Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 13, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    .WEEKLY OREGON. STAT ESM A N, t u es n a y, November U iv
Issued every Tuesday ami Friday by the v
R. J. BEHDBICKI, Ibuttr.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year, in advance. $1; Six
months, in advance, '.TO cents; Tliree months, in advance, 25 cents;
One year, on time, $1.25. '
The Statesman has been estab- ing In advance, will have the benefit of
liihcd for nearly fifty years, and it has the dollar rate ,-Bat ii tbey do not pay
some subscribers who hive received it J l lbc "V"1'!.?'25'
... . , . year. Hereafter we will send the pa-
nearly that Ion, and many who have p;r to all responsible persons who or-
read it for a generation. Some ot dr .it, though they may not send the
these object to having the paper dix- money, ', with the understanding that
continued at the time ot expiration oi
their subscriptions. For the benefit of
these, and for other reasons, we hare'
concluded to discontinue, subscriptions
only when notified to o so. All per-
sons paying when subscribing, or pay
We ir .1 nt the trade of the Orient, all
of It .that we can wnre on a profita
ble basis, the same a we trade with
England and the Continental eoun
tiies. We waul thei trade of France,
ni of it that We ean do on the name
basis, lint we do not want the trade
of France at the expense of our fruit
growers, by a rt-ipreal arrangement
that would admit the dried fruit and
other product of that country at a
lower rrte of doty. ;
.The follower of Rryan a:d in IS!;
that , we could not have exp.inxion of
our foreign lrnb without giving for
eigner fnv iiiwM )o our own mar
ket. The follower of Rryan were
discredited and defeated in the cam
paign of isr;- and Mho lUng!ey la iff
111 took I he place tpf the Wilson tar
In law. Expansion of our foreign
trale followed, despite the prediction
to tlie contrary a 'greater extension
than ever lefote in: i he history of the
country. ; . '- . . .
We tun have the trade of other
ountrie without TUinitig our own
iPHiiuTarlurer aud. producers or re- i
din ing our 4aloier. to a slate of pau-.J
ltetlsiii. What is vastly more iuiMr
tant. we can preserve our home mar-
kets, the liest in Ihe world, and
hound to cm I in ue the lies art long a
our people are pioH-rouM, our lalKir
er emp!oyed at rmunerative wagen.
There, are chanciM,1 no doubt, jo
make additional reeipro.-al arranjse
meiitt. xik-Ii as vouid not affect inju
riously, our jriduMr and biltorer;
hup we -want none .tich as the one
projMiscn nun .i-rauee; we want non
with Mie -Oriental countries that
would bd In fre or. at rcdncinl raMH
the prMlnt4 of i!e paiier l.ilnir of
tlM iteming miliioiis there.
t:o6l15Y TO AX OI.I riUEXD.
Kaid the Xew York Sun on Xov. .":
The Hon. Adl.il J'wing Stfvenon.
an xeeHeiit 5d gentleman of IU'moh
insrloii. Illinois. d-!crv' the x.vmpa
ihv of nil frU'ndn of llie nnfortuuate.
It a iiiHH'f-ary. and I'veu eri'el
to yank the reilred Axem.-tii from the
Ida, id olt-urity which he was eni.v
ins. To le Mtie, h iH-iiMXTatk'
prhiciple are accommodating and
clastic, and lw- Is glad to Jwiva at
011 any leiuo"ralic' plat form; but be
is not a gnd representative of Hryan
isnj. He I not lierce and radical. He
doe r.ot fiate his ncighltor and lnar
false witness against biui. lie is cu
cntially a quiet and wdu-r cit.xen,
witli no fotidnes for political
melodrama and ivisture making. His
young colleague whirls JhroHgh the
con i 1 ry w ith a sound of rnanyUvhccl.
I'ncle . Adlai plods on in an ox cart.
6r::3 Cll T.Ita
" Some men teea tolisr,
walk erect. Their t
eyes are bright. Their
laugh is hearty. They f
are men of to-day 1 '1
not men of yesterday. V
They are also wen f
who have kept
themselves in frood
physical condition in
the past. As we grow
older waste matter
accnmulates in the
system. The body
can not throw it off without assistance. Sr
little by little the machinery of the body is
clogreo, vitality is lowered, and enjoyment
of hie ceases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, cannot make old men young;
but it does make them strong- and healthy.
By removing the waste accamnlations, by
increasing the blood supply, by strength
ening the stomach and orgrans of diges
tion and nutrition, and thus increasing the
assimilative and nutritive power v." Golden
Medics! Discovery" makes grand old' men.
I suffered for six years with const fprin and
ini. ;f rt;on, duriua; which time I employed ae
erl pbyciaas. but they cotikl not reach my
cae." writes Mr.. C. rof.plewclt. of Kureks
bpj-inas, Carroll Co.. Ark. I frit that there was
uo help for m. could tm retara food on my
sioaiach; tsd vertigo sitd wwM fall helpless to
the uur. 1 comiuenced Uikhis; Dr. Fierce"
Oulden Medical Discovery and little Pellets. I
am now in Rood health for one of aay ape 6c
yrxT. 1 owe it all to tr. ierce's nietucinea.1 t .
Dr. Pierce's Pellets greatly benerit old
" by keeping the bowels in activity, i
- taey are to pay $1.25 a year, m case
they jet the subscription account run
over smdnths. In order" .that there
may be no misunderstanding, we will
keep this notice standing at this place
in the paper.
lie Ls not fast enough for bii eom-H
pany. - -i
Me bar hint trylug t. e-!t hint-w-lf
aliont trust a and militarism and
iiBiMrialism. but evidently the good
man 1- pnzzI'Nl. What i the eain-
laisn alout. anyway? The jK?rj-,etnal
iiK.iion ii'nn rrom Acbraska w too
much for bis comfortable iariner on
tin" ticket. I'ncle Adlai stand with
amazed eyen by tlw giand yellow
flood, the. overflowing Iloaugho of
lil-yan italK' " i i 't ,- ,
fe w:tve a friendly, adieu to Mr.
Slevenson. lie may not Imv the wis
fit man In the world, nt by the side
of (d. ISryan be in as SoVoinou to
balie In arms. .
EXCOlltA;iXi i TO A Lf
jTo Kiiin up. Hryan went down t
ov rwhelming defeat In-caus of Cro-
k-rs iiand iu national polieh-s, le
iius tt -".JifKinley prosperity" and
the "war fever" in American veins.
The great overwhelming vo' in favor
of MeKhitey i a mighty encouraging
fore to those wiio.-e eyes ami hoiM-s
aitd foi tunes rest on ' Kmpiie. IV11-
dleion Kaxt Oregonian. 1
j It Is an "encouraging fore?" to a I
Americans, for their eyes ami hopes
and fortunes rest on "Kmpiie" tuak
is the empire of this' Kepublic, repre
f ining popular goveruiiu'ut and free
dom; in which all the people have a
toice; which represents the highest
ideals of eivilizalionj progtess and
ed uca t Kin : iu which the enlighten
men! ami happiness of individuals
U the etUMsrn of all. Thi is the kind
of an I.iiipire tlie world h.is , been
vraiting for nil the et'inurles. It lis
i ncouraging to know that popular
troveinment is nor a failutv: that the
KMple of the t'nlted States are not
afraid to undertake the solution, of
ihe nrdjems that destiny has thrust
iiimui tlwni.
So l.enz Is defeated? Next to the
defen.t of Pryan this is the best news
iu the 'returns. We all rememlHr
Lcntz's -amiaign in Oregon, his almse
of tlu' President, ami of all our pul
11c men. bis untruthfulness, his flings
ami billingsgate toward all Hcpuh
Lenta is Im sJ descrilMNl' by the v-ord
blatherskite, for th;K is what lie is ex
actiy. ue is cunning ami toy, tin
ci tipulous and yvt with talent, which
makes him all the more dangerous.
liver on the wrong side. jrteft in arons
ing hairel. vicious of ongne; it was
a gool ibiy's work wheii t he 1 voters
of bis district pnlleil .his fangs and
took the traitor out of Congress. .
We have seotelMsl ihat snake.
Salem. Or.. Xov. O, 1UHK
Said tlie Xew York Sun . Nov. oth:
The campaign Ihat end tomorrow
has Iteeu on the "lKmocratic tile an
imiosturej It was a flow of inflam
matory talk In which n deliate upon
a noliricjil prim-iple was discernible,
except' that, upon the relation of the
(Vustltntion to new territory, a ques
tion which was placed in 4 he bands of
the Feleral Supreme Court Itefore the
canitiaizn liegan. The Democratic
catupaign ba the peculiar distinction
also of having seen Its. foremost can
didate. Bryan convicted of falsifica
tion, on various counts, by one of the
most serious public men ideutifletl with
the opiioslthwi. 4he Hon. Will am Pit t
; Frye. of Maine. - '
In their attacks uion the Adrainls
tiatlou the Democrats have uetl slan
der. In tlieir appeals to Uie public
they have playetl Ihe demagogue of
the lowest e:rade. In dealing with the
one defined ami lutell'glhte Idea of
riielr canvass, tlie 'iuimeliate Issue" pf
the Kausas City platform free silver,
they; have" tried dN-elt. Tiny have
evade.1'1 be question so far as ihey
Wmcd jossllile for themlb vak It.
They never faced It wlthont some col
or of an attempt to nourish doubts
ot'-tbelr intention to carry out their
ida t form. " - f
; It canuot lie wondereil .tha'Pat tlie
c.4is4 of snt-Ji a canvass tliere Should
Im ou th'.v Uopuhr.cau nde the calm
eess ami satisfattion of t oj fide nee.
i:nd on" the tiemocratie side the' rav
Ings aliour fraud and the incitements
to. valence that .spring from Ihe rage
of despair. , : V
lr.tau Is Iiea ten. Xo American can-
didate ha ever deserved defeat bet
ter, ami no candidacy has ever called
umu American voters more " impera
tively to, pile up a majority against
him as crushiug in its ctn lenmation
the votes at Iirmd allow". r;:- .
Said the Or sroniau c of yesterday:
"A Republican Ueghdatnre Is not the
t.nlys plaiisPd reason for Bryan' re
jection of .1 seat in the Senate.' Mr. It,
M.;7lIiieh.eock.. editor of the Omaha
Worhi-Herahl. claims to have Iiryau's
signature. 'to ' a 11 agreement not to
stand for" he Senate, an agreement
which formed part of a receut settle
menr of fusion diltieulties .therv. Mr.
Pryan has made more money gelling
look and ddiv-ring lectures thanhe
could li'ake iu Je i Senate ami nay
Washington expenses. Jle Is loth to
leave the lucrative1 profession of per
neri'al candidate." !
The so ell I led arid region of South-
t astern Oregon will ie as rich as the
Salt Ijike valley, In Utah. The rail
roads that are bend?d thai way will
briirg the ieoph and the people will
see that tlie land. Is irrigated. Tlie re
sult y-ill be.lalfalfa Ihids and abund
ant grain and vegetable and fruit
crops, taking the place of the sage
brush, and civilization following sotl
tnde. The Oregon Legislature can af
ford Jo encourage this sort of develop-
tnent. So can the? finlral (Jovern-
ment. Tliere Is an empire to 1 e carved,
out .there. - ? t . I '
Eryan carried only tbiee states
fkdorado, Cevada aud Moutana, and
the two latter by .narrow margins.
The Southern States that gave him
their.- electoral votes woul l have giv
en t hem to any; other uian, of what
ever views, running on the Democrat
ic "ticket. !
The Twice-a-WtH k Sta-U?sman" had
Just 800 sul s-ribTs at the oiRnlng of
tlie. current year. It tojk 2-Vs) copies
to supply the list for the tnlit'oa that
went out yesterday. The 3-00 point
wHl lie ri'aclied and pas-cd before the
paHr, in its present form, is a year
old. ;
The women voters of Idalio. Wyo
ming and Utah put in their ballots
for the full dinner pall.
UI'"n -v f 1 -.uu. x lll'j
In 1S(W tlie United Kingdom of
tlieat Prltaiii and Ireland bad 17,ooo.
(MNi inhabitants. France In tliat j-ear
had iflO.000; Bussla, 3rMHH(Ki0; the
territory.' comprised in the present
empire of Austria-Hungary, ".ti.ooo,
: Spniii. ll.Otto.tHMi; the states com
Iosing the (lerman Knuiire of totlay.
iu the neighlKrl:o'd of l,",OOO,O0tt; the
territory h the Italy of t the lnesenr.
approximately 12.iKiti.iNiO; the Turkey
of today about ln.oiiO.ooo. Tlie iHipu-
.aiiou oi jne t n.ieu fstates in .; imimi i
was ..os,4S. or, iu round figures,
.,mUMi, In lixai Unssia has 120.-
iHt.t inhabitants; the United King-J is now for our Brvauite friends who
dom has 4o,ooimmi.- France, S.MXiO,.so roundly abnstd the sugar Uust for
i"i: Austrla-IIungary, 42.fK0,ooO;
Germany. ,.w,inj.ia; itaiy, -"J.INJO,-
OiSi;, Spain, IS.ikhm'O; Turkey. 28.
ttotMHUi. Tlie figures for lbOO for all
these count rles are estimates based
on the rate of imrease in tlu past
twenty or I thirty years. The popula
tion of the United Slates in lOOO Is
7ii.ono.0oo. ;
( Here are the changes which a ceutv
ury has made iu the relative stand-
aa Its tBCiptaat star may be cured. HTJT
TAM has drawn thooaanda away from the I
UBwaw oi un aiiwiioa iuiihwi asany poofun
have been restored to perfect health hy HCD
T AW after their eases were pronounced hope
taaa hy the beat physicians. Ton eaa ba cored
if yes will. D not de
lay. Remember that de.
lays are dangerous. They
are especially so la easea
el tncialent eonaamp
tfon. Look at these ymp
toma. 8tnd them care
fully. Are they yonrsT
Then yon meat be care
ful. Ton are with! a the
grasp of consumption.
miDTAI will release
yen. Take BSSTA9
no. f r:5 t
U' I
x. n.u8Hxzro or the chiees xa
the first symptom of consumption. UCDTAM
will cause It to disappear.. BITOT AX wtU
Mtabllsh a perfeet eircnlaUoa of the blood and
ansa the eheeka to assume a normal may aelor.
Tiryrrxiaro tat thi tbboai
aUTD COUOIL At first the eoofrb ia a slirhf
hack HtrDTAPf will stop the ttckliagand the
ouch. UCX3TAJV wlU relieve It la a few days.
BOTH LUHOB, aanally near thatopa. This
la aa tadieatios that the consumptive germ
aealavaded the luay Una. niDTAN will
eradicate the germ. Ut'DVAN will reatora
the tuns Uaene to a healthy eenditlon aad pro
vent tarthee deatrneUon. "
EXABT. The heart is becoming; weak. UtJD.
TAW will atreagthea It and caaae the weak-
as todlsappaar.. -y . ,i . y -,-r ..-
HTDTAJf ahoeid be nsed at enee. ItwtU
make the lung tisane strong and the germs ot
the disease wlU be rapidly drawn freaa the sys
tem. Than yon will regain your health and
strength. tTCOTAW eaa be obtained o all
arncsista for ate. per package, er I packa;,s for
IXM. If yew draggtet doea net keep u CD-
TAN, seed direct to the HCOVAN RkMI D)
COMPAMT, Ban Francisco, Cai. A ataff of
physicians aad anrgeoaa may be consul led tree
U you will calL Ten may call er write, as yo
eeatre. CeaaulmUoa bee. Advtee It ba
Addreea . . .
Ceo. ttaafctaa. Market aad KlBs a,
...'. Fresslise, Cel.
ing oi -4hc pnuc-jwl Kuroi:in coun
tries and the I'nite.l States. - One
hundred yeais ago the I'uitcd States
was lower iu ; the u-al than any, of
the natioi; b re na iaeL It liad 1-ss
than a ;tltird as many inhabitants as
flteat Ilritaiu and: Ireland; half as
iraay as Saln; "less than a JlftU as
inau3T..a.Iljanfe aud but little -m.e
lhan a wveutb as tmiuy its Itassia.
Tlie udj" nation of all -lise wliii-lt
baveleen tiauietl which Iads:;ilf
IIuiteI iKtalei lit!ay in iMailalion . Is
Itussila.' ', IVnia min Franklin. while
Kiiil a Kj-.il lrltisb subje-t, surttr-sed
tlie si ntlemeit at the tend of eorce
I I.'s gvcnimeui hy showrn J tteiu
that the thlrtwn colonies 'were . at
that moment doubling their popula
lion every quarter of (a t-utury. .Tliat
rate of Increase coutintUNl f r many
yars after ihe-; ctdonlcs gained their
freedom, w hieU is witch more tf a
feat than - niafcins that . rate of gain
when a. countryjja small, Itj Is now
doubling every thirty years, the iiopu-
latiou in 1S70. having been: a littK
over aS.imo.iMMK In nnotlier very im-
lrtant-particular, however, the gain
of ;the United: States has been" far
more rapid than it 'has been In po;iu-
lation. i-" . t-; '.-,.:. r-.yy -
Jt is but little oyer a quarter of a
century lnce Alulliall, the uritisii
statistieian, told Kngland ; that the
niKNl States would soon pass it in
41m extent of Its wealth. That prih
ecv lHfa me history 'even earlier than
its author realized. The United. States
passed the United Kingdom in ihat
particular lougr ago. and took the first
plae .among tlwt countries of the
world, tJreat Britain leading all the
oilier nation" until that time, with
France, Veeond. Probably France
holds the place next to the United
Kingdom still, though Oerniany has
isfn growing . in wealth witli consld-
raU npdty'. for a- European nation
In the luiit tweuty-five years. The
rue valuation of the fal nnd erson
:il pioiwrtyjof tbe United Stales In
lKTs"),- as. computed by the census au
thorities, -b-a,,; in round flgtires.
S7.O0O,txMi00. It was -$ltS.fNMl,0t;o.n0
in .18iiO,' :i(M'iiiMKMl.oio in St3.-
(HMMMio.ootl in IK'so. and t;r.,M KM ,(
In 1S1MI. The liguies for 1 IM Ml will
probably not l computed, for sveral
iixuths yet, but a writer in -the St.
Iuis tilole-Democrat thinks the
I indications are that they will pass the
$'-.0tHMK-0.-40 mark. In the 100
years In which the population of the
country has lieen muhiplieil fourteen
times Its Wealth has been increase,!
more than ninety times. At the pres
cut moment the 'wealth 'of the liiteil
States tindouldetlly exceeds that of
the Unite J Kingdom and France
cominnaiwm. ami itnese , two conn
tries are tue seeomi ami tlilnt. res
iM'ciiVcly, In this particular on th
roll of the world's nations.
- Following immediately upon the
heels of election hum. a reduction of
l". per' cent, in the price of sunar. It
raislug ihe price of sugar to tender It
a Tote of thanks tar rmlnel..- the r;f.
to a. point , lieiow the former rate. If
It was -roblK'ry to raise it, so it must
lie a pure' gift to lower it.aif logic is
used on the subject.' There are those
who look purely to commercial Condi
lions to explain the rise, but 4hat is
too practical for the calaniityites
The question asketl of Bryan. What
kind f money would ho use, gold .or
silver, iu payiug 4 he obligations of
the Coveiumeut. .if ek'ctel I'i"sideut?
was uot answered. It never mattered
much, for Bryan's chances of 1 icing
elected I'rcsldent were verv slim
Xow It Uxi not matter at all. The
question will never .again be r;iis d
Having found the markets for their
cojiis. it is but reasonable to eijK'rt
that American capital and enterprise
will oou provide the ships to carry
them In. and we shall pximh-i to fee
tnany a self-trim-meT Hying the Stars
and Stripes In the near futtire. Nor
can we. after a, careful review of the
coal resources of the United States, of
Ihe exceptional ease and elieapno.ss
with wbk-h they can mined, and
of the readiness with whh-li 4 he very
best eo.1 1.1 n the states cnu he brought
to the rJealHKird, but admit that Amor
i-a will, in the near future. Is Kng
land s most active couitietttor in the
coal trade of the world, ami, next to
the English, the largest owner of
ocean colHers. F. 4 Beaton Suowdou.
In The Kugincering ilagazine for No
vember. 5 . , -
Such quiet sleep has come to them!.
The. springs uiid autumns, pass, ;
Nor do they kuow if it b? snow
J Or daisies in the rrass. r
e ;"
All lay the- birches IsmhV to bear ;
The river's undertone:
Across the- hngh a fltitlirj thrtsTi '-
Sings evensong alone '
e - V - - ." f 7" ;- -,
Unt down their dream thrre drifts no
atouml. ;;-tI;' . . . y ' 'i
The;wlnds may sob and stir t -
On the still breast of jwai and re.f,
A ml ,llieyre glad of ber.-
They ask not any gift t Ley mind ;
Xofaaiy foot that fares ;;v
UnlM-edly l-ife passes by.. .;'.': ,.) ,T
Such cniet sleep is theirs.
Arthur Ketchmn. Jn : the Novemlier
Atlantic. ...-'' - "
BMT V B.KiUWt.m Hit
rOK Hi.
Chills and Biliousness Is a Itottle of
TONTG. It is simply Iron and QH
nine in a tasteless form. No nre. no
pay. Price CO eenta. r ;
For the first. time since the nnaninv
of .Oklahoma farmers complain of
tbo much rain. ,
. . .
Consul Hughes, at Uoburg. has ui-idH-d
the State DVpcirtmeut with some
Interesting f.n-ts -oiu-er;iing the man
fa crn re of ddls Iu .Thurhigla. Simple
as a U.4I may apiH-ar at lirst. the Con
sul says,; the .work leeded for z its
ctmiplerioii.'ls '-comptlcated.' The com
monest kind of do!l now In th . mar
ket. Is the ontr 'which jjoes under the
iutui-' of "wax tloIL Its . trunk' is
made of cheap shirting. stiifl"ed with
Kawdnst'or excelsior: its : legs and
arms and bead are usually- of ,iapieT-ii-acbi,f
Ihe last, having a thin wax
coverings A ctarse shirt 'com pktes
this jyory, fswir and : slmile tyiie, of
doib" and 41 yet '.many bauds 'have lwetf
emragttl in getting it ready. .
I Ueriain workmen inak tlie arms
and legs, eitlier by cutting fheui out
of wootl or by molding them of papier-'n-.a'eh;
others arrange tie limbs iu
flat, wooden Imxes. whii-li are put
near the stove or in the sun to dry;
others dip the arms and legs Into a
luisln containing reil dye, -Ut give them
nVshlike-apiiearanee; others S-w.
cover awl stun the, doll, ami others
ttainf the eyebrow, lips and hair,., or
tine on nioliair. The luannfacture of
the glass eyes, as well as the flxing of
the same in the Jtead, is again done by
different reo!le, and all the parts are
put together by'. a. small niiViiufacturer,
to whom llie'workme-a engaged In the
inaunfactuie "of the various parts, of
dolls -arry. the products of their Week
ly toibi - , .3; "
The making of Cne doll wigs must
lie i-onsidennl an art in Itself. Mohair,
which is imiMrtel in large quantities
from Kngland. is used in this manu
facture. Sometimes human hair is
employed, but the letter material, lie
Ing expensive. Its use will always 1m
Imbed. The glass, eyes are blown
out of tulies held over a strong gas
flame. They are connected by wire,
and If it is desired to m.iLo them
movable, a lead weight Is fastened to
the wire. Tlie dressing of dolls , is
also an extensive industry, mauufacr
ttrcrs employing as many as :vm bunds
for this purpose, mostly girls. Of re
-ent years dolls are brought out dress
ed in uniforms to reprvsnt some well
known character. Iolls dressed in
khaki are now being put on the Eng
Iish niarket."
There ! more Catarrh In this section at tfca
coaauTUiusu otber diseases pat together,
and until the last few years was supposed to ha
incurable. For a ere at many rears doctors pro-
Boancea n a local aiaeaae, ana prescnoea local
remedies, andbr constant! v failuiar to cure with
,local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci
ence nad proven caiarra to be a constitutions'
disease, and. therefore, requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney dtCo. , Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon
bui. it acta nireciiy on im oiooa ana mucous
surfaces of the system. Tbeyofinr one hundred
Kjouars tor any case it iaiis to cure, ocna tor
Btrculara and testimonials. Address,
r V.J. CJ1KNET A CO., Toledo, O.
aH9old by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best-
Sir Ernest Sa tow. the new appointiM
to the I'eking mission in plac' of Sir
UlaudeMacliomild, is a mau of an al
together different stripe from the or
dinarv diplomat, they say, being
what 1s known in England as a non
conformist. His sympathies with th-.
missionaries and mission work, it is
thought, will 1m of service to tiiosi
who have suffered in Cliina from teli-
sious persecution, and ids long enner
iu the diplomatic service, extending
over ,io years, is a guaranly tii.tt liis
work will Im well performed. He has
served in Slam. Uruguay. Moroeco,
Japan ana China and is known as a
trained statesman and an all around
man of affairs a good man for the
Wood Preserver Used ty Uncle Sam
on Yamhill River Work.
Merits of Avetiarius ... Carboiineuni
Recognized by National, State ,
and Municipal Govern
ments. '
Tlie fame of Avenarlus Caribolinenm
has steal;ly extemled, ns tlie only bona
tkkr presi'rver of wood, since its "dis
covery in fJermany thirty years ago. It
tuts sKssl all tests of climate, oil aud
water aud ssteadily lived down all pre
tended rivals. Ts!ay It !.- tst ouly em
ployed In all con n tries for Hie preser
vation of wood used for household ar
ticles such as houses, I liatus, fences.
etc., Mtt the national government, both
of Kurojie and America, have recog
nized its value in saving public con
structions from decay.) Folio wing their
exampk cities. aul counties have alo
adopted aveiiariiH cnrltolieum for
brklgs, pavements, etc., and the lead
ing isbip builders ami railroad compa
nies have hown Ihelr faith In Its mer
its by treating ship timliers, cars, tele
graph ftoles and ties with tlie same
never failing preventative against cli
matic dpc'ay ami rep.n Vms wood boring
vermin Isth of land and water
tilt at lxMlks move slowly, and only
act after mature deliberation. It uay
tlierefore be safely statcl that" gtvern
r jents and wioratlbns tlld not employ
tvenarius carlsdineniui until fully -on-
vinctxl or its money sjtvlng as well as
wood premTvlrur qualifies. Private in
dividuals desirous of lenetlienlna- the
life of wood work ami at the same tbne
curtailing cxiHnscs. mid not fear to
fol.ow t'he prcci'tlents Vstaldished.
Recent kx.il examples- irov:ir the
tnttb of the a-bove statements are not
wautiing. .TIm leooustrtu toil Madison
slre't irslge in Port la ml. has- U-cn
trvatexl w:?! avenarlus carliolineum. na
has also ihe pavement at the intersec
tion or four tuets In that-cltv wlwri.
the Ireavlest tncet car and wagon
traffic converge Tlie latter me of tbe
eojinKrfitHl "was uiado at the earnest
solicitation of street car tnanazers who
courKientlv ks for irratlvlnir nnit
TlK"tfeutbiwtt in cbarp of th iinif.
ed States engnneer department for Ore
gon ate now applying avenarlus car bob
i Ue II in to tlie dams and lock work on
the Yamhill river, a flattering tribute
io us merits which was eertainlv not
extenKl until searching investigation
satistRiI thte authorities that it was a
measure of practical economy. -"'-
. . W . - .
viin Mien examples Defore tnero It
would apnesr that tin iiKlividnal Is
foolish amf the nfflolal almost culpable
w ho does not protect bis own. or the
taxpayer's pockets by u?imr this com
pound, thus saving from tkn-ay. and
engrtienin tlie life of all frame struct
ures for which he da individually or
officially resiwmsible. '
t'lslwr. . TlKwsen & Co. ot Portland.
Or are sole Pacific coast agents for
avenarlus caKhoilnenm, and It can be
found at R. M. '.Wade & Co., Salem,
wls will K'.adiy upply information re-
gard-Ing Its accomplishments.
- - Z ii' 1 " ' ' r r 1
. The isrieut, go"i"erm.r of :3:tJira kn Is
Sir HntH.sIInirT;irg."trhiliad a
vast fund f colonial ev;Hrieiic, lw
fore be web t out to assist the Jamsi
cans in :, mariasfiirg tlwlr isiitid. - He
was agiai-tlire hvAhat'.!'uter in
that eemer- rif, UlrtilnUatrariV;u' i,a.
dou knownss iNiwuing street.. He is
lai.vear dLia ;fa,mou crirUcter " in
Kpiivfof M"sg4'tniid as active as a
iMiy. The tropical climate -'generally
takes tb.f vigor out of one. it is
tliongbt.bm ir a iiki ii is i-aierul of his
heal lb and. keH,;tiot, driiik tiy fniJy
of' native luitidl-s'ie-fs nir ifi"o:e like
ly jo break down there th.-'itjji mi
perat clinvneJ T3hS form r .'.govern
or of Jaiuait-a, Sir lfenrv Itkike. imw
T.m Iliimvl'lkllif . ,!..' k-lbilll ......... -. .
in i mfii . . ri-iit iiiiin viars
In tropical .countries... Itieiuding" six
or seven In Jamaica, has always eu-
t .... .1 1.. ..1.1.
jiri rTii? iir.iftiii.
The forecast man sits down - .. .
And figures pro ami con;.
He's sure of Ark.uiaw "
- Aiid Maine and Oregon; "
Ohio and - New Yorjc
He takeas wtb grace and
He carries Illinois
As calmly as you ph"se;
New Jersey, Mary":tnd. ';,
Wisconsin, IMawate,
He gathers in Ms list ..
And never turns a lialrj
He studies, then, a bit. ' '
'Subtracts and multiplies." : .
And, -wfaried, finally
He shuts his tired eyes
-And gives the 4lKr. side
A small state here ami there
Xof 4hat It's vote's in doubt.
Rut merHy to lie f rja.
: v.; -r-t'hlcsgo Times-Herald.
PARIS. Nov. St. -The 'Figaro.- refer
ring to the results tvf the elections iu
Uh United States, considers tlie ques
tion whether administrative changes
will be made at - Washington - In -the
same projiortlon as they wer' in ISim,
and expresses an a tliiiuative opinion.
The paer says it will. regret if Seere
lary Hay, who is a frknd of Fraio-e,
tesigns. owing to ill health, and If
(ietKMal Porter. United States Ambas
sador to France, 'who-has. maintained
good relations between tlie. two coun
tries. during-1 be last four years, is ln-
In-ed to nccept a Hirl folio nei-essitat-
ing his leaving for tlu- I'nittvl States.
Bears the
Tin Ic-.i Yoa Baw tiwars 6oor.hr
In tlie County Cotirt of tlie Stale of
Oregon for the Counly of Marion. '
. In the mat tec of the gtwrtlianshlp of
Josoph S. Itcck. ; aiMl - Leona Ileck.
minors, Mrs. Margaret heck, guar
dian. Now on this the 12th day of Octo
ber, A. 1. 1 i km , conies Margaret Reck,
In iersor and as tlie guardian of tho
jiersous and esiat's of said -Joseph s.
P.eck, and Ieotia -'Ileck, minors, win
presents to -tin" said court her duly
verified 'amended icrrthit praying for
an order and license of tb'rs court, ail- -
rlzfng. empowering arid d'u rtlnga
her to sell all the right, title and in
terest of said minors, in their certain
real estate, the same tielng their un
divided oue-hhlf interest as lehants in
common, in fee, in aiid lo 1m follow
ing described premises, to-wit: Tlk
north tbreeHiuarters. of the north
half of lot -nnmix'n4d six (d) In blM-k
numbered 'thirty-three' t.'b situate In
th City of Salt'm, ' Marlon' conntv.
Oregon. Together with the tenements
hereditaments ' and ' apinirtenances,-
thereunto In-longing or in any w(s
ntirwrtlninr llw.r..l. . .' . ? .
And it appearing to the'court from
said petition that 1t would Ik Is'iieli-
cial 1o sahl minors herein- mentioned,
and i necessary and prosr that their
said real estate: therein descrils-d.
should be sold. r ' " '
It is therefore .ordered. ndJudired
and decreeil by the court that on Sat
niday the 17 th day ofNoremlier. llKsl.
at ten . (10 o'clock In tbe' forx'tiooii of
said day in this court, in the c-ourb
room thereof, Jn : Ore County Court
house, in tbe City of Salem, in lh.i
County of Ma Hon, and Stale: of Ore-.
gon, le, and the sanio hereby are fixed
as the time and place for hearing any
ami an objections to the granting of
said order, and license of sale, and
that a copy of this order be served
uion the next of kin of said minors.'
and upon Maurice Kllnger." Ixmise
Iteck, Mary Reck. Rosa Reck. Cathe
rine Beck, Joseph Reck. ! and Louie
IVck, and tnon all other persons, resi
dent and non-resident, interested In
said estate as by law provided, by
publication thet-eof In, Ihe Weekly
Oregon Statesman, once each week for
three consecutive and successive
week, prior to sold date, said Weekly-
Oregon Statesman being a weekly
newspaper, printed and. published at.
the city of Salew. in Marion county,
Oregon, and'lieing of geiM-ral circula
tion In said couiitv and state.
And each of said parties and next
of kin of said ward and all persons
interested In said estate are hereby
-ommanded to apnear lie fore this
ourt at said time and place to then -
nnd there show cause why a. 'license
should not be granted for the sale,
of said real premises, ns prayed for In
said petition. ; ' '
Ioue ,at Chamlicrs; this Ocfolwr 12,
, 1 jonx n;' Scott,
ConrUC'Tin'Ifro nf Marion County. Or.
10:ll5 tw. '' ' . '
Notice ds hereby given to nil whom
H may concern, tliat i the undersigued
ba3 leen this day by. the County Court
of Marion county,-Oregon daily ap
isdiiteil as rhe. administrator of tlie
estate of Nelson R..Ikty, late of Mar
ion county, Oregon cUvcased, and nil
persns Iiaviug cl:iims, n gainst said
estate are. hereby 'further iiatilied to
present the same ' .daily,. verified to the
undersigneil administrator t the law
office of Tilmon .Ford, ,W. Jd.. Kaiser
and W. T. Slater. at the city of Salem.
in Marion. eouufy, Oregon,, HU in six
months after the date of. ..the first
publication of this notice. All ier
sons indebted fo sajd estate are here
by requested to make Immediate pay
ment thereof to the undersigned ad-nrlui.-rtrator
. V , -(
iMtitl at Salent, Oregon,, this 4ta
day of October, A. 1. iboO.
; I. C. NEEDnAM, .
.Administrator of 'the estate of Nel
son R. Ioty, deceasedi '- x
10 All t, wOt.s- ' y '2' ' i J