Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 13, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL. 49.- liO. 39.
Drafted by the Envoys in Pekin to Be Sub
mitted to the Chinese. , ' -
Ample Apology Host Be Made to Germany for the Marder of Her
f Ministers-Indemnities Shall Be Paid, and forts1 - ?
j Must Be Razed. i
! LONDON, Not. PJ.f Dr. Moirison.
wiring to tlie Time- front Pekln.Sim
day, says: -...-"':.''.'! j ' ."--'
"Pressed by "the oommoa desire for
'a speedy tcrutHKitlon -of the present
S OOtlM Kill. tlK foreign 'envoys IKIVe
finally Agreed to the following tniis.
to Ik presented la a joint note, which,
subject to ile ai'rovall of the OoverH-rie-uts,
will Ik pressed ujnu China, a
tlw basis of a ireTluinary treaty:
"j 'China dmll erect; a, monument to
Baron Von Kettvler ou -the she wliere
be WW murdered, aiid semi an 1m
jwtMI Prince to Oertnany to. convey
nu apology. She MhcJt Intilct tlio dentb
iicualty Uon eleven j Princes ami of
ficial already naiiHl. and sus-in-nd
tho provincial vxainmaflon for Jive
year. wleiie the outrages oecnrred.
In the future all official failing to
prevent the anti-foreign outrage whh-
. - c1 ' .
.-.y, Jt-? s i - " : : -
j f -f. . -y. v..
i'-',"iV.- Sir !'.. -i ,-wV "vj---' - ,i..y y
. 5 .I-' - - i ... ... .1 1 v ...-'. .
!- -'c1 .?' :' -' ' - -I
Wfr Jt ' 'iP- " J ,," -t lM IM
President of the Transvaal Republic, now on a visit to Europe.
- j . give him an enthusiastic welcome. ;
nf Some of 'the Troop Statkmeil
Tliere Will I te Withdrawn CJ en.
,Davl Ooe to Ma-i'.Li.
lowing order wan mah
J 12.Tbe fol
publkr. t the
War DepurtnxnjrttHfcty:
tl. iu.iritiiknt of Porto Pico
be dlnrtriuH,l on ! tnler l.V P..
and the Island of port ft: Kl-and the
Islan.ls a-M kef adjaeent tlwreNx
will Ik a-ttaclKl to the Detrtment or
tesluated the D'.triet
of lorto" nicow f One-battalion f tlie
Eleventh Jufantry ami a wiuadron of
... im.,i. if itrv -now nerving u
Porto Pico. wUI Ik thieved front dut)
there ami cbt to Nw, York Cty. ;
-ltrlgatl'r tuTaJ treorge W.
Ibtvls. now In ttmMiRind oftlic IX
KiVttitnt of Porto Kim
10 M-anila for alignment toOntya
Iiis.HK-:.,r Oeneral T tli.it division.
Tbi leave iu Poww Hlco a nMlve
regiment; ortstsMug of
lsfttouoa of
and litterie'P mul il. of tlie- J If jh
aitdlory. T1h- troop will 1k itmler
the rtitmand of Lknrte.nt-Chel
Jas. A. Knchautin. v:. - -
""' ' '.I..:.-. -- --. ' - -;--t
rhll'pplne narthtiuakes.
f The Phi::pp:n4Iilauds are in a
late of consuntrireinonyMost 01
hes vibtaiions are slight
tl'v can be observed only by a P-t-lal
Instrument, luventtnl for anto
iraticanr t ctinliug the movements
ti, .rib' crnst, 1 Jiirrha'dakcs are
a freoueai hi the human system a
riK.n lie taHb wirface. A- 1M "Z
tniliance .f the digestive organ, and
.Hi- vtem is afTet-ttMl. Many
iKK.ple pay "little attention .to small
Um fdomnch. luit they
1. it - n.in.ill v ' c el ting . worse, and
h...i the earhtnuate a shock
.i.. ..nn -rtou. 4 illnessi. Hostel-
pr" Stomach' Hitter slionld lie taken
r the ' sllchtest isn of constipation.
dx-smnla. or tlattdency.
tt -Jtl enri " stomach f troubles and
slrengthen the whole ay tern. y Onr
nrir.i,.' trniH Statnti coVcra the
In their juritklion. shall 1k dismiss
ed it ml punished. ',
"An imletmdty diall be pa-Id to
the -state, .corporations, and Individ
ual. Tli Tkhhs LI T.inMi shall lie
abolished, and Its functions veiled in
a foreign minister. Tbitlonal lnter-t-orrrse
shall lie i permit tI. with j the
Emperor '&' 1n civilized eomnrles. i
'"Tin ftrt-s sit Takn aud the other
foi'fr on tho coast of Chi Li hall be
razed, ami tlie 4mportation of arm
oihI war material prohibited. ' ' '
" "Permanent Legation guard shall
lie TtMlrrta-itM.!; and also guard of
tiDuiunk'at'km Ix'tnwo Pekin anl
the sea. t -1
"'Imperial proclamation fhall be
posted for wo years throughout the
Empire. upireoing the Boxers. Tin
indemnity -h to Include compensation
for t he Chinese who unered throngh
Iwhig emqfloyod by the foreigncrK. but,
not 4xniiNnMatifni for tiatire ChriM
thm. The word TnislomiTy ami
" ',Chifctt!, lo not occur In ill; note. "
France will
Tlie Awnl Conflagiatiou Waa Dis ov
eietl After Midnight -Xunil er,
of Castinltlei Not Known;
POPLAK -It LUFF. Ma, Xov. 12.
Ilemmetl in by flame in Hie upiK-r
Moiiea of the ;iffjrd Honse, an old
frame structure that burn.t like tiii
tler. a nunder of person were bnrned
of atifftK-atetl to death: otlnT leainnl
f tmit iu W !u.liws ninl iejfTere 1 the
I.HM trf limbs and other injuries, fiom
uw-u uoiue dUtt. and tnly oiti or two
of the fortj--tive sleeping guests g t
out withom Injury, none waving auy-
thlng but the night clotttcs mat yere
nni nt 12::m ton in nr. wuen uu
Four are known to be luait: one is
tulssiug: three are fatally lujnmi. ami
more than twenty an-burned or other
wise hnrt. In the halls of tlie noieu
a nozen or - more .criii n .....
oine by the heat ami smoke, and this
leads to the belief litat tue-,os 01 me
will be much greater tnau now
known. There wfrre a nnmner or un
registered guest at the piac- f
American' Warship .W!H Enforce
, tJovernmcniX iH-mands.j ,
dined to ineet thV demand of ' the
Cnitcd States for. the; payment t(
Imbonnltrou avomit of the kJUng
br a mob of Marcus i;sMgian. na
turalized American citizen. The last
reoncst wa made by ,r1,u,al,iaJi
Consul C.nnrnwc. and th? latest dlb
nation of the OovernnW of Merocco
wit accompanied by nu intimation of
its rretslom fnni liability- nnder Ihe
terms or 4he convratlonl ct wh :i M
r, and Spain. The Ftate-Dcpart-
n-eut has come to the 1S Clll rU
t! Consul's representation iip be
more efftlve If "PJf'r
allv ,by the nresenre.. in Mor-aero wa
V - r.,tt.wi States warship, and
T: :.-....i.i : Vill make his visit
to Fez to again jrtsent the ease as a
Dasw-nger ou a Terf to le selected
by the Xavy Department for that pur
nose, which will proceed -to the port
nearest the.? Morocco capital.
iAroIJ all drying inhalant! and use
that which cleanse and Qcal.- the
luetubraue. Kly'a,, Cream Palm i
such a remedy 'ami . cures Catarrh
rasily and ileaantly. 'o!d " in the
head ranUiben quackly. . Irice Ztd eta.
at druggists r by mail.
Catarrh canseil ditliculty in speak
ing and to a great extent los of ltrar
ing. Ity he use of Ely's Cream Balm
1 t m j .
uruppuig oi iuucum nan (-easeii. roue
nd Iwariug have greatlvihnoroveil
J. W. l.iv!dson, Atfy at Law. Mou
tnoiMb. III.
Canadians and "Amricans to Jointly
Establish It
VANTOrVEIl, It. Xov. 12.-It l.i
Kald thst a letter lias Iwu rcclre.l
uere. from I Ion. Bidn-y Fher, Ik
minion Minister of Agriculture, stat
ing that the Canadian anl American
KitrYcyM Mill officially Oocate the
boundary 11im in the disimted terri
tory, comprising -the" valuable Mount
P-aker mining district. lliU work to 1h
liegnn as soon a the wintt-r's snows
disappear. ,
Minnesota State Oman's Condition
Changes for tlw? Pad.
ST. PAI'L Minn Xov. 12. The
oond'Kion of StKttr C. K. Davit. took
a lurn for the worse bxl.iv. new cnt
t1ication.s d. --vc loping, ntid Dr. Murjdiy.
the vutfnetit ChVa,go surgeon.
aga'ai Ik-h telegraphed for. ami will
reac-ii hce tomorrow .morning.
Prevented a Tragedy. . : r
Timely information given Mrs. Geo.
Long of New Straitsville, , C)hk, pre
vented a dreadful trajyedy and saved
two lives. A frightful cough had long
kept her awake every nig1!;. She had
tried many remedies ami doctors but
steadily grew worse until urged to try
Dr. King's New Discovery. One bot
tle wholly cured her and she wriies tins
marvelous medicine also cured Mr.
Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia.
Such cures are positive proof of the
matchless merit of this grand remedy
for curing all throat, 'chest and lung
troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Every
46ttle gnaranleed. Trial bottles free at
DR. STONES druc stores.
ImliiUKt OwbI Ojea44veH Wont Tlteir
Wages- luctreaed.
TEIIUE HAl'TE. Iml.. Nov. 12.
More thai 2t lxdstiug engimvrs and
TK( miners in this ttate will 1m id!.
4wmrrow. as the result of the failure
of iIh Indiana Block & HituiiMiious
Coal oiKTator. to sign the scale pre--ote.l
to theni today, by tin' engin
PiT. -TJw vile-udmitUtl hs the one
pakl in IILiiMLs. ami adojMioii
woukl atlvajice the Indiana wage 2b
per ceiH.
Property of Amei1c:tns Destroyed ly
the African Boers.
WASIIIXfJTOX. Xov. 12. A num
ln;r of persons, ehi lining to Ik Aiih-ri-
... . t
can furizciis. nave uoiuiiit-n n -t"--
State IKiiartnient larnvs against the
BK-rs. for the destruction, of tlwir
iroicrtv ami lnjuri to tlnir bus!
ness hi tlieate Soutli African lteputi-
lic atnl the Orange Free State.
A Village Blacksmith Saved Ills Little
Son's Life.
Mr. II. II. Black, the well-known vil- j
Inge blacksuntli at t.raJiarasvisie, ftiu-
Uvflu !o.. X. Y.. says: "ur little son.
live rears old. has always Ik en sul-
bKt t. eroitn. ami so Pad nave ine ai-
la'cks Iiccn tliat we nave icareti many
rimes that he would die. We have had
tho doctor ami used many medicines.
1..0 Mi.iiitlMrlaln s t ongli iiemcuy is
now our nole reliance. It feems to ms-
solve the tough 111 tnu and by giving
freonent doses when the croupy symj-
toni appear,. we liave found that the)
dremh'd trotip is cured lrefore It gets
settletl. There is no danger in giving
this remiHlv for it contains no opintn
or other Inbirioits drug ami may I 1
irlvcu a confidently to a ImiIk as to no
adult. For sal by V. O. Haas, drug
gist, Salem. Orefcon. ,
Tnrer of rnltcnl Ft;ites Submit
HI Import.
WAHIIIXfrroX. Xov. 12 Tlie an-
n 1 letvirt of TlaSIlWr K.I1S 11. li'JO-
rrt: mi the otH-ratUiti and Condition
of the treasury, was submitted to See-
oiflrv tlace totlar. Mr. Robert says
the growth and prosperity of the
country and the general activity of
l.u!neMA are reflected In the transac-
ihn, f ids office. The net-ordinary
ithe tJovemment forj the
fleal year were Jtfo7.240.S52. the Jarg
t in the history of the vanntry, ex-
i-ertinir those- oflHsL
xiendltnre there wa a net increase
-trTtTMXSA in comparison wltti
m. so that the ucnciency ,oc
j - vf v4f t - f 'r !
r :i iui t A !-
- Tor InfaAU aad Q113reiu
Its RblYca Han AI-2JS E::;y
. Xtoars th
GignAttirt of
- ' n-ro tiesl of time fnent" foolish
ly In courting will be pavetl In tlie
glorious days to come; when a roan
m. wife br drooping a nickel
in the slot. Atchison Globe.
Great Railroad King .Succumbs
After a Brief Illness.
He Pnrcbased the Orrfron & California
liailroad for t&e (ierniaa Bou l
holders In 1873.
NEW YOIiK. Xov. 12. Henry VII
lard, the railroad .auagnaie anl finan
cier, diinl at his suiiuiit r rcjildi m-e at
Iolli Ferry early this nioriiiug. Mr.
Vlllard IijhI iiit nt'ed lo rtttirn to Xew
York about the niidt.le of -la-t
but his condition was' the'i v-j pre
eariou.- iluii lii-t piiysic au advhcil him
to reji
at bis -ur.tiy tome until he!
slniuld l'.ave regainel imir' Ce.HgHt.-t
A week :iff be e.insht a liu.v cold
, . , ,. , . ,
ami suite iiicii 111s comi.t.uu ii.i
gradually grou ing wor u. .-Two pliy
.Icians bad Ixeii.wiib coutantl.v
fr a week pad. Mr. Vd ard. whi n
he died;, was surioun !e 1 by th inein
1h r jf his family, inc'.cdbtg -Mrs. TT
lanl iiid bis two son-!. (!sv:nl anil
Harold Villard. He i a:l b e.i uncon
scious f!r two days. Hi-i diaih. It i
sa'ul. was carsitl by cancer of i'ie
throat. Tin- fun-raj will 4 ike place
Henry Vt'.lard was b.irn Heinrldi
Hil;:ard. in Speyrr, ICle isli Iiavaria,
on Apr. 1 II. I.T. His gieat
I:". 11 is gieat uncle
TIkikIi.ii' t fa 1 her of .1 limits Hilgard.
who be-j;iiio ytiprrint.Hdent of ;iie
I'nited States t.ast Surveyi. cd a mi
gration tif the family connection to
Bellevill:-. Illinois, in U.Ti. Ills fath
er. 5usi:iV, was In tlu jt'd'e a' service
f 1 lie l'avarlan tJuv. nMi et antl eml
tl Judge of lln Supi?ni Court at
Young Hilgard was tdnca el in the.
schotds at Zwcibi'iick-n. Pial-ilKiurg
and Speyer. but 'in October. IS.',.', broke
ft" Ids imiers:tv stnd.es and -.darted
nt tor the I uitvd Slafes, iiitembng
l. ioin ll:e ct!o:iv of hi letative at
Pelleville. Ill fath.r's o p: s! ion to
this step mad:' him borrow the snr
naue cf a French s -ho bna'e r. t Phnl-
il.ourg and he Jerane lb my Villard.
Arriving at l v-leviH. h b: came a
ncws,K.-ier ie; rter -a ird ccutinuetl in
tlu proft-ssitni until IX?W. Early, hi
1KSI Mr. Vi'l;,rd aciMiire 1 the Xew
York Evening. Post and th.v Nation.
In January. lss'Kl. in Boston, he mar
ried Annie, tbe onlv tlanghr r of Win.
Lloyd Oarrisou. In bstiS lie was
Imwii sti-h'i.My of the newly founded
American Social -Science Association.
having its headquarters in that -city.
and did not finally relinquish th? post
until 1ST?.
It was in the latter year that. wh!!e
on a visit, to harnnc, jif; vi?iam ie-
ari his railjad career. He forme. 1 a
connection with
Frankfort and Berlin
bankers, and in
ISTo returned to the
The forces of Sun
-v:- 1 1 AreAf T".eev ttt?t " K .
A v 1 rKtyzst.v z?sJ-i
Vn 1 "' , , !'; I v ,r ; ...... ,.v.,.,-v:.v.- .,r;;:0,;v...-.Jr '
:'ilt'I 6VsKtAuvi " - ..-r.,.-
KLr - : ' I (
f I 1 11 "" -tMBHwaaa - ..riitiiM miii i mmmi ni immmarmrrVr-n3
- I If 1 : J " '- t-Hr , " f - 1 r 1 &
- 'j I , 1 '--I . -.. t - , . - .'" -?
I- U ' ' 4 v, ' r " mKT,
A i bffii
I niied States, buying for the fSerman.
iMiiid holders the prooerty of the Orr
g)ii Jfe California Hai1ro.id t'oinnany
and the tngou Steamship Conoany,
being niadV pn'fideut in 1-STo. He act
ed a on; of the receiveM of the Kau-s!.-!!
I'aHtie Itailroad t'oiupjtny and
later 'Itought' up ibe l!id f tlie road.
He hecaioe iineivstt in the fhegoti
Stcatit Xavlgatkn 'Compciny and tle
Orcg.u Pailwav Xavlgatioa Cm
p;iiy. of which ' he : iKH-aim? president
and then funned the Oregon Jt- Traus
ct.ntineittal. with ''which .be incrged
tlw iw 4itlwr eoiupauics to a o
eal'ed J bliml ptKil vvith the Xoi thern
Pad tie, I .eing liosvii presidtriit'of the
I-itler t-omiaiiy. '.
A few years later, the com; tank u
wJiidi b as iuPresteI .'became .o
Involved iluit tlu'ie was a 'eollat ?e." in
which Mr. Vllbird Kutl'eret veiy heav
ily. Petninlug to Cermauy. h; form
al r.cw Hii.meial r-'laihais which en-
js;b!d him t f.'iiair bis fortniu's, and
j coming back to this counlry. he ularl-
ril iijce nwii' im a capitalist.
In ISiHl'h pf!rch:isd from Thomas
A. Edison his electrical manufactur
ing interests and with lln Edison
Jiino Company, of Newark. X. J., and
tl'e Edisau Works at S-1 -einvtad v. X.
Y.. as a l;iis. organized the Ilis-m
Cei'csal EliH iric 'oiiinaiiv. f which
I h- ?Keam. iirs-sMs n. serving in that
! npaciry. tor aiw.ut t wo years.
( In. October.. IMKi. be i.rcame chalr-
icaa of t!;e Xorllu'in Pacific Poard of
1 i rectors, bu t il:e panic of
ltr: again
oas ! the Ions of nut of li
!,,! I i his witli.lniw.il
s for
from ..liaurojid management
Xew York. Nv 12. Marcus Daly,
1 Montana, di. d today at the Hotel
Ntiloibtml. Mr. Italy's .death hal
l--.cn t Jiies tetl f.r We. ks. He came
h;!!e lituii Euro f about the middle
c.f S.-ntcudt. r. ami s oh afi-. r wa
o'lligetl to take t his 1 A. from which
he-never again arcs;. Ill physician
Ifit't t ired tlie .relative nunc Utile ago
that Mr. Daly could net ret over, and
Iht y wtitiM giv. a.ssut ant of life only
Tiom day lt tl.-iy. Plight's tliseas,",
ctat p!ii -a ted with 1 cart weakness, was
lite ;:.. 01" tler'th.
At Mr, Daly's tleithbel were Irs.
Daly. Marcus Dal v-'-Jr.. Irs st.n. his
danghlcrs .Maty, Margatet and Har
riet, tlie IU-V. M. .1. Iveb. his attor
ney. WT.Hani Scalloa, i f Moittajia. and
t w i Mhysidans.
Mr. I la';: . was Ciiiise'oiis only at In-ti-rvafj
:es:erday. At 1 o'tdock this
leomlng he t.-vivoJ fiiu n sinking
so. ll ami seenietl more than ottlinarily
bright. He askd that Ids family. 1m
- "Oidy a Utile while n;ore. a littie bit
iiMire." 1 -atb TTTtt n ask.-d if he was
lictfer. Tbe family cane hastily and
remained until the end. Death .came
Pear, fully. The nliysic'ans aid Mr.
Daly was conscious until a few min
utes before be passed awav. ,
White be was snrroiimbsl l y mcin
lit rs of I,-is family. hii life went out --o
iKatetn'.ly that only the phvs:eians In
at-temlanee 'knew that'll had found
est. ; ' .
Breathing the fumes of arsenic in
tlie smelters wheie the .cupper ore
from his mines were treated, and liv
ing in tbe high altitmh-s of Montana,
weakened lir heart. lie realed tlmr
his constitution had broken, but did
nor fitMin enough give himself nil oe
lortPiiity," to recti jrti to.- He at-xlast
catee to New York and conmltetl three
eminent si s'cia-li.'Us in il;Kease of the
heart. They all made the same diag
nosis .and advised him to forsake ac-
Yat Sen; the rebel leader, are ravaging
t hese orders XI r. I la ly, on 1 ra ry t o
their atlvh-e. went to take baths at
Xanheiui. These are sjiitl to Ik ttw
stimulating in casts of dilation if tin
heart. Vhhi Iwing ttdd.it hat le;Uh
ctuld not long 1h d -I lyedj h burritfl
liaek to tin city, hoping against btie
that thise, who t.a.1 nrevbiusiy IicIjkmI
1dm. might again prtdong Ids 4ife. .
It wa tb.e irony of fate that. tiHrr
the date when Mr. Daly was fold that
death could not le avtldett. his tditi
eal and . jversonal nemy. William A.
Clark, titok apatttueius In 'the Nether,
land hotel -
At the Daly home, he- was said to
have finished .a' will 'and' signed- it le!s
than t wt nty-fonr lours Ik-fort his
lentil,. No .other infont atitti was
given out 'except that the Daly hold
ings In the Atiae.in.la Mining t'onnany
batt. ntt lx'i'ii disposetl of. 'reporleil.
several, years ago. but would change
owiiershbi under the will. r
The bodv was' removed to Nhe
Dily Irome in Fifth Avenue today, ami
the fun.-ral will be held Troiii St. .Pat
rick's Catbetlr.il. but at wliat l!ne ha
not 1 eeu decided. The ndy probably
will bo placed in n -'receiving vault un
til tbe family -decide uj 011 tb.e nlace of
t'nal b'.tt I '" "!.
Marcit's Daly was born tn Ireland In
1SM2. He canto to the Pulled Slates
early in life, and s!m-e 1ST! has lkeen
a 'citizen f - Montana.. Ho lec-m
general manager of the j Alice silver
iidue. ami later 111 me into control of
the Anaconda -copper 'mill.-. At the
time of his tleath he was president -of
the A ma Iga ma ted Ctpi-er Company,
In nolilies he was : UeinOi-rat.
"l.bave ustsl -'banilK'rlaiii.s- folic,
Chok-ia and DiarrhtH-ar. BeiiMsIy ami
find it to 1h a treat nittliclne," says
.or. i-., . i'jitpis. 01 1 toetiu. -ru. h
curs! nte of blotvly tlnx. I cannot
cak too highly f it." This rem.tly
always wins the good opiuioii. If not
lira 1st, of. those who use It. The quick
cures which it effects even iii the nttist
sevct'e e.-'yes make it a favorite every-
whete. I'or vale by F. O. Haas, drug
gist. Sal. in, or.
Into the I'ldt'sl
''Two' Mexicans.
Stales by.
NEW. YOBK. Nov. 12. Two Mck
Icjins. who gave tlteir names as Velo
M, rivM.-ttiHl Alejandro A. Marouect.
weit I'ltTestetl loday 'charge 1 with
ftioiggling ititu ttds esmn-try part of
tbe. famous Jewel, nt. om tltm wtnti
by Cliarlotta, witlow of the Etuis-ror
Maximilian, of Mexleo. -The Jewels
in .tho mii" iseVki . in- saitl t
U worth . $7d.4wwi.''
SAX FBANCISt'D. Xov, 12. The
borc-v tr;iiisik(rt Aztec, has arrived here
fnmi Manila by w,ay j of Nagasaki.
She came in ballast and will Ik- got:
ready its sinui as : pssilh to return
with' .'itMil her cargo of animals. - The
next, trni-1 tort 4t wail will Im tht
Slo ridan, whicli will leave on Friday
next. .,
It Saved His t Leg.
P. A. 'Dan-fort.1t, of IaCrange, Ga.,
sufTerctl "'ntensely for six ' nuintns' with
a frightful running sore; m Imh leg.' but
who-My cuted it in ten days. 'For U1-.
vers. Wort nds, Burns. Boils, Pain or
Piles it's the best sal vie it tlie world.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by
1K. STONK. druggist.
the Southern Provinces.
neck of tlie Uvittle. ::
II is iroiMi'"; " -- 4