human ef fort can avail. , it is carried out in practice. TIk same course of , study H prtfctihcil fur the pupils, and the same- course of professional reading 1 requird of Die iteachera. ( The teachers of the cHy Rcliools meet for instruction om-e a. week, the teachers of tb. country schools meet ; once a month, ami in addition have a two months institute in the ftummer niontlis. '-' . 'J ". -tK-J) ..S.:...i --z ''J ' Total taxable property For jurpoe of eomparisoa Uie suni- awirysof the? 18!!i ro.II is ciren below. bowing in what item the, Ios-4 o, enrred : - , : ; -; 3 ' ' -' ' ' ... "V " 42 acres tillable land ..f'-HVl.lT Iil.r3 acres ; noitiUst h. Intp on d;ieJ lamls. ..,. ; T Value of town lis. . . ... 1 Imp. on town lot I mp. on undeeled binds. ., . . 4'2 milet railmad beI., .,. .. . llolling stock ;l' luile tel iind ' telg line." Vilwe sitaixitHtats. etc....... if erobaudise, etct. . . ..... . '.-... V'aluenfann Itnpleineuts. . . .. . Mou- y. . ,.. .. . . Notes and aceouut.", Household furniture "VI - horse . ill! cattle . .... .. ... ZtSZi sue-p 2ST t.wiue ...... ..... r5.rtr tnn.iEi s; 4rt.i rnu S.r27 ii.na. .23Xi:mi 4.lr. a.oir, liTi". i iT.rwi .7.4 C-J.(C.t 8.77S : ZJSI Cro"s value Exemptions. . of property ...$3.11 ... 71. Total taxable property. ,...f 761.841 AWED BY STIlAXtJE OALLERS. Masked men. HiKKks. niklnlght rls Iiatiou atiI mj-xtery are mixed up In a story which J;koI ; ilman. farmer of Frookdale, N. J., has- told to the iwilice. ((iliiiau faya his p!ace has leeu vhitel in his alsence by armed masked nten. who threat nd to blow hi wifcV head otT unless she signs a pap.-r which they have presented to her.' He says she was too frightened to note the contents of 1 he 'document. After l"-ree visits (iilman arouseil bis ncighltors. and the eouutry isibout his place was scoureil. but not a trace found of-tlie mysterious strangers, ililmau hir4l a man, but when he wnt to -the larn Ut. look after the live stock the niaskeil men again visited Mrs. Oilman ami threatem-d her. He ti-cn hiied a n'gro for a ImmI.v guard, but thev again put in an apiearance adu Ji'rod three shots at hi r. Oilman will employ detectives. Justice took the Itandage eves, laid aside her sword. bow and oniver of arrows. ed out briskly for a bunt 'What are you going to do. with tltose toys":" asked isdotn. "1 am going to shoot Folly flics." answered Justice. 'My dear cliild." re "61 nl . Wisdom, 'you will mAd a gatling gun Chi cago Tribi'iio. off her seized a and start- as it a niu t;.vix. Irohitionits llcast-d With Their Iticmise Since 1K!M, . nif a ty. It . . . . I.'.-- third ut the J iiMiHliTsntp . expijoig everv year, has cliarpe of tle nlirc schoi.l .Interest f 'the oity of Angus J and of the conn ty of llk-umond. This Uard of eliK'ation 1km the unique tower -'f "erylng a schord lax dlftly -uKn tlie fn-oHe of the comity, without revision lr iinvoilHT authority and wit hour' any limit as to rate or amount. The w bool tax 4 levied and collected as a uniform, rate ni"'" ' roiriy if the count r. whetlier.lt U ln. the 1 Itv or out of if: Tlds form tlie gen et a'l chsl fund of the county, snp pieuonte.I by! the-mate aiproprlatlou. "When r to tin di-tributioo of lb! fund iio regard i iaid to the amount rais.Nl by any ward of the oit v or any district of the county. lUlt TIM UIMl. is umuiHiini ... , .to the neeitie of each ward ami district. Ueterinbteil. by the ; numlM-r of ohJI.V;rn to Wetlncatetl. Tlie sehooI tuiiil of the whole county is raised by tax on all w prosriy 01 - o""- aml 1 .distrU'tned tipou the tuists or the-whool popuiatton oi eacn innr umity. Th0v it hapinni that a nun munity rich lu naught else but ehil dren w4ll get a flourishing sliotd paid for bv Its wealthier but h-ss fortunate linculn neighbors.'. . "A a matter or raet, a large po of the -uwrtiev paid ly the city 4s an nnattv 'iHiit in -t lie. rural districts, for the city lia nine tenths -r tm -las-able proiierty;, but o tlr t hrve-fov.it h f the sfhoni pputaMin. So It hap pens that the rural school iay one t -nth of i1k wIkwI tax ami riee'vo the lenctit of one-fourth of It. At'g nta lias sjent in tlw., iiat twenty veirs U Mm of SJtm.'uta in buiUing choolboueK,ni!d payhig school teach ers for tlW elii)lren wito live In V.u con -rv d sti t " ar.nail her,; An gnsta ha shown r f,iit!i lu the pr isiibm tlut each city u-H te e en .Ironed by ,an Intelligent, industrious and tHhteatea'iopuHtton. " vt.n Jt. .wM.tea in the teariiers lh Rime iialiiioatlous are Jei:indoJ for rural -'mcImioIk. a Tor cHy sclmols. "bp 1.11 ih reiuLir eiamiusHiou terms, and ..11 ..vi UMiiti ftt lU'n-s to teaeV. .t aiMioiTit doe not km w -netl.cr m; .Mil rtib In the -ity or out f it. 1 .nr i: u n nia... of tTirtlfferen-e ' 11 1 ktw whreof 1 sneak when' I fca x i h.i t there a h T 5 women gra d- nates of "normal eolKges doing Inga- irr.iU work In" country ' -hools ten miles-lievoml the limits of tlie city. - and doing it - Tui'ipily and cbetrfnlly We - Jveliove- firmly la. tlie " furtUer pro losithrn 't!wir a eouutry sc1kh1 is en- ' lit hit fo a guiT a teaclier a a city -1moI.' and that'tlioae who live in.thi ; lieMs- are- as deserving of education as those who dwell lHsHle lUe asilialt Carlvle mnst Iwve lunl a country child Ja.hls -nilnil when lie saldiThis 1 oiinsTder a great -tragedy; that one ; ul should remain In Ignorance tliatt had capacity ' for higher things.': J rilK'AOO. Nov. !. Itoshles McKin-k-y ami 1'ryan. Uer were tire other aw u in (lie fejjl with aspU-atlons to I he otlico if 1'resKlent of ,4iie I'uitel StaliM. .. ,':.'! :.- '-.! In Chicago alne Eugene V. IXls. as In ad . of tlie Social I eiuK"r.i ie ticket. leads the other tnlndr eandi ilate by a total vote of rrj-: John . Woolloy. thv Frohibitlou caudhlale followed sH-ml with a Vote of w'bile tho-Socfalbtt. Iilor psirty Avltb Jos-ph I. Maloney m-eivetl !tV; Wharton Earker for the People's par 1H. and Seth .11. EIHs of tin "I'nlon IJoforrn for rh-e-t legislatitHi' jKirty found JNt flittering votes. ' At the National Prohibition head ftiartr If was estimated last night that the total rote in ihc nation would xctsii -100.1 mm 1. - nis estiimate was loisod on the reeeipt of oltotU 41 tele 'sinis re-ei rod from 'JS states. Ttiis is more than thrie times the vote east for levering In IWh;. John il. WikiI ley anticiifit" a vote approximating .V KMX mi. ruing his elalin 111011 t he rfi'iintry prwim'ts which are yet to reort. ImFIana. Ohio. XflcliJgftn. New York .ami I'ennsj-lvanla are thought to ha v. polled a vote fnllr four times n large as hi lfCX". Illinois Is esti mate.! at mfirly three time ilu? vote of 1S0, or 27.oi'. MANY BILLS AUDITED COUNTY COMBMSSIONlr.RS'COX'ltT CN- TINUKH ITS SESSIONS. ' iimcnl Minor Order. Dorkrtcil. A ntong Thrm Itclnc ItetMUa on WUk. Tire TVgot. (From Maily Statesman Nov. 10.). ' The Marion county court" continued it session yesterday and outsidelof a few minor routine." matters, the ibiy wns spent in audfting bills, tills being an unusually .hoavj' month. At the '-close of the day work tbe i-ourt tooK a recess um II i a. in. today, when the session will lie resumed. o The rcisirt or County Clerk W. W. Hall, for witness fees before the cir eeit ctoirt, was accepted and allowed. Mr. Hall's report of warrants drawn on the jury account during th Oeto ln r term of the circuit eouit was alsi appronil. : Tlie claims of I'hilip Hoes. J. W. In iii.ui. J. I.. Stelwer, J. J. Wright. O. I. .Morris, Iuiise Kester and r . .1. It-atty Or relKite on taxes n aci-omit of wide tire wniH. were granted . by tlie i-onrt. The claim of I. W. J'almr for Ixmnties on tfo o.vote scalps. SI. (". Maulding. 1 wild i at scalp. . ami A. J. Taylor, one wild cat s-ealp, :': ' 1 " " " . - Makes light, flaky, delicious hot biscuits,' rolls, muffins and crusts. Makes hot bread whole- n. ... These are qualities peculiar to it alone. some. I have found the Roval Baking l'owder superior to all others. C. Gokju, late Chef, Dclmoiuco . ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST.. NEW YORK will r.E electhocc:tei. MAR YS VI I LK. O., Nor. Judge Horn this afternoon S'litenced Uoss lyn I'erreU 10 lie electrocuted on Fri day. March 1st. for the murder of Ex press Messenger Xane,: August loth, last. . LOSS Of PROPERTY cocntv nt.es its tax ROLL SUMMARY ' K CoaMnbte UtcmM l . T.x.ble ? Properly TltUM. La. da. Itio Total la I ho The. clerk of Lincoln eiuntr yenter- day fried the summary of the assess u't lit roll of that couuty In the le- pjitttueut of State fr use of-the 4tate F.nan1 of Ievy. Tlie snintnaijr shows a decrease of 1772"! in t he taxable nMiiHnr of the comity, and 'also shows a .loss of 72i acies f tillable land, or over 1.1 per cimt. iTiie follow- Ui-r ia the snmmarv of the roll as re- l " i-eivetl j-e.-'tenlay: r ' , . ran-; acres tillable land 34sl li:Ui2T acres non-tillable, . . Imp', on deiiletl lands. . . i4k town and city lot..;.... Imp. on town lots, ....,... 1 u'p. -n nude tied lands, . . . 42 mile railroad l.l. ..-. . til'i 'mile tel ami tel line,.. Uolling stink seaiiiUjiis eie Meichaudlse, etc ... Farming inipletueut, Money.. Notes and aceouut. Household furulture. ru; hores ami 2"24 cattle 4tl.l slHep ... 24 4 gaU . . - ISia swine;... .. . . . - etc .. , etc. lunlei. . . . 210JZV.I 41.!NH 7S10 44.755 7.410 4,OiW Oil." 8..'27 10.4--0 U7 3.721 3.IU.H ll.Cltl 14.II.V, i',OI. 8.i rt 4,filil . 44t Gr.iss value proietty. ..f. "53.892 were appnvel. 'Count yaid of $.. for Sebastian Sher baok was allowed, and J; W. Kbner was apiointed .as disbursing agent. Tlie petition' of Moses Hurd ftir cfiifiicj- aid was consideritl and the court allowed sr cr ' month. - Criminal accounts Were alio wed in the following Justice cass: State of Oregon, vs. Y . Anderson, t . aughu. K. V. Tucker. W. W. Martin. Harry I mini. 1'. Itemej Jf. II. Allen. I . K, I'aterson. .1oh l.inds,y. Saiini I .Tnck soti. J. V.. rtiderwood, ASlN-rf Oordoii. I:. I. Sneuci-r. The folhiwing bills were audited and :sl"owtl: M. I . F. Witten. . . .. 'J oo Corom-i-'s Ao-oinit. t Ii ne. ..'... ... .1U .n $lo Ucbate Account. Or.ii. 'Pastor, ot al... ',.$'2 OS Holla 1'iost. ot al x; h7 Sherifl'. Account. V. W. 1 Hit bio.; 71 Statioiici v Acco-nt. 2 tn $ 2 K not alM ?SI 71 Fuel Account. Clmd. Allwd. W. T, Uigdon. ...J 2 in U' h I, Kave.-iux -"i7 ro To j W. Moru-v :ir, vt :vr, M. Van Fleet........; 21 M li Postage Accotnit.. 1 F. W. imrhiu ....SU ltd $10 ut E. T Micros 'i .' ."si 4. II Uotaml. ..... Sim :s no W. W. Hall 2.iK 2 co Jury Account. 5. T. "Johnson:. X oo.5 on A J. Schomnker. .. . . - 2 on 2 ih Pat ten Pros .loiiruul. ... ....... Journal. ..... . . . Jt-rt'erson llevlew .". I!. E. Moon.,.... Sta'tosniaii Pub. -Co. -Court- House Oiay Pros ........ -t. 11. I. u:iii. ...... . ...2t A 1 tlr. Or. Tel. Tel. "tel. Tel. .'. Co. tC, ."id . . . .,'t ,t.i . . . 15 mi and .l.i i I. . . 5- m ... " ... 2 M . .. It 15 5 21- II o." 75 lo 50 r.. lt IM XI. 45 PIlIliAllELl'IIIA'S IM0 SHOW. -- Fieri i ,n W. ll. Chlggeltl. tl. H rttin .-. . J O'liouald 4. M. Ptcoruian. . . i rnuiit.il Aeeo'ifit. , .V...2 ru H. uiiiia Ieyi.". . Murphy .... t . . . . . s Accol'llt . V . . . . . I to 2o INI 50 $ 2 5 till 4' i'i I'M IMI 50 iPHI I, A I EEPI 1 1 A. N.iv. 12.-41 log of every iiriod from all piooaiuciit kVniiel In the lnitel States and, many blooded kio iiuens from Fngl.iml and Canada were on exhibition today in ll.ii t i ulninil Hall at 'lie annual dis pl.iy or the .Philadelphia Hog 1 Show Axoociatiou. The list. -of prize ji the largest ever ollcri'd by I be inemhers of -any Im-iicIi shttw 'organisation.' .ltEUNIIAPHT IN P.OSTO.V. l'.OSTON. Nov. '12. Madame! S.irati Pcriiha-i-lt atitl M. t'ou lljt n-wnod here toikigi.t hrth-lr toiir tif tlie Puit 4 d S't itos, which w ill ov-r fix ntitln. Tlielr program Includes '"lAiglon," "Cyrairole P.oigciac," 'Ilamhl." "ha Tiwi-ii." "l-i I:une, Aux - Caiiwllas" and "Tartiffe,"-. Hr. Edgar .lamest .i'.atik'y,. .' rcentlj i'uited Slates consul at Pagdad, ha Imm-u a-lioM'ii "tlis-ior of the njofiosed cKliii.m to ox(c.iyate Mualieiir', which is itptwis-d to l'v Fr of the Chaldee. wh. te Abraham ami 'Sarah w re lnirn. DESIGNING AND . ENGRAVING ..J BY ALL METlfti High-Grade Work ' prompt Execution . Prices Reasonable. WRITE US IN REG A&b TO YOUR WANTS W. H. CHATTEN, STATESMAN BUILDING ' Sa.cn, OreQ9 ! Send for samples of our special designs in lnhogravure work for letter and bill heads, cards and envelopes,.. HALF-TONE, ZiNC ETCHING ' MAP AND WOOD ENGRAVING , PHOTOGRAPHING i I 5 - 5 Estimates Furnished FINE JOB RIRIINIIINO Satisfaction Guaranteed Statesman Job Office, 266 Co Tim e retail St Salem, Oregon