Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, November 09, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    ! WEEH-LY CvLGON srATilSMA, iiuday; --November o, iox.
. g
IS Ef 2
Tfce neFsthcens L'ye 30 of tbe
A new Line of Scfh Thomas au.1 Gill-ort clocks have , arrived lately
and are now ttciug regulated at onr store. We have 8 ilay ciocka for $3.M)
pp. Good reliable time iieees. every clock warranted 12 - montlis, also have
Seth Thoma, GUU-rt aud Parker alarm clocks SlJi. and J1J50 each, these
-art' good durable clock not the kind made of lead or soft solder. ..
Call ou us when in uwil of a. dock oar prices will interest you."
5 W litdchi Votes.
t ;!.:. ''.' ..' .. . , : . . . . , r i .
It will startle the community when you see the goods l and learn-
: . fli'iirlnoa 1 Wafli fh?a'flnfi.fl finrl vnn will coo flio' '
Barr's Jewelry Store
V uoas tuiuuie iu a lew ways.
Bj the Operations of the Gocbel Law-
Xentz, the ' Ohio Agitator, .De- ,
feated -5eb aska I Close. x'j
Leadefs In Low Prices j 118 State Street
Friedman's New Racket Store
In Business! Offices
are open to two classes of persons.
in figures, understand bookkeeping, ct
hand and typewriting. Persons who
ter off still. They are always given t be preference. We teach all tliese
i . ' .... ...
branches, and many more. Investigate our work. It will pay. Call or write.
' , f Parle and Washington Streets ,
A. P. Armstrong, IX. li.'. Principal. J. A. Wesco, Penman and Secretary?
Cups ami saucers for ti5 cents. Pl.-rte 55 cents. Yt'ry pretty -shape,
In plain white, mux-h better line 1U cents per set higher.
57-Piece Dinner Set for $4.25
' . i . t
flood smooth ware fit-'"1- Come
Lamis in stock, i
240 Commercial Street
PoiSaits in loir
if ou read this
After 'the niokt gratifying and generous iatronage- tlie is-oe of kalom
ami vk-itilty liavrc'ven our children's nothing fk-partment this fall we lind
a gre:it. many broit.-ti ,,n mr lia iuK Tles we have placed on SALE
AT sri'll TKMiTIMI PUICKS that jou cannot affonl to iass them even
though yon not nHil them just now. !
A few $6, $6.50, and $7 suits at $1.50
A savlcg of 25 to 50 per unl. to you on all suits placed on sale
f2 U inilA1CAT xi rr
' : ; - v .:.-; ' J . ..v ,: .i
. The People's Clothiers and f ornishers
257 Commercial Street 1 Salem, Oregon
UailriMid buildias 1 attracting
niucli attentiou througlNtnt Oregon,
osjHHlally .a of tin- CawmU. mil
th pivdlctloii'W frVely made ti Kit the
next few. years will v the mileage
iu the tate ahiHst 'doubkHl. A proiu:
iuent tniveirng freight agent of one
the "hailing roads on the coast, wbile
In Salem yestenlay, made the predic
tion that tin stK-alicd arid portion of
Knsu-ru Oregon. wHild within live
years, be -cut up with railroad as
mucli os Mniie-of the eastern Afates
lire, and that Ihe wonderful nrtiriis
ueuii mwu
sJ . - IT -..
i IVo 1u one.'; lock nd chai sHte4i,
Standard Itotary --'isewing machines ar?
th sort' that 'yon never tire of using.
F-otbin holds Hl yards No. N comiu
short mlle, -ay ruiinluj- Come
anil see ux v i
t r
307 Commercial street i J
Carbide for your gas lamp, 2 pounds
. a . for 20 cent. . ?
. s A
(1) Those who write well, are accurate
c. f2) Those who are skilled In short
aro proficient In both lines are bet-'
six -e
I v
and we us for Lamps. Over 300
m Salem, Ore son
of 1 that country would ' surprise the
I TIk Portland Telegram of. last eve
ning has the following interesting art
icle ou railrNid building In the state:
f "With the approach of winter there
Is no cessation ot the work of sur
veying parties in Central Oregon.
lids1 Is 4ukeu a a ure slgu that ac
tive; railroad building oin-ratlons will
Ixgln in the Hprihg. A virgin terri
tory rkb in trad is said io await Uie
first road to ienetrate tlw )uland Em
pire. .';.. i
lt is claim el that the most power
ful agent against the development 'of
tl country are large sheep and cattle
ineu, wl are artwrw to having : the
ranges cat up Into small farms. The
Ktoefcmen ore the kings of -the Inland
Empire a 11 have largi? interests -which
will- naturally suftVr t the extent
that, tlie ta:;a:ry i.r teUUnl. Tiiesi
iih-u WiV Iin ,' n tij. fcr tS 'Ir stock
on thousands of acres of ;u:teM 1
land. Ea'drsafTs will c::nii tlil o i-
! d't'on of, afTa!:--. I jat.iit-r-."oti. n -'x
ha. already iK-gnu to a cotisl.lerubte
extent. 'will follow Ciu h more rapUlly
once -tlie 'railroads open tl way. J?e
fore this ubwanl luanh ihe Lord t !
stoik will m-eb further lutj fyj
Isick woods'flud uiountalas. . 1
"Once the railroads lsgin cost rr
thm work it Is likely to tx a i.e.-I: t:t I-ms-k
race 'Iie4wtv!i them to sev wttJ-ii
om will capture the inoul trriio.-.
The Coin in tla iSoutliern Is the rnml
iteare.t tin-, goal, by Jmiing a, road in
oisratkui from P.Igsts. oa the O. 11. &
X. liuo. near .Hh Hallos. ,to haniko.
. mites Inland. The Same . 'roci.rt J'
has orporstf tl anotlKr road fa a
route down tin les Chutes ltlver, aiid
a Iso completed t he preliminary sur
veys ftr the route. It Is intended to
extend this lino Into Southeastern Or
egon. 'nud finally to tlie eastern bord
ers of t!n raw Several Mrtk'S of
surveyors are out on the work.
"A nni her road with the ame goal
in siglit' Is the CorvaliU &. IZartvrn,
wldeti proposes b enter tin? interior
winery through a puss In the Cascade
range, by extending hs present line.
Par ties, of surveyors now in. the flekj
bavf teea bhntind as belonging to
the Corrallfc & Eastern. ' IjiTchi re
port' from the iiricrlor say that the
lartlos are locating permanent grad
ftAes,' which, if rue. Is conclusive
proof, that no tlnw is to l5 lost In
getting, sta rtr on -onst ruction work.
' i-' -',:.. - ',
Wsshingtrti. Xor: a-TIie popolatiofi
of Maine, as announced by the Cessna"
Prreau. is !SM.4(h' as against t;al.,b?sii
In 1W, an iucteare of 3,rWJ, or 3 ter
XEW YOICK. Nor.' 8. As a result
of the messages received at National
llcatkiuarters, today, by National
Oouiudtteenicn J. II. Manley and N-
B. Scott, from loubtf ul points, Manley
this afternoon gave out the following
fctatevsent: , t . ,
"Full returns today leave the situa
tion a it was yesterday. We have won
by 3U8 electoral votes. We have carried
every northern state but Colorado, No
vada and Montana. We have carried
Ientucky, Maryland, Delaware, and
West Virginia.- As, we pretlicted dur
ing the entire campaign, they are at
tempting to rob ns of the electoral
votes in Kentucky under the power, oi!
the Goebol law. ; tliey succeed wit
shall have elet-toral votes. Our
candidate, for IJoveruor wires that we
bavo carried Kentucky for the elect
oral , tickets and elected him by over
TUQD majority. ... . . . , . .
"Edward Itose water, editor of the
Omaha ltee, wires from Nebraska:
" "Ite turns from the rural districts
are incomplete, but there is no doubt
whatever that. McKiuley carries Ne
braska by not less than StXH)." The
f iovernorship Js -close, but the pros-
occts lavor the Kepublicaus. liotb
houm-s of the Ltglslature will be Ue-
publlcan by ai .small majority."
Columbus, O., Nov. 8. The otflcial
count In the ..Twelfth Ohio Congres
sional district, completed tonight, gives
Emmet t Tompkins t Hep.) a majority
of eight votes over John J. Lcntz
tlX'Ui.), the present Representative.
I'oitland, Nov. 8. I'ractleally com-
ohte returns from the state of Oreiron
give McKinlcy 4l'Jo; Bryan,'
McKIuiey's -'plurality. J2"iy. 'Bryan
earrletl Linn. Union and Baker coun
ties by small pluralities.
Omaha. Neb., Nov. . Complete re
nins from two-thirds of the cbuutics.
and watteriug returns from the bal
nuiv. show that McKinlcy has carried
Ncbiaska by a plurality of at least
UMMK An equal uumbcr of returns on
the state ticket indicate that Nebraska
has re-elected Governor I'oyuter, and
he eiyire state ticket, by pluralities
anglng from 500 to 1J0 over the He-
publ leans, the , tioveruor being the
high man. The Legislature will likclv
'decided fin Douglas couuty, in
which u will tak an official count to
determine the voie.
Tlie World-Herald, iK-moeratte.
clatmx the Lieutenant Governor will
cast the deciding vote in the upper
houM', and that the lower house Is
veuly divideiL with two places in
. Tlie Itepublican committee concedes
one State- Senator in Douglas county
o the Democrats, and oue Itepresenta-
tive, stating also that the oliic la 1 count
may be: required regarding two other
Ueitresenta lives. This would give the
Republicans a safe majority on joint
ballot. -
Chicago. Nov. 8. Tliere Is no reason
oi doubt tliat the Legislature of Illi
nois will bi Republican. The tigures,
ac-orUing to the return's received to
night. Indicate the formation will be
as follows: J ? ?
House Republicans,- 78; Democrats,
Senate Republicans, .33; Demo-
rats. l.S. The Republican majority on
joint ballot Is IK. ,
Complete ' unotllclal returns .; .how
McKInley's plurality in Illinois as
.fcVfrO. The plurality for Yates for
! Louisville, Ky, Nov. 8. With . re-
;vrns frou. all iut' thirty out of'18H4
oiecliicts in Kenttukj the Courier
icrrtuiLpHts llryan s majority at 800)
a:u Beckham's at rstou. T1k missing
tut cints liitve Is'en biken into account
Hi-this result. , The Republican now
:.ilm that the majorities .will ls
owu for McKinJey and Y'erkeit
uten the returning board canvasses
Ur e at Frankfort, bieh it win
d three- weeks from Election Day,
3 'he-1,, returning lniard Is 'Ih'tuocratk',
at'd the Ix-ylsl.lture is also Demo-
St Paul.' Mlun.; Nov.. 8 Tlie Dis
patch has complete returns from sixty.
iaht comities, and incomplete returus
from twelve count lew, with only two
snill count ies missing.' giving Van
Sanfc, i Republican) for Governor, 5030
plurality over Und (Fusion). .
, , WisilINGTON.
Portia ink Nov. KThe smp1tte re
turns to the Oregon ian from one-third
of tlie counties iu the stare of Wash
ington, and partial returns from all
but three of the remaining counties,
show that Rogers tDent. for Govern
or, has Lso plurality over Frlnk
i.RefO. .' . . i . - :.', :- .
Based ou returns froin fonr-flfths of
the vote of Washington, MeKinley's
olurality Is 11.304. The plnrality for
tbe RepuTlican Congressmen Jn Wash
ington is about t00.
attle,' Wash Nov. SC-Clialrman
Sehirely.- or tin Republican tate Cen
tm I Committee, mays: ,;v i - . ; .
"McKIuiey's majority In Washing
ton Is l.".tiO. . The Governor' Is In
doubt. The bait im-o of tlie Republican
state ticket Is elected by Sow. The
Corner State mad Commercial Streets
the Osburn Racket Store at GOc on the dollar, anrjuKT ipioved the goods into my store, first south
of the postoffice. I will give my customers the benefit of Vmy purchase by sacrificing the goods, some
at wholesale cost, some for less than, wholesale cost.1 The stock consists of ladies' anofgehts "furnish
ing goods, shoes, umbrellas, mackintoshes, rubbers, notions and hats. Como early and got first choico
Congressmen are elected by C000.
FoUowlug is probably ; a conserva
tlve estimate:. i
The legislature will probably stand
... . . . . ... . .. , . . 1. 1 !
ns lono-ws: oiare peuaie ncyuuu
eans. 21: Democrats, 8. i House Re
niihlicans. 58: DemocratsJ 21.
The returns are euu incomplete.
The Democratic committees have dis
banded. . i
! .
And Acted, Upon trgm , Amount
Boatlse Baal a ess at Its Section
Yesterday. :
TIm Marion county conimtsslonerii
court continued its session yesterday.
for 4 he regular November term of the
court.' and' disposed of a mass of busl-.
ucss. passing on several hundred bills
ou the election account, as well as a
large, quantity of misctdlaneous bills.
Tbe court ordered tlie opening up of
several roads, ordered established
lous ago, but later neglected by road
supervisors. Tlie present membership
of the court proposes to make the
roads, where 'they are j needed, and
keep them in good condition."
The court decided . to recover a
bridge acttws Butte creek, on the
Clackamas county border, provided
the court of that county could be pre
vailed upon to share in the xieiisc.
C!ounty aid was allowed to Mrs.
Josephine. Shepherd, of North Salem,
to the amount of $S per -month. Mrs.
A. II. LaCroix: of Sublimity, was
authorized to furnish provisions' to
the, value of $3 per month to Sam Har
ris, on tlie pauper account. The al
lowance of $7 ier month, heretofore
had by Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, was, re
duced to 4.
Tue bills allowed by the court were:
Road and BrUJg?.
J. C. Savage. ...... .$ 1 DO
$ 1 50
14 35
t) Si
4 50
3 W
34 0O
12 00
C, 00
0 04
105 87
2 Ot)
4 25
45 8J
25 45
i t ft
2 S1
5 I0
5 ftO
S 00
5 CH
4 50
8 Ot
5 (13
18 14
10 80
17 02
8d i2
25 15
sat os
Capital Lumber Co. .
V. Wat tier
14 35
J 83
3 !)
34 (W
12 00
(i 04
1!."j 87
2 tM)
,4d m
25 45
." oo
5 0O
5 m
3 io
4 rs
8 OO
5 Ik!
Brown & Sons ......
R. M. Wade & Co. . .
Gray Bros
W. II. MlehHson....
J. A. Simpson........
G. W. Crawford....
Leo Brown & ton. . .
Bt'wley Bros .......
Itada ba ugh & Co ... .
J. A. Smith...
C. M. Hlnkle..
John Llclity
Statesman .Pub Co. .
IJnn county
W. RIggs . .'.
Ellis Hill
John Goodman ....
Lucy Thomas ......
Abe Smith
D. Mangle .........
A. Hill
Brandenburg - fc Co.. 18 14
J. D. Simmons...... 10 So
C. Ktege 17 02
Stege k Rice........ SO 02
J; Monlett 25 15
J. Moer i.... 301 PS
Court House ami Jail.
George C. Will .$ 50 ii $
Or. Tel. & Tel. Co... 17 20
Waller '. Bros ........ 1 .
Bureu Hamilton.. 12 50
J: II. Lunu. 3 (m
J. J. Maurer. .... 1 50
C M. Lockwooil , 4 Ml-
Gray Bros , 5 10
Salem W?.ter Co 11 P5
R M. Wade & Co... 1 5l
Capital LumlsT Co. . . 25
Salem I. & T. Ck, .i 35 m
R. IL Price.-..,...;. 1 1 (IO
1 Ml
'4 30,
11 05
1 50
. 1 00
;VW- i Pauper Account. : - .: J-
Capital Lumlwr Co. .$ -2 K $ 2 OO
M. 'M. High. .. .. 72 (l 72 OO
Salem hospital 20 00 31 (JO
Harritt & Itwren-e. 2 t" " 2 11
W. Johnson & Co. 4 OO 4 OO
Ciilbcrt c Baker...;. - 7 C) 7 lO
Nortis & Powell... 3d 00 3l OO
B. F. Russel. ; 20 Ot) 20 OO
Itlgdoh & Clough. ... m n oo
Kotli c iira iter.... . . ...
A. U. LaCrolx..... 12 (SI
12 00
'' ' t Election Account.
R. A. Harris ;V..J.L.$ 20 00 $ 2l OO
Pat ton Bros :.;.. v.? ;U Ml . H rs
(Hass t ITnatiomnie : 7 8
tl.. F. Rodgers.. 32 3 .
A. Beach 2(10
P.! L. Pound.' ; 1 50 .
7 SO
Zl 31
2 00
Isadore Greenbaum
First store eouth of Postoffice.
Last Will of the Late William Gosper
and Its Provisions.
Two Daughters and Three Grandchil
dren Share tke Holding Tllmon
Ford If the Exeentor.
The last will and tes'tument of the
late William Cosjkt, whose demise
occurred iu this city on Monday, Oct-
olter 29th, was admitiel to probate
3-esterday, by County ' Judge John II.
Scoit, niton the iictltion of Hon. Tll
mon Ford, tbe executor named In tlie
will, after the execution of Uk docu
ment had been proven by the wit
nesses slgulug tin same Werner
Breyman and Roy Burton. The will
was executed on June 12, lSXto. It-
pro v Ides for one Inquest outside of
those to the legal belrs.
The petit Icn shows tlie proiterty to
bo valued at 70,OOt, and tlie holdings
consist of realry and iersonaI iroi
erty iu Marion count', ami iu Latah,
county, Idaho. The ietition names
five legal heirs, as follows:
Mrs. Emma Johnson, daughter, aged
41 years, residing at Moscow, Idaho.
Mrs. Irene Perriue, daughter, 37, Sa
Laura , CL Thomas, granddaughter.
22. Jefferson.
Roscoe C. Thomas grandspn, 20,
Clyde J. Thomas, son, 10, Jefferson.
The -text of the will is as follows:
"Know all men by nhese itresents:
Tliat I, William Cosper, of tlie city
of Salem. Marion .'county,; State of
Oregon. Ielng of sound and diioiug
mind and memory, ami realizing the'
uncertainty of human life, do make.
publish and declare this my last will
ami testament, towlt: "
"First I direct tbat all of my funer
al expenses and just debts 1 paW as
soy after my death a iiossible.
"Se-oiHl I give md devise unto W.
.'I?arker. aud unto his wife, Mrs. W.
C. Ikirker, as tenants by the entirety,
lots five, six, "seven and eight, in
block No. thirty, in UnU'erslty Addi
tion to the City of Salem, Marion
eun1y, state of Oregon, as sliown by
the mat thereof now of record In the
office' of the recorder of said4 31 a r lou
county, state of Oregon. ' ;
"Third I ibrect tliat my -cemetery
lot In the Ijootiey burktl 'grouud, near
Jefferson, in Marlon county. Oregon.
ls suitably repaired, and that snch
totnlistHio s erectod theretm as Is
proier ami righti considering the char
acter and cireumstajieos of my state.
y ourtli I gtve. Ix-niietli nnd devte
Choicest Selectiori of Calf Skin
These skins are ta nntd by a process wluch fills up the ; flbrY; ' and
makes it as marly waterproof as leather can Is? made, it . also adds ,
sirenatb nud wearing iualitki iMit se cured by auy other pros'ss.
TIh Molerf,-insoles ami hunters are nHtde-from beavjK-slaughtcr k-ather,1
and tin? Iiest modern Timchinery ami skilled . work meiif. a employed. j
Tls Sboce are designed to meet' tin waiMs of thtm wIm like an at-i
tractive Sins? of substantial weight aanl gr-a t s-rvlcv ; and s sucli we:
heartily recommend tlK-in. NO YES, NORMAN & CO., S. Joseph. Mo.
y Uric acid In "Ok blood causes rheu matlsni, acfatka, gout ami neuralgiai
' - r - - - - ' E: ' : ' ' ' (
Removes the cause. A written guarantee? with ea4i rtug to return your
money in 3d days it not entirety satisfactory.: PRICE ?2. A iostal card
will bring our little Isxiklet that tells the story. Adlms. , i
Sold by , .. ; ' . REX IillEltM ATICJ CO.. ;
J. G. BAUR, Saleta. Oregon. ; J ; , "lirtfwrd' 0unn- L
Salem, Oregom
all of lite remainder Of 'my entitle; of
which 1 may die seiwil aud isssessMl,
unto my daughter, Emma -Jolinson;
my daughter. Irene l'errlne. ami niv
gramlehiidreji, who , are, lUc.cJiydreu
of my -deceased daughter .Maivaret)
Thomas, and direcf lhat Jhej' slKtr
tjually and alike said estaTel" Suxh
grjnidchildren to take the share that
my jleceased daughter would have 're
recefved under tills will,, were h!h
now living, by llgbB of representation.
"Ixistly I herely revoke. all oriiHT
wills ami testaments by me ever tnade,
and I nominate and apis4iit ,Tlhnou
Ford Mwtitor of this my last- will
ami testament,. And direct 1 bat he Im
nllovd to act as sudi f,e-trtor with
out giving londs. or otht'r- svurity.
"In witaiesS wliereof, .1 Ijave'here
itifto mt my iiaud and scal to tlih my
List will and testament.' k-tin- clt'v
of Salem. Ongon, on this,. .the 12th day
of June, l'JOO."
Tor Infants and Children.
tbe Kind Yon .Alwajs Bought
Bears the
Signature of
President McKiuley . Again -Mt Tho
Nation' Capita lj '
WaslUngton. Nov. 8. PreMLbnit Mi
Kinley and his party "arrived ;:it .. 8:lo ,
this - morning. Several . humlrei peo
ple had assembknl ' at Hlio Pennsyl
vania Depot to bhl llieDresblent wel-
ome. H-reriiry JIitcJwcki jHetieral
CorJMn and oilier officials gathered
alKint the platform of the Pri'sident's
private car ami were tlie first to wel
come and congratulate him. The
crowd outside broke into hearty cheers
when the' President made his ai'eur
nnce with Mrs...McKIuIey,' . : - ,
After liastj greetings ,ihe.u:irty, was
driven to the White House, where thts
iTesident luid breakfast and then r
turned to his duties., , .. .
The trip iKfyomM'ittsburg during the
night was uneventful, although kn:ts
of people ga theml at the station' to
see the train go by. ... ...
A day for toll, an hour for sooct. .
Cut for a friend is life too short.
-r ' - ,
Proprietor ol
TL3 stores, two In number) are lo
cated at No. 235 and 333 Commercial
t rorf nA vn - m
complete line of drugs and medicines,
A-lli. i I . I m . 1 .
lonci articles, periumery, urusu,
etc, etc etc.
Has had some 25 years experience In
the practice -of medicine and now
makes no charge Xor consultation, ex
amination or prescript lea. ,
Sole Agent